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Session Start: Thu Dec 06 18:15:55 2001

* HappyLittleMoron 's in the kitchen, fixin' something bird to eat

* Klork is out decorating the tree

* Diana's helping Klork*

* Myrae comes down the stairs slowly, looking a little timid..

* Shiva is looking at all the decorations

* Diana looks up and wavels to Myrae with a grin*

* Klork stands on tiptoe, wrapping lights around the top of the tree

* Myrae smirks, waving a little...deciding to retreat into the kitchen when she sees Klork, blinking when she finds HLM there

* Shiva holds up a glass decoration* "What is the purpose for this again?"

* Klork arches a brow at Myrae..then shrugs to Shiva, concentring on the lights

<Klork> Di? Wanna explain?

* HappyLittleMoron looks up from stirring soup* Heyas, Myrae..*smiles*

* Myrae chews at her lip, waving slightly

<Myrae> heya...

* Diana blinks*'s different for different people...

* Shiva cocks her head to one side

<Diana> For some it's religiouse...for me's just another time to spend time with friends and family.....celebrate the winter..

<HappyLittleMoron> How're you doing...?

* Klork decorates..

* Myrae chews at her lip, shrugging

<Myrae> really warm..

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* ...oh...? Uh..wher're you from?

* Shiva nods* "So it is a family thing?"

<Diana> Uhm...friends and family, I guesss

* Shingami walks in the door closign it behidn her shaking the snow form her braid

<Shingami> taidaima

* Diana blinks* 'eH?

* Myrae blinks, tilting her head to the side

* Shiva nods

<Myrae> Baltic sea...

* Klork puts an angel on top with grey's in between <G>, lowering himself on the ladder to start stringing the red & silver garland on

<Diana> Pretty...

* Red walks in with a bunch of gift wrapped boxes

* Shingami kciks off ehr sheos arms filel diwth.. plants and wreaths and oen plastic bag hanging off an arm

<Shingami> Umm... somebody... help? maybe...

* Diana acks and heads over to take some stuff*

<Shingami> thanks candycains for the tree.. unles we alreayd have some

* Klork looks down

<Klork> nope, we could use some! *smirks, continuing with the garland*

* Myrae rubs at her arm, just wearing a t'shirt and slacks, looking around a bit timidly

* Red looks around* "Anyone seen TN?"

<Shingami> Nice tree Klorkster.*sets the othe rplants down, openig the candycain box* got the traditional oens.. adn the green adn red oens and the funkey blue ones

* Klork blinks, then shrugs

<Klork> nope...haven't seen her..and thanks, Shin..*smirks* Douglas it from the western US..*chuckles* I cheated and used a portal *smirks*

<Shingami> portals are handy.

* Shingami starts puttign the cains on

* Klork nodnods, coming down the ladder w/ the garland

<Shingami> brought baks some pointsettas and soem misletoe and holey and a wreath for the door or something

* HappyLittleMoron nods..* Ahh...heh...what brings you here then...?

<Myrae>*shrugs, pinching her lips together* liberty.......I guess..

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* ...oh...? From what...? *tilts her head*

<Shingami> nice angel Klork...

* Myrae shrugs

* Diana uh..puts the stuff somewhere..*

<Myrae> my's nothing important *shrugs, eyes plastered to the door of the kitchen*

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> danke..had to make it fitting..couldn't have one wing black and one white.

<Shingami> silver ro gold always works

* HappyLittleMoron blinks...* Hmm...alright...hmm...*stirs, looking back to the soup* Somethin' about men, I take it...?

* Diana chuckles*

* Klork nods

* Myrae blinks, looking up...then arches a brow, shrugging

<Myrae> I come from a patriarchal society if that helps anything..

* Shingami takesher overshit off letign ehr wings back out and kinda flaps/floats aorudn the tree puttign the canes on without useing th eladder

<HappyLittleMoron> Huh...gotcha...sounds like a good place ta get outta...

* Myrae nods..

* Myrae looks around

<Myrae> so what do you do around here??? I'm not used to land societies..

<Shingami> where should we put the misletoe?

<Klork> Hmm..*looks around* How about the doorway to the kitchen? Right in the frame of it?

<HappyLittleMoron> mostly...dealing with pregnancy for me, at the moment...

* Myrae grimaces

<Shingami> right the buissiest palce in the house...

* Klork nodnodnodnods, cackling

<Shingami> ...right... its goivg over the living room entrence way....

<Shingami> otherwisethere owdl be jsut abut equal amount of suckign down ood as suckign face...

* Diana laughs*

* Shingami tacks th emisletoe up above the livign room entrence way in th emidle

<Shingami> there.. k... umm.. wreath thingymabobber

<Diana> Pretty...hmm...door....?

<Shingami> rightyo!

* Shingami goes to hang the wreth on the door...

* Diana looks to see what else they have...*

<Shingami> jingle bells batman smells robin laid an egg.....

* Draconigeno Shiva cocks her head to one side

* Diana laughs!*

<Shiva> "Batman?"

<Shingami> batmobieal lost a wheell adn the joker got away...

<Shingami> Wreath's up

<Myrae> Man...*chuckles* I keep forgettting how short human pregnancies are..*looks up at HLM*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* Nine months is short? *smirks a lili' and winces*

* Myrae smiles

<Myrae> very...our life spans reach approximately 5,000 years...

* Myrae chuckles

<Myrae> I'm only 470...

<Myrae> our pregnancies last about fifty years..

<HappyLittleMoron> Ohhh...*chuckles* I see your point...geeze...

* Myrae smirks impishly* it seems short for how long we live.

* Shingami ehads for the kitchen

* HappyLittleMoron pats her belly lightly, soft purr starting up* Very true...very glad I don't have to carry these three for fifty years...

<Evy> *peeks down from the steps to see what everyone's doing...

* Diana wavels from decorating*

<Shingami> Hey evy

<Evy> Want some help?

<Diana> Sure...*smiles*

<Evy> Hiya Shin! *hunts around for Wing*

<Shingami> If yoru lookin for tal dark and feathered.. hes comgin home form work soon

<Evy> *picks up a pieve of mistletoe* Oh, well...where do you want this, Diana?

* Diana blinks* Uhm...well...we got some in the living room...heh! Doorway to the workout room?

* Shingami continues her quest to get ot the kitchen for food

<Evy> *smiling* Methinks this will not be kiss-free zone until New Years...

* Myrae blinks, looking up, waving slightly to Shingami

* HappyLittleMoron waffles too

* Klork dusts off, going over and picking up a box of ornaments

<Shingami> Hello... ne Mo-san.. whats for diner?

<Klork> ok...ornaments wero n sale so these are pretty basic..*smirks a bit* hopefully it'll look ok..

* Diana nods...* They'll be good..

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhmmmmmmm....soup *grins* Chicken soup 'n whatever salad anyone feels like making themselves...

* Klork hands her some, going back to the top of the ladder

* Myrae pinches her lips together

<Myrae> what's chicken??

<Myrae> I hear it a lot..

<Shingami> ...nani?

<Shingami> chicken is a kind of bird..

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* It's a kind of bird...that's popularly eaten...pretty good...babies like it, so does Klork...

<Shingami> chickens and i dotnegt along well

<Myrae> Ahh...those things that fly *snaps her fingers* gotcha..

<HappyLittleMoron> Well...yeah, they do kinda...*chuckles*

<Shingami> you new here.. ummm....

<Myrae> kinda? *arches a brow, a bit confused* How can something kinda fly??

<Shingami> it doent make ti far off the ground ro stay int he air long... flight i know about.. chickens dont fly they jump high flapp liek mad and fall

<Evy> They're birds, though not strictly speaking...birds are usually capable of flight.

<HappyLittleMoron> Well...they're really clumsy...but...that' doesn't really matter...*smirks*

<Evy> Chickens fly on average 15 feet before hitting the dirt...

<Shingami> they just dont have the right equipment

* Myrae furrows her brow

* Shingami smirks folding her wings behind her so they arnt as noticable.. (yeah right)

* Evy hangs the mistletoe up, wiggling her eyebrows with a grin

<Myrae> Now I'm confused...

<Shingami> happens a lot aorund here

* HappyLittleMoron laughs*'s really not important...just a bird...

<Myrae> so...they're birds that can't birds ..*sighs* I don't get it, all of the fish swim...not just kinda or sorta..

<Evy> Where are YOU from? I don't think I've seen you before...

<HappyLittleMoron> need to swim...not all birds need to fly...

* Shingami rummages though the fridge for soemthign to eat

<Shingami> ouchies

* Myrae furrows her brow

<Myrae> then why would they be considered birds if they can't fly?

<Shingami> they ahve feathers and holow bones and beaks.. certainkind ahip... lay eggs...

* Myrae frowns, brow arched before she shakes her head...

<Myrae> topside creatures confuse me..

<Shingami> *mutters* speaking of eggs where are thsoe eggrolls left over ofrm the other night...

* Klork finishes w/ the tree, coming down and stretching..then sniffs the air

<Klork> oohh..chicken soup..

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles

<Shingami> say Mo when were you goign to introduce me to the newest meember of th ehouse?

* Myrae blinks, then holds out her hand, palm up

<Myrae> Myrae...Rae or Mya works as well..

<HappyLittleMoron> Eh! Sorry...uhm...what she said <G> Rae, this is Shingami <G>

* Diana chuckles softly*

<Shingami> ah.. Nice to meet you Rae...*grins.. theneges back to fridge spelunking*

* Myrae nods

<Myrae> nice to meet you too..

* Myrae pauses, leaning over to HLM

<Myrae> ~how many males are in here exactly anyway??~

<Shingami> ahha!... found em...last tiem i forget lunch...

* Klork pokes his head into the kitchen

<Klork> birdsoup? *looks imploring*

* HappyLittleMoron tilts her head at Myrae...and blinks a lil', pausing( <q> Uh...gimme a sec...there's Klork...Mondo...Draco...Red...that fire dude...merc....

* Myrae blinkblinks, scooting a few inches from Klork..

<Shingami> and my niichan

* HappyLittleMoron looks up and laughs* Riiiiiiight here, sweetie...*blinkies at Myrae*

<HappyLittleMoron> Yep...Wing...

<Myrae> ~...only seven then?~ *looks a little relieved* ~Ok..~

* Klork arches a brow, going over and wrapping an arm gently around HLM

<Klork> hey there hot stuff! *smirks, eying the soup over her head*

* Shingami munches on an eggroll

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, leaning against Klork* It shooooooouuuuuuuuuld be done, handsome....

* Klork reaches around her, pouring some into a bowl, purring the entire time

<Klork> thaaankyouu..

<Shingami> so where ya form rae/

* Myrae has, oddly enough, made a retreat from the kitchen and is sitting on the couch

* Myrae looks up from the living room and calls out

<Shingami> *blinks*

<Myrae> Baltic Sea!

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles

* Diana arches a brow slightly*

<Shingami> .. i need ot learn that trick...

* Klork looks at HLM, brow arched

* Shingami heads back to the living room

<Klork> I don't think she likes me....

<HappyLittleMoron> No...she seems to have a thing against men in general...just asked how many there are in the asylum...

<Shingami> you allright Rae?

* Myrae blinks, then shrugs

<Myrae> Quite fine, why?

* Klork peers out, then looks back at HLM

<Shingami> you bolted when Klork showed up

<Klork> Maybe she was abused or something??

<HappyLittleMoron> Could be...I know after that one rape I didn't want a man to touch me for a long

<Myrae> hm? Oh..*shrugs* Just felt the need to find a less cramped area is all...

<Shingami> ..right.... im sure youll liek ti here.. what do you think of the place so far?

* Myrae nods

<Myrae> nice...the personal room is an added bonus I think..*smirks, fanning herself* little warmer here than what I'm accustomed to...

<Shingami> yeah it is kinda toasty...

<Shingami> most people her eliek ti warm when the weather is cold..

<Myrae> You think so too? *stares at her* ppl look at me like I'm nuts when I tell them it's too warm..apparently this is cold...

* Myrae smirks

* HappyLittleMoron kisses Klork's cheek, spooning up some soup for herself* I wouldn't take it personally, sweetheart..

<Shingami> yeah it is.. its winter.. then again where yrou form its always cold...

<Myrae> Baltic sea is very close to the arctic ocean so you can imagine the temperatures I'm accustomed to..*smirks*

* Klork blinks, then shrugs

<Klork> I won't...I know I didn't do anything...

<Shingami> eheh even a bit chilley for soemoen as cold blooded as me

* Myrae nods, chuckling

<Myrae> though in the water it's a bit warmer than topside..

<Shingami> topside?

<HappyLittleMoron> And that's all that counts...*smiles at him, eating her soup, belly purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrring*

* Myrae nods

<Myrae> everything above the water..

<Shingami> oooohhhhh

<Shingami> ok i get it now

* Diana listens quietly..*

<Shingami> topside to me is anythign above gorund... then again gorund isnt soemthign i liek spending a lot of time on

* Myrae nods

<Myrae> you being a creature of the air I can understand that..

* Myrae smirks

<Myrae> I live in the water usually..

<Shingami> yeah... i stick to the shallow end of the pool

* Myrae chuckles

<Myrae> not much room there...

<Shingami> but i can stand

<Myrae> Why stand in the water?? *looks confused*

<Myrae> isn't that like swimming in the air??

<Shingami> no.. its idfferent.. i sink in water liek a stone.. and cant get back to the surface.. adn i dotn ahve to hold my breath

<Myrae>*furrows her brow* OOoooooooh, that's don't get gills in water..*chews her lip* Sorry...come from a pretty ethnocentric society too...wedon't do much studying of other cultures and creatures..

<Shingami> hey its allright.. im not wel versed on thso ewho live underwater.. other then soem whales...sorta

* Myrae chuckles

<Myrae> My species is the triton....what species are you??

<Shingami> Angel.. sorta..

* Myrae squints

<Shingami> My names means God of Death.. im sjut an angel though... so is my brother Wing.. angel of life

<Myrae> I can honestly say Idon't know that species..

<Myrae> are they humans with wings basically? *furrows her brow*

<Shingami> basicaly yes... but intune with the forces that govern nature and the earth spirit

* Myrae nods

<Shingami> I am death, my twi life.. my cousins are fire earth and water

<Myrae> I'm not familiar with those....but I think I understand what you mean...

<Myrae> can they manipulate water??

<Shingami> Yes.. sandrock can anyway

* Myrae nods

<Shingami> all forms of it.. frozen iquid or gas

<Myrae> I can too..just..have to have some handy *smirks sheepishly* Can't do ice..the tritons in the arctic ocean work with the ones in the South pacific can manipulate lava in the volcanoes under the sea..

<Shingami> oooh spiffy

* Diana nods a little as she listens*

<Shingami> Nataku can do that.. only above water... he cant swim either... infact really aoides it

* Myrae chuckles, watching a glass of water on the table, the water starts to spin like a tornado in the glass

* Shingami watches

* Myrae purses her lips, the tornado inverting and the water coming out of the glass in a cone before lifting into a ball shape above the glass

* Diana grins softly as she watches*

<Shingami> thats cool Rae

* Myrae hrns...settling it back into the glass

<Myrae> heh...the arctic can do so much more..they build entire cities out of ice..

<Shingami> ice is easy to work with

* Myrae chews at her lip

* Shingami looska the glass and the water in it freezes

<Myrae> I can't work with it...*blinks, then melts it* I can melt it tho *smirks*

<Shingami> eheh cool

<Shingami> i work better with cold things.. or electricity...posativly shockign expirence when flyign though thrunderstroms...

* Ladon walks thru

* Klork pokes his head out of the kitchen, electricity snapping between his finger tips

<Klork> somebody say shocking?? *cackles*

<HappyLittleMoron> Agh...*snickers* You'reee AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALL showoffs!

* Myrae blinkblinks, standing up and retreating to the sparring room

<Shingami> note to self do not get klork a cattol prod for x-mass

* Klork blinks...glancing at HLM

<Shingami> hey .. rae... oi...

<Klork> Gyaah...

* Shingami gets up again

* HappyLittleMoron blinkies

<Shingami> Ne rae....

* Myrae looks up from observing the equipment

<Myrae> Hmm?

<Shingami> whats the deal with you and guys.. i dotn meen to be rude or anythign .. im just wondering

* Myrae blinks..chewing at her lip before shrugging

<Myrae> nothing...just...*shrugs* nothing..

* Shingami makes a herm face

<Shingami> so desu...

<Myrae> huh? *gives her a funny glance* what's so desu?

* HappyLittleMoron does dishes...

<Shingami> oh.. ehe sorry.. im nto form this country.. i come form Japan originaly...((like th eoriginal japan.. eheh ))*thought to self*

<Myrae> Sea of Japan?? I thought you said you couldn't swim..? don't look like a worker triton..*squints, confused again*

* Klork helps

<Klork> this is gonna get on my nerves ya know...every time a guy walks into the room she'll bolt..*twists hismouth to the side* She can't run from ALL the guys here..

<Shingami> No im from the Land

<Shingami> the land next ot the Sea of Japan

<Myrae> the land..OH! the island the sea was given its' name for..ah..I see..

<Shingami> yeah.

<HappyLittleMoron> I know...*sighs* I dunno what to do...she's gonna have to get used to having men around...

* Klork nods, drying dishes

* HappyLittleMoron finishes up doing the actual washing...putting the dried ones away, chewing her lip a lil'..

<Shingami> so desu means I see or is that so in Japanese. My name is Japanese

<Myrae> AH...Gotcha..

<Shingami> though i look more amreican then japanese.. my brother looks more japanese.. Ainu i guess you owudl call him

* Myrae nods

<Shingami> Ainu were the original land dwellers i guess of Japan.. they live in th emost northern island now

<Shingami> Ithink...or was that back when amreicans first came over they were still there..oh i dotn remember

* Myrae nods, settling on the floor to listens

<Myrae> America is this country, right?

<Shingami> Yeah on the north american continent

<Shingami> above us is canada...

<Myrae> and below is..Mesyco?

<Shingami> Mexico yeah

* HappyLittleMoron finishes up, going up behind Klork and slipping her arms around him

* Klork glances over his shoulder at her, smirking

<Klork>'ve you been feeling?~

* Myrae nods

<Myrae> I'll get used to this eventually..

<Shingami> it will take soem time... umm question.. how old are you.. i dont mean to pry but.. w have a .. wide age range around here

<Myrae> 450 years old..


* Myrae twists her mouth to the side, eyes squinting

<Shingami> your a youngin

* HappyLittleMoron smiles up at him, standing on tiptoe, resting her chin on his shoulder* <w> Ok...feel like I'm growing or something...gaining so much weight...

<Myrae> about the age equivilent of a 19 year old in human years i think..

* Myrae blinks

<Myrae> how long is your lifespan?

* Klork nods, picking her up gently

<Klork> it's healthy tho *smirks*

<Shingami> eheh umm.. lifespans kinda lasts till i get killed or die of natural causes, never aging.. not counting all the times ive died and ben reborn.. ive ben aorund for about 1500 years

<Shingami> humanyears

<Myrae> Ahh..

* Myrae smirks

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a lil' and smirks, feeling heavier in his arms* Iiiii know...still though...feels weird after so many years at just...y'know...muscle and nothing else....

<Myrae> if I live my full life span I'll be around for approximately 5000 years..

<Shingami> woah

<Shingami> heeh ill be luckie to live htis life past.. um.. 40

<Shingami> thenill sjtu eb born again

* Myrae nods

<Myrae> we don't have such luck..I lost my older at age 800...

<Shingami> its nto really luck

<Shingami> when the world dies.. so too do I.. an the other 4 that make up my blood family

* Klork chuckles, still easily holding her, but noticing it..just choosing wisely not to comment <G>

<Klork> Yeah, it'll be different..*smirks, sitting in a chair w/ her*

* Myrae nods, tilting her head to the side

<Myrae> but when the world dies..doesn't everybody else die on it anyway?

* HappyLittleMoron leans her head on his shoulder, cuddled close, indeed, the lack of comment very wise, grinning* That it will be...

<Shingami> its a litle difficult to explain...

* Klork rests his head against hers, rubbing at her stomach gently

<Klork> ~Helloooo in there...~

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, her belly purring a little more loudly

<Shingami> i gues syou coudl say.. the earth has a spirit.. it is alive and everythign on it is too.. when a person dies.. thier spirit goes back to the earth spirit... my brother and I, and our ocusins are all guardians of that spirit... we live our lives in service of the earth... when we die she brings us back to life.. when she dies.. we do too.. erinantly this time

* Myrae nods

<Shingami> .. if it makes no sence.. dotn worry

<Myrae> it makes sense...but still.....wouldn't earth die if there were no more spirits to be fed..

* Klork blinks, then chuckles

<Shingami> the earth would die if its elements were harmed

<Klork> they sure are awake..

* Myrae nods

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly, nodding a lil'* Yeah...they purr a lot...

<Shingami> like when a person burns a forest away... it hurts the earth..

* Myrae furrows her brow

<Myrae> forest...?

<Shingami> like uh.. Kelp forests.. only on land

<Shingami> and they stand up by themsleves..

<Myrae> ah...

<Shingami> it would be like someoen coverign the sea in oil... fish and plants and animals die because of it... and the water is poluted.. that hurts ht eearth too

<Myrae> like those trees I see in Central Park, right?

<Shingami> yeah

<Myrae> I see...*pauses* So that would make Central Park a forest??

* Klork smirks

<Klork> juuust like me..*puffs up*

<Shingami> not really.. a forest is a great expance of trees.. i have soem pictures in my room...

* HappyLittleMoron giggles softly, poking his chest lightly* Your mom ever say anything about you being a tough labor...?

<Myrae> Ah...perhaps sometime you might show those to me??

<Shingami> i coudl show you now if you like

* Klork blinks...

<Klork> umm...actually, no *grins sheepishly*

* Myrae shrugs

<Myrae> that'd be fine..*smiles*

<HappyLittleMoron> Eh heh...we'll just have to hope...*grins feintly* I wish we could go natural...

<Shingami> coem on then

* Shingami offers a hand to help her up

* Myrae nods, standing..

* Myrae takes the hand and stands then? <G>

<Shingami> its upstairs.. *leads the way to her room*

* Klork nods..

* Myrae follows, pausing to see if anybody is there before quickly following, avoiding the kitchen

<Klork> me you know if there is any posible way or does your body just not allow births to come that way?

* Shingami opens the door to her room walkig in pas her brothers pile of stuff to her little are of the apartment thingy

<Shingami> jsut ignore nythign thats white.. probbaly wing's anyway

* Myrae follows, pocketing her hands

<Myrae> who's Wing?

<Shingami> My niichan.. My Brother

* HappyLittleMoron rests her hands over Klork's sighing softly, biting her lip* I dunno...I mean...we'd have to try to find a way to check my bones out...since they were the problem...

* Shingami grabs a picture

<Shingami> see.. thats him

<Myrae> Oh...*nods, kinda pausing in the doorway* I'm sure he's verynice...*chews at her lip*

* Klork nods

<Klork> maybe this weekend we can ask Dr. Fuji to look?

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* Yeah...

<Shingami> coem on in my other pictures are in my room.. he wont mind ou coming in dont worry about it he wont be home till i leave for work anyway

* Myrae furrows her brow...then nods a little, slowly coming in...keeping at least a few feet away from anything white...

* Shingami shoves all fo wings crap in his clost

<Shingami> there.. clean.. umm nwo where did i put thsoe national geographics....

* Myrae kinda stands there, looking around as if a bit wary of being there, watching her and waiting

<Shingami> under my eb thats where htye are.. uh..*waves rae closer into an joinign room, lotsa balcks ad dark blue stuff in there* foudn the pictues

* Myrae follows, slowly

<Myrae> oh...?

<Shingami> yeah*pulls a stackfo magazines out ofrm udner her bed* see.. um...*grabs oen with redwoods on it* these are soem of th ebiggest trees in the world

* Klork leans back, purring quietly

* Myrae leans over, a bit more relaxed now, watching

<Shingami> their caled red woods, and they are in a HUGE forest, thousands of trees

<Myrae> oh those are amazing...much larger than anything I've seen....

* HappyLittleMoron leans back with him, smiling sofyly

* Klork ruffles her hair

<Klork> soo...

* Red walks back into the room. He tosses a spray bottle to Mo.* "Here. I saw this at the store and thought of you two." *The bottle is Spray* catnip

* Klork acks, catching it

* Klork arches a brow

* HappyLittleMoron blinks!

<Klork> agh...oy...Red, cuuute..

<Shingami> and this one is a Sakura tree.. cherry tree... they grow in japan and bluem in the spring time.. this si the imperal palace

* HappyLittleMoron laughs

* Myrae watches

<Myrae> they look like large coral formations..they're beautiful...

* Klork sets it on the table

<Shingami> they smell great... umm.. elts see.. ah here we go.. this is a rain forest...

* Myrae looks

<Myrae> ah....very thick...looks dense..

<Shingami> liek a coral reef.. its fileld with thousands upon thousands of living things

* Myrae nods

<Shingami> these pictures re form the air.. ehe peaking of reefs

* HappyLittleMoron mmmms softly

* Shingami shows her pictues of the Great barrior form the air

* Myrae smiles

<Myrae> they look a lot better from the bottom......

<Shingami> i think they look cool form the air.. eheh and htis picture.. si what it look sliek form outerspace

* Myrae blinks

<Myrae> you can see very little detail..

<Shingami> its form really really high up.. so high that there is no air actualy

* Myrae blinks

<Myrae> how can there beno air?

<Shingami> gravity, the force that keeps you and me on th ground holds the ar to the earth too...up this high gravity isnt storng enough to hold all the air to eath and so there isnt any...*grabs a few tha thave stuff about space*

* Myrae nods

<Myrae> ah...

* Shingami shows Rae a picture of NYC

<Shingami> this is new york

* Myrae blinks

<Myrae> ah...where we are now, right?

<Shingami> yeah

<Shingami> well sorta... this is down town..

* Myrae nods, watching....

* Myrae watches

<Myrae> theyre nice..

<Shingami> i got lotsa pictures here.. this si a deasert in Calafornia.. in America... its called Death valley

* Myrae watches, then glances at her..

<Myrae> you have many pictures...*watches* of very elaborate things....the underwater societies aren't as decorative....

<Shingami> these also come with words.. National Geographic is a magazine.. it has pictures and stories of these places and the thigns in the magazene...for entertainment

<Shingami> wait till you see TV

* Myrae nods

<Myrae> tv? OH, we have something similar to television..just not as up to date...

<Shingami> really?

* Myrae nods

<Myrae> we use hydroelectricity to power it tho.

<Shingami> nifty

<Shingami> what is it like where your from Rae?

* HappyLittleMoron mms softly, yawning slightly

<Myrae> not so warm *smirks* very enclosed...little to no people are allowed out of the Baltic City...I just managed to escape w/ some of the traders..

<Shingami> what happend?

* Myrae shrugs

<Myrae> I was every female my age...I didn't want to be...and my only other option was prison for a treason I snuck out with some pearl traders from the north Pacific..

* Klork nudges HLM

<Klork> tired?

<Shingami> let me guess.. whereyrou form women are subserviant to men

* HappyLittleMoron grrins up at him* Lil' bit...*shrugs a lil'*

* Myrae blinks, then shrugs, nodding

<Myrae> patriarchal society...we aren't built to be anything but reproductive beings.

* Klork smirks

<Klork> bed?

* Shingami makes a face

<Shingami> thats not cool

* Myrae shrugs

<Shingami> where i am from used ot be women were suppsoed to do that, cre fo r the house entertain gests an be a companion for thie rhusbands.. but could also be warriors if they traiend to be

* HappyLittleMoron grins* Bed good...*pauses and laughs softly* Wait 'till the lil' ones start moving, I'm gonna let 'em press up riiiiiight up against you so they can keep you up too *winks*

<Myrae> its' what I was raised knowing...I'm not even supposed to be in a man's presence without permission..

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> I wouldn't put it passed ya *winks and stands w/ her*

<Shingami> oooh...

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles, uhm...standing with him <G>

<Shingami> ok i geti ti now..

* Klork carries her towards the stairs

* Myrae shakes her hea

* HappyLittleMoron 's carried then <G>

<Myrae> we can't be warriors...our bodies aren't built to hold any strength to fight...nor speed...

<Myrae> so we have no other choice, really..

* Klork carries her upstairs n' to bed

* Myrae pats her stomach

<Shingami> everone ahs he potential to be a fighter if that is what they wish to be.. hey up here you can be whatever you want to be

<Myrae> all of my muscles are here...the ones that are strong at least..

* Myrae shakes her head

* HappyLittleMoron smiles gently* Sleep well, hon...

* Klork nods

<Klork> you too <G>

<Myrae> no...scientifically body just can't build muscle...

<Shingami> weird

* Myrae nods

<Shingami> msot of my musclesar ein my upper body to support these and their use

<Myrae> I guess when we were created it was assumed the men would do all of the protecting..

* HappyLittleMoron grins, drifting

<Myrae> I mean..well, it can build enough so that I can walk and get around..lift some things..

<Myrae> but it's like I was formed to have limits..I can only get so strong..

<Shingami> soemtiem sits nto what we have btu how we use it

* Klork purrs, snoozin'

* HappyLittleMoron 's belly purrrrrrs toooooooooooooooooo

* Klork harmony! <G>

* HappyLittleMoron would ooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh....but y'know...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzs instead <G>

* Klork zzs AND purrs..hah!

* Myrae nods

<Myrae> true enough...

<Shingami> youll fi nd soem men aorund here cant even fend for themsleves in this world... and women are ten tiem smore burley then soem men

* Myrae nods..

* HappyLittleMoron zzzzzzzzzzzzzzs in a chagrined way...not able to purr...but...OH!* *muttered* ...squid...taking...over...

* Klork cackles in his sleep

<Myrae> heh, the arctic civilization is a matriarchal society...*chuckles* the women control everything there..

<Shingami> here they try to keep it even with whos incharge.. smotly its men but.. they knwo that women are equal to them. or atleast we try to be. soemtiems we are soemtiems we arnt.

* Myrae nods

<Myrae> wish I could be strong muscular wise..but I guess intelect can be a strength, hm?

* HappyLittleMoron mutters more...just...y'know...mutters at the sleep-cackling

<Shingami> Heck yeah... it can egt you very far in this world

* Klork snore/purrs, curling closer n' whatnot

* HappyLittleMoron quiets down, nuzzzling close, belly purring lightly in return..

<Shingami> but there are still somproblems.. humans and anyoen not human ted to clash... dont kwo why... but it can be dangeorus

* Klork purrrrrs

* Myrae nods

<Shingami> trust me i know... human sare dangerous animals

<Myrae> I've noticed hair color has made me more or less a nasty target so far...apparently it isn't normal to have lavendar hair..

<Shingami> unles syour apunk yeah

<Shingami> its odd...

* Myrae nods

<Myrae> pointy ears too *points* Those are the only things I haven't figured out how to make look human..

<Shingami> but tis also not all that natural to look about 22 and haive hair only a foot shorter then you are tall...

<Shingami> you kidna remind me of an elf

* Myrae chuckles

* Ladon walks into the mainroom and sits down

<Myrae> I'm not sure what an elf is but I guess I'll take it as a compliment..

<Shingami> an elf is a mythical creature.. magicay pwoerful and attuned with nature.. beautiful adn elegent creatures

* Myrae blinks, pale skin flushing a little

<Myrae> they sound beautiful..

<Shingami> they are.. hey.. i ahve an idea

* Shingami gets up grabbign a bandana and folding it up into a long strip.. ties it around Rae's ehad coverign the tips ofher ears,

<Shingami> that ok?

<Myrae> hmm??

* Myrae blinks, watching

* Myrae nods

<Myrae> Ah...yeah *smiles* thatshould help..

<Shingami> coolies

* Myrae sighs, standing and heading out of SHin's room, walking along the halls slowly

* Diana' the workout room <G>*

* Myrae walks down the stairs eventually, taking the bandana off and pocketing it for now...poking her head into the workout room

* Red is in there, going thru some katas

* Myrae pauses..shifting back a few steps before going into the kitchen instead

* Diana blinks a little*

<Diana> Agh...heh...I'll see you around, Red...*heads towards the kitchen*

* Myrae sits at the table, picking at some sushi that was in the fridge

<Red> "Later Diana."

* Myrae blinks, looking up

<Diana> Evening, Rae...

* Myrae waves, munching

<Myrae> hi..

<Diana> How's it going...*gets herself a glass of water, whiping at the sweat on her brow, dragons on her arms and shoulders rippling with the muscle movement*

* Myrae watches, then blinks, shrugging

<Myrae> not too bad...spent a while talking to Shingami about the differences between cultures...

* Diana arches a brow slightly, sipping, then smiling slightly* Oh...?

* Myrae nods

<Myrae> Patriarchal societies and matriarchal....then this one is so dieverse..*shrugs* it's amazing I guess..

* Diana nods* Hai...that it is...things change amazingly, don't they

* Myrae nods

<Myrae> in most places..not where I come from..they've been the same for thousands of years..

* Diana frowns, nodding* I see...

* Myrae shrugs

<Myrae> that's why I left I escape them..but I seem to find that *I* just can't's too engrained in my head..

* Diana nods...* Sometimes, it takes sa lot of time to change...I ah...noticed how you acted around the guys...this patriarchy was nasty towards women, I take it...

* Myrae nods

<Myrae> there were always exceptions of course..but..the general rule of thumb frowned on equality...I'm just used to having to be given permission to even be in the same room asa man..

<Diana> Geeze...*shakes her head, leaning against the counter*

* Myrae chews at her lip

<Diana>'s far better here...and men who try that here end up getting beaten by the women *winks with a smirk*

* Myrae nods slowly

<Myrae> so I've heard...but habits die hard..

<Diana> Yes...they do...

* Myrae chews at her lip

<Myrae> I should probably apologize to the men Ikeep avoiding..

* Diana smiles gently* Wait for yourself to be ready...I know very well how you feel...there are certain men around here who I avoid like the plague for similar reasons...

* Myrae nods, leaning back in her chair a little

<Myrae> I will..until them know I'm not trying to be mean??

* Diana chuckles softly* Hai...of course.

* Myrae smiles, folding her hands in her lap

<Myrae> thank you..

<Diana> Not a problem...*sips her water slightly, whiping at the bright curls drooping into her eyes* Do you have any questions...?

* Myrae shrugs, shaking her head

<Myrae> non that I can thnk of...Ah! other than, how do I earn money here?

* Diana chuckles softly* Well...we can help you find a a place where there aren't many men...

<Myrae> oh?

* Diana nods, eyes going a little distance* Perhaps a mid-wifery or something...all those men are usually with their wives...and if they're with them while they're giving birth, they're less likely to be abusive...

* Myrae nods, chewing on her lip

<Myrae> I cando that...that's the only thing I was really allowed to do..

* Diana nods..* Good...we can help you find one around here....I know HLM delivered at the hospital back when she had her firsst one, but...*shrugs* I know there have to be midwiferies around here

* Myrae nods, twiddling her thumbs

<Myrae> it'd actually get something for the knowledge I Have..

* Diana nods with a soft smile* Hai...makes sense...cuts down on the training, too *winks*

* Myrae chuckles

<Myrae> very very true!

* Diana chuckles softly, streatching her arms and flexing her fingers, the toos doing that funky rippling thing again*

* Myrae watches

<Myrae> how do you get your arms that strong?? THat's physically impossible for me..

* Diana blinks* Ah...a life-time of battle, I suppose...*smiles sheepishly*

<Myrae> ah..*shrugs, nodding* wish I could get my strength that high physically..

<Diana> can't...?

* Myrae shakes her head

<Myrae> my body will only let me get so strong ... and it's usually just enough to survive and give birth continually...

* Diana cringes* Oh...geeze....sorry to hear

* Myrae shrugs

<Myrae> I'm not horribly upset...I know that I can get by w/ more than that here...

* Diana nods* Hai..

* Myrae sighs

<Myrae> we were allowed to be nurses, and mothers..that was all..

* Diana frowns slightly, nodding...* Sounds like the way it used to be in this world...years and years ago...

* Myrae nods...

<Myrae> I've heard...this society has come so far in such a short time...I only wish mine would do the same..

* Diana nods a little* I wonder what the difference is...

* Myrae shrugs

<Myrae> don't know..

* Diana shrugs slightly* Ah well...

* Myrae nods, standing and stretching

<Diana> Ah...tired?

* Myrae nods, stretching s'more

<Myrae> quite a bit, actually..

<Diana> Go to bed then...*smiles softly*

* Myrae smiles tiredly, nodding

<Diana> Sleep well, Rae..

* Myrae smiles, nodding, slowly heading up the stairs to bed

Session Close: Fri Dec 07 00:25:57 2001

