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Session Start: Tue Dec 04 12:11:06 2001

* HappyLittleMoron comes down the stairs

* Shingami is in the living room, wraping stuff for x-mass

* HappyLittleMoron yawns and streatches her wings out, blinking* Ooh...goodies...

* Shingami shoves HLM's stuff into her backpack

<Shingami> no peekign at your stuff

<HappyLittleMoron> fun...*winks with a chuckle*

<Shingami> i love my backpack... holes to spandex space make it hard to peek

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...sheezum...

<Shingami> sleep well?

* HappyLittleMoron nods..* Needed that nap after work...gah...these little ones wear me out already...*rests a hand on her belly*

<Shingami> *smiles* you two better behave for your mom so shes not naping all the time

* HappyLittleMoron laughs softly* you're leaving one three in there...

<Shingami> hehe.. its been a logn day..

<Shingami> I foudn a Job.. can you believe it?

<HappyLittleMoron> Really? What job?

<Shingami> I work in a florsts shop form lik.. 4 am to about 3 pm

<Shingami> i said i didnt mind logn shifts

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh geeze...yeah...but at least it's a florists shop...

<HappyLittleMoron> Soooooooooo...what else ya get??

<Shingami> Its nto too far from here.. well ok about 10 blocks.. the early mornign thing is the hardest its when all the stuff come sin

<HappyLittleMoron> Ohh

<Shingami> we have more pointestas you can shake a stick at

* HappyLittleMoron snickers

<HappyLittleMoron> Sesonal plant, huh...

<Shingami> yeah and roses are big too..*holds up bandaided fingers* for plants they rivle chickens in their ferosity.. were talkin african roses.. HUGE thorns

* HappyLittleMoron heads over to the fireplace to start up a fire...

* Ladon walks into the living room

<Shingami> Hey ladon!

<Ladon> "Yo Shing. Hey Mo."

<Ladon> "starting a fire?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Hey, Ladon! Feeling better...?

* HappyLittleMoron nods..

* Ladon nods

<Ladon> "Need a hand?"

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles, sitting back* Sure...I'll let an expert at the stuff start it up *winks*

* Shingami starts humming the prodgy's firestarter whilst wrappign x-mass gifts

* Ladon laughs and kneels infront of the fire place. He breaths flame on the wood which starts up

* HappyLittleMoron smirks a lil' at Shing


* Shingami laughs

<Shingami> so easily entertained

<HappyLittleMoron> Better than being bored all the time *winks*

* Ladon stands* "I feel great. I don't have to worry about nurning the place down and Shiva finally stopped fallowing me with the marshmellows."

* HappyLittleMoron laughs!* Oh that was funny, though!

<Shingami> why do i think i missed another kodac moment..

<Shingami> i really need a camera

* Ladon frown* "Red has pictures of it."

* HappyLittleMoron cackles!

<Shingami> Oh.. need copies!

<HappyLittleMoron> Well, Shing...I know what to get you for X-Mas, now...

<Shingami> I work right next to a kinkos!

<HappyLittleMoron> We all do <G>

* Ladons laughs

<Shingami> your gettign me a flaim thrower and a portable nuke?

<Shingami> oo oo or a malet so i can get that stupid chicken back?

* Shingami ponders

* Ladon raises an eyeridge

<Shingami> maybe stoppign at starbucks on the way home was a bad idea...Wing says hi though hes got the late shift again

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

* Ladon nods

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* Alright...geeze...poor guy...

<Shingami> they give him the bussier times.. so when i egt the chance i stop by.. besides there is this guy in there... green eyes blond hair Blakc Mage t-shirt... there shoudl be a law hot humans shouldnt work at the same place your brother does.

* HappyLittleMoron laughs!!

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh, Shing...*chuckles*

* Ladon nods

<Shingami> hes such a dork...

<Shingami> He thinks waring glasses will make him that much less desernable when you see him without them.. Clark Kent he is not

* Ladon LAughs

* HappyLittleMoron laughs* He's seen to many Superman movies, then...

<Shingami> Ahmen sistah

<Shingami> but i knwo what to get him for x-mass...*holds out Superman hoodie*

* HappyLittleMoron laughs!* He'll like that

<Shingami> also found soem other shirts.. though i think he lies abotu hsi shirt size.. whatever he wares tha ti get ofrm hot topics molds ot him.. its kidna cool... if you wernt related that is..

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* He's a very good looking man...not as good as Klork, maybe, but hey..

* Red walks in looking a bit desheveled* "The Mall is a MADHOUSE!"

<Shingami> Its spelled M A U L not M A L L

<HappyLittleMoron> Ohh...the center of wallet draining greed...

<Shingami> perzactly

* Red puts a bouque of pointsettias down.* "Tell me about it."

* Shingami eeps and hides behind the couch

<Shingami> No no mre pointesttias... there is no god

* HappyLittleMoron laughs

<Red> "I was smacked over the head by an old lady's purse, kicked in the shin by a little kid and nearly pounded by a bunch of pregnant women."

<HappyLittleMoron> now you know how I feel about alcohol...all those years of working in bars...*gets up, moving the pointsetas to the window*

* Shingami laughs form behidn the couch

* HappyLittleMoron laughs

<HappyLittleMoron> Better watch for those pregnant women, Red *winks*

* Red nodnods

<Red> "So help me, before I go to the mall again, I'm investing in a cup."

* HappyLittleMoron laughs!

* Shingami falls over laughing

<Shingami> ill go with y ou nextime...

<Shingami> Im lookin for a nurf gun for Klork

* Red nods* "Thanks."

* HappyLittleMoron grins and plops down on the couch, then blinks* Awman...why...? I don't wanna serve as target practice...

* Red chuckles* "That way if there's another mad rush I have a human sheild."

<Shingami> Im gettign him a target too...

<Shingami> a poster of Gorge W with a big ol target in his forehead...

<Shingami> gag gift..

* HappyLittleMoron laughs!

<Shingami> its that or the dancign gopher ofmr caddyshack.

<HappyLittleMoron> That's a great idea <G>

<Shingami> as fo rthe human shield thing Red.. its easy to egt aournd whe your waring a shirt that says "some days its not worth chewing though the leather straps" and a spiked collar on. antimidation factor

* Red Laughs

* HappyLittleMoron laughs

* Red takes a poster out.* "I had this blown up for us to hang up in the living room." *It's a blown up version of Shiva chasing Ladon with the stick and bag of marshmellows*

<HappyLittleMoron> I've got a tank top saying "We could mate, but then I'd have to eat you" that's not fitting quite as well as a month ago if you want to borrow it *winks*

<HappyLittleMoron> Yay!! *cackles*

* Red grins at Ladon* "I also invested in the flame retardent lamintation."

* Ladon laughs and sits down

<Shingami> Was it at Carle's Kinkos?

<Shingami> the oen next ot the florist shop with the big ol sunflower on the window?

<Shingami> i work there..*beams*

* HappyLittleMoron grins

* Red nods

<Shingami> Carle is cool... for a treckie

<HappyLittleMoron> NOooooooothin' wrong with trekkies

<Shingami> i went in to get a photo fixed... and he spoke to me in Klingon... strange thign is i know the language

* Red nods

<HappyLittleMoron> LOL

<Shingami> ... never sleep in a palce where a treckie convention si goign to be held...

<Shingami> its nto safe for your insanity

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

* Red Laughs

<HappyLittleMoron> ...geeze...I can only imagine...*smirks* Didn't have many of those in Japan from what I remember...

<Shingami> when i was out.. i slept in a civic senter

* HappyLittleMoron nods...

* Shingami gets abck to rapign up gifts for people nto in the room at the moment

* Red puts the poster up* "This look okay here?"

<Shingami> a little to the left

* Red moves it a little to the left

* HappyLittleMoron just chuckles

<HappyLittleMoron> Red, you're evil...*cackles*

* Red nods* "Yo think TN'll like the pointsettias?

<Shingami> Im sure shell love em red

* Red nods

<Red> "So how's everything going?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Goodgood...

* Red nods

<Shingami> Great... well aside form too many pointsettias and little old ladie sin the mall

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles

<Red> "What's wrong with pointsettias?"

<Shingami> I work in a flrost shop.. i ahd 4 trucks come in and drop litteraly a ton of them at the shop

* Red nods

<Shingami> so.. fi anyone needs flowers...

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles

<HappyLittleMoron> We'll keep that in mind..

<Shingami> and coffee... wing can handle the coffee

* Diana steps in from work, streatching and wincing a lil'* Coffee...?

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly

<Red> "Decaf?"

<Shingami> There is no point to decaf coffee

* Red raises an eyeridge

* HappyLittleMoron 's sitting on the couch, Diana spelunking throughhh the kitchen

* Red's in the living room, ditto for Ladon

* Klork comes in, carrying a few boxes and bags...b-lining it for the staircase..

* HappyLittleMoron blinkblinks* ...hi Klork..bye Klork...? *smirks*

* TurtleNinja comes downstairs, yawning as she looks around.

* Red smiles and hides the boquette behind his back* "Morning hon."

<TurtleNinja> Hey, sweetie! *smiles* How're you?

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles

<Red> "ALmost got my ass kicked by a little kid, an old lady and a buncha pregnant women at the Mall."

* Klork heads upstairs, passing those two on the way

<TurtleNinja> Youch. Evil Christmas rush, gotta love it.

* Red smiles and hands her the bg boquette of pointsettias

* Klork comes out after he's done hiding stuff, running down the stairs and nearly tackling HLM in a hug

<Klork> I'm DONE!

<Red> "For you."

* HappyLittleMoron eeps! then giggles and hugs back, giving him a kiss

<HappyLittleMoron> Yay!

* TurtleNinja 's eyes widen and she smiles at Red.

<TurtleNinja> Oh, honey, they're beautiful!

* Klork purrrrs, grinning

* HappyLittleMoron smiles* Have a good day?

<Klork> IdonewithALLthe family gifts n' EVERYTHING *flexes* had to take a day off to do so too...

* Red smiles and kisses her* "I'm glad you like them."

* Klork nodnodnodnodonds

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* Don't need to do it again then...*grins*

* Klork nodnodnodnodods

<Klork> bingo

* HappyLittleMoron grins and kisses his nose* Good!

* Klork ruffles her hair

<Klork> so how've you been today?

* HappyLittleMoron grins, stroking his cheek* Goooood...caught a nap after work so I'm actually awake!

<Klork> sweet! wantfood?

* Red smiles at TN* "So how're you?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Sure...foodgoooooood...

<TurtleNinja> Doing good. *smiles and kisses him*

* Red hugs* "Wanna go see what's cooking?"

<Klork> whatcha wanna eat for food? I'll order someand pick it up <G>

<Klork> I'm lazy *winks*

<Shingami> we havent notised

* HappyLittleMoron giggles* Chinese.....

* Klork picks up the phone, thpppting at Shin

* Shingami tthhppths right back

<TurtleNinja>, yeah?

<Klork> who wants what from *looks at the phone book* Changs Nifty Spiffy Chinese & Mongolian Restaurant?

* Red smiles and hugs her before walking into the kitchen

<Shingami> Egg drop soup, spring rolls and fortuen cookies

* Klork nods, ordering some of that...orderinghis food as well..

<Klork> anybody else?

* HappyLittleMoron laughs* Mmm...sesame chicken...

* Klork orders that too

* TurtleNinja goes wth Red into the kitchen.

* Klork also orders a side of bbq pork, lots and lots of white & pork fried rice...n' fried noodles...n' chicken..biiiiiiiiird

* Klork looks up at TN & Red

<Klork> do you guys want chinese??

<TurtleNinja> Hmm....

* Red smiles and nods* "Sounds good."

* HappyLittleMoron laughs

<Klork> what do you want from there, goofs...

* Red laughs "I'll take some chicken Terriaki, some sushi as well."

* Klork blinks

<Klork> sushi...

* Klork orders the terryaki tho...

<Shingami> wrong country red

* HappyLittleMoron smirks a lil'

* Red shrugs

<TurtleNinja> Ooh....sweet 'n sour chicken for me!

* Klork orders that...

<Red> "I'll have some of that too."

* Shingami puts all the stuff she ahs wraped and unwraped in ehr pack closign it up

* Klork orders a kettle of tea <G>

* Klork then hangs up the phone, pulling his jacket on

<Klork> ok, gonna go pick it up! Be back soon! *heads out the door*

* HappyLittleMoron blinkblinks* Eh...I'll go with you if ya want..

* Red slides TN's chair out for her

* TurtleNinja smiles and sits.

* Red slides the chair back in and sits next to her

* Shingami pulls a deck of cards out ofher pack and starts playing solitare infront of the fire

* Klork comes back with an armload of food...after much time of course <G>

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles, heading over* So sweet..

* Shingami stops buildign a card pagota and bounds to her feet

<Shingami> food!

* Red squeezes TN's hand gently under the table

* Shingami heads for the kitchen

* HappyLittleMoron helps out with the food

* Klork starts dishing it up slowly so everybody has what they ordered

* TurtleNinja smiles and squeezes back.

* Shingami snags a fortune cookie

<Shingami> yoink

* Red smiles and grabs a fourtune cookie for him and TN

<TurtleNinja> I love these...

* Klork sits, pouring tea from one of those metal kettles..

<Klork> heh, I just bought it offa em *smirks, passin' cups around before digging into his dinner*

<HappyLittleMoron> Thank you, sweetheart...*munchse**

* Shingami eats the cookie.. then pulls the fortuen out reading it

<Shingami> your happynes is intertwined with you routlook on life....

* Red looks at his* "You have much happiness in your future."

* Klork nods, munching, looking at his fortune

<Klork> "Meet me in the lobby - God"

* Klork blinks...

* HappyLittleMoron blinkies

<Shingami> haha your in trouble now

* Red takes another

<HappyLittleMoron> Geeze...*looks at hers* "You will soon be hungry again, buy more Chinese!"

* HappyLittleMoron arches a brow

<Red> "Shit happens, watch your step."

* Klork laughs

<Shingami> ehhee

* Shingami cracks open another one just because

<Shingami> OCnfusious say.. love comes in triangles.. not squares...

<Shingami> yeah and confucious didnt knwo of geometry either.. yeesh

* HappyLittleMoron snickers

<Shingami> why coudlnt it ocme in squares.. ro circles.. or dodecahedrons who ahvea nagative value on the curve?

* TurtleNinja nibbles at her cookie, looking at her fortune.

<TurtleNinja> "You are an angel. Beware those who collect feathers." Heh.

<Red> "What's your fortune say love?"

* HappyLittleMoron looks at Shing* One of us shoulda gotten that one...

<Shingami> I will not becoem a pilow

* Klork chuckles, dishing himself more rice & chicken

* Shingami grabs a spoon and attacks her egg drop soup

* Klork chuckles, munching etc

* Shingami starts humming: Cotton eye Joe.. for no reaosn in particular...

* Klork picks up another fortune cookie..."Slide carefully down the banister of life and be wary of splinters that point the wrong way"

<Shingami> ooo that could b painful...

* HappyLittleMoron pauses

<HappyLittleMoron> Ow...

<Shingami> though are you slidign down sideways, forard or backward.. because .. oohhh that coudl be VERY painful...

* Klork kinda...sinks in his chair

<Shingami> demo... HLM coudl always help you get rid of em

* HappyLittleMoron blinkblinks...

* HappyLittleMoron kisses Klork's cheek

* Klork winces, kinda looking pale behind his plate of food

<Klork> *n a tiny voice* owie..

<Shingami> ... theres somethign extra i this soup i bet..

<HappyLittleMoron> Aww...

* Klork munches

* Klork looks down at his lap while eating, chuckling now and then..

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

<HappyLittleMoron> What...?

<Klork> heh heh..."Here's to Eileen O'Hara...For her life it held no terror. Born a virgin, died a virgin. No runs, no hits, no errors.." *chuckles, still looking at his lap*

<Shingami> ........

* Shingami puts her food down

* Klork blinks, looking up at HLM

<Klork> wha?

<Shingami> im going.. this way now...

* Shingami walks away form klork...

* Klork blinks, then holds up a book of Irish quotes

* HappyLittleMoron smirks at Shing, then patpats Klork's shoulder* Oooh...*chuckles*

<Shingami> .........

<Shingami> guys.. go fig...

<Klork> whaaa?? I borrowed it from Angelo...I wanted to see where he got those toasts from our wedding..

* HappyLittleMoron nodsnods* Makes sense now..

<Shingami> i realy need to stop goign to starbucks...

* Klork flips through the pages...

* TurtleNinja nibbles until she finishes, burping quietly.

<TurtleNinja> Ooh...s'cuse me...

<Shingami> its ok...

* Red laughs

<Klork> hee he h heh..."God invented whiskey so the Irish wouldn't rule the world!" *chuckles, munching*

<Shingami> eheh

* HappyLittleMoron laughs!

<Shingami> " In th ebeginign there was nothing.. then god said let there eb light... well there was STILL nothing but atleast you could see it."

* Klork cackles...* Work is the curse of the drinking class....

* HappyLittleMoron laugsh!

<Shingami> hahaha

* Red leans over and hugs TN

* TurtleNinja hugs back.

<Shingami> thanks for dindin Klork

* Klork cackles

<Shingami> ?

<Klork> oh, noprob! *smirks,* okok, you guys gotta hear some of these jokes..

<Shingami> shoot

<HappyLittleMoron> Go ahead, hansome

<Klork> Okie...

<Klork> An Irishman's been at a pub all night drinking.

<Klork> The bartender finally says that the bar is closed

<Klork> So he stands up to leave and falls flat on his face.

<Klork> He figures he'll crawl outside and get some fresh

<Klork> air and maybe that will sober him up.

<Klork> Once outside he stands up and falls flat on his face.

<Klork> So he crawls home and at the door stands up and falls

<Klork> flat on his face. He crawls through the door and up the stairs.

<Klork> When he reaches his bed he tries one more time to stand up.

<Klork> This time he falls right into bed and is sound asleep.

* Red stands and hugs her

<Klork> He awakens the next morning to his wife standing

<Klork> over him shouting at him.

<Klork> "So, you've been out drinking again!"

<Klork> "How did you know?" he asks.

<Red> "I'll see you guys later, I'm heading to the hottub."

<Klork> "The pub called, you left your damn wheelchair there again."

* Klork cackles

* HappyLittleMoron wavels to Red, listening to Klork

* TurtleNinja stands and goes with Red.

* HappyLittleMoron laughs!!

<Klork> a'right, later Red!

* Shingami laughs

<Shingami> ja red

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh that's bad!

<Shingami> thats cruel!

<Shingami> halarious but....cruel

* Klork hrms..

<Klork> there have got to be more jokes in here..*flips through the pages*

<Klork> ah! got one, want me to tell it?

<Shingami> Yes

<Klork> a'right...

<HappyLittleMoron> Sure *grins*

<Klork> An Irishman, Englishman and a Scottsman go into a pub and each order a pint of Guinness.

<Klork> just as the bartender hands them over, three flies buzz down and one lands in each of the pints.

<Klork> The Englishman looks disgusted, pushes his pint away, and demands another pint.

<Klork> The Scottsman picks out the fly, shrugs, and takes a long swallow

<Klork> The Irishman reaches into the glass, pinches the fly between his fingers and shakes him while yelling, "Spit it out, ya bastard!!! Spit it out!!"

* HappyLittleMoron cackles!

<Shingami> hehe i heard that oen but its great

* Klork chuckles, putting the book away

<Klork> ah, well *shrugs, chuckling*

* HappyLittleMoron grins

* Diana's in the workout room as usual*

* Mondo is dancing in the kitchen to Cowboy by Kidrock, making tacos

* Klork waves up at Mondo, still working on the rest of the chinese food on his plate

<Shingami> heya hotstuff

* Mondo waves* Straightup yo :P

* Klork cackles

* Mondo grins brightly* hey Shin!

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and snickers

<Mondo> ..wanna try my meat?

<Klork> You wanna be a cowboy huh? *chuckles* oh I can't see that...

* Klork blinks

<Klork> hey, that's my line! *winks*

<HappyLittleMoron> one can beat Klork's meat <G>

<Mondo> wow Klork..I've never been approched by a guy

<Shingami> na.. im full up on eggdrop soup

* Klork oys...rolling his eyes

<Mondo> but thanks anyway

<Klork> it's all in the Amish porn contract *grins, cackling before eating*

* Mondo grins and stirs the meat

* Shingami heads back to the living room mutterin" that sit im nto goign to starbucks for a while... "

* HappyLittleMoron laughs

* Klork blinks...shrugging before finishing, washing up his dishes

<Mondo> aww...Shin!

<Mondo> ..what's her ish?

* HappyLittleMoron blinkblinks

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh...there's a cute guy at Starbucks...dunno if that's part of it *shrugs*

* Klork chuckles, shrugging

<Mondo>* gay voice* ohh..I'm there teehee!

* HappyLittleMoron laughs as she finishes up, cleaning up and stuff

<Klork> ohdear...*finishes his dishes, retreating from the kitchen*

* Diana comes into the kitchen, hmmms softly*

* HappyLittleMoron smirks, following and streatching

* Shingami heads back into the kitchen.. where its now a smidge bti safer

<Shingami> so how ya been doin there hot stuff?

* Diana wavels to Shing*

<Shingami> hey diana

<Mondo> good actually

<Diana> Konbanwa..

<Shingami> whatcha been up to

* Klork pops his knuckles, settling on the couch

* HappyLittleMoron kneels...stoking the fire a lil' before tackle/hugging Klork

<Mondo> ..alot..actually

<Mondo> back with my band..

<Mondo> playin clubs and bars in the city

<Klork> oomph! *chuckles* heya!

* Jira comes down the stairs, yawning slightly as she runs her hand through her hair

* HappyLittleMoron laughs* Hi!

<Shingami> thats cool... hows your girl doin?

* HappyLittleMoron looks up, wavels to Jira, then tickles Klork like there's no tomorrow

<Klork> AGH! *laughs, snagging at her hands* Stopppiiiitt!

<Mondo> good s'far as I know

* Diana arches a brow, leaning on the doorway of the kitchen.....being right there 'n all*

<HappyLittleMoron> Noooooooooooooooooooooooo...................*giggles, squirming free and tickling mroe*

* Jira waves, walking over to a fire place, sitting there and opening a notebook, beginning to write

<Shingami> good as far as you know?

* Klork acks, trying to snag it agaain

<HappyLittleMoron> Aww...*kisses his nose*

* Klork purrs, containing a sneeze

* HappyLittleMoron giggles softly and curls close

* Klork purrs, cuddlin' up to her

* Mondo shrugs* ..yea.. I mean..if she's miserable..I don't know about it

* Diana chuckles softly*

* Jira hums quietly, pausing to read over what she wrote...then goes back to writing more

<Shingami> ok..

* Jira looks up and around

<Jira> gosh...lively bunch t'nigh, aren't we?

<HappyLittleMoron> Indeed...

* Jira chuckles, humming.* hold me now...I'm six feet from the edge and I'm thinkin'..maybe six feet..ain't so far down..

* Jira hums..going back to her writing, tail flopped over to her side

* HappyLittleMoron blinkblinnnks

* Klork looks over at HLM

<Klork> she borrowed my CD *smirks*

* Shingami jsut watches mondo cook...

<HappyLittleMoron> Ohh...*nodsnnods*

* Klork chuckles

<Jira> so please come stay with me...cuz I still believe there's something left for you and me...

<Jira> please come now..I think I'm falling holding onto what I think is safe....

* HappyLittleMoron nuzzlles Klork

* Klork purrrrrs

* Mondo finnishes* ..want tacos Shin?

<Shingami> Sure why not

* Diana watches them from the doorway..*

* Mondo makes her up two and puts them on a plate and grabs a few for himself and goes and takes a seat* So? Where the hell were you?

<Shingami> everywhere but here...basicaly*takes the tacos*

<Mondo> ..sounds like me..know I slept in a dressingroom last night?

<Shingami> i actualy slept here lastnight...

<Shingami> and th enight before..

<Mondo> but it's ok because I'm making tones of money

<Shingami> money isnt everythign without happyness

* Jira snorts at that, eyes going sad before she continues to write

<Mondo> me..I'm very happy

<Shingami> so desu...?

<Mondo> ..I got a beautiful girl.. I can play again.. and I'm rakin in money

<Mondo> ...desu hah? whazza that Moshasi?

<Shingami> nothign mondo...

<Mondo> .....suuuure

* Jira sighs, closing her eyes ...then closes the notebook, standing and heading for the stairs..

* Shingami crunches into her second dinner

<Shingami> good tacos

<Shingami> lets se.. you ahve a beautiful girl.. who you dotn kwhows she doing... you can play again wich rocks.. adn yro urakin in the money.. not bad

* Jira sits on the ledge of the roof, just watching the snow fall quietly..

* Mondo blinks and nods a bit* ..uhh..yea

* Diana hmms...and heads into the kitchen the rest of the way to get a sip of water...ruffling Mondo's hair as she goes by*

<Shingami> eheh

<Mondo> Hay babe...want tacos?

<Shingami> im jsut getign sued ot an actual notmal job

* Diana chuckles softly* Hey, koibito...sure...

<Mondo> ..kiobito right atcha babe

* Diana laughs and kisses his forehead*

* Shingami laughs

<Mondo> ..whats that mean anyway?

<Shingami> lover

<Mondo> I hope it doesn't mean I look like a monkeys butt

<HappyLittleMoron> *Diana nods* What Shingami said...

* Mondo rubs his nipples and says in a gay voice* "H-ay lu-ver"

<Shingami> ... oi vey

* Diana laughs! Yeth, bay-bee

* Klork falls asleep eventually, purring quietly

* Mondo pulls her into his lap*

* HappyLittleMoron does tooooooo...just not the purring...oh...maybe the babies purr, but she doesn't 'cause...y'know...she's not a cat

* Diana smiles, putting her arms around Mondo*

* Jira sighs, standing and walking a long the edge of the roof, hands pocketed in the folds of her thick sarong...

* Shingami finishes off her dindin tossing the palt ein the sink

<Shingami> thanks for the exceent chow mondo

<Mondo> and thanks for...uh..complimenting me!

* Mondo nibbles on Diana's sholder

<Shingami> .. ill catch you guys later.. need soem air...((the colder the better))

* Shingami heads up for the roof well anywhere at this point

* Diana chuckles* Later, Shingami...*ruffles Mondo's hair...*

* Jira is kinda standng on the ledge, looking up at the snow as it falls, tucking her thick poncho closer to her..

* Shingami ruffles ehr fathers before spaking

<Shingami> you know this sint exaclty your environment

<Shingami> your more of a summer chick

* Jira blinks, glancing up, then chuckles quietly

<Jira> True...yet you seem t' love it...*smirks*

* Diana kisses Mondo lightly* How're you?

<Shingami> ive always liekd the cold... somehwo reminds me im alive

* Jira nods, shivering slightly

<Mondo> ..the cold is a fucking pain in the ass.

<Mondo> and I'm good :P

* Diana nods* is...and that's good <G>

* Shingami flaps ehr wings takign to the air, though kidna hovering in the snow fall

<Jira> Ah suppose you could look at et that way...I've always liked the summer personally...heh, m' natural invironment...

<Shingami> its reappy pretty though...

* Jira nods

<Jira> True..that it is..

<Shingami> serenne.. quiete. .. kidna pure almsot.. like rain... only softer

* Jira nods

<Jira> just damn cold *chuckles*

<Shingami> true...

* Shingami extends a hand, mkign a circle with a finger in the air, snow catchign in it makign a disk, then spinnignto make an ice globe

* Jira watches, brow furrowed...

* Jira hrms, pulling the metallic ball from her pocket, this one a golden color as she tosses it between her hands before snapping it like a slams into the roof, leaving no damage but ignites a large yellow fire in the spot where it is

<Shingami> .. oooh spiffy

* Jira hops off the ledge, picking it up, it's flaring in her hand but doesn't seem to burn her

<Evy> *peeks down from the stairwell* Hello?

<Jira> just some stuff passed down to me from my family....*shrugs* whoever they were...

* Klork is passed out on the couch w/ HLM..

* Jira is upon the roof w/ Shingami

* Diana's in the kitchen with Mondo <G>*

<Shingami> maybe youll find out one day

* Jira shakes her head

* Shingami brakes the big orb into a bunch of little oens, tapgn them and reorderign them in mid air .. starts playign the bells

<Shingami> eheh

* Evy heads down to the kitchen, hunger making her stomach growl.

* Diana wavels to Evy*

<Jira> I somehow doubt tha'..*pauses, chuckling quietly*

<Shingami> never know untill you try

<Jira> I have tried, *smiles weakly* M' history is closly guarded...Ah don't even know what sorta mutant Ah am...

* Evy wavels back, munching rabbit food.

<Shingami> your a nice oen with a killer accent and a fire yoyo thingy

<Jira> just know they forced 'roo genetics inta' me blood is all...apparently m' mutation accepted it cuz the tail n' ea's stuck.

* Jira chuckles quietly, pulling out a purple ball like it...and a blue one, juggling them with the yellow one

* Evy sneaks back outta the kitchen, going to sit at a table to munch snacky food.

<Shingami> the ever so tallented Ozzie

<Jira> they're all ba'k an'no bite tho...pretty harmless...*all three ignite in the flames..purple, blue and gold mixing together*

* Jira laughs, putting them away

<Jira> hou's of free time, luv, that's all it is..

<Shingami> i knwo waht free tiem canget ya

<Shingami> ive ahd lots of t lately

<Mondo> hey..I know her?

* Jira nods, warming her hands up

* Diana blinks* Hm? Evy..? She's new...

<Shingami> so wht brings you outside when yoru gunna frees your ifngers off?

* Jira shrugs

<Jira> it's quiet...pretty..but ah can take it f'r only so long..

* Shingami fishes soem gloves out a her pocket

<Shingami> here..

* Jira blinks...

<Jira> Ah..that's righ' don't get cold...

<Mondo> ..this place is fillin up fast

<Shingami> im cold all the time anyway

<Jira> ah..

* Jira pulls them on

<Jira> thanks, luv *looks up as the snow falls* Ah don't know if ah can get used t' this...

<Shingami> itll take a little time.. youll love summer here i knwo that

<Shingami> winter can be just s fun.. jsut less skin showing

* Jira nods

<Jira> heh, Ah'm used to a loin cloth n' strap top...this is th' least skin ah've shown in yeah's..

<Shingami> if it wernt for the face everyoen woudl think im insane.. id be out here in hot pants and a bakinni top... but thats a bit much for winter

* Jira laughs quietly

<Jira> Quite....

<Shingami> that and i woud actual bend in with the snow... i have little to no skin color

* Jira chuckles

<Jira> Ah'm a bit too dark to be able to blend in..*smiles* yea's in the sun'll do that..

<Shingami> sunlight is great.. i gues si have a moontan...

* Jira chuckles

<Jira> that's one way t' put it..

* Evy draws lightly in the air, little green lights forming a pretty tree-shaped bubble in the middle of the room, humming a Christmas carol.

<Shingami> true

* Jira shivers

<Jira> AH think et's time to go in...Ah'm freezin m' tail off..

<Shingami> hhe.. im goign to hang out here for a while

* Jira nods, handing her her glovs

<Jira> 'ere..ah don' want t' keep ye'r belongin's..

<Shingami> keep them... i can alway sput my hadns in my pockets

<Shingami> and they dotn really fit me

* Jira blinks..looking at the gloves before pocketing them...

<Jira> Ah...thanks, ahm...what was ye' name again?

<Shingami> Shin

* Jira ahs..nodding

<Jira> Thanks then, Shin...*smirks, heading inside*

<Shingami> no problem...

* Jira comes down the stairs slowly, shivering as she pulls the poncho and thick winter clothes off, coming to the bottom in her wrapped top and a light purple sarong...other clothes folded over her arm

* Evy looks up, seeing Jira shiver* Evening. Want a cup of tea?

* Jira blinks, then nods

<Jira> Ah'd luv that...downright cold, it is..

<Evy> *giggles* That's why I'm in here and not out there.

* Evy goes to the kitchen to make a pot of tea.

* Shingami stays onthe roof, sittign down on the edge watching the snow fall

<Evy> So, what were you doing up there, in the cold, all by your lonesome?

* Jira sits on a chair, cleaning some snow from her sandals

<Jira> Hm? Oh, wasn't alone, luv, Shin was up the' with me...just talkin...snow's a luv'ly thing, just downright cold is all..

* Evy offers Jira a hot cup of peppermint tea with honey.

* Jira smirks

<Jira> smells great, what is et? *takes it, warming her hands up w/ the mug*

<Evy> Shin? That's Wing's sister, right?

<Evy> Yes, quite.

<Jira> Right...*smirks* Still got that fancy, hmm?

* Jira sips at it..then mms, closing her eyes

<Jira> nice...thanks lots, luv

<Evy> *rolls her eyes heavenward and coughs carefully* Mild interest.

* Klork rolls over, sleeping...

* Jira looks up, blinking at Evy

* HappyLittleMoron blinks awake

<HappyLittleMoron> ...I squishied...

<Jira> hmm? sad? Noo...Ah'm quite fine...*smirks slightly before standing with her tea, going over and sitting on a chair in front of the tv*

<Klork> mprpmph....chicken..*purrrrrrs*

<Evy> O-kaaay...*goes to perch on an arm of the couch to watch TV*

* HappyLittleMoron blinkblinks and snickers, scritching behind one of his ears

* Jira closes her eyes, not even watching the tv...but mostly looks like she is

* Red is soaking in the hottub

* Klork stretches, purring loudly

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles, continuiing with the skritching

* Jira sighs, turning the tv up...brow furrowed

* Klork sprawls, happy grin on his face

* HappyLittleMoron grins down at him

* Klork purrs, lookin' lazy

<Klork> hiiii

<HappyLittleMoron> Hey there...

<Evy> *yawns* I think I'm going to head off to bed...

* Jira glances up..then nods a little, smiling almost tiredly

<Jira> take care, Ev, luv

* HappyLittleMoron kisses his brow, then tickles

<Klork> gyaaaaaak! *laughs*

* HappyLittleMoron giggles

* Evy heads up the stairs, all tired and sleepy...

<Evy> Night, Jira. Sleep well.

* Jira nods, going back to writing

* Jira sighs quietly, tearing a page out and crumpling it up...tossing it aside before starting it again

* HappyLittleMoron looks up at Jira* What you writin'?

* Jira blinkblinks, looking up

<Jira> Ah...nothin' important..*smiles weakly, scribbling*

* HappyLittleMoron arches a brow* Uhm...okies

* Jira sighs, closing the notebook and just letting herself zone on the tv

* A yawn. The delphinian pads into the main room, and he shakes his head, apparently wearing off the effects of many nights' sleep...

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and looks up at Dolphy, waveling

* Klork waves as well, stretching

* Jira closes her eyes, draping her tail over the side of the chair, curling up in the chair and falling asleep

* The delphinian nods to HLM and Klork.* "G'devening..." *He chuckles a little and takes to the floor, sitting down. He yawns...quite heavily.* "...slept through a lot, I imagine.."

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> where would you like to start? *chuckles*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly

* Klork stretches

<Klork> so......

* Jira erks, jerking awake, blinking a few times

<HappyLittleMoron> *sings* AAA needle pulling threaaaaaaaaaad

* HappyLittleMoron blinkies

* Jira rubs at her head, then sighs

<Jira> I...think I'm going to bed now...

<HappyLittleMoron> Night, Jira...*smiles sleepily at her*

* Echartea looks to Klork. And then he looks to Jira, not exactly familiar with her, but he nods all the same.* "Sleep well." *He looks back at Klork.* "...start from the beginning.."

<Klork> uh..depends on when the beginningis..*smirks sheepishly* Um, we're married, that a good start? *grins lopsidedly* annnd she's pregnant with triplets..*motions to HLM*

* HappyLittleMoron grins, blushing

* Jira heads out the door, not realizing it'snot the stairs

* Klork blinkblinks...

<Klork> bed's that way...?

* Jira gets about fifteen feet down to the sidewalk & street...before she suddenly realizes the change in temperature...

*Echartea blinks....* "....uhh...." *he stares.* "....pregnant...married? Well.....errr..." *He smiles a little.* "Congratulations!"

* HappyLittleMoron blinkblinks

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* Ah...thanks...? <G> You seem really shocked...

* Klork chuckles, grinning cheesily

* Jira bolts for the door, knocking when she realizes she locked herself

* HappyLittleMoron looks up and stands...heading for the door* That would be Jira...

* HappyLittleMoron opens up and grins* Heyhey...

* Klork nods

<Klork> she must've been tired..

* HappyLittleMoron nodsnods

* Jira comes in, shivering

* HappyLittleMoron closes the door behind her, locking it* You ok?

* Diana comes...uhm...downstairs, wearing her pjs*

<Jira> It's bloom'n COLD out there...*brushes snow from her sandals and nods* Yea, thanks, Mo', Ah appreciate it much...lor' Ah'm awake now..

* Mic walks downstairs, sleepily

* The delphinian blinks and rubs the back of his neck.* "I see..." *He giggleclicks.*"Well, I was....but I guess that's to be expected. After all, that's the longest amount of time I've ever allowed myself to sleep."

* HappyLittleMoron laughs* Noooooooo problem...*manafests a blanket and drapes it around Jira's shoulders* December in New York tends to get that way, sweetie...

* Jira shivers, curling into it

* HappyLittleMoron blinks over at Dolphy* How long did you sleep...?

<Jira> thanks...Ah've come t' notice that...beginnin' t' miss m' home..

* Klork nods to Dolphy

<Klork> long?

* HappyLittleMoron smiles gently, rubbing Jira's back lightly

* Mic walks oer and sits down

* Jira shivers, nodding to her

<Jira> Thanks, luv ...Think ah'm goin' t' go up stairs n' change int'a some warm clothin'..

* Echartea hehs.* "Sure you really want to know?"

* Jira smirks, heading up the stairs..

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* Sounds like a good idea...*looks back to Ech and nods, curling back up with Klork*

<Klork> Sure...shoot *smirks*

* Echartea shakes his head.* "A month and a half..."

<HappyLittleMoron> Egads...

* Echartea nods softly.* "I have no idea how I managed to sleep that long.."

<HappyLittleMoron> long was it since the last time you slept before then...?

<Klork> wow...impressive..

* Jira comes back down in a full body sarong made of a thin scarf material, wrapped around herself several times

<Jira> a'right..much bettah'...*smirks*

* HappyLittleMoron laughs* Looks like it *smirks a lil'*

* Jira nods, settling in her chair again, picking up her notebook

* Mic looks around* "So what you do f'r fun roun' here?"

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhm...sleep? *smirks lopsidedly*

* Klork sprawls, chuckling

<HappyLittleMoron> And torture people...*shrugs, tickling Klork with an impish grin*

* Mic laughs a little* "Ah mean aside from that."

<Klork> agghh!

* Klork snags her hands

<Klork> cook food?

<HappyLittleMoron> Hmph...

* Echartea nods slowly.* "...a long while. I went a week without sleep." *He sighs and shakes his head.* "Not enough time for a month recoup, though.."

<HappyLittleMoron> True...

* Jira shakes her head, not looking up from her notebook

<Jira> Ah could nevah' imagine sleepin' that long..

* Echartea nods to Jira and hehs.* "Neither could I. I wish I knew what caused it...or allowed it to happen.."

* Mic nods* "Ah tend to sleep longer in cold weather. But Ah've never gone more'n a few days."

* Jira curls up in the chair, scribbling a few things down quietly

* The delphinian tailwraps himself tightly, and sighs..

* HappyLittleMoron arches a brow, watching Jira...still curled up to Klork

* Diana blinks and comes over, lightly patting Dolphy on the head <G>*

* Klork wraps an arm around her shoulders

* HappyLittleMoron smiles up to Klork, wrapping her wings around them both before looking back to Jira

* Klork blinks, looking down at HLM

<Klork> {{Sup?}}

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Nuttin'...juuuuuust curiouse about what she's writing...don't wanna intrude, though...}}

* The delphinian purrrs and nuzzles into the patting.

* Klork shrugs, looking up at Jira

<Klork> whatcha writing?

* Diana blinks and chuckles* Konbanwa to you, too...

* Jira blinks, looking up

<Jira> hn?

<Jira>'s...a journal...n' *shrugs, chewing at her lip before going back to what she was doing*

<HappyLittleMoron> Ooh...ok...

* Klork chuckles, shrugging a bit to HLM

* HappyLittleMoron grins lopsidedly, nuzzling close

* Klork chuckles, purring quietly

* Jira smiles faintly, blonde bangs falling in her eyes as she looks back drawing..

* Echartea smiles at Diana.* "How're you?"

<Diana> Arlight, and you?

* Echartea shrugs.* I'm alright, I suppose.

* Diana smiles, rubbing his shoulders*

* Jira hiccups, then swallows it down, muttering as she continues to draw

<HappyLittleMoron> alright, Jira...?

* Mic looks over and raises an eyeridge

* Jira blinks, looking up

<Jira> hm? Oh, a'course *smirks* hiccups are a bother now n' then..

<HappyLittleMoron> Ooookies...*streatches slightlY*

* Echartea purrrs and closes his eyes, leaning into the shoulder-rubbing.

* Jira hrms...then gets up, pulling her thick sarong & poncho on, tying covers over her sandals

* HappyLittleMoron blinks...

<Jira> Ah'm goin' t' go to walk...if anybody needs me *smirks* eh...yo'll be searchin' for a bit *Grins, heading out after pulling a warm hat on*

<HappyLittleMoron> Ok....Take your keeeeeeey

* Jira smirks, pulling it out of her pocket to hold it up..then heads out, walking down the street

* Mic nods and waves

<HappyLittleMoron> Goodgood...

* Klork stretches, hrming..

<HappyLittleMoron> Hm?

* Klork shrugs

<Klork> don't rightly know..

<HappyLittleMoron> Ohh...*nuzzles* Okies

* Jira walks down the street, watching the ppl walk around..

* HappyLittleMoron konks...uh...Diana bids all goodnight and heads to bed, too <G>

Session Close: Wed Dec 05 01:15:16 2001

