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Log file opened at: 12/29/01 6:51:24 PM

* HappyLittleMoron sits curled on the couch, in front of the fireplace, reading a book to Brenna

* Brenna is a two year old lil' girl with ice blue eyes and hair like Klork's, except with two streaks of strawberry blond hair fraiming her face, for who hasn't seen her desc yet ;)*

* Kameko knocks ever-so-lightly on the door .. fidgeting outside

* HappyLittleMoron blinks, looking up and standing, opening the door, holdng Brenna on her hip and blinks again* ...Kame?

* Kameko smiles faintly .. shivering a bit in the cold

<Kameko> <vq> Hey... is ... it safe to come in and visit with you for a bit..?

<HappyLittleMoron> I...uh...sure? *opens the door more* YOu ok??

* Shingami comes out of her room a bandaid over her nose, new dressigns on ehr back, wings and wrists...

* Kameko steps in, rubbing her hands together to keep them warm

<Kameko> <q> Yeah ... you?

<Shingami> ... need food.. no pain killers.. painkillers are good.....

* HappyLittleMoron closes the door behind her, shifting Bren, who's kinda dozing, on her hip* <q> Uhm...yeah...kinda confused but *shrugs* That's nothin' new <G> *looks up and wavels a lil' to Shing*

* Ladon walks in. "I got a post card from Ladon and TN!"

* HappyLittleMoron blinks at Ladon* You got a postcard from yourself and TN...

* HappyLittleMoron looks back to Kame

<HappyLittleMoron> See? This is another reason why I'm so confused <G>

* Kameko sighs heavily, kinda smiling

* HappyLittleMoron rubs her shoulder lightly, motioning for her to come to the fire...

<Kameko> Heh... look.. uhm.. I wanted to apologize to you and *pauses, looking up* the..sleeping one.. about my behavior earlier..

* Shingami pads downstairs for the ktichen in hopes of finding a bottle fo painkillers there in...

<Kameko> Uh...the other day, I mean..

* Kameko comes with, watching her feet

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* I...uhm...I guess it's ok...*furrows her brow a lil'* What got you so upset....?

* Ladon hands the postcard to HLM, it's a pic of Red and TN at mardigras "Having a blast, wish you were here."

* Kameko shrugs a little

<Kameko> <q> S'not important.. not really.

<Kameko> <q> Did I scare her..? *glances at Brenna*

<HappyLittleMoron> ...err...ok...*arches a brow, then smirks a lil'* Not you in specific...just...the shouting in general...*kisses the sleeping girl's brow gently*

* Kameko just kinda watches the fire .. hair hanging so it casts her face in shadow

<Kameko> <vq> He hates me now, doesn't he..

* Kameko 's vouce is stating that as fact, not as a question

* HappyLittleMoron bites her lip* <q> Not...hate...just...angry with're his sister...I don't think he could ever truely hate you...

* HappyLittleMoron blinks at the postcard..

<HappyLittleMoron> Uh..

<HappyLittleMoron> Thanks, Ladon...glad they're doing well...

* Ladon nods "What's wrong?"

* Kameko snorts quietly

<HappyLittleMoron> Long story...*sits by Kame and grins wryly at him* stuff

<Kameko> I deserve to be hated for what I said.

<Kameko> But... I won't take it back.

* HappyLittleMoron furrows her brow slightly* Why'd you say it in the first place...?

* Ladon sits on the other side, couch leaning

<Kameko> Because I believe it.

* Kameko 's voice is a little cold

* Kameko sighs, looking down at her feet

<Kameko> <q> At the same time .. I know it's a lie.

* HappyLittleMoron watches her, frowning slightly, eyes flashing lightly* is a lie...he'd never do anything like what they've done...*takes a deep breath, forcing herself to calm down, if anything for her daughter's sake* What the...what made you think he's like them?

* Kameko glares at the fire now, arms crossed tightly and defensively across her chest

<Kameko> ......I know when my life is threatened. Or my safety..

* Kameko closes her eyes, shaking her head

<HappyLittleMoron> can only push someone so far...then they snap...agh...*shakes her head a lil' bit, not wanting to argue*

<Kameko> <q> If..I hadn't freaked... or he hadn't noticed, we'd both be in much worse shape than we are now..

* Kameko rubs at the cast over her left hand

* Klork comes on the front door, pausing...then narrows his eyes a bit, going passed them and up the stairs.

* Kameko tenses .. then turns for the door

<Kameko> Tell him he has no need to run upstairs and hide. I'm leaving.

* Klork continues on as if not even hearing her

* HappyLittleMoron cringes* ...ok...fine...take care, Kame...hope Angelo's ankle gets better

* Kameko pauses .. looking at 'Mo

<Kameko> Yeah.. he tore a ligament at work.. It'll take a while, but will. Thanks..

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* safe...

* Kameko heads out without even a glance at the stairs

* DianaManashevitz blinks, passing Kame...brows furrowing lightly

* HappyLittleMoron gets up...jogging after Klork

* Klork goes up to his room, cleanin' etc...coming out wearing Gi pants n' nothing else, rubbing at his arms

* Klork nearly runs into Mo on the way down the stairs..

<HappyLittleMoron> Ack...hon?

<Klork> hm?

<HappyLittleMoron> You ok...?

* Klork nods

* Shingami is in th ektichen rumagsing for painkillers

* DianaManashevitz sorta closes the door behind her, arching her brow slightly at the scene

<Klork> yeah, just..don't wanna talk about it right now *smiles faintly* Got other things I gotta do tonight..

<HappyLittleMoron> Ok, hon...*chews her lip and kisses his cheek, brows wrinkling lightly* If there's anything I can do...

* Klork nods, kissing her cheek in return as he ties his hair back

<Klork> I'll letcha know *smirks*

<HappyLittleMoron> Ok, sweetheart...

* DianaManashevitz steps over to the base of the staircase, looking up at the three of 'em with an arched brow

* Klork blinks, looking up

<Klork> Heya Di..ready..??

* DianaManashevitz nods, heading up with a slight smirk, slipping her jacket off, wearing a white, spagetti strap gown* Hai...step into my parlor...*pauses to squeeze HLM's shoulder* You know I'll return him in one peice...

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly, if not slightly nervously* Of course...I'd haveta take it out on you if you didn't *winks*

* Klork nods, kissing HLM on the cheek before following Diana in

* DianaManashevitz closes the door behind them

* Klork looks around, brow furrowed as he rubs at his upper arms..

* the center of the room is cleared out, a ring of candles lit within it, there's the fiegnt scent of a sandalwood/sage mix of incence...a few bowls, tattoo stuff and two oversized pillows in the center of the ring...the dragon katana Merc gave her by one, her sword by the other* Sit by the dragon sword...*smiles feintly* Thank you for doing this...

* Klork nods, sitting, looking up at her

<Klork> Hey..anything that helps, Di..

* DianaManashevitz smiles wryly, kneeling by him and cleaning his arms before tracing on the pattern for the new tattoos...* If there's anything I can do in return...

* Klork watches, shaking his head a little

<Klork> if there is I haven't thought of it *smirks* We'll just hafta see in time, huh?

* DianaManashevitz smirks and nods* Hai...*prepairs the needle, strangely, not metal, but a sharp sticklike thing...sterile of course* ...this...will hurt...

* Klork nods, pulling his hair thing out and putting it in his teeth, watching quietly

<Klork> <mouthfull> Ok..let'r rip..

* DianaManashevitz nods...starting in on the outline, her hair bound high off her neck, a few curls flowing down around her face as she works...working carefully, driving the needle in and out to set the ink under the skin...whiping blood away periodically

* Klork bites down on the hair thing, his jaw clenching now and then but otherwise doesn't flinch..just watching...

* DianaManashevitz works slowly up one arm, and around the shoulder before doing the other...then the fills of the colors...highly detailed and just like her own tattoos, murmering softly under her breath, hands and ink taking a slightly glow, a slight thingle should be felt through his whole body..

* Klork watches, brow furrowing..

<Klork> <through gritted teeth> What's that..?

<DianaManashevitz> <q> The magic of the dragon...*looks up at him with lightly glowing eyes, green streaked with red, before looking back down to her work* It is running through your veins....ingraining itself within you...

* Klork nods, watching quietly, brow wrinkling

<Klork> <tgt> feels like my body's wakin' up from fallin' asleep.

* DianaManashevitz nods with a slight smile* <q>'s a different life starting...

* Klork chuckles, despite how sore his arms are, watching, hair thing still stuck between his teeth

* DianaManashevitz moves around behind him to finish up the faces on his shoulderblades...

* Klork chuckles

<DianaManashevitz> Mmm?

<Klork> I'm gonna start lookin' like a biig fan of dragons *smirks* What with three different ones on me..

* DianaManashevitz laughs

<DianaManashevitz> 'Twould be fitting...*dabs away a little blood, and sitting back, looking at her work, before coming around front and sitting in front of him, dipping her fingers in a bowl of rosewater, her own dragons twitching under her skin, slowly coming to life* This is to seal the spell...this will hurt at first, when the dragons on your arms come to life...but...the vamprism in your blood should counter them from taking over....are you ready...?

* Klork nods, pulling his hair back

<Klork> Yep..

* DianaManashevitz nods, tracing a pattern on his brow, over his third eye, and a bigger one on his chest, the patterns glowing brightly, his dragons should slowly be coming to life, racing over his skin...almost fighting with the vampirism in his blood...

* DianaManashevitz touches the rosewater to her brow, her dragons doing much the same, except in a more controled manner

* Klork grimaces, actually flinching at it this time as they do so, gritting his teeth

* DianaManashevitz cringes in sympathy, her shoulders knotted as her dragons still again...

* Klork clenches at the knees of his pants, shoulders hunched as the dragons begin to slow after a bit...then finally slow enough to a stop

* DianaManashevitz cringes, brows wrinkled with symathy* <w> alright?

* Klork nods, slooowly letting his muscles relax


* DianaManashevitz smirks a little* Breathtaking, ne? Feel any diifferent?

<Klork> This's gonna be sore for a bit, huh? *looks up at her*

* DianaManashevitz nods* Hai...about a week...

* Klork nods, sighing shakily

<Klork>*blinks a few times, not entirely sure how to explain adequately the power rush he's feeling in words*

* DianaManashevitz nods with a sympathetic grin, patting his knee* Hai...I remember how that feels...

<Klork> you know that Sierra mist commerical with the chick and the lime, the lemon and the ice..then she kisses that guy? Make her a vampiric goth and you got it.

* DianaManashevitz chuckles* Ahh...I see...*nods with a wry grin*

* Klork shrugs..then grimaces

* DianaManashevitz takes out a daggar* Do you wish to go on with the blood binding or take a break...?

* Klork shakes his head

<Klork> let's go on...get it done in one step is probably a better idea.

* DianaManashevitz nods* Hai...give me your right hand....?

* Klork nods, holding it out..

* Kameko knocks on the door again ... having come back for some unknown reason to her

* HappyLittleMoron gets up and heads over...

* DianaManashevitz slices his hand open, very shallowly before cutting her own hand...holding it up, eyes telling him to press his hand to hers...her blood a deep red, almost black...and glowing aura around the room 'n stuff

* HappyLittleMoron opens the door...

<HappyLittleMoron> everything alright?

* Klork flinches, holding his hand up and pressing it to hers, grimacing a bit

* DianaManashevitz murmers soft words binding their souls brother and sister...watching him, brows furrowed lightly...

* Kameko nods .. holding out a box that it tied shut with some twine

<Kameko> Yeah .. uhm .. brought food. Sushi, and pecan pie .. uhm .. some teriyaki pork and rice bowls..

* Kameko kinda kicks her foot to the sidewalk, scuffing her boot toes

<Kameko> I.. can't come without bringing food. It feels wrong.

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a lil'...then smiles softly* Thanks...hey...I've got some tea brewing...from home grown mint....if you're interested...*under her usual surface, she's kinda flustered...*

* Kameko chews at her lip

* Klork grits his teeth, fangs extending from between his lips as his skin pales visably...eyes glowing when he opens them again

<Kameko> I... don't really think I should stay.. He did kick me out.

* DianaManashevitz winces a little, pulling her hand back* <q> Looks like that sword is going to come in handy...

* Klork rubs at his head, nodding quietly..

<Klork> ~agh.yeah..~

<HappyLittleMoron> Well...I..I whateverr you think is best...

* Klork looks up at her quietly, slowly shaking his hed


<Kameko> And .. uhm ... I'm sorry about upsetting you. It can't be easy to have heard me slam your husband..

* Kameko looks up at her, face and eyes honest

<Kameko> ...But I still want to be your friend..

* DianaManashevitz cleans the blood up, grining wryly at him and nodding* <q> New feeling on me, too...

* Klork chuckles...

<Klork> Guess I could say I got' four sisters now, huh? *smirks a bit*

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil', chewing her lip* I...I'd still like to be your friend too...but it is hard hearing that...he's the one who I've lived for...without even knowing it...

* DianaManashevitz laughs softly* Hai...I've always wanted a brother more than a sister *winks with a smirk*

* Klork chuckles, his voice almost sounding hollow before he leans back, stretching with a grimace

* Kameko sighs .. looking down again

<Kameko> <q> I didn't do it to hurt you..

<Kameko> ..and I apologize that it did.

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> I know...*reaches over to squeeze her shoulder lightly*

* Kameko smiles feintly .. then holds up the box again

<Kameko> So.. you hungry? I'll take you up on that tea if you help me get rid of these.

* DianaManashevitz mixes herbs into the bigger bowl, grinding them to a powder* Here is the fun part...the spell to put the vampyres in us into hybernation...

* Klork nods..watching..

<Klork> a'right.

* HappyLittleMoron laughs* You need ask?? C'mon...*pats her belly* These babies are always hunngry....

<DianaManashevitz> Alright...take up the sword...I've sterilized and puriffied it...cut your left palm with you saw me do the first time...I do the same with my sword...

* Ladon walks up to HLM "This also came. It's a buncha madigras beads from TN and Red."

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* Ohh...kewlness...we can figure out something to do with 'em...*smiles at him, leading into the kitchen*

* Kameko follows, toting the large box of goodies

* Kameko is glancing around nervously for Klork, however

<HappyLittleMoron> ...he's...upstaaaires, Kame....

* HappyLittleMoron motions for her to put the box down wherever...

* Kameko flinches a bit at having been caught .. but nods, setting the box on the table and starting to pull the food out

* HappyLittleMoron pores the tea, her hands shaking very slightly...smells very good, pure mint...

* Kameko watches her .. then sinks down

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip, putting the mug down in front of her* ok?

<Kameko> <vqw> If I make you uneasy, Eloise..I can go back home. You don't need to feel threatened in your own house..

<HappyLittleMoron>*takes a shaking breath, sinking into a chair* It's not you...

* Kameko looks up at her, brow arched and face doubtful

* HappyLittleMoron leans back...munching on sushi, belly purring lightly* ...he's...helping Diana to get rid of her vampirism for a bit...

<HappyLittleMoron> ...big...magical cerimony...

* Klork nods to Diana, picking up the sword

* Kameko blinkblinks

<Kameko> "Helping..?" Uh...h-how?

* Kameko sips at her tea .. looking confused

* DianaManashevitz takes her sword, pressing the blade to her left hand...drawing it down, cutting her hand open..

* Klork grits his teeth, slicing his left palm slowly, wincing as it draws blood

<HappyLittleMoron> Well...uhm...*ssips her tea a lil'* Since she became full vamp...she had to somehow bind with another one...and induct them into her clan...

* DianaManashevitz 's eyes tighten a little bit, holding her hand over the bowl, and clenching it, letting blood run into it, motioning for him to do the same...* going to hurt worse than any of the will work...we'll both be...*smirks* "normal"...

* Klork nods, clenching his hand over the bowl ..his own blood dripping to mix w/ hers..

* Kameko blinkblinks

<Klork> Hokie..*nods, brow furrowing* I'll take yer' word for it for now *smirks faintly*

<Kameko> Uhh.. isn't .. that what Lisette did.."kinda" .. with the sharing blood, I mean..?

<Kameko> Are you sure Diana isn't going to want his bod after this, too?

* Kameko looks puzzled

* DianaManashevitz draws her hand back once there's enough blood, signaling him to as well...and mixes the...uhm...mixture better...* can drink first if you want...half of itt...

* Klork wipes his hands off on the old gi pants..grimacing a bit before nodding, picking the bowl up gently

<Klork> Aye aye, cap'n...*closes his eyes, sipping until half is down

<HappyLittleMoron> I...I dunno...*sets the mug down and cracks her knuckleees a lil' nervousely* She's got very good control...I mean...she's part succubus...demon...whatever...and hasn't cheated on Mondo, far as I know...I trust 'em both...

* Klork grimaces,setting the bowl down..trying not to drop it, doubling over and clenching his teeth...managing to utter a "no shit, it'll hurt..!" as the dragons onh is arms race over him, body shaking from the pain of it

* Kameko shudders a little .. but nods

<Kameko> I trust her, too.

* Kameko says that simply, going back to sipping her tea, but her face is still worried despite their arguement

* DianaManashevitz takes it from him...biting her lip lightly before sipping the rest...closing her eyes and stiffening... *through clenched teeth* ...hai...*groans softly, curling around herself as tthe dragons run over her body again, going into a lil' sesure....*

* HappyLittleMoron bites her lip, nodding a lil'...

* Klork grimaces..convulsing before he goes still..lying there..

* DianaManashevitz yep, does pretty much the same, going limp opposite him, slumped on the floor

* Klork is limp...tra la la..

* Kameko looks around, still nervous about being there.

* Myrae rubs idly at her head, coming slowly down the stairs after being out for the passed few days..*

* Kern's right behind her...*

<HappyLittleMoron> 'Sokay, Kame...relax..

* Kern blinks a lil'...shivering lightly, belatedly...looking up the stairs towaards Diana's room*

* Myrae blinks, looking up at him* Wha..?

<Kern> Thought I felt magic..

* Myrae blinks* From where...?

<Kern> Diana's room...*furrows his brows...heading back up the stairs*

* DianaManashevitz lies there <G>

* Klork too

* Kern furrows his brows as he moves up the stairs, smelling the incence*

* Myrae follows, watching..not sensing anything..but smells the insence* whoa..what's that smell??

<Kern> Insence...*sniffles* Sandlwood and some other...*knocks on the door to Diana's room*

* Myrae watches, brow furrowed*

* Klork doesn't answer...just..lies there...

* Shingami is curled in a corner of the practice room physicaly reelign form the use of high level magics all night long...

* DianaManashevitz too...

<Kern> Anyone in there...? *inches the door open then gasps!*

* Myrae blinks, peering in* What is-oh lords..

* Myrae turns, running down the stairs* HLM!!?

* HappyLittleMoron ACKS...spilling tea on herself, standing hastily* What...??

* Kameko blinks .. looking up

<Kameko> I...

* Myrae furrows her brows* Klork and DIana are out on the floor..I-I didn't feel any life in the room!

* Kameko looks back down at the tabletop .. then closes her eyes and just sips.. skin having gone incredibly white

* HappyLittleMoron blinks!!* Wha'?? Ohwait...It's's that ceremony thing...*chews her lip, brows furrowed* They'll wake up soon enough...

* Myrae furrows her brows..blinking* it supposed to..*blinks* There aren't any lifesigns in them tho..

<HappyLittleMoron> I...I know...

* HappyLittleMoron rubs her arms, shuddering* I think it's s'posed to kill them temporarily....

* Myrae blinks* ... it's...supposed to kill them..?

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil'..* They'll come back to life...

* Kern comes down the stairs, paper-white, seriously scared*

* Myrae chews her lip* You..might want to explain it to him..*points at Ker'*

* Kern kinda...sits down suddenly in a chiar* ...your husband's dead, HLM...

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil'* He'll be ok...

* Kern stares at her*

* Myrae nods to Ker*'s a spell...I guess..

* Klork groans quietly, eyes slowly slitting open

<Klork> <q> oh man..

* Kameko opens her eyes ... looking straight ahead

<Kameko> <w> He's awake again.

* Kameko then closes her eyes again

* Klork winces, slowly sitting up, grimacing

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil', bowing her head, shivering before dashing up the stiars

<Klork> <q> ow..ow ... ow..

* DianaManashevitz moans softly, turning her head slightly...complexion back to normal...

* Kern looks confusedly at Rae and Kame..*

* Rae shrugs* I'm lost too..

* Klork grimaces, looking down at Diana..going to rub at his shoulder before flinching..sucking in air through his teeth

<Klork> <q> ok?

* Kameko keeps her eyes closed, sipping at the tea

<Kameko> Ever hear of vampires, folks?

* DianaManashevitz slowly pushes herself up, gasping softly* <w> ...agh...hai...

* Kameko looks over at them

* Kern frowns slightly, nodding a lil'*

* Myrae shrugs & nods* Ah...yeah..

<Kameko> That's what they became for the time you were in the room. They had no life.

<DianaManashevitz> <w> You?

* Klork nods, slowly sitting up

<Kern> ...ok...

<Klork> <q> damn sore...painfully so...but other than that..human..allis' good there..

* HappyLittleMoron stands in the doorway...fingerttips over her mouth

<Kameko> It...was something to help Diana.

<Kameko> They did it by choice.

* DianaManashevitz nods..* <w>, too...*smiles wryly, weakly at him*

* Myrae nods..looking confused* Ok..

* Kern blinks...nodding a lil', brows furrowing*

* Klork grimaces, slowly getting to his feet

* DianaManashevitz shoves herself up to a sitting position, making it to one knee before resting a hand to her brow

* Kameko mutters, putting down her now empty cup and going upstairs .. standing enough out of the way where she isn't seen .. but close enough to let 'Mo know she's worried

* Klork reels, grimacing...

<Klork> Oh god I hurt..

<DianaManashevitz> Hai...*winces* It' be expected...

* HappyLittleMoron bites her lip, watching them, nodding very slightly to Kame before heading hesitently in to offer help...

* Klork glances over..all tattooed n' pretty pink where they are, smiling painfully

<Klork> Heya..

* Kameko leans against the wall just outside the door, but still isn't visable, eyes closed and one foot up behind her, arms crossed over her waist and face down

* HappyLittleMoron kneels down by him, watching Diiana, too, slipping an arm around his middle* ...a...are you two ok...?

* Klork nods, grimacing a bit

<Klork> sore as all hell but yeah, human as can be..

* DianaManashevitz nods to HLM, smiling genuinly

<HappyLittleMoron> Good...ohhoney...*hugs him gingerly* <w> I was so worried...

* Klork winces, settling an arm around her shoulders

<Klork> We're good..we're good...I thinkI'm gonna go sit in a tub of ice or something..

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil'* <q> I'll draw a bath for you, honey...

* Klork nods, wincing a bit

<Klork> thanks..

* Kameko blips out .. coming back and holding a small bottle in her hand, but has returned to her previous posture against the wall

* HappyLittleMoron helps him out of the room...glancing towards Kame a lil'...

* Kameko holds out the bottle to her without looking up

* Klork grimaces, not even looking her way, going towards his room, green dragons spiraling up his arms to his shoulder blades to meet the blue dragon already onh is back

<Kameko> <vq> Pour it in the water.

* HappyLittleMoron nods slightly, taking the bottle and mouthing "Thank you"

* Kameko nods ... then glances up

* Klork winces, going into the room..

* DianaManashevitz cleans up slowly, holding a hand to her head as she does so, tears in her eyes

<Klork> {{You ok Diana..??}} *furrows his brow, glancing back towards theroom, seeming to look right through Kame*

* Kameko furrows her brow, visably flinching and wiping at her eye with her good hand .. then waits for Diana

<DianaManashevitz> {{Hai...headache...thank you. *mental smile* Some food and rest will do wonders...}}

* Klork nods, turning back & heading into the room..

* Klork strips down once in th' room..waiting for the bath, sore as all hell gets

* HappyLittleMoron draws the cold bath for him, pouring the bottle into the water, then going back out to help him into the water

* Klork slowly stands..grimacing & going in to sit n' soak..

<Klork> <q> Thank you, love..

* DianaManashevitz blinks at Kame, wincing slightly..* ...hi...?

* HappyLittleMoron kneels by the tub, smiling softly at him* <q> No problem...

* Kameko holds out a bottle to her, tears on her lashes that she's refusing to shed

* Klork leans back against the rim of the tub, just letting his body relax..

<Kameko> Here.. put this in your bath next time..? It'll help soothe your skin..

* DianaManashevitz blinks...taking it, brows furrowing, eyes bright green again* ...Kame...? Ok...are you ok....?

* HappyLittleMoron smiles softly, watching him, tears of relief in her eyes

* Klork looks up at her, smirking a bit

* Kameko nods

<Klork> <w> I'm ok..promise..just...gonna be sore for a bit..*takes her hand gently, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles*

<Kameko> Yeah. Fine...thanks.

* Kameko forces a shaky smile to her

* HappyLittleMoron nods, smiling gently...kissing his hand

* DianaManashevitz furrows her brow slightly and nods, massaging her temple* I...uhm...ok...? Do you want to talk about anything...?

* Klork watches her quietly, eyes soft...pain reflecting in them that isn't necessarily all from the ceremony

* HappyLittleMoron rests her chin on the edge of the tub* <q> ...anything else hurting you, sweetheart...?

* Klork glances up at her..brow furrowed

<Klork> my whole body hurts...why?

* HappyLittleMoron reaches over to stroke his hair* ..something in your eyes...

* Kameko furrows her brow, then looks down at her feet

<Kameko> <q> Mother says you saw it ... a couple nights ago..

* Klork blinks..then sighs a little, his breath shakey from physical pain..

* Kameko sounds ashamed

* DianaManashevitz nods quietly, reaching out to take her hand, tugging her gently into her room* <q> Hai...

<HappyLittleMoron> <w> Wanna talk about it...?

* Klork sighs, leaning back..

<Klork> <q> I don't know..I mean, it's not that I don't want to talk to's just that I don't want to talk about my si--Kame...after what she said..I don't even know how I'll forgive her...*if* I can..

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil', chewing her lip lightly as she strokes his hair gently* <q> Yeah...but...I mean...I needs time, I guess...*shakes her head* I'm sure she still loves you...

* Kameko goes in .. nervously rubbing at her casted hand

* Klork closes his eyes

<Kameko> I... I wanted so BADLY to beat him..

<Klork> Doesn't matter...she still sees me like a goddamned Mondai and like her father...

<DianaManashevitz> Beat him how...?

* Kameko shakes her head slowly

<Kameko> <q> ...Anyway I could..

* HappyLittleMoron sighs softly, brows wrinkled* <q> But you're not like them...I still don't know exactly why she said that...

* Kameko slowly sinks down, wrapping her arms around her knees after pulling them under her chin

* DianaManashevitz furrows her brow, massaging her temple and motioning for Kame to take a seat somewhere* Why...? *then blinking and sitting by her*

* Klork grimaces, swallowing hard..

<Kameko> <q> I was so angry... and then so damn scared..

<Klork> I dunked her in the pool...completely reaction from the bucket of watershe dumped on me.

<Klork> I forgot she can't swim...shook her to get her to calm down...and she went white..

<Klork> I freaked....was about to apologize..n' she slammed me in the nose..

* DianaManashevitz nods...reasting an arm around her...

<Kameko> <q> I've... never been able to stand water... and he threw me in the goddamn pool..

* HappyLittleMoron cringes, nodding, stroking his hair* <q> Ah..

* Kameko grits her teeth, refusing to cry, forcably keeping her eyes dry

* Klork rubs at his nose in reaction..

<Kameko> <q> And then when he shook me... Diana, if he hadn't snapped to his senses... he COULD have drowned me...

<Klork> my temper just went from there...*winces* she has a way with hitting all my damn buttons to piss me off..always has.

* DianaManashevitz winces, nodding a little and rubbing her shoulder lightly* I..see...but...he didn't..

* Klork grimaces..

* HappyLittleMoron nods, furrowing her brow* Most sisters do, love...

<Klork> She just went too far this time..*looks up at her* Yeah, but Idon't know of any that compare their brothers to Rapists and abusive fathers..

* HappyLittleMoron cringes* <q> True...*leans over to gently kiss his brow* I know...

* Kameko sighs tiredly, looking up at Diana

<Kameko> <q> He deserves to hate me for what I said, but damnit! I have a right to say what I feel--and that's what he made me feel..

* Klork sighs shakily

<DianaManashevitz> do have points on both of those...however...when it comes to things that's something you need to take pause on...

* Kameko looks back down, tracing her fingers over her broken hand

<Klork> ~just pisses me off that I was going to apologize...and then she did..makes me feel like shit.~

<Kameko> <q> He scared me so much .... so I wanted to scare him...

* Kameko pinches her eyes shut

<Kameko> DAMN Angelo for walking in on me!

* HappyLittleMoron sighs softly, sitting on the edge of the tub, resting her back against the wall and looking down to him, stroking his hair* <w> I can only imagine...

* Klork sighs shakily, looking up at her

<Klork> I don't think you want to...*grimaces, sinking into the tub*

* DianaManashevitz frowns deeply* <q> really wanted to put your husband...your mother...through the knowlege that their wife...daughter...killed herself...?

* Kameko shakes her head

<Kameko> I wasn't going to kill myself.. just..

* Kameko sighs, eyes averted

<Kameko> <vqw> ...just scare him..

* HappyLittleMoron nods slightly, gazing down at him* <w> Oh hon...

* Klork lets his arms rest in the water, resting his head against the wall

<Klork> I sometimes wonder if she takes pleasure in pissing me off.

* DianaManashevitz chews her lip a little, leaning back with a soft sigh* <q> I don't know, Kame....*shakes her head* I don't know what to say to that...

<Kameko> <q> You don't have to say anything.. I don't expect you to.

* Kameko leans back, looking up at the ceiling

<Kameko> I just ... HATE being sheltered .. and left out..

* Kameko curls up again, burrying her face in her knees

<Kameko> <w> I hate it more than anything .. and he's ALWAYS doing it..

* HappyLittleMoron nods slightly, beginning a soothing scalp massage* I dunno, hon...

* Klork sighs, shrugging..then grimaces at the action

* DianaManashevitz sighs, hugging Kame gently* What were you left out of this time...? The trip underhill...?

<Klork> I just don't know...I ask her a simple question and she turns into the green haired monster *grits his teeth*

* Kameko flinches as she hits the nail on the head

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh hon...*sighs a little, working his neck lightly, avoiding the tatoos* I get the feeling it's been building up with her...

<Kameko> <m> It's because I'm pregnant.. I know it.

* DianaManashevitz blinks...then shakes her head

<DianaManashevitz> Ahh...that wasn't on purpose, Kame...we sort of had to leave emediately...

<Kameko> <m> He and Angelo are the same.. "Don't do this," "You can't have that," "Should you really be doing blankity-blank?"

* Klork sighs shakily, letting her..

<Klork> Maybe..

<HappyLittleMoron> Give it time...*sighs a lil', gently working his muscles*

* Klork lets himself relax..

<Kameko> I'm not crippled, damn it, I'm pregnant!

<Klork> ~this is gonna take decades..~

* DianaManashevitz sighs softly* They worry, Kame...that's all...

* Kameko snorts

<Kameko> They think I'm a god damn baby!

* HappyLittleMoron nods...gently kneeding his muscles* <w> However long it takes...

<Kameko> I-I can't even try to reach in the upper cupboards without them thinking they have to be all manly and macho and get it for me!

<Kameko> I can stand on my tiptoes! It WON'T hurt me or the baby!

<DianaManashevitz> No they don''re just carrying one...they simply want you to be as safe as you can...*blinks and arches a brow* Well...that part is going a lil' far...

* Kameko grips the hair at her temple with her good hand, shaking

* Klork furrows his brow, hearing her yell, then mutters, sinking so his ears are in the water..

<Klork> ~damnit.~

* HappyLittleMoron winces and shakes her head a lil', withdrawiing her hands from the water, not particularly wanting to fall in on him <G>

* Kameko grits her teeth, a few tears escaping

<Kameko> <w> But I refuse to take back what I said.. because at the time, I meant every word of it.

<DianaManashevitz> <q> Do you mean it now?

* Kameko looks away, looking a little helpless

<Kameko> <q> ......I don't know.. I can't get over the look of pure rage in his eyes.. It terrified me..

* Kameko sinks, flinching at the thought

<Kameko> <q> So I got away from it the only way I know how..

* DianaManashevitz winces lightly, nodding, listening..

* Klork looks up at HLM, not hearing anything

<Klork> ~Lemme know when all this yelling stops, ok?~

<Kameko> I was brought up fighting. To never back down.. and since I was trained with him .. I've never been able to back down when it's a confrontation WITH him..

<Kameko> I don't want to..

* HappyLittleMoron smirks a lil', mouthing "It is over....been quiet"

* DianaManashevitz sighs a little* Something I've learned when it comes to confrontation...when you take that attitude...the one of "loser" and "winner" there is never a true winner...only losers...

* Klork nods, sitting up slowly

* HappyLittleMoron sighs softly, stroking his hair gently

* Klork slowly sits up, grimacing..kinda..dripping wet, his hands still open gashes..

<Klork> gah..crud...fergot about those..

* Kameko hiccups a bit, then stops herself, taking a deep breath

* HappyLittleMoron winces, getting the bandages* Agh...she really cut you up...

* DianaManashevitz 's hands're still bleeding too...she doesn't really seem remember this, the pain lost to that in her head, patting Kame's shoulder

* Klork chuckles

<Kameko> <q> yeah... well .. I'm not going to apologize for the truth--Uh..Diana..your hands..

<Klork> she did one, I did theother..

<Klork> so..we did *smiles, wincingly*

<HappyLittleMoron> Ahh...geeze...*shakes her head, examing them*

<DianaManashevitz> ...huh...?

<Kameko> They're .. still bleeding..

* Kameko points to her hands

* DianaManashevitz blinks and looks down at her hands, shaking her head a little, brushhing it off and grabs a towel, pressing it between her palms, her lovely white gown splattered with red* ...they'll stop with time...

* Klork holds his hands out..they aren't infected...and aren't quite deep enough toneed stitches..but they could use some bandaging..*

* HappyLittleMoron starts in on cleaning and bandaging them* Gads...

* Klork watches her,brows furrowed

<Klork> <w> What should I do..?

<DianaManashevitz> Anyway...I personally need to do more thinking on this matter....

* Kameko sinks a bit, but her shoulders are stiff

<Kameko> I'm not backing down from this one. I'll stand behind what I said. Even if he hates me forever for it.

<Kameko> <q> I'm no coward.

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip, brows furrowed* Well...I'd say...try to talk to her about it...however...I think you both are still a lil' too emotionally raw to do it without getting in another fight...*looks up at him, brows wrinkled* Maybe your mom could give you better advice...? I honestly don't know Kame as well as either of you...

* Klork sighs shakily

* DianaManashevitz sighs..

<Klork> were it anybody else I would apologize..*rubs at his brow* But with my luck she'll just rub it in my face and never let me live it down..

<DianaManashevitz> No one said you were...but this isn't worth losing a brother over...*furrows her brow*

<Kameko> If I lose a brother it's his fault.

* Kameko stands, tears in her eyes, but her face says she believes that

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* Yeah...I dunno...

* DianaManashevitz sighs softly, slowly standing, letting the bloodstained towel drop to the ground, her hands still oozing blood* It takes two, with anything else involving relationships...

* Kameko looks at her hands, then mutters, grabbing her wrist with her good hand and dragging her to the kitchen, since she's not sure what bathroom Klork's in

<Kameko> C'mon.. You need to get those bandaged up.

* DianaManashevitz aaaaacks...and kinda stumbles with, looking kinda sheepish

<DianaManashevitz> err...ok...

* Kameko forces a small smile

<Kameko> Don't bother argueing with me, either. I won't back down.

* Klork sits up, slowly standing and reaching for a towel

* Kameko winks slightly, then puts her hands over the sink, running some warm water over them, having grabbed the bottle of the soothing cream and rubs a bit of that in with the water gently

<Kameko> Here..should take some of the bite off the stinging..

* DianaManashevitz chuckles softly* I'm learning this...uhm...ok...

* HappyLittleMoron gives him a towel...doing a lil' eyeing, but y'know, can't blame 'er <G>

* Kameko finishes cleaning them out .. then looks around for some bandages to wrap her hands up with

* there are bandages in the cubord by the sink*

* Kameko stands on tiptoe to peer through the cupboard, finding some and pulling Diana over to a chair, sitting her down and then bandaging up her hands carefully

* Klork wraps the towel around himself, drying off painfully

* DianaManashevitz gets tugged around...smirking slightly...

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip* I wonder if we have any cream that'd take some of the pain away...

* Kameko put some of that wonderful cream on Diana's bandages, so hers should feel ALL good right about now <G>

* DianaManashevitz ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhs...hands not hurting at all <G>

* Klork shrugs, grimacing as he steps out once he's dried off..

<Klork> dunno..gah..gonna put some pants on...

<HappyLittleMoron> Aww...why? *winks*

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> Because I'm gonna go downstairs and eat something..

* Kern goes into the workout room and gyahs...* ...Shing??!

<Klork> I don't think my daughter sleepin' on the couch needs to see her Dad in the nude *smirks*

* Myrae blinks, looking over and heading that way* What's going on now??

<HappyLittleMoron> Ohsure...take the fun outa it...*smirks a little* Lemme get you some so you don't have to bend much...

* Klork nods..* thanks..I'd appreciatei t..

* HappyLittleMoron gets him some pants...kneeling to let him step in before helping him put 'em on...

<DianaManashevitz> Domo, Kame...*smiles wryly*

* Klork dresses, with help <G>

* Shingami is hanging form ehr wrists wings and feet on the wall blood drippign down the wall in the form of a cross a crown of throns digging into her skull apparently unocncious hanging there

* Myrae blinks.* Oh gods...ohhh gods..that's....please tell me this is another spell, right..???

<Kern> ...I have no idea....*hurries over, unsure of what to do, touching her leg* Shing??!!

* Kameko nods, then goes to cleaning up her own hands in the sink

* Shingami is unresponsive.. alive just.. out

* Myrae furrows her brow, calling out from the sparring room* Diana...?!

* Klork opens the bedroom door, slowly heading out of the room, grimacing

* DianaManashevitz looks up and stands, wincing slightly at her head* ...hai?? *ccomes out of the kitchen..into the workout room* Gods!!

* HappyLittleMoron follows him

* Klork walks..then pauses, knocking on Wing's room's door

<Klork> Hey, wing? You hungry at all? I can bring something up...

* no one answers*

* Klork furrows his brow, knockin again as he slowly opens the door* Wing..?

<Wing>*like hsi siter is crusafied to the wall by nothign it seems, unfortnatuly for him he isnt unconcious*

* Kameko is either deaf or dumb, but thinks Rae was just panicking about the two of them again, so starts heating up the food she'd brought

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a lil'* ...ohmygods....!

<DianaManashevitz> Oh damn...Shing...*hurries over, trying to get her down, now human again! Hands all bandaged up, in a bloodstained white gown with spagetti straps*

<Wing>.. <w> klork.... help.. .. onagai...

* HappyLittleMoron 's eyes glow brightly, eyeing him...her hands taking on a glow as she tries to help him free...

* Klork blinkblinks, going in and grimacing as he tries to take him down slowly & carefully

<Klork> How the hell did this happen, Wing??? *furrows his brow, seeming to forget his own pain right now*

<Wing>*magic holdign him up eventualy gives lettign him drop harshly to the floor backwounds reopend... falign into klork with a cry o pain*

* Myrae runs into the kitchen and grabs a looot of paper towels, running out to help Ker & DIana again*

* Klork grimaces, catching him with a yelp of his own

<Klork> Oh gods..hold on..

<Wing> <w>.. help... shi....she hurts too

* HappyLittleMoron winces...* Holy...c'mon...let's get him to the bed...*helps Wing to the bed...*

* Klork nods, settling him there..

* Mondo_Gecko pokes his snout through the door

<Mondo_Geck> hello?

<Klork> I don't think she can heal, but can Myrae stop the bleeding..? I recall her at least doing that last time..

* HappyLittleMoron goes around back to look at the wouncds, wincing...

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( it's gonna be all crazy in here...I just know it..I dunno how I know it..I just know it)

* Klork looks up...brow furrowed..* {{Di..?! You with Shin??}}

* DianaManashevitz looks up* Mondo! Workout room...!

* Shingami isnt budgng form the wall

<DianaManashevitz> {{Hai..we can't get her down...!}}

<Klork> shit.., Mo'? Take care of Wing..I'll be right back!

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Ok, honey...

* HappyLittleMoron examines Wing's and doing the bandage thing...

* Klork heads out the door, practically stumbling in pain before he reaches the sparring room, he now has tattoos identical to Diana's

* Mondo_Gecko mutters about insanity and condos and time shares and heads into the workout room

<Mondo_Gecko> Diana!?

<Mondo_Gecko> what happened!?

<Wing>*jsut liek lawtime looks liek whip wounds, magicaly silver trans puleld aginst hsi flesh*

* Klork looks up at Shin, grimacing..trying to help get her down

* DianaManashevitz looks from Klork, to Mondo to Shing* ...heh...when? *winces a lil'* Gotta explain later, love...gotta get Shing down...

<Klork> C'mon..damnit...let her go!

<Mondo_Gecko> (Down? where is she and what's going on)

* Shingami is crusafied to the wall

* Myrae heads upstairs, brow furrowed as she looks into Wing's room* Wing..?? I..somebody told me you were awake..

* HappyLittleMoron nods, trying to clean his wounds

<Wing>*manages a itty smile* . so desu....

* Myrae heads over* Can I try to heal it..?? *chews her lips* as much as I can??

* Shingami is eventualy let loose by the magic that holds ehr to the wall letting gravity take over

<Wing>.. please?

* Klork erks, catching her, grimacing

* DianaManashevitz winces, catching her

* DianaManashevitz catches her with Klork <G>

<Klork> gads..twice..*looks at Diana* thanks for the help.

* DianaManashevitz nods..

* Kameko furrows her brow .. wondering what all the commotion is about.. and heads upstairs

<Kameko> Guys...?

<Wing>*<w> sorry.. bout the mess....

* Myrae nods, heading over and sitting beside HLM, going to water form and trying to heal Wing's wounds*

<Mondo_Gecko> ok...

<Mondo_Gecko> this place is getting freaky..

* Brenna starts whimpering on the couch, she's a two year old lil' girl, with Klork's hair except with strawberry blond streaks framing her face, her ice blue eyes slowly openinng as she looks around, confused*

* Myrae would speak to Kame or Wing, atm, but can't in water form*

<DianaManashevitz> ...getting...? Heh...

* HappyLittleMoron looks up at Kame, waving slightly

* Kameko furrows her brow, hearing Brenna

* Klork grimaces, setting her down..trying to bringher to consciousness..

* Shingami returns to conciousness with a pittful and loud scream, reats fallgin down her red stained ivory skin

<Kameko> Uhm..You..uh..want me to go comfort Brenna..if-if she'll let me? She's upset downstairs...

* HappyLittleMoron bites her lip and nods* ...please...?

* Myrae continues to try and heal him*

* Klork winces, looking up at Diana

<Wing>*wounds are healin up this time*

<Klork> could you get some bandages? Or Mondo? Please??

<Mondo_Gecko> *a little shock of electricity runs up his arms and he turns and runs off to get bandages, looking seriously creeped out"

* Myrae continues, finishing the back and going around to any his wings etc...actually having a LOT more energy due to the two day nap..*

* DianaManashevitz bites her lip, watching him, kneeling by Shing

* Shingami is in a LOT of pain... bleeding rich red blood all over the floor eyes clouded over

* Mondo_Gecko comes back, holding a ton of bandages

* Klork snags some, starting to bandageher..

* Mondo_Gecko kneels down and starts to do teh same.

* Myrae finishes healing Wing, standing back and solidifying* You ok, Wing? I-If so I'll go to Shin..

* DianaManashevitz helps, too...

<Wing>.. she feels.. my pain... i.. hers... doesnt matter..*purple eys foggign over*

* Myrae furrows her brow, then nods, running down the stairs* crudcrudcrud..!

* HappyLittleMoron cringes, not sure of what to do..

* Brenna cries...curled up on the couch, looking around with big bblue eyes*

* Myrae runs by, skidding to sit by Shin* Lemme try and heal her! It worked on Wing!

* DianaManashevitz nods..* Ok, Rae...*sits back a lil', brows wrinkled*

* Rae goes into water form, trying to heal Shin's wounds*

* Shingami convulses liek a seasure but woudns sealing shut

<Mondo_Gecko> She's gonna be ok right!?

* Myrae winces, but still continues to heal...trying to get all of her wounds healed*

* DianaManashevitz chews her lip, shifting back by Mondo* I hope so...

<Shingami> *only thigns that dotn heal are her wings and feet*

* Mondo_Gecko wraps his hand around her sholder

<Mondo_Gecko> ...hey...your warm again

* Mondo_Gecko grins

* DianaManashevitz smiles up at him, wrapping her arm around him* Hai...just happened today...

* Myrae leans back, solidfying* that's all it'll let me do..*grimaces*

* Mondo_Gecko smiles

<Mondo_Gecko> well..that's one good thing..

<Mondo_Gecko> So...are the crisis's done for the day?

* Klork stands, grimacing and going into the living room, picking up Brenna very very VERY carefully..

* Kern nods*

* Brenna sniffles, blinking at him, trembling* Wha's goin' on...?

<Shingami> .....<vqw>...itai

<DianaManashevitz> Great gods I hope so...

<Mondo_Gecko> me too..

* Shingami blinks at the ceiling...

* Mondo_Gecko kneels down by Shin

<Shingami> <vqw>.. im alive?.. thats.. a suprise....

<Mondo_Gecko> ..Shin? ..can ya hear me babe?

<Shingami> <vqw>.. hey.. hot.. stuff...

* Klork rubs at her back gently* ~we're just running around..everything's ok it is at least~

<Mondo_Gecko> heh..

<Mondo_Gecko> hey..

<Mondo_Gecko> you pulled a J.C. on us

* DianaManashevitz chuckles very softly, massaging her temple

<Shingami> <vqw>...sorry... no cont.. controll over it

* Myrae furrows her brow* Wing's healed..I think for what I could you as well as you can feel?

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* that's cool

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* when I make it big you can do that on my first music video

* Brenna sniffles softly* okie..*blinks* Why'r arms green...?

* Mondo_Gecko smiles

<Shingami> <vqw> thank you.. rae.. im alive.....close nuff... its a oen time.. thing.. mondo... hurts

* Klork blinks, then chuckles quietly..* ~Daddy had to get some tattoos to help Aunt Diana..~ *winces a little*

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and strokes her brow lightly

* Myrae nods, brow furrowed* Do you need anything..?

* Brenna blinks and nods, brows furrowing, hugging her cat doll to her chest* Dey hurt...

<Shingami> <q>.. hows my bro?

* Mondo_Gecko looks up

<Mondo_Gecko> How's Wing guys?

* Klork nods a little, coming in w/ Brenna..

* Klork blinks..

<Klork> {{Ah..Mo'? How's Wing?}}

<Klork> askin'..

* Myrae looks up* I healed all I could..

<Shingami> <q> thanks rae.. i.. im supprised it worked

* Rae nods, brow furrowed* <w> Me too...but I'm glad...

<Shingami> <q> 4 down... 1 to go....

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Heh...kinda...zonked...but ok, I think}}

<Klork> he's sleeping..but ok she thinks..

<HappyLittleMoron> {{...whimpering a lil'...but..ok}} *holds Wing gently*

<Mondo_Gecko> he'll be fine

* Brenna watches all this, delicate brows furrowed*

<Shingami> <q> he still... hurts.... oi this .. sucks

* Myrae watches* <w> 1 to go...?

<Mondo_Gecko> Bet it does..

* Klork pulls Brenna close, grimacing slightly

<Klork> C'mon..want to see Mom?

* Brenna nods, still a lil' scared, curling close*

<Shingami> <q> wrists... back..... crown.. wound left

* Klork heads up the stairs..

<Wing>*relaxed in HLM's arms*

* Myrae furrows her brow* ~I'm not familiar...what is it..?~

* Klork pokes his head in

<Klork> <w> He any better? *comes in,holding Brenna close*

* HappyLittleMoron looks up and waves a lil', smiling slightly and nodding* <w> He seems relaxed....

<Shingami> <q> stigmata...

* Klork sits on the edge of the bed, watching.. good..

* Rae shakes her head* <w> no..the remaining wound..I've heard you call it by it's name before..

* DianaManashevitz shakes her head a lil', leaning against Mondo

<Mondo_Gecko> ..what?

<Mondo_Gecko> this is some religious thing?

<HappyLittleMoron> How's Shing...? And you two...?

* Klork nods, sitting..

<Klork> She's ok..feet n' wings wont heal tho...but as good as she can be..

<Shingami> i. its a right of pasage....... if an earthbound angel.. survives the stigmata... then they can continue thei rwork.. or.. return to the relm of angels....

<Klork> {{I'm still sore and I think th' lil' one's a bit spooked..}}

<Shingami> the last wound... a.. spier.. though the torso.. from lower right though the left side.. of the chest...

* Myrae oohs, nodding quietly...then grimaces*

* Mondo_Gecko shakes his head, looking lost

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* {{Gods...poor thing...I wonder if I'd wake him if I moved...I'll take her from you...give your skin a break}}

* DianaManashevitz winces* Agh...still no clue on why this is happening...?

<Klork> {{ can try..but if he wakes we can just bring him down where his sister is...}}

<Shingami> its a test...

<Shingami> to see.. if were worth.. of being on earth 

<Shingami> worthy

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil', gently easing herself out from under Wing...

<DianaManashevitz> Oh...well...geeze

<Mondo_Gecko> jeeze..

<Wing>*about as plyant and coherent as a beenybaby*

<Mondo_Gecko> Worthy of being on this planet?

<Shingami> bingo

<Mondo_Gecko> if this place is like..the best of the best I'm becomming a pessimist

* HappyLittleMoron gets free* {{Eesh...poor guy...}} *tucks him in a little before offering to take Bren*

* Klork slowly hands Brenna over to HLM

<Shingami> its ahppeng to.. the other guardians.. sandy.. rune..nataku.... were all.. expirencing this

* DianaManashevitz furrows her brows, nodding a lil'

* Klork grimaces..* {{I'm gonna go look for that cream stuff...}}

<Shingami> if we die we becoem reborn again... or stay n heaven....

* Mondo_Gecko 's tail slips back and forth as he takes this all in

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Alright, honey...I'll be trying to put Bren to bed...}}

<Shingami> or remain.. on earth.. im opting.. for stayin here...

<Shingami> *craks a little smile* sorry bout the mess

* Klork nods, heading down the stairs & scavenging the cupboards for that cream stuff..

* Myrae shakes her head* <q> It's ok...

* HappyLittleMoron heads into their room with Brenna, singing softly to her, walking around and rocking her as she nods off...

* HappyLittleMoron sets the little girl in the crib, kissing her brow..

<Shingami> scrubbin bubbles.. wil take it off the walls... sorry to be a.. bother

* Mondo_Gecko frowns

<Mondo_Gecko> ..don't talk like that...

* Klork furrows his brow, coming in, slathering cream over his newly tatood arms..

<Mondo_Gecko> were more worried about you

<Klork> since when are you a bother, Shin...?

<DianaManashevitz> Iie...not at're a friend...*nods..*

* Klork nods in agreement w/ DIana & Mondo

<Shingami> ok.. i can see when im out numbered

<Mondo_Gecko> ..yea so...

<Mondo_Geck> yea

* Mondo_Gecko smirks

* Klork chuckles, wincing a little before the cream kicks ina

<Klork> agh...gods I love this stuff...*visably relaxes*

<Shingami> ano...

<Shingami> i cant get up...

* DianaManashevitz blinks at Klork, then chuckles softly..

* Klork sets the cream aside, brow furrowing as he kneels..

* DianaManashevitz blinks and kneels by Shing..

<Shingami> im sur emy shoes are a totale loss now.. with holesin em

<DianaManashevitz> Can always get new ones...

<Klork> yeah..*glances down* you need any help...?

<Shingami> never had new shoes...nice thought ew shoes....

<Shingami> new

* Shingami chuckles though it hurts

* Mondo_Gecko frowns

* Klork grimaces..

<Mondo_Gecko> ...hey..just concentrate on living..

<Mondo_Gecko> I'll buy you some other shoes

* DianaManashevitz nods...

* Klork tucks his arms gently under her

<Shingami> thankshotstuff...

<Klork> <w> ready to sit up..?

<Shingami> yeah

* DianaManashevitz smirks, trying to help too* Going after my man...the nerve...

* Klork nods, gently lifting her to sit, staying behind her to keep her propped up

* Mondo_Gecko grins

* Shingami sits up bitign her lip gettin woozy

* Mondo_Gecko 's tail wags a bit

* Klork chuckles, winking* Best time to do it..when ya know you can get away with it *chuckles*

<Shingami> i can flert cant i?

* DianaManashevitz chuckles softly* This time I'll let it fly...*reaches over to twine her fingers with Mondo's*

<Klork> think you can stand, Shin? Or is sitting good for now?

<Shingami> wait til the room stps spinnin thanks..*starign at her lap*

* Klork nods, just propping her then

<Klork> Aye aye..

<Shingami> *sighs shakaly* mommy tell the man i wanna get off the ride...

* Shingami looks at her feet

<Klork> <w> Need those wrapped?

* DianaManashevitz chews her lip, ggoing back over by Mondo...

<Shingami> ya know.. if the blood and synue wasnt in the way.. i bet i could see floor though my feet.....

* DianaManashevitz cringes

<Shingami> kinda funny actualy

* Klork grimaces..* ~yow..~

<Shingami> welcoem to pain induced delyrum...

<Mondo_Gecko> ...isn't there any doctors or something?

* Klork shrugs up to Mondo

<Klork> clue..I mean, Myrae can heal..but i guess she could only do so much.

<DianaManashevitz> Haven't seen Charon around much...she's a doc...

<Shingami> big ol bandaid.. and a loooooooot of painkilles.. make it all go byebye......

* Charon pokes her head in, covered with snow.

<Shingami> <mutters> is it cold in here or jsut me?

<Charon> Anyone home?

<DianaManashevitz> Speak of the devil and she shall appear...*looks up* Workout room, Charon...!

* Klork slowly lifts Shin into his arms

<Klork> easy..gonna take her to the couch..

* DianaManashevitz nods..

<Shingami> gunna bleed on that too kloorkiepoo

<Klork> That way if she decides to'll be somewhere comfy..

* Klork shrugs

<Mondo_Gecko> *electrcity zips over his sholders*

<Klork> so put an old blanket down..

* DianaManashevitz jumps a lil' at the electricity ccoming from Mondo

<Charon> Oh? Talking about me? *walks in* Gomen ne for not being around....holidays tend to get *ahem* messy...

* Klork puts a blanket down, settling Shin onto it..

<Shingami> lady you got no idea....

<Klork> want me to get Wing down here so ya have company, Shin?

* Mondo_Gecko doesn't even notice it

<Shingami> hes asleepin...le him

<Shingami> let him.. gah

* Klork nods

<Klork> a'right..

* Klork looks up at Charon

<Klork> she could use some bandaging.

* DianaManashevitz nods a lil', looking between Mondo and the action...

* Charon hurries over.

<Charon> What happened?

<Klork> know, the normal stuff.

<Shingami> heh

<Shingami> ow

<Mondo_Gecko> *some more light electricity*

<DianaManashevitz> Heh...very fitting...agh...Mondo...?

* Klork frowns a bit

<Charon> Geeze...rather archaic and cruel...*gets out her doctor's bag and goes to work and taking out bandages, antiseptic, tape, etc*

<Mondo_Gecko> yea?

<Klork> her feet n' wings wouldnt heal..could use to be wrapped up

<DianaManashevitz> You're...sparking

* Charon nods and goes to work, bandaging up Shin's wounds.

* Shingami watches in a dullign facination.. shivering

* Klork glances over his shoulder at Mondo & Diana

<Klork> Oh yeah, the other day he was floatin' and blue too..but I'll let him explain that..

<DianaManashevitz> ...

* Klork drapes a thick blanket over Shin where sh'e s been bandaged, starting a fire in the fire place before her to warm her up

* DianaManashevitz blinks....

* DianaManashevitz looks at Mondo...

<DianaManashevitz> ...oh?

<Shingami> should call him sparkey rather then hot stuff hua?

<Charon> Man...brutal....who the hell did this to her?

<DianaManashevitz> ...I guess..*looks confused*

<Shingami> magic

* Klork nods with Shin's answer

<Mondo_Gecko> uh..

* Mondo_Gecko blinks


<Mondo_Gecko> ok, no one told me I was floating

<DianaManashevitz> I...guess you were...

<Mondo_Geck> yea but..

<Shingami> might wanna.. check my niichan too.......if partsa me ain.. healin then sames fer him

<Mondo_Gecko> how...why..

* Mondo_Gecko looks at his hands

* Klork nods...explaining breifly all he remembers..

<Mondo_Gecko> this is ...fucking creaping me out damnit

* Klork leans a recliner back & puts a blanket on it

<DianaManashevitz> Hai...

* Klork settles the blanket over her n' Wing

* HappyLittleMoron heads over to Klork, lightly resting a hand on his back

* Mondo_Gecko wanders out of the room, looking thuroughly spooked

* Klork looks over at her, surprisingly not flinching...

<Klork> Heya..

* DianaManashevitz chews her lip, massaging her temples and following Mondo* ok?

<Mondo_Gecko> I ..guess.

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* Heh...found the cream I see...

<Mondo_Gecko> I does one react to that kinda thing

* DianaManashevitz chews her lip, wrapping her arms around herself, still in the bloodstained gown* The best one can...?

* Charon looks around...

<Charon> Anyone else needing healing?

* DianaManashevitz reaches up to touch Mondo's jaw gently

* Klork nodnodnods to HLM

<HappyLittleMoron> Don't think so, Charon...thank you though..*smiles* How've you been...?

* Klork shakes his head slightly...

<Klork> Nah...but thanks..*blinks at HLM

* HappyLittleMoron grins up at Klork, winking and kissing his jaw, resting her hands on her belly...

* Klork smiles, watching quietly

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and hugs her

* Charon chuckles as she puts her instruments away.

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* just what the hell is happening to me

<Charon> Busy and overworked...*chuckles* Gomen ne I haven't been around much for you guys.

* DianaManashevitz hugs him back, wrapping her arms around his middle* <w> I wish I could tell you...

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* me too

<HappyLittleMoron> Aw...that's ok...*smirks a lil'* Life goes on...

* Charon nods.

<Char> How're all of you. Merry Christmas, although late. ;P

<HappyLittleMoron> Merry Christmas to you, too...*grins slightly* We're ok...been...crazy lately...

<HappyLittleMoron> You missed meeeting Klork and my daughter, though...she's asleep at the moment...

<Charon> Oh? *smiles* Omedeto(congratulations)! I shall see her when she's awake then. *smiles*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly* Thanks...just need to wait for the other two to be born...

<Charon> Oh? The other two didn't come?

* Klork chuckles quietly

<Klork> Long long story..

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhm...well...*is only two months pregnant...still looks it, too* What he said...

* HappyLittleMoron smirks lopsidedly

<Charon> I see. Heh. I've missed a lot while being trapped at work. ;P

* Klork chuckles, kissing HLM's brow gently

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly, nodding...

* HappyLittleMoron leans lightly against Klork

* DianaManashevitz sighs a lil', rejoining them

* DianaManashevitz pauses

<DianaManashevitz> Ohh...REAL food...! *belines for the kitchen*

* Keelin comes down the stairs slowly, stretching...

* Klork laughs..

* HappyLittleMoron looks up, chuckling softly, and wavels to Keelin

<Klork> heh....goofball *smiles, stretching* So other than busy, how've you been, Charon?

* DianaManashevitz fixes herself a sanich and sits down to savor it...having missed having solid food

* DianaManashevitz comes out after finishing her sandwich* I' right back...gotta change...*smirks slightly and heads up the stairs*

* Keelin erks, moving out of the way, fiddlin' with her silk dress

<Keelin> heh.ok...*blinks*

* Klork sits on a chair, patting his lap

<Klork> have a sit, Mo'?

<HappyLittleMoron> Sure...*smiles and settles into his lap, belly starting up a soft purr*

* DianaManashevitz dissapears upstairs for a quick shower and change...

* HappyLittleMoron grins up at Keelin* How're you doing?

* Keelin smiles...

<Keelin> Not bad...rested to say the least *smirks, walking over..then blinks* What happened to Shin & her brother?

* Klork wraps his arms around HLM's waist, purring quietly

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhm...*leans against Klork, resting her hands over his hands* They were crusified...

* Keelin furrows her brow

<Keelin> Why???

* Klork kisses her cheek, still purring

<HappyLittleMoron> Some kind of test...for angels or something...*furrows her brows, smiling softly at the kiss and nuzzling close*

* Keelin ahs..nodding..

<Keelin> all right..well..I'm going to be outside for a see that things are all right out there *smiles* If you need me.

<HappyLittleMoron> Alright...take care...?

* Keelin nods, pulling on a thick winter cloakover her dress, wearing her tan leather boots...lifting the hood of the cloak so her Hair flows down to her waist* willdo *smiles*

* DianaManashevitz comes back downstairs, looking all healthy and stuff, the magic-hangover headache not even seeming to bother her

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly

* Klork smirks

<Klork> heya Di..*grins*

* Keelin heads out the front door, just walking along & around the asylum..checkin' stuffs out

<DianaManashevitz> Heya, Klork...*smiles, waveling to Keelin before curling up on the couch wearing jeans and a sweater*

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> comfy?

* DianaManashevitz nods* Hai...I feel better than I have in ages...

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly

* Klork smirks, leaning back

<Klork> good..

* Dev is behind the asylum, playing a soft melody on his flute, all bundled up*

* Charon smiles and leans against the sofa, eyes closing.

* Keelin walks around, blinking and pausing..leaning against the wall to listen..

<Charon> Mmm...pretty tune....

<DianaManashevitz> Domo arigato gozaimus, Klork...

* the song Dev plays seems to be telling a story...of war, love, death and life...*

* Keelin watches, listening quietly as she stays leant against the wall..

* Dev keeps his eyes closed as he plays, brows slightly wrinkled, the song eventually fading off into the night, not seeing her there...*

* Keelin watches, not wanting to do anything to interrupt...eyes fixated on him with a small smile

* Dev lifts the flute to his lips again, playing a scale before breaking into a soft song, reminicent of faery dances and starlight...*

* HappyLittleMoron closes her eyes, leaning back against Klork as she listens to the soft music from outside...

* Keelin grins, folding her arms around herself to keep warm...closing her eyes to listen to it more carefully

* Klork smirks, yawning quietly as he pulls her close

<Klork> ~hm..Dev's at it again...~

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly, mming quietly as she nods, curling close, examining the new toos on his arm* <w> yeah...he's good at what he does...

* Klork nods, watching her quietly..

* DianaManashevitz nods off to the music, soft smile on her face, curled up on the couch

<Klork> ~~ti's true...~

* Devnet finishes the song softly, bringing the flute down and shivering...gently taking it apart

* Keelin applauds with gloved hands, smiling softly

<Keelin> ~beautiful, Dev'..~

* Devnet looks up and blinks, chuckling softly as he heads over to her* <w> Thank pales in comparison to you...

* Keelin blinks, then chuckles as she shakes her head

* HappyLittleMoron smiles softly, leaning up to kiss Klork's jaw gently

<Keelin> flatterer as usual *smirks* I suppose I'll let you get away with it for tonight

* Klork smirks, purring quietly

<Klork> ~Hmm..hihih~

<Devnet> Only tonight? *grins hammily, has his cloak on over brown leather jeans and a tunic, bowing dramaticaly, looking up at her with sparkling eyes* Then, m'lady...I would say the stars shine for only you...

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, stroking his jaw* <w> Hi...

* Keelin chuckles, shaking her head

<Keelin> I must admit you do a marvelous job in flattery, however *winks*

* Klork grins, purring quietly

<Klork> ~how're you?~

<Devnet> Ohh...I try...*offers his arm* Care for company on your midnight patrol?

<HappyLittleMoron> <w> Very good...y'know what...?

* Keelin chuckles, shrugging & taking his arm

<Keelin> I wouldn't mind..being hunted tends to make one paranoid now and then *twists her mouth t the side*

<Klork> Hmm? *looks down at her*

* Devnet chuckles softly, nodding* True...I'll protection...almighty Bard Devnet at your survice *winks with a smirk*

<HappyLittleMoron> I'm reminded every day of why I love you...

* Keelin laughs quietly, kissing his cheek lightly

<Keelin> ~I'm honored to have the almighty one's service then~

* Klork blinks, then smirks, kissing her gently with a growing purr

<Klork> ~as am I..~

* Devnet laughs softly, wrapping his arm around her shoulders* OHgood...'cause I'd be here for you even if you weren't *winks*

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, kissing back, running her fingers through his hair

* Keelin grins, leaning against him

<Keelin> ~good to know..~

* Devnet smiles as he walks with her, watching the night

* Klork purrs quietly, just holding her there as he kisses her back

* Keelin grins, linking her arm around his waist, watching anything she can see

* Devnet smirks lightly, watching the shadows

* Keelin looks up at him, ruffling his hair

* Devnet blinks and looks down at her, smirking lightly

* Keelin smirks

<Keelin> Any signs of you know who?

<Devnet> Just the random nasty here and there...the ones Diana's been taking care of..

* Keelin nods..

<Keelin> she's human again now, you realize..

* Keelin looks up

<Keelin> as of this eve..

<Devnet> She is...? *arches a brow, looking down at her* Is that what all that magic was...?

* Keelin nods

<Keelin> felt it as well?

* Devnet nods* Yeah...I had no idea what it was...there were two involved though...*arches a brow* I know I felt another source of the magic develope in the beginning...

* Keelin nods

<Keelin> I think it was Klork..they both have those tattoos now..

<Devnet> Hmm...strange...

* Keelin nods again, leaning against his shoulder

<Keelin> I'll ask in the morning I suppose *smirks*

* Devnet chuckles softly, holding her close* does everyone else fare...? I felt something strange going on with the two angels, as well...

* Keelin nods

<Keelin> crusification is all the explanation I could get 

* Devnet cringes

<Devnet> ...ouch...

* Keelin nods, sighing

<Keelin> they're resting now, however

<Devnet> Good...*shakes his head* One would think these things would be escapable up here...

* Keelin nods..

<Keelin> yeah...*sighs shakily* I begin to wonder if any place is safe...

<Devnet> I doubt it, to be honest...*kisses her hair gently*

* Keelin sighs shakily with a small nod, leaning against him

<Keelin> ~not a comforting thought..~

<Devnet> <w> Not at all...*hugs her close, pausing to turn to face her fully* But we are not alone...

* HappyLittleMoron gently strokes Klork's jaw, gazing up at him

* Keelin blinkblinks, looking up at him

<Keelin> ~right now? Or do you mean situation wise?~

* Devnet strokes her cheek gently* <w> Situation wise...*chuckles softly* Sorry..

* Klork purrs quietly, smiling down at he

<Klork> ~heya..~

* Keelin whews...* heh..had me startled there...

<HappyLittleMoron> <w> Hi...*smiles gently, leaning up to kiss him*

* Devnet chuckles softly, kissing her brow* Sorry...I didn't mean to..

* Klork purrs, kissing her back

* Keelin grins

<Keelin> it's all right..just paranoidthat somebody's out there hunting me...*sighs*

* Devnet nods* I know...perhaps we should head inside...? Less obviouse...I think it's really too cold for any trouble makers...and I have taken care of the nasties hanging aroun dhere...

* Keelin nods, smiling

<Keelin> ~good idea...~

* Devnet smiles gently, leading her back inside...

* Keelin follows, dusting snow from herself

* Devnet smiles, brushing snow from her hair and chuckling softly at Klork and HLM

* Keelin smirks, snagging his arm

<Keelin> ~bed?~

* Devnet nods, then lifts her with a grin* <w> Of course, m'lady...

* Keelin smiles, curling up to him

<Keelin> ~goodgood~

* Devnet smiles, kissing her before heading upstairs

* Keelin grins, going with obviously

* Devnet grins, gently setting her on the bed...

* HappyLittleMoron yawns lightly, nuzzled close to Klork* Mmm...dragon-cat-man...

* Keelin smirks, scooting over after tossing her cloak aside

* Klork purrs quietly, grinning

<Klork> ~hihi~

* Devnet chuckles softly, pulling his cloak off and stripping down, joining her with a shiver* Coooooold...*his feet are sub-zero <EG>*

<HappyLittlemoron> <w> Fancy meetin' you here...*presses her brow to his*

* Keelin yelps, jumping

<Keelin> Gayyaahh! put some socks on! *winks*

* Devnet laughs and murmers into her ear* <m> Ohh...there are far more fun ways of warming up..

* Keelin blinks, then chuckles, curling up to him..

<Keelin> I suppose..

* Devnet chuckles softly, pulling her close

* Keelin grins,kissing his chin

* Devnet grins down at her*

Log file closed at: 12/30/01 2:18:33 AM

