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Session Start: Thu Dec 27 11:09:35 2001

* Keelin leans against the railing on the second story balcony of the inn, draped in her cloak as she looks out at the city...eying the castle..

* Devnet comes up behind Keelin', resting a hand on her shoulder

* Keelin blinks, looking up w/ guarded eyes before she realizes who it is..relaxing again

<Keelin> ~heya..~

<Devnet> <w> holdin' up alright?

* Keelin nods, few loose strands of blonde falling from beneath her hood

<Devnet> <w> Good...what do you think of our new friends...?

* Keelin shrugs..* Most are trustworthy...there are some I'm wary of..but I've a feeling they're wary of me as well..

* Devnet nods quietly* I saw you eyeing the vampyre woman before...

* Keelin nods

<Keelin> I believe I could trust her with my least after last night. Just remind me not to get on her bad side *smiles a little*

* Devnet smirks slightly, nodding* Indeed...

<Keelin> I could tell a feint bit of jealousy from the Shi..

* Devnet nods* Yes...of Rae...

* Diana steps from the shadows, not far from them...*

* Keelin nods, brow furrowed

<Keelin> I don't quite understand why, however...she guards herself well..

* Devnet arches a brow slightly, nodding quietly* True...she has a darkness to her...

* Keelin nods

* Diana glides over, slight grin twisting her lips* Being the guardian of death will do that to a person, Devnet..

* Keelin blinks, looking up..smiling a little

<Keelin> Ah, evening night walker..

* Devnet blinks and smirks

<Diana> Good evening, can call me Diana...or Di...

<Keelin> Diana will work fine...we have much to do today..

* Diana nods* Hai...that we do...the others should be down shortly, I did awaken them...a bit before their liking perhaps but...*smirks and shakes her head, red locks flowing free over her pale shoulders, still in that dress, but an open cloak over it, no evidence of weaponry or armor apparent*

* Keelin sighs..

<Keelin> I should change..if I'm seen walking around in my leathers I'll be easily picked out..

* Keelin mutters

* HappyLittleMoron heads down the stairs...Kern not far behind her...

<Keelin> ~they won't recognize me if I'm n ot dressed in them~

* Klork n' Myrae come down shortly after..dressed in the same items from the night before

* Keelin nods

* HappyLittleMoron 'n Kern are dressed thes ame as before, too <G>

<Keelin> I have my own *smiles* I'll be back..*turns and heads out*

* Diana nods, turning to the rest*

* Klork leans over against the railing, eying the castle

<Klork> so that's where we go, then?

* Diana nods* Hai...

<Devnet> This guy's known for the cheerful surroundings *rolls his eyes*

* Klork snorts

<Klork> noticed.

* Keelin comes back out in a shoulder less navy blue gown, sleeves fanning out. She wears a chain around her hips much like the gift to Nox only w/ no weapon or gem.

* HappyLittleMoron slips an arm around Klork's middle, stepping close and watching the castle with narrowed eyes, knowing her child's there...not even knowing the little one's name though...

* Kern looks up at Keelin and blinks* That dress reminds me of my sister...

* Klork sighs shakily, rubbing at her shoulder* {{we'll get her back..}}

* Keelin mutters, quickly pulling her cloak on over it..

* HappyLittleMoron nods* {{I know...I can't wait to, either...}}

<Keelin> Ah..I would normally wear white, no offense..but I cannot here..

<Keelin> I refuse to wear black..and this color matches my eyes *shrugs, looking a little irate at even wearing a dress

* Kern chuckles softly and nods a little* That's alright...

* Klork sighs shakily, nodding..

* Diana smiles darkly* Shall we...?

* Keelin nods, pulling her hood on, hair draping over hershoulders and down to her waist, pulling her bow & arrows over her shoulders

<Keelin> lets..

* Klork nods..

* Myrae nods, inspecting Ker's chest before nodding again* All right..let's ..

* Kern blinks and grins wryly as Al comes out of nowhere to lead the way <G>*

* Keelin chuckles

* Keelin follows Al, chuckling quietly* you have a nack for appearing at the appropriate times, old friend..

* Al grins at Keelin* Do I now...? You know me to do any different? *winks*

* Keelin chuckles

<Keelin> oh, I would be afraid if you did *grins*

* Devnet smirks, bringin' up the rear, the others going with them

* Klork n' Rae go too, der

* Al grins, reaching over to pat Keelin's shoulder* Good, of us need to be reliable...'tis not going to be the hippy with the flute back there, either...

* Devnet snickers* Hey now...that ain't love..

<Keelin> all too true..

* Klork walks with, brow furrowed as he looks around, his hand rested on the hilt of his sword..

* HappyLittleMoron stays close to Klork...all the way to the villiage limits...just outside the gates there seems to be a royal-type aunterage thing coming through...Teirnan at the lead..

* Keelin shifts, immediately moving to the side..trying not to be seen at all

* Klork blinks..watching then following Keelin's lead...Rae doing the same...

* HappyLittleMoron and the rest do too...

* Keelin shifts, hands on her hood to lift it should he look over, eyes watching curiously

* the aunterage passes by...Teirnan blinking slightly and glancing their way, as if sensing something...*

* Klork ducks under his hood, pulling HLM close..

* HappyLittleMoron keeps her face 'n everything hidden as best she can, feeling his burning gaze pass her over...he holds a hand up, the group stopping

* Keelin curses under her breath..immediately pulling her hood up, hair still flowing over herfront..

* Klork watches, brow furrowing..

* Teirnan dismounts, walking along the crowd, frowning, drawing closer and closer to them...*

* Klork shifts backwards slowly, pulling HLM with..brow furrowed..

* Keelin watches, still at the head of the crowd, shifting...glancing to Devnet

* HappyLittleMoron obviously goes with Klork...Diana moving to stand before them, the hood of her own cloak up to cover her flaming hair

* Myrae shifts, brow furrowing as she watches..blinking when she recognizes who it is...*

* Kern holds Rae close*

* Teirnan stops, looking at Keelin with a frown*

* Keelin shifts..face shadowed...her hair the only dead give-away..

* Rae glances over, brow furrowed....*

* Teirnan reaches up to push her hood back, brows furrowed*

* Keelin blinks, taking a slow step back

* Ternan frowns* Proove this to me, child, you remind me of one I know...

* Keelin shifts, looking to Al & Dev for any help, shaking her head a little to Tiernan..* please, sir...I beg of you..

* Devnet steps forward, resting an arm around Keelin's shoulder* Sir...she lies not...

* Teirnan frowns, turning to Devnet* A human?

* Keelin sighs shakily, leaning almost heavily against him in relief..

* Devnet nods, holding her close* Yes...I am here as her servant and guardian...we beg of you to allow our safe passage...

* Keelin nods..

* Teirnan frowns, stepping back and watching them with narrowed eyes before mounting his horse and signalling the aunterage forward* Fare thee well, travelers.

* Keelin sighs shakily, watching him go with a nod, her fist clenching

<Keelin> ~thank you, Dev, I owe you a great deal..~

* Devnet smirks a little, looking down at her* <w> Hey, not a problem...

* Keelin watches his aunterage leave, pulling her cloak back

<Keelin> ~that was far too close..I fear we have to move swiftly now..~

* HappyLittleMoron shivers, chewing her lil and nodding* <w> Would portals work here...? Flying is too obviouse...

* Klork nods..

<Klork> ~we used them to get you back the last time..I believe they shoulds till work..~

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil'* <w> Mebbe we should try one...once we find a spot secluded enough

* Al's leading the way down the path, btw <G>*

* Keelin is following close behind

* Klork nods, following..Rae as well

* Keelin follows Al..* How much farther..?

* Diana appears from the dark wood, her dark armor helped her blend in* There's a clearing not far ahead...

* Keelin nods

<Keelin> then we go there.

* Al nods* Yes...*Diana's dissapeared again, Kern's talkin' to the trees silently again*

* Keelin heads that a' way

* Devnet starts playing softly, keeping the nightmare creatures away with the soft music

* Klork n' Myrae go as well..

<Keelin> all right...who is doing the portals..?

* HappyLittleMoron looks up at Klork...

* Klork raises his hand..looking over at Diana..

* Klork opens up a portal, relatively large...

<Klork> ok..lemme take a look *peers into the portal a bit* Hn...seems to be anursery...

<Klork> a'right...there's two guards..*closes the portal and reopens it behind one* We can get the surprise on at least one from here..

* Keelin nods, drawing her bo n' arrow

<Keelin> the minute we step through I can get the other.

* Al nods...*

* Al bares her daggar* <w> He's mine...

* Keelin nods

<Keelin> you first, friend

* Al signals just before she goes through, driving her daggar to the hilt in the back up his neck, angled to peirce his brainstem*

* Keelin readies it..then goes in quickly after, snapping an arrow at the other guard's heart

* Klork comes in after, brow furrowing as he looks around..

* HappyLittleMoron and the rest do, too

<Keelin> we'll keep watch *steps to the window* get the child..?

* Klork nods, going over to the crib/bed sorta deal...looking down..

* HappyLittleMoron looks around with wide eyes, trying to find their the crib lies a little two year old with dark hair like Klork's save for two streaks of strawberry blond...

* Klork blinks...reaching down gently to pick her up, eyes softening..

* HappyLittleMoron joins Klork, biting her lip, watching as the girl stirrs, a soft murmer coming from her lips, her voice soft and sweet

<HappyLittleMoron> <w> Oh little one...

* Klork sighs shakily, gently pulling the blanket up as well, curling it around her..

<Klork> ~oh gods...~

* ice blue eyes open, blinking in suprise at Klork and HLM, blinking at the blanket, too* ...wha...? Who you....?

* Klork furrows his brow, grimacing slightly before sighing..

<Klork> ~I'm your father..this is your mother...~

* Keelin watches, brow creased..

* HappyLittleMoron swallows a lil', nodding and reaching over to brush her fingers lightly over the girl's cheek

* Girl blinks, brows furrowing* No yer not...mother died when I was born...father is away...*her voice sounds slightly relieved at the last statement*

* Klork blinks...then shakes his head

<Klork>, look...*holds a lock of his hair up to hers..* see..?? He's not your real father.~

* Klork squints a bit, chewing his lip...* {{I just wish I knew her name, Mo'...}}

* Girl blinks, reaching out to touch his hair, blinking as a very soft purr rises in her chest*

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Me, too...}}

* Klork blinks, almost smiling..trying to stay calm, purring quietly in return..

* HappyLittleMoron smiles softly at the girl's shocked look* <w> See, sweetheart...? The man who took you can't purr...*pauses* Can you tell us your name...?

<Girl> Brenna..

* Klork smiles, tracing a hand through her hair..

<Klork> ~we're here to take you to your real home, Brenna...~

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, gently taking Brenna's hand, tracing her fingers as the little girl looks between them measuringly, dark brows furrowed...then slowly nods

<Brenna> <w> Ok...

* Klork nods, setting her down for a sec..

* HappyLittleMoron takes this opportunity to take her into her arms, Brenna blinks, looking wide eyed before reaching down to touch HLM's belly...

<Klork> ~let me do something first..~ *begins strapping some things over his chest until he's made a make-shift carrier..* ~do you have anything you wish to bring, Brenna?~

* Brenna looks around, before reaching for a small cat-doll and hugging it close* Only dis...

* Klork nods, holding his arms out gently

<Klork> ~I'll carry her..~

* HappyLittleMoron nods, handing her over, almost reluctantly

* Klork settles her into his carrier, tucking her blanket around her and his cloak as well..

* Klork traces a hand through HLM's hair, eyes understanding..

* Keelin blinks, shifting..

* HappyLittleMoron smiles softly, nodding as Brenna curls close against Klork's chest

<Keelin> ~we've got company...I think somebody's home...~

* HappyLittleMoron narrows her eyes softly..glancing back* <w> Let's get out of here...

* Keelin readies her bow & arrow, pulling her hood on

* Klork nods, opening a portal, an arm around Brenna and another around HLM..going through after Myrae...

* Keelin waits for all to go through, watching the door quietly

* Guard comes stridin' down the hallway...*

* HappyLittleMoron and the rest go through, too Al going right before Keelin*

<Keelin> ~go!~

* Keelin disappears through the portal

* Klork gets to the other side..looking around

<Klork> where first...*closes the portal behind Keelin* Do we go the way we came??

<Al> We want to take an alternate route, less predictable that way

* Klork nods..

<Klork> lead the way then..

* Brenna looks around with big eyes*

* Al nods, beconing them to follow as she heads through the forest*

* Keelin follows, weapons ready

* Klork follows as well, kissing Brenna's brow

<Klork> ~easy..we won't let you get hurt..~

* Brenna nods a little, holding to Klork's shirt* <w> ...promise...? *looks up at him with icey eyes*

* Klork nods, jaw set

<Klork> ~promise.~

* Keelin heads through the forests, eyes alert..muttering at the dress she has to wear through this..

* Klork keeps going, making sure HLM is by his side..

* HappyLittleMoron stays right by Klork and Brenna, not leaving their side*

* Myrae goes with, eyes watching the forest...nearly stumbling in surprise when a loud commotion stirs at the castle behind them..*

<Keelin> THey know...move fast!

* HappyLittleMoron and the rest speed up, Diana summoning her bow and arrows to herself

* Al drops back by Devnet, sword drawn from nowhere*

* Keelin runs with, ready for anything to the front..

* Klork shifts, making sure his hand is on his sword, glancing to make sure HLM has her rings on

* there's the sound of guards running towards them from behind*

* Klork nods, running with speed..

<Klork> <w>shit!

<Keelin> there's a clearing up ahead, if we get passed it we have a better chance of getting away from this group..!

* Al growls, casting levin bolts at the guards who break through the greeneary behind them...a few of them getting snagged by the bushes suddenly grabbing at them in strangling grips*

* Devnet 's music turns threatening, looping around the front line to get at the guards behind them, scowling when his music's answered with more..

* Keelin pauses

<Keelin> keep running, get passed that clearing and we'll catch up!

* guards loop around, Diana already engaged in nasty hand to hand, guards come out in front of Keelin, just short of the clearing*

* Keelin blinks..then growls..

* Keelin fires arrows at them, taking front of the group again..

* Klork sends electricity through his hands at them, eyes glowing as he tries to break through..

* some of the guards fall, a few breaking through to grab at HLM and Brenna...*

<Keelin> Go! We'll cover you! *fires at those guards in particular*

* Klork keeps Brenna close, looking to HLM

<Klork> pull the glove off!

* HappyLittleMoron slugs a gguard with her iron ring/bracelet thing, being pregnant hasn't affected her nasty right hook at all...having pulled the glove off

* Keelin grimaces, fighting a few guards behind them, reeling a bit..

* Klork fires electricity again, breaking into the clearing

* HappyLittleMoron breaks through with Klork, trying to put distance betwene herself and Keelin

* Diana takes their place, battling hard, as does Kern and Dev, Al's fallen*

* Klork snags HLM's hand, running to cross

* Myrae scrambles.running for Al, alredy sensing she has*

* HappyLittleMoron runs with him

* Klork gets to the other side, immediately taking shelter in the over grown roots there..

* Keelin stays at the other side of the clearing, picking off guards that try and cross

* HappyLittleMoron ducks down with him, resting a hand on her belllly, Brenna shaking and crying softly, scared shitless

* Myrae skids to Al's side, looking her over for any injuries..*

* HappyLittleMoron strokes Brenna's back

* Klork pulls them both close, purring quietly in reaction to calm her, brows furrowed..

<Klork> ~it's ok..shh..~

* Al's belly and chest is slit wide open, lost a whole ton of blood already...not looking good at all*

* Brenna whimpers softly curling close to them, sniffling a lil'*

* Myrae furrows her brow, looking around for anybody to cover her before just uttering 'screw it'..going into water form to heal her..*

* Kern covers Rae and Al*

* Keelin looks around, still closely guarding the clearing..

* Al gasps weakly and shakes her head, orrgans cut to smithereens, her heart itself injured, only barely beating* <vqw>

* Myrae shakes her head, pressing her hands to her heart first...attempting to heal* ~quiet...~

* guards are tapering off, as if plotting..*

* Devnet joins Keelin, hands glowing softly

* Diana's still in the woods, taking the undercover approach, picking off a few guards she finds hidden*

* Klork pulls his cloak around them to cover them...still staying still

* Keelin furrows her brow, looking around

<Keelin> ~I'm nearly out of arrows...I don't like this..~

* HappyLittleMoron presses close, softly stroking Brenna's back, who's quieted down to an occational sniffle

* Klork watches the woods around them...waiting to see if anybody from their group comes to join them...brows furrowed...

<Devnet> <w> We have to get to our world, know as well as I do it's hard for that bastard up there...especially drained as he is...

* Myrae still stays knelt, trying to repair Al's heart*

* Al's heart shudders a little at the healing...the healing not going fast enough to keep it beating...*

* Keelin nods, wiping sweat from her brow, not evenblood stained..

* Myrae whimpers, trying to speed it up, desperate to get her back*

* Keelin looks around...

* Al's breathing slowly stops, going limp...injured too badly*

* Keelin pauses..eyes going wide..

* Diana catches one guard as he goes through, another diving at Keelin*

<Keelin> ~Al......oh gods...~

* Myrae shudders, unable to do anything any longer...flickering back to a solid form* ~oh gods...~

* Kern pulls her close*

* Devnet plays a sharp succession of notes, causing the guard leaping at Keelin to blow up in a shower of blood and gore in her face

* Keelin growls, shoving him off in disgust, whiping herself off

<Keelin> gross, Dev...

* Keelin blinks..then runs over, forgetting about the mess she's cleaned herself of...

<Keelin> Al..?!

* Devnet shrugs a lil', startling eyes angry, sad...joining Keelin

* Al, y'know...lies there, cut open, not moving*

* Myrae whimpers...unable to really move...drained..*

* Keelin kneels..sighing shakily..

<Keelin> ~~Oh lords...Al..~~

* Kern lifts Rae up, cautiously going to join Klork, HLM and Brenna*

* Diana drops by them, covered in gore herself, not seeming to mind, brows furrowed*

* Myrae stays with him, obviously, passing out in his arms to regenerate*

* Devnet rests a hand on Keelin's shoulder

* Keelin tenses, swallowing hard

<Keelin> ~I'll kill, Teirnan..this world or ours..~

* Devnet nods* <w> Yes...but now is not the time...c'mon...home...?

* Keelin nods, standing slowly, gently pulling brush over Al to cover her ...

<Keelin> ~...yeah.....home..~~

* Devnet helps, murmering a soft blessing, then gently taking Keelin's elbow to guide her over to the rest, Diana following silently

* Klork waits...still covered..

* Keelin nods...going with..eyes lowered the entire time..

* Keelin sighs shakily and picks up her pace to follow ...crossing the clearing

* Klork waits quietly, gently stroking Brenna's back..

* Brenna trembles lightly*

* Keelin furrows her brow

<Keelin> Dev..?!

* Devnet plays a trill of notes, a shield going up, energy for a portal rushing to Klork

* Klork blinkblinks....eyes glowing a bit as he sits up, pullingHLM close, opening a portal

<Klork> Go..!

* Kern and the rest go through, Dev hanging behind to hold the shield up, going jsut before Klork*

* Keelin looks to Klork

<Keelin> GO! I'll be right behind you!

* Klork furrows his brow

<Klork> What about Al!?

<Keelin> She's gone, now GO!

* Devnet continues with the racing music...

* Klork blinks, then nods slowly, going in

* Keelin follows

* Devnet does too <G>

* Kern carries Rae upstairs*

* Keelin comes through, sinking, sighing shakily..

* HappyLittleMoron shivers lightly, stroking Brenna's hair, who clings tightly to Klork's shirt

<Keelin> ~lords...Al...~

* Devnet kneels by Keelin, putting his arms around her...

* Keelin leans against him, sighing shakily...

* Devnet holds her close, stroking her hair

* Klork sighs, pulling his cloak off slowly, gently lifting Brenna from her carrier..

<Klork> ~we're here...and we're safe, Brenna..~

* Brenna hugs her cat close, looking around with big eyes* <w> Wha's this place....?

* Klork gently hands her to HLM, pulling the carrier off.

<Klork> ~home, Brenna..this is home..~

* Brenna tilts her head, resting an arm around HLM's neck* <w> Iso...strange...*blinks again and leans over to touch HLM's belly again...her belly starting to purr in return* Wha's in dere...?

* Klork disappears to their room, removing the sword and coming back in jeans & a t-shirt...

<Klork> ~Your siblings, Brenna..~

* Brenna blinks, looking confused* Dat why...why...dey call to me...?

* Klork nods...tracing a hand through her hair..

<Klork> yeah..

* Brenna blinks, purring extremly softly* Not born yet...

* Klork nods..

<Klork> ~time travels a lot quicker where you're from...they're supposed to be your triplet siblings..~

* Brenna blinks, brows furrowing as HLM sits down with her, reaching up to tug Klork down by them* was I taken...?

* Klork sits with them..

<Klork> ~Tiernan took you from here *rests a hand on HLM's stomach* and put you into another woman's stomach...~

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil', the other two purring loudly, feeling their sister close

<Brenna> How?

* Klork shakes his head, confused himself..

<Klork> ~magic...~

* Devnet eh still holding Keelin <G>

* Keelin is still quietly sobbin' away etc..

* Brenna blinks, brows furrowing as she nods, resting back against HLM, seeming to be getting comfortable* Why..?

* Klork sighs..

<Klork> ~children are rare where he comes from, Brenna...he tried to take all three of you..~

* Brenna nods, frowning* Why he get just me...?

* Klork frowns...* <w> We stopped him in the middle of his us it was only a few days ago...

* Brenna nods a lil', still confused* ...okie...*still hugs the cat-doll close, curled up in HLM's lap*

* HappyLittleMoron strokes Brenna's hair gently, shifting close to Klork

<Brenna> When I get to see dem...? *points to HLM's belly*

* Klork chuckles quietly..* ~in a few months when they're born, love..~

* Keelin sighs shakily, getting up and going into the bathroom to clean off..

* Devnet sighs softly, standing as well, brushing his jeans off, watching her...

* Brenna nods and smiles up at them both* I get to hold dem...?

* Keelin comes out after a while, cleaned off and looking much the same as she did before they travelled..the tips of her dress slightly torn around the bottom*

* Klork nods, chuckling

<Klork> ~of course..~

* Brenna grins, shifting to sit between the two of them, cuddled close to them both, resting a small hand on HLM's belly* <w> Babies...

* Devnet takes his turn to clean up a lil', gone for just a few moments before standing at Keelin's side

* Keelin sighs shakily, running her hands over her arms..

* Klork smirks, watching her, eyes soft

* Devnet strokes Keelin's back* <q> Want to head back our place...?

* HappyLittleMoron looks up at Keelin and Devnet, wincing lightly...

* Keelin nods, rubbing at her arms still...

<Keelin> ~yeah...~

<Devnet> <w> Alright...*looks up at HLM, Klork and Brenna* We're heading off...

* Klork looks up, nodding..brows furrowed

<Klork> do we have any way to contact you?

* Keelin sighs, going over and handing him their phone number..

<Keelin> yeah...

<Keelin> call us here...*sighs, turning* Take care..

* HappyLittleMoron gently gives Klork Brenna, and stands to hug Keelin and Devent* <w> Thank you both....

* Klork holds Brenna close, nodding

* Keelin nods, gently hugging HLM back

<Keelin> ~take care of her..a child is a very precious thing..~

<HappyLittleMoron> <w> I know...come back to visit...? If there's every anything we can do...just name it...

* Keelin nods, patting her shoulder gently, heading for the door

<Keelin> just let me know if Tiernan ever arrives...

* Devnet waves a lil', going with her and nodding

<HappyLittleMoron> I will...thanks again...

* Diana smiles slightly at them* <q> I am sorry about your friend...take care...

* Keelin nods, heading out the door..

* FWL_MeRc walks in brandishing his crossbow

* Devnet goes with her..just missing seeing Merc (but it don't end there!)

* Klork wraps Brenna's blanket around her, watching..waving to Merc

* HappyLittleMoron sits back down by Klork and Brenna, stroking the lil' girl's hair, grinning a llil and waveling to Merc

* FWL_MeRc looks at Brenna* "i see you got your child back" *smiles looking at them*

* Klork nods, smirking

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Yeah...<q> She's beautiful...

<Diana> Unfortunately we lost Al in the process...

* HappyLittleMoron nods sadly...

<FWL_MeRc> ... a life for a life,

<FWL_MeRc> at least he died for something noble

<HappyLittleMoron> Yes...she did...

<Diana> *from the shadows* Al was short for Allana...

<FWL_MeRc> ... *smiles at Brenna* hello... *offers his hand* I'm Merc

* Brenna blinkbllinks up at him, ice blue eyes curiouse* Hello...*gets up to curtsie, sliding to the floor* I Brenna...

<FWL_MeRc> Brenna? nice name for such a pretty girl *smiles*

* Brenna smiles, crawling up back up between HLM and Klork* Thank you...*looks at the crossbow* You warrior?

* FWL_MeRc gives her a slightly odd look, then nods* "guess i am"

* Klork chuckles, ruffling her hair..

* Brenna purrs lightly, leaning back, nodding a lil'*

* Klork smiles..

<Klork> Hey, Bren'? Wanna see your new room?

* HappyLittleMoron smiles gently as Brenna nods, looking up at him with wide eyes

* FWL_MeRc looks at klork and HLM* "well congrats to you too... you get to miss out on the diaper changeing"

<Brenna> I'd like dat, father...

<HappyLittleMoron> Thanks...well...we've got two more to put us through that...*smirks at him*

<Klork> yehah...what she said *smirks*

<FWL_MeRc> oi...

* HappyLittleMoron stands as well* Gonna join us, Mercie-poo?

* Klork heads up to him n' HLM's room, Brenna propped on his hip..

<FWL_MeRc> more of your spawn, i should warn the planet, but I'm not too fonud of humans

<FWL_MeRc> join ye? sure

* HappyLittleMoron snickers and smacks Merc's shoulder, before following Klork and Brenna up

* FWL_MeRc follows HLM up

* Klork opens the door...going over to one of the three cribs set in particular is a bit larger due to having a funny feeling thismight happen..

* HappyLittleMoron follows through, grinning lopsidedly as Brenna looks around with big eyes, all this stuff new to her

* Klork smirks..

<Klork> this is the room, *points* that's your bed...*points again* THat's where mommy and daddy sleep..*smirks* We stay close ..

* FWL_MeRc looks around* .oO (lucky people) "ohhh nice room"

* HappyLittleMoron nodsnods

* Brenna blinkies and nods* perty

* Klork smirks, setting her down

<Klork> want to explore? *turns the lights on*

* Brenna kinda hugs his leg, looking around with big eyes* What if I break somfin?

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> we'll be careful, I trust ya..

* Brenna nods a lil', stepping back and wandering around, blinking at the outlets, that have the covers over the holes, pointing to them* What're dose?

<Klork>*picks up a lamp* You have these with candles where you come from, right?

* Klork plugs it in...then clicks the lamp on

* Brenna blinks!!* Magic...?

<Klork> those holes cause electricity that gives a sort of magic to power our homes with light and warmth

* Klork nods

* FWL_MeRc watches all this then leans over whispering to HLM* "your really lucky you know, to have children"

<Klork> sort of..but you don't want to touch the holes..they hurt if you put your fingers in them..*smirks, unplugging the lamp & putting the cover on* thats' why these are on..

* HappyLittleMoron smiles softly* <w> I know...I count my want baby sitting duty *winks*

* Brenna nods* Ohh...okie...*tilts her head, looking around with wide eyes*

* Klork smirks, sitting and watching her

<Klork> tomorrow I'll take you to get some new clothes, okie?

<FWL_MeRc> *w* babysitting? well, i wouldn't mind, jus have to be careful

* Brenna blinks, looking down at her dress, wrinkling her nose and looking up at him* Do I hafta weara dress, still...?

* HappyLittleMoron nods* <w> Of course...*smiles softly, watching her*

* Klork chuckles..

<Klork> only if you want to...not gonna force ya to *smirks*

<FWL_MeRc> *w* such a well mannored child... seems like it was frightened into her though...

* HappyLittleMoron nods, frowning deeply, adjusting the rings on her hand* <w> Yeah...I really want to beat some sense into the idiot that took her...

* Brenna nods with a grin*

* Klork smirks..

<Klork> I'll letcha choose out whatcha want tomorrow..

<Brenna> *blinks, looking suprised* Rilly...?

* Klork nods

<Klork> of course..

* Brenna pauses, then walks over to him, holding her arms up*

* Klork picks her up into his arms, smirking

<Klork> heya..

* FWL_MeRc smiles* *w* " i hope to have a family one day..."

* Brenna smiles, looking a lot like HLM's as she hugs his neck*

* Klork smirks, nuzzling close and purring quietly

* HappyLittleMoron smiles at Merc* <w> I'm sure you will...

<FWL_MeRc> *w* god help the world if i spawn

* Klork chuckles..

<HappyLittleMoron> <w> Very true..*snickers*

* Brenna purrs lightly, curled close to him, still holding her cat-doll*

* Klork smiles, purring back, just sitting and holding her

<FWL_MeRc> *w* all in due time i suppose

* HappyLittleMoron nods, smling softly, unable to take her eyes away from her husband and daughter...

* Klork sits there, just holding her n' purring..

<HappyLittleMoron> 'Scuse me, Merc...*heads over, joining the two, and wrapping her wing around them*

* FWL_MeRc nods and leans against the wall watching

* Klork looks up, smiling, pulling her close, still purring

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, curling close to the two, Diana gliding up behind Merc

* FWL_MeRc smiles somewhat dreamingly as he watches

* HappyLittleMoron smiles softly, stroking Brenna's hair

* Brenna's a little two year old girl with black hair like Klork's, save for two streaks of strawberry blond, and ice blue eyes*

* FWL_MeRc goes downstairs after a while

* Klork sighs..

<Klork> hungry, Bren'?

* Brenna nods a lil', nuzzled close*

* Kameko sighs, coming in, all bundled up in a big pink and white fleece poncho

* Klork comes down the stairs w/ Brenna in his arms

* HappyLittleMoron follows, smiling softly

* Kameko blinks ... looking at them with surprised eyes .. looking at the girl, her own hands on her stomach under her poncho just for the heck of it

* FWL_MeRc looks around

* HappyLittleMoron grins lopsidedly at Kame, ruffling Brenna's hair lightly

* Brenna looks over at Kame, tilting her head*

* Klork smirks

* Diana waves to Merc from the shadows*

<Klork> this is .. my sister, Brenna..*smirks* Your Aunt, Kameko..

* Kameko pulls one hand out from under her poncho .. a bag of sushi in hand

<Kameko> Uhh... I brou--AUNT?!

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, nodding...

<FWL_MeRc> hey diana, u oke?

* Kameko BLINKS .. then smiles, bouncing on her toes all excitedly, obviously wondering how the hell that happened, but doesn't care to ask right now

* Brenna smiles shyly at Kame, waving a lil', since she can't cutsie in her dad's arms*

* Diana nods* Of

* Klork heads over, chuckling

<Klork> Kame..this is Brenna..*smiles.* {{We got her back..}}

* HappyLittleMoron nods...

* Kameko kneels .. then smiles, setting the sushi on the table

* Klork sets Brenna down, since Kame's kneeling..

<Kameko> Well hello there, Brenna.. It's nice to meet you..

* Kameko doesn't know what else to say, really, so bows as she kneels .. if that's really possible. <G>

* Brenna curtsies to Kame* Nice to meet you, Aunt Kame...

* Kameko holds out a piece of sushi

<Kameko> Uh...hungry?

<Kameko> You'll get to know that I bring food almost every time I come here.

* Klork chuckles, watching from wherehe's standing behind her..

* Brenna blinks, taking the sushi and examining it* What is it...?

<FWL_MeRc> feh could be better

<Diana> What's wrong...?

<Kameko> It's.. fish. Well, actually, that's cucumber sushi, so it's not really fish. It's good, though.

<Kameko> I wouldn't give you the fish to start out with. If you like that, you could try the rest.

* Klork nods, smirking..

<Klork> it's good stuff..*grins down to Brenn'*

* Brenna delicately sniffs it before taking a bite of it, blinking and eating the rest with a very soft purr*

<FWL_MeRc> want a family that kinda thing

<Diana> Ahh...I can understand that..

* Klork chuckles quietly...

<Brenna> Thank you, it's very good..*smiles shly*

* Klork chuckles..

<Klork> let her try hmm...a california roll?

* Kameko chuckles, handing her one

<Kameko> Here.. Klork's suggestion.

* Kameko smirks

<FWL_MeRc> ah well, what can ya do

* Brenna samples it...purring lightly* Good...what is it called...?

<Kameko> California roll. *smirks*

<Kameko> I make them myself.

* Klork picks Brenna up onto his hip

<Klork> your aunt kame makes goooood foods *smirks*

* Klork looks down at Brenna, letting her rest against him..

* Kameko smiles

<Kameko> {{She's beautiful, you guys..but how..?}}

* Klork looks to HLM* {{Care to explain while I put her to bed?}}

* HappyLittleMoron grins softly, standing by Klork and Brenna, ruffling the little girl's hair* {{Sure...}}

* HappyLittleMoron kisses Bren's brow before heading over to Kame, linking arms with her

* Klork heads upstairs w/ Brenna...

<HappyLittleMoron> Well...uhm...I guess time ran faster down in Underhill...or Teirnan sped up time for her...

* Kameko arches a brow

<Kameko> Teirnan..?

<HappyLittleMoron> Err...yeah...he's the guy who took the first place, rubs her belly lightly*

* Kameko blinks ... arching a brow

<Kameko> Will her... being out of the womb affect their growth at all..?

<HappyLittleMoron> I..dunno...I mean...she seems to be healthy now...

<Kameko> Yeah.. but they

<Kameko> Yeah.. but they'll have alot more room in there, now .. so will they be bigger than her?

* Klork comes back down, having put Brenna to bed ..a sheild up around the room for caution

<HappyLittleMoron> I...think they were gonna be bigger anyway...

* Kameko nods, her face thoughtful

<Kameko> I was just wondering.

* Klork chuckles, pocketing his hands

* HappyLittleMoron rubs her belly lightly, Brenna slleeping soundly, curled around her cat-doll

* HappyLittleMoron heads over to Klork, wraapping an arm around him

<HappyLittleMoron> So...uh...*grins lopsidedly* What else do you wanna know, Kame...?

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> I know what II wanna know *heads over to Kame's bag o' sushi* What kinda goodies do we have toodaaay

* HappyLittleMoron laughs!

* Kameko shakes her head .. then chuckles

<Kameko> She's very beautiful. Got the best traits of Klork..and all of yours, 'Mo.

* HappyLittleMoron blushes

* Kameko winks

<HappyLittleMoron> Poor girl...she'll need to wear sunglasses whenever she's in public after she gets through puberty...

<Kameko> We have just about everything we can ..without wasabi today, Klork.

* Klork smiles..nodding a bit with a sigh

<Klork> true..but she'll be at home here..

<Klork> oooo *purrs, digging in*

* HappyLittleMoron nods...then chuckles softly

<Kameko> My cousin Sammy could help her find some good ones.

<Kameko> He's never worn contacts, just sun glasses.

* HappyLittleMoron nods..* That would be a good idea...

* Kameko looks a bit disappointed

<Kameko> So..I guess that means you don't need my help anymore, huh ....

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

<HappyLittleMoron> Of course we do! *hugs Kame*

<Klork> hey...Teirnan's still out there *shakes his head* He could come back at anytime..

* HappyLittleMoron nods..

* Kameko just kinda chews on her lip, hands folded over her lap under her poncho

<Kameko> Yeah.... I just..wish I could have helped.. I said I would .. and then I wasn't even here.

* Klork pats her back gently, pullingher into a hug

<Klork> ~It's ok..~

* Kameko sighs, hugging him back

* Klork then tickles her

<Kameko> ..I was so worried.. and I didn't even get here to help.

* Kameko acks, smacking at his wrist in reaction

<Kameko> EEP!

* HappyLittleMoron nods, then blinks and laughs

<Klork> ack!

* Klork cackles

* HappyLittleMoron reaches around to tickle Klork* Be nice..

<Klork> argh! no doubleteam!

* HappyLittleMoron winks

* Kameko grins at 'Mo

<Kameko> Thanks.

<Klork> hmph.

<HappyLittleMoron> No problem *grins lopsidedly*

* HappyLittleMoron kisses Klork on the cheek

* Klork purrrrrrrrs

* HappyLittleMoron grins lopsidedly* How've you been Kame?

<Kameko> Good.. but.. still.

<Kameko> Wish I could have helped.

* Kameko smiles a bit, but it's forced

<Kameko> Feel like a bad "sister."

* Klork sighs, pullingher into a squeeze hug

<Klork> you're not bad!

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and shakes her head, wrapping her arms and wings around them both

<HappyLittleMoron> You're the best sister anyone can ask for

* Kameko sighs ... getting hugged, but just kinda-sorta hugs back

<Kameko> Can we go hunting for him? So.. I can help?

* Klork nods...

<Klork> not tonight tho..we have no way of getting to where he is unless he comes here for now...

* HappyLittleMoron nods..* And I really hope he doesn't ocme here...

* Diana nods silently, still kinda in the shadows*

* Kameko nods a little .. still looking disappointed

* Klork nods..

<Klork> amen..

<Klork> so hows youre little one, Kame?

<Kameko> Hungry, as always. But at least she's not being pushy about it this time.

* Kameko smiles a bit

<Kameko> It's .. just more of a craving for coffee.

* Kameko holds up a hand before he can say anything

<Kameko> I know..I know.. No coffee.

* Kameko mutters, sinking back down on the couch

<Kameko> You and Angelo both won't let me have any..

* Klork nods

<Klork> decaf...?

<Klork> we still have some..

* HappyLittleMoron grins lopsidedly

* Kameko ooohs

<Kameko> Angelo...never even THOUGHT about decaf!!

* Kameko 's eyes go wide

* Klork laughs, going to the kitchen to make some

* Puddles comes scrambling downthe stairs, nearly tackling Kame*

* Kameko acks, then laughs, rubbing at his belly

<Kameko> Heya Puds.. how're ya doin'?

* Puddles rolls on his back, chewing at her hand lightly*

* Kameko laughs .. kneeling carefully and continuing

* Puddles growls playfully, slobbering a bit as he plays with her*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly

* Diana sighs softly, gazing out the window, contemplating something...*

* Kameko blinks, hearing Diana and looks up

<Kameko> Hey Diana..didn't see you there. Sorry.. how're you?

<Kameko> What's up?

* Kameko waits for her coffee

* Diana blinks and chuckles deep in her throat* I am

* Klork brings it out to her, smirkin'

<Kameko> Good..I want my COFFEE! *calls that last bit over her shoulder*

<Klork> Irish cream flavored..*chuckles*

<Kameko> Other than that..I'm good. <G>

* Klork offers some to HLM..

* Kameko ooohs, taking it and devouring the cup, burning her tongue and throat in the process

<HappyLittleMoron> Ooh...thanks, sweetheart..*smiles, sipppping and blinking* Aggh...Kame..

* Diana chuckles softly*

* Kameko pulls the cup away, moving her hand like she could be fanning her mouth, then smiles

<Kameko> I'm coffee

<Klork> agh,K ame..easy..

* Klork nods, handing her a cup

* Diana shakes her head with a very small smirk*

* HappyLittleMoron sips, mming softly

* Diana traces the pattern in her skirt, brows furrowing slightly*

<Klork> sup', Di?

<Kameko> Thanks...for the coffee, though. Was good. <G>

* Klork nods

<Klork> noprob *smirks*

<Kameko> Why'd you sigh, though, Diana?

* Diana blinks, smiling slightly* Simply thinking...

* Klork quirks a brow, sitting and sipping at his own decaf

* Diana furrows her brows slightly, the rest of her face otherwise emotionless as seems usual..*

* Diana stands slowly, going back to the window silently*

* HappyLittleMoron watches her friend...furrowing her brow lightly...

* Klork looks to HLM

<Klork> ~what's wrong with her..??~

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head* <w> Nnot sure...can't really get anything out of her mentally...have the feeling it's got something to do with everything that happened Underhill...

* Klork nods, brow furrowed..* <w> ah...I hope she'll be allright..

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* <w> Me, too..*furrows her brow a little as she listens to something, shaking her head a little and shivering as her eyes glow slightly*

* Klork blinks,glancing over

<Klork> ~what is it??~

<HappyLittleMoron> {{*to Klork* Gods, love...she thinks she's a demon on top of being a vampire...and...I'm kind of starting to believe our link a lil' more so you can see what I see...}}

* Kameko stirs from drinking her coffee

* Klork nods, furrowing his brow...* {{ lookin'...}}

* Klork looks over to Kame

<Klork> you ok, sis?

* HappyLittleMoron 's eyes glow slightly, looking at Diana...through her, he can see dark energies swirling around Diana, the sucking ones of the vampire...but radiating at the moment subtle sexual energy, like pheremones but far stronger and easier to control..that of a the strange dragon like energies, muted, of the clan she was forced into

* Klork furrows his brow..* {{Strange...gads.}}

* HappyLittleMoron nods, her own brows furrowed, eyes glowing more, deep under those layers is great self-hatred, guilt, sadness, fear and supressed horrible hunger and lust

* Klork furrows his brow, sitting...shaking his head..

<Klork> {{What can we do??}}

* HappyLittleMoron 's eyes slowly lose their glow, the energies returning to muted auras around everyone, and she shakes her head* {{I dunno...I know there's gotta be a way to undo all this...and she knows's like she's afraid to share it...}}

<Klork> {{Maybe if we talked to her..? Or if you talked to her? Mondo perhaps?}}

<HappyLittleMoron> {{I'm not getting anything out of her.....Mondo might have better luck...I dunno...}}

<Klork> {{Maybe..gads}}

<HappyLittleMoron> {{I really wish I could understand more what's going on...}}

<Klork> {{Same here...}}

* Kameko dozes a bit .. nose going in her mug ..

* Klork erks, going over and lifting her head

<Klork> ~eh..Kame?~

* Kameko yawns, looking up at him with groggy eyes

<Kameko> Ehh..? yeah?

<Klork> were about to snort pure caffeine..

<Kameko> I thought you gave me decaf?

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles

<Klork> ah..well, I meant pure irish cream *smirks* Sorry, slip.

<Kameko> It's .. why I can't stay awake.

<Klork> ah..sorry *chews his lip*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* Maybe you should head home...?

* Kameko shakes her head

<Kameko> Don't wanna.

<Klork> you wanna stay here for the night?

<Klork> we have extra oldroom is still furnished..

* Kameko mutters

<Kameko> Don't wanna sleep.

<Klork> you sure..?

* Kameko nods

* Diana blinks, looking over at Kame in concern*

<Kameko> positive, thanks.

* Klork furrows his brow..

<Klork> you ok..?

<Kameko> Yeah..just..grouchy, sorry.

<Kameko> Probably a mood swing.

* Kameko shrugs

* HappyLittleMoron bllinks...

<HappyLittleMoron> Ok...damn those pregnancy horomones, 'eh?

* Klork rubs at her shoulders

<Klork> floggim' all..well..youcan't..but....yeah..

* Kameko chuckles a bit

<Kameko> I would .. but that would hurt me.

* Kameko shrugs

<Kameko> grouchy and gloomy. I'll leave if I'm bummin' you guys out.

<Klork> gah...

<Klork> Noo, Kame..

<HappyLittleMoron> You can stay...don't worry about it...

<Klork> hungry?

* Kameko shakes her head

<Kameko> No, actually. Thanks.

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a lil' leaning back, Diana watching them quietly

<Klork> ah...ok *blinks*

On to the Next Part