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Session Start: Mon Dec 24 10:21:27 2001

* HappyLittleMoron 's...uhm...adding a few gifts to under the tree, head bowed a bit

* Klork opens the door, bag full of stocking stuffers in hand as he closes the door quickly to the ice cold weather..

<Klork> dang..heh, Santa'd better get fog lights and a sleigh cover or he'll FREEZE out there..*winks*

* HappyLittleMoron looks up, then chuckles softly* Or make sure Rudoph's drunk enough so his nose glows likke one <G>

* Klork chuckles, going over and droppin' stuff in ppl's stockings..

<Klork> true's your day?

* HappyLittleMoron stands up, brushing her hands off on her jeans and smiling at him* Alright...yours?

* Klork nods, pulling her close n' huggin' her

<Klork> good good *smirks*

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, hugging him back, leaning up to kiss him* Goood

* Klork purrs, kissing her back

<Klork> mm..Merry Christmas, luv.

<HappyLittleMoron> Mm..Merry Christmas to you, too, sweetheart...*grins softly and strokes his cheek gently* Want hot coco?

* Klork smirks

<Klork> works for me *grins, wrapping an arm around her waist*

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, slipping an arm around his middle, hugging gently again, heading towards the kitchen with him* So...I wonder who all's gonna be showing up here...

* Klork follows, then shrugs

<Klork> dunno..but at the same time, I wouldn't complain if it were just you and me *smirks*

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, pouring water into a kettle and putting it on a burner, going over to him and wrapping her arms around him while waiting for it to boil* Me neither...*gazes up at him* I love you so much...

* Klork smiles as he looks down at her, reaching behind him into his back pocket and pulling out a small wrapped gift..

<Klork> ~~and I love, open one gift early?~ *smirks*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks, and smiles softly* <w> ..I..ok...*grins lopsidedly, accepting it and opening..*

* Klork watches, inside there should be a necklace with three gems on it..a green one, a blue and a red..all standing for the triplets she carries*

<Klork> ~It's a promise to you..that we will have all THREE of our children..~

* HappyLittleMoron bites her lip a lil', and looks up at him, eyes teary* <w> I...oh love...*swallows and wordlessly puts her arms aroundd him, giving him a hard thank you kiss*

* Klork smiles, kissing her back, just holding her firmly close

* HappyLittleMoron swallows a little, smiling at him, pulling back slightly* <q> Help me put it on...?

* Klork nods, pulling it out of the box for her

<Klork> <q> sures..lift your hair up..

* HappyLittleMoron does so...turning so he can fasten it easily

* Klork drapes it around her neck, clasping it at the back of her neck before smiling

<Klork> there..

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, llightly touching it with her fingertips* It's lovely...c'mon...I'll give you yours too...

* Klork blinks,then nods, linking his hand with hers

* HappyLittleMoron twines her fingers with his, going with him back to the tree...kneeling to pick up a smallish box and offering it to him

* Klork blinks, then smirks, kissing her cheek before taking it in his hands, slowly unwrapping it

<HappyLittleMoron> *inside is a choker made of hemp with a string of runes on the clay amulet hanging from it, she points to each one in turn*

* Klork smirks, tracing it with his finger tips before smirking wryly

<Klork> heh, wanna help ne put it on? *smirks, kissing her cheek* ~I love it..~

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, a slight blush coming to her cheeks as she nods* <w> I'm glad...and sure...*smirks a lil' and winks* Do the hair thing, handsome...

* Klork nods, chuckling as he lifts part of his hair with oneh and...then the rest with the other

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly, standing on tiptoe to fasten it in the back before kissing him* Man...I at least hope if they're girls, they have your hair *winks*

* Klork laughs..

<Klork> geeze..*kisses her brow as he lets his hair down* well, I guess I'll take that as a compliment *winks*

* Red walks into the room with some gifts and puts them under the tree* "Hello Mo, Yo Klork."

* HappyLittleMoron looks up and grins, slipping her arms around Klork* Heyas, Red...

* HappyLittleMoron blinks as the kettle whistles* The kitchen calls...*winks and heads that way after kissing Klork's jaw*

* Klork waves to Red

* Klork purrs, watching her go, then glances over at Red

<Klork> so, whatcha get TN?

* HappyLittleMoron y'know...does the poaring thing...making coco for him, tea for herself* Want something warm to drink, Red?

<Klork> oooh, spiff...

<Draconigeno> "Tea's fine, thanks."

<Klork> When ya gonna go there?

<Draconigeno_Red> "For Mardegras."

* Red walks into the kitchen* "Need help with anything?"

* Red Shiva's dozing, sitting in a chair in the kitchen

<HappyLittleMoron> Nah...feel free to make yourself some tea or something...*grins lopsidedly at him as she heads past him, back to Klork to give him his coco*

* Klork smiles, sipping at it

* Red makes a pop of Peppermint tea

<Klork> night!!!!

<HappyLittleMoron> Night, hon!

* Klork kisses her brow

<Klork> see you tomorrow morning babe..

Session Close: Mon Dec 24 20:35:45 2001

Session Start: Mon Dec 24 22:11:19 2001

* HappyLittleMoron and Diana sit chatting in front of the fire...

* Myrae comes down the stairs, chewing at her lip as she sneaks to put a few presents under the tree*

* Kern sneaks down behind her, suprisingly quiet for someone as big as he is*

* Myrae sets them down, trying not to disturb Diana & HLM as she sits to put a bow on that's fallen off..

* Kern smiles softly, watching her*

* Klork leans in the doorway of the kitchen, finishing off his cocoa, chuckling quietly

* HappyLittleMoron blinks, smiling softly up at Klork, then glances at Kern and Rae...grinning softly

* Kern kneels down beside her, takes a sprig of mistleto and holds it over Rae's head, tapping her lightly on the shoulder*

* Myrae jumps, eyes wide as she puts her hand over her heart, looking back at him*

* Klork chuckles..

* Kern grins hammily* Hello, there...

* Klork winks to HLM, pointing to themistle toe above his head with a suggestive smirk

<Myrae> You scared me...I..hi..? *blinks at the hammy grin*

* HappyLittleMoron grins, excusing herself and putting her tea down...saunters over to Klork, and slowly wraps her arms around him...leaning up for a long, sensual kiss

* Kern points to the mistleto* Do you know the signifigance of this holy plant? *smiles*

* Klork purrs, wrapping his arms around her hips and returning the kiss

* Diana watches the fire, small smile on her face*

* Myrae blinks, brow furrowing up at it with a puzzled look* I...holy? *blinks* Is it a fruit of the gods??

<Kern> No...*tilts her chin up gently* A kiss under it is magical...a sacred expression of love...*smiles gently at her, leaning down to kiss her lips*

* Myrae blinks, then blushes, kissing him back with no complaint*

* Kern smiles into the kiss, wrapping his arms around her*

* Myrae smiles, curled up close to him, ruffling his hair a bit* Hmm...I could like this plant..*winks*

* Kern chuckles softly, holding her close* It is one of my favorites *winks back*

* Myrae giggles, snatching it and putting it over his head, nearly tackling him in a kiss*

* Kern laughs, kissing back, falling back with his arms around her*

* Klork pulls back slowly, smirking

<Klork> hmm...hey there *smirks*

<HappyLittleMoron> Mmm...*opens her eyes and smiles dreamily up at him* dream come true...

* Klork laughs quietly..

* HappyLittleMoron smiles softly, tracing his face with a fingertip...

<Klork> and my love, *smirks, habitually leaning into her hand* ~my only~

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, eyes sparkling as she rests her palm against his cheek, stroking lightly with her thumb* <w>'re my only too...forever...

* Klork smiles, purring quietly

* HappyLittleMoron just kinda gazes at him with a soft grin, Kern still making out with Rae....Diana just staring into the fire

* Myrae grins, getting up anddusting off with a smirk..pausing to look at Diana* Di...? Will you be ok?

* Klork chuckles, tracing his fingers through her har

* Diana blinks and looks up with a small smile* Oh...I...hai...worry not for me.

* Myrae furrows her brow* Is there anything you'd like...??

* HappyLittleMoron smiles up at him, just lost in his eyes

<Diana> Iie...thank you though...

<Klork> *Myrae nods, going over as she chews at her lip, kneeling in her white gown* I...if you're certain..

* Klork purrs, tilting her chin up gently w/ his thumb to kiss her again

* Diana smiles, her nature making it a cold one, reaching over to ruffle Rae's hair in a friendly manner* Hai...I am...thank you...

* HappyLittleMoron kisses back, tracing a hand through his hair

* Rae errps, chuckling* All right..*smirks* Happy Solstice..

* Diana chuckles softly* you as well...

* Rae nods, heading to thedoor and peering out...smirking and disappearing into the front yard*

* Klork purrs quietly, picking her up and carrying her to the couch to sit for a bit

* Kern blinks, following cautiously*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and chuckles, resting her arms around his shoulders*

<Klork> mm..hi..*sits w/ her*

* Rae lobs a snowball at Ker when he comes out the door*

<Rae> hah!

<Kern> ACK! *gets nailed in the chest, before laughing and scooping up snow to lob back at her*

<HappyLittleMoron> Mm...hihi...*nuzzles him gently*

<Rae> erk! *hides behind a pile of snow that used to be Evans snowman*

* Klork smiles and pulls her close,purring quietly

<Klork> so, n' Mondo gonna sleep in tomorrow mornin'?

* Kern chuckles, chasing after her*

* Myrae laughs, smacking another at him, picking up her skirts and running around the asylum to get away*

* Diana grins wryly* I sleep in every morning, Klork *winks slightly* Too much energy to fight off the sun...I do hope to see him, though....

* Kern acks! whiping snow from his face with a laugh, chasing after her before gently tackling her*

* Klork nods

<Klork> if I see him I'll tell him that *smirks*

<Rae> ermph! *laughs, spinning and landing on her back in the snow*

* Kern laughs, pinning her with a gentle touch, leaning down to kiss her*

* Diana smiles* I'd appreciate that, Klork...domo...

<Diana> How has your Christmas been?

<Diana> Or...Eve...

* Myrae smiles, kissing him backthen erks* Coollld!

* Diana shrugs with a sheepish grin*

<Klork> well..not too bad at all *smiles* yours?

* Kern chuckles and stands, lifting her into his arms* I'm so glad my savagery no longer frightens you *winks*

<Diana> Good to hear...*smiles* As for mine, 'tis alright...

* Myrae laughs, wrapping her arms around his neck* savagery..*laughs, bappin'his shoulder*

* Kern grins and grrrs playfully before leaning down to nibble her neck*

* Myrae shivers, smiling playfully before shoving a snowball down his shirt with a cackle*

<Kern> AAAAAAAGH!! *Laughs, shivering and setting her down before shaking the snow out and tackling her again*

* Myrae acks, squirming free and taking off towards the front again, throwing snow at him on the way*

* Kern ducks as best he can as he runs after her, throwing snow back and laughing*

<Klork> *Rae laughs loudly, skiding down to the sidewalk where the ice is slick, running to snag s'more snow*

* Kern acks, skidding himself before catching his balance and trying to lob more snow at her*

* Myrae erks, getting some snow at the small of her back before grabbing some more and lobbing at him, running into the asylum and up the stairs*

* Klork blinkblinks...watching her run by...

* Kern laughs, chasing after her, closing the door behind him, dissapearing up the stairs*

<HappyLittleMoron> ...well...

<HappyLittleMoron> They're doing better

* Klork nodnods...

* Myrae heads up to the roof, waiting for him with an armfull of snow, hefting it at him when he comes up *

* Kern ERKs and ducks down to the side, scooping up snow to throw at her...wet and cold, but not really caring*

* Myrae laughs, then gets a face full of snow...blinking, thentacklinghim to throw some down his pants*

<Kern> Aaaaaaaaack...nonono!! *blocks THAT quiet well, thanks!* The family jewels need protection...

* Myrae cackles, grinning mischeviously before running to get more snow*

* Kern erks and reaches out to snag her* Heeeeeeynow...*chuckles*

* Myrae turns, smiling, eyes sparkiling silver...looking like mercury

<Myrae> hmm???

* Kern grins, sliding his hands down to hers and bringing them to his lips, his own a deep green, like a pine forest at night* You, my goddess, are beautiful.

* Myrae blinks, then blushes, chuckling a bit* Heh...well, I pale next to you...

* Kern hmms softly, holding his arm by hers* That's just because of the'll get darker with the sun *winks with a smirk*

* Rae blinks, then laughs, shaking her head* take me far too literally *smiles*

* Kern smiles* That's the point, radient one...*grins, tracing the line of her jaw with a fingertip*

* Rae blushes, chewing her lip with a sheepish smile*

* Kern chuckles, kissing her brow gently*

* Rae smirks, pulling away however..and running, grabbing a snow ball and lobbin' it at him once again*

* Klork leans over to HLM, brow arched

<Klork> <w> is it safe for them to be out there..? or is that dark aura gone?

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip* <w> I's still there...just...not as strong...

* Diana looks over* They will not be bothered by those people tonight.

* Klork blinks...then nods...brow furrowed

<Klork> that's good..but..why this night particularly?

* Diana smiles mysteriously* There has done. Worry not..

<Klork> work...? *blinks, then looks at HLM quizzicaly*

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head cluelessly

* Diana's since returned her gaze to the fire..*

* Klork shrugs a bit..blinking

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip, brows wrinkled slightly

<HappyLittleMoron> Diana...?

<Diana> Hmm...?

* Klork listens, brow furrowed

<HappyLittleMoron> ...what did you do...?

* Rae lobs a snowball at Ker'*

* Diana shrugs a little* Nothing to be worried about.

* HappyLittleMoron furrows her brows

* Kern aaaacks and gets it in the shoulder, tossing one of his own back at her*

* Rae laughs, hefting one at him from across the pool*

* Kern laughs, kinda crouched over as he stalks around, tossing snow at her as he goes*

<HappyLittleMoron> Diana...

<Diana> ...what...? have no need to worry...

* Rae cackles, dodging easily from the distance,throwing a few at him*

* HappyLittleMoron watches her friend, brows furrowed

* Kern laughs, dodging as best he can before getting close enough to tackle again*

* Klork looks at HLM, lost..

* Myrae acks, bolting for a pile of snow, laughing*

<Kern> Aaaaaaagh! *snickers and ducking down to bombard her with snow*

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip a lil', watching Diana until the vampire shakes her head with a sigh

* Myrae acks, getting bombarded, laughing loudly*

<Diana> Fine...I killed a few of the lackies lurking around here...they're weak at the the night...we should be safe...

* Kern howls with laughter as he pounces her again*

* Klork blinkblinks..

<Klork> geeze..

* Myrae erks, laughing as she tries pushing the snow back into his own face*

* Kern sputters, laughing as he tries to dodge and do much the same to her*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a lil' bit* you ok...?

* Diana nods quietly, gaze back on the fire, brow slightly wrinkled* ...hai...

* Myrae shivers, still laughing to hide it, smooshing snow into his shirt*

<Kern> Aaaaaaaaack...*shivers and stands, holding her close, eyeing her white gown 'n all up with a slight smirk*

* Myrae blinks, then blushes brightly to contrast her outfit, crossing her arms over herself* heh!

* Kern grins and kisses her brow* A beautiful site for sore to go inside?

* Myrae nodnods, still blushing* I..heh, yeah, it's a bitcold..

* Kern heads inside with her* I noticed *winks*

* Myrae mutters, going with, smacking his rear* Yes, this I saw you noticed as well *sticks her tongue out*

* Kern erks and laughs!!* I vastly enjoy it as well...*winks, escourting her to her room*

* Myrae laughs as she shakes her head, going in, leaving a trail of water from her dress*

* Kern chuckles* I shall meet you downstairs...? Or need you company...?

* Myrae smirks* I'll be downstairs shortly *winks*

<Kern> I'll be there...*grins, dissapearing into his room before coming out in jeans and a silk shirt, joining the rest downstairs*

* Klork waves

<Klork> heya Ker'...soaked?

* Kern chuckles, waving back* Slightly damp...*runs a hand through his wet hair*

* Klork chuckles..

<Klork> I, I see you two are doing well

* Kern smiles widely, nodding* That we are...she's a wonderful woman..

* Klork ahhs, nodding a bit, chuckling

* Myrae pokes her head out..wearing long silk dress of light purples and blues with a long slit up one side, spaghetti strap shoulders*

* Kern looks up at Rae...and kinda stares...*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly

* Klork cackles quietly, pulling HLM close

* Myrae looks sheepish, waving*, Merry Christmas?

* HappyLittleMoron grins, nuzzling close to Klork

<Kern> Ah...uhm...*gets up and offers his arm, unable to take his eyes from her...awed*

* Diana chuckles softly*

* Klork leans, whispering to HLM

<Klork> <w> methinks he's become a lot more in awe of her recently for more reasons than her dress...

* Myrae grins, still looking sheepish as she takes his arm, blush rising on her cheeks*

* HappyLittleMoron arches a brow, whispering back with a grin* <w> Oh...could this be the infamouse L-O-V-E striking again...?

* Kern escourts her to the couch* You look...astonishing...

* Klork cackles...watching Ker' with a knowing look before look at HLM* <w> Heh...and then some, darlin'

* Myrae chuckles, sitting when he does, still flushed* I...heh..well...thanks..? *grins, flustered*

* Kern smiles, sitting with her*

* HappyLittleMoron grins* *whispering softer now so they can't hear* <vqw> Ohgeeze...our little ones are going to have more company...?

* Klork nods, chuckling quietly...*<w> just watch him for a'll all seem familiar..

* Myrae smirks, leaning against him*

* HappyLittleMoron grins lopsidedly, nodding...

* Kern smiles, wrapping his arms tenderly, wonderingly around her, pulling her close*

<HappyLittleMoron> <w> Ohboy...*chuckles very softly*

* Klork chuckles, smirking all knowingly

* Myrae smiles, looking up at him, leaningher head on his shoulder*

* Kern smiles, gazing down at her, stroking her shoulder lightly*

* HappyLittleMoron just shakes her head, smiling softly and nuzzling close to Klork

* Myrae grins, just watching the fire now..quite comfortable*

* Klork smirks, kissing her brow and just nuzzlin' her close*

* Diana smiles a little, eyes not leaving the fire, yet completely consiouse of their presenses...listening to all the heartbeats 'n such*

* Myrae curls up, yawning and begining to doze*

* Kern smiles, holding her close*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly, grinning lightly

* Klork smirks..

<Klork> <q> so..ker?

* Kern looks up* <q> Hmm...?

* Myrae falls asleep*

<Klork> <q> so..when were you gonna share the good news? *looks over, brow quirked*

* Kern blinks and actually blushes a little* <q> ...when she felt ready to...*furrows his brows a little* I want to tell the whole world...but not until she's comfortable doing it with me...

* Klork blinks, brow furrowed

<Klork> ~why isn't she youknow?~

* Kern shakes his head, gently holding her close, protectively, shaking his head a little* <w> Something about the traditions where she's from...*brows furrow* Concieving without having if bearing a child is a curse...I...guess...she just needs to come to terms with it...

* Klork blinks...brow furrowed...then nods a little...

<Klork> ~that..and maybe Shingami...?~

* Kern cringes* <w> I...yeah..*looks up at him with slightly confused, very worried eyes* I...have no idea what to do with that whole situation...

* Klork sighs, rubbing at HLM's shoulder

<Klork> ~maybe talk to Shingami..??~

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip, resting against his chest

<Klork> ~let her know that just because you're with Myrae ... that it doesn't mean you dislike her..~

<Kern> <w> I...I guess...I could try that...I'm just so afraid of hurting her even more...

* Klork nods, brow furrowed...then glances to HLM

<Klork> ~any ideas?~

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head* <w> 'Sides what you already said, love...? None...

* Kern sighs a little and nods...*

* Klork chews at his lip, nodding..

* Kern kisses the top of Rae's head, then smirks* <w> ...going from being hunted by one group for one thing to another fora different thing...*shakes his head with a smirk* The irony is too much...

* Klork chuckles quietly

<Klork> ~hunted huh?~~ *chuckles*

* Rae smiles, curling close*

* Kern chuckles softly, a deep rumble in his chest, cuddling her close*

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head, laughing softly

* Klork smiles, kissing HLM's brow

* HappyLittleMoron smiles up at him, leanning up to kiss him gently

* Klork purrs, kissing her back gently

* Diana looks up, smiles slightly at them, and dissapears out the door*

* Klork blinks, brow furrowing

* HappyLittleMoron blinkblinks

* Kern furrows his brows*

<Klork> where's she going...?

* Myrae hrmnhs? opening her eyes tiredly* huh?

<HappyLittleMoron> I dunno...*instinnctively goes to stand..*

* Klork gets up, following, arm wrapped around her..

* Myrae blinks tiredly..brow furrowed* ~wha..?~

* Kern strokes Rae's hair, standing slowly* <w> Rest, love...

* Myrae blinks..brow furrowed before she slowly stands shaking her head* <w> what's going on?

* HappyLittleMoron peeks ouut the door and BLINKS...what looks almost to be a massive magical battle is going on down at the corner of the building, Diana holding her own against a nasty lookinng creature seeming to ooze oil from its pores...the only solid parts to it are its talons, which are charged with magic and it uses to slice at Diana

<Kern> <w> I don't know....

* Klork blinkblinks..eyes wide, pushing in front of HLM to fall to his knees, slamming his fists to the ground and sending lightning towards the creature..

* Myrae furrows her brow, peeking out around HLM..then BLINKS* ~whoa..~

* HappyLittleMoron acks...falling back as the creature seems to boil at the electricity, the smell of burning plastic filling the air as Diana lets fly a bolt of fire at the same moment Klork's electricity hits

* Myrae stares, eyes wide* Oh whoa..

* Klork sits up, forming a ball of electricity in betweenh is hands...lobbing the electric ball at it..

* HappyLittleMoron blinkblinks, stumbling back and pulling Rae with her as the thing lumbers towards them

* Myrae blinks, eyes wide* What is that thing?!

* Klork blinks, then growls, attempting to throw an electrical sheild aroundthe asylum, sending electricty through it at it

* Diana hisses, eyes glowing a bright red as she flies at its back, fully charged magically, the thing getting hit by the ball and convulsing, getting zapped by the sheild too, before roaring with rage and dissapearing with the overpowering stench of burned plastic, clouding the air with rancid smoke*

* HappyLittleMoron covers her mouth, coughing, as does Kern, who pulls the women back into the asylum

* Myrae shudders, coughing hardas she covers her mouth, wincing with each cough*

* Klork runs out to Diana, keeping the sheild up

<Klork> Di..?! *coughs* what was that?!

* Kern takes them as far away frommm the door as possible, closing it between them and the outtside*

* Myrae still covers her mouth, sitting to her knees* What was that thing>!

* Diana casts her glowing gaze around, eyes narrowed* I creature summoned by our enimies...not of elvish decent...just...*shakes her head* A monster....I...felt it...

* Klork shakes his head, grimacing

<Klork> I'm keeping the sheild up all night...come inside??

<Klork> or do you thinkit's not gone?

* Diana bites her lip a little, looking at him with pale eyes and nodding before heading back to the asylum* Hai...I think it's gone...*sighs a little, running a hand through her hair* Great gods....I wish this would just end...*casts her eyes down as she opens the door again* I wish to be human again...too much of a feeling of...*furrows her brow* similarity with that...thing....

* Klork pauses at the door, putting a hand on her shoulder

* Diana looks at him with sad eyes*

<Klork> matter what you are physically or spiritually, you will ALWAYS be who your heart permits you to us, and hopefully to'll NEVER be like that thing...~

* Diana cringes and nods a little* <w> Hai...I know...the draw is is powerful...I will never turn but...*shakes her head and trails off*

<Klork> ~Di..~ *furrows his brow* ~I've been're NOT in anyway similar...~

* Diana furrows her brow a little, dropping her eyes to the pavement, reaching a hand over to rub at one of the tattoos* <w> Domo, Klork...

* Klork furrows his brow, closing the door with a slight nod

<Klork> ~hai..~

* Myrae has already gone to thekitchen, staring out the window to see if anybody else shows..*

* Kern is right with her, HLM biting her lip and nearly tackling the two of them in a hug, once they're all the way in*

* Diana smiles feintly, hugging back halfheartedly*

* Klork smiles, hugging her close..his knuckles scraped & bleeding..

<HappyLittleMoron> <w> Gods...*kisses Klork, then bites her lip* Lemme take care of your ok, Diana...?

* Diana nods silenly*

* Klork blinks, kissing HLM back before watching Di w/ worried eyes

* Myrae stares out the window, brows furrowed..not wanting to leave it in fear she might miss something*

* HappyLittleMoron bites her lip as Diana seems to fade into the background, leading Klork up to their room to dress his hands

* Klork follows, chewing at his lip

* Kern gently lifts her up* <w> C'mon...let's get some rest

* Myrae blinks...then nods, curling close to him..* ~yeah..~

Session Close: Tue Dec 25 02:07:14 2001

