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Session Start: Sat Dec 22 09:58:24 2001

* HappyLittleMoron sits curled on the couch, an set of iron knuckles by her, sleeping fitfully...looking like she's been crying

* Mondo comes in the door and looks up* ..huh?

* Mondo slips over to HLM and kneels down* ..whoa...HLM??

* HappyLittleMoron mmphs a lil', jerking away, looking at Mondo with wide eyes before taking a shuddering breath when she recognizes him* H...hi, Mondo...

<Mondo> ..what's up? ok babe? *his eyes show concern*

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip, resting a hand on her belly* no...

* Mondo puts a hand on her belly* ..what happened babe?

* HappyLittleMoron swallows a lil'*'s...a long story...e...ever hear of the...*brows furrow at the unfamiliar words* Unseleighe Sidhe...? Dark elves...?

<Mondo_Gecko>'t say I have

<HappyLittleMoron> Ok...uhm...they're...uh...I don't exactly understand exactly what they are...but...they're...really of them, a lord or something...caught Klork and me last night...beat Klork up rilly bad...and...stole one of our babies...

<Mondo_Gecko> what?!

<Mondo_Gecko> the hell does that work!?

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil', shuddering, rubbing her belly a lil'* I dunno...he...somehow transfered one of them...the weakest one...into an elven woman...

<Mondo_Gecko> ..and where might I find these guys

<HappyLittleMoron> He...he woulda gotten 'em all if Klork hadn't zapped him an' Kern, Rae and two of our new friends hadn't gotten there...

<HappyLittleMoron> Underhill...

<Mondo_Gecko> ..I would like to meet and greet this indivduals

* Mondo_Gecko cracks his knuckles

<Mondo_Gecko> Underhill?

* HappyLittleMoron nods, biting her lip, eyes sparkling with tears* Y..yeah...dunno exactly where it is...was teleported there...

* Mondo_Gecko scowls

<Mondo_Gecko> great..

<Mondo_Gecko> you need to go to a doctor or something?

<HappyLittleMoron> I..I guess...the night before last the same guy was messing with us...well...he WAS messing with us...wanting to get our kids...he took my mind...Klork and a few others got it back...

<HappyLittleMoron> I...I dunno...what they'd be able to do...

<Mondo_Gecko> make sure that your alright..

* HappyLittleMoron rubs her belly a little, two small purrs arising* I..guess...I dunno...*sighs softly* I think I'm ok...just tired...

* Mondo_Gecko nods a bit

<Mondo_Gecko> you want me to get you something to eat?

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip, shivering a lil'* ...sure...some..fruit...?'

* Mondo_Gecko nods

<Mondo_Gecko> read my mind..

* Mondo_Gecko gets up and heads to the kitchen and starts to slice up fruit and drizzles it with honey and powdered sugar

* Mondo_Gecko comes back and sets the plate infront of HLM

<Mondo_Gecko> here ya go..

<Mondo_Gecko> ..I think I'm gonna get some of that myself...

<Mondo_Gecko> hmm..then..sleepin the hot tub and sun myself too...hehe

<HappyLittleMoron> Thanks, Mondo...ok...*nibbles...then chuckles* That sounds good too...Diana says "hi" by the way...

<Mondo_Gecko> ..oh..hehe

<Mondo_Gecko> tell her hi back ;P

<Mondo_Gecko> ..wanna come sit with me in the water?

<Mondo_Gecko> it'll probably be good for you

<HappyLittleMoron> I'll watch tubs aren't good for pregnant women...especially with the way this one's going....

<Mondo_Gecko> really?

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* Dunno why...Dr. Fuji just told me that last time I saw him...

<Mondo_Gecko> messed up..

<Mondo_Gecko> I thought that would be good for your back an' stuff

* Mondo_Gecko goes and prepares more fruit and takes teh plate over to the hot tub, pulling off his shirt and jeans and climbing in, wearing his boxers, streaching out

<HappyLittleMoron> I guess...for the back...*sits by the hottub* Just not for the babies...

<Mondo_Gecko> yea..I heard that sometimes chicks should give birth in the water

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...but I don't think the water is that hot...*smirks a lil'* AFTER they're born, I'll make good use of it...*sighs a little, rubbing her belly as she munches*

* Mondo_Gecko ducks under the water and a second later only the top of his head appears and moves over to the plate like a croc and a claw snaches a peice of fruit and down he goes again

* HappyLittleMoron blinks, then laughs, not being able to help herself

* Mondo_Gecko 's head pokes up again, watching her..he's in aplayful mood rightnow

* HappyLittleMoron looks up and blinks, eyeing him a lil' with a smirk* ...wha?

* Mondo_Gecko snatches more fruit and zips under with a splash

* HappyLittleMoron moves his bowl of fruit to the other side of the hottub with a grin

* Mondo_Gecko 's head pokes up again

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( where's my fruit go!?)

* HappyLittleMoron whistles innocently, back in the spot she was before

* Mondo_Gecko feels around the pool where the fruit was

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(gone!! gone I say!)

* Mondo_Gecko stands up

<Mondo_Gecko> ...alright..very funny..

* HappyLittleMoron looks up at him

* Mondo_Gecko scratches his head

<HappyLittleMoron> Hmm?

<Mondo_Gecko> where'd the fruit gone too?

* Mondo_Gecko smirks

* fruit is behind him...exact opposite side of the pool from where it was before*

<HappyLittleMoron> Iiiiii...dunno...*smiles angelicly up at him*

* Mondo_Gecko looks around and spots it

<Mondo_Gecko> ...

<Mondo_Gecko> satanic fruit plate,

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

* Mondo_Gecko spears a few on his claws

<HappyLittleMoron> Awman...we have evil elves and now satanic fruit plates??

<Mondo_Gecko> *mouthful* yep!

<HappyLittleMoron> What is this world coming to...

<Mondo_Gecko> something crappy?

* Mondo_Gecko spears more fruit and eats it

* HappyLittleMoron erks when a six year old with chocolate skin and sparkling blue hair with raibow streaks through it hanging to her waist, and swirling rainbow colors in her eyes comes running over to curl up by HLM, smiling hammily up at Mondo

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles

* HappyLittleMoron ruffles the girl's hair* Hi, Iris...

* Mondo_Gecko blinks

<Mondo_Gecko> ..whoa..who's kid?

<Mondo_Gecko> ..punk kid at that

<Mondo_Gecko> Cool

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles

* Iris stands up* I'm Iris...Kern and Nox's sister...*smiles*

<Mondo_Gecko> ..Cool

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(who the hell are Kern and Nox)

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm Shawn

<Mondo_Gecko> the weirdo that lives in the pool

<HappyLittleMoron> Ohh...heh...time travelers to add to it...this is Iris...Kernunones is a big guy...gotta be 6'4" with tanned skin...Nox is a pale woman with long black hair...

* Mondo_Gecko goes to licking honey from the plate

* Iris blinkies* Aren't you cold tho...?

<Mondo_Gecko> nope!

* Iris tilts her head, hair sparkling in the sunlight* Why not?

<Mondo_Gecko> I dunno! ..

<Mondo_Gecko> just arn't

* Mondo_Gecko looks up from the plate with honey on his chin

<Mondo_Gecko> I got hair with colors like yours..except it's wet so it's hard to tell.

<Iris> You gots honey on yer face...*blinks and tilts her head* Rilly??

<Mondo_Gecko> yep!

<Mondo_Gecko> oh..hehe

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles

* Mondo_Gecko licks his chin with his long tounge

* Iris blinks, sticking out her tongue and trying to look at it before looking back at him* <q>

* Iris tilts her head, swirling eyes not leaving Mondo* How you do that...?

<Mondo_Gecko> do what?

<Iris> That thing...with your tongue...?

* Mondo_Gecko grins

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm a lizard! lizards have long tounges..

<Iris> You different from lizards I seen...

<Mondo_Gecko> how so?

* Mondo_Gecko cocks a brow

<Iris> gots hair...*smiles*

<Mondo_Gecko> hehe...that's cause I'm a mutant honey

<Iris> A changeling like my brother sister 'n me...?

<Mondo_Gecko> hmm...nooo...c'mere

* Mondo_Gecko pulls himself out of the water and sits on the side of the pool wringing his hair out

* Iris goes over, eyes swirling with curiousity...orangse and yellows mostly*

<Mondo_Gecko> got psychadelic eyes kid..

* Mondo_Gecko tosses his hair behind him

<Mondo_Gecko> You know what a mutant is?

* Iris furrows her brows* Kern said it's the same as a Changeling...

<Mondo_Gecko> I dunno what a changeling is..

<Mondo_Gecko> but..maybe.

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhm...a side note...she and her brother and sister are from about 80000 years in the past...

<Mondo_Gecko> ..heh..oh

* Mondo_Gecko looks back to Iris

<Mondo_Gecko> it's kinda like..being crossed with something..kay?

<Mondo_Gecko> Like..I was born a human and..this a magic potion turned me into half a lizard and half a human

<Mondo_Gecko> dig?

* Iris nods* Ohh...okies...uhm...where do I dig...?

<Mondo_Gecko> mean Do you understand

<Iris> Ooh...ok...*smiles widely* I dig! *looks proud*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles*

* Mondo_Gecko grins

<Mondo_Gecko> cute kid

* Mondo_Gecko puts his hand out for her to touch

* Iris reaches over to touch his hand..*

* it's very soft to the touch and the texture feels kind alike little beads

* Mondo_Gecko watches her, just as curious about her as she is about him

<Iris> Wow...*examines his hand, then looks up at him with a smile* I c'n do tricks too!

<Mondo_Gecko> like what?

* Mondo_Gecko brings his legs up and puts his chin in his knees

* Iris grins, holding her hands out, her fingertips seeming to sparkle with little rainbows...she wiggles her fingers, moving her hands up over his head, and rainbows shower from her fingertips over Mondo, shimmery looking and cool, tingly feeling*

* Mondo_Gecko shivers

<Mondo_Gecko> whoa..that is trippy..

* HappyLittleMoron blinks, eyes glinting slightly as she eyes the energies, smiling softly

* Mondo_Gecko closes his eyes

<Iris>'...*sucks in her lower lip in concentration, putting her hands together, eyes still on Mondo, and slowly draws them apart, a rainbow forming over him, like an arch*

* Mondo_Gecko sighs peacefully...feeling very relaxed with this kid for some reason

* Iris smiles brightly, letting the rainbow shimmer away, and pressing her hands together again, scrunching her face up with concentration...*

* rainbowed light flashes from between her hands breifly, bright enough to be seen from behind closed eyes...when she opens her small hands, there's a pendant made of a sparkling stone, almost like star-stone, but with shifting colors burning in its depths, shaped like a drop, on a delicate looking silver chain, she offers it to him*

* Mondo_Gecko opens his eyes and takes it

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* what's this?

<Iris> <w> A presant...*smiles*

* Mondo_Gecko takes it

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* thanks..

* Iris smiles* <w> Welcome..hope it makes you happy...

* Mondo_Gecko puts it on

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* it does...thanks babe

* Mondo_Gecko gives her a hug

* Iris smiles and hugs back*

<Iris> Welcome..

* Mondo_Gecko glances over at HLM he does a bit of electricity zips up his arm and disapears

* HappyLittleMoron blinks, arching a brow, brows furrowing

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a bit

* Mondo_Gecko puts on the necklace

<Mondo_Gecko> I think I'm gonna go take a shower and make some music

* Mondo_Gecko stands

<Mondo_Gecko> nice meetin' ya Iris..

<Iris> Okie...was nice meetin' you, too..

<Mondo_Gecko> maybe I'll see you later

<HappyLittleMoron> Heh....have fun, Mondo...don't zap yerselff...

* Mondo_Gecko grabs his clothes

<Mondo_Gecko> ..huh?

<Mondo_Gecko> ..uhh..sure HLM .oO(zap myself?)

* Mondo_Gecko disapears upstairs

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head a little, waving at him to go...




* HappyLittleMoron sits curled around herself, sleeping in the main room, iron knuckles by her side, empty bowl on the table before her

* Shingami comes down stairs carefuly, blanket wraped aorund her hair tied in a coil on the back and top of her head to keep it off her back

* HappyLittleMoron looks up, suddenly awake, grabbing her iron knuckles, then relaxing marginally when she sees it's Shin...she looks as if she's been crying...she keeps a hand over her belly..

<Shingami> hey

<HappyLittleMoron>'re you doin'...?

<Shingami> not dead yet

<HappyLittleMoron> That a good thing or bad thing...? *curls up a lil' more, setting her iron knuckles by her side, easily within reach*

<Shingami> not sure... *clutching the blanket still reaches out wiping a tear staind cheek* better then you it seems

* HappyLittleMoron bites her lip, casting her eyes down and nodding a lil'...

<Shingami> wanna.. talk about it

* HappyLittleMoron sighs a lil'* I guess...first though...*looks up at her with sad, frightened eyes...* Anything I can do to help you...?

<Shingami> dont change the subject... you need me more then i need you.. jsut.. dotn pat me on the abck ro anything

<HappyLittleMoron> ...heh...ok...*shrugs a lil', then looks down, rubbing her belly, a small purr emerging* <w> ...he stole one of our babies...

<Shingami> that elf?

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil'

<Shingami> im sorry

<HappyLittleMoron> 'sokay...we'll get him...or her...back...*sighs a lil', shrinking into herself*

<Shingami> we will you know.. especaly with soem oas spiffy as klork.. he wotn let this go

* Klork comes in from work, running a hand through his hair...lookin' more or less worn out...a lovely new scar crossing from cheekbone to cheekbone, crossing right at the bridge of his nose

* HappyLittleMoron smiles softly* I know...

* HappyLittleMoron looks up, getting up to hug and kiss him in greeting* Got foods cookin' in the kitchen, btw...

* Klork smiles, a weak one granted, but an honest one, kissing her back and hugging her with a slight nod

<Klork> <w>Thanks..

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil', biting her lip a lil'* <q> No problem..

* Klork furrows his brow

* Shingami jsut watches, heard felign even mroe weiged down the usual at so many shows of affection... but this oen is laced with desperation and sorrow

<Klork> <w> You ok..??

* HappyLittleMoron nods* <q> Yeah...just...*shrugs a lil'* Y'know...

* Klork nods, rubbing at her shoulders

<Klork> ~yeah...I know..~

* HappyLittleMoron smiles slightly, squeezing his hands before going into the kitchen to rescue dinner from a rather burned of those long cooking things...uhm...turkey something <G>

* Klork nods, heading up the stairs to change & clean off

* Shingami sits on the floor infront of the fire, trying to pieve things together and failing miserably

* HappyLittleMoron takes the turkey outa the oven, cutting it up...not a big bird, medium sized...enough for everyone in the asylum...uhm...and something vegetarian for Shing and Wing

<Shingami> liek a blind man tryign to figur eout a puzzle consistign of a polar bair in a blizzard

* Diana comes down the stairs, blinking* Nani?

* Klork comes down the stairs, wearing jeans and no shirt, holding his shredded shirt as if trying to figure out how to patch it together..

* Shingami turns fast and hises btign her lip

<Shingami> hi DIana...

* Diana blinks!*

<Diana> ..uhm...konbonwa...?

<Shingami> *mutters* nto to self dont turn so fast again

* Klork binks, waving a bit

<Klork> heya..

<Diana> Ahm...are you alright...?

<Shingami> depends on yoru definition

<Shingami> if living counts as all right then i am

* Klork sighs, fingering the few scars that were left on his chest, coming down into the kitchen

<Klork> I don't think I can fix this, huh Mo'?

<Diana> you want to talk about it...

* HappyLittleMoron looks up and grins wryly, coming over, whiping her palms absentmindedly on her jeans* Uhm...doesn't look like it...

* Klork holds up his shirt, the entire front shredded..

* Shingami pulls th eblanket down, shirt under it already staiend with blood nasty open wounds cris crossign her back and wings

<HappyLittleMoron> Geeze...oh love....

<Shingami> hwo can i when i dotn knwo what the fuck is happening

* Klork sighs, tossing it in the garbage

<Klork> didn't think so...damn red cap..that was my favorite shirt..

* Diana sighs, sitting by her silently* can talk about your feelings...might help...

* HappyLittleMoron sighs a little, hugging him gently and kissing his cheek

<Shingami> what that im confused as all hell this hurts like all hell and htis is jsut damn confusing everythign thts appenign at once.. ruins the hollidya spirit ya know

* Diana nods a little* Hai...true...*furrows her brow a little*

<Shingami> other then thatim fuckin peachy... how are you *smile drippign with scarcasim*

* Klork kisses her brow, sighing and leaning back

* Diana arches a brow slightly* Ah...about...the same...

<Klork> didn't get all the scars..*fingers them lightly..

* HappyLittleMoron gently runs her fingers over them...* Wish I could heal them for you...

* Klork smiles weakly

<Klork> it's ok...they'll heal in time

<Shingami> aint the hollidays grand?

<HappyLittleMoron> Ok...*sighs a little* was your day...?

<Klork> riiiighhhtt..*glances out at her with a weak smile*

* Klork sighs

<Klork> slow..had a crap loada employees what happened to my nose..lots of irate customers..

* Diana smiles slightly nodding* Very much so...I wish I could help you, Shin...

* HappyLittleMoron cringes, nodding a lil..

<Shingami> im the last person that needs help.. more improtant people.. then little ol me*grimances standing repositioning the blanket*

* Diana frowns, watching her*'re just as important as everyone else here...

<Shingami> there are peopel worse off then i am... wounds will heal blood will clot seasing the flow and a scar will form... but of all of us ..probably the best off in the woundign department*walks down th ehalls a way slookin for a good palce to read.. *

<Diana> ...there's more bothering you than simply your injuries..

<Shingami> *turns to face er* well then Ok captin Obvious what do you THINK is wrong with me

* Diana shrugs, watching her with calm, pale eyes* I don't know...I just know there's more to it than just the injuries. You will have to face what else is bothering you deep inside if you wish to recover mentally as well.

<Shingami> if i wanted t talk about my emtal issues id look up a shrink...*turns back to the stairs intent on goign up to the attic type area*

* Diana sighs softly* Then you'll simply let it eat you inside until there's no soul left. Well...enjoy yourself. The offer will be open when you come to your senses.

* Diana shakes her head, heading towards the door silently*

* Shingami just grumbels and heads into the attic, or othetr non occupied part of the bui.lding

* Klork sighs, looking over

<Klork> want me to carve the turkey?? I could use doing something to keep my mind off things..

<HappyLittleMoron> Sure, hon...*gives him the bravest smile she can muster before going off to take care of teh dishes, etc..*

* Klork starts carvin' the turkey after pulling his hair back, staying very quiet, jaw clenching and unclenching with each stroke of the knife..

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip, watching him out of the corner of her eye as shhe works on the side dishes or whatever...bad day for a day off...kinda got carried away w/ cooking

* Klork continues, putting the sliced pieces on a platter, washing the knife when he's done...

* Klork sighs, sitting on a chair and rubbing at the bridge of his nose..sighing shakily..

* HappyLittleMoron serves foods up...then goes around behind Klork, gently rubbing his shoulders

* Klork purrs quietly, leaning back and closing his eyes..

<Wing>*coems downstairs in a BIG sweater and jeans*

* HappyLittleMoron looks up, looking sad still, and nods to Wing...workin' on Klork's shoulders

<Wing>*nods to her, similar unhappy look*

* Nox comes down the stairs, blinnking at all the unhappy looks...* Oh my...

<Nox> Ah...hello..all...*furrows her brow a little in confusion*

<Wing> hey Nox

* Nox heads over to Wing* Pardonn my directness...but what's going on?

* Klork sighs, waving a bit to Wing..., letting his head lean forward

<Wing>.. its nto a good evenign to be awake fo rme.. as for HLm and Klork... its worse

* HappyLittleMoron works Klork's neck, nodding very slightly

* Nox pauses, frowning* ...what happened?

<Wing> oen fo their children ahs been taken by that Elf

* Klork 's jaw clenches a bit, closing his eyes..trying to make it look like HLM hit a knot..

* HappyLittleMoron bites her lip, cringing a little...adjusting accordingly

* Nox cringes* ...ah...

<Wing> *takes a little bti of dinner* that .. is why today is not a very good day

* Nox nods* I...see...I'm sorry...

* Klork sighs...looking up at the turkey on the table before serving him & HLM a bit, motioning for HLM to sit..

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> Thanks hon....*sits down...munching*

* Klork nods, eating slowly...obviously enjoying the meal..but not purring like he would normally..

* Nox takes a little food, Iris kinda tagging along*

* Myrae comes down the stairs slowly, chewing on her lip*

* Kern, predictably enough, is right behind her <G>*

<Wing>*nods to the two of them, putign soem dindin on another plate*

* Myrae waves, sniffing the air before coming in* <q> Is there enough for two hungry oafs who stayed in bed all day?

* HappyLittleMoron grins wryly and nods* Been cooking all day...yeah...I think so...

* Myrae smiles, dishing up some for her and Ker..offering him a plate* Hungry..?

<Kern> *grins* Sure...thank you...

<Wing>*heads back upstaris beign dinner ot shin, who is still in a corner somewhere n the palce reading... coems abck after a few*

* Myrae nods, going out and sitting on the couch to eat*

* Kern joins her*

<Wing>*unsure.. where to go.. or what to do so.. goes into the practice room*

* HappyLittleMoron finishes up...going to do the dishes

* Klork finishes the foods,going over and helping..

* HappyLittleMoron grins slightly at him as she finishes putting dishes away with him...

* Klork rubs at her back, returning the favor once they're done

* HappyLittleMoron smiles slightly, relaxing a little into his hands

* Klork rests his chin on her head, continuing

* Kern rests an arm around Rae*

* Rae finishes and sets her plate aside, leaning against Ker*

* Kern holds her close, kissing her hair*

* Rae smiles, closing her eyes, just curled up close*

* Kern smiles softly, running his fingers through her hair*

* Rae rests her head against his chest, listening quietly*

* Kern blinks, wondering what she's listening to..*

* Rae glances up, smiling*

* Rae then just rests her head on his chest again, smiling as she closes her eyes*

* Kern smiles down at her*

* HappyLittleMoron sighs a little, closing her eyes, brows wrinkling, hands resting over her belly

* Klork rubs at her back still, keeping himself close to her

* Rae smiles..drifting slightly*

* HappyLittleMoron leans into his hands, a tear slipping from her closed eyes

* Klork sighs shakily, stopping to pull her close in a hug

* HappyLittleMoron turns in his arms, burrying her face in his chest and wrapping her arms around him

* Klork kisses the top of her head, just holding her close..

* HappyLittleMoron swallows a little as the tears flow, trembling slightly in his arms

* Klork clenches his jaw as he closes his eyes, keeping her close and letting her cry..

* Shingami walks downstairs, puling a long trench coat like jacket on grabbign her shoe and a bacebal hat

* Kern blinks, looking up at Shing*

* Rae curls into Ker..sleeping soundly now*

* Shingami looks form behind her bangs.. then tugs her shoes on *

* Kern holds Rae close* <q> Shing...? Where're you going...?

<Shingami> Out to a movie.. that ok with you?

* Kern blinks* ...uh...yeah...have safe...

<Shingami> yeah will do...ja mina*heads out*

* Kern just watches her go, confusedly*

* Rae yawns, stretching* Hnrh..?

* Shingami heads down the strreet fo rth etheater...blending in fairly well

<Shingami> *jsut yoru average street punk*

* Kern shakes his head confusedly*

* Diana's lurking nearby...spots Shin and kinda tracks her...watching for troublemakers to feed on*

* Rae furrows her brow then gets up, taking their dishes to the kitchen...quietly leaving to let Klork n' Mo be alone..

* Shingami bumps into soemon, hand quickly diving in and fishing out a few loose dollars in thei rpocket

<Shingami> sorry man.. my fault..

* Kern watches, brows furrowed*

* Diana arches a brow a little* .oO(I know that trick..)

* Rae goes over and holds out her hand to help him up..* <w> Can we talk...?

* Kern blinks and nods, standing and taking her hand, arching a brow* <w> ...of course..

* Shingami contineus down the street, droppign a litle change into oen fo those Salvation santa's buckets.. being blessed by the guy...shakes her head sayign its nothing and gets in th eline for tickets

* Rae leads him up to her room, brow creased*

* Kern goes with her* (I know you wanna know what they're doin' now...)

* HappyLittleMoron finally just rests against Klork with a shaky sigh

* Klork hugs her close...just holding her still

* HappyLittleMoron finally looks up and kisses him gently

* Shingami continues waitign in that looong line at th emovies, rubbgin her hands together to keep them warm

* Klork smiles very weakly, kissing her back

<Klork> ~I love you..~

<HappyLittleMoron> <w> I love you, too...*smiles weakly, stroking his cheek*

* Klork sighs shakily

* Diana watches...really not wanting to join her after their run in earlier*

<Klork> ~I'm just worried...I know they said that time is different there...what if the baby is born when we get to him/her?~

* HappyLittleMoron swallows* <w> I...I don't know...I'm...not sure I want to think about it...b...but...Ray and Al said they'd work on getting the good elves to help...right....?

* Klork nods, kissing her brow

<Klork> ~they did...we'll have to rely on that..~~

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, still trembling lightly, arms still around him

* Klork picks her up

<Klork> ~couch? you need to sit...~

* Shingami gets a ticket finaly and heads inside...jsut goes in and sits down in th emiddle...

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, looking at him* <w> So long as you'll stay with me...

* Klork nods, carrying her out there and sitting, pulling her close

<Klork> ~will do~

* HappyLittleMoron nods, nuzzling close to him, resting her head on his chest* <w> We should probably go to the doctor...get me checked out...

* Klork nods..

<Klork> ~yeah...make sure the other two will be ok...~

* HappyLittleMoron nods..* <w> Exactly...

* Klork sighs, pulling out his phone and calling..talking to the doctor for a few minutes..

* HappyLittleMoron watches and listens, still curled close

* Klork hangs up the phone, looking over at her

<Klork> we have an appointment for next thursday...

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Ok...good...*sighs a lil', resting her head on his shoulder*

* Klork nods, pulling her close

<Klork> Christmastime is busy for him...

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil', cuddling close* I can's busy for everyone...

* Klork nods, running a hand over her shoulder

<Klork> ~yeah..~

* HappyLittleMoron gazes up at him, tracing lil' patterns on his chest

* Klork watches her, sighing at the scars..

<HappyLittleMoron> <q> Don't worry sweetheart...those will heal...

* Klork nods

<Klork> ~I know...just bad memories..~

* HappyLittleMoron nods, biting her lip* <w> ...yeah...*hugs him gently, kissing his chest before kissing his lips*

* Klork purrs quietly, feintly, kissing her back

* Shingami leaves the theate a few horus later, continuign on ehr walk awya form the asylum, down an alley way as a short cut

* HappyLittleMoron nuzzles close...

* Klork holds her there, chin rested on her head

* Shingami stops in the middle of the alley way... looking around then up

<Shingami> Diana?....

* Diana glides from the shadows* ...hai..?

<Shingami> .. you coulda coem in and watched the movie with me... sorry bout earlier... jsut.. tiard of the entire hosue asking me if i wanted ot talk

* Diana nods, grinning very slightly* Hai...I suuuuppose I can understand that...

<Shingami> planign on following me all night

* Diana shrugs a little with a sheepish grin* Perhaps...figured I'd feed on anyone tormenting you...

<Shingami> heh... th eonly people whod mes siwht me righ tnwo are deperate and stupid people...*starts walkign again* but theres plenty of tiem to meet them on the way

* Diana nods, walking with her**

<Shingami> so who are your uusal targets?

<Diana> Those who would take advantage of innocents...even then...I don't drain them all the way...*sighs a little*

<Shingami> can you rturn people?

* Diana nods* Hai..

<Shingami> .. hm... funfun..*turns onto a fairly vacent street*

* Diana chuckles bbitterly* I suppose I am now the "Queen" those who originally tried turning me wanted...

<Shingami> atleast yro ua benevilent one

* Diana nods slightly, brows furrowing* I...try to be...the temptation is there to turn dark...

<Shingami> be wary of it.. it takes even the msot unexpected... it is a delicious feeling though... formoen whos been there..

* Diana nods* Hai...I know...I have been there as well...

<Shingami> you also get slain?

* Diana pauses, slightly puzzled look on her face* Well...define "slain"...

<Shingami> stake though the heart and tosed into the light of a bright sun and having a garlic gasolien mixture poure don you

<Diana> Iie, then...

<Shingami> last life... that hurt...

* Diana cringes* Hai...I can only imagine...

<Shingami> not as bad as beign shot though the stomach wiht a balista.. but still.. not pleasent

<Shingami> hee.. i ould write a book.. 101 different ways to die painfuly in 101 lives...

* Diana cringes again, shaking her head* would sell well, too, I'd imagine...

<Shingami> humanity is a weard species...

<Shingami> ah.. hwere we are.. you.. might wanna wait ourside..*stops on the steps of a church

* Diana nods* Alright...hai...*smiles wryly, standing on the sidewalk outside the church*

* Shingami heads inside, looking fo rthe head priest... came for answers.. figures he can trust a priest

<Shingami> just hope they didnt take th enight off... always eaysier when they lived in the church..

* Diana grins wryly*

<Shingami> Hello?... *walks up to the alter and freezes lookign at the crusafied one... then at her wrists*

<Shingami> masuka...

* Shingami leaves some $ in the donation box and huries abck out to Diana

* Diana looks up at her, arching a brow slightly*

<Shingami> gotta egt ot the library

<Diana> Alright...

* Shingami walks bakcinto the allies, going up a fire escape to the roof

<Shingami> faster this way

* Diana nods, following easily*

* Shingami moves form roof to roff till at a library sinkign in though a shadow

<Shingami> refrence section.. s...

* Diana keeps up, turning all misty and appearing by her, frowning a lil'*

* Shingami loosk for that BIG dictionary

<Shingami> *flips though pages after creaitgn a smal light orb* S... s... wheres the s section

<Shingami> ah here it is.. *scans for the right thing....* st.. stig.. bingo...

* Diana blinks, furrowing her brows* ...stigmata?

<Shingami> yep...

<Shingami> profouldly religious people showing the same wounds as those of christ when crusafied...

* Diana blinks, arching a brow* ...I see...

<Shingami> wrist or hand wounds.. feetor anckle woudns.. scratches on the forehead and scalp.. lacerations algn the back....

<Shingami> msot only expirence a few... only one has expirenced all fie of the signs.. ebgin jeasus and died.. th eother had 4....*closes th ebook and shivers*

* Diana blinks and frowns, listening...*

<Shingami> the five wounds are Wrists.. abck feet head and a spier though the abdomen... *shows her wrists *

* HappyLittleMoron strokes Klork's skin lightly, watching him silently

<Shingami> wrists... *tugs her jacket down can see blood on her back* back... two of 5..

<Diana> ...great Kami...

* Klork gazes down at her, purr still lulling in his chest

<Shingami> but.. ti stilldoent explain why its happenign to me AND wing

<Diana> Perhaps because you're so close...?

* HappyLittleMoron smiles slightly, sighing softly

<Shingami> but why are we showign signs of stigmata?

* Klork traces a hand through her hair

* Diana spreads her hands* I have no idea...maybe...a test of some kind...? New powers...?

* Shingami rubs the back of her neck shruging slowly

* HappyLittleMoron smiles softly, reaching up to trace the line of his cheek and jaw with a fingertip

<Shingami> no clue... id better get back before iwng coem sout lookin for me...

* Diana nods* Hai...ah...I will see you whenever, then...*smiles wryly*

* Klork purrs quietly

<Klork> ~hi..~

<Shingami> yeah whenever.... hey diana..

<Diana> Hai...?

<Shingami> its because of a guy.. thats whats bothering me

* HappyLittleMoron kisses his chin* <w> Hi...

* Klork smiles slightly, kissing her nose

<Klork> ~doin' any better?~

* Diana nods a little, then smirks slightly with a wink* Want me to beat some sense into him?

* HappyLittleMoron nods* <w> Yeah...I feel a lot that you're here...

<Shingami> no.. he deserves to be happy... and he is already.... withsomeone else..a close friend... so.. eh.. love and death are bad bedfellows

* Klork smiles, pulling her close, his purr a genuine one..

<Klork> ~good..~

* Diana cringes...nodding* Hai...I...see. I'm sorry to hear...*smiles gently, patting her somewhere uninjured, if there is such a place that's not dirty ;P* You will find someone, day...

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, nuzzling close

<Shingami> right.. when th ehumna race is no longer here... i ahvent foudn a lover since 16t centurary japan.. i doubt ill find oen now..*fades into shadow and heads abck for theouse.. againa s an inconspicuious punk... though had the aura of soemoen hurting and vunerable... and of corse goes though allies and back roads and stuff

* Diana sighs softly...*

* Klork purrs quietly, just holding her close

* Shingami stands in an alley, across form the sylum looking in the windows that are lit

* HappyLittleMoron sighs softly, soothed by the purr..her belly answering softly

* Klork wraps his arms around her, watching the fire..purr never faltering

* Shingami sighs and crosses the street not really bothign to pay attention.. sjtu wants to go back to bed and hopefuly dream of nothingness

* HappyLittleMoron watches the fire as well...curled close, arm draped over his midsection...

* a shadow seems to hover over the asylum...cold and watchful..*

* Klork kisses the top of her head lightly, brows wrinkled..

* Shingami stps in th emidle of the stree tlookign up.. looking for.. that cold..

<Shingami> colder then it should be here... great whats stalking us now

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip, looking up at him

* that cold aura remains...the asylum seeming to be under a shadow...*

* Shingami tries to look at the enrgies aorudn the asylum.. suprised ot find a bit.. Hole above it

<Shingami> ood

* Klork furrows his brow...

<Klork> ~weird..~

<HappyLittleMoron> <w> ...wha'...?

* Shingami scratches the back of her head and shrugs crossign the rest of the street barely beign missed by a car

<Shingami> Hey Im walkin here!!.. oi

<Klork> <w> don't know..just feel like we're being watched...I don't like it...

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, curling closer, brows furrowed...

* Shingami walks into the asylum, closign the door softly and hangign up her coat and hat

* the shield doesn't's just...there <G>*

<Klork> Hey..shin? You feel anything..?

<Shingami> you mena that .. hole of energies aboe the asylum.. yeah..tis cold

* Klork furrows his brow..

<Klork> yeah...

<Shingami> its not good whatever it is...

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil', biting her lip, pressed up close to Klork, trembling slightly, holding her hands protectively over her belly

* Klork nods, brow furrowed..

<Klork> maybe we should stay elsewhere tonight, Mo? the place in Japan maybe?

* Klork furrows his brow a bit..

* Shingami reaches nto a pocket in her jeans pullgn out a balck jar

* HappyLittleMoron nods..* <w> Y...yeah...

<Shingami> HLM can i ask a favor

* Klork blinks, glancing over..

* Shingami walks in the room kneelign takign the top of the jar off

* HappyLittleMoron looks up, blinking a lil' and nodding* I..sure?

* Klork watches, brow furrowed

<Shingami> um.. i can you mov eyoru shirt awya fomr your tummy?...

* Klork blinks, brow furrowed as he watches..

* HappyLittleMoron blinks...

* HappyLittleMoron leans back and does's slightly rounded already, but not as much as it was before the third baby was removed

* Shingami dips eh finger into the jar, draws soem runes on her tummy in a pail shimery water liek substance muttering something under her breath

<Shingami> i.. its a charm... it might help protect the others from anything trying to take them... i hope...

* HappyLittleMoron blinks, brows furrowing slightly...watching...then looking up at her and nodding slowly1 Oh Shin...thank you...

* Klork watches, eyes softening when she explains, rubbing gently at HLMs shoulders

<Shingami> itll look liek body glitter btu when soemthing happens it shoudl glow... if it fades off tell me

* Klork chews his lip, looking up at Shin

* HappyLittleMoron nods...reaching over to ggently hug Shin* Thank you so much...

<Klork> ~thank you, Shin...~

* Shingami bites her lip back killin her

<Shingami> no problem... family means a lot to everyone.. no one should be missing members of thie rfamily....

<Shingami> speaking of family.. i should drag wing back to bed...

* Klork nods, brow furrowing

<HappyLittleMoron> take care...ok? If..if there's anything we can do...

<Shingami> tell me when im ebign rude... im having a moody complex right about now...

* Klork nods in agreement

<Klork> Hey...we're here for you tho..

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Alright...*smiles feintly* ANd yes...we are...

<Shingami> i know.. oyasumi.. take care you guys.. *whispers* your si bling wil eb back soon little ones.. so leave room

* Klork smiles a bit, rubbing at HLM's shoulders..

* HappyLittleMoron smiles slightly, leaning back into Klork's hands* Thanks again, Shin...

<Shingami> no prob...*stands slowly* good night...

* Klork smiles, agreeing again w/ HLM

<Klork> nite..

<HappyLittleMoron> Rest well...

* Shingami nods goingin and tuggin ehr bro back to bed...

* HappyLittleMoron tucks her shirt back down, nuzzling close to Klork

* Klork purrs, pulling her close with a comfortable demeanor..a bit more relaxed

* HappyLittleMoron sighs softly, nuzzling close

* Klork kisses the top of her head, just resting against her, purring quietly

* HappyLittleMoron smiles softly, stroking his belly lightly

* Klork chuckles a bit, purr rattled with the laugh

<Klork> eheey..tickles..

* HappyLittleMoron smiles up at him, tickling lightly* Does it...?

<Klork> rggg..*chuckles, snagging her hand* Just a bit..

* HappyLittleMoron giggles softly, grinning up at him* Isa bad thing?

<Klork> nooo, well, yess *pouts*

<HappyLittleMoron> So that would be a firm maybe? <G>

<Klork> um..sure? *Looks sheepish*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly and kisses him

* Klork purrs, kissing back

* HappyLittleMoron strokes Klork's hair through the kiss

* Klork purrrs still, pulling back slowly to stretch out a bit, pulling her close as he props his feet on the coffee table

* HappyLittleMoron cuddles closee, belly purring in return

* Myrae comes out of her room, heading down the stairs*

* Kern goes with her, watching her with a soft smile on his face*

* Klork stretches, eyes watching outside the window, brow furrowed*

* HappyLittleMoron looks up, waveling a lil' to Kern and Rae before returning her gaze to Klork...

* Myrae heads to the kitchen, waving to Klork n' Mo before disappearing in, splunking in the freezer..*

* Klork sighs..

<Klork> wish I knewwhat was over the asylum..

<HappyLittleMoron> Me too...*strokes his neck with a soft sigh* Woulld be kinda nice if we could find out...

* Klork nods, brow furrowing

<Klork> I don't want to leave your side tho..

* HappyLittleMoron nods, curling close to him, almost clinging, a hint of terror appearing in the back of her eyes* I don't want you to either...

* Klork nods, pulling her close, jaw clenching...

* Myrae sets aside some cereal..pausing to peer upout of the kitchen window* ~what IS up there anyway?~

* Kern shakes his head, looking out there with her, sttroking her hair as Diana appears from her mistform, not far from Klork and HLM*

* Klork glances up, waving a bit to Diana

<Klork> hey, Di..

* Diana waves back with a slight smile* Konbonwa, all well here...? *furrows her brow*

<Klork> yeah..just..something hoverin' over the asylum...not sure what it is tho..

<Diana> Hai...I noticed is a darkness...*rubs her arms a little, eyes glowing a sullen red*

* Klork sighs..

<Klork> wish I knew WHY its there..

* Diana shakes her head, brows furrowing* It is a draw to darkness...

* Rae watches it..then sighs, sipping at the milk from her cereal* Has anybody gotten the mail?? I'm expecting something...

* Klork shrugs

<Klork> dunno..

* Diana blinks...then gets the mail <G>*

<Diana> Hey...Mr. Klork Curric, you're pre-approved for a gold card...*smirks as she shuffles through the mail, putting each person's in their mailbox...shuffling through for something for Rae*

<Klork> aggh..great..

* Diana hands out the mail...if Rae got mail, Diana hands it to her*

<Diana> Afraid nothing for you, Rae...*smiles wryly, opening her one leter, then blinking*

* Rae sighs* Mail is slow...

* Kern nods a little, rubbing her back lightly*

* Diana sorta slowly sinks into a chair...reading the letter*

* Klork blinks

<Klork> Di..??

<Klork> what is it?

* Diana finishes reading the letter, the look on her face a mix of suprise, fear and puzzlement, as if she doesn't know what to make of the situation...she gives Klork the's basically a threat on her life from her father, saying that he knows she's in NYC and that he has people searching for her*

* Rae leans back, smiling*

* Klork blinkblinks...

<Klork> oh geeze..

<Klork> well, we're not about to let him or his people find you, Di...*looks over at her, folding the letter*

<Diana> ...well..hai...but...*gets a slightly ironic grin on her face* ...I'm not exactly alive anymore to begin with, am I...

* Klork blinks...then nods..

<Klork>'s a good point..

* HappyLittleMoron just blinks...kinda at a loss for words...

* Diana nods a little, brows furrowed* Gods...makes the choices even harder...I...I mean...there are ways for me to turn back...all...involve the participation of

* Klork furrows his brow

<Klork> don't let him change your decision on going back,'ve got friends willing to protect you..

* Diana sighs a little and nods* Hai...I...I know...*runs a hand through her hair* The thing choices are so...hard...three seperate spells I can do...but...they each hold sacrifices for the other person...and now this...

* Klork furrows his brow..

* Diana closes her eyes and shakes her head slightly*

* Rae comes out, foods in hand* Anybody hungry..? I.what's wrong?

* HappyLittleMoron looks up at Rae, smirking very slightly* Oh...just...more problems...

* Kern blinks, right behind Rae*

* Rae grimaces* Oh..

<Diana> Hai...ah...won't go into it now...things need to calm down a bit..

* Rae nods, brow furrowing* I..I'm gonna take a walk to the store to get some stuff..anybody want anything while I'mthere?

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head a lil'...

* Kern slips an arm around her*

<Kern> I'll go with you...

* Diana's lost in thought*

* Rae nods, chewing at her lip*

* HappyLittleMoron nuzzles close to Klork, biting her lip as she watches Diana

* Kern kisses Rae's hair*

* Klork rubs at HLM's shoulders, watching quietly

<Klork> nothing for me, thanks Rae..

* HappyLittleMoron leans back into Klork's hands, Diana seeming to seriously be wrestling with something mentally

* Rae pulls on her cloak over her outfit, smiling up at Ker'* Shall we?

* Kern nods, slipping his cloak on and escourting her out*

* Gregg_The_GrimReaper appeaes into the asylum

* Rae goes with, glancing up at the sky with a confused look before leaning against him as they walk*

* Kern arches a brow a lil', resting his arm around her*

* Diana blinks and looks at Gregg with her palepale green eyes*

<Diana> ...a...midgit...death...*blinks*

* Klork blinks..

* Gregg_The_GrimReaper looks at diana* "Well how tall is death ment to be? stupid cow"

* HappyLittleMoron arches a brow

* Diana hisses a little at him, bearing her fangs, eyes flashing red*

<Gregg_The_GrimReaper> oh don't get your panties ina bunch

* Diana mutters and stands* I will see you two later...*dissapears*

* Klork blinks..

<Klork> laters, Di..

* HappyLittleMoron sorta wavels

<HappyLittleMoron> ...I thought I was s'posed to be the moody one...

<Klork> I..hmm

<Gregg_The_GrimReaper> you moodie? don't tell me.. all you woman, with your minds and periods, we'd be better off without ye

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and arches a brow

* HappyLittleMoron smirks

<HappyLittleMoron> I'm not gonna be getting another period for another seven months, short stuff

<Gregg_The_GrimReaper> oh christ... who's the unfortunate?

<HappyLittleMoron> ...huh?

* Kern lightly rubs Rae's shoulder as they walk*

<Gregg_The_GrimReaper> the poor guy who's johnny ripped

<Klork> oish..thpppt

* HappyLittleMoron throws a pillow at Gregg* Oy..

* Klork puts an arm over HLM's shoulder

* Rae leans against Ker, sighing shakily*

* Gregg_The_GrimReaper is hit* "OI!"

<Kern> <q> Are you alright?

<HappyLittleMoron> Never knew death smoked crack

<Rae> Yeah..just thinkin'..

<Klork> this is news to me too..

* Gregg_The_GrimReaper disappears

* Kern nodss a little* Care to share...?

* HappyLittleMoron just shakes her head, resting against Klork's chest

* Rae shrugs* Nothin' much to share..just..thinkin' of tonight..etc..

* Klork smiles, purrin

* Kern nods..*

* FWL_MeRc comes out singing* "On the first day of christmas my true love gave to me 1 pair of furry handcuffs"

* HappyLittleMoron smiles gently nuzzling first

* HappyLittleMoron blinks then snickers

<FWL_MeRc> hey people

<Klork> heyhey..?

<HappyLittleMoron> ...hi Merc...LTNS

* Diana reappears. looking around for the pale as paper, eyes a palepale shade of green...fangs in her mouth* Lil' bag of bones gone?

* FWL_MeRc contuines to sing* "on the 5th day of christmas my true love gave to me 5 cock rings 4 gold plated clamps 3 vibrators a vibrating 2 leather pants and a pair of furry handcuffs"

<Klork> yep, Di..

<Diana> Ohhgood...*shakes her head and sits back Merc an odd look*

* Rae walks, getting to the store and opening the door, going in*

<FWL_MeRc> well

<FWL_MeRc> what can i say... I'm a perv

* Kern goes with*

<Diana> Hai...that you are...

<FWL_MeRc> by the way Di, thanks for the panties *winks*

<FWL_MeRc> real comfy

* Diana smirks* Glad you like them...don't need panties anymore.

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

* HappyLittleMoron just slowly shakes her head

* Rae looks around, lookin' for stuffs*

<Klork> oy..

<FWL_MeRc> HLM wanna donate to the SPF?

<HappyLittleMoron> ...the wha?

<FWL_MeRc> Smurf pantie fund


<FWL_MeRc> just think of all those children who *sniffs* have no panties at this time of year

* HappyLittleMoron gives him an odd look

<HappyLittleMoron> ...

<FWL_MeRc> the confort the fun the joy you are going to denine children that?

<HappyLittleMoron> I don't think panties are thier biggest problem then...

<FWL_MeRc> you are creul HLM,

<FWL_MeRc> cold and creul

<HappyLittleMoron> Nah...just pregnant and grumpy

<FWL_MeRc> meanie

<FWL_MeRc> Klork how could you

<FWL_MeRc> i mean i thought we went true this, its not safe for her to spawn

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

* HappyLittleMoron throws a book at Merc and mutters

* FWL_MeRc ducks and laughs

<FWL_MeRc> poor HLM

* HappyLittleMoron just sighs a litttle, ttttthhhhhhhhbbbbbbbbbbbttttttttttting Merc

* Diana watches htis...shaking her head slowly*

<FWL_MeRc> HLM please! control your spinter!


<FWL_MeRc> ... *sniffs* MEANIE!!! *mock cries*

* Diana shakes her head, smirking lightly*

<FWL_MeRc> anyhow.... Time to be somewhat sane for a few moments

<Klork> riight...

* Klork arches a brow

* HappyLittleMoron smirks a lil', curled close to Klork

* Klork purrs quietly, chuckling

<FWL_MeRc> whens the bun finished?

<Klork> 'bout seven months..

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil'

<FWL_MeRc> I'll be sure to hand out the safty gear

* Reaver heads downstairs with a soft yawn.

* HappyLittleMoron bites her lip a lil', nodding...

<Klork> oi..*sighs, rubbing at HLM's shoulder*

* Reaver looks around, and then heads outside..

* HappyLittleMoron swallows a little, hiding her face against Klork's chest

<FWL_MeRc> ahhh insanity

* Klork sighs, chewin' at his lip

* Echartea heads downstairs and yawns, making for the kitchen and fixing a glass of water, before he pads into the living room.

* Diana sighs softly, shaking her head a little* Hai...very happy time of the year...

* Echartea takes a seat on one of the couches, silently sipping at his water.

* Klork waves

<Klork> heya Ech..

* Diana wavels to Ech as well*

* The delphinian looks towards Klork, and then Diana, eyes a dim shade of silver, as he nods softly, and speaks quietly, "...good evening..."

<FWL_MeRc> christmas....

* HappyLittleMoron still just huddles against Klork

* FWL_MeRc goes out and brings in a bear trap* "if that beardy fecker comes down our chimney this bear trap will take his leg clean off"

* Klork sighs, pulling a blanket around them both, letting her

<Klork> oh geeze.

* Echartea looks to Merc, and shakes his head softly.* "...I can understand the aversion to the season...but certainly, such a violent measure is uncalled for.."

* Diana chuckles at Merc* You've really got to stop drinking...

<FWL_MeRc> ... oh so you guys have no problem with a old bearded pervert coming down the chimney, who's a priest i might add! its not right! and nor do i trist priests

* Echartea shrugs.* "Hey...I don't like christmas either, but...that's just overkill. Why not just let things happen as they may?"

* Diana just shakes her head with a smirk*

<FWL_MeRc> fine fine, I'll wait till hes comes down the chimney then, wheres my gun

* Klork chuclkes..

<Klork> geeze you guys...

* Echartea just shakes his head, sipping his water, before he looks towards Klork, silverish eyes dying down a little moreso.* "..geeze what...?"

<Diana> Warped and depraved...*grins* They're so sweet...

* FWL_MeRc begins to sing* "sante claus is comeing all the childrens waiting done. I wouldn't hold your breath kids cause Mercie's got his gun

* Diana cuffs Merc upside the head*

<Klork> nuthin'.....just the christmas exile of St. Nickie.

<FWL_MeRc> It was a quiet christmas eve, we were snuggled in our bed, we heard hooves upoin the roof thats when mercie raised his head, went down into the front room brandishing his gun, aimed it up the chimnet shot the intruder up the bum

* Echartea simply shakes his head.* "'s rather hard for me to feel holiday cheer. It's going to be a christmas just like any other of the trillions upon trillions I've been through. In the same manner it's done every year...

* Klork lobs a pillow at Merc

* Diana smiles darkly* I highly doubt that...

<FWL_MeRc> OH! theres a dead man up the chimney some call him oul saint Nick, we shot him up the arse, we poked him with a stick, oh christmas is canceled oul white beard is dead, we tried to pull him down we'll have to burn him out instead

<FWL_MeRc> OW!

<FWL_MeRc> *throws the pillow back*

* Klork cackles

* Klork catches it, lobbing it back at him

* FWL_MeRc tosses it at Diana after catching it

* Diana catches it...pauses, looks at it...grins demonically at Merc before sauntering over, standing by him...posing all sexily...*

* Diana then SMACKS him upside the head with it*

* Klork laughs


<FWL_MeRc> HEY!!!!


* Klork cackles

<Klork> seemed fair to me..


* Diana ahems demurely, and puts the pillow back, sitting down like nothing out of the ordinary happened, grinning as innocently as a vampire can*

<FWL_MeRc> get the garlic, a cross, and a few stakes

<Klork> oy..

* Diana rolls her eyes*

* Echartea smirks.* "Oh come on, Merc. You know you like it.

<FWL_MeRc> i have a boil... what do you want from me?

* Diana leans over, wearing a slip dress, deep red, and giving Merc another sexy grin, her voice deep and throaty* <q> Y'know, Merc, dear...why don't you come over here and I'll tell you what I want...

* Echartea closes his eyes, and shakes his head, beak covered in the lightest of smirks, wrapping his cloak around his body.

* Klork chokes, laughing

* HappyLittleMoron looks up, smirking, still resting against Klork

<FWL_MeRc> ... pervert sense tingaling... ahhh screw it... nice tits BTW diana *goes over to her*

* Diana grabs a pillow, then WHAPS Merc upside the head again* Stop bein' a smart-ass and quit the crack smokin'! *snickers*

<FWL_MeRc> ohhh baby you know exality how to turn me on... later tonight?

* Echartea smiles weakly, rising to his feet, and he turns, walking off into the kitchen.

<Diana> AGH...*smacks him again*

* HappyLittleMoron can't help giggling

<FWL_MeRc> ohhh MORE!

<FWL_MeRc> I've been a BAD boy

<Klork> ohgeeze...*laughs*

* Echartea puts his glass in the sink, and then walks over and leans against the counter, thinking..

* Diana eyes him, and just gets up...heading into the kitchen...grabbing something and sauntering back over to him, giving him a sultry smile* <q> You want it...?

<FWL_MeRc> chances its a knife = high

<FWL_MeRc> damn baby i LOVE you diana... mother my child?

<FWL_MeRc> i know it would be difficult in this crazy mixed up world but we can make it work!

* Diana grins, then dumps an entire ice tray down his pants* Enjoy yourself...

<Klork> ohdear...

<FWL_MeRc> O.O

* HappyLittleMoron coughs and laughs!


* FWL_MeRc runs and screams

* Klork laughs, almost cryin'

* Dardariopus blinks as he hears that, and shakes his head.


* Echartea blinks as he hears that, and shakes his head.

* Diana smiles, blowing a kiss before cleaning out and putting water in the tray, putting it back in the freezer*

* HappyLittleMoron giggles

* Echartea looks at Diana and shakes his head.* "...why did I see that coming?"

* FWL_MeRc stars to fish out the ice* "DIANA ON YES I LOVE YOU!!!"

* Diana winks with a smirk* Because Merc is predictable...?

* Diana pauses and rolls her eyes* I SHOULD have grabbed a knife...

* FWL_MeRc ugh, getting the last cube

* Echartea shakes his head again as he hears Merc...and then looks back at Diana, shaking his head.* " the gods.."

<FWL_MeRc> I'm getting TOO used to that its scareing me

* Klork laughs

<FWL_MeRc> naaa... I'd love the cold steel against my body more

<Diana> Next step would be heat...*grins and heads over to the fire place...stoking the fire*

<Klork> aggh..

* Echartea pads back into the living room and shrugs..* "Well...I guess I'll be leaving. well. Maybe I'll see you all again sometime. It'd be nice..."

<FWL_MeRc> red out poker up the ass?

<Klork> take care, Ech!

<FWL_MeRc> ... wow...

<FWL_MeRc> a woman after my own heart

<FWL_MeRc> bye echartea

* Echartea hehs.* "I'll try, Klork. I'll try. No promises, though..." *He nods to Merc.* "Later. Don't get yourself killed...regardless of how pleasurable it might seem..."

<Klork> there he goes spoilin' Merc's fun *winks*

<HappyLittleMoron> See you later, Ech...

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly

* Diana gyahs...*

<FWL_MeRc> Exhartea, thats like trying to stop the earth from spinning

<Diana> Next he'll be wanting me to feed on him...

<FWL_MeRc> vore? ew!

<FWL_MeRc> i mean biteing off mad max?

<FWL_MeRc> thats CREUL!

* Diana blinks*

* Diana then laughs!!*

* Klork laughs, coughing

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head, chuckling

<Klork> eeeesh

<Diana> Oh, know you'd want to...*winks, licking her lips at him*

* Klork oys..

<FWL_MeRc> if it gets him in your mouth I'm game *begins to unzip his pants*

<Diana> ...*draws the poker out, obviously it's quite hot and holds it just short of his groin*

<FWL_MeRc> ...

<FWL_MeRc> eek

<Klork> *sucks in through his teeth* That looks a might painful..

<Diana> Keep it up, blue boy...*smiles sensually*

<HappyLittleMoron> Ohh...Diana...I knew we got along so well for a reason...

<Klork> your balls seem to go through all sorts of temperatures don't they Merc??

* Klork blinks, then pouts at HLM

* FWL_MeRc jumps back bends over and moons Diana then gets up quickly thpppting diana

* HappyLittleMoron blinks, then nuzzzzzles Klork

* Diana reaches out and smacks Merc* That's no way to treat a lady.

* FWL_MeRc ows

<Klork> gads, Ihope she didn't smack him with the poker..

<FWL_MeRc> you a lady?

* Echartea looks to HLM and shrugs.* "Be well. And I don't know about the seeing you all again part. I hope so though...

* Klork purrs, pulling her close

* Echartea turns...and slowly pads out the door, and away from the asylum...

<HappyLittleMoron> Me too...*sorta wavesl at Ech, nuzzling close*

* Diana didn't smack Merc with the poker* more of a lady than you are.

<FWL_MeRc> thats debateable

<Klork> oh boy *pulls the blanket over he n' HLM's heads

<Klork> I ain't stayin' round' to hear the end of this one..

<HappyLittleMoron> neither...*cuddles close*


<FWL_MeRc> keep sex to the bedrooms!

* Klork pokes his head out

* Diana oys* I'd have thought you'd want to watch, Merc...

<FWL_MeRc> unless you have a camera under there and are willing to shares

<Klork> and whaddaya call unleashin' Bubbles there?!

<FWL_MeRc> hes a penis of his own free will

<FWL_MeRc> ever seen free willy?

<Klork> riiiight.

<FWL_MeRc> all about penis' cleaverlly hidding behind the whale

<Klork> I refrain from commenting...other than I'm pretty damn positive the whales' got a biggern' than you.

<FWL_MeRc> well DUH not see the size of them?

<Diana> With all that obsession over a penis, makes me wonder if you even have one...*smirks, going back to messing withh the fire*

* HappyLittleMoron hmphs, pulls the blanket back over her and Klork's heads...commencing to making out <G>

<FWL_MeRc> ...

* FWL_MeRc watches

* HappyLittleMoron and KLork are under the blankets!

* Diana cuffs Merc upside the head* Hentai..

* Klork cackles from under the blanket!

<FWL_MeRc> ow! damn straight!

<Klork> *murmured* well, at least he's proud of who he is..

<FWL_MeRc> Klork use the tounge more and less speak, HLM take off that top

* HappyLittleMoron giggles softly and nods* Nooooo kidding...

<Diana> GAH!! *smacks him again*

<FWL_MeRc> OW!


* Klork opens a portal, snagging HLM & goin' through to their room..outta view

<Diana> Stop with the perverted comments then!!

<FWL_MeRc> i AM a perbvert what do you want? tea!?

<HappyLittleMoron> *Diana shrugs* Perhaps.

* HappyLittleMoron goes with obviously

<FWL_MeRc> well your the woman you make it!

<Diana> I will have to smack you again if you keep up with the comments...

* Klork tosses the iron knuckles to Diana through a portal <G>

<FWL_MeRc> ... damn your kinky

<Diana> Oohh...*grins and slides 'em on, winking* I will draw blood, make no mistake of that...

<FWL_MeRc> ... diana are you single?

<Diana> Iie...I have Mondo...*arches a brow slightly*

<FWL_MeRc> ahhh then you will be mine oh yes you will be mine

<Diana> Uhm...I think not...

<FWL_MeRc> maybe maybe not

<Diana> I'd think I'd have a say in this matter...

Session Close: Sun Dec 23 02:52:24 2001

