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Session Start: Fri Dec 21 16:35:42 2001

* Diana comes down the stairs, her rat on her pale shoulder*

* Ladon looks at the rat and shudders

* Diana sits in the main room, holding the rat now in her hands now, stroking her fur, arching a brow at Ladon* Afraid of rats?

* Ladon says nothing, just backs away a little

<Diana> ...alright...*shrugs a little and dissapears into the workout room, perching on the balance beam, still snuggling Tenshi*

* Shingami blinks form the staircase, Wing behind her

<Shingami> weird people live here

<Wing> we're no exception

<Diana> ...what's so weird about rats?

<Shiva> "They're very good shake and baked."

* Diana sends a glare at Shiva, her pale eyes flashing slightly red*

<Shingami> nothign wrong with rats...

* Shiva shrugs* "They are."

<Diana> I don't think so either...*continues to glare daggars at Shiva*

* Diana hmphs a lil' and turns her back on Shiva, still sitting on the balance beam, skritching the top of Tenshi's head...the little rat closing her eyes in enjoyment, relaxing*

* Diana sighs a little as she scritches the rat's ears and brow*

<Shingami> where did you find it?

<Diana> Hmm? Oh, I've had her for about half a year now...

<Shingami> ooooohh

<Diana> Saved her from a pet store...sweet little thing..

<Shingami> spiffy

<Diana> How are you two doing?

<Shingami> im doign well.. well

<Wing> as can be expected

* Diana blinks and stands gracefully on the beam, looking at them with her pale eyes* "as well as can be expected" What's wrong?

* Shingami and Wing look at eachother, seemign to fidget with thie rwrists before bothign saying "nothing"

<Shingami> well ebsides HLm being kinda not here and other shit appening

<Shiva> "where is HLM?"

<Diana> She's back now...well...sleeping upstairs...exhausted. *forwns a little* Your wrists are still bothering you?

<Shingami> shes ok.. thats good

<Wing> theyr' fine....

* Diana furrows her brows, gliding down from the balance beam...* I do not believe you...

<Shingami> jsut sore like yester day Diana

<Diana> But...both of you?

<Wing>.. i feel her pain

* Tenshi scampers up Diana's arm and nuzzles close to ner neck, under hher hair*

<Shingami> and i feel his.. though he IS a pain...

<Diana> ah...*chuckles softly at that last part* I see...

<Diana> Still no idea of what exactly is causing the pain...?

<Shingami> yeah...*nods .. little hesitant hands shoved in the pocket of her hoodie*

* Diana frowns a little, watching them, stroking the rat's fur with a fingertip* ...ah...

<Wing>*headsout of the practice room toget a soda*

<Diana> Is there anything I can do to help...?

<Shingami> its nothing anyway.. so.. um dont worry bout it...

* Diana frowns slightly, silently watching, her pale gaze peircing..*

* Shingami stares abck at her cobalt eyes flickerign a moment... before retreatign to the relative safty of the living room

* Diana arches a brow, following at a bit of a distance, brows furrowed lightly, worried*

* Shingami sits down in a big cushy chair, pullign out an old old manuscript form a pocket and hildign it open, sleves ahve thumbhoels in it coverign half of her hands thats holding the ancient and decrepid thing

* Diana blinks, furrowing her brow..*

* Diana heads into the kitchen, trying to find Wing..*

<Wing> *pullign out a soda, sleves reaching far down his arms for once covering up to th ebase of his thumbs

<Diana> ...Wing...?

<Wing> hum?

<Diana> ...may I ask a question...and get a strait answere?


* Diana crosses her arms, narrowing her eyes slightly* On what? The Question?

<Wing>...*sighs* your going to ask anyway so ask

* Diana nods* What is going on with you and Shing...? You know you can trust me..

<Wing>... honesrly i dotn know

* Diana blinks, frowning slightly* Any way to find out...?

<Wing>... all i knwo is.. thi shappend lastnight*pulls his sleve back.. a bandage aorudn his wrist a circular blod stain on it where the veins cross * to both of us

* Diana heads over, gently taking his wrist in her cold grip, examining it* Gods...strange...this has never happened before...?

<Wing> never

* Diana shakes her head, brows furrowing* Perhaps HLM should take a look at your energy patterns...

<Wing> she needs her rest.. not nother worry

<Diana> I doubt she'd mind...she was sleeping when I awoke around sunset, so...*shakes her head and sighs a little, letting go of his wrist a little belatedly*

<Wing>.. i'll ask her later

* Shingami gets up heading up to her room manuscript in hand muttering some old language under her breath..

* Diana nods a little with a sigh*

* HappyLittleMoron 's just coming out of her and Klork's room, yawning and rubbing her eyes, looking worn out..

<Shingami> hi hlm

* HappyLittleMoron grins groggily at Shing* Heya...*smiles* Thanks to you and Wing too for saving me from that crazy elf yesterday...

<Shingami> not a problem

<HappyLittleMoron> How're you holdin' up...? *leans against the wall, rubbing her belly*

* Shingami unconicously stuffs he rhands in her pocket manuscript with it

<Shingami> im ok

<HappyLittleMoron> That's good...*blinks* What's up...?

<Shingami> hands are cold

<HappyLittleMoron> Okies...*yawns a lil'* Beebees hungry...*hugs Shing lightly and heads downstairs*

* Shingami smiles.. fades when hlm is out of sight...

* Diana smiles slightly at Wing and heads into the living room*

* HappyLittleMoron heads into the kitchen, yawning a lil' bit

<Wing> ohayoo HLM

<HappyLittleMoron> Ohaiyo,'s it hangin'? *grins lopsidedly* Gotta thank you too fer helpin' save me from that mad elf...

<Wing> it hangs... nandemonai .. alwyas willign o help a friend

* HappyLittleMoron nods, getting out some leftovers...

<Wing>*tugs hsi sleves abck over his hands*

* HappyLittleMoron blinkies...

<HappyLittleMoron> 'Sup with your hands?

<Wing> just cold

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhhm...k...

<Wing> you feelign better?

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Lil' tired...hungryh as hell...

<Wing> want me to mak eyou anything

<HappyLittleMoron> I...uhm...if you want o...*grins lopsidedly* I'm fine with leftovers

<Wing> all right..

* HappyLittleMoron guesses she warms it up, watching Wing a lil' worriedly, blinking at a message she gets from Diana

<Wing>*drinkign hsi soda reading the funneis form last sunday's paper*

<HappyLittleMoron> fellow feathered friend...?

<Wing> hum?

<HappyLittleMoron> Lemme take a look at yer wrists...? Diana just paged me mentally saying there's somethin' up with 'em?

<Wing>*eyes flinch puttign down his soda and funnies pulling his sleves back*

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh...egads...

* HappyLittleMoron 's eyes start glowing...looking at his energies

<HappyLittleMoron> OH...geeze...

<Wing>.. what?

<HappyLittleMoron> Just...kewl've got some silklike energies weaving along your body...through your wrists 'n ankles...along your brow, back 'n torso....

* Klork walks down the stairs, stretching

<Wing> the energies that tie me to the Goddess... but... why do they concentrait there

<HappyLittleMoron> Iiiii.....dunno....

* Diana looks up and wavels to Klork*

* Puddles plods along beside him*

<Klork> heya! *waves*

<Wing> odd

<Wing>.. very odd

* HappyLittleMoron runs a hand through her hair, stiffling a in the kitchen w/ Wing, looking over his energies

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...mebbe ya wanna do some research...

* Kameko comes in .. yawning a little, rubbing at her eyes

<Wing> i think shin is

* Kameko is muttering under her breath about smelling like sugar cookies

<Diana> Hello, Klork...*smiles chillingly, then looks at Kame* Hello, Kame..

<HappyLittleMoron> Ahh...

<Klork> odd? hwaa?

* HappyLittleMoron looks up and goes over to hug and kiss Klork* His energies...

* Klork waves to Diana...waves to Kame...heads into the kitchen, dragging a Dog whos' gnawing at his foot..*

* Klork ahhs, nodding, kissing her back

* Kameko stretches a bit, smiling at Diana

* HappyLittleMoron looks back to Wing, eyes glowing a lil' still, after reaching down to scritch Puddle's ears

<Kameko> good evening, Diana. Gyah..sorry..

* Kameko yawns again

* Diana chuckles softly* Worry not, Kame..

<Wing>*again tugs hs sleves down * hi klork

* Puddles gnaws on HLM's hand*

<Klork> heya doin' well?


<HappyLittleMoron> Taste good puppers? *gently wrestles with him, covering a yawn of her ownn*

<Kameko> Just..baking all day..sleeeeepy...

<Kameko> And ANGELO..darn him.. I'd bake .. and he got into EVERYTHING while I was mixing it!

* Kameko mutters, crossing her arms

<Kameko> He's worse than a toddler!

* Klork laughs

* Diana laughs!*

<Diana> MEN, hmm?

<Klork> heeeyy..*pouts*

* Kameko nodnods, eyeing Klork

<Kameko> YES.. it's YOUR a round-about sort of way!

* Puddles hops on his hind legs, licking at HLM's chin*

<Klork> uh..riight

<Kameko> You are EXACTLY the same way! I remember this from when I was little!

* Kameko waves a finger at him, looking at 'Mo

<Kameko> Be careful what you cook! He'll get into it before you've had a chance to make it!

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles, lifting Puddles into her arms, looking up at Kame with a smirk

<HappyLittleMoron> I'll be sure to remember that...

<Klork> I cook too! I don't do that anymooree! *mutters*

* Puddles licks at her face, whining*

<HappyLittleMoron> I'll put him on babysitting duty once the kids come...

* HappyLittleMoron looks at Puddles, then takes him over to the food bowl, putting food in it...refreshing the water too

* Puddles looks at it.then looks back to her, whining*

<HappyLittleMoron> Wha'...?

<Wing>*takes moment to slip out of the kitchen*

* HappyLittleMoron sits on the floor with him

* Puddles whimpers again, squirming*

* Kameko looks at the pup

<Kameko> Eh...what's up with him?

<HappyLittleMoron> I have no idea...*lets her grip on him loosen enough so he can move off her lap if he wants to*

<Klork> umm...he just woke may wanna lay some newspaper out..

* Puddles whines, hopping off..still whimpering*

<HappyLittleMoron> Ohh...*lays newspaper out then <G>*

<Kameko> Ahh..he's gotta potty! No wonder he's lookin' at the water funny..

* Puddles nearly tackles it to do his business

* Diana stands, streatching, her white rat still nuzzled against her neck, under her hair*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly

* Klork smirks

<Klork> thougth so..

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head slightly, smirking a lil' as she stands....* Hungry either of you...?

<Klork> ohyeah..

<HappyLittleMoron> Hm?

* Klork nodnods

<Klork> hungry..

<HappyLittleMoron> Ohyah...*grins lopsidedly...finishing fixing food after washing her hands, rubbing her belly slightly as it warms up*

<Wing>*goes upstairs to check on Rae and Kern*

* Rae is sleeping, looking a bit worn*

* Klork comes over her shoulder, watching with a smirk

* Kern's watching over her...*

<Klork> You doin' well after last night...?

<Wing>*knocks lightly, as usual*

* HappyLittleMoron grins at him as it warms, leaning back against his chest and nodding a lil'* Tired still...slept all day, too...

* Kern looks up and calls softly* Come in..

<Wing>*enters closing the door behind him*<q> hi

* Myrae mmphs..still sleeping, her wounds mostly healed..mostly just sore and tired*

* Klork nods, rubbing at her shoulders

<Klork> we can turn in early tonight if you want, babe

<Kern> <w> Hello, Wing...*smiles slightly, stroking Rae's hair gently* How are you?

* HappyLittleMoron mmms a lil' and shrugs* Nah...'sokay...I'm not that tired...just a lil'..

<Wing><q> well.. how are you and rae-san holding up?

<Kern> <w> Alright...healing up fine...

* Klork nods

<Klork> we can relax tho *smiles, kissing the top of her head*

<Wing> <q> good..

* HappyLittleMoron smiles in return, dishing up the leftovers...whatever they are <G>

* Rae stretches slightly, yawning..eyes slowly opening*

* Kern grins wryly at him* <w> So nothing else out of the ordinary has happened, I hope...

<Rae> hn..??

* Kern blinks, and smiles down at Rae* Morning, beautiful one...

<Wing>... no

* Rae blinks, flushing a bit, nodding in reply before rolling onto her side* Wing

* Kern smiles down at Rae, then nods to Wing*

<Wing> ohayoo rae-san...*eyes seem to have a shimery alsmot wet gleam to them... reflectign soem kind of hurt for a fraction of a second at kern's words*

* HappyLittleMoron gives Klork his portune* How was your day, sweetheart?

* Kern blinks...arching a brow slightly at Wing...*

<Wing> you seem to be doign better rae-san

* HappyLittleMoron leads the way to the couch, folding her wings behind herself, patting the cusion by her, Diana coming back down the stairs after putting Tenshi back in her cage

* Klork scoops some into his mouth, following

<Klork> mm...not to bad..

* Rae nods a bit* Sore as all can get tho..

<Wing> it means your healing well... a good sign

* HappyLittleMoron curls up, nodding as her belly starts being chicken something or another...prob'ly lasagne...yeah...that's it!

* Rae nods, just staying leant back

* Kern nods slightly, watching Rae tenderly*

<Wing> do either of you want anything form the kitchen?

* Diana smiles slightly to Klork and HLM* I'll be back in a little bit...

* Kern shrugs a little* Not too hungry, Rae...?

* Rae looks up, chewing at her lip* Ah..not now.....but thank you for offering..

* Klork nods to Diana

<Klork> aye aye

* Kern nods a lil'*

* HappyLittleMoron wavels to Diana* Be safe..

* Diana nods* Hai...always am...*smiles darkly and dissapears out the door*

<Wing>*nods* if you do im jsut down the hall...*bows slightly, that look agsin in his eyes before turning for the door..*

* Rae nods, then her brow furrows* Wing..?

<Wing> hum?

<Kern> Ah...alright...*furrows his brow a little..*

<Rae> Are you all right?

<Wing> im fine

<Rae> You .. don't seem it *brow furrows*

<Wing>.. its nothing i asure you...

* Rae sighs, sitting up a bit* If you want to talk..

* Kern stands* I can leave you to your privacy, if you wish...

<Wing>.. it is not my palce to say what is on my mind...

<Wing> for it would be breaching a trust.. a promise i amde to someoen dear to my heart

* Kern blinks, and frowns* I...ah...if it bothers you...the one dear to your heart must not like seeing you hurt...

<Wing>.. other way aorund kern... *heads out the door, sleves slidign up a smidge revelign the edge of the bandage on his wrists*

* Kern blinks*

* Kern frowns and follows* Wing...what is it? What's wrong?

<Wing>.. like i said... nothign to be concerned over... *leaves as silently as he entered*

* Rae blinks...brow furrowing*

* Kern pauses, watching him go, frowning deeply*

* Nox comes down the stairs from the roof, Iris in her arms*

<Wing>*waves, heading into his room*

* Rae furrows her brow, slipping out of her bed & going to the bathroom*

<Nox> Hello...goodbye...*just blinks*

* Kern sighs a little*

* Nox knocks lightly on the door*

* HappyLittleMoron yawns a lil', curling up to Klork, belly purring softly

* Klork smiles, purring back

<Klork> they're glad to have you back *smiles*

* HappyLittleMoron smiles* I'm glad to be back...that was so...weird...*shudders*

* Rae comes out of the bathroom, showered and dressed in her blouse, sandals on her feet, hair back in a long and wispy pony tail..blinking and opening the door* hmm?

* Klork nodnods, pulling her close

<Klork> ~it was scary too..~

* Rae comes out of her room anyway, yeah! <G>

<Wing>*opens it*

* HappyLittleMoron nods, chewing her lip and nuzzling close, draping a wing over them both* <w> Yeah...what happened exactly...? I could barely hear you...*brows furrow a lil' as she gazes up at him*

* Nox looks up at him, arching a moonlight-touched brow lightly* What bothers you, oh child of life?

<Klork> ~he seperated your mind from your the group of us..and two newcomers..went to get it back..~

<Wing>.. what else... but death herslef

* HappyLittleMoron blinks, biting her lip* <w> ...why'd he do that?

* Klork shakes his head

<Nox> I see...perhaps a little venting is in order?

<Wing>... *shakes hsi head*

<Klork> ~reasons I'm still having a hard time understanding.....just know he wanted our children ..source of power or something..~

* HappyLittleMoron blinkblinks, brows furrowing, resting her hands protectively over her belly* <vqw> still out there?

* Klork sighs

<Klork> ~yeah...but he won't be back for a while...I'm keeping iron and steele around us just in case...hence the sword by the bed this morning..~

* Kern follows Rae, btw <G> after washing up himself*

* HappyLittleMoron nods, then grins wryly* <w> I was wondering about that...

<Klork> *Rae heads down the stairs, stretching a bit*

* Klork grins sheepishly, handing her a small pair of iron knuckles

<Klork> ~keep these around just in case..~

* Shingami is sittign on her bed tons of old partchments open aorund her one held in her hands written in a strange and scrawling language reading it partialy aloud to herself...can be heard liek a soft syrin like tone to the pernuciation of the words....

<Shingami> O mor henion i dhu Ely sirsir el sila ai aniron undomiel trio el eria e mor i lir en el luitha uren ia aniron

* HappyLittleMoron nods, grinning wryly, pocketing them* <w> Will do...

<Nox> Ah...alright...*blinks a little at Shing..*

* Kern follows, rubbing his neck absentmindedly*

* Rae pauses...turning to Shin's door, knocking*

<Shin> dozodozo...

* Rae pokes her head in* Do I hear latin?

<Shingami> Latin?

* Rae furrows her brow* The language you were speaking sounds very similar to latin..or at least has latin basis..

* Kern arches a brow lightly*

<Shingami> its oen of them on these scrolls... apparently i got a lot of em

* HappyLittleMoron mmms softly, nuzzling close to Klork* <w> Never wanna be without you again...

* Klork smiles, pulling her close

<Shingami> its a poem...was lookign for information but ran across it

<Klork> ~good...we agree there then..~

* Rae nods, chewing at her lip* Ah...

<Shingami> From darkness i understand the night

<Shingami> dreams flow, a star shines

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, leaning up to kiss him

<Shingami> Ah i desire Evenstar

<Shingami> Look a star rises out of the darkness

<Shingami> the song of the star enchants my heart

* Klork purrs & kisses her back

<Shingami> ah I desire

* Rae watches...then chews her lip, brow furrowed* Shin'...can I ask a question??

* HappyLittleMoron 's belly purrs...two stronger, one weaker...the weaker one almost seeming to falter a few times*

<Shingami> ..sure

* Kern steps back, politely heading downstairs*

* Klork furrows his brow..

* Rae sits down a bit* Ah..what's wrong with Wing?

<Shingami> ... nothing..jut.. ebing wing i guess... why

* Rae furrows her brow* something about a promise...he seems upset..

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip* <vqw> Really wish we knew why it did that....

* Klork nods, brow furrowed...

<Shingami> promise... hm... dunnno... what makes you think hes upset

* Rae sighs* his facial expressions seem hurt..

* Rae shrugs* I haven't any evidence otherwise..

* Klork presses his ear to her belly

<Shingami> ... was eh jsut with you

<Klork> ~wanna try something..~

* HappyLittleMoron watches, biting her lip and nodding* <w> Ok...

* Rae blinks, then shrugs* Me and Ker'....ah..why?

* Shingami seems to ponder, hard colat eyes too smeign to flinch but its carefuly hidden...maticulasly covered

<Shingami> because hes worried about soemoen who has feligns toward s one of you

* Rae furrows her brow, chewing at her lip* but why would that hurt him...??

<Shingami> because he hates seeing that somoene in heartache

* Rae sinks a bit* Oh...

<Shingami> *smiles a bit* dont worry rae.. all wil be ok

* Klork furrows his brow..grimacing..

<Klork> one's weaker..

<Klork> Is there anyway to channel energy to the third..??

* HappyLittleMoron bites her lip* ..oh...gods...uhm...I dunno...*furrows her brow a lil'*

* Rae nods a little, brow furrowed* Ah..I'm going to go...

<Shingami> *smiles.. barely touches her eyes* Ja ne rae san

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhm...I dunno...I'm almost afraid to experiment...might have to take energy away from the other two...

* Rae furrows her brow, heading out..folding her arms in front of her before turning, heading for the roof*

* Klork nods, furrowing his brow

<Klork> the other two are of them just seems to be struggling..

<Shingami> <w> I lir en el luitha uren... Ai... Aniron

* Rae furrows her brow, sitting crosslegged on the edge, thinking..eyes closed..

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip, rubbing her belly lightly

* Klork sighs...

* Erwyl solidifies on the roof behind her...eyes glowing a dull grey

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip, her hands glowing slightly...trying to anazlize the energies a lil', after a few momentss giving up, too tired...

* Klork furrows his brow, pulling her close

* Diana glides through the night, back towards the asylum..*

<Klork> ~we'll try later...~

* Rae sighs..then stiffens, blinking* ~E..Erwyl...?~

* HappyLittleMoron sighs shakily and nods, resting against him* <w> Yeah...gods...

* Erwyl walks over, leaning against the ledge, brows furrowed

<Erwyl> You know I can change you back...give you a longer life...why do your friends not see this?

* Rae stiffens, not looking at him* I don't want that matter how long it is..

* Erwyl sighs

<Erwyl> You do realize that I have to kill you by our law if you don't return.

<HappyLittleMoron> <w> Just hope we can have all three healthy...I...*shudders* I...don't want to lose another child....especially one of yours....

* Klork nods, pulling her close

<Klork> ~I don't want to lose any of them either...~

* HappyLittleMoron nuzzles close, swallowing

* Rae shifts, chewing her lip..eyes lowering* ~I don't care...I won't go back..~

* Erwyl glares, taking that like a slap

<Erwyl> damnit...I was raised crown prince, not a god damned hunter--*visably calms* But so be it.

* Diana lifts herself into the sky, a few blocks away from the Asylum*

* Myrae shifts away from Erwyl..brow furrowing..* I didnt say I'd let you kill me.

* Erwyl quirks a brow, pulling his sword out

<Erwyl> like you have a choice?

* Myrae glares a bit* There are worse fates than death, I'd think.

* Erwyl smiles, sheathing his sword..

<HappyLittleMoron> *Diana blinks, watching in her mist form...*

<Erwyl> revealing things that I'm sure you've told nobody of.

* Rae shoots a glare at him*

* Erwyl chuckles

<Erwyl> so you enjoy hiding things from those you care for?

* Rae sighs, hopping off the roof then erking when she meets Erwyl's knife point* Now what?? *furrows her brow*

* Erwyl pulls the knife back, shrugging

<Erwyl> why haven't you told them you're already healed..that you're a healer.

* Diana furrows her brow, flowing around them...listening...eyeing Erwyl*

* Rae blinks, idly running a hand over one of her bandages* It wasn't don't see them running around and flaunting their powers..*sighs shakily* Besides, I'm not all that great of a healer..

* Erwyl laughs, slicing at her stomach..a thin line from her bellybutton to her ribs

* Rae grimaces, getting knicked in the chin as she backs up...her skin healing quickly..but unfortunately scarring*

* Diana shimmers into sight barely within Erwyl's sight, skin so pale it nearly glows in the dark* Leave her be, Erwyl.

* Erwyl blinks, then snorts, sheathing his knife

<Erwyl> please...*glances to Rae* C'mon, you know how to fix the scars..why do you keep them?

* Erwyl glances to Diana, glare still in his eyes

<Erwyl> And please, I don't intend to kill her tonight..

* Erwyl shrugs, arms crossed

<Diana> You are still not wanted here. *eyes take on a sullen red glow* Make life easier for all involved and give up.

* Rae furrows her brow, eyes downward as she traces her fingers over the scars...they slowly disappear*

* Erwyl shrugs, going to a water form..

<Erwyl> For now, at least..*seems to smile before he puddles to the floor...soaking into it and disappearing*

* Diana watches him warily, shaking her head before turning to Rae, watching her silently*

* Rae chews at her lip* ~sorry..~

* Diana shakes her head a little* Worry not...*sighs a little, cold wind wrapping around them* Nothing against keeping secrets around here...

* Rae sighs* People were worried about me..had I told them I could heal myself they might not've been so worried..

* Diana nods, letting her hands rest at her sides* True...why did you not, though...?

* Rae shrugs* It's considered rare and a curse where I come from..

* Rae furrows her brows* Is it not here?

* Diana hmms softly* Iie...'tis considered a gift here...

<Diana> I would vastly prefer to be able to heal instead of kill...

* Rae nods, sighing* Heh, goes to show how opposite our worlds are...*smiles weakly* Not that I'm complaining tho..

* Diana nods slightly* True...and good. There will come a time when you will need to share your power with the rest of us. Just as I had to share the fact of my vampirism....*sighs slightly, pale eyes turning sad*

* Rae nods, sighing shakily* Can you not return to mortality?

<Diana> I...hai...I can...but...I need to talk to a few people first...the possible ceremonies involve the need of another vampire...

* Rae nods* I don't understand much, but I'll take your word for it *smiles* You don't have to explain

* Diana smiles darkly* I thank you...

* Rae nods* I think I might head inside now tho..I seem to have lost sight of my other hip *smiles weakly*

* Diana grins slightly* I will join you...just getting back from hunting...

* Rae nods, heading inside* Well fed?

<Wing>*had slipped abck downstairs for another drink... shin still reading in her room....*

* Strong magic like forc epases over the asylum*

* Diana shivers, nodding with a frown*

<Diana> More magic...

* HappyLittleMoron shivers as well, curling closer to Klork

* Rae doesn't even feel it..then blinks at Diana* Wha...?

<Diana> There was another sweep of magic...

* Klork frowns, eyes glowing as he wraps his arms around HLM, slipping his iron knuckles on

* The twins falter both holdign back a scream... wound sliek lashes of a whip appearing all voer thie rbacks and wings.. shin is the first to scream*

* Rae furrows her brow* Why am I the only one that can't sense this..?

<HappyLittleMoron> WHATthe?? 

* Kern dashes upstairs*

* Rae blinkblinks..running inside at a dead speed* Shin!?

* Diana follows*

* Klork follows, pausing to wait for HLM

* Rae pushes the door open, eyes going wide* Shin--wha?!

<Wing>*curld on the floor in th ekitchen goraning, white wings staiend stipes of red.. like a candycain*

* Klork pauses...then blinks, going to the kitchen

<Klork> Wing...?!

<Klork> holy....

* HappyLittleMoron follows Klork into the kitchen, blinking and rushing to kneel by him, eyes glowing brightly

* Klork kneels, brow furrowing

<Klork> Mo'??! What's happening??

* Shingami 's shirt is in tatters back bleeding deep wounds in his bac... both of thier wrist injuries are bleeding agian

<HappyLittleMoron> dunno...

* Rae winces, putting her hands on Shin's back...going to water form and attempting to heal her..*

* Klork furrows his brow

<Klork> can you see any energies?

* Diana watches, as does Kern*

* HappyLittleMoron concentraits, eyes glowing as she goes to clean up the blood...

<HappyLittleMoron> strings tight around where his wounds are...and...reminents of energy from claws and whip lashes....

* Shingami whimpers in pain feling wing's pain.. and vice versa

* HappyLittleMoron 's eyes glow brighter, looking for any traces of the cause

* Klork grimaces....

<Klork> can we do anytihng??

* Rae still tries to heal, uncertain if she can or not*

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip, glow faiding as she tries to do the first aid/medical thingie

* wounds remain blood stops*

<HappyLittleMoron> All we can do is stop the bleeding...and I guess take him to bed

* Rae solidifies, faltering a bit as she falls backwards*

* Kern catches her, holding her gently*

* Klork picks Wing up and carries him to his room n' whatnot

* Rae sighs shakily, sitting up slowly* egh..damn..

<Kern> ...are you alright...? *looks at her confusedly as Diana tucks Shing in*

* Rae nods, sighing as she slowly stands* I..yeah..fine..just wish I could heal her..*chews ather lip*

* Kern blinks, ruffling her hair* You can heal...?

* Rae sighs, sinking a bit as she nods* ~yeah..~

* Kern tilts his head, ruffling her hair* Why didn't you tell us...?

* Rae sighs shakily* It's considered a rare curse where I come from..

<Kern> ...why?

* Rae shrugs* Having strenght is counted on how many men you can kill not how many you can save..

* Kern blinks* Sounds like Sparta...

* Rae nods a bit* Except the women aren't..allowed to kill..*sighs and shrugs* it's just strange

* Kern nods, brows furrowed a little*

* Rae sighs and stands a bit* ..sorry I didn't say anything..

* Kern gently hugs her close* That's is different in your culture...

* HappyLittleMoron uhm...curls up in front of the fireplace again, hands resting over her belly...

* Rae nods, curling up to him*

* Klork pulls her close, sitting beside her

* HappyLittleMoron cuddles close

* Klork purrs quietly

* Rae sighs, gently resting her hands on his neck* ~may I?~

* Kern blinks, nodding a lil', resting his hands on her lower back* <w> I..uhm...sure...?

* HappyLittleMoron 's belly purrs in return...

* a shadow flows under the front door of the asylum...*

* Rae chews at her lip, going to a water form and pressing her hand to his injury..the feeling a very cool one...soothing before she begins to try to heal his neck*

* Klork is still curled around HLM, watching the fire...brow furrowed*

* Kern shivers slightly...the injury healing at her bidding...*

* HappyLittleMoron rests her head on his chest, curled close to him, the shadow drifting across the floor

* HappyLittleMoron 's eyes are closed with thought

* Rae goes around him, still water formed..pressing her fingers to his back...attemping to heal there as well*

* Klork brushes his fingers over her cheek, purring quietly

* HappyLittleMoron smiles softly, gently stroking his side, wrapping her arm around him as the shadow drifts closer to the couch...

* Kern lets her, goosebumps rising as she does so...that healing as well*

<Klork> ~Love you, Mo'..~

* Myrae pulls back, solidifying and looking a little dizzy*

<HappyLittleMoron> <w> Love you, too, Klork...

* Kern reaches out to steady her, kissing her brow* <q> Thank you...

* Rae nods, smiling a bit* yeah...I, no problem I mean..agh...hungry..

* HappyLittleMoron suddenly stiffens in his arms, the shadow closing around them, her eyes flashing open

* Kern chuckles softly, reaching up to take the bandages off, resting hsi other arm around her* I will serve you then...

* Klork blinks, growling as he curls around her

<Klork> ~what is it...??~

* Rae smiles, heading down the stairs towards the kitchen*

<HappyLittleMoron> <w> I...I don't know...*shudders as it suddenly closes around them, then with a flash of neon-darkness teleports them away, leaving the iron behind* (where dey go???)

* Kern follows, then blinks!*

<Klork> *Rae blinkblinks* Wha..where'd they...*blinks*

<Kern> ...I...dunno!

* Rae hurries over, feeling the ground..then pales..picking up the iron knuckles* Oh no...

* Kern follows* Great gods...

* Rae furrows her brow* Are Al and Ray still here..?!

<Kern> I...I dunno...*dashes up the stairs to look for them*

* Rae runs after, eyes wide and worried* AL?! RAY!?

* Kern comes back down with a sliip of paper, handing it to Myrae, not able to read it's Ray's phone number*

* Rae takes it..then runs to the phone, dialing* C'mon, pick up!

* Kern watches*

<HappyLittleMoron> Ray: Yooo

<Rae> We need your help! HLM and Klork just disappeared...and the iron Klork was wearing is still here!

<Ray> What?? How..? When?

<Rae> I just told you, now and I don't know how! just a neon darkish spark!

<Ray> Oh damn...I'll be right over.....*clicks and within fifteen minutes he's walking in the door*

* Rae drags him in, taking him to the spot* they were RIGHT here!

* Ray nods, examining the spot and frowning* Oh wonderful...more Unselieghe magic...

<Kern> What can we do??

* Rae furrows her brow* Is there anything we can do?

* Ray shakes his head a little* I've got to find where Al is...I can't gate to Underhill..

* Rae nods, brow furrowed still*

* Ray furrows his brows, concentraiting...* She'll be here within the hour...

* Ray blinks, noting the absense of bandages on Rae and Kern* Uhm...I see you're both feeling better...

* Rae furrows her brow* Within the HOUR? Come on..*furrows her brow* they might be DEAD by then..

* Rae blinks, nodding a bit, chewing her lip* I..yeah..

* Ray nods a little* Ah...forbidden subject...alright. Do you have any salt and silver around at all?

* Rae furrows her brow* I..*pulls her necklace off* in the kitchen..

* Ray nods, holding his hand out for the silver* Pure water, too...?

<Rae> Um..not sure..what do you consider to be pure?

<Ray> As clear of contaminants as possible...preferably from a moving a stream or it would be living...

* Rae sighs* In New York? *chews her lip* it's..not likely..*hands him her necklace*

* Ray nods* Ok...just wonderin'...*takes the necklace and gets the salt...taking some water from the tap and muttering a quick blessing and clensing, then dropping some salt in it and holding the water up so the moonlight reflects through it*

* Rae furrows her brow, watching*

* Ray comes back in, annointting the necklace with the newly made holy water, giving it to Rae again before sprinkling the rest of the water around the lowest level of the asylum*

* Rae holds it, brow furrowed*

* Ray mutters blessings and stuff, Al coming in*

<Ray> Ok, Myrae...wear should protect you against the elves...and hopefully increase your power....

* Rae furrows her brow, nodding and pulling it on* My only power consists of water control and healing tho..*chews her lip,shimmering into her clothes from the night before*

* Ray nods a little* Your healing will be needed...feel it in m' bones...ahhhhhhh...our ride to Underhill...ready with the Gateway, Al?

* Al nods with a slight smirk*

* Rae pulls Ker' over, brow furrowed as she nods*

* Al opens the portal, Kern staying close by Myrae, as Ray gives him a claymore with a smirk, and stepping into the portal*

* Rae follows, chewing on her lip* ~Gods I hope they're ok...~

<Kern> <w> Me, too...

Session Close: Sat Dec 22 01:49:37 2001

