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Session Start: Thu Dec 20 20:00:29 2001

* Klork comes in, munching on chips..

* HappyLittleMoron looks up from some paperwork and wavels

<Klork> ya know..funyuns are good n' all...but they leave a nasty taste in your mouth..

* Klork waves, smirking

<Klork> got some fruit! *holds up a bag..then hold up the other two bags in his hands* Went foodage shopping..

* HappyLittleMoron laughs then ooooooooohhhhhhhhs* I see...*gets up, setting the pencil down and shaking her hand out a lil' aas she heads over to help him with the groceries*

* Klork hands her...a bag...smirking and heading for the kitchen to put stuffs away

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles, following and doing the same

* Klork puts meats n' snackies..n' cans n' canned dog food away.., tossing a collar on the counter..Puddles already at their feet with curiousity

* Shingami comes downstairs, pulgged into her walkmen CD player headphones on ehr ears balstign soem weird trance music...walsk int othe living room and sits ina chiar

<HappyLittleMoron> Ohboy...he's gonna love the collar...*chuckles and folds the bags, putting them away*

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> gotta make sure he's well taken care of..*grins, kneeling and calling Puddles over, fastening the collar on while giving him a puppy treat* hey bud! Not so bad huh?

* Puddles scarfs the treat, blinking a few times as he realizes there's something on his neck...seeming to shrug and go about chasing his tail*

* HappyLittleMoron laughs* Now if only we could do something about that stupid tail <G>

* Klork laughs

* Puddles grrrs...coming close and then sprawling...fed up, yawning widely*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles, kneeling down to rub Puddles' belly

* Puddles chews at her fingers playfully, curling around her hand with a gentle growl*

* HappyLittleMoron laughs, gently wrestling with him

<Wing>*comes into the kitchen* konbabwa HLM

* Klork waves, fixin' dinner

* Puddles grrrs, trying to act tough as he nibbles at her fingers*

* HappyLittleMoron looks up and smiles at Wing* Konbanwa, are you? *chuckles, playing with the pup still* OH you're so tough, Puddles..

<Shingami> im allright.. hello klork...hi Puddles

* Puddles gnaws at her fingers, pausing to slobber all over at her..then barks silently up at Wing*

* Klork waves, chuckling.

<HappyLittleMoron> Blech...*chuckles and cleans up the puppy slobber*

<Wing>... how's it goin?

* Puddles pants, barking silently at her before coming transfixed on Wings' wings...*

* HappyLittleMoron laughs, standing and brushing off her jeans* Good,'re you?

<HappyLittleMoron> Err

<HappyLittleMoron> I asked that already

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head with a sheepish grin

<Wing> thats ok..*shitfs hsi wings unconciously... movign target*

<Wing> do eithe rof you know how Diana and mondo are?

<HappyLittleMoron> Diana went hunting as soon as the sun set, far as I know...dunno about Mondo

* Klork twists his mouth to the side, fixing foods..

<Klork> so she can't be changed back at all now..??

<Wing> she can.. just has to want to

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

<HappyLittleMoron> I think it goes beyond taht, Wing...or do you think she enjoys being a vamp?

* Klork furrows his brow, cutting up some veggies

<Klork> <q> If you'll not be offended, this is a subject I'd rather not touch..

* HappyLittleMoron nods..

<Wing> {{ebign a vampire is a very tempting taste at immortality nad great pwoer.. she is ten tiems mroe pwerful atleast then she was before as a day walker... the spell she was suing before would be sufficant to purge her...btu she ahs to want to...}}

<Wing> sorry klork

<HappyLittleMoron> Sorry hon...*kisses Klork gently and leads Wing out of the kitchen*


* Klork nods..eyes lowered as he continues to fix foods..

<HappyLittleMoron> {{And how do you know so much about this, Wing? have you ever been one? Have you ever bbbeen in her shoes??}}

* Klork furrows his brow...* {{Guys...I can still hear you this way...}}

* Klork looks back, chewing at his lip

<Klork> Sorry...habit *twists his mouth to the side*

<HappyLittleMoron> Agh...

* HappyLittleMoron puuuts shields up then and tthhhhhbbbbbbbbbts at Klork

<Wing><qw to mo> shin knwos more about vampires then I do.. she was .. in a way a vamp once...demo she chose to stya that way

* Klork nods, grinning sheepishly before going back to cooking, feeding scraps to Puddles who sits at his feet

* HappyLittleMoron shrugs a lil', her manner turning a bit surly* <vqw> True...but Diana's situation's different...unless you know more about her past, I'd suggest you not make those leaps of speculation.

* Puddles chews at Klork's shoe, who is tug-o-waring with the dog while fixin dinner over the stove*

<Wing><vqw> i woudltn make the saem asumptions for Diana however.. it is a possability and one msut look at all possabilities no matter hwo disterbing they may be

* HappyLittleMoron nods, crossing her arms and folding her wings about herself* <vqw> 'Zactly...she's like a sister to me...and I have the distinct feeling she doesn't enjoy...*blinks and looks up as Diana silently steps in*

* Klork doesn't look up, still workin' about foods..* {{Lo' Di..}}

<Wing>*nods to diana* evening

<Diana> {{Konbonwa, I interrupting anything...?}} *gives Wing and HLM an odd look*

<Diana> ...evening...

* HappyLittleMoron wavels a lil' sheepishly

* Shingami is oblivious to all ofvorse.. musci so loud cant her herself think

<Klork> {{Not to help me get th' mutt offa my heel??}}

* Diana can't help chuckling softly, deep in her throat, nodding to Wing and HLM as she glides into the kitchen* {{...not at all...}}

* Diana kneels down to offer her fingers to Puddles for him to smell...*

* Puddles goes over curiously, sniffing at her fingers ...eyes curious*

<Klork> whew..thanks Di..

* Diana chuckles huskily, gently scritching Puddle's ears* Not a problem, Klork...

* Puddles pants, licking at her fingers with a happy look to his face*

* Klork chuckles, still fixin' foods

* Diana smiles darkly as she watches the pup* He seems to be doing well...*strokes the pup's fur*

<Klork> Yep...stubborn isn't he? *smirks* *Puddles rolls onto his back, indicating "Rub my tummy"*

* Diana chuckles darkly, rubbing his belly gently, scritching a lil' with her nails* How have you been...?

<Klork> not too bad...starved tho..haven't eaten all sleep well?

* Puddles gnaws at her hand as if he suddenly changed his mind on wanting his stomach if he forgot he was ticklish there*

* Diana nods a little, then blinks and chuckles softly* Goodness, I thought your kind would hate mine...the ones on the street cowered from me...*looks up at Klork and nods, lips twisting into a wry grin* Like the dead...

* Klork nods

<Klork> well, when I found him, he was close to it..I don't think he'll be afraid of anybody I'm not afraid of..

* Puddles licks at her hand as if apologizing for biting her, pantin' and droolin'*

* Diana nods* A good thing, then...poor little one...*smiles her chilling smile, eyes sad, those eyes now a pale pale green* He's a sweet little one...something is awry with his throat, though...

* Klork nods, leaning against the counter

<Klork> He was debarked so nobody would find him...*sighs* poor guy..

* Diana nods* Hai...*shakes her head* I will never understand that...he has a good home, now, ne?

* HappyLittleMoron rubs her belly a little with a sigh..

<Wing> you all right?

* Klork nods, smiling

* HappyLittleMoron nods..* Yeah...lots goin' on is all *shrugs with a smirk*

<Klork> of'course *grins, feeding him another scrap*

* Puddles barks silently*

<Wing>.. good...

* Diana chuckles softly*

<Wing> that your ok anyway.. not so good about the amoutn of thigns going on

<HappyLittleMoron> Very true...

* Puddles then chows on the treat*

<Wing>.. itl get worse before it gets better...*abcently rubs a wrist*

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...I know...*blinks* Your wrist ok?

<Wing> they are fine.. jsut eben sore the alst few days

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh..? Old injury...?

<Wing> oddly enough so have shin's... conicidence ne?

<Wing> no...

* Diana stands, brushing her skirt off, shaking her head slightly with a small smirk*

* HappyLittleMoron huhs...

<HappyLittleMoron> Any idea of what's wrong with them?

<Wing> no.. probably nothing jsut fatigue from typing and practicing too muhc

* Puddles drools as he munches, tail wagging*

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> goofdog..

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil'..

<Diana> Hai...he is a character...then...labs usually are. Do you have any idea how big he will get?

* Diana quiets down a little, watching the pup, bright curls curtaining her pale face*

* Klork shakes his head

<Klork> noo clue...but we keep him healthy he'll stay that way *smirks*

* Puddles yawns, sprawling out on the floor*

* Diana nods, chuckling softly* Hai...

* Puddles nods off on the linoleum*

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> well, on that note, lasagna's ready!

* Diana looks up and smirks a little, stepping back to get out of the way of the food hounds*

<Wing>*goes in to poke shin, tell ehr dinners ready*

<Shingami> not hungry niichan...

* HappyLittleMoron starts to head into the kitchen, blinking a lil' at Shing

* Klork serves stuff up, Puddles still zonked

* HappyLittleMoron shrugs a lil' and heads in, kissing Klork after thanking him

* Klork purrs, kissing her back and sitting down to start eating

* HappyLittleMoron sits by him, chowin' down as Diana dissapears from the kitchen

<Wing>*.. goes in and sits for dinner...*

* Klork sits, eatin' etc

* HappyLittleMoron eats 'n stuff...

* Klork stands, finishing and cleaning his dish off, pausing to pick up the sleeping Puddles

* Myrae comes down the stairs, yawning widely* Hullo..? where is everybody??

<HappyLittleMoron> Kitchen, Rae!

* Kern follows her, neck still all bandaged up*

* Myrae looks over and peeks her head in* Oh food..

* HappyLittleMoron nodsnods* GOODfood

* Myrae grins, going in and dishing herself someup* Hungry, Ker'??

* Kern nods a little* <w> How much chewing is involved with that stuff...?

<HappyLittleMoron> ...agh...neck still botherin' ya...?

* Kern nods slightly again*

<Klork> not much *smirks* all basically noodles..big noodles..but noodles..we can cut it up for you if you want..

* Kern smiles* <w> It sounds good...I can cut it up on my own...

<Wing>*finishes his dinner, elavign a space open at the table* thanks Klork

* Myrae chuckles* Oh fine...*hands him h is plate and a knife*

<Klork> no prob

<Wing>*headsout of the kitchen..bak to the living room*

* Klork washes dishes etc..

* Kern chuckles softly, serving himself, cutting food up, eating, etc..*

* HappyLittleMoron dries 'n puts away <G>

* Diana stands at the living room window, gazing out...

* Myrae eats as well*

* Klork glances over

<Klork> that going down ok, Ker'?

* Kern nods* <w> long as I cut it small enough..

* Shingami pulls her headphoens off music blairng a ltitl louder

<Shingami> you ok Diana?

* Diana hmms? looks up and gives Shing that chilling, suprisingly sexy smile* Hai..thank you for hunting for me last night...

<Shingami> No problme.. its been a whiel since i had a good Hunt... jsut sorry i couldnt help a bit more... you doing ok now?

<Diana> As well as I can, I suppose. You?

<Shingami> I am alive... it says something

<Shingami> sore as hell but.. among the semi living...

<Diana> True...*blinks* Why sore?

<Shingami> wrists hurt... back does too a little.. msuta slept wrong or somethin

* Diana blinks a llittle and comes over, holding her hands out to take Shing's wrists, to examine them, eyes glowing a dull red* If I may...?

<Shin>*holds out her wrists* go for it

* Diana examines her wrists...running her cold thumbs over the undersides*

* Klork finishes cleaning up, stretching

<Klork> soo, everybody got their christmas shopping done?

* HappyLittleMoron helps out and stuff, slipping herr arms around him as he stretches, nodding..

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> ohh goodgood..

* Diana blinks, shaking her head a little* I see nothing wrong...

<Shingami> hm.. must jsut be the weather or soemthing

* Diana nods* Hai...or perhaps something to do with the magic put in the air last night..

<Shingami> dont think it woudl bother me and wing this much... we ahve been beating the crud outa eachother sparing...

* Diana nods..* Hai...then perhaps you have injured yourself...

<Shingami> possable.. its nothign to get to concerned about i bet... a few painkillers and im set..

* Diana chuckles softly, nodding*

* Klork picks her up, smiling

<HappyLittleMoron> Eep *chuckles, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, smiling at him*

* Klork purrs

<Klork> howre you?

<HappyLittleMoron> Gooooood...*belly purrs in return*

<Shingami> you done for the night's hunt Diana?

* Klork chuckles

* Diana nods* Hai...that I am...

<Shingami> good best keep up your strength best you can.. this palce is beign tornw for a major loop and its gunna get worse for it gets better

* Klork stretches

<Klork> so..babe..hmm..*looks pensive*

<Diana> Hai...I know that well.

<HappyLittleMoron> Hmm? *strokes a finger down his cheek*

<Shingami> i tried 5 different tiem so to see what my cards woudl say.. all said aomst the same thing...

<Diana> What did they tell you?

<Shingami> in short.. this wont be a nother holly jolly christmass

<Klork> nothing...just thinkin' of how all three will look like you...just as beautiful

* Diana smirks slightly* Ah..wonderful...*shakes her head with a sigh*

* HappyLittleMoron blushes

<HappyLittleMoron> Awgeeze...hon...*kisses him ligghtly* They'd be even better looking if they looked just like you, though...

* Klork purrrrs, kissing her back* "oh so long as they have some of you in there...*winks* preferably mostly you~

* HappyLittleMoron grins, cheeks pink* <w> Aw...nah...too rough around the edges...

<Klork> Aww..but I like that! *winks*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks, then laughs, nuzzling his neck gently* Not just in bed...? *winks with a smirk*

* Klork coughs

<Klork> well geeze, blow my cover *winks*

* HappyLittleMoron laughs softly* *grins lopsidedly*

<Klork> thpppt *winks*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles and winks back

* HappyLittleMoron mmms...nuzzling Klork as her belly purrs lightly

* Diana watches the world through the window...*

<Wing>*gets up to go meditate in the sparing room*

<Shingami> hows mondo doing Diana?

<Diana> He's doing well...*smiles slightly* I don't think he quite understands what is going on with me...

<Shingami> most men dont understand anythign thats going on with women

<Diana> Ah...well...the other things that are going on...

<Shingami> unerstood... he might come aorund never know

* Diana pauses* I..well...he still loves me...still wants to be with me...just does not understand how hard it is for me...

<Shingami> have you tried telling him

<Diana> ...I have not had the chance as of yet...I have only been a full vampire since last night...

<Shingami> thechance will coem dont worry bout that

<Diana> Hai...*turns to look back into the night* I know...

<Klork> hmmm..hi! *snuggles* so..

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles, nuzzling* So...

<Klork> hmmmm...dessert?

<HappyLittleMoron> Mm...dessert good...

<Klork> ice cream?

<HappyLittleMoron> Ooooooohhhhhh........iiiiiiiiiiice creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeam *grins lopsidedly*

* Klork chuckles, opening the freezer

<Klork> what kinda ya want?

<HappyLittleMoron> Mmm...*heads over to look over his shoulder* What we got? <G>

<Klork> choc chip mint, rocky road, choc chip cookie dough...praline pecan...and...bubblegum? *blinks*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks..* I...y'know...praline pecan and bubblegum actually sounds really good....

* Klork blinkblinks

<Klork> mixed..???

* HappyLittleMoron nodnods

* Klork blinks..

<Klork> ah...okie..*pulls them down, blinking*

* HappyLittleMoron grins widely, patting her belly

* Klork mixes em' together

<Klork> strange cravings you're getting..

* HappyLittleMoron nods, smirking slightly* True...I can't believe that sounds good either...odd children..

* Klork hands her her bowl, sticking with rocky road for himself

<HappyLittleMoron> oooooohh...thankies...*digs in*

<Klork> I think they're bias towards the cream in the ice cream..

* HappyLittleMoron nods..* The cat in them...

<Klork> duunnoo about the bubblegum part tho..that I think is from you *winks*

* HappyLittleMoron smirks

<HappyLittleMoron> Damn those horomones...usually I hate the stuff...

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> s'good for ya tho *smirks*

* HappyLittleMoron snickers* OH...easy for you to say...

<Klork> really? *winks* I guess *winks again, sitting on the counter*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles, leaning against the counter by him as she and washing the bowl when she's done...belly purring again...

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> I have this feint feeling they're satisfied *winks*

* HappyLittleMoron laughs* Gee...wonder where it's comin' from *grins lopsidedly*

* Klork cackles, shrugging

* Diana's eyes widen as a shiver of magical energy passes through the air, she shivers*

<Shingami> diana?

* Klork blinks, looking up..

<Klork> what...was that?

* HappyLittleMoron furrows her brow, shaking her head

<Diana> Ah...hai...? *glides towards the door, pale green eyes puzzled*

<HappyLittleMoron> ...I...have no idea...

* Shingami and Wing feel it now.. wing more so

* Klork follows, brow arched

* Shingami follows diana

<Klork> wha....?

* Diana opens the door, the power seeming to be gone, leaving a strange after-tingle in the air* Strange....

* HappyLittleMoron follows at a distance, keeping her hands protectively over her belly

* Klork blinks, brow furrowed...

<Klork> that ... *shudders* strange..

<Shingami> i dont like it

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, eyes glowing slightly as Diana slips outside into the darkness, looking around...

* Diana steps back, eyes wide as a child-sized shadow with a blood red cap on its head comes flying by the Asylum, pausing to look at Diana, seemingly dumfounded*

<Shingami> what the hell?

* Diana shakes her head as the thing floats closer, looking past her to see Shing, then Klork and HLM*

* Klork blinkblinks, shifting infront of HLM, brow furowed* what was that??!

<Klork> correction, what IS that??

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head, folding her wings around herself

<Diana> ...I have no idea...

* thing blinks at Diana* Thing: You do not know what I am...? You are of the dark ones...

* Diana frowns, furrowing her brow, pale green eyes taking on that reddish glow*

* Klork furrows his brow, eyes glowing a bit..

<Shingami> vampire?

<Klork> I have some in me and even *I* don't know what it is..

* Thing looks at Klork* I see that in you. We all feed on blood...*narrows its eyes and flows off as if hearing a call*

* HappyLittleMoron shivers

* Klork shudders

* Shingami follows it

<Klork> FED...not anymore.....what was that??

<HappyLittleMoron> clue...

* thing flows through the shadows, Diana going with Shing*

<HappyLittleMoron> Gah...just...ugh...*shudders*

* thing seems to be headed for Central park*

* Shingami sticks ot the shadows herslef

* Klork looks at HLM

<Klork> you gonna be ok if I go with??

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* Yeah...I...*hugs him tightly and kisses him hard* safe...?

* Klork nods, kissing her brow

<Klork> will do...take care! *runs off to follows the other two

<Shingami> why does eveeythign ahve to circualte aorudn te park?

* HappyLittleMoron bites her lip as she watches him go...going to close the door just as a tall, slender, pale skinned man steps out onto the street...

* Klork shrugs, jogging along with them..

<Diana> <q> Most powerful energies...most death...

* Myrae looks up at HLM* what's going on out there???

<Shingami> ... and i wonder hwy i dotn deel them now

<Klork> she's gotta point...

<Wing>*gets up feelign soemting wrong*

<Wing> HLM?

* thing seems to chitter cheerfully as it comes across a fight in progress, lots of blood, anger, hate*

<HappyLittleMoron> I...

<HappyLittleMoron> I dunno...*furrows her brows*

* Myrae furrows her brow...going over* HLM???

* Klork blinks...

* man steps up to the asylum, his pointed ears barrrely visible through his dark hair, held back with a silver circlet*

* Shingami looks at the fight

<Klork> seems to feed off of evil emotions...

<Wing>*summons his katana*

* Rae blinks, taking a few steps back* <w> whos that???

* Diana nods, furrowing her brows, eyes widening as the thing flashes out to the two men, seeming to rip them to shreds, enjoying thier pained screams and soaking their blood through its skin*

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head bewilderdly as Kern slips his arms soothingly around Rae

<HappyLittleMoron> ...can I help you, sir?

* Klork cringes

<Klork> ~Holy....~

<Shingami> theres nothign holy about it

* Klork nods

<Klork> you can say that again..

<Klork> what IS that thing..???

* man looks down at her, easily 6'5", and fine boned and all, emerald green eyes with slit pupils* You carry within you power...

* HappyLittleMoron steps back, blinking

* Myrae furrows her brow* I..wha?? *looks at HLM*

<Diana> I don't know...*thing fades into the shadows again...seeming to hunt again*

<Wing>*steps beside HLM..well behind and beside hand on th ehilt of his weapon*

* Klork blinks

* Shingami follows

<Klork> can we track it??

* Diana nods, brows furrowing, then shrugging* I...guess...

* Klork makes a face

<Klork> question we want to...?

<Klork> it didn't seem to want to cause us any harm..*glances to her, brow furrowed*

* man looks to Wing, arching a brow slightly* You have no part in this...*looks back down to HLM, then to Rae, pausing*

* Diana shakes her head* I feels a kinship with us...?

* Myrae blinks, brow creased*

* Klork shrugs, looking bewildered

* Shingami contineus to follow IT

* thing finds now a junkie...self hate and everything that goes with it...seeming to pray on the most pained people of the world..*

* Diana does as well, then <G>*

<Klork> Agh..I don't know..let's at least follow Shin'...

* Klork jogs w/

* Man reaches out to touch Rae's chin lightly*

* Myrae blinkblinks,backing up into Ker with wide eyes* Whoa..who-who are you??

* Kern blinks, holding Rae close* You are one of the Elven...

* Man grins darkly* are correct, sir...

* HappyLittleMoron frowns, eyes glowing slightly as the man's gaze returns to her

* Rae blinks, looking up at Ker then to the man, brow furrowed* Elven..? wha?? *blinks, looking lost*

<Wing> elven?

* Shingami styas close onthe heals of IT, like a hunting dog to a fox

* Klork is jogging along

* Man nods, smirking at Kern's wide-eyed expression* I suspect he knows me from his time...when we roamed freely over the land...taking what we wanted from the mortals...*reaches to touch HLM's belly, frowning when she slaps his hand away*

<Klork> are we gonna follow it and watch it or we gonna do something?!

<Shingami> i want to knwo waht it is...

<Shingami> and why it is

* Rae blinks* Why are you so touchy feely?? *blinks, chewing her lip*

* Diana flows by him, the thing pausing along the way to kill off more people, tearing them to shreds and bathing in their blood, getting stronger and stronger*

* Klork shudders

<Man> None of your concern, mortal...

* Diana summons her sword, no longer pure silver, but laced with dark*

<Wing> what do you want with HLM/

* Rae blinks..* I am not a mor...*pauses, sinking when she recalls whatshe is..*

* Klork furrows his brow...pausing

* Man steps forward, shoving the door open with suprising when HLM tries closing it in his face, HLM stumbling back* Nothing to do with her...simply the power she carries.

<Klork> Di..I-I'm gonna go back...I have a really bad feeling...

* HappyLittleMoron unsheeths her claws, watching the man...then freezing when his eyes flash

* Rae blinkblinks* HEY!

* Diana nods* Of for your family. We will be fine..

* Klork turns, nodding, then booking it back home at a dead run..

<Klork> {{Mo'?! What's goin on there???!}}

* Diana flows up by Shing*

<Wing> if you mean to tak eher children then you must go though me...

<HappyLittleMoron> {{*there's a cry, muffled through a dense barrier*}}

* Klork growls, running up to the door and coming in, blinking

* Man smiles wryly* Ah...Guardian of wish to meddle in the affairs of the Unseilhe Court?

<Klork> HEY! *growls, his eyes sparking*

<Wing>.. i am a guardian of thsoe who reside here...

* Rae furrows her brow, picking up a fork from the table and throwing it at the man*

* Man reaches for HLM again, drawing her to him, looking to Klork and chuckling* Ah...the cat-father has arrived...

* Klork growls

<Klork> I strongly suggest you let her go...

* Man catches it, then growls, hurling it back at Rae, smoke curling from his palm*

* Rae pales, ducking and watching it stick into the wall* Oh man..*blinks, eyes wide*

* thing turns to Shing and Diana, a pale gash in its face where its mouth is, smiling demonically*

<Shingami> What are you

* Klork growls, eyes glowing brightly as electricity dances along his finger tips...

<Thing> You have never heard of a Red Cap before?

<Klork> Let her go NOW..

<Shingami> not tha ti can recall

* Man slips an arm around HLM, spreading his hand over her belly, a thin sheen of sweat over her skin as she struggles to resist, not moving at all however..* You would risk seeing your one and only...your children die?

<Wing> let her go elf

* Klork glares

<Klork> what do you want of her....

<Klork> Because you holding her there is just as much of a risk from my point of view currently..

* Man pulls her close, giving them a terrifyingly beautiful smile* What else would one such as I want from a mere semi-mortal such as her?

* Klork growls, fangs extending

<Shingami> what woudl ahppen if i rid you of that hat

<Klork> I asked for a straight answer...

<Wing>*draws his sword*

<RedCap> I'm suprised, Ms. Death...*pauses and frowns*

<Shingami> sorry reindrnation over the centrueis makes the memory fuzzy

<Elf> Ah...and you may get one, with time...*summons a dark horse to him, picking HLM up, holding her in front of him as he hefts her onto the steed*


* Shingami paues.. blinking...

* Klork blinks, then growls, hurtling lightning at his horse through the ground

<Klork> I think NOW ...

<Shingami> hum... well as much fun as you are mr Cap... i ahve soem business.. ja..

* horse winnies, bucking and throwing HLM, the man furrowing his brows at Klork*

<Wing>*dives to catch her*

* Klork pales, leaping through a portal to dive for HLM

* HappyLittleMoron crashes to the pavement of the of the hunks of the Asylum? <G>

* Klork furrows his brow, sitting up with a grimace..immediately wrapping his arms around HLM

* Shingami hauls rearend back towards her brother

* Man frowns, lashing out at Klork with a Levin (powerful tellekinetic blast, aka elfshot) bolt, taking care to avoid hitting HLM, not caring if it hits Wing*

* Diana eyes the red cap before turning to run as well*

* HappyLittleMoron seems to be unconsiouse

* Klork clenches his teeth, still holding onto HLM, skidding back on the pavement at least ten feet, still sitting..

<Klork> {{Mo'?! MO?!}}

<HappyLittleMoron> {{*no one home*}}

<Wing>*bounces a bit gettign hit*

<Shingami> KISAMA!!!*scythe drawn goes right for the guy ont he horse*

*E lf laughs* I suggest you let her go...I have her mind...*summons a crystal with a bright glow in the heart of it*

* Klork grimaces, pulling her close and then blinking, face pale

<Klork> Damnit!! LET HER GO!!

* Elf arches a brow, shimmering out of the way, smirking at Shing* Ah...the sister to wish to lose your friend...? Her mind dies, she dies, you know.

* Rae watches, eyes wide....sneaking up quietly behind him...motioning for Ker'to follow*

<Shingami> bastard drow gelase her

* Elf looks to Klork* Only when I get what I want. She will live, so long as I hold this crystal intact.

* Kern furrows his brow, going with her...*

<Klork> What do you WANT?!

* Rae chews at her lip, still bein' all stealthy n' sneaky*

<Elf> The power she carries. The power of three...the power of the unborn. *smiles charmingly* And more.

* Klork growls, eyes sparking

* Kern moves with her, silent despite his large size*

<Shingami> you are a sick fuck aint ya?

<Klork> you won't be taking my children...

<Klork> or my wife..

<Elf> Perhaps in your mind. *looks to Klork* Won't I? Perhaps you simply need some time to think on this.

* Myrae chews at her lip, motioning for him to go for the elf dude...crouching ...ready to tackle the crystal*

* Klork growls...

<Klork> I don't think you realize what you're messing with, elf ...

* Kern crouches, bunching his legs up under him, blinking in suprise when a shield flashes up around the elf-dude and his steed*

<Elf> Don't I now...?

* Myrae does see the sheild, leaping then hitting it with a snap* Egh!

<Klork> let her go...damnit...

* Kern growls softly, catching her gently, the Elf just laughing*

* Myrae grimaces, eyes pinching shut..*

* Shingami growels, low nd rumbing lieka beast ten tiems her size would

<Elf> I hold all the give me what I need, and then I will...*a portal opens* I will give you three days. *rides through, nodding to Shing, Wing and the rest* Good day.

* Klork furrows his brow, eyes wide

* portal closes behind him*

<Klork> NO! damnit you..*gets up to chase after, stumbling, pants torn and bloodied, hitting the ground*

* Kern holds Rae, looking her over for injuries, looking at the rest as well, Diana belatedly coming up and kneeling by Klork, brows furrowed*

<Shingami> i hate it when im right

* Klork stares at the ground, eyes wide....but silent...

<Diana> ...what...?

* HappyLittleMoron 's body's still there...just no mind in it <G>

<Shingami> the cards ... said soemthng liek this would happen.... a fallen queen...

* Rae grimaces* just...hit my shoulder..*winces* damnit..

* Klork stands...wincing.. then kneeling all over again by HLM

* Kern nods, frowning deeply* Oh gods...the Sidhe...

<Shingami> hua?

* Diana frowns, going over to Shing* ...what happened...?

* Rae furrows her brow* What's...a sidhe?

* HappyLittleMoron lies there, warm 'n stuff...obviously alive, but oddly still

<Kern> The Elves, they're called here...

* Klork rests his hands on HLM's abdomen...brow furrowed as he moves his head there..forcing a purr*

<Kern> They hail from Underhill...but evil...

<Shingami> what do elves walnt with HLM's children

* Rae blinks* Called....?

* HappyLittleMoron 's belly purrs, showing they're still alive..

* three lil' purrs, one smaller than the other two, as usual*

* Klork furrows his brow, pulling her body close, wiping at his eyes, just holding her in the middle of the street

* Kern blinks at Rae* Their names? I..I don't know...they steal children in the night...never to be seen again...

* Rae shakes her head* No..why were they called...?

* Diana sighs softly, HLM just slumped against Klork*

* Kern blinks...* I don't think they were called... *looks at her confusedly*

<Shingami> Kern where do elves live.. elves liek that guy

<Rae> But you said they were called..aggh..*shaks her head*

<Kern> Underhill...

<Kern> That's where they live...

* Kern furrows his brows, looking apologetic* I don't know that much except for legends...

* Klork slowly gets up, legs weak, carrying HLM, resting his brow to hers as he moves out of the middle of the street

<Shingami> legends hold truth

* Rae furrows her brow* What did legends say?

* Diana sighs softly as she watches...*

<Kern> That...they have powers unlike any human or mutant...they are allergic to steel and iron...

* Klork heads up into the asylum, just passing them silently...

<Kern> They steal children...*sighs and shakes his head* They're evil...

* soft voice from shadows* Not all of them are...

<Wing>.. come out into the light...

* Klork lays HLM on the couch, just knelt there beside her..having blocked everything out except for the triplets purring..

* Klork swallows hard, just keeping her close......silent..

* woman steps out, bone structure a lot like the man's, with cascading honey-blond hair, and emerald green eyes, round pupils and only slightly pointed ears*

* HappyLittleMoron uhm...stays there...belly softly purring at his proximity

* Rae blinkblinks* You guys seriously need to stop coming out of the shadows..

<Shingami> who are you

<Shingami> why its fun?

* Kern blinks confusedly* kidding...

<Rae> you know..doors are there for a reason *blinks..*

* Diana chuckles deep in her throat at that one*

<Wing> another elf...

<Shingami> joy

<Woman> I am Allana. *smiles softly at Wing* Close...I am a half-blood.

* Klork slowly stands, brow furrowed...stepping back and putting an electrical sheild around her...sighing shakily..

<Shingami> where did that guy take HLM's mind

<Allana> To Underhill...the Unseleighe Court.

* Klork runs a hand through his hair and comes over...slowly and still quiet..eyes lowered ...

<Shingami> then whats where we go

<Klork> <vqw> So long as I get to kill him.

* Allana nods a little, patting Klork gently on the shoulder* Of course, sir...after she has her mind back...

<Shingami> how do we egt it back then

<Allana> Well...we do have to go there before the three days is over.....however, we must also bring her body...

<Shingami> not hard ne wing?

* Klork nods...looking up, his eyes completely white...

<Wing> nope

<Klork> I'll look for her.

* Allana nods* Alright...this is not simple, however. Time runs strangely in Underhill...a day down there can equal a decade...or an hour...

* Klork nods, face emotionless

<Klork> where do we start..?

<Allana> calm down. The land has a way of feeding off the negatives...the Nightfliers will attack...

* Klork grits his teeth, eyes sparking blue

<Klork> <q>My fucking wife might the hell do you expect me to calm down..?!

* the sheild around HLM flares*

* Allana looks at him, emerald eyes bright, calm themselves* Because, your very anger can leave your children orphaned to that monster, if you let it take over while searching for him in Underhill.

* Klork winces, the sheild fading completely...

* Klork sighs shakily, running a hand through his hair...Puddles at his feet and looking up at him with curious eyes

<Klork> ~I'm sorry...~

* Kern kneels to pick Puddles up*

* Puddles whines, watching Klork..eyes worried*

* Allana nods* <q> You have every right to be worried, sir...this is a lot to deal obviously love her a great deal...

* Klork nods...

<Kern> <w> Shh...little one...

* Puddles whimpers..*

<Klork> Where do we start...? *looks up, eyes normal again..*

* Allana nods a little* Inside, I can tell you the story in safety...

* Klork nods..going in, kneeling beside his unconscious if guarding her

<Klork> sit...

* Allana nods, taking a seat in a chair and sighing very softly, Kern and Diana following them* Where would you like me to start?

* Rae follows, brow furrowed*

<Klork> anywhere...Id like to get started soontho..

* Kern rests his arm around Rae*

<Allana> Alright...first...tell me what you know of Elves and the Sidhe?

* Klork sighs

<Klork> nothing...

* Allana nods* That's where I'll start then...the man you saw was an Unseleighe evil elf...he lives for power...hates everyone, but especially matters not if you are human or mutant...

<Allana> He sensed the great power your wife expectant mother often has the most power because of the life she carries...he wants that power...the children themselves will be very powerful as well...I suspect she may have some Elven blood in her as well...

* Klork blinks..

<Klork> I....explains a bit..she doesn't really know all of what is in her...

* Allana nods* Alright...that may explain why he was so drawn to'll have to tell me more...anyway...children are rare among elven kind...another reason why he picked her out. I myself am partially of the Seleighe, or good, Court...the other half is human...

* Klork nods...brow furrowed

<Allana> I've been fallowing this man over several centuriees...*pauses* ...ah...the elven are immortal, slain only through powerful magic, contact with the Death Metal...any form of steel or iron...or extensive amounts of caffien.

* Klork blinks

<Klork> ...caffiene??

* Allana nods, slight smirk on her face* It's like caffien mixed with PCP to them...puts them into Dreaming...

* Klork nods, opening a portal and fishing around

<Klork> continue..don't mind me..

* Allana arches a brow slightly, watching* Ah...uhm...ok...they're very you've seen...and thrive off of thhe magical streams that flow through the world...drawn to lakes of magic that form in places, called Nexises...

* Klork nods, pulling his hand out with a grimace, his fingerbleeding

<Klork> gyah..found it..Ah, sorry, I'm listening..continue?

* Allana gives him a slightly odd look* ...alright...Lord Tiernan has been moving between this world and Underhill over the years...searching for ways to take over the mortals up here and use them to his beconning...he has not been successful...until recently. *pauses* ...are you alright?

<Klork> I'm good, I'm good..go on...*reaches in and pulls out some iron knuckles of his, slipping them on...then reaches in again with the other hand*

* Allana nods a little* the spell I believe he's cast on her...I'm sure you've figured out that Red Cap was just a diversion to get as many people away from here as possible...he did steal her mind...holding it improsoned in an imprisonment crystal...there's nothing she can do to break free...there's a counter spell needing to be cast once we find where he's hiding her.

* Klork nods, brow furrowed

<Allana> I know the spell, and I can teach it to you...but we must bring her body to her mind in order to do it...and before the three days are up. I apologise for not getting there sooner, he'd set a trap for me that I only barely escaped. Are you familiar with magic? I know there are those around you who are. *glances at Dianna*

<Klork> I figured as much...damnit, thing's heavy..*leans back, pulling out a heavy steel sword in the shape of a katana...looking light but extremely heavy* If I could lace it with caffiene..

<Klork> an yeah, know a bit of magic...some dark..mostly electricity and portals are my speciality.

<Allana:>Ah...caffien is only effective if they drink it...I think that much Death Metal alone should do the trick...and then some...

<Allana> We will have to wrap that all in thick silk so it does not destroy the fabric of Underhill...

* Klork nods

* Klork reaches into the portal, pulling out the silk lined case..

<Allana> Well prepared...*nods a little* you know the basics of magic. Have you heard of Guardians?

<Klork> ah...*furrows his brow* nope..,*stands, buckling the case to his belt, pulling a silk cape on as well*

* Allana nods* They are the ones who guard this relm from nasty critters in general...sort of the magical police. There are a few in the City, I'm suprised you haven't run into them. *shakes her head a little* Never may be working with us...

<Klork> ah..*looks over HLM* do we carry her with?

<Allana> We can find a way...*heads over and kneels by her, resting a hand on her belly lightly* What exactly is she? And what are you? I need some information about all who are coming...

<Klork> Ah....she's..*furrows his brow* A lot of's hard to say...she dosen't know much of her past..

<Klork> I'm a cat demi-human...some vampiric blood as well...

* Allana nods* Ah...alright. How did you learn of magic?

<Klork> don't ask where I got the electrical powers or my ability to use portals...I have no clue..

* Klork shrugs

* Allana nods with a soft chuckle*

<Klork> naturally...I really don't parents were killed when I was 5...

* Allana nods* My sympathies. I kknow the feeling. Mine were murdered when I was 8...that was...*pauses* About 200 years ago. *looks to be only about 25*

* Myrae grins* I'm actually older! *pauses, then looks sheepish* Sorry..

* Klork nods..sighing

* Allana blinks at Rae, then arches a brow, grin tugging at her lips*

* Kern shakes his head, wrapping his arms around Rae*

* Myrae holds her hand out, grimacing a bit* Triton race...I...was .. supposed to live until around the age of 5,000...

* Allana nods, shaking her hand* Pleased to meet you...I have come accross your kind a few times in the past.

* Myrae sighs* I'm 443...but because my lifespan was made human..*sighs* I won't see 500....*smiles weakly* me Rae

* Kern strokes Rae's hair gently*

* Allana nods, then chuckles softly* An honor...I am simply Allana...

* Rae chews her lip, leaning against him* Can we join you..?? We might be some help...

* Allana nods* Of course...*looks to Kern* He seems to know a lot of the knowlege from the Old World.

<Klork> he is ofthe old world..

* Klork is knelt by HLM, hand on her abdomen, propping her up a bit

* Allana nods* Ah...well, that would explain it.

* Kern watches her* I am Kernunose...most call me Kern. *shakes her hand a lil' awkwardly*

* Allana nods again* Nice to meet you. *turns to Klork* I didn't catch your name...

<Klork> Klork...*holds a hand out, then pauses, pulling the iron knuckles off* heh..sorry

* Allana chuckles softly, shaking* Death metal has no affect on me. Being half human, and honor as well. And what is her name...?

<Klork> wife *furrows his brow, lifting her into his arms, putting the knuckes back on*

* Allana nods, HLM obviously resting back in his arms, breathing softly, belly purring lightly* How far along is she...?

<Klork> I..two months tops...*sighs* beginning of November they were conceived..

* Allana nods* Alright...any complications...?

<Klork> I..none that we know of...but one of them doesn't purr as loudly...

<Klork> which could just be that he/she has more of their mother in them than me...

* Allana nods with a frown* I...see...alright...let us hope that's the case...she and the children need to be very strong in order to survive this...

* Klork nods

<Klork> I can offer my energy..*sighs* Vampiric trick I can use....if she needs it..

* Allana nods* Alright...would you need to feed at all? How vampiric are you?

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> I don't need to feed.....most of the vampirism is dead in me unless my emotions of anger or eh..other emotions flare up..

* Klork clears his throat

* Diana chuckles darkly* <q> Suddenly I feel as if we're in a warped version of the Wizard of Oz..."Are you a good vamp or a bad vamp"?

<Klork> but, dont need to feed..just need to keep myself well rested..

* Klork laughs at Di

<Klork> gonna join us, Di?

* Allana arches a brow and chuckles softly* Ahh...I see...*nods* Alright...

<Diana> I don't know...I would like to...*looks to Allana* I am full vampire...would I be able to survive down there...?

* Allana eyes her over and blinks* You are more than full vampire...

* Klork blinks...

* Klork wraps a cloak around HLM, cradling her close

<Klork> I don't mean to interrupt...but...can we begin??

* Diana smiles darkly* Hai...I am the last of the Ichizoku Mahonoryu...Clan of the Magic have magic in my*shrugs*

* Allana nods and stands* Of apologies...

* Klork shakes his head

<Klork> it'sok....but..would she be able to survive? *motions to Diana*

* Allana nods a little* If she is careful about what she feeds on. *looks to Diana* If you feel you can resist the darkness...only evil creatures on the side we are going to...

* Klork manages to put a sling around his neck and arm, attaching it to HLM to hold her curled closer to him so just in case he needs to he can grab his sword & fight

* Diana nods...* I can resist...I've been almost turned into a demon enough times...

* Allana blinks and nods* I...uhm...alrighty then...

* HappyLittleMoron 's curled close to him, now

* Allana centers herself, powering up and opening a portal* This will take us to the forest...

* Klork makes sure his sword is easily ready...

* Klork nods, an arm protectively around HLM, the other on the hilt of his sword

<Klork> lead th'w ay..

* Allana holds the gateway open as Kern and Diana step through, motioning for Klork's chars to as well <G>*

* Rae goes w/ Ker, Klork following after*

* Allana obviously goes through last, closing the portal behind them, a wirey black man with spectacles waiting for them on the other side*

* Klork blinks, looking up to him, sheilding HLM

<Man> Hey...I'm the Guardian Al over there told you about...Ray..

* Klork nods, obviously relaxing..

* Myrae watches, water shimmering around her to form a white gown and cloak to keep herself warm*

<Klork> ah..Klork..

* Ray nods* Nice ta meet you...*the woods around them are dark...the bark of the trees bone-white with black shadows of creatures racing through them...seeming to avoid the group of people in their midst, as if afraid of the aura of white light that appears around them*

* Rae furrows her brow* Where do we start...??

* Klork nods, brow furrowed...

<Ray> Well...*turns to Klork* You and your wife obviously have a bond...mental...?

* Klork nods, brow furrowed

<Ray> Close your eyes and reach for her....see if you can feel her essence...

* Klork nods, closing his eyes..brow creasing..

<Klork> {{Mo..'??? Mo...please's Klork...}}

<HappyLittleMoron> {{*from a great distance, barely autible as if through great interferance, after a few moments*}}

* Klork 's back stiffens, brow furrowed..

<Klork> {{Mo'...where are you???}}

* Diana arches a brow, watching...*

<HappyLittleMoron> {{*sounding the same before* ...don't know...white light...small space...can't see...what happened? ..barely hear you...!}}

* Myrae leans against Ker, brow furrowed...*

<Ray> *muttered* Try to FEEL where she is...

* Kern rests his arms around Myrae...*

<Klork> she doesn'tknow where she is..white light..small space...*furrows his brow..reaching out...trying* {{Just hold on, we'll be there soon, love..}}

<HappyLittleMoron> {{*same as before* ...alright...hurry...miss you...}}

* extremely feint feeling to the east*

<Klork> {{I miss you too... I love you...}}

* Klork opens his eyes, pointing to the east

<Klork> that way.

<Klork> it's feint..but it's there.

<HappyLittleMoron> {{ you too...}}

* Allana nods* That is the direction we go, then...

* Klork smiles, very feintly when he hears that, curling her close as he walks...Myrae following as well

* Kern shivers a little, glancing at the trees as he walks with Myrae...the Guardian and half-blood walking with him...Diana walking at the rear, using her senses to guard them*

<Kern> <vqw> Even the trees are twisted...

* Myrae furrows her brow, looking up at Ker..* <vqw> The water is tainted as well...

* Ray nods back to them* Elementals?

* Myrae blinks, then chuckles quietly* Triton...actually....*sighs* <q> sort of..

* Ray nods a little* Ahh...oooooohkay...never heard o' it...*shrugs with a smirk, owing when Allana elbows him in the ribs, telling him to be nice*

* Myrae chuckles* It's a very unknown race..I'm not surprised..

* Klork keeps walking, keeping a steady pace...eyes intent

<Ray> That'd explain it...*strengthens the shields a little more, casting a glance back at Diana before turning his eyes forward again*

* Myrae furrows her brows, watching the woods* What's out there...?

<Allana> Night caps...boggles...trolls...

<Ray> ...vampires...

<Diana> Hey!

<Ray> The bad kind

* Klork quirks a brow

<Klork> are we gonna get into this again??

* Allana elbows Ray again* Boy...

* Klork flashes his fangs to Ray, winking

* Ray mutters and rubs his ribs* She'll break my ribs if we do...

<Klork> careful there..*winks, heading forward*

<Ray> Egads...

* Allana laughs, shaking her head*

* Myrae chuckles, walking as well*

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> if we include my unconscious wife here, we have a strange fellowship of nine...

* the forest stays consistantly dark, the temp seeming to drop as time passes*

<Kern> True...odd...*shakes his head*

* Klork shivers, curling the cloak around him & HLM

* Myrae leans against Ker'..shivering a bit*

* Kern pulls Myrae close, wrrapping his cloak around them both, Ray and Allana walking close together...Diana just not bothered <G>*

* Klork furrows his brow

<Klork> how will we know when we're close?

<Allana> You'll feel her essence...

* Klork nods, slipping some beef jerky into hismouth from work earlier...passing the bag back

<Klork> food?

* Kern nods a little, taking some and offering some to Myrae, Ray aand Allana take a little as well*

* Myrae thanks Ker', munching a bit*

* Diana walks sereanly along, the blood red skirt flowing around her legs*

* shin & wing eat some too..yeah...<G>*

* the three thanked him, btow...LOL yep <G>*

* Klork nods

<Klork> eat if you're hungry..don't want your energy wasted...*keeps walking, trying to feel if he can feel her*

* as they move, her essence seems to get stronger...afterrr several hours, they reach a dark, stone fortress, Diana having taken a short vacation from the trail too feed along the way*

* Klork looks up, brow furrowed..

<Klork> ~here....~

* Ray nods, pulling oout his bow and arrows*

<Klork> {{Mo'....we're coming...}}

<HappyLittleMoron> {{...oh love...}}

* Klork looks to Al...* is it safe for my sword here...or no?

* Allana shakes her head* Not just yet...

* Klork nods..sighing shakily...

* Myrae furrows her brow* <w> now what??

<Ray> We get in...*cocks an arrow and draws it back* Goin' up...front gate is out...

* Klork nods...squinting up...

* Myrae furrows her brow..looking around for any bodies of water nearby*

* there's a sewage drain not far from them...*

* Myrae twists her mouth to the side, the drain lifting via / water pressure from under* ~anybody want to take this way uP?~

* Kern blinks, Al raising a brow* 

<Al> Works for me...

* Ray's already scaling the wall*

* Myrae holds it stead* anybody first?

* Klork is as well, w/out ropes however..

* Klork sighs, opening a portal to the top...getting lazy halfway up <G>

* Diana's already there...turned into mist and the solid again*

* Klork opens a portal at the bottom

* Al summons a ladder, her and Kern going up I guess <G>*

* Myrae blinks...goes up one way or another<G>>

* they all get up there <G>*

* Klork dusts himself off

<Klork> a' what? *looks to Ray*

<Ray> We find our way to your wife...*crouches in the shadows with 'em...guards at all the entrances...all male, dark elven*

* Klork furrows his brows, looking around...

<Klork> ~do we split up then?~

<Al> <w> That may be best...cover more ground...

* Myrae nods* <vqw> Di' with Ray, Al w/ Klork, me with Ker'?

* Ray nods with a hammy grin* <vqw> I always did have a thing for red-headed vamps...

* Diana snorts quietly, rolling her eyes*

* Myrae grins* ~precisely WHY I did it *winks*~

<Diana> <w> Domo arigato gozaimus, Myrae-chan...appreciate it...*smirks* We'll take the north...Al 'n Klork can take the and Kern can take the west...and Wing and Shing can take the south...

* Klork sighs shakily

* Klork nods

* Myrae nods*

* Al touches Klork's shoulder lightly, heading east*

* Klork nods, following

* Myrae goes w/ Ker to the west*

* Kern walks with her...Diana and Ray going to the north*

* Klork furrows his brow, searching out to seek her..

* Al presses against the wall, spotting a guard ahead..*

* Klork blinks, scooting to her side, hand on the hilt of his sword

* Guard1 whistles lightly, twirling a fancy club of sorts as he walks, dark hair to his hips in a braid..eyes a sparkin' grey*

* Al narrows her eyes as she watches him...the essence trail leads through that door*

* Klork furrows his brow, not sure what's going on...

* Guard1 pauses, reaching into a pack on his hip, pulling out a few berries and eating..quickly putting them away before continuing on..whistling..*

* Al rests a hand on Klork's shoulder, holding a hand up in a signal for his silence as she casts a glamorie to make herself look like a full-blooded elven lady...low cut, revieling dress 'n all, stepping out of the shadows, giving the guard a saucy smile*

* Guard 1 blinks...then blinkblinks..double checking his berries to be sure they weren't intoxicated..*

* Guard 1 blinks again..then pinches himself a few times, eyes wide in disbelief*

* Al grins, sauntering up to him, boosting pheremone levels* So...busy night...? *winks*

* Guard 1 blinks....then just outright grins* ...oO(Score! this ones real! At least i won't get caught with nothing in the bushes again...)

* Guard 1 smiles, trying to act studly, puffing up a bit as he adjusts his belt* Well...not too entirely..

* Klork watches with a smirk, staying silent

<Al> Mmm...I see...*saunters over, tracing a finger along his face and down his neck* Perhaps I can liven it up a bit for you? Hmmm?

* Guard 1 gets a goofy smile, leaning to her slightly* mm..hmm...thatd...mhmm..yeah..

* Al grins slowly, moving so he can get a good look at her cleavage, pressing up against him and cupping his face in her hands*

* Guard 1 grins, eyes very observant of things below her neck, duh, wrapping his arms around her*

* Al grins...leaning up for a kiss before locking eyes with him and setting a draining spell into action...sheilded so Tieran can't tell it's happening, trying to drain him into unconsiousness*

* Guard 1 blinks...staggering before sinking..happy grin still on his face*

* Al drags him into the shadows, dropping the glamorie and shaking her head, smmirking* <vqw> Works every time...

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> <vqw> niice..heh, shall we continue?

* Al smirks, bowing a lil' and nodding* <vqw> Yes...let's. *heads inside cautiously*

* Klork follows, being veddy careful..

* Myrae is searching rooms...bein' all stealthy n' whatnot*

* Kern is as well, watching her back, gently pulling her into the shadows as servants pass by*

* Rae watches, brows furrowing quietly*

* servant1 sighs as she puts a bundle in the hallway* Master is really going hard on us...he killed Mae just yesterday...

* Rae winces...stepping back*

* servant2, dressed like a concubine, setting her load by her friend's* Yea...been rough in the sack too...tore me clear open...*winces and shakes her head* Hope he gets that wench and her spawn soon so he leaves us alone again...*the two wander off...*

* Myrae grimaces* <vqw> this guy is no better than Erwyl..

* Kern shakes his head with a sigh, hugging her close* <vqw> No he's not...I hope we find HLM soon so we can get out of here...

* Myrae nods, heading on quietly*

* Klork sighs shakily, looking around, brow furrowed

<Klork> ~~~where is she damnit....?!~~~

* HappyLittleMoron 's essence gets stronger and stronger as Klork moves through the castle...her crystal is mounted on a table...unfortunately, Tieran is there, too...with Diana and Ray chained up

* Klork blinks, coming apon the room, then pales...*{{shit..}}

* Klork steps back into the shadows, opening a clear portal, gently reaching through to see if he can snag HLM's crystal..

<Al> {{...yoou can say that again...}}

* Tiernan turns from tormenting Diana to grab Klork's hand* So quick, cat man...

* Klork pales, snapping his hand back quickly

<Klork> *through the portal* Cat-like reflexes, elf boy...

* Klork puts his iron knuckles on, going to reach through againn..

* Tiernan frowns, peering into the shadows..*

* Klork stays back, holding his breath

* Tiernnan unsheeths his sword, lashing out with it*

* Klork grimaces, stepping back, still trying to grab the crystal...iron knuckles on n' all

* Tiernan steps forward, erking when Al leaps out to tackle him*

* Klork growls, snatching the crystal...assuming he can

* he gets it! Tiernan shoving Al back and diving at Klork*

* Klork pales, stepping back into a portal

* Klork closes it, running into Ker

<Kern> Erk!

* Klork blinks turning and handing him Mo' and her crystla

<Klork> hold her!

* Myrae blinkblinks*

<Klork> I'll BRB!

* Kern blinks, taking Mo and her crytal* Ok...

* Klork dives through a portal, drawing the sword

* Klork comes through, slashing the sword at Tier once he's in sight

* Al battles with Tiernan, getting thrown back as soon as Klork shows up again, the sword warping the air itself, Tier shying away with a growl*

<Tier> *hissed* Death metal...damn you mortal...

* Myrae furrows her brow*

* Klork growls, pointing it to him

<Klork> Let them go, NOW.

<Klork> before I remind you of how well this stuff conducts electricity as well..

* Tier growls softly* NEVER! *ducks low, slicing at him*

* Klork growls, hopping over the sword and slashing out at him again, when he can taking a couple of punches towards him

* Tier ducs as best he can, the smell of burning flesh filling the air when he does take a few slices...firing some more levin bolts at Klork as he goes*

* Klork gets a few hits, his cheek taking a nasty hit before he growls, slashing the sword out at him, electricity firing off the tip

* Tier goes flying back, growling and faiding away* You have not seen the last of me, mortal!

* Klork watches, then furrows his brow

<Klork> I'm going to Mo', get them free!?

* Klork looks to Al

* Klork sheathes the sword, going through a portal

* Al nods, shaking her head bleerily as she gets to her feet, face, chest and thigh bleeding badly, freeing Diana and Ray*

* Kern still holds HLM and the crystal, keeping watch*

* Klork comes up to Ker & Myrae...

<Klork> c'mon...this way...

* Myrae blinks..then nods slowly*

* Kern nods, following..*

* Klork leads em ' to where Al n' co. are..

<Klork> c'mon..I'll open a portal...we gotta get outta here...

* Myrae blinks, going to Al, immediately insisting on bandaging her up*

* Al blinks and smirks resignedly*

* Diana doesn't seem to be injured, just a little gaunt looking, like she needs to feed again, Ray's cut up pretty bad, like he gave a nasty fight*

<Kern> Alright...

* Myrae bandages her as best she can..looking to Klork before looking at her again* can we do the spell here?? *goes to Ray, bandaging him a bit too*

* Klork opens a large portal, waiting

* Diana and the rest go through <G>*

* Klork n' co. go through as well

* Ray blinks as Diana almost emediately dissapears to feed again* Big everyone alright...?

* Klork nods..taking HLM from Ker

<Klork> can we get her put back together?? *furrows his brow, looking up*

* Kern hands her over, being very careful of the crystal and stuff*

* Klork ,ohyeah, took the crystal too <G>

* Al nods* Set her down...*looks to Rae, as if asking, you done?*

* Rae is done being th' Nurse..sigh*

* Klork sets her down on his cape after he removes it, taking her hand in his and watchingh er

* Al smiles her thanks and kneels by them both* your right hand on her brow...your left over her heart...

* Klork nods..doing so, brow furrowed..

* Rae watches..*

* Al cups the crystal in her hands...holding it between them...then drawing her hands back, the crystal glowing brightly as it hovers there...*

* Klork watches, brow furrowed...

* Al murmers words in the elven tongue, a beautifully flowing language, the glow increasing aas the crystal itslef begins to disolve, leaving the glow itself, actually sinking up into Klork's chest, her essence sinking into him breifly, all her thoughts and feelings...mostly fear and confusionn ATM, not knowing what's happened, but a sense of relief when she sensese him* <w> Kiss her...

* Klork blinks..then nods, bending over to kiss her fully, brow furrowed in confusion of the emotions....yet thankful..

* glow transfers from him to her...she breaths in through her nose as she begins kissing him back, slipping her arms around him*

* Klork pulls his arms around her and sits up, pulling her close as he continues to kiss her, arms shaking with relief

* Myrae smirks, leaning back against Ker*

* HappyLittleMoron returns the kiss, clinging to him, tears trailing from her eyes

* Kern wraps his arms around Rae*

* Ray grins at Diana, who's just now returning, whiping at her mouth, then smirks as she gives him a look like "touch me and I beat you muthah fuckah"*

* Klork pulls back slowly..enough to say to Al that he's ready to go home before standing, pulling HLM into his cloak as he holds her close

* Myrae laughs, tears coming to her eyes*

* HappyLittleMoron shivers, just clinging close to him as Al opens the portal back

* Kern chuckles softly, whiping hastily at his eyes, Diana grinning softly...those two head through ;)*

* Klork carries her in, just keeping her close

* Myrae goes w/ Ker of course*

* Ray 'n Al go last*

* Ray catches Al as she collapses once she closes the portal behind them* 

<Ray> Heh...always wears her out...

* Klork sighs shakily, thanking Ray

<Klork> she can rest there any way we can keep him from coming back?

* Ray shakes his head with a sigh* I don't know...we can put more sheilds up, but as it stands...*shakes his head* He won't be coming back any time soon, really beat the crap outa him

* Klork grins, looking a bit pride filled at that

<Klork> good...damn ass deserved it...*sighs shakily, pulling HLM close*

* Diana chuckles softly*

<Diana> I will show you two where you can rest...thank you again...*leads 'em upstairs*

* HappyLittleMoron nuzzles close, tremmmbling* <w> ...wh...what exactly happened...?

* Myrae yawns, her clothing melting off like water into her pj's* bed is good..

* Klork smiles...

<Klork> ~I'll tell you in the morning, Mo'..until then..I'm just glad you're here with me...~

* Kern nodsnods and scoops her up* Bed we go...*smiles and carries her upstairs*

* Myrae gets toted*

<HappyLittleMoron> <w> I...uhm...O...ok...*cuddles close* I love you...glad to be here with you too...

* Klork nods, leading her upto their room, keeping the sword close and settling it by their bed...laying the silk cloak over their bed before stripping and hoping in,making room for her

* HappyLittleMoron grins, stripping down as well, seeming no worse for wear...looking more and more pregnant almost by the day...she slips in by him, cuddling close

* Klork curls around her, protectively and lovin'ly..eventually fallin' asleep

* HappyLittleMoron smiles softly, dozing off, lil' confused, but relieved as all get out

Session Close: Fri Dec 21 02:33:53 2001

