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Session Start: Wed Dec 19 19:00:25 2001

* HappyLittleMoron comes down the stairs, streatching a little

* Klork looks up, fidling with the tv

* Kern is with Rae, Nox watching over them, Iris with the group...Diana's off...somewhere...probably her room*

* Shingami is glarign at the microwave willing it to cook her hotpockets faster

* HappyLittleMoron glances into the kitchen and snickers, calling* Shing! Don't kill the microwave, k? Poor thing's been trhough enough torture <G>

<Shingami> Im just glarign at it...

<HappyLittleMoron> If looks could kill...*winks*

<Shingami> funny...

<HappyLittleMoron> ok?

* Klork furrows his brow..

<Klork> was gonna ask the same..

<Shingami> just hungry

<HappyLittleMoron> ..okies...*grins a lil' as she settles onto the couch*

* Myrae comes down the stairs slowly, kinda limping..very tired look about her

* Shingami pulls the pocket out when its done tosin it aournd a bit before chomping into it, grabing a can of soda and sitting on the counter

* Kern follows her, being careful of his neck*

<Klork> *Myrae pokes her head into the kitchen, yawning and opening up the fridge* Heya Shin *smiles, looking tired*

<Shingami> hey...

* Myrae winces, pulling out an apple and offering it to Ker'* Hungry?

* Kern smiles slightly, waveling to Shing before shaking his head slightly to Rae* <w> Thank you...something softer...*finds some apple sauce to eat...crunchy foods hurt because of the stiched up gash in his neck...hurts to chew too much*

* Shingami finishes ber dinnner/lunch/breakfast/lunch form yesterday an dhops down form the ocunter

<Shingami> if you guys need anything dotn hesitate to ask...*heads for the practice room*

* Myrae nods, grimacing..* I can make some stew...*looks up and nods to Shin* Thanks..

<Kern> <w> Thank you..*looks down to Rae, trying not to move his neck much and smiles gently* Only if you wish to...

* Rae chews her lip, nodding a bit* well..I wouldn't mind..

* Kern smiles softly* <w> Alright...anything I can do to help...?

* Rae looks over and pulls down some vegetables* chop these?? *pulls down a pot..

* Kern nods, taking out a knife and playing the mad chopper...with quite a bit more control*

* Shingami turns on soem new music going though her kata, tryign to clear her highly unorginized and confused mind

* Diana sets candles around her room...the entire centerr cleared of everything...wearing a blood-red slip-styled silk dress...*

* Rae blinks, smirking and giving him s'more veggies, chopping the meat..

* Mondo sits on his bed, strumming his guitar, writing music*

* Kern grins silently as he works*

* Rae starts putting spices in w/ the water, mixing til' it s agood broth* almost done with those?

* Diana begins lighting the candles...then settles down in the middle of the room, murmering a soft incantation, the tingle of magic can be felt through the building*

* Kern nods, putting them in a bowl...then shivering*

* Rae puts the stuff into the pot..letting it simmer, putting a lid over it

<Myrae> That should do for now..I..cold?

* Mondo blinks, stopping what he's doing and looking up, the color draining frmo his eyes and a strange wind swirling around him, making his hair fly wild for a second*

* Kern shakes his head* <w> Can you not feel it...?

* Diana mixes the crushed herbs, murmering the Words under her breath...her dragon tattoos beginning to glow feintly...the tension in the air growing stronger*

* Myrae furrows her brow, pausing..then slowly shaking her head* no..I..feel what?

<Kern> <w> The magic in the air...someone is doing a spell...*shivers again, heading over to her*

* Shingami slows a moment in ehr movements, eyes flashign pure cobalt

* Nox has taken Iris into her arms, brows furrowing*

* Myrae shakes her head, unable to feel it...brows furrowed* I..*puts a hand on his shoulder*

* Mondo shivers, and the starts of what looks like electricity sparkles between his eyes

* Kern rests his hand over hers*

* Myrae shakes her head a bit* Are you sure you're all right??

* Klork shudders, slowly sitting up from the couch, PUddles huddling beneath his feet* gads..what's goin' on??

* Diana's murmering reaches normal speaking levels as she coontinues to mix the herbs, the dragons wrything under her skin, making her wince, just before they race over her body*

* HappyLittleMoron shivers, eyes glowing as she looks up the stairs* Diana's doing that spell, I think...something weird about it this time, though...

* Klork nods, brow furrowed...

* Kern nods, taking her into his arms* <w> Yes...I think so...

* Shingami shrugs and goes abck to ehr kata

* Klork stands, stretching, heading up the stairs..brow furrowed..

* HappyLittleMoron follows, gathering Puddles genttly into her arms, wrapping her wings around them both

* Puddles curls close, whimpering*

* Diana summons her sword to her side, at its appearance, there's a sudden rush of power, continuing to build to almost painful levels...she continues chanting the foriegn words...*

* Rae leans against him, brow furrowed..*

* Kern shudders, holding her close*

* Klork heads up, looking to HLM as if to ask to open her door..

* Shingami stop snow looking usptairs... Wing gets jared awake the twins eyes both gliwing thier repective colors

* HappyLittleMoron opens the door to Diana's room

* Klork follows..

* Diana holds her sword, the sheild around her room up again...her eyes are closed, dragons racing over her body as she presses the blade to her palm again..*

* Klork furrows his brow, looking to HLM

<Klork> ~~~what's so different???~~~

* HappyLittleMoron looks at her with glowing eyes, brows furrowed as she shrugs a little* <vqw> I...don't know....she seems much more a different way...

* Klork furrows his brow...

<Klork> ~strange...shall we wait until she's done?? I..she responded well to Mondo last time...should we let him know?~

* Diana presses the blade hard to her hand, seeming to take quite a bit to get her to bleed enough to get enough in the bowl...when she opens her eyes, they glow a bright, steadfast red*

* HappyLittleMoron nods..* <w> Yeah...we should tell him...

* Myrae furrows her brow....half wishing she could understand what's going on...*

* Kern strokes her hair, not understanding himself...having missed most of it, too...just knowing there's some major magic going on*

* Klork nods

<Klork> you stay here..lemme go get him...

* Mondo is now floating horizontally, electricity moving all over his body*

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Ok...

* Klork furrows his brow, turning and heading to Mondo's room, knocking at the door..

* no answer*

<Klork> Uh...Mondo?? *tries again*

* no answer*

* Diana lifts the bowl, her hand no longer bleeding, the dragons racing over her body, flashes of reds, oranges and yellows appearing as they shoot fire from their mouths*

* Klork opens the door, assuming it's unlocked, peering in

<Klork> Mondo?

* Mondo floating there, the electricity running over him*

* Klork blinks, eyes sparking

<Klork> Uh, Mo???!

<Klork> Mondos' uh..Floating..!

<HappyLittleMoron> Wha...?? *turns and dashes to Klork, stopping short when she sees Mondo* Oh...holyshit...

* Myrae blinks, looking upstairs*

<Rae> what's going on up there...?

* Kern looks as well, brows furrowing, shaking his head* <w> I...don't know...

* Diana drinks the solution...and the magic seems to burst, power rushing through the air as she convulses and screams with the agony of the dragons and vampiric nature battling within her body*

<Klork> Um...Mondo...?? *blinks, slowly coming in with his brow furrowed...approaching very slowly*

* Klork ducks a bit at the burst..blinking

<Klork> whoa..

* HappyLittleMoron cringes, curling around Puddles and her belly, Kern wincing, holding Rae close

<HappyLittleMoron> OHgeeze...

* the electricity around Mondo moves faster and starts sucking in the energy from the room..light bulbs bursting around the house and sending showers of sparks*

* Myrae shudders, now feeling it, eyes wide* Whoa..

* Myrae yelps, ducking into Ker' with the kitchen bulb bursting..*

<HappyLittleMoron> Sonova...*ducks her head, wings sheltering herself and the pup from the glass as best they can*

<Klork> you think they're connected somehow, Mo'??

* Kern winces, covering her as wella s she can*

* Puddles yelps, squirming*

* Klork absorbs the sparks..brow furrowing as his eyes spark a bit..

<HappyLittleMoron> GAh...! I have no idea...! Could be...?? Damn...*soothingly strokes the puppy*

<Klork> Mondo? Dude, you there?? *reaches up towards him...hesitant..*

* Shingami rusn usptairs to her room, finds Wing sittign in bed eeys closed a half formed energy globe in his hands.. sits iwth him addign to it

* Diana convulses on the floor, blood trickling from her lips, glowing with power as the dragons race*

* Mondo lowers to the bed again and slowly sits up, wind in a whirlwind around him and outside a loud crack of thunder is heard*

<Klork> may want to watch Diana..I..Mondo??

* Klork blinks, kneeling a bit

<Klork> you ok??

* HappyLittleMoron winces and nods, heading back to Diana's room, watching her wryth on the floor with a wince

<Shingami> what was that?

<Wing> dotn know.. loss of energy though

<Shingami> hm... dotn like it

* Myrae opens her eyes, looking around* It's dark...

* Mondo's hair fans out in the wind..his eyes colorless..his skincolor fading to a strange kind of the blue in storm clouds*

* Shingami gets up taking the orb with her, casts light aorund her heads down to wher emo is

<Shingami> whats going on?

* Klork furrows his brow

<Klork> I can't tell if it's electricity or lightning...or if it's magic or authentic..*furrows his brow, trying to reach out to mondo hesitantly* It's strange..I should be able to tell..

* Kern nods, frowning...* All the lights are broken...

<HappyLittleMoron> Diana's casting a spell...trying to get rid of her vampirism...

* Myrae chews at her lip, lighting a match to a candle..

* HappyLittleMoron bites her lip as Diana continues to twist on the floor, face contorted with agony...her tattoos seemingly alive as they move...this going on a lot longer than the last time...

<Myrae> there need to be more windows..*heads out of the kitchen, looking around*

<Shingami> i dont liek it

* Kern nods, looking around as well...finding more candles 'n stuff*

<HappyLittleMoron> Me neither...*chews her lip*

<Shingami> where did th epwoersurge come from

<HappyLittleMoron> I guess Diana...I dunno...something weird's going on with Mondo too...

* Myrae heads up the stairs slowly, brow furrowning* Hello...?? Where is everybody??

* Klork pokes his head out of Mondo's room

<Klork> It was Mondo...he's goin' electrical on me here..kinda blue..not sure if this is safe..

* Kern follows Rae*

<HappyLittleMoron> Agh...ok...I guess it's safer here, then...Diana's room, Rae!

* Shingami hans off the orb to wing,creaign a smalle rone

* Myrae waves, candle in hand* what's going on??

<Wing>*goes into Mondo's room,holding the pure energy orb in one hand servaying mondo*

* Diana slowly stills on the floor, dragons assuming their previouse positions along her arms and shoulders, lying flat on her back, head turned, blood trickling from her lips, a small puddle forming*

* Klork follows Wing in

<Klork> what can ya make of him..??

<HappyLittleMoron> Diana's trying to get rid of the vamp in her...dunno about Mondo though...

* Kern's brows furrow confusedly*

* Myrae nods, brow furrowed* strange..

<Wing>.. low energy

* Klork nods

<Klork> I gathered that much...but I didn't know he had an electrical side to him..

* Klork tilts his head to the side, smirking

<Wing>*stand beside Mondo, using the lifewide of the sphere 's energy to try and replenish soem of the energy lost*

<Klork> I like this guy more n' more ya know? *grins, eyes sparking still..*

* HappyLittleMoron reaches out...feeling for a sheild, which is no longer there...Diana just lying there...pale and still as death...

<Wing> hn

* Myrae furrows her brow, following her in, hesitant..* Will she be ok....??

<Shingami> mo?

* Klork snaps his fingers in front of Mondo's nose* Yo! Diana needs you, snap outta it!

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip* ...I...dunno...she didn't bleed from her mouth last time...

* HappyLittleMoron stops just inside the doorway, as if afraid to go any closer...

* Kern sticks with Rae*

* Myrae grimaces* Can this spell hurt her perminantly??

* Shingami kneels beside her...reches over to sit Diana up some

* Diana's limp, her head lolls when she's lifted...cold to the touch*

<HappyLittleMoron> I...I dunno...she never told me...

* Myrae hesitates..coming in slowly* Diana..????

* the wind slowly dies down and the electricity disapears leaving a few shocks here an there*

* Mondo fades back to normal and his eyes come back* ...uuhhhh??

* Diana doesn't respond...just sorta...lying/sitting there*

* Shingami sits so diana can eland agsitn her legs hands over her head and heart, looking

* Klork blinks...brow furrowed as he watches the sparks

<Klork> Mondo, dude..what was that??

<Wing>... *has the orb float over his shoulde* you ok?

<Klork> And when were ya gonna tell me you could do that??

* Shingami furrows her brow

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip, watching

<Mondo> ..uuh..*coughs out smoke* ..what happened?

* Myrae goes over, brow furrowing..kneeling next to the both of them* she going to survive??

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil' as Kern goes over, brows furrowed

<Shingami> shes.. undead.. almost.. theres a tiney little spark... but her magic.. is very potent... i dont understnad shes givign off clasic vampire energies

* Klork furrows his brow, waiting for Mondo to respond..

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip...

<HappyLittleMoron> Weird....

<Wing> you were flaoting in the air electricity crasklign aorund you then you droped abc and turned blue

<Klork> I..was about to ask you the same thing..

* Klork , to make it easier, explains what happened..

<Mondo> ...well if that's all

* Mondo blinks and shakes his head to clear it a bit*

* Klork smirks

<Mondo> Diana ok??

<Klork> ya never told me you could do the electrical stuff, too!

* Myrae furrows her brow* Did her vampiric side win..??

<Shingami> too early to tell... shes on a knife edge

<Klork> I...might be *furrows his brow* You may wanna check..

* Diana still lies there, her lips stained red from her own blood, a trail of it going along her cheek*

* Myrae furrows her brow, reaching out to touch her brow hesitantly..*

* Shingami wipes it away with her hand, sleve over her lips

* Mondo nods and gets up unsteadily and goes to her room* ..Diana!?

* Klork follows, brow furrowed..

* Myrae presses a finger to her lips* Shh..*looks upat Mondo, brow furrowed..* I'm listening......

<Shingami> we.. umm ahve a slight problem

* Klork furrows his brow

<Klork> how so, Shin??

<Shingami> well good news is she isnt dead... yet.. abd news is she ahs to be coem undead to do come back to life..

* Myrae sinks..* ~It didn't work..

<Shingami> her vampiric side is taking over and unless she feeds on a human she'll probably die...thing is she has to drain them dry... become a full vamp.. then reverse the process

* Klork grimaces..

* Myrae furrows her brow* Will the human she has to drain dry survive..??

<Shingami> no

* Kern cringes*

<HappyLittleMoron> <vqw> Oh man...

* Klork rubs at the back of his neck, eyes intent..

* Mondo kneels down* ..I can do it.

<Shingami> she has to Turn compleatly... and the human cannot come back... otherwise i would gladly lether take my blood

<Shingami> Mondo youll die

<Mondo> ....I don't fucking care ok!?

<Mondo> I can't let her die!

<Klork> Mondo...

<Klork> Easy, Mondo, let us think of another solution before you jump in to get your head chopped off..

<HappyLittleMoron> Mondo...she wouldn't want that...*nods..*

<Shingami> Mo take her.. Wing and i hae a little hunting to do...

<Klork> I..better idea..if you can find a shit-head FoH member that'd work great, Mondo..

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip, gently setting Puddles down to take Diana...

<Shingami> if she doenst get human.. pur ehuman blood soon shes a gonner... this city is full of suasidels... oen might be willing enough

<Klork> You dont want to give yourself, Mondo, #1 what Shin said, #2 she'll have your blood in her for as long as she lives and without you there it's more than enough to drive her to insanity..

* Mondo takes a deep breath* ...then I'll find the human

<Shingami> she needs your love and for you to stay alive....

* Klork nods in agreement

<Shingami> ill help... suasidal smake best candidates

* HappyLittleMoron nods..

<Klork> Do that, I know you want to I won't stop you there..

* Klork glances to HLM* I know I'd want to do the same for her..

* HappyLittleMoron smiles slightly, nodding a bit* ..and I him...

<Shingami> wed better hurry the night is long btu time isnt on our side

* Klork nods

<Klork> we'll stay here with her, Mondo..and let you know first thing if anything happens...

* Shingami puts Diana in her bed.. manafests her scythe to her

<Shingami> lets go shopping

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* Go on...have fun...

* Klork sits by Diana's bed, brow furrowed as Puddles makes his way back in, whining quietly..

<Shingami> coem on mondo

* Mondo nods and leans over, kissing Diana's forehead and then jumping out the window, his movments seeming more reptile than human*

* Shingami sinks into the shadows follwoing though the darkness

* HappyLittleMoron sighs, sitting on the floor by Diana's bed, holding her arms out to Puddles

<Shingami> It needs to be a live human.. as unscathed as possable

<Shingami> were alkin High Quality Man beef here...

* Mondo slips along the rooftops, hunting in a raptor like way, keeping an eye out*

* Shingami slips out of the shadows hlding up a crstal ball... serching...

* some man in the park shudders, severely overweight..sitting at a bench and fiddling with a knife*

<Shingami> bingo...mondo park

* Shingami fades back in again... appearing the park in balck robes lokin all angelic and shit

* SM mutters, finishing writing out the letter he was working on to his boss...belching slightly at the huge "last meal" he enjoyed..*

<Shingami> excuse you

* SM looks up, brow arched* Who th' fuck'r you? Can't y'leave a man alone on his last night on earth?

* Shingami unfealrs her obsidian blakc wings

<Shingami> why do you think im here?

* SM furrows his brow...then blinks, looking at the six pack he hasn't touched yet..brow arched..*

<SM> Yer' early...*blinks, befuddled..not sure if he's sober or not still..*

<Shingami> My name is Shinigami... an angel in the service of Death...i coem for a favor

* Mondo nods and leaps down the building on the fire espcapes and lands on the ground, disapearing into the park*

* SM blinks* But I'm not fuckin' drunk yet! Yer'...that makes you real?? *blinks*

<Shingami> a friend i f mine is coming... a mutant.. he asks you hep save hsi love with your life... you will meat your end but she will lve on

<Shingami> will you use yoru life to spare another?

* SM furrows his brow* Can I get drunk first...???? I don't wanna have wasted my money on tis..

* a rustle in the bushes near Shin and the guy*

<Shingami> ask him*poins to mondo*

* SM blinks, brow furrowed, snagging a beer and beginning to chug*

<SM> I plan to die drunk..give me a minute..*hiccups, going for the second beer*

* SM gets down to his third beer, looking a tad queasy now..*

* Mondo hisses* .oO(if I was gonna die..I'd do it drunk too)

* SM hiccups..somewhat there but not really* Okkkkay...I'm gonna pulll th'trigger NOW! *pulls out his knife...pausing* Whre's th..fuckin'....trggr'...HOW's I s'posed t'..pull the...triggr'..without a triggr'

* SM mumbles, examining the knife* WH'sthis..gotta be so..fuckn'..hard..*hic* dammit..

* SM mutters, stabbing the bench with the knife* Nows'Igotta finda..damngun...*stands..stumbling a bit*

* Diana yep...lies there some more*

* Sm yep..stumbles a bit more..*

* Something flashes out at SM and grabs him with claws around the neck*

* SM ergks...then still kinda stumbles a bit* S'atcho, god? Ys'smell funny...

* SM reels, still held* Y'sgot agun? Damknife don't got n' fuckin'...triggr...pardonmy..lang'age..*hics*

* Mondo drags the guy into the bushes by the throat*

* SM held there..* S'god...y'ever..con'sidr...eggghhh! *gets dragged* S'sthere IS WWwwwF wrestlin'in heavn'..damn knew..sisr' was wrong! *hiccups*

* Mondo bites around his neck, claws pinning him to the ground*

* SM erggs..gurgling* Thiswasnt..arule n'...Goostonecooolld..*passes out*

* Mondo looks up for Shin*

* Mondo frowns and starts to drag teh body off, growling as he does so*

* SM getsdragged..*

* about 20 minutes later he comes in the front door dragging the guy and grunting*

* Kern BLINKS, having been watching for him* Great...gods...*goes to help*

<Mondo> wanna take this now?

* SM th' tub o blub gets dragged still..*

* Klork sits, waiting..

* Kern nods* I will bring him upstairs to her...where did you find him...??

* Myrae furrows her brow, coming down the stairs* What's going--oh grow to be that overweight here??

<Kern> ...I guess so...*grunts as he hauls the guy up the stairs...*

* Kern finally manages to wrestle him into Diana's room, slightly discusted look on his face*

* SM gurgle/snores*

* Myrae looks grossed out, staying out of the room*

* Mondo sighs and follows*

<Klork> ohman..that guy stinks..

* Kern nods, wrinkling his nose* Bad ale...

<HappyLittleMoron> Aack...ohgeeze...

<Klork> kidding..*shudders* This guy must've been suicidal..gad...can we get rid of him quick?

<Kern> No argument here...

<Klork> she feed and get it over with? *plugs his nose*

* Kern nods..*

<HappyLittleMoron> Tilt her head annd open her mouth...I'm gonna cut him...

* Klork nods, doing so..

<Klork> {{Easy Di...we're helpin'..}}

* Myrae shudders, heading out of the room in disgust..*

* HappyLittleMoron cuts one of the man's main arteries, Kern going with Rae...HLM had to dig a lil' bit, but eventually presses the man's arm to Diana's lips...

* Klork holds Diana up to him..brow furrowing..

<Klork> gyah..

* Diana slowly begins to drink the blood...mming softly, brows furrowed as she feeds, nose wrinkling a lil'*

* Klork watches, helping to keep her propped up..

<Klork> easy..gyads this guy really stinks..

* Mondo kneels over her, stroking her hair*

<HappyLittleMoron> I know...agggh....

<Klork> *SM gets drained..yupyup..*

* Diana slowly brings her hands up to support the arm, sucking him dry...then opening her eyes to look at all of them...*

* Klork NODS...

<Klork> I can smell that..

* Diana furrows her brow, shifting up a little and whiping her mouth* Oh...kinda...dizzy...*shakes her head* What happened?

<Klork> um..long story short the spell didnt work so we had to improvise...

<Mondo> uhh..well

* Diana blinks...then covers her face*

* Mondo swallows* ...Diana??

* Klork sets her down gently...backing up a few feet

* Diana takes a shakey breath, then moves to shove the body off of her...* ...hai...?

<Klork> ~we'll leave you two be for now..ok??~

* HappyLittleMoron nods...

* Klork opens a portal, sending the body through to the ocean

* HappyLittleMoron heads downstairs with Klork

* Diana looks at Mondo, fangs fully extended, eyes agonized*

* Klork follows, brow furrowed

* Mondo sighs and pulls her close*

<Klork> you think she'llbe ok?

* HappyLittleMoron bites her lip* I hope so...I dunno

* Diana leans against Mondo, swallowing* So...this is it...I am Kindred...

<Mondo> *w* I guess so...

* Mondo sighs and strokes her back, figuring this isn't the time to tell her about the floating*

<Diana> <w> ...ohgods...*bites her lip, then looking up at him...sensing something* ...wh...what else is there...? Ohgods...are you alright???

<Mondo> ...sure babe...

* Mondo cocks his head*

* Diana reaches up to brush her fingers over his jaw* ...what else is there...?

* HappyLittleMoron slips an arm around Klork's middle

* Mondo sighs* it's no big deal babe..I'll tell you in the morning ok?

* Mondo pulls her into his lap*

* Klork pulls her close, leadin' her downstairs

* Diana furrows her brows, wrapping her arms around his shoulders as she settles into his lap, nodding slowly* Alright...hai...if you're sure...ah...though...perhaps...tomorrow evening would be not know how I'll react to the sun, now...

* Mondo nods* ...oh right..

* Mondo sighs and picks her up, laying her on the bed and curling beside her*

* Diana sighs softly, pulling him close*

* HappyLittleMoron rubs her belly slightly...a lil' smirk on her lips

* Mondo nuzzles against her*

* Klork grins, settling his ear on her stomach to listen.

* Klork purrs loudly.

* HappyLittleMoron grins as her belly purrs strongly in response

* Klork blinks...then grins

* Diana nuzzles him gently, still cold to the touch*

<Klork> ~hmm...hey you three!~

* HappyLittleMoron smiles

* Klork purrs, smiling as he closes his eyes

<Klork> you three be good for you mother, y'hear?

* HappyLittleMoron 's belly keeps up its purr, again, two seeming stronger than the third

* Klork listens, closing his eyes...

* Mondo shivers lightly*

<Diana> ..hmm?

<Mondo> *w* your just a bit cold*

* Diana reaches up to trace her fingers through his hair* <w> I'm sorry...

* HappyLittleMoron smiles as she watches, belly purring softly, while the two continue on strong, the third fades a little with time..

* Klork blinks, brow furrowing...

* Mondo smirks* *w* no's ok babe...

<Klork> ~I don't like that..~

* Mondo wraps his arms around her *

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and frowns* <w> ..wha'...?

* Diana smiles softly, curling close* <w> Ok...I...guess...if you get a fever...I could help there, hmm?

<Mondo> no...I think your just cold

<Diana> Ah...I..guess...*grins sheepishly up at him* Nnever been a full vampire before...*sighs a little, resting her head on his chest*

<Mondo> ..heh...well..I;ve never held a full vampire before

* Diana chuckles softly*'s a new experience for us both then, ne?

* Mondo grins a bit* *w* I have an idea for a new experience ;P

* Diana looks up at him, grinning slightly* <w> ...oh?

<Mondo> if you bite me that won't turn me will it?

* Diana blinks and shakes her head, brows furrowing* Iie...not unless I drain you...then excange blood with you...

<Mondo> ok...well..if you get hungry your welcone to borrow a snack..hehe

<Mondo> I have lots of experience with poky things

* Diana grins, and chuckles softly, nuzzling close* Oh..? Well...I have ways of making it very...enjoyable...

<Mondo> and I will accept these strange new ways ;P

* Diana chuckles softly*

<Diana> I thought you would

* Mondo nuzzles her neck gently and kisses up, sucking lightly on her ear*

* Diana shivers and grins*

Session Close: Thu Dec 20 01:23:03 2001

