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Session Start: Mon Dec 10 18:46:14 2001

* Myrae walks down the hall, chewing at her lip as she looks around

<Wing>*downstairs playing checkers with himslef.. thisway he wont loose*

* Kern is sitting on the stairs with Iris, looking through the book with her*

* Myrae knocks at a door, thinking it's Ker's door..well, at least hoping..taking a step backwards afterwards

* Kern's not answere <G>*

* Myrae twiddles her thumbs, brow arched before turning..and heading towards the stairs..

* Iris leans against Kern's chest as she turns a page with a small hand, looking quietly at the pictures, listening to the story Kern tells her in a soft voice*

* Myrae walks up behind slowly, chewing at her lip and siting just behind them both on the stairs

* Kern blinks, pausing in his story, and looks up, turning and smiling at Myrae* Hello, Myrae..

* Myrae smirks a bit

<Myrae> has what I've read to you helped so far?

* Kern nods and grins* It's helped a lot actually...thank you so much..

* Myrae nods, chewing at her lip

<Myrae> do you want to go over China..or Mideivil times today..? ER..or did you not want to today *chews her lip, waving a little to Iris*

* Iris smiles and wavels a lil', sleepy looking*

<Kern> China...? *grins sheepishly* You're the expert....I'll listen to anything....

* Klork comes into the front door, wiping at his brow, snow falling off of him

* Myrae twists her mouth to the side

<Wing> evening Klork...*waves .. though wondering how he managed to loose both ways at checkers*

* Klork chuckles, picking up a box before heading out again

<Klork> Allo'!

<Myrae> well..the chinese are the longest standing Empire on the planet..they were around while ROme was ...and still continue on..

<Wing> chinese checkers is so much eaysier then this....

* HappyLittleMoron follows, then blinks and steps aside for him

* Klork climbs up on the ladder, carrying a string of lights with him

* Klork is outside, btw <G>

* Myrae leans back, rubbing at her legs to warm up

* Kern nods to Myrae...*

<Myrae> there were a few different emperors before China was united..but when they were it was under the Qin dynasty..

* Kern nods...*

<Myrae> The dynasty only lasted fourteen years tho *smirks sheepishly* The Qin were known to be pretty cruel..*keeps talking, not even looking at the book anymore* They banished confucianism and ordered all history books to be burned. They also imposed legalism harshly..

* Kern watches with fascination, holding Iris as she nods off*

<Myrae> if you have any questions as to what I'm talking about you can seriously stop me..*chews at her lip*

* Kern nods...* I will if I think of them...*pauses a little* Err...ok...what is..."confucianism" and why would they burn books...?

<Myrae> Ah..confucianism is a way of life, NOT a religion, don't get that confused...that taught one to reflect on your ancestors and history to learn the present..

* Kern nods, brows furrowed slightly as he listens*

<Myrae> It was set forth by Confucious...heh, if you hear someone say "Confucious Say..." and rattle off a quote, that's who they're talking about..

<Kern> *chuckles softly* Alright

<Myrae> um..*purses her lips together* Legalism is almost the has very harsh dealings with ways of life..

<Myrae> Some other things Confucianists believe is that a "Gentlemen is more admired than the militia or the artist"...and thought that Patriarchy was more harmonious.

* Kern frowns and nods, brows furrowed*

<Myrae> They also believe in Filial Piety...or "Dutiful respect to one's parents"..

* Kern nods...* Both the mother and father, then...?

* Myrae nods

* Myrae chuckles

* Kern nods, stroking Iris's hair soothingly as she starts shaking and whimpering against him, this subsiding after a few moments*

<Myrae> they also believed in alchemy. which is the process of turning normal items into gold using science..

* Myrae pauses, brow furrowing

<Myrae> ~will she be ok?~

* Kern blinkblinks, then sighs softly, kissing the sleeping girl's hair gently* <w> I...hope so. I'm doing my best to be strong for her...

* Myrae chews her lip, nodding a little

<Myrae>*continues, biting at her lip* The Qin dynasty was overthrown by the Han Dynasty..they set forth Imperial Confucianism..which is a mix of Confucianism and Legalism..

* Kern blinks, nodding...* "Legalism"...?

* Myrae nods

<Myrae> a very harsh way of life giving death as a punishment to things simple as lying or hiding history books..if you practicied a confucian way of could be publically humliated or killed..

<Kern> Oh horrible...

<Myrae> Which is a fate worse than death due to the need to become an ancestor..if you're well...castrated before you have die with nobody to carry on your family line..which is extremely important at this time period in China.

* Myrae nods, twisting her mouth to the side

* Kern blinkblinks and turns a lil' pale at that*

<Myrae> Ahhum..the Han dynast...*clears her throat* Set forth the standardization of weights and measurements, currency, writing and a census of population.

* Kern ahems a lil', nodding...*

<Myrae> The um..Great wall that was started during the Qin dyanasty as a way to send criminals away to work on it, was continued by the Han Dynasty..

<Myrae> the wall was to keep the Barbarians..or the Huns out. Kinda like how Rome tried to keep the Germanic tribes like the Vandals and the Gauls out..*smirks a bit*

<Kern> Oohh...*nods* Did the Chinese have slaves like the Romans?

<Myrae> ah, sort of..

* Myrae chews her lip

<Myrae> but the slaves were more like low class poor farmers or those who commited crimes..they were sent to the great Wall to help build it..

<Myrae> they were the ones who couldn't afford to pay dues to the government so they were forced into working for of like slaves, I guess *nods*

* Kern nods and frowns slightly* worked in exchange for not paying taxes...or as punishment..

* Myrae nods

<Myrae> basically..

* HappyLittleMoron heads into the kitchen, fixing foods

<Myrae> tho less were forced to work as punishment under the Han dynasty..

* Klork comes back in, dusting snow off himself

<Klork> a'right! Christmas lights are up!

* Kern nods again...* The...ah..."Han" forced the people to pay high taxes then...

<Wing> if you needed help.. you could ahve asked...

* HappyLittleMoron pokes her head out* Ooohh....?

* Myrae chuckles

* Klork blinks, then shrugs

<Klork> it's all right *smirks*

<Myrae> I don't think the Chinese, for a long time, went without paying high taxes..

<Kern> Oohh...

* Myrae furrows her brow, pausing to think for a few minutes

* HappyLittleMoron grins, then goes back to making that chicken lasagna for whoever wants it, and just regular s'kettie and sauce

* Klork pokes his head in

<Klork> I think you love keep making bird..*purrrrrrs*

* HappyLittleMoron grins* You "think" I love you...? *chuckles* I'd think you know it by now *winks*

* Klork grins cheesily

<Klork> this is true..

<Myrae> I know that the Han dynasty fell when their last emperor was murdered by angry n' powerful land owners..

* Myrae chews her lip..

<Myrae> but I don't think I'd know much more..

<Kern> Alright...*smiles* What about this place...? How did it come to be...?

* Shingami walks quietly out of her room, wraped in a blanket and her wings hair tied in a bun

* Kern blinkblinks and looks up at Shing*

<Shingami> its a sanctuary.. for those whom sociaty shuns because they are different

<Kern> Ah...well...I meant this...New York City...

<Myrae> Well..*blinks, looking up...chewing at her lip*

<Shingami> New york was setelment when the first collonists came over form Europe.

<Myrae> Well..New York City is part of the United states as well..

<Shingami> it became a major port of call for new immagrents, businesses and things like that

* Myrae blinks, chewing at her lip..

<Myrae> Well, colonists came over after many europian countires sent explorers out to discover what was called the New World..

<Myrae> Originally to find a short cut to India for trade..

<Shingami> heeh were they wrong

* Kern nods to them both, blinking a lil'*

<Myrae> Drawn by many myths due to Christopher Columbus in 1492..who swore he had found A short cut to India when in fact..*leans over to flip through the pages in the book sitting on his lap* He landed here *points to just below the US on a map*

<Myrae> Ah..Christopher Columbus was from, Spain by the way..*chews at her lip* this was followed by many other explorers..

* Shingami continues down the stairs to the kitchen

<Shingami> im terrable with this nationshistory...

<Myrae> Some from Spain, England, France, and Italy...which were in a race to discover and claim much of this "New WOrld"

* Myrae points to places on the map

* Kern nods, blinking...* Ah...*looks at the map..*wheren't there native peoples...?

<Myrae> down there is South America...Spaniards managed to gain a LOT of territory there...youd see a lot of them speak Spanish now a days..

* Myrae blinks, then nods

<Myrae> Oh absolutely..

<Kern> ...what happened to them?

<Myrae> There were the Myans, then Incas ...

* Myrae sighs

* Kern nods a little...listening*

<Myrae> the ones in south america were practically wiped out if not destroyed by the SPanish.

<Myrae> Aztecs as well.

* Kern frowns as he listens*

<Myrae> in this country, we had what Christopher Columbus nick named "Indians" due to him thinking this was India..

* Kern nods...*

<Myrae> but today they're called Native Americans..*points to the US* Here..and First Nations here *points to Canada*

*Kern nods, watching..*

<Myrae> The Indians faught with the French for territory during the French and Indian war...against the British colonists that would soon be known as Americans..

* Shingami sits down at the table

<Shingami> hey good lookin whats cookin?

<Myrae> For the most part, many of the Indian tribes were destroyed...there are tribes around the US now that are on Reservations..where they managed to keep some of their land.

<Myrae> before that tho, they were forced by many armies to leave their homelands and cornered onto these reservations with other tribes that a lot of times were blood enemies..

* Kern nods...frowning...*

* Myrae sighs

<Myrae> Tables turned when King George of Britian *points on the map* started imposing taxes on the colonists *points to the east coast of the US* Here...

<Kern> Ah...*frowns a little..*

<Myrae> Colonists here began to revolt..and faught against the British..

<Myrae> they began to call themselves Americans, and under cover they wrote the constitution and the Declaration of Independence..

* Kern blinks, nodding..*

* Myrae pauses, tracing her finger over the map

<Myrae> this is where Rome Italy..

* Kern blinks, brows furrowing, placing his finger by hers, then traces it over to America* And we're here...?

<Myrae> Spain..*continues to trace her finger* France..Germany..Great Britain...Ireland...the Netherlands...and here is the United States, Canada, and Mexico

* Myrae nods

<Myrae> yep..*pauses, then smirks, pointing out the Baltic sea* Heh, and this is where I come from..

* Kern watches, then blinks* Wow...we're both a long way from home...

<Wing> Helo Kern, Rae-san.. what are you looking at?

* Kern blinks and looks up at Wing, smiling* A history book..

* Myrae nods, chuckling

* Myrae looks up

<Myrae> I'm helping him catch up *chews her lip..still a little edgy from last night*

<Wing>*looks ati it.. points to Hokaido* this is where I am from.. Hokaido...

* Myrae blinks, looking down at the map

* Kern nods* Doing a good job, too...*blinks and looks down* Ah...

<Myrae> You're quite a bit away as well..

* Myrae then points

<Myrae> this here is China..this entire country..

* Iris shifts a little against Kern's chest, making herself more comfortable, whimpering softly until Kern strokes her hair again...*

<Kern> Wow....

<Myrae> up here is Mongolia where the Huns are from..

<Myrae> and up Russia..

* Kern nods...*

<Wing> hai... the original peopel of Japan, the Ainu.. were over run by Chinese explorers.. smot japanese now have back hair and dark eyes...the huns attempted crossign the sea of japan.. here.. but never made it across

<Myrae> Rome seems kinda small, doesn't it? *chews her lip, pointing back to the area*

* Myrae nods

<Myrae> but...*circles her finger over Turkey, Syria and all the other countries surrounding the Mediterranean sea* all of this in your time was under Roman Rule..

<Wing> and before that belonged ot the Greeks

* Kern nods, then blinks* We were slightly to the north of Roman rule when we came here...

<Myrae> well..mostly, yes.

<Myrae> Due to Alexander the Great...a great leader who gained a majority of the lands..*pauses* Tho this is history to even you, I'm sure..

* Myrae nods

<Myrae> I'm not entirely sure where the borders were at that time..but I do know that at one point in time Rome stretched up into Great Britain..

* Kern nods....* Yes...

<Myrae> they also built a wallbordering Scotland to keep the Scottish out as well *chuckles* "Barbarians".

* Klork snorts, mid-eating

* Kern chuckles softly, shaking his head*

* HappyLittleMoron munchies

<Klork> We were not barbarians! *calls out from the kitchen*

<Shingami> you nly ware skirts is all

* Myrae blinks, brow arched..

<Klork> KILTS...*mutters* And I'm more native american than I am Scottish or Irish or Japanese so thppppt.

* Klork goes back to his food.

<Shingami> ahh but do you actualy ware anythign under the kilt?

* Klork cackles

<Klork> havent you ever seen Braveheart?!

<Shingami> nope

<Klork> heh, then the answer is no. <G> why bother? Complicates going to the bathroom *shrugs*

* Kern blinks*

<Shingami> so its liek that SNL skit?

* HappyLittleMoron nearly chokes, and reaches over to smack Klork's shoulder, laughing

<Klork> uh...don't watch SNL *shrugs*

<Klork> agkh..heyy! *pouts*

<Shingami> its a clasic

<HappyLittleMoron> Makin' me choke...*giggles and leans over to kiss his cheek before going back to munching*

<Shingami> like sexycakes with Patric stuwart

* Kern blinks confusedly*

<Myrae> Oh! *pauses, digging into her bag* I picked this up...*hands a book to him* This was the only all picture history book I could find..*twists her mouth to the side* It's about how the United States borrowed a lot of Roman ways of governing....the only comparing book I could find with little to no text..

<Klork> hrnhhr??

* Klork purrs, eating

* Kern blinks, looking through the book* Ooh...thank you...*smiles at her*

* Myrae chuckles, shrugging

<Myrae> I figure it might help you teach Iris and Nox..*twists her mouth to the side*

<Kern> It'll help a lot, once they're ready...

* Myrae nods

<Myrae> do you suppose she's hungry? *looks at Iris, brow furrowed*

<Kern> Let's find out...*brushes her hair from her face, in a deep, gentle voice* Iris...?

* Iris mms a lil', voice a bit of a whine* ...wha..

* Myrae watches, brow furrowed

<Kern> Are you hungry, little sister...?

* Iris yawns and starts to streatch, tears coming to her eyes when the pain hits* ...hurts...tummy's empty..

* Myrae puts her knees together, holding them with her hands, blinking a few times as she watches

* Myrae furrows her brow

<Myrae> what do you usually eat? I..I think I smell spagetti down there..

* Shingami gets up makin some soup

<Shingami> sorry hlm.. as much as i looove sketty... just feel like soup tonight...

* Klork munches on the chicken lasagna

<HappyLittleMoron> Eesh...I work and I slave...*winks*

<Shingami> gomen ne.. demo.. i doubt you want to hear a lengthy comversation with the Porcalin god and myself all night long...

<HappyLittleMoron> True...ah well...

* Kern shrugs* Whatever we can find...*pauses* What's..."spagetti"?

<Myrae> um..noodles...with tomato and meat sauce..

<Kern> Sounds very good...*looks down to Iris* What about you..?

* Iris shrugs a little, resting her head on his shoulder*

* Myrae stands, looking wobbly for a minute before heading down the stairs

<Myrae> let's see if there's anything left?

<Wing> want soem soup? or something?

* Kern nods, blinking a little and following her, carrying Iris* Us..?

* Klork looks up, waving to Myrae

* Myrae blinks...pausing and waving slightly

<Myrae> you have any of the spagetti left?

* HappyLittleMoron wavels too...then nods and points to the pisketti bowl

* Myrae ahs, going over and serving up three plates

<Myrae> thank you, HLM..

<HappyLittleMoron> Nooooooo problemo

* Myrae takes the plates out to the living room, setting them on the coffee table

<Myrae> this look ok to you? *looks up at Ker*

* Kern nods, blinking and following* Ah...yes...tthank you. *grins sheepishly* You didn't have to serve us..

* Myrae shrugs, chewing her lip

<Myrae> habitual I guess..

* Kern gently sets Iris down, who slowly begins eating, and starts in himself...doing his best to be polite, but not really doing that well...*

* Kern nods..*

* Myrae eats..blinking

<Myrae> don't have to be polite *chews her lip* Heh, I'm sure your not being polite isn't half as bad as I'm used to...*eats, brows furrowed*

* Kern grins sheepishly, whiping at his face with a napkin* You're a lady...I at least have to try...just...don't know any manners. *pauses* Are you alright...?

* Myrae blinks

<Myrae> I..oh, I'm fine..

* Kern furrows his brow a little, nodding, not wanting to press her farther than need be..*

* Myrae eats, finishing after a while and sitting there, brows creased..

* Kern finishes pretty quickly, helping to keep Iris clean, blinking a lil' at Rae, eyes worried*

<Myrae> I...If you'll excuse me..*gets up, looking a little pale..and runs to the bathroom*

<Kern> Uhm...ok...*brows furrow*

* Klork blinks, watching her run by

<Klork> wha..?

<Shingami> esophagal pyrotechnics

* Kern shakes his head bewilderedly*

* Iris blinks at Shing*

* Shingami sits down ont he floor in the living room cros leged, handing wing a bow of soup

* Myrae comes back slowly, still looking pale...sitting down at her spot again.....

<Myrae> I....sorry about that...

<Shingami> you ok?

* Klork arches a brow..

<Kern> ...what she said...

<Klork> that didn't look normal tome..

* Myrae blinks, then nods

<Myrae> just got sick for some reason..

<Myrae> maybe I shouldn't swim before eating..or something.*shrugs, looking lost for explanation*

<Shingami> hope you feel better

* Kern frowns* Maybe you're not used to this food....?

* Myrae shakes her head

<Myrae> I've had it before..

* Kern nods, brows furrowed...*

* Shingami & Wing to typical twin thing, eatign at the same pace mirroring one another, sittign the same way facing oen another but seem totaly oblivious to the fact

* Myrae shakes her head..* I'll be fine..

<Kern> ...if you're sure...

* Iris blinkblinks at Shin and Wing, then giggles*

* Myrae nods, brow furrowed

<Shingami & Wing>.. nani?

<Myrae> Maybe I've been out of the water too long...

* Kern nods with a frown* Anything I can do to help...?

<Shingami> that could be it... maybe a good dunk in the ocean or something will make you feel a little better...maybe

* Myrae shrugs...chewing her lip

<Myrae> I don't know..the water here is a bit warm for my tastes..

<Wing> could ask klork to open a portal to colder water

* Klork is in kitchen el' munchin'

* Kern nods...* Or find a way to drop the temperature of the lake on the roof...

<Shingami> i cna do that!

* Myrae shakes her head

<Wing> dotn make yourself sick again

<Shingami> i wont.. worry wart

<Wing> child

<Shingami> ttthhppptthhhhhh

<Myrae> it's weird up theretho..there's something in the water that isn't's unnatural...

<Wing> ttthhppptttthhhhhh

<Shingami> its because its a pool.. not a lake.. its nto fresh water... we can fix that though

* Kern blinks, noddding a little* So Nox and I weren't the only ones who noticed the strange smell...

* Kern blinks again*

* Myrae shakes her head

<Myrae> salt water.....

<Shingami> still can fix.. just teleport sea water into an empty pool and lower the temprature

<Wing>*glares at her mentaly mumbling your gunna egt sick*

<Shingami> i amnot..

* Myrae chews her lip

<Myrae> Don't worry about it..I'm sure I can mess around with the bath tub or something tonight..

* Kern nods, still looking at her with concern as Iris curls back up to him to fall asleep again*

<Shingami> its no worry Rae-san... it woudl be helping a friend

* Myrae shakes her head

<Myrae> still..I'm sure I'll be ok..

* Myrae smiles politely

<Shingami> .. all right.. bt if you still feel bad.. ill do it anyway

<Myrae> I..should you put her to bed, sir? *looks at Kern* Or does she like it there better?

* Shingami heads back into the kitchen

<Shingami> Ne.. Mo... do you think iris needs to see doctor.. or somethin

<Kern> She screeams as soon as I put her down to sleep...*sighs softly*

<HappyLittleMoron> I...well...probably...*sighs a lil'* Nox, too, if we could get her to go...

<Shingami> .. might be because of the balck magic used... or shes physicaly ill...

* Myrae frowns a bit

<Myrae> Isee...nightmares maybe?

* Kern nods...* Nightmares deffinately...*frowns, brows wrinkled as he strokes the little girl's hair*

<Shingami> where is Nox?

* Myrae frowns again, leaning forward to watch, brows furrowed as she hesitantly brushes some hair from her eyes

<Kern> The roof again....*Iris whimpers a little and shies into Kern's chest in her sleep*

<Shingami> arigato...

* Myrae bites her lip, pulling her hand back

* Shingami ehads up to the roof blankets and all

* Kern nods...then sighs* <q> Thank you, Rae...I...I wish we could do something more...

* Nox stands at the ledge, her cloak blowing softly in the wind as she watches over the city silently*

* Myrae twists her mouth to the side before shaking her head

<Myrae> don't worry about it..please?

* Shingami drops her blanekts. in nothign more htne a tanktop and shorts... walks quietly over to stand beside her

* Kern sighs, bowing his head* I wish it were that easy...

<Nox> <q> Hello...

* Myrae furrows her brow

<Shingami> hello...

<Myrae> I..if it makes you feel better I can't..think of anything? *chews her lip, blinking a few times*

<Shingami> nice night

<HappyLittleMoron> *Nox nods...*

* Kern blinks and grins a lil'* Thanks for trying...

* Myrae chuckles..

<Shingami> its hard to see the stars though... and the moon... with al the lights

<Nox> True...

<Shingami> i bet.. you used ot see them clearly.. all the time where you are from

* Myrae goes a little white momentarily before she quickly stands, taking the empty plates to the kitchen

<Nox> Very...I miss them...

* Kern blinks and follows* You ok?

* Klork looks up, waving

<Shingami> if you look hard enough. even though its covered by smudges.. smog and other things.. you can see it

* Myrae nods, face lowered as she washes the dishes...closing her eyes

<Myrae> I..yeah..

* HappyLittleMoron blinkies

<Kern> Are you sure...*shifts Iris a little, looking between Klork and HLM and Myrae worriedly*

* Klork furrows his brow, mouthing "What's going on?" to Kernunose

<Shingami> as pretty and beautiful as this city can be... it has its darker parts... thieves, users, abusers......*pauses sighing* those who would make you thiers

* Kern shakes his head, clueless look on his face*

* Myrae shivers, nodding, skin almost a chalky color now..

<Nox> *sighs* True...*looks down*

* Kern heads over, resting a gentle hand on her shoulder lightly* ...Rae...?

<Shingami> ....Kern said.. you were slaves before you came here... right

* Nox nods* ...yes...

* Myrae pinches her eyes shut

<Myrae> <w> I'll be ok..I-I think..

<Kern> Come...perhaps you should sit down...?

<Shingami> *takes a deep breath* a few months ago... i was walkign home.. and i got jumped.. soem thugs thought i looked pretty.. pretty enough to screw in a balc alley with a nife ot y neck... i didnt want tocooperate... they called me slave.... ive been oen before.. know what its like.. what they.... do... itowudl be so easy jsut to .. step off the edge wouldnt it?.. end it all

* Myrae shakes her head

<Myrae> n.....don't want to sit..I-I'll be ok..

* Nox swallows, nodding slightly* <w> ...true...but...I canna take the coward's way out...I canna leave Iris and Kern alone...

<Shingami> only two peole know whats happend to me.. you.. and HLM.... i cant even tell my brother... one way to become strong.. is to admit.. and accept whats happend... to let it go... or..*steps close to the edge, at this height even if she oepnd her wings shed fall hard*

<Kern> If you fall then...I will catch you...

* Nox nods...frowning and looking at her*

* Myrae reels..passing out

<Klork> gyah! *stands* Rae?

* Kern ACKS and catches her with his free arm*

<Shingami> can a huan possably be that srong... to accept whats been done.. let it out.. or.. take the plunge... at this height even i can die... im an immortal.. bt i can still die of a fall...

<Wing> whats wrogn with her?

* HappyLittleMoron takes Iris as Kern picks her up, gently carrying her to the couch

<Kern> I...dunno...

* Klork shrugs, brow furrowing

* Myrae gets toted

<Wing>.. is she too warm?

* HappyLittleMoron ACKS as Iris starts screaming and crying, strugglingi against her* Woah...heeeey...relax, sweatheart...

* Kern shakes his head, gnetly laying her down, resting the back of his hand on her brow* Don't know...

* Myrae isn't warm..just cold..almost clamy skin..

<Kern> Her skin's cold...

* Klork comes out, brow furrowed

<Klork> should we get her covered?

* HappyLittleMoron follows with a groggy, calmed down Iris

<Wing>.. dont know

* Kern chews his lip, brows wrinkled as he pulls a blanket over her, brushing her hair from her brow*

* Myrae whimpers, her lips looking a little purple

<Klork> geeze..*furrows his brow and looks to HLM* I can hold her if you want to try and figure out what's going on...?

<HappyLittleMoron> I...uh...sure...*offers Iris to Klork...*

* Klork picks Iris up, being very gentle not to hurt her

* HappyLittleMoron kneels by Kernunos, facing Rae...eyes glowing brightly...trying to see energy patterns

<Wing>*standing out of the way. tryign to tsee if he can hlp in anyway*

* Iris whimpers a little, instinctively pulling away before recognizing him and relaxing slightly

* Klork ruffles her hair a little

<Klork> ~hey gonna be ok?~

* HappyLittleMoron frowns, narrowing her eyes a little* <q> Looks like two halves are battling...trying to push into her....

* Iris nods, trembling a lil' and sniffling*

* Myrae grimaces, eyes squinting

<HappyLittleMoron> ...Rae...?

<Shingami> Do you want to know how it could feel.. to let go... be free of your pain Nox?... can show you...

<Myrae> n...n...

* Nox frowns up at her* do you mean...?

* Klork looks up at her

<Klork> see? Ker's right there, Iris...he's not leavin'..

* HappyLittleMoron reaches over with a glowing hand to brush hair from her brow, eyes concerned

<Shingami> Im the personification of Death itself... i can take you to the edge and back.... or... help you deal with your fears.. since we share them

* Iris swallows and nods again, looking at Klork with big, violet eyes...the darker colors swirling deep in their deapths*

* Myrae shudders, back arching for a minute as she just about screams, eyes going wide before she sinks, looking sickly

* Nox furrows her brows and nods...* I...don't think I need to see the edge...

* HappyLittleMoron gasps* Part of getting ripped away...

* Klork grimaces

<Klork> ~that cant be good..~

<Shingami> *offers her hand to her*then... ill help you face your fears.. if youll let me

<Wing> *chews on his lip* any way to help?

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head, swallowing a lill'

* Nox pauses...then takes Shing's hand*

<HappyLittleMoron> I...I dunno, Wing...

* Kern gently takes one of Rae's hands..*

<Wing>.. maybe i can alteast... ease her pain...

* Shingami smiles

<Shingami> together then

* Myrae 's hand is somewhat if everything in her just went numb and can't move..

<HappyLittleMoron> Give it a try...

* Kern nods, brows furrowed, lightly rubbing her hand with his*

* Nox offers a small smile, stepping up by her..*

<Wing> *kneels by Rae's side hand hovering above her heart, closes his eyes concentrating on her pain, takign what he can away into himself... jsut hao the angel thign works*

* Myrae 's brow softens...but otherwise she stays pale and if part of her life was taken from her..

* Kern watches, swallowing a little, face worried*

<Wing> *puts his other hand over her forehead, forfittignsoemof his energy, creating a circit of energies.. jsut tryign to make her more comfertable*

* Klork furrows his brow

* HappyLittleMoron chews her lip, Iris watching as well

* Myrae whimpers, brow creasing, her fingers twitching a bit.

* Kern gently squeezes her hand, watching...*

* Myrae opens her eyes slowly..they're almost white they're so light grey...lavendar brows creasing..

<Kern> <q> ...Rae...?

<Myrae> hn...?

<Kern> How do you feel...?

* Myrae looks over, brow furrowed

<Myrae> <q> dishevled..

* Kern blinks and nnods a little, gently resting her hand on her stomach and withdrawing his own*

* Myrae pinches her eyes shut, grimacing

<Myrae> <q> what happened...?

<Wing> * keeps going... though not feelin his spiffiest anymore.. coems with the teratory*

<Klork> Hey, Wing...easy..I thinkshe'll be ok now..

<Kern> collapsed...and...and...HLM said somethiing about part of you being ripped away...and...WIng's trying to help you...*nods, brows furrowed*

<Wing> *lessens the flow. blinking.. eyes totaly voilet now* hua?

* HappyLittleMoron rests a hand on Wing's shoulder* Yah...take a rest, bud...

<Wing> *stops, sittign back* sorry.. spaced out

* HappyLittleMoron rubs his shoulder lightly* 'Sokay...

* Kern watches Rae, brows furrowed*

* Myrae slowly sits up, arms alittle shakey

<Myrae> <q> ripped away..??

* Kern nods, reaching out to support her*

* Myrae leans back habitually

<Myrae> <q> How?

* Kern shakes his head, withdrawing...*

<HappyLittleMoron> Dunno...

* Myrae kinda teeters

* Kern reaches out to steady her again...then lets HLM through to...*

* Kern looks like he wants to help, just doesn't want to make her any more uncomfortable*

* Myrae leans back again..wondering how many time's he's gonna move his arm every time she leans against it ;)

* Kern sits by her, letting her lean against him <G>*

* Myrae leans rubbing at her brow

* Kern looks down at her, brows furrowed*

<Myrae> I think...I should go swim or usually helps me..

* Kern nods* Do you mind if I watch...? In case anything else happens...?

* Iris is dozing in Klork's arms again now*

* Klork blinks

* Myrae shrugs a little, nodding..

<Myrae> I..if you want I suppose..

* Klork looks at HLM..then shrugs, sitting on the couch with Iris in his arms, afraid to move her elsewhere

* HappyLittleMoron sits by him, Kern halping Rae up...

* Myrae stands, shakily, white knuckling his hands as she does so

* Kern frowns, slipping a supportive arm around her middle slowlyy*

* Myrae blinks, then sighs shakily & lets him, heading for the stairs w/ him slowly

* Kern goes with her, letting her lean on him*

* HappyLittleMoron watches them, chewing her lip

* Klork glances over at HLM

<Klork> ~do you have any clue what happened there??~

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head* <w> Not a clue...I've never seen anything like it before...kinda scary...

<Wing> *gets to his feet, following a few paces behind*

* Myrae heads up to the pool w/ help etc

* Kern y'know, helps her and stuff*

* Nox is, what, holdingg hands w/ Shing on the ledge? <G>*

* Shingami turns

<Shingami> nani o?

* HappyLittleMoron leans back with a soft sigh, rubbing her belly lightly

* Myrae leans against Kern, looking down at the pool, slowly pulling away and sitting on the ledge...then slipping into the wtaer

* Klork furrows his brow

<Klork> so how are you, babe?

* Kern kneels by the pool edge, watching her...brows furrowed...*

<HappyLittleMoron> I'm ok...worried about all our new comers...

* Shingami looks at wing.. then at the pool

* Myrae slides into the water, going to open her mouth then pales..staying in her human form as she tries to surface, eyes wide

<Shingami> well thats not good

<Wing>*jumps inwithout a thought to help Rae*

* Kern leaps inn, lifting her to the surface*

* Myrae gets helped by...oh someone, sputtering once surfaced, eyes wide

* Ladon lands on the roof, a big hole in his wing membrane* "Dammit!"

* Kern helps Rae out with Wing, frowning deeply*

* Nox blinks, looking up at Ladon and frowning*

<Wing> *gets out wraping his wings aorund Rae, supringly enough dry adn warm* i think i know what might hae happend

<Kern> *through chattering teeth* W...W...What do you think it is...?

<Wing> the part of her tht left the part that made her.. abel t breath under water.. thats whats left...

* Ladon sits down in the most convenient area, flexing his wounded wing

<Kern> ...oh no...

* Myrae coughs, curling into herself

<Shingami> liek th elittle mirmaid... she sacraficed beign a mermaid to become human

<Kern> Ah...ok...

* Myrae is still doubled over, eyes pinched shut, half cursing under her breath

<Wing>*picks rae up, again tryign to ease her pain, bringing her inside*

* Kern frowns, watching and following...*

<Shingami> you guna be ok for a bit Nox?

* Nox nods...*

* Myrae apparently goes with..

<Shingami> cool...

<Wing> *takes rae to her room*

* Ladon Looks at the new peeople* "Ummm...Sorry, didn't notice you."

* Nox...starts to space then frowns* What has happened?

* Myrae gets toted, still coughing some of the water from her lungs

<Shingami> i think shes sick... part of her that was a water creature.. msut have left...

* Nox nods...*

* Klork is still down on th' couch

* HappyLittleMoron is too

* Iris is in Klork's lap, whimpering softly in her sleep*

<Wing>.. you alright Rae-san?

<Shingami> if you need soemne to talk to.. jsut shoult or soemthin ill come runin.. probably form my bro but..*shrugs squeezing he rhand* atleast we can relate ne?

* Ladon walks inside and into the mainroom.* "Anyone know how to do stitches?"

* HappyLittleMoron looks up and sighs

<HappyLittleMoron> That'd be me..

<HappyLittleMoron> Have a seat boy-o...I'll be back

* Klork waves to Ladon

* Ladon nods and winces as he sits* "Stupid @@$#@##$%^ Hunters..."

* Myrae nods

* Myrae sighs, shaking her head

<Myrae> ~I forgot...I can't believe I forgot..~

<Wing> forgot what?

<Kern> Wha'...

* HappyLittleMoron blinks, coming back with the anesthetic cream and stitching stuff* Hunters..?

<Myrae> I'm supposed to return to my waters regularly..

* Myrae curls around herself, brow furrowed and eyes pinched shut

* Ladon nods* "I went back up to the mountains...some red neck shot my wing."

* Kern rests a hand on her shoulder...brows knit*

* HappyLittleMoron puts the cream on the injury

<Wing>... can it be reversed?

* Myrae sighs shakily, then shakes her head

<Myrae> ~No...~

<HappyLittleMoron> Lemme know when it's numb...

<Wing>.. im sorry

* Kern sighs softly*

* Draconigeno winces a bit then flexes the wing* "It's numb."

* Myrae sighs, shivering

<HappyLittleMoron> Ok...*starts stitching him up* Gotta watch for the rednecks...I've had a few bullets fly my way up here, too...

<Myrae> My life span's just been shortened from 5,000 years to however long human's live *runs a hand throug her soaked hair* ~...~

* Kern frowns, getting a towel for her, brows furrowed...*

* Ladon nods

<Wing> *frowns*

* Myrae shivers, sighing shakily

* Kern wraps the towel around her*

<Draconigeno> "I figure their so inbread I must've looked like a giant plucked turkey or something."

* Myrae curls into the towel

<Myrae> ~thanks..~

<Wing>.. do you want us to go.. or stay?

<Kern> <w> You're welcome...

* Myrae shrugs

<Myrae> ~I don't know anymore...~

* Kern sighs softly and rubs her shoulder lightly*

* Myrae leans into his hands, eyes closed

* Kern keeps up with the shoulder rub...*

<Wing> *gets up grabign a blanket puttign it over Kern* youll freeze too...

* Kern blinks and grins sheepishly* Thanks, should have a blanket too...

<Wing> ill be ok...*sniffels*...jsut gotta get into something dry

* Myrae sighs shakily, looking between the two

<Kern> Uhm...ok...

* Kern furrows his brow, standing* Do you wish to be alone...?

<Myrae>'m going to ...change..but..afterthat..I..*chews her lip*

* Kern nods, snagging Wing's arm* We'll wait uhm...downstairs after we change, too...

<Wing>.. or could ocme a few

* Myrae shrugs

<Myrae> I..either..could work..

<Wing> ill be back in a few.. promise...*walks though the door and down the hall to his room*

* Myrae nods, glancing up at Ker'..chewing at her lip

* Kern hehs* Just call if you want me, alright...*smiles a lil' shyly, turning to head out...blinking and folding the blanket, setting it on the bed*

* Myrae nods...waiting for themto leave before going and getting changed

* Kern dissapears into his, Nox and Iris's room*

* Nox comes downstairs*

* Ladon flexes his wing* "It's gonna be while till I fly again

<HappyLittleMoron> least 'till ya get that sucker healed enough..

* Ladon nods* "Thanks for the help Mo."

<HappyLittleMoron> Noooooo problem

* Myrae comes out of her room in a white robe looking dress, going up the stairs passed Ker's room towards the roof

* Iris starts crying in her sleep, jerking herself violetnly away from Klork and landing on the floor, waking up and bursting into tears, holding her face in her hands*

* Ladon nods and heads into the kitchen

* Klork erks, kneeling by her

<Klork> Iris..?? Iris?

* Nox blinks and kneels by Iris with Klork*

* Klork gently puts a hand on her back

<Klork> Iris? hey..squirt, it'sok...

* Iris sobs, sounding as if she's terrified*

* Klork looks at Nox, brow furrowed

* Nox sighs softly, pulling Iris gingerly to her*

<Nox> <q> I'm sorry about this...

<Klork> No's ok..

* Kern blinks, heading up to the roof*

* Myrae sits at the edge of the pool, staring into the water..the robed dress the only dry clothing she had handy

* Kern pauses by the doorway, then heads over to her, kneeling by her* <q> Mind if I join you...?

* Myrae blinks, looking up, smiling a little

<Myrae> ~sure..~

* Kern grins a lil' at her, sitting down, wearing jeans and a sweater, his cloak over the ensamble, he opens it in an invitation to share...*

* Myrae chews her lip before scooting over, the dress looking much like roman high class attire

* Klork stands, brow furrowed

<Klork> will she be ok, Nox?

* Kern drapes it around her, blinking a little at the flashbacks the style brings*

* Nox nods, looking as if she's fighting off tears as well*

* Klork blinks

<Klork> ..I...will you be ok??

* HappyLittleMoron 's brows wrinkle, looking between the three of 'em

* Myrae blinks up at him...then sighs shakily

* Nox bows her head and nods, hair curtaining her face, huddling there on the floor with Iris*

<Myrae> ~It was a hand me down dress from my grandmother...she bought it in human form in Rome...that's why I know so much of your history...~

* Klork furrows his brow, kneeling

<Klork> <w> are you certain there's nothing I can do to help?

* Kern blinks and nods* <w> I was wondering about it...I remember seeing Nox wearing that sort of thing while she was trying to find out about her family...

* Nox nods silently, swallowing, unable to get anything out*

* Klork furrows his brow, looking up to HLM

* Myrae nods

* HappyLittleMoron sighs as she heads over, lightly patting Nox's shoulder and standing by Klork

<Myrae> this is one of the only things of clothing I own..*chews her lip* Otherwise I mightbe warmer now *looks sheepish*

* Klork furows his brow, looking lost

* Kern grins slightly* I'm sure some of the women here would be glad to help you find some more clothing...

* HappyLittleMoron rubs Klork's shoulders with a soft sigh

* Red walks downstairs and into the kitchen. He begins cooking

* Myrae chuckles

<Myrae> <w>I'm sure I don't want to intrude tho..ask for something I shouldn't..

* Klork sighs shakily, then lifts Nox & Iris up gently* {{I'm gonna take them to their room..}}

<Kern> <w> I wouldn't worry about it...they're very open here...

* HappyLittleMoron nods with a soft sigh* {{Alright}}

* Myrae nods

<Myrae> ~true..but still.~

* Nox and Iris...get carried, Iris still sobbing, Nox barely holding the tears off*

* Kern nods* <w> If can borrow some until you can get some of your own...HLM is pregnant...won't be using some of her smaller clothing for a while..

* Klork sighs shakily, carrying them to their room and gently setting them down on their bed

* Myrae nods, chewing at her lip

* Nox curls around Iris, nodding a very little to Klork, brows knit as she struggles to keep what's left of her composier*

* Klork sighs shakily, squeezing her shoulder

<Klork> ~let it out...~ *smiles weakly..heading to the door*

* Red walks out of the kitchen, a plate of chinese food in each hand

* Nox nods a little* <vqw> Th...thank you...K...Klork...

* Klork nods, turning off the light and heading out, closing the door behindhim

* Myrae sighs shakily, flicking the water

* Red walks up the stairs and into his and TN's room

* Kern watches, brows furrowing a little*

<Myrae> ~my life is going to go by so fast..~ *furrows her brow* ~I've already lived triple what I'm going to...~

* HappyLittleMoron 's sitting thoughtfully on the couch

* Klork comes back down, sitting by HLM

<Kern> <w> You'll have to make it count, then...

<Klork> Hey, hon, sup?

* Myrae nods, brows furrowing

<Myrae> ~I know..but I don't know how..~

* HappyLittleMoron looks up and grins lopsidedly* Tryin' ta think...

<Klork> 'bout what? *wraps an arm around her shoulders*

<Kern> <w> Well...go things...try not to dwell on the bad. Look at the beauty, live the joy and learn from the pain...

* Myrae nods, chewing at her lip

* HappyLittleMoron leans against him, grinning up at him as she traces a fingertip along his jawline* Our new friends...wishing like hell I could help Nox and Iris but...Iris is so young...way too young for something like that to have happened to her...Nox is...very private...I want to help Rae, too, but...heh...*shakes her head a lil'*

* Klork nods, chewing at his lip

<Klork> it's confusing..

* HappyLittleMoron nods with a soft sigh...

* Myrae sighs then pauses, getting an ironic grin on her face, splashing lightly at Kern

* Kern erks and reaches down reflexivly to splash back*

* Myrae laughs, doing it again

* Kern laughs, pine eyes sparkling a little as he splashes back*

* Myrae reaches down and gets a good handful, splashing a large bit at him

* Kern acks, getting it in the face, whiping at his eyes with one hand with a laugh as he sends a good sized splash back at her*

<HappyLittleMoron> OHwell...*nuzzles Klork gently*

<Myrae> ERk! *laughs, sputtering, getting a good one at him before getting up and running towards the shallow end

* Klork purrs, wrapping hsi arms around her with a smirk

* Kern coughs, shaking water from his hair as he hops up, discarding his cloak and running after her*

* HappyLittleMoron trins, twining an arm up around to scritch behind his ear

* Klork purs, leaning his head to her hand

* Myrae blinkblinks, then laughs, standing at the edge and waiting for him to get close, innocent look on her face

* HappyLittleMoron smiles as she scritches

* Klork tilts his head to the side, purring loudly now

* Kern eyes her, smirk on his face, walking slowly over...*

* Myrae blinks

<Myrae>'re supposed to keep running..*looks if not sure how to follow through with her plan now*

<Kern> I don't know if I should trust you...

<Myrae> Ah..*blinks innocently* Not trust ME? *bats her eyelashes, actually smiling a bit* why on earth wouldn't you???

* Kern crosses his arms, grinning, slowly walking over* You've got a look in your eyes...

* Myrae blinkblinks

<Myrae> what look? *attempts to pull off innocent*

* Kern stands before her, chuckling softly* That...innocent thing...

* Myrae chews at her lip,looking up at him, heels hanging over the edge of the pool

<Myrae> innocent? I ..he heh..

<Kern> Uh oh...there's a laugh I deffinatly shouldn't trust...

* Myrae grins innocently, then erks, teetering

<Myrae> Ohgeez!

* Kern ACKs and reaches over to pull her from the edge..*

* Myrae grins, immediately ducking, aiming to throw his balance off so he'll fall in

<Kern> GYAH! *twists so he will land back first, reaching out to grab her wrist or something to pull her inn with him*

* Myrae erks, slipping out of his grip barely, falling back on the pavement rump first

* Kern surfaces and pulls himself out, muttering softly and chucklling to himself, his sweater kinda...sagggging with the wet, jeans clinging to his lower body*

* Myrae blinks, looking up

* Myrae grins innocently

<Myrae> Ah..heh..Hi!

<Kern> IIiiiiiiiiiiii....should have seen that coming...*smirks at her, shaking his hair out and wringing the sweater*

* Myrae chews her lip, slowly getting up

<Myrae> heh...sorry *smirks sheepishly and going over*

* Kern blinks and looks down at her, chuckling softly* That's alright...

* Myrae pats his sweater lightly

<Myrae> heh...this will take a bit to dry, won't it? *looks sheepish*

* Kern chuckles softly* That it will...I'll hang it up in our bathroom when we get inside...*pauses and blinks a lil' sheepishly* Heh...I need new clothing too...

* Myrae laughs

<Myrae> we've got a problem it seems *smirks sheepishly*

* Kern chuckles, stooping to pick up his cloak* True...different worlds are such pains..

* Myrae nods, brows wrinkling

<Myrae> I must admit I agree there..

* Kern holds his hand out to her* Care to go inside...? It's cold being wet...*shoots her a mock-angry pout*

* Myrae grins innocently, taking his hand w/out a flinch

<Myrae> Heh, I..*coughs* yeah..sorry about that.

* Kern chuckles, holding her hand as he would an object of great delicacy and leads her inside* That's alright...I can take a joke

* Myrae chews her lip

<Myrae> but you're soaked...

<Kern> True....but it's just water...I'll dry faster once I get the sweater off...

* Myrae nods, shrugging

<Myrae> true...*opens his room's door..then blinks to see Nox & Iris asleep there..

* Kern blinks a little, demenor saddening* <w> Ah...I'll be right out, then...they need there reest...

* Myrae nods, chewing her lip, folding her hands in front of her

* Kern heads inside, stripping the shirt off, whip marks all across his back, as well as a few nasty cutting scars...he dissapears into the bathroom breifly before re-emerging in a lighter shirt*

* Myrae watches brow furrowed

* Kern rejoins her, after pausing to kiss Iris and Nox's brows, tucking them in a little more comfortably, and closes the door behind them*

* Myrae watches, brow creased, chewing at her lip

<Myrae> ~will they be ok...??~

* Kern bows his head briefly, a lock of hair falling over his brow* <w> I...hope so...I believe so...

* Myrae holds her hand out, a bit timidly

<Myrae> Ah...where to now?

* Kern blinks, looking up and smiling a lil' to her, taking her hand* Downstairs perhaps...? I saw a hearth with a fire in it...

* Myrae shrugs, nodding a little

<Myrae> that will work *smiles a bit*

* Kern chuckles softly, leading her downstairs..*

* Myrae goes with

* HappyLittleMoron looks up from cuddling with Klork, grinning in greeting at the two

* Klork waves a bit to them

<Klork> hey you two! *smirks*

* Kern blinks and smiles in return* Hello!

* Myrae waves, smirking

<HappyLittleMoron> You kids enjoying yourselves? <G>

* Kern smirks, running a hand through his damp hair* She was <G>

* Myrae looks innocently

<Myrae> he accidently took a swim *grins*

* Klork blinks, then laughs

* HappyLittleMoron laughs!* GO girl *winks*

* Kern smirks, pretending to grumble*

* Myrae blinks, cheeks reddening

<Myrae> Ah.heh!

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles

* Myrae goes passed the two, settling in front of the fireplace to warm up

* Klork leans over* <w> this is improvement...she's not running away at least!!

* Kern goes with her, sitting a little timidly by her..*

* HappyLittleMoron grins whispering back* <w> No's looking like she's enjoying herself...

* Myrae blinks,looking up at him,her eyes looking golden w/ the firelight reflection in them

<Myrae> ~you ok??~

* Klork nodnodnods

<Klork> ~quite a change...~

* Kern blinks and smiles, sitting so he could act as a human pillow* <w> Yes...I am. You?

* HappyLittleMoron nods* <w> A good one...

* Myrae blinks, hesitantly leaning back, relaxing once she's done so

<Myrae> ~I..very ok..~

* Klork nodnods

* Kern smiles as he watches her*

* Myrae closes her eyes, comfortable now..

<Myrae> So what will you do here..??

* Kern shakes his head a little, eyes drifting to the fire* I...I dunno...

* Myrae blinks, glancing up at him

<Myrae> ~any trades you're good at perhaps??~

<Kern> <q> Fighting...forging...hunting...I can survive in a forest...I don't know what I can do here...

<Myrae> hm..*squints...trying to think of anything she's learned of in the passed few days*

<Myrae> a..jumper? or something like that..

* Klork clears his throat

<Klork> bouncer..

* Myrae snaps her finger, nodding

<Myrae> that was it..

* Kern blinks* ...bouncer...? *looks up and over at Klork, then down to Rae again* They fight...?

<Klork> ah..sort of

* Klork scratches his chin

<Klork> you know what a pub is right?

* Kern nods...*

<Klork> a bouncer is someone who prevents the drunkards from fighting..

<Klork> kind of a peace keeper..but has to be strong enough to throw the ones out of hand out ..

<Kern> Ohh...*nods* I do think I could do that....

* Klork nods

* Klork pauses, poking HLM

<Klork> is the bouncer position filled at the Ricardos' I put you in charge of?

* HappyLittleMoron blinks, having started to drift a lil'* Ack...*blinks* Not permanently...*looks over at Kern* If you want a job, I got one fer ya then <G>

* Myrae smirks a bit up at him

<Myrae> see?

* Kern blinks, then smirks* err...uhm...thank you. *smiles*

* Klork shrugs, pulling HLM into his lap

<Klork> tired?

<HappyLittleMoron> Mmm...a lil'...*rests her head on his shoulder, belly purring very very softly*

* Klork chuckles, rubbing gently at her stomach

* Myrae watches, chewing at her lip before returning her eyes back up to Ker'

* HappyLittleMoron mms as the babies purr louder

* Kern grins softly, watching them, then looking down at her...blinking a lil'*

* Myrae blinks, cheeks reddening before looking back at thefire as if to say "D'oh..caught"

* HappyLittleMoron glances at the two, smirking lightly* {{Geeze...those two get along very well..}}

* Kern grins softly, brushing a little hair frooom her face lightly before looking at the fire, too*

* Klork chuckles...* {{Heh! quite..shall we leave em' be and go up to bed?}}

* HappyLittleMoron nodsnods* {{Bed good...}}

* Myrae smiles, closing her eyes and leaning back comfortably

* Klork smirks, standing and lifting HLM into his arms

* Kern grins, wrapping his arms around her*

<Klork> g'nite you two...take care..

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, wrapping her arms around his neck* What he said...

<HappyLittleMoron> Kern: Sleep well Klork...HLM...

* Myrae glances up..then waves a little, noddin

<Myrae> Do take care..?

* Klork nods and carries HLM off to bed

* HappyLittleMoron noddles

* HappyLittleMoron gets carried away

* Myrae curls up comfortably, resting her hands over his as she watches the fire, slowly warming up

* Kern smiles, curling gently around her*

* Myrae glances up at Kern, chewing at her lip

<Myrae> ~can I ask a question?~

* Kern blinks and nods* <w> Of course...

<Myrae> ~I...*chews at her lip s'more* Where did the scars come from...?? O.on your back...?~

* Kern blinks, eyes dropping a little* <w> Which ones...? The fresher whip wounds are from the slave traders...the older ones from my father when he had too much ale...and...the cuts from shamans...trying to get the demons out of me...or from battles fought...

* Myrae grimaces, turning just slightly so she can see him

* Kern's brows are slightly wrinkled, eyes a little distant as he looks down at her*

<Myrae> ~I...~ *furrows her brows* ~I'm sorry....if it brought back pained memories..~ *pauses..then holds her arms up slightly, scars circling her wrists* ~I..if it makes you feel better...they'd tie me down for days...~

* Myrae sighs

<Myrae> ~I mean...if it helps..not ifit makes yuo feel better...~

* Kern blinks, gently taking his hands into his hands, kissing her wrists lightly, brows furrowed* <w> Why did they do that to such a wonderful young woman...?

* Myrae blinks, cheeks reddening slightly before she goes very quiet...eyes downturned

<Myrae> ~training.~

* Kern blinks, frowning...eyes full of questions he feels would make her uncomfortable if he asked them...watching her...*

* Myrae sighs shakily

<Myrae> ~like I mentioned society only condoned women to breed.......nothing more....~

* Kern nods, frowning, gently rubbing her hands, his own calloused, but warm and gentle* <w> need never go back...and I at least will never make you do anything you don't want to...

* Myrae watches, eyes softening before she looks up at him

<Myrae> ~I know...~ *smiles a bit, almost weakly* ~I could tell...~

* Kern blinks and smiles softly* <w> Good...

* Myrae grins a bit, turning to lean against him again, watching his hands quietly with silvered eyes'

* Kern watches her, gently folding his hands against her, just holding her close*

* Myrae stays there comfortably, eyes closing, resting her hands over his

* Kern watches gently, slippiing one hand out to pull a blanket over them, simply sitting before the fire with her*

* Myrae yawns, trying to cover it, curling comfortably to him

<Kern> <w> Do you wish to go to bed....?

* Myrae blinks, looking up

<Myrae> ~I..I'm kinda comfortable with you tho...~ *pauses, chewing at her lip*

* Kern blinks, then chuckles* <w> We can stay then...*smiles softly down at her*

* Myrae nods a little, cuddling to get more comfortable

* Kern smiles, tucking the blanket in around her gently, leaning back against the couch, holding her close*

* Myrae sighs softly, closing her eyes

* Kern watches...etching the lines of her face, curve of her hair, all that into his mind..*

* Myrae slips to sleep, quite comfortably there...

<HappyLittleMoron> *Kern smiles, kissing her brow gently and lifting her to carry her to her room*

* Myrae curls up into his arms, stillsleeping

* Kern gently lays her down on her bed after pulling the sheets back, gently tucking her in and dropping a light kiss on her brow...making sure she's comfortable and safe before heading to his shared room*

* Myrae sleeps, smile slight on her lips

Session Close: Tue Dec 11 01:29:29 2001

