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Session Start: Tues Nov 6 19:04:07 2002

* Atomsmasha examines the asylum from a adjacent rooftop

* Atomsmasha stands 6 feet tall with a large muscular frame that is wrapped in a black cape with cowl up around his face so only his eyes are showing, and there is a scar over his left eye.

* Reaver yawns, leaning against the doorjamb, just inside the asylum, staring at the floor. Either he just woke up, or he hasn't slept in some time...its' rather difficult to tell.

* Atomsmasha leaps across the rooftops to the roof of the asylum and slides down the fire escape, crouching by a window

* Kim's just laying on the couch. Face down of course, woulden't want to crush her wings now would she? But, anyway, she's got headphones on, and she's flipping through a fashion mag* "...It's like i'm.. paranoid, lookin' over my back.. it's like a, whirlwind, inside'a my head..."

* Reaver shakes his head, and rubs his eyes.* "Eh. Gotta wake up. Geez...I'm not staying up that late again...not for a -long- time." He stretches, and then slowly rises to his feet, his metallic boots making a slight 'thock' type sound on the floor..

* Reaver blinks? as he hears a voice, and he looks over at Kim, and then smirks, noting the fashion magazine. He shrugs to himself, and then walks off again, into the kitchen.

<Kim> *just.. senses someone going into the kitchen* "Hey! Guy going intot he kitchen.. grab me a pepsi while you're in there, kay?"

* Reaver stops for a second, and smirks, shaking his head. He rummages through the kitchen...and when he comes back out, he walks over to the couch, and sets the cold can of Pepsi down beside the couch where Kim can reach it...before he moves to the wall nearest the couch, and he sits down against it, sipping his can of Dr. Pepper..

<Kim> *nods a bit* "Thanks..." *she takes her headphones off and turns a bit, folding her wings to her back... enough stretching for now* "You new here?"

* Reaver smiles.* "Eh. No problem. Caught me on my way in there as it was." He blinks, and chuckles quietly. "Not really. Just've been out until last night. Mavericks still all over the city." He sighs a bit and then shrugs. "Gotta stay alert, know what I mean..?"

<Kim> *nods* "Yeah... tell me about it..." *smirks a bit* "But... hey... s'not like any of em' are stupid enough to attack this place..."

* Reaver hmmns.* "They've come close before...but good point. But it's my job to hunt those things, so I'm out and about every so often. Although that's the longest I've ever stayed out." His indigo eyes gleam for just a moment. "By the way, my name's Reaver..."

<Kim> *nods, and waves a bit, putting away the mag* "Cool, i'm Kim... resident pyro" *wink*

* Reaver nods. "Nice to meet you, Kim." He shrugs and rubs the back of his neck. "Nothin` wrong with bein` a pyro." He chuckles and shrugs. "So, are you new here, or have you been here since just after I went off?"

<Kim> *shrugs* "Been here a little while... not too long... like it though.." *nods*

* Reaver smiles, and nods. "Yeah, it's really nice here. I like it. Relaxing enough, for the most part. It's also nice to get to relax for a little bit. I'm taking a few days off, from here...yes, indeed I am.."

<Kim> *nods a bit* "Kinda boring though..."

* Reaver nods. "True, it can be boring in the same respect." He smiles a little. "All depends on what you're doing and who you're with, I guess.."

<Kim> *shrugs* "Seems everyone here but me has some lover or something to have some frisky fun with upstairs... s'always me that's left out" *she rolls her eyes not and smirks a bit more*

* Reaver shakes his head and smirks a bit as well. "Yeah, well, I can sympathize with that. It's either that, or there's some wild fight going on somewhere, and everyone's gone. Either way, you end up the one excluded, yeah?"

<Kim> *nods a bit* "Yeah... but.. eh'.. when theres a fight it's usually me on the side that's getting beaten" -.-;

* Reaver frowns and nods a little. "I see." He rubs the back of his neck. "Aside from that, I know exactly how you feel..."

<Kim> *shrugs* "Don't worry about it, i always kick em while they're down... i get my fair share of hits in... i can handle myself.." *her wings flare up a bit in emphasis, but... the flames don't scar the couch*

* Reaver chuckles quietly and nods. "Well, I meant in all of those respects. It tends to get rather lonely, watching everyone so close to everyone else, and whatnot.." He raises a brow ever so slightly at the rising flames, but he dispels the notion as a passing breeze, as it were, through his mind.

<Kim> *she grins, and sits up, stretching her wings out again* "Yeah..."

* Reaver smiles up at her, and shrugs as he leans back against the wall, resting both hands on the floor to both sides of his body. "Yeah..."

<Kim> *sighs a bit, and peers around* "It's so quiet.. i'm thinkin' on takin' a flight.."

* Reaver hmmns? "I imagine that might ease some boredom." He smiles at her, and nods softly "Yeah, that'd probably make things better on the boredom factor.." He chuckles a bit.

<Kim> *grins* "Dunno really.. you'd be surprised how bad the wind factor in this damned city is on the antiskip on my diskman... drains the batteries like a sun-bitch"

* Reaver grins, and chuckles softly. "Huh. Batteries, eh? I bet I could jury-rig one of my spare energy crystals and you wouldn't have a problem with that..." He rubs the back of his neck. "But I imagine antiskip would...and especially with the winds in a city..."

<Kim> *she blinks, and grins* "Hey! You'd do that for meee?"

* Reaver shrugs. "Sure, why not?" He smiles, and shrugs. "They're really potent, so I doubt you'd have to worry about batteries for the rest of your life. Or at least ten or fifteen years..

<Kim> *she blinks, and grins* "Kick ass... less money to spend"

* Reaver nods softly, and chuckles. "Yeah. Money can be a bitch, I know how that goes." He stretches out, and then sits up a little..

<Kim> *nods a bit, and stands, taking her diskman over to him* "So.. when can you do it?"

* Reaver rises to his feet, and then stretches. "Actually..I can do it right now, if you like..."

<Kim> *nods* "Cool, can you do it please? I gotta go to the bathroom for a minute..." *she stuffs the diskman in his hands and runs off*

* Reaver blinks...and nods a bit..."O...kay." He shrugs, and reaches down, opening a compartment at his side, and drawing a small silverish crystal that gleams with an odd, prismatic light. He takes the batteries out of the diskman and then goes about adapting it so that the cd player will accept the crystal as a viable powersource..

<Zeus> stands on the roof of the asylum, looking it over

* Shingami laughs and taunts Wing, flying high above the manhatten skyline coming home form the church...

<Zeus> "Hehehe...this place will be easily destroyed once the time comes.."

<Wing> neechan...*points ot the roof*

<Shingami> Hummm... wonder who he is... *shouts* OI .. you on the roof!

<Zeus> *glares up at Shin*

* Shingami hovers above the roof and Zeus, Wing on the other side flanking him

<Shingami> Hi

<Zeus> "What do you want?"

<Wing> to know what you are doing here

<Zeus> "That would be none of your damn buisness.."

<Shingami> Oh i beg to differ it is all about our buisness..identify yourself...

* Zeus raises his hands slightly, and floats some off the ground so he is even with Shin and Wing 4"No..."

<Wing>... we will only ask nicely one more time

<Shingami> My brother has a point

<Shingami> Identify yrouself

<Zeus> "Are you trying to threaten me?"

<Shingami> No.. jsut want to knwo who you are... its a simple question

<Zeus> "A simple question that you will not recieve the answer to..." dark aura starts to form around him

<Wing> *a gilded blue and gold braod sword materilizes on his back*

<Shingami> Calmly niichan....

<Shingami> well lets start this off on a better foot shallwe?... I am Shinigami... God of Death... he is wing.. God of Life... whats your name?

<Zeus> laughs slightly "The end of everything..."

<Zeus> "Do not try to fight me, it would be pointless.."

<Shingami> Kinda long for a name...

<Shingami> now how bout what are you doing here...

<Zeus> "You will not know my name or purpose! Now be gone!"

<Wing> we cannot do that.. this is our home

<Shingami> And we are ob.ligated to knwo who coems here thrating us with bad oras. and bad breath

<Zeus> "You try my patience fool..."

<Wing> if we do then why dont you leave....

<Wing>. ebcause we arnt goign anywhere

<Zeus> "Does this mean you want to fight me?"

<Shingami> What he means is get lost... we dotn want to start a fight but if we must then we will.. though I personaly would liek tp avoid it its been a long day and i really could use soemthgin to eat...

<Zeus> "Then there is no choice, because I will not listen to the likes of you.."

* Shingami reaches back and puls a large silver and violet scythe form out of no where

<Shingami> Ok but you are seriously ruining my evening

<Zeus> "Who cares.."brings up a invisible shield with his mind

<Shingami> geeze try ad be nice to a guy.....

<Wing>*attacks form behind*

<Zeus> the attack bounces off, and he throws back a hand, tossing a ball of telekinetic energy at wing

<Wing>*crosses hsi arms nd les them take the brunt of th eblow*

* Shingami attacks with her scythe while zeuse is partialy distracted

<Zeus> 's shield abosrbs the blow again, and he turns to her, using his telekinesis to try and throw her at the ground

<Shingami>> *egts thrown back, but enters a shadow and reappears above him ready to attack again* HAHA!

<Zeus> looks up at her "...Pathetic..." grabs the scythe with his hand

<Shingami> *scythe feels cold, draing energy from whatever it touches*

<Wing>*attacks with his sword*

<Zeus> pulls it down, then sends a blast at her face

<Zeus> then lets go, and spins around to kick Wing

<Wing>*grabs his foot, a balde on his stist extends alogn the underside of hishand *

* Shingami drops the scythe with disappears coverign her eyes iwth he rhands.. blinded*

<Zeus> "Don't touch me!" sends his other foot at Wing's head

<Wing>*gets kicke din the head.. falls abck but rebounds in another attack*

<Zeus> turns with lightning speed and charges Shin, trying to put the full bore of his shoulder into her at full speed

* Shingami can feel him coming.. lets loose a bolt or four of black lightning at alsmot poitn blank range

<Zeus> the force of the blast hitting his shield knocks him to the ground, cratering it and putting up alot of dust

* Shingami helps Wing up, glares at zeus though cannot see.. the both fade it seems liek ghosts* Omaeoh kurosu...

<Zeus> gets up, dusting himself off 4"Hehehe...they ran...such pathetic specimens..."

* Shingami reappeares soemwhere in the vacinity of the living room inside, staring blankly in a direction

<Shingami> you ok bro?

<Wing> hai... daijobu ka?

<Shingami> ...iie... i cant see...

<Wing>.. thats not good

<Shingami> no duh

<Zeus> closes his eyes, then yells out 4"I can feel your presence in the building...let it be known that you will no longer be able to hide! For I am on the hunt of them all!"

<Wing> stay here..*goes abck out appearing lie kthey elft* why do you want to destroy this place.. if you will nto answer any other questiosn answer me that

<Zeus> "Very well...I will humor you for now..I am going to destroy every last mutant or freak on the face of the earth...starting with this place.."

<Wing>.. why would one want to destroy this palce when you yourself ahve a mutant's abilities

* TurtleNinja comes down from her room, stretching.

<TurtleNinja> Hey...what's all the noise?

* Shingami gets up.. bumps itn tohe couch

<Shingami> stupid thign.. who put that there...

<Zeus> shakes his head 4"That is where you have it wrong fool.."

<Wing>.. enlighten me...

<TurtleNinja> Hey, Shin. That's the ok? *walks over*

<Shingami> TN?..

<Zeus> "I don't think so..that is all you need to know about me.."

<TurtleNinja> Yeah, it's me.

<TurtleNinja> What's going on?

<Wing> then i will enlighten you.. this palce is th eonly scantuary for peopel who are different.. maybe not the only one but it is important.. adn all thsoe who dwell here will nto allow it to be destroyed... or themselves.. so you shoudlnt think us weak or pathetic... underestimating an enemy is oens first mistake..

<Shingami> Oh nothignjsut..*bumps into soemthgin else* ow.. cant see...

<Zeus> "I do not underestimate them..but I do plan to destroy them."

* TurtleNinja blinks.

<TurtleNinja> Can't see? That sounds rather serious, Shin. How is it that you got blinded?

<Zeus> 's trench coat starts to fly up slightly, but you notice there is no wind

<Wing>*eyes glow prue violet, lips moving in the incantation fo a spell...though what he is doign cannot be seen* i cannot allow that

<TurtleNinja> Shin?

<Shingami> Umm there was soem creepy old guy lerkign abotu. got in a fight hes really rude you knwo and..*bumps into TN* oh there you are... and this si highly annoying

<Zeus> "You won't be able to kill me..."

<TurtleNinja> Here....take my hand, let's get you to the sofa so you can sit.

<Wing> I cannot kill... I bring life and healign ... it is my sister who does the killing.. btu that wont stop me form keepign you out

<Shingami> *serches fo rhand* .. stupid flash spell thingy...

* TurtleNinja takes her hand and leads her over to the sofa.

<TurtleNinja> Hmm...hopefully it'll be temporary....

<Shingami> I hope so.. becaus ento seeign is very annoying

<TurtleNinja> Here we go...can you feel the couch?

<Shingami> yeah..*sits foldign ehr wings tight agsint her bakc*.. wher eis my bro?

<TurtleNinja> I don't know. I haven't seen him. Just heard some noise, wondered what was going down.

<Shingami> idiot probably went ot side.. where that guy is...

<TurtleNinja> Where outside?

<Shingami> i dont know.. butwe were comign home and saw this.. guy standign otn eh roof .. tried o find otu who he was and.. well eh was less then pleasnet so we tried to get him to go...

<Zeus> "You cannot kill me..."

<TurtleNinja> On the roof...will you be ok for a bit, Shin?

<Shingami> Yeha.. dotn go out there though... onagai

<Wing> ill reserve that for my sister

<Zeus> "She will have no chance either I am afraid.."

<Zeus> "The one person that had a chance is dead.."

<TurtleNinja> Wha...why not?

<TurtleNinja> Someone's gotta see if your bro's all right....

<Shingami> ... jsut dont...

<Wing> that reamisn to be seen weither or not you are an immortal.. stay away form the Asylum if you value your life or sanity...

<TurtleNinja> I have to, Shin...I gotta see if your brother's ok and if he needs help...

<Zeus> "I have a better leave this place before it is destroyed..then I will find you some other time if you still wish to die."

<Shingami> dotn go pelase.. that .. guy is ehre to kill everyoen inside..

<Wing>.. that is not an option..*fades again abck itn to the living room* neechan?

<Shingami> Where did you go you frigin idiot?!!?!?

<Wing>.. outside...

<Shingami> BAKA

<Wing> hn...

<Zeus> looks to the ground, then starts laughing "Stupid!!"

* TurtleNinja furrows her brow.

<TurtleNinja> Wing, who is up there?

* RicaChica comes down the stairs, muttering

<Wing> somone who wants to destory all mutants.. he wasnts to start here..

<RicaChica> Geeze ppl, can't you guys keep it down?? What's all the racket?

* TurtleNinja looks up.

<Shingami> Oh gret jsut what we need.. he isnt human and wants to off us...

<TurtleNinja> Heya Rica.

* TurtleNinja sighs.

<Shingami> Just fuckin peachy....

<TurtleNinja> Is he of FoH?

<Shingami> No.. im only BLIND because of a telekenetic spell thingy

<TurtleNinja> Telekinetic spell? So it's permanent?

<Zeus> "This might actually turn out to be rather fun.."

* RicaChica arches a brow, then shrugs a little, going to the front door and peering out

<RicaChica> Fine fine fine...I'll just find out for myself...

<Shingami> no. itll get better.. DONT GO OUT THERE... its nto smart 

<Shingami> maybe he will go away

<Wing> not likely

<TurtleNinja> We're gonna have to leave sooner or later, Shin....if he's out to destroy us, uh, what your brother said.

<Shingami> the eternal optimist...

* RicaChica arches a brow, looking back at them before closing the door

<RicaChica> Ooooooooookay...

<TurtleNinja> Maybe one of us had better follow her...

<Shingami> the guy is creeeeepy.. alsmt .. godlike...

<Wing>... if he attacks fo rnwo we shoudl be allright...

* TurtleNinja frowns.

* RicaChica shrugs, still not getting any answers and goes into the kitchen, peering out the window to see what's going on...

<TurtleNinja> I'm gonna go follow her...*hurries after Rica*

<Wing> go if you want to.. nee chan stop beign paranoid...

<Shingami> I cant help it if im paranoid!

* Wing sweatdrop*

* RicaChica sits on the counter, arching a brow

<RicaChica> Ok, so who's the fairy friend on the front grass?

<TurtleNinj> I dunno.

<Zeus> "Time for a little fun..." points his hands at the asylum

* RicaChica pours a glass of water and stretches

<TurtleNinja> I came downstairs hearing all the noise, but all Shin said is that she's blind from some spell and that she doesn't want us going out there.

<TurtleNinja> Now what is he doing pointing his hands at us?

<RicaChica> I heard he was after mutants....or something, I caught the tail end of it..

* RicaChica shrugs

<RicaChica> Maybe he's a new sign language student..

<Shingami> *mutters* i ahce a sign to teach him then...

<TurtleNinja> doesn't look good....

<Zeus> smirks, then suddenly the buidling shakes a little bit. Then he puts his hands down and smirks

* RicaChica arches a brow

* RicaChica sighs and opens the window

<TurtleNinj> Huh...magic tricks...

<RicaChica> Try again! I'm from the west coast baby!! SHAKE IT UP! *closes the window*

<Zeus> closes his eyes

* Shingami slaps herself int he forehad.. atleast able to find that 

<RicaChica> Hm...guess he's napping now..

<TurtleNinja> Or meditating....

<Shingami> or pwoering up a spell

<Zeus> smirks, his eyes still closed

* RicaChica shakes her head, tapping her brow

<RicaChica> Nope..he's calling me cocky.

* TurtleNinja pokes her head out the window(if she can)

* RicaChica cringes a little

<RicaChica> geeze, he puts Soprano's to shame..

<Shingami> who is he

<TurtleNinja> I have no idea who he is....

<Wing> askign doenst get us very far...

<TurtleNinja> But I say we kick him off the property if he's gonna cause trouble like this...

<RicaChica> Um..yeah...*closes her eyes, brow furrowing* OOOokay...that's nice, I really REALLY hate sopranos...*cringes* Will somebody SHUT HIM UP?!!?

<TurtleNinja> I don't hear anything, Rica...*blinks*

<Shingami> hes in ehr head or soemthing...

<TurtleNinja> Oh lovely...

* RicaChica manages a nod, face turning read

<RicaChica> PLEASE?!

<TurtleNinja> HEY! Do you mind?!

* TurtleNinja growls and heads outside, walking over towards Zeus.

<TurtleNinja> Hey, pal, now that's not very gentlemanly is it?

* RicaChica reels

<RicaChica> Geezeee!

<Shingami> where is tn

<Zeus> raises a hand, freezing TN in her tracks

<Wing> outside

<RicaChica> Um..*blinks, looking out the window* Um..ouut there...

<Shingami> baka baka....

<TurtleNinja> Oh crap...*growls*

<TurtleNinja> What's your problem, buddy?!

<RicaChica> Uh..TN? You can come inside now, the evil shreiking soprano fairy man is not in my head anymore...

<TurtleNinja> I can't move!

<Zeus> "All of your kind..wanna try and do something about it?" releases her

<TurtleNinja> Otherwise I'd be inside!

* TurtleNinja falls down on her shell and gets up.

<TurtleNinja> Is that a challenge, fella?

<Zeus> "Of course."

<RicaChica> Inside TN, plleaase??? The Fairy man puts Sarah Brightman to shaaamee...

<TurtleNinja> Tch. You mutant-hating creeps ain't worth my time. *turns to head back into the Asylum*

* RicaChica goes to the front door, and thpppts at Zeus

<Zeus> stops her again

* TurtleNinja growls.

<RicaChica> Yeah!, what she said and WHAT is your fascination with stop-motion?!

<TurtleNinja> I do hope you're having fun with this....

* Shingami takes a nail and drags it acros her palm splittignit open.. outside what looks like blood rises ofrm the gorund and forms a barrior between TN and Zeus

<Zeus> starts to close his hand, pressure buidling on TN's shell

* TurtleNinja growls, her shell creaking a bit...

<RicaChica> SO he's a stop-motion loving, high pitched fairy man? Geeze, guy's got it all.

<TurtleNinja> If you wanted a hug, why didn'tcha just ask, man?

* RicaChica giggles, then holds her sides

<RicaChica> Heeehehe, except maybe one thing...hehee, he is a soprano after all...

* RicaChica starts giggling s'more, sitting on the doorstep

<TurtleNinja> Hey! Are you done SQUEEZIN' me yet?!

<Zeus> looks at Rica while squeezing TN, and goes back into her mind, silincing her ability to talk

<Zeus> tries to increase the pressure on TN

* TurtleNinja growls

* RicaChica coughs, talking around it, muttering about an air bubble in her throat

<RicaChica> whoa what was that...*blinks a few times* Heh, oops..mexican food..

* Shingami murmers soemthign and the blood shield wraps aorund Zeus, smothering him

<TurtleNinja> Keep this up, heh....I'm gonna go all to pieces!

<Zeus> TN gets tossed hard into the asylum as the blood covers Zeus

* RicaChica ducks, watching her go through the door

<RicaChica> TN?!

* TurtleNinja rolls, crashing into a table.

<RicaChica> can fly?!

<Wing>*makes a similar cut pressign his palm to hers.. and givign Zeus the shock of a lifetime

* RicaChica heads in, kneeling beside her

<TurtleNinja> Ow...sheesh....he didn't like my jokes, so he gives me the heave-ho.

<RicaChica> hey, chica? You ok?

<TurtleNinja> I'll be ok. *rubs a bump on her head* Thanks. You ok now, Rica?

<RicaChica> geeze, I know the feeling *smirks faintly* Not much for sarcasm huh?

<TurtleNinja> Nope.

* RicaChica nods

<Zeus> the blood sudenly lifts, and flies into the air to no where. Zeus stands there laughing slightly

<RicaChica> yeah, headache, but otherwise, it's all good...

<TurtleNinja> Hey, Shin, Wing...I'm ok and in now...

* TurtleNinja gets up and closes the door.

<Shingami> *blood forms into metalic shards and fall abck to earth*

<RicaChica> um...Wing, Shin? Inside--weren't they outside?? *blinkblinks*

<Zeus> looks up at the shards, and changes there course to the asylum

<TurtleNinja> I don't know....I thought they were inside....

* RicaChica dials a phone...

<Shingami> *tey turn to harmless flower pettles and float ot he ground befor ebign absorbed by the earth*

* RicaChica blinks and hangs up

<Wing>*heals the wotund on botht ehri hands* enough...

* Zoi peeks over the roof, hair wet, wearing a green bikini, watching the fun from above...

<Shingami> fine fine..

<Zeus> "Is this all you weaklings have for me?"

* RicaChica pokes her head out the kitchen window

<RicaChica> No, actually, we tend not to give giftsto those we don't like somuch! Sorry, Santa don't deliver to you!

* Zoi picks up a balloon, dangling it from her fingers, grinning.

<Zeus> pulls Rica out the window with his tele

* RicaChica closes the window

<Zoi> .oO(Bombs away...) *tosses the balloon towards Zeus from the roof*

* RicaChica kinda smooshies up against the window

RicaChica: <muffled> This is..worse than that bus fourth

grade...when Frankie mooned that one driver..

Shingami: Wing:.. we need ot help get him away...

TurtleNinj: Zoi: *sweatdrops* .oO(Damn...a shield...what a waste of a good water balloon...)

<Shingami> oh yeah with that.. righ tnwo our pwoers are limited...

<Wing>.. the others arnt...

<Shingami> what other.. ohhh those others...

<Zeus> "Come outside...Rica..."pulls harder

* TurtleNinja latches onto Rica, trying to keep her inside...

* RicaChica smoosshiiiesss

<TurtleNinja> Hmm...tug o' war...geeze....thought we used a rope for that instead of a person...

<RicaChica> Wow..I didnt know glass got this funny colored when you get THIS close...

<Zeus> pushes back, then yanks hard, shattering the glass

<TurtleNinja> He keeps this up, you're gonna go right...ACK! *slips and falls on her rump, skidding back a bit*

* RicaChica does a spread eagle with that push back, planting her feet on either side of the window

<RicaChica> Ooooooooh AGH!

<TurtleNinja> Oof! *quickly gets up to help Rica*

<RicaChica> I AM NOT A GYMNIST!!!!

<TurtleNinja> You ok, Rica?

<Shingami> *strong telekenetic force slams into Zeus' shield*

<RicaChica> DO I look OK?!!?! *grabs the cupboards* He's tryiing to pull me out the window a la carrie STRUG!!!

<Zeus> stumbles slightly, letting go of Rica

* RicaChica acks, falling back onto TN

* TurtleNinja reaches up and tries to pull Rica back in...

<TurtleNinja> ACK! *falls again*

<Shingami> *htis again form a different side, thenagain fom another angle*

<RicaChica> Oh man...if I'm not ready for childbirth now I don't know when I will be..*kinda lays there, legs stuck in spread eagle*

<Zeus> stumbles on the first one, but stops the rest

<RicaChica> Oohhh ow...muscles I didn't know I had hurt right now..

<TurtleNinja> Erf....think you need a healing....

<Zeus> closes his eyes, locating where the energy is coming from

<RicaChica> Ahno..just a good stretching...ooooooh man, I haven't felt like this since I rode a clydesdale for three hours straight and non stop trot..

<TurtleNinja> Ouch...

<Shingami> *ground beneath Zeus opens up and roots wrap aorudn the shield pullign him down into the ground*

<Zeus> extends his arms, breaking the roots

* RicaChica nods, slowly getting up, rubbing at her thighs

<RicaChica> Ohhh ok TN?

* TurtleNinja grins and pats her shell.

<TurtleNinja> Yup! A lil' bruised from his squeezing, but I'm ok. It's what the armor's for. ;P

<Shingami> *roots repalced with undergorudn dabels and stone*

<RicaChica> Ah, lucky you have that *sticks her tongue out*

* RicaChica stretches

<TurtleNinja> Heh.

<Zeus> sighs, flying up away from it all

* TurtleNinja gets up and peeks out the window.

<TurtleNinja> How you guys doin'?

<Shingami> *roots and cabels and such both discharge and abosrb energy....strong forcep both physical and tele slamms into Zeus form behind*

<RicaChica> ow...*looks at the window, then mutters* Great...thats gonna make it drafty..

<Zeus> gets hit, but moves barely, and then closes his eyes

<TurtleNinja> Maybe we can board it up for awhile...

* RicaChica mutters and closes the windows curtains, tacking them to the bottom

<RicaChica> this'll work til we get the timber..

<TurtleNinja> Ok. Shall we go see how Shin and Wing are doing?

* RicaChica nods, walking out the front door, looking like she just got off a horse

<RicaChica> Wing? Shin? You guys ok???

<Zeus> starts to laugh, his eyes still closed

* TurtleNinja follows, a little slower than usual since she's kinda sore around the ribs...

<Shingami> *another angel nwo hovers above the Asylum. redish wings, auburn bangs obscuring oen eye ofmr view and ith eoen that can be seen glwos ivy green*

<TurtleNinja> How're you guys doing? Where'd he...*looks up* Who the heck's that?

<Zeus> senses the energy, and turns to it

<Wing>.. Rune...

<RicaChica> Hey, nice hair! *waves to the angel person*

<TurtleNinja> Friend of yours?


<Shingami> He si the earth and nature guardian.. eldest of the five.. he is also mute...

<RicaChica> Oh..*looks at Shin* Well, there goes my hopes of a reply.

<Rune>{ thanks }(to rica)

* RicaChica stretches her legs out

<Shingami> He just replies another way

* TurtleNinja looks for Zeus.

<RicaChica> Aaahhh, I see....

<RicaChica> um..hear

<RicaChica> but Um..not reallly HEAR but..

* RicaChica mutters

<RicaChica> you get the point.

<Shingami> i get the point..

<Zeus> to try your luck to?~

* RicaChica thpppts

* TurtleNinja looks up.

<TurtleNinja> Ah, there he is...

<Rune>{ i mealry ask you to elave th spalce in peace}

<RicaChica> Nooo, really? He's that OTHER flying silver-haired dude..

* RicaChica winks at TN

<TurtleNinja> I owe the guy for squishing my insides together. Heh.

<Shingami> there arnt two of them are they?

<Wing> no neechan...

<Shingami> good

* RicaChica smacks her forhead

* RicaChica sighs

<Shingami> well what to you expect I c a n t SEE!

<Zeus> {{It is not yet time for this place to be destroyed anyways..but soon...I was just making a test}}

<RicaChica> Uh huh..test? You don't look like a math teacher to ME!

<Shingami> i ahte pop quizes...

<Rune>{ then the test is over... go}

* Jae aims a water balloon catapult from the roof...grinning playfully....

* RicaChica pops her neck

* TurtleNinja winces.

<Zeus> {Hmmmm...I guess I can wait for now..till the time comes. I hope you and I will cross again. I look forward to fighting you.}

<RicaChica>, I think I need to go *pops her tail bone* stretch..physical therapy *pops her shoulders*

<Rune> {{ i promise not to disapoint...}}

* RicaChica pops her knuckles

* RicaChica pauses, sittng on the grass and taking off her shoes, popping her toes

<Zeus> smirks, as a black aura forms around him

* Jae grins and lets the balloon fly towards Zeus....

<Jae> .oO(Uhoh...that doesn't look good...)

* RicaChica then rolls onto her stomach, grabbing her foot from behind and pulling up to pop her knees

* Jae sweatdrops.

<Jae> Darn...

<Zeus> the energy then seems to move and form in front of his chest

* RicaChica stands, popping her leg

<TurtleNinja> sure you don't want a healing?

* RicaChica pops her other leg

<Zeus> "See ya later..." then dissapears as the ball of energy about the size of 6 soccerballs flies at the asylum

<RicaChica> Huh? Oh, this is a nightly ruitine..

<Jae> Uh oh.....*dashes for the pool*

* RicaChica calls up the national guard on her phone, helicopters soon hover over the asylum and take the blow, tumbling towards the Atlantic Ocean

<Rune>*draws a HUGE sword otu of nowhere and slices the energy in half...*

* Zoi whistles in amazement from the roof.

<Zoi> Niiiiice....

<RicaChica> Hey he has a big....sword.

<RicaChica> Coooool

* 2the energy still flies at it, just in two pieces now

<Wing>*eyes glow two pinpoint shields forming and trackign the pieces*

<Zoi> Lovely....I thought tanning season was over....

* RicaChica taps her chin

* RicaChica watches a plane fly over...

<RicaChica> ooo....

* 2the energy absorbs into the shields, but then Wing gets severly shocked as a black energy envelopes him for a second

* RicaChica crosses her arms and shakes her head

<Wing>*goes flying back into a couch and knockign it over

<Shingami> Niichan!.. where did he go... he ok?

* TurtleNinja turns and hurries into the Asylum...

<TurtleNinja> Wing? Hey, where'd ya go?!

<RicaChica> Just HAS to deal the blows doesn't he? Can't seem to TAKE any..*sighs, following TN*

<TurtleNinja> Wing? *looks back at Rica* He DID come flying through here, didn't he?

* RicaChica arches a brow, shrugging

<Wing> *groans*

<Rune>*lands and uts his sword away...*{{ Wing?}}

<Wing>{{ Orro....}}

* TurtleNinja looks around.

<TurtleNinja> Where'd he go?

<Rune>*wlaks in, and sits beside shin*

<Shingami> where is my bro...

* TurtleNinja looks over.

<TurtleNinj> Is Wing ok?

<Rune>{{ int he other room... *

* Rune says he got thrown back into the other room..

<TurtleNinja> Ok...*goes into the other room, looking* Wing? Hey, you ok?

<Wing> *sprawled ont he floor*... fine...

* TurtleNinja goes over.

* RicaChica follows TN

<TurtleNinja> You sure, man? flew farther than I did....and no shell...

<Wing> im allright.. jsut.. ow. shocked...

* TurtleNinja looks at Rica, leaning against the overturned sofa.

* RicaChica glances at TN

<RicaChica> well, that was fun! Who's for sushi?

<TurtleNinja> I'm up for sushi...

<RicaChica> we have sushi? *blinks*

<TurtleNinja> I have no idea...mebbe we can order som?

<RicaChica> Can we order some?? *snags the phone book* Do sushi bars do take outs??

<TurtleNinja> I have no idea. Heh.

* RicaChica sighs, putting the phone book down

<RicaChica> Hn..didn't want sushi anyway *thppts at the phone book*

<TurtleNinja> Well...what are we hungry for if not sushi?

<RicaChica> hmm...chicken is good..

<TurtleNinj> KFC?

* RicaChica goes the the fridge..then blinkblinks, looking at the baggie that says Klork on it..

* TurtleNinja looks over.

<RicaChica> what's this?? *looks at TN* He's on his honeymoon, he won't mind, right??? *sniffs at it, peers in the bag*

<TurtleNinja> You find some chicken?

<RicaChica> OOOOOOH!

<TurtleNinja> Wha'd you find?

<RicaChica> Suuuuuushiiii

* TurtleNinja drools.

<TurtleNinja> Really?

* RicaChica pulls out a tupperware dish of sushi

<RicaChica> even Better...Kame-made suushiii

<RicaChica> He won't miss it, right???

* RicaChica opens the tupperware

<RicaChica> kappa makii...

<TurtleNinja> I dunno if he'll miss it...I have a feelin' we'll be in trouble for eating it....

<TurtleNinja> But mm....kappa maki....sounds yummy....

<RicaChica> Naaah, we're saving his life! Think of the germs that'll build up in the time he's gone!

<TurtleNinja> Eeewwww....

<RicaChica> It'll be bad by the time he gets back..besides *holds out a piece to her* IT's kaapppaa maakiii

<RicaChica> cucumber rice and seaweed goodness...

* TurtleNinja stares at the piece...mesmerized...

<TurtleNinja> Cucumber.....

<TurtleNinja> Turtles love vegetables...that counts...and I think seaweed sorta counts.....

* RicaChica dangles it in front of her, then makes airplane noises as she makes it fly towards her

<RicaChica> Yeah..!

<RicaChica> And rice grows! growing stuff counts!

<RicaChica> heeree comes the aiirpllaanne

* TurtleNinja holds out a hand...

<RicaChica> you know you want to eeaaat ittt

* RicaChica crash lands the sushi into TN's hand

<TurtleNinja> win....I can't resist the power of kappa maki!

* TurtleNinja nibbles on it, eyes wide with happiness...

* RicaChica takes abite of another pice

<TurtleNinja> ahhh....shiawase...*giggles as she chows down*

<RicaChica> I knew youd see it my way *grins*

<TurtleNinja> mmm...crunchy.....yeah....crunchy good....

* RicaChica dishes her up half of the tupperware dish, munching on the other half

<RicaChica> very good..cruchy is very very good

* TurtleNinja sits down and then thinks.

<TurtleNinj> Hmm...tea?

* RicaChica shakes her head, yawning

<RicaChica> nah..sleep and physical therapy...

* RicaChica winks

<RicaChica> I have the besst physical therapist...

<TurtleNinja> Sleep and physical therapy?

* RicaChica grins happily

* RicaChica blinks, looking flustered

<RicaChica> Ah, um, sleep..yeah, *clears her throat* I didnt say physical therapy did I?? Out loud?

* TurtleNinja blushes.

<TurtleNinja> did....I'll let it slide. *giggles* I kinda miss my own physical therapist....

<RicaChica> *blinks* Dude, it's n ot healthy to be that close to your doctor..*winks, blushing herself*

* TurtleNinja giggles.

<TurtleNinja> Well...actually, did I say physical therapist?

<TurtleNinja> I should have said massage therapist. *giggles*

* RicaChica nods

* RicaChica blinks

<RicaChica> Well well well, mine's both! And and uhh...a gynecologist too!! *BLINKS* ACK! *smacks her head* NOT OUT LOUD YOU DOLT!

* TurtleNinja giggle.

* RicaChica whines

<TurtleNinja> S'ok. *grins*

<RicaChica> I gotta go, I have an appointment--I mean I'm TIRED!

<TurtleNinja> Hehehe...nite! Sleep well! ;P

* RicaChica waves, then dashes to the stairs

* TurtleNinja chuckles and polishes off her share of the sushi before washing the dishes.

Session Close: Thurs Nov 7 00:45:42 2001

