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Session Start: Sun Nov 04 10:41:28 2001

* Ladon is sitting watching TV in the living room, Shiva is eating sushi in the kitchen. Red's still asleep

* TurtleNinja heads upstairs and tiptoes into the room where Red is sleeping...

* one of Red's eyes pop open.* "Hey Hon."

<TurtleNinja> aww!

<TurtleNinja> I was hoping to surprise you! ;P

* Red smiles and stretches as he sits up

* Red yawns* "So what are you up to?"

* TurtleNinja goes over and sits down.

<TurtleNinja> Not much. Been resting after the wedding.

<Red> "HLM and Klork?"

* TurtleNinja nods.

* Red smiles and hugs TN* "How've you been?"

<TurtleNinja> Ok. *smiles* Been missing you.

* Draconigeno smiles

<```Red> "So, what's been happening around here while I';ve been gone?"

<TurtleNinja> Not much. HLM and Klork are on their honeymoon...everything else has been kinda quiet.

* ```Red nods

* ```Red clears his throat* "Speaking of weddings and such..." *Gets a small box out of the nightstand then kneels in front of TN* I want this to be official...Turtleninja, will you do me the honor of marrying me?"

* TurtleNinja takes in a breath and blushes.

<TurtleNinja> <w>Of course I will!

* ```Red smiles and puts the ring on her finger

* ```Red kisses her

* TurtleNinja kisses back, wrapping her arms around him.

* ```Red hugs her tightly* "This is the happiest day of my life."

* TurtleNinja hugs back.

<TurtleNinja> Mine, too...

<```Red> "Is anyone home? I want to go tell everyone."

<TurtleNinja> I'm not sure. Wanna go look?

* ```Red nods and takes her hand

* TurtleNinja stands and goes with, smiling.

* ```Red hugs her as they head for the living room. Ladon looks up* "Hey you two."

* TurtleNinja smiles.

<TurtleNinja> Hey.

* Ladon turns the TV off then looks at them* "What's going on?"

* TurtleNinja blushes.

* ```Red kisses the top of her head* "You tell him hon."

* TurtleNinja smiles and holds up her hand bearing the ring...

* Ladon smiles broadly* "Congratulations you two."

* TurtleNinja blushes.

<TurtleNinja> Thank you.

* ```Red hugs TN Tightly as he looks at Ladon* "Thank you my friend."

* TurtleNinja hugs back, smiling.

<```Red> "Now what love?"

<TurtleNinja> I there anyone else around?

* ```Red shrugs and looks at LAdon

<Ladon> "Shiva's in the kitchen, haven't seen anyone else tonight."

* Diana comes in from work, massaging her hands, nose wrinkled a lil'*

* LAdon waves to Diana

* Diana waves back with a wry grin, the palmsand finger-pads of her hands a bright red* Hello, Ladon..

<Ladon> "How're you?"

<Diana> Hands are sore, but fine besides that, you?

<```Red> "Not to bad."

<Diana> Goodgood...*slides her jacket off*

<Ladon> "So, how've you been doing lately?"

* ```Red walks down the stairs with TN

* TurtleNinja smiles.

<```Red> "Hey Diana."

<TurtleNinja> Hi! *smiles*

<Diana> I've been alright...*blinks and wavevs a lil' to Red and TN* Konbonwa

<TurtleNinja> How are you tonight?

<Diana> A little sore, you?

<TurtleNinja> Good, good. *smiles*

* ```Red smiles broadly* "Very good."

* TurtleNinja looks at Red like "You wanna tell her?"

* ```Red nods* "TN and I are engaged."

* Diana blinks and smiles* Congradulations!

* ```Red nods and hugs TN* "Thanks."

<TurtleNinja> Thanks. *smiles* You hungry?

* Diana blinks* You know...hai...I's been a long day

<```Red> "How so?"

<TurtleNinja> You guys mind if I start some food?

<Diana> I finished off two full body tattoos today, started one in the traditional way, without the tat gun...had a ton of apointments for people wanting my work...then taught class for a few hours before coming back here...

<Diana> Iie...I don't mind

* ```Red shakes his head* "Go ahead love."

<TurtleNinja> Ok. Whatcha guys hungry for?

* Diana shrugs* Food?

<TurtleNinja> LOL...ok, let's see...something quick I'm guessing. Heh.

* ```Red smiles* "I'll cook."

<TurtleNinja> Ok.

* ```Red takes two knives out and begins diceing vedgies on the cutting board

<TurtleNinja> He slices he, he's not makin' french fries. Heh.

* ```Red Laughs then gets some chicken he had diced up in the fridge. The dumps it all in a pan with some soy sauce

* ```Red hands TN and Diana their Chicken Terryaki

<Diana> Oohh...domo arigato gozaimas, Red-san!!! *digs in*

<TurtleNinja> Ooh...thank you! *smiles and sits down* Itadakimasu!(in other words...Enjoy or Bon Appetit)

* ```Red nods* "You're welcome D-Kun, you are welcome love."

* Diana blinkblinks*

* Diana looks at her cleavage, then to Red and back again* "-kun"?

<```Red> "Female version of chan."

<Diana> Ah...I think you mean the other way around, I'm all female *winks with a lil' smirk*

* TurtleNinja giggles.

* ```Red sits down and watches TN as she eats

* TurtleNinja blushes and chows down.

<TurtleNinja> Mmm...

<TurtleNinja> Looks pretty quiet tonight...

* ```Red nods

* Shiva is standing on the roof, looking at the pool

* ```Red looks at Diana* "How much are tattoos?"

* Diana blinks* Depends on the size and complexity..

<```Red> "Say someone's much?"

* Diana blinks...* About fifty...for the base name...

* ```Red nods* "Kay, I'll get back to you on that."

* Diana arches a brow* Alright...though I could do it in place of a wedding gift if you want..

* ```Red smiles and nods* "Thank you."

* TurtleNinja blushes, wonder whose name he was going to get tattooed...

<Diana> No problem...just let me know when you want it done, and I'll do it...just not tonight...I think my fingers will fall off if I try

* ```Red nods then goes back to looking at TN

* TurtleNinja blushes and finishes eating.

<TurtleNinja> anyone up for dessert?

* Red shakes his head* "I ate earlier love."

<TurtleNinja> Ok. You gonna be ok, Diana? *smiles*

* Diana blinks and chuckles* Hai...hands just need a rest

<TurtleNinja> Ok. *smiles* I'll talk to you later, k? *goes and washes her dishes quick*

* ```Red bows lightly to Diana* "Goodnight." *He goes and stands by the stairs.

* TurtleNinja smiles and puts the dishes away, going over to give Diana a hug.

<TurtleNinja> I'll be down later, k?

<Diana> Goodnight

* Diana blinks and hugs back* Alright

<TurtleNinja> Nite. *smiles and heads towards Red, holding a hand out to him*

* ```Red takes her hand and walks up the stairs

Session Close: Mon Nov 05 00:11:14 2001

