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Log file opened at: 11/29/01 6:52:55 PM

* HappyLittleMoron comes down the stairs

* Klork snoozes on the couch

* HappyLittleMoron blinks...then smiles...kneeling by the couch and watching....

* Klork purrrrrrrrrrs the minute she gets near, curling onto his side

* HappyLittleMoron kisses his forhead softly, brushing some hair from his face, eyes soft...

* Klork purrs, smirking a bit as he opens an eye

<Klork> 'ey you *smirks*

* HappyLittleMoron grins* Hey can go back to napping if you want...

* Klork shrugs

<Klork> been napping too long *winks* why? do I look better asleep than awake? *winks*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles and sits by him* You look wonderful either way...*winks*

<Klork> Ooohhooo, nice save..

* HappyLittleMoron grins and does a lil' bow* Thank you, thank you ;)

* Klork cackles

* Evy knocks

* Klork looks up

<Klork> hmm, someone's knocking..

* HappyLittleMoron blinkies...

<HappyLittleMoron> Yep...

* HappyLittleMoron gets up and heads to the door...

* Klork gets up, walking over in his flannel pj's...

* Klork walks behind HLM then

* HappyLittleMoron could walk BY Klork ;) in pj bottoms and an oversized t-shirt, wings poking out the back

* Evy falls into the open doorway, gasping and soaking wet with rain...

<HappyLittleMoron> Woah...! *instiinctivly reaches out to catch her...*

<Evy> *gasp* Help! Hide me!

* Klork blinkblinks

* HappyLittleMoron blinks...backing into the Asylum with her, nodding to Klork to close the door* Wha...? Who are you...?

* Klork opens the door wider so they can get in, then closes it, locking it up

* Klork motions for the couch, going to grab a blanket

* HappyLittleMoron helps Evy to the couch, gently settling her down...

<Evy> I'm a runaway from the government...picked me for a genetic experiment...

* HappyLittleMoron blinks!!

* Klork grimaces, wrapping the blanket around her shoulders

<Evy> It was horrible...they kidnapped me...destroyed my family...

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh man...

* Klork looks at HLM...then furrows his brow

<Evy> Someone told me I'd be safe here...please stay I can stay!

* Evy breaks down, crying

<Klork> before you go on, do you want anything to eat or drink? whoa whoa..easy..easy...

<Evy> Do you have any *hiccup* tea?

* HappyLittleMoron nods...sitting by her and resting an arm around her shoulder

* Klork nods

<Klork> Green tea work?

* Evy nods, wiping her eyes, hiccuping again

* Klork stands, heading towards the kitchen

<Evy> I'm so sorry to dump..I've never even met you people before...

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh's ok...*hugs her gently*

<HappyLittleMoron> We're used to strangeness...*lowers her voice* You're not the only one running from the damn government're safe h

<Evy> Really? *hiccups*

* HappyLittleMoron nods...

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...*smiles at her in a friendly way* I'm HLM...

* DianaManashevitz 's the workout room in here, too <G>

<Evy> Oh, thank you! My name's, um, well, they called me real names Evy...

* Klork comes out with some tea, sitting it on the coffee table with some rice crackers

* Klork nods

<Klork> Klork, long have you been running?

<HappyLittleMoron>'s nice to meet you...*smiles gently, nods to Klork, tilting her head at Evy with curiosity*

<Evy> Forever, it seems...all the way from Colorado.

<Klork> wow...quite a ways..

* HappyLittleMoron nods...

* Klork sits

* Evy sips the cup of tea gratefully

<Evy> I was there for over a year...they're going to kill me if they find me...I took all kinds of plans and gadgets with me that I shouldn't have...

* Klork nods

* HappyLittleMoron nods...slight frown tugging at her lips

<Klork> well, you're safe haven for mutants and runaways

* Evy hiccups

<Evy> Boy, I probably ruined your nice night, huh?

* HappyLittleMoron nods...gently rubbing her back...

* Klork shrugs

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly

* Evy hears a siren outside, tenses up

<HappyLittleMoron> Nah...*looks up, arching a brow slightly...*

<Klork> nah, not really *stands, cooly going over and closing the shades to the windows* Don't worry...

<Evy> They don't *hiccup* KNOW that there are strange people here, do they?

* Evy hiccups, nervously this time, and her fingers light up.

* Evy tucks them quickly under her legs

* Klork shakes his head, glancing at HLM before blinking

* Klork hrms...conjuring a ball of electricity in his hands and juggling' it

<Klork> you know..*juggles* You don't have to hide anything *smirks, the ball dissipating*

* HappyLittleMoron arches her brow* Uhm...they shouldn't...if they do then they still have no reason to search here...*laughs* off...

* Evy gets the glowy finger again *abrieviated version...*

* Klork cackles

<Evy> I feel like's so unfair...

<Klork>, what does it signify? *sits backwards on a chair* Oh c' is fictional and one isn't..

* HappyLittleMoron nodsnods

<Evy> I have *hiccup* telekenesis...among, um, other, not so great abilities.

<HappyLittleMoron> Ah...huh...*refolds her wings against her back* How long have you had these poewrs...?

<Klork> not so great? meanin'?

<Evy> I've always had them...a little bit, anyway. I guess that's why they took me. But it gets worse...

<HappyLittleMoron> Ah...ook...go on...

* Klork nods in agreement w/ HLM

* Evy pops out her other set of arms...

<Evy> See? *sobs*

* Klork blinks

* HappyLittleMoron blinkblinks

<Klork> hmm, can't do that...*scratches his chin* We have walkin, talkin' rats n' lizards n' turtles in here if that helps....?

<Evy> *giggles crazily* I suppose it could be worse...I could *hiccup* have another leg, too!

* Klork coughs

<HappyLittleMoroN> Ohh...**patpats her shoulder* That's ok...I can usually pop my wings in and out...can still do that with my claws...*blinks and hehs!*

<Klork> well, you'd have to be a guy if that were the case..*pauses* ehehe, sorry, couldn't resist *goes to splunk the kitchen*

<Evy> They work really well for holding an energy four coordinates, instead of two to work with *hiccups*

* HappyLittleMoron snickers and lobs a pillow at him

<HappyLittleMoron> Ahh...*nods* Huh...

* pillow miraculously flies at the back of her head through a portal*

* Evy giggles briefly at Klork's joke

<HappyLittleMoron> ACK!

* HappyLittleMoron mutters* Cheater...

* Evy levitates the pillow across the room, back to HLM's lap

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and chuckles* Thanks..

* Klork cackles from the kitchen, pots and pans can be heard rustling around

* Evy looks at her fingers in irritation

<Evy> If they only didn't light up every time I tried to do something...

<Evy> So...I can really stay? Really? You don't mind?

<Klork> Sures!

* Evy is so relieved.

* Evy hiccups again...something explodes in the kitchen

<Evy> Oh, dear...

<HappyLittleMoron> Of course ou can...*blinks*

* Klork stays in the kitchen, after a bit the smell of meat...sauce can be smelled throughout the lower level ofthe asylum

<Evy> Oh, help. I have to stop these...*hiccup*

* Klork opens the fridge.then blinks

<Klork> oh we really want that leftover stuffing from thanskgiving???

* Evy surpresses another hiccup

<Evy> Oh...sorry about that...I can't seem to help it when I *hiccup* *POP!!*

* Evy holds her breath carefully

* Klork comes out, covered in jello shades of green and pink

<Klork> ...

<Klork> would you like some water, Eve?

<Evy> I sor-*hic* *POP* It's just when I get excit-*hic* *POP*. Oh, please don't throw me ou-*hic* *POP*

* Klork blinkblinks

<Klork> oh nono..easy..just calm down, we're not kicking you out...just nod if you would like some water?

<Evy> Yes...*holds breath* Water...good *Holds breath*

* Klork cleans off, coming out with her water and handing it to her

* Klork then goes into the kitchen, cleaning..then finishing up the spaghetti

<Evy> *sniffs, drinking water* I'm sorry...

<Klork> hey, it's a'right, honest *smiles, putting a plate of spaghetti down in front of her* hungry? I eh,haven't had dinner yet so I made a large amount..

<Evy> Okay *sniff*

* Evy surpresses a hiccup

* Klork puts another plate down for HLM

* Klork then goes into the sparring room, knocking

<Klork> Diana?? Hungry?

* DianaManashevitz looks up, skin coated with sweaaat, wearing her gi and hakama* Ah...hai acutally...*comes out, smiling* Thank you...

* Klork nods, chuckling

<HappyLittleMoron> Thanks, love...

<Klork> spaghetti..*heads into the kitchen, coming out with aplate for her and one for himself*

<Klork> No prob *smirks*

* Evy jerks in her chair...

<Evy> Um, hi...

* DianaManashevitz blinks a lil'

* Evy hiccups

<DianaManashevitz> Konbonwa..*smiles as she takes her plate from Klork*

<Evy> Oh, daaaaaaaamnn...

* Klork munches, then blinks

<Klork> you ok?

<Evy> *hic* Yes. *covers mouth*

* Evy takes several deep breaths.

<Evy> Yes. I'm okay now...

* Klork nods, eating

* Evy munches on the spaghetti...

* Evy munches again...smiles, and munches more...

<Evy> S'really good *swallows carefully*

* Klork chuckles, eating

* Evy finishes off her plate in less than ten minutes

<Klork> thanks..geeze, I'm gainin' fans of m' food *winks, half done with his plate already*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles...going to get seconds ;)

* Klork chuckles, finishing and getting up to wash his plate

* Evy picks up her plate and brings it to the sink, afraid to ask for more...

<Klork> you stillhungry?? there's plenty more *washes up dirty dishes etc*

* Evy blinkies

<Evy> But you've already been so wonderful to me tonight...I don't want to be a mooch...

* HappyLittleMoron comes back with her plate full again...<G>*'lll pull your own weight around here...if anything, with babysitting..

<Klork> go for it...that's what its there fore...I'd hate to see it go to waste *then laughs at HLM's comment* yea, true neough..

<Evy> I can work...*thinks* I'm good with, um, washing dishes.

<Klork> washing dishes??? *glances at HLM* You know...

<HappyLittleMoron> Hmm...*grins* Well...Klork and I both manage resteraunts...

<Evy> I cook pretty good, too. I used to work as a line cook!

<HappyLittleMoron> Ohh..? Think you can make pizzas...?

* Klork nods, leaning against the counter

<Evy> Ummmm...I can TRY *smiles, showing a gap between her two fron teeth*

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> and if ya can't do that, hey, there's always dishes *winks*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly, finishing with amazing speed again, heading into the kitchen to clean her plaate

* Klork takes her plate to clean it

* Evy stands up, looks up at Klork.

<Klork> III got it

<Evy> Oh, you're, um, almost the same height I am..

* Evy reaches for the plate

<Evy> Oh, I was going to get that!

* Evy hiccups anxiously...a pop goes off in the kitchen

* Klork chuckles, then blinks

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles again, coming back out, whiping her hands on her jeans

* Klork blinks

<Klork> we're gonna run outta thanksgiving leftovers *winks* *heads out of the kitchen*

* HappyLittleMoron laughs softly

<Evy> I'm so sorruy *bows*

<Evy> I don't mean to be such a walking tornado, really...

<Klork> it's ok *smiles* really, just stay calm, nobody's gonna bite, promise.

<Evy> I haven't always been like was the shots they gave me...

* HappyLittleMoron winks* Hey, it's just takes some time to control powers...*pauses* Shots..?

* Klork grimaces

<Evy> Yes...I don't know what was in them, but they caused *hiccups* *POP* um, that.

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> hmm, well, we have a doctor here..she may be able to help..

<Evy> It's all in the files I stole...but...they're encrypted.

<Evy> I can't break it...I'm not much of a whiz that way...

* HappyLittleMoron blinks I'm sure someone here can figure it out...

* Klork nods

<Klork> or at least try..

<Evy> I'd love to find out what's in them...and what happened to my family...

<Evy> They're just...gone. Wiped out of every record of checked.

<HappyLittleMoron> Gods...

* Klork frowns

<Klork> You'll find a lot of ppl here who can relate in one way or another...

<Evy> Really? The government just gets it's nasty little fingers into all kinds of pots, doesn't it.

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah..

* Evy blinks

* Klork nods

<Evy> You'd think I'd be immune to surprise and shock by now *shakes head*

* Klork chuckles

<HappyLittleMoron> You'd be're really not alone...*smiles*

* Klork nods again

<Evy> That's good to here. It's been such a long time since I felt like any part of *anything* good or decent...

<Klork> You'll fit right in here *smirks* we've all got our crazy stories...

<Evy> What's your story? How'd you get the wings? Same as mine?

<HappyLittleMoron> Well...uhm...*chuckles softly* It's a lot like yours...'cept...I'm the result of the kinda experiment they were gonna do on you...I was created by the government...through different peices of DNA spliced together...

<Evy> DNA? *sniffs*

* HappyLittleMoron nods..* Uh...that...stuff that makes up what we are...*shrugs a lil'...*

<Evy> Oh, i knew that *sheepish grin* I meant what Kind of DNA?

<HappyLittleMoron> Long story short...I'm an experiment the government doesn't know survived...with an unstable mutation and a shitload of powers *grins lopsidedly*

<HappyLittleMoron> OH!

<HappyLittleMoron> Ehe...human and mutant...

<Evy> Unstable? Do you make things pop too?

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhm...well...not at the moment...I can make things dissapear...and yeah...I guess I can make 'em pop...firey pops...dont' like doing it...

* Klork chuckles quietly, sipping at his cup of tea

<Evy> I wonder what else I can do...I mean, I never really tried much...I didn't want them to know how far I'd developed...

* HappyLittleMoron shrugs a lil'* You'll find powers just sort of came out one by one...on their own...same with the other changes...

<Evy> Other??? More than *holds out her arms (x4)

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles

* Klork chuckles, wiggling his fingers as he listens, electricity jumping between his fingertips

<HappyLittleMoron> Lessee...I used to be blond eyed...*pops her claws from one hand, three on the back* Went from one claw, to two to three...used to have no wings....didn't have fangs...other stuff that I can't think of ATM...

<Evy> Oh, gods...

<Evy> can still be almost human, right? Hide?

<Evy> They can't...see...most of this, right?

* Klork leans back, draping an arm over the back of his chair as he continues with the finger/electricity thing

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* Kinda...when I'm not pregnant, I can draw my wings into my back...and shades hide the eyes...nothing I can do about the fangs...*shrugs a lil'...*

<Evy> When you're not pregnant? Guess the little one takes up extra room, does it?

* HappyLittleMoron watches Klork playing with electricity...and suddenly finds herself hoping like hell that the triplets don't decide that they're gonna use whatever powers they'll inherit while in her womb...

* HappyLittleMoron nods..* Yep...they do...*pats her still flat belly* Growing...

* Klork glances over, smirking

<Klork> don't worry, this won't come until their teens.

* Klork goes back to his electricity/finger/self amusement thing..<G>

<HappyLittleMoron> Oooooooooohgood! *grins lopsidedly*

* Evy sags into a chair...relief making her tired...

<Evy> This has been such a strange night...I feel like I'm at home already...what a strange thought!

* HappyLittleMoron laughs!

<HappyLittleMoron> Good...*smiles*

<Evy> I don't, um suppose there's a booth or something I could, um *guilty blush* catch a quick nap in...I'm exhausted after that last chase...they almost had me...

<Klork> booth? how about a room..?

* HappyLittleMoron nodsnods and gets up, heading over to the desk to get the book and key..* Juuuuuuuust need you to sign here *smiles* And this is your key

<Evy> I don't want to take someone else's bed...

<HappyLittleMoron> It'd be your bed..

<Evy> Is this like a hotel? *blinks*

<Klork> we have free rooms, Eve *smirks* that's what this place is..*chuckles* sorta..only you live here..

<Evy> Work here?

* HappyLittleMoron nodsnods* Yep...a refuge...

<Klork> and you have your ownbathroom as well..

<Klork> ah, you can work at the here, nah, I live here, so's my wife, HLM..

* Evy notices her own, um, wet and grimy state.

<Evy> Yes, um, bathroom would be good.

* HappyLittleMoron nodsnods and smiles

* Klork chuckles quietly

<Evy> Thanks so very much. I *will* make it up to you...I'll work very hard for you, Mr. Klork. You'll see. I'll crank out the best pizza you've ever seen!

* Evy slips

* Evy thumps on the floor, rubbing at her bruised butt

<HappyLittleMoron> ok?

<Evy> Um, fine. Shoes're wet, I guess *yawns*

* Klork chuckles

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly, offering a hand up

<Klork> take care of yourself..

* HappyLittleMoron nodsnods

<Evy> I do, my feet have gotten bigger, and..I seem to just go everywhere with limbs.

<Evy> I have no equilibrium anymore...

* Klork nods

<HappyLittleMoron> It'll take some getting used to...

* Klork nodnodnodndos

<Evy> I guess so

* Evy laughs

<Klork> oohh yeah...

* HappyLittleMoron grins, slipping an arm around Klork's middle, her belly starting up with a little purring

* Evy blinks at HLM's belly, smiles, and takes the register to sign...

<Evy> Wow *blinks* there are a lot of names on here!

* Klork chuckles

* DianaManashevitz looks over and grins* Hai...that there are...

<Klork> yup, quite a bit of rooms too

* HappyLittleMoron nods, resting her head on Klork's shoulder with a grin

* Evy picks up a key...

<Evy> Um...what floor?

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhm...I think we're up to the third floor now...*grins lopsidedly* The number on the key matches the number on your door*

<Evy> Okay...*wanders toward the stairs*

<Evy> Um...goodnight?

<HappyLittleMoron> Sleep well..

<DianaManashevitz> Oyasuminasai...

* Klork wraps an arm around HLM, wavin' to Eve

<Klork> take care..

* Evy klunks carefully up the stairs and outta site

* HappyLittleMoron looks up at Klork, and kisses his jaw

* Klork purrs, chuckling

<Klork> bed?

* HappyLittleMoron nodsnods* Bedgood...

<DianaManashevitz> Night you two...

* HappyLittleMoron waffles to Diana as she heads up the stairs w/ Klork

Log file closed at: 11/30/01 12:47:44 AM

