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Session Start: Thurs 22 22:05:46 2001

* Diana laughs*

* Ladon nods "I am thankful for friends kind enough to allow me to stay here."

* Klork smirks

<Klork> it's not limited to one thing if you got more than one...

* Red_Macroclemys walks down the stairs, hand to hand with TN

* Klork looks up

* Ladon shrugs "That's okay, I'm done."

<Klork> sit down! we're about to give thanks!

* Klork chuckles, looking at Shiva

* Shiva Shakes her head "No thank you."

* TurtleNinja smiles.

<TurtleNinja> Hey guys! Smells good in here!

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly and nods...

* Red_Macroclemys pulls a chair out for TN then sits next to her

* Klork shrugs, then looks to Diana

<Klork> you got somethin' to be thankful for, Di?

* TurtleNinja sits next to Red.

* Diana smiles* Hai...I'm thankfull for friends and family...*grins* ...and that I'm not gonna be the one birthing triplets <G>

* TurtleNinja 's eyes widen.

<TurtleNinja> Triplets?

* Red raises both eyeridges

* Klork goes a little pale, still smiling

<Klork> Umm, Red, got somethin' to bethankful for?

* HappyLittleMoron grins and ahems softly, looking over at Red

* Diana takes on an angelic look*

* Red_Macroclemys smiles and looks at TN "Besides the obvious? For my friends. For my fiance. For a home period."

* TurtleNinja blushes a little.

* Klork smirks...looking to TN as if to say "Your turn"

<TurtleNinja> Well...heh....besides my friends....having people to care for me. :)

* Klork smirks, then looks to .....HLM, yeah, she's who's left! <G>

* Red_Macroclemys squezzes TN's hand under the table

* TurtleNinja squeezes back.

* HappyLittleMoron grins, reaching over to twine her fingers with Klork's* Me..? Oh...I'm thankful for all husband who just happens to be the cutest guy on the face of the planet *winnks with a smirk* ...and just...*shrugs a lili' with a sheepish grin* Everything..

* Klork smiles, twinin'

<Klork> friends, a roof over my head...this lovely twenty five pound bird...*purrs, then snaps back* my sexy wife..*winks* and the trio on the way...

* HappyLittleMoron laughs and pats her belly softly, squeezing his hand

* Diana chuckles softly*

* Red_Macroclemys chuckles a bit

<Klork> a'right...foods here, amen, dig in n' let's eat!

* TurtleNinja chuckles and smiles to Red.

* Red_Macroclemys nods and 'digs in', dishing TN out first

* HappyLittleMoron laughs!

* Klork starts passing stuff around the table, dishing himself up as he goes

* HappyLittleMoron and Diana more or less do the same..

<Zack> {{Eat a little extra for me Diana!}}

* TurtleNinja chuckles and does so as well.

* Klork munches

* Diana chuckles softly to herself* {{You want me to ruin my figure, Zack?}}

<Zack> {{Of course not! A little more turkey won't hurt, your plenty beautiful.}}

<Diana> {{Ah...domo...}}

* HappyLittleMoron munches 'n stuff..

* Klork eats, sips cider...n' eats more

* Red_Macroclemys Red eats

* Ladon does so as well. Shiva wolfs her food down.

* Diana does too*

* TurtleNinja chows down.

<Klork> *munchgulpmunchgulpsipmunchgulpetc*

<TurtleNinja> Mmm...this is good....good bird....

* Klork grins

<Klork> thanks! *eats more*

* Red nods

* Diana blinks at the table-manners and snickers*

* Klork is eating with his mouth closed at least <G>

* TurtleNinja chuckles.

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly

* Ladon reaches for the mashed potatos but

* Shiva grabs the bowl and takes the last of them

* Klork takes more bird...<G>

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and looks down as the trio in her belly purrs as she eats turkey

* Klork cackles

* Ladon leans back, full. He belches flame like Bender from futurama

* Klork blinks..

* HappyLittleMoron ACKS and ducks a lil'* Sheeze...

* TurtleNinja mms...

<TurtleNinja> room for dessert...but just barely....

<Klork> well geeze...I shoulda gotten a candle ready if you were gonna belch a flame like that..

* Diana blinks and turns off the fire alarm as it goes off*

* Klork ohs, then passes a marion berry pie

<Klork> this work ok?

<HappyLittleMoron> ...marshmellows, too...

* Ladon shrugs

<Ladon> "What can I say, It's a gift."

<Klork> quite a gift...

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...wouldn't want to see you with heartburn...

<Klork> geeeesh...

* Ladon shrugs* "At least I don't have allergies."

* HappyLittleMoron pauses...then nodsnodsnods

* Klork nodnodnodnodnodods as well

* Diana listens to all the rattling from the nodding*

* TurtleNinja looks at the pie.

<TurtleNinja> Mm...that looks good. What kind?

<Klork> Marion berry *smirks* Safeway made it...he's a very talented baker *winks*

* HappyLittleMoron laughs

* Red nods "Cool."

<TurtleNinja> Marion berry, huh? Never had it before.

* Klork leans back, purrrrring

<Klork> full....

* TurtleNinja dishes up a piece and takes a bit.

<TurtleNinja> Mm....this is good.

* Red gets a peice "Yes, it is."

* Diana starts cleaning up empty plates*

* Klork helps!

* HappyLittleMoron does toooooooo <G>

* Klork is just a helpful little gir--uh...BOY scout..

* TurtleNinja finishes.

<TurtleNinja> Ooh...good meal...yum...

* Red nods and leans back "It was excellent."

<Klork> you're wellcomme!

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Very good, love..

* Diana starts doing the dishes*

* Shiva stands "I'm going to my room. Night all."

<Klork> nite Shiv!

<HappyLittleMoron> NIght, Siva *smiels*

* Shiva nods and walks up the stairs

<TurtleNinja> Nite Shiva!

* Klork washiewashies dishiedishies

* HappyLittleMoron dries an dputs 'em away <G>

* TurtleNinja peeks into the kitchen.

<TurtleNinja> Needing any help in here?

<HappyLittleMoron> year we're using paper...

<HappyLittleMoron> Easier that way *smirks and winks*

* Red smiles at TN

<Klork> hm..think we're abooout done...

* Klork nodnods to HLM

<Klork> amen!

* TurtleNinja smiles back.

* TurtleNinja laughs about the paper plates.

<Klork> whaa, we're gonna have triplet toddlers when next year comes! We'll NEED the plates then *smiles*

* Diana snickers, cleaning off the counter once all the plates are gone*

* HappyLittleMoron laughs and grins* Everything'll be plastic...none-breakable *winks*

* Klork NODS

* Red smiles and hugs TN

* HappyLittleMoron smiles brightly

* Klork straetches

* TurtleNinja hugs Red back.

* HappyLittleMoron tickles his side as he does so

<Klork> errk!

* Klork snags her hands

<Klork> nooo, too full to laugh *pouts*

* Red looks at HLM "Sorry about the caffine buz last night."

* Klork laughs, losing it on that

* HappyLittleMoron awws and kisses Klork's cheek* Sure it was caffine? <G>

<Klork> Ok, not too full to laugh!

* HappyLittleMoron laughs!

* Red shrugs "I did kinda have a pot of coffee. Not much else it could be."

<HappyLittleMoron> *coughs*Decaf!*coughs again*

* Klork laughs again, pulling out the can, the word decaf ripped off

<Klork> this coffee, right? *Grins*

* Red nods "I think so."

* TurtleNinja blinks.

* Klork pulls out the missing piece and puts it into place for him..DECAF in big words there...

<Klork> we kinda bought decaf cuz of Mo' bein' with triplets..*chuckles, red from laughing* forgot to tell everybody..

* Red Jawdrops

* HappyLittleMoron giggles, whiping tears from her eyes

* Klork laughs harder, trying not to lose dinner in the process

<Red> "You mean everything I did last night wasn't caffine influenced?"

* Klork nods

<Klork> bin-go.

<HappyLittleMoron> Nope! *giggles, ressting her head on Klork's shoulder*

* Red looks at TN with a raised eyeridge "And I wasn't told why?"

* Klork cackles

<Klork> it was so funny tho!

* TurtleNinja chuckles.

<TurtleNinja> I think you know the answer, hon. *winks*

* HappyLittleMoron nods and laughs

* HappyLittleMoron then ehs at TN's comment

* Red tickles TN "I'll take care of you later TN."

* Red smiles "Guess I'm a goofy attimes."

* TurtleNinja grins.

* Klork hides

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

* HappyLittleMoron searches

* Klork disappeared, where did he go?!

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh, Klorkie-poo!

* Klork no answer, is trying to stay hidden, duuuhhh

* HappyLittleMoron thought she'd give it a try <G>

* HappyLittleMoron .................................looks in the workout room...

* Klork no there! and if he were he wouldn't tellll yooouuu!

* HappyLittleMoron mutters..

* Red looks at TN and shrugs

* TurtleNinja shrugs as well.

* HappyLittleMoron looks under/around/behind/in stuffs...

* Klork no there neither! bwahahhhaa

* HappyLittleMoron hrmms and heads up to their room

<Red> "Wanna go watch some TV?"

* Klork no there eeeeiiithher! bwahahah! Teehee! Find the missing Klork! Bwaha!

<TurtleNinja> Ok. *smiles*

* HappyLittleMoron mutters softly* Can't say I'm going into labor to get him out, either...not far enough along yet..

* Red nods walks to the living room and sits down on the couch

* Klork cackles from hiding, then shhhss

* HappyLittleMoron follows the cackling...

* HappyLittleMoron snickers at him shhsing himself <G>

* Klork hides under the water of ...somethin' <G>

* HappyLittleMoron heads up to the hot-tub <G>

* Klork is no there either! Imagine that!

* HappyLittleMoron mutters softly

* Klork cackles, where o'where could he be!

* HappyLittleMoron heads into the kitchen to search..

* Klork no there! HAAHAHAHA!

* Klork does the "I'm-the-best-hider-in-the-asylum-"dance <G>

* HappyLittleMoron mutters, searching the bathroom...

* Klork blushes, closing the curtain

<Klork> Nooo! I'm nekked!

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

<HappyLittleMoron> This is a bad thing?? *cackles*

<Klork> well, I'm also lying *grins, sitting there in his swim trunks

* HappyLittleMoron snickers, ruffling his hairr* Aww...getting my hopes up..

* Klork cackles

* HappyLittleMoron pauses..

* HappyLittleMoron then pounces him

* Klork splashes

* HappyLittleMoron ehehehehes

* HappyLittleMoron hrmms, and ponders changing out of the thin t-shirt she wears..

* Klork waggles his eyebrows, mocking a pout

<Klork> I'm all wet.

* Red is dozing, his head resting against TN's

* HappyLittleMoron nodsnodsnods* That you are...*grins and grabs a towel, backing away from the shower and holding it up teasingly*

* Klork gets up, soaked

<Klork> youuuu got me wet.

<HappyLittleMoron> I did??

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

<HappyLittleMoron> How??

* Klork shrugs

<Klork> just cuz.

* Klork stands and shakes off, intending on getting her soaked

* HappyLittleMoron eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeks! ducking away, but still getting all wet

<HappyLittleMoron> Yougotmewet...

* HappyLittleMoron pauses

<HappyLittleMoron> You always get me wet *winks, grinning wickedly*

* Klork grins..then blinks

<Klork> well duh..*winks*

* HappyLittleMoron giggles softly, tossing the towel to him before dashing up the stairs

* Klork runs after, whipping the towel at her heels

* HappyLittleMoron eeps, ducking into her room

* Klork ducks in after, whipsmack!

* Diana's curled on the couch, nibbling a little on pie <G>*

* Mondo_Gecko sneeks up behind her

<Mondo_Gecko> mmmm...pie

* Diana blinks a lil' and looks up, holding it upfor him* Want some? *grins*

<Mondo_Gecko> ...mmmmm..Diana

* Diana blinks, blushes and laughs*

* Mondo_Gecko eats the pie and climbs over and kisses her cheek

* Diana smiles at him* How're you doooing?

<Mondo_Geck> I'm ok...*still watching the pie*

* Diana blinks, nibbling a lil'* Don't trust it?

<Mondo_Gecko> ...the pie? ..I don't..

<Mondo_Gecko> It could take off with you at any moment

<Mondo_Gecko> I could loose you to pie :P

<Diana> Iie...I'd fight it...and...and....turn it into...mush!

<Mondo_Gecko> ..mmm..pie mush

<Diana> you can drink through a straw...

<Mondo_Gecko> ew.. I'd rather eat it with my fists..

<Mondo_Gecko> wanna see my new tatoo?

* Diana laughs, then blinks and nods* Hai...*smiles*

* Mondo_Gecko stands up.

* Mondo_Gecko pulls his pants and boxers partly down showing where his back meets his tail.. a thorn like design in black ink is on the base of his tail and going up his back. a bit.

<Mondo_Gecko> whatta ya think?

<Diana> *examines it and grins* Very nice...*smiles*

<Mondo_Gecko> thanks..I drew it and decided I needed something interesting on my butt...well tail, but close enough

<Mondo_Gecko> there's a severe lack of interesting butt art

* Diana nods...* True...*pauses* Not that I'm complaining...considering the ratio of nasty people to cute people...

* Mondo_Gecko snickers

* Mondo_Gecko wiggles his butt and pulls his pants back up

* Diana laughs and winks*

<Mondo_Gecko> Yea..there sure are alot of butt ugly people out there.. Head down to 5th and main..oy..There should be a law against that

* Diana chuckles* True...*smirks and wrinkles her nose*

<Mondo_Gecko> man..I'm tired..

<Mondo_Gecko> and I don't know why

* Mondo_Gecko goes to Diana and curls up to her, nuzzling the back of her neck and chrrring

* Diana smiles, cuddling close and wrapping her arms around him*'ve you been?

<Mondo_Gecko> I've been good

<Mondo_Gecko> Worked to the bone... some buddies of mine went on a little trip to play in all these gigs

<Mondo_Gecko> and they needed a roady

<Mondo_Gecko> and that's my job..

<Mondo_Geck> but someday I won't be a roady..someday I'll be the guy with roadies

* Diana nods, running her fingers through his hair* I've missed you...

<Mondo_Gecko> I've missed me too

<Mondo_Gecko> I dunno where I went..but one time I woke up in a holiday inn

* Diana pauses*

* Diana chuckles* I seeeee...

<Mondo_Gecko> and I don't remember how I got there

<Mondo_Gecko> Just got back again tonight though..

* Diana nods..* How long do you have back...?

<Mondo_Gecko> he wants me to go off with him for christmas but I'm fuckin way

<Mondo_Gecko> long as I want now

* Diana nods, hugging him* Good...

* Mondo_Gecko smiles

<Mondo_Gecko> missed you too much babe

<Diana> *smiles* I've missed you too...a lot has happened..

<Mondo_Gecko> ..I wanna hear all about it..

* Mondo_Gecko takes out a pair of fake glasses and puts them on, the eyes look wide awake

<Flea> *wanders in from the kitchen. anna's cradled in her arms, sucking on a bottle*

* Diana laughs* Hey!!

<Mondo_Gecko> what?

<Anna> *pulls her mouth off the bottle* eeezard!

<Anna> *blinks at mondo*

<Diana> What's with the glasses? <G>

<Mondo_Gecko> ...nuthin

* Mondo_Gecko takes them off and puts them on Anna

<Anna> *giggles, her eyes really big*

* Diana chuckles*

<Flea> *laughs*

<Diana> Well...Klork and HLM are expecting triplets <G>

<Mondo_Gecko> ..whoa..

<Mondo_Gecko> holy fuck

<Mondo_Gecko> ...Klork's got some overactive soilders there

* Diana nods and smirks* No kidding!

<Mondo_Gecko> anything else?

<Diana> Ah...Billy's died...

* Mondo_Gecko looks down

<Mondo_Gecko> man...

* Diana nods and sighs a little*

<Mondo_Gecko> You ok?

* Mondo_Gecko strokes her hair

* Diana nods, resting her arms around him, and grinning up at him* Hai...holidays are just hard..

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a bit adn kisses the top of her head

<Mondo_Gecko> ..I can't wait for christmas

* Diana smiles and looks up at him* Me neither actually...*traces his jaw* It'll be the first real one in a while...

<Mondo_Gecko> really?

<Mondo_Gecko> I thought everyone got the whole christmas thing but me

* Diana shakes her head* Most of us down here didn't get it...

* Mondo_Gecko nods a bit, thinking

<Mondo_Gecko> folks were too poor to get me real toys when I was a kid

* Diana nods, cuddling close* folks were ritch enough...they just didn't like me enough...*shrugs a little* This Christmas, however...anything you want...?

* Mondo_Gecko kisses her cheek

<Mondo_Gecko> ..yea..three guesses

* Diana grins and hmmmmmmms, eyes sparkling playfully* A....train set? <G>

* Mondo_Gecko snickers

<Mondo_Gecko> na..try again

* Diana grins, hmmming again as she looks up at him* Uhm...a brand-new....telescope?

<Mondo_Gecko> .nnnnnnoooooooo

<Mondo_Gecko> here..I'll give you a hint

* Mondo_Gecko leans in and pulls her close, kissing

* Diana mmmmmmmmmmmmmmms, wrapping her arms around him and returning the kiss, once it's done, she pulls back and grins up at him* <q> Couldn't be lil' ol' me...

Session Close: Fri Nov 23 00:46:45 2001

