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Session Start: Wed Nov 21 18:51:57 2001

<VertigoFox> Heya Klork! ^-^

* Klork wavewaves

<VertigoFox> Klork is fun to say Klork, klork, klork, klark, klerk, clerk, clurk, clark, Clark Kent! WOO! I've FIGURED you out superman! ^_^

* Klork blinks....

<Klork> egads, how do so many ppl make that connection!? *runs and hides in his phone booth*

* HappyLittleMoron blinkblinks and knocks on his phone booth

<VertigoFox> ::follows:: Come BACK superman! I WANNA RIDE IN THE SKY O_o;;;;

* Klork pokes his head out..then blinks

<Klork> huh?

<VertigoFox> Ride Ride Ride Ride.......please? ^^;;;

<HappyLittleMoron> He must have been watching us <EG>

* Klork nods at HLM, pulling her into the phone booth, waggling his eyebrows

<VertigoFox> Eep ::runs away to give them their privacy:: oo;;

<HappyLittleMoron> Woohoo! *closes the door behind them*

* Klork comes out, shirt torn, lipstick all over his face, grin on his face

<Klork> hehee...

<VertigoFox> ::hands Klork a nice strong scotch:: Ere ya go ^_~

* Klork quirks a brow

<Klork> duuude, I'm a bartender..noo thanks *smirks, pullin' Mo' out with him*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles, simlarly disheveled, twining her fingers with his* And I'm pregnant, so...*smirks*

<VertigoFox> Ehehe ^^ Alright ::feeds the scotch to the grass::

* Klork purrrrrrrrrrrs, lopsided grin not leaving his face

* HappyLittleMoron watches the grass wilt and die...

<Klork> hmm...

* HappyLittleMoron slips an arm around Klork's middle* That can't be good..

<VertigoFox> Hey, it wasn't THAT strong ::yells at the grass::

* the gopher from Cadyshak pops out of the grass and starts singing 'How dry I am...'

* HappyLittleMoron cackles

<VertigoFox> Waaaait.. HLM... you preggent? o-o I've been away WAY too long o-o;;

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles

* HappyLittleMoron patpats her tummy and nods

* Klork fishes around in the fridge..

* HappyLittleMoron stretches a lil', watching him with a soft smirk

* Klork splunksplunks

* VertigoFox stretches out myawns and falls asleep for a bit

* Shiva's haning from the ceiling, her head about two inches from where his fac will be when he stands up and turns around

<Spinner_Slayer> on the roof, fiddling with her blaster

* MaelstromVertigo walks out of his room and looks around

* Red SNORES! in his and TN's room

* Klork splunksplunks..

* MaelstromVertigo heads towards the roof

* Diana knocks on Billy's door...peeking in...eyes widening...*

<Billy> X.X

* Diana hurries over, checking for a pulse*

* Diana swallows a little and pullls a blanket over him...backing out of the room and coming down the stairs, pale as a sheet of paper...*

<Spinner_Slayer> comes downstairs, and meeting MV "Hello."

<MaelstromVertigo> Hi there

<Spinner_Slayer> "Ya know, I have noticed that it sure is nicer in this time than ours."

<MaelstromVertigo> yeah, definately. No wars, no slaughtering of humans, its pretty peaceful

* Klork is burrowed in the fridge

<Spinner_Slayer> "So, when do you want to head out?"

<MaelstromVertigo> any time

* HappyLittleMoron blinks at Diana

<HappyLittleMoron> Diana....?

* Klork backs out, walking around Shiva with a pop in hand

<Spinner_Slayer> "Well, whenever you got your gear together we can go."

<Klork> I..Diana? What's up?? *sips at a cola*

<Diana> <q> It's Billy...

<MaelstromVertigo> my gear is together on my bike

* Shiva pouts

<Spinner_Slayer> "So you wanna head out then?"

<Klork> I..what about him? *quirks a brow*

<MaelstromVertigo> sure

<Diana> <q> He's dead..

* Klork grimaces

* HappyLittleMoron winces...*

<Klork> Damn...

<Spinner_Slayer> "Alright! I'll go grab my stuff and meet you on the roof."

<MaelstromVertigo> sure thing

<Zack> {{I...Im sorry Diana...}}

* MaelstromVertigo runs up stairs

<Spinner_Slayer> grabs her stuff and heads to the roof

* Diana slowly sits in a chair...bowing her head a lil'* {{Nothing anyone can do about it now, Zack...}}

* Ladon's on the roof, stretching his wings, getting ready to fly

<Spinner_Slayer> makes it up and goes over to MV

<MaelstromVertigo> Ready?

* Ladon waves to Mael and Spinner

<Spinner_Slayer> "Yep!" waves to Ladon as she pulls down her visor 

* MaelstromVertigo waves back

* MaelstromVertigo pulls out his purple tinted glasses and puts them on, wind blowing his hair a little

<Ladon> "Where you guys going?"

<Spinner_Slayer> "Going after the loose Maverick.."

<Ladon> "Can I go along?"

<Spinner_Slayer> "Uhmmm, talk to him...he's of higher rank than me.."

<Zack> {{I guess all's we can really do is give him proper burial...}}

<MaelstromVertigo> you see.. you have to have a special level of training like we've had

<Diana> {{Hai...}}

<MaelstromVertigo> Oh what the heck, Sure come along, just dont get yourself killed

<MaelstromVertigo> its against policy

* Ladon shrugs "Okay. Be careful you two."

<Spinner_Slayer> "Of course!"

* Ladon takes to the air, flying in a diferent direction then them

* MaelstromVertigo gets on his bike and starts it up, as it hovers off the roof top a bit

<Spinner_Slayer> activates her flying system, and flies up

<Spinner_Slayer> "Let's rock!"

<MaelstromVertigo> Lets do it

* MaelstromVertigo puts on a helmet

* Diana looks up at Klork and HLM*

<Klork> we know where we can bury him?

<Diana> clue...maybe there's a community cemetary or something...

* Klork slides a phone book over to her, brow furrowed

* Diana opens it...looking through...*

* Diana picks up the ppphone calling around..*

* Diana leans back with a sigh, HLM now eating some fruit salad*

* Klork leans against the counter,rubbing at his temples

* HappyLittleMoron sighs softly, rubbing Diana's shoulder with her free hand

<Diana> Uhm..the...undertaker person is on his way.....along with a cop...

* Klork nods, then blinks

* Red walks down the stairs, half asleep

<Klork> mutant friendly cop I hope..

* Diana nods* Hai...wouldn't have it any other way...*grins wearily, sadly*

* Red heads into the kitchen and drinks coffee straight from the pot

* Klork blinks...

<Klork> uh...isn't that hot, Red?

* Red shugs, obviously half asleep. "It s'okay."

<Klork> .....if you insist..

* HappyLittleMoron blinks at Red

* Red turns the coffee pot off and puts the now empty pot in the sink

<Klork> thirsty?

* Red nods

* Red turns the coffee pot off and puts the now empty pot in the sink

* Red then heads back up the stairs

<HappyLittleMoron> ...

<HappyLittleMoron> Egads...

<Klork> dang..

* Diana just blinks...* TN must really be tiring that boy out...

* Klork slowly shakes his head

<Klork> couldn't stay awake so ... he decided on instant energy?

<HappyLittleMorron> I guess so...! *smirks at him* And here I thought WE were bad..

* Klork cackles

* VertigoFox mrrprrrsmyawns and in his sleep wishes everyone a good night and a happy Thanksgiving!

<Klork> happy turkey day!

<HappyLittleMoron> Night VF!

<VertigoFox> Nighty allz ^^; ::yawnstiredfoxie::

* Diana runs a hand through her hair* Wonder if there's anyone I should notify...

* Klork furrows his brow

<Klork> well..the people here..

* Diana nods a lil'*

* Red walks back down, hyper. It's rather hillarios. "HeyKlorkandHLM!How'reyoutwtonight?"

* Klork blinks..

<Klork> .....

* Klork hides

* HappyLittleMoron eeps!!

* TurtleNinja comes in and blinks at Red.

<HappyLittleMoron> Uh...we're ok?? *inches away from Red*

<TurtleNinja> What got into him?

<Red> "Whatswrongwitheveryone?HeyTN!"

<Klork> Mr. Coffee's special brew..the whole jug.

<TurtleNinja> Oh my....uh....heh...

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah....strait froom the pot...

* HappyLittleMoron hides behind Klork

* Diana still sits at the table, eyes pensive*

<TurtleNinja> You're full of energy tonight sweetie...Heh. How's everyone?

<Red> "Idon'tbutsomethinghaseveryonespooked."

* Klork hides..

<HappyLittleMoron> Afraid...very afraid...

<Klork> always...

<TurtleNinja> being hyper, sweetie. :P

<Red> "Huh?Whatdoyoumean?AllIhadwasomecoffee."

* TurtleNinja goes over and patpats Red.

<TurtleNinja> Too much. You're talking very fast.

* Klork pauses, picking up the can..then blinks, motioning HLM to come over...

* HappyLittleMoron heads over to Klork..

* Red shrugs "Ihardlydrincoffee,andIwokeupthirsty."

* Klork points to the can {{Should we tell him it's decaf?}}

<Klork> {{The psychological effects of decafinated coffee..*cackles*}}

<TurtleNinja> Ehehehehe....meeeebe you should sit down for a bit.

* HappyLittleMoron blinks! {{*mental cackle* Oh man!! I might be amusing to watch him splat into the floor <G>}}

* Red shrugs and nods. He sits down on the couch.

* Red looks at TN "Sohow'reyoutonighthon?"

* TurtleNinja chuckles.

<TurtleNinja> Good, good...

<TurtleNinja> .oO(Hmm...maybe I should take advantage of this energy boost..)

* Klork sniggers...

* HappyLittleMoron smirks, laughing softly

<Red> "SowhatyouwannadotonightTN?"

* HappyLittleMoron slips an arm around Klork's middle, chuckling

* Klork hrms...looking at HLM {{Do we dare tell him??? *cackles* This could be fun...}}

<TurtleNinja> Uhh....why don't we go to our room...burn off some of that energy...

* Klork wraps his arms around HLM...hugs her, then goes out and stands behind Red with the coffee can

* Red looks at her and nods, standing up

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Mebbe we should...*cackles* Oh geeeze...ruin TN's fun..}}

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles, watching..

* Klork waves to TN, trying to get her attention w/out Red seeing him, trying to show her the word "DECAF" with an eeevil grin

<Klork> {{Nah, let her play with it *cackles*}}

* TurtleNinja tries not to LOL...

<TurtleNinja> {{Let's not tell him it's Decaf! This could be fun!}}

* Red doesn't see and heads for the steps.Legs moving really fast."

<HappyLittleMoron> {{*laughs* Badbadbad *cackle*}}

* TurtleNinja follows.

* Red_Macroclemys heads up the steps and into their room

* TurtleNinja continues to follow.

* Red_Macroclemys pokes his head back out "Heywhat'skeepingyouTN?"

* Klork puts the can away, ripping the word "DECAF" off the can with a cackle

* HappyLittleMoron heads over to Klork, pauses, then pounces

<Klork> heeehehheh, oh the fun..

<Klork> ACK!

* Klork gets pounced!

* HappyLittleMoron ah HAHs! and tickles

* Shiva looks down at them from the ceiling"You guys are weird."

<Klork> agghhH!!! *rolls* Stoppiiit!

<HappyLittleMoron> Whyyyyyyyy? *giggles, eventually straddling him while tickling*

<Klork> nononoooo!! *laughs, trying to nab her hands* Cuz I saaaaaaiiid! *laughs*

* HappyLittleMoron giggles, squirrming her hands out of his grip and tiiiiickling more

* Klork aggghhs, trying to grab her hands

<Klork> noticklmeeee!

* HappyLittleMoron lets her hands get grabbed* But it's fun!

<Klork> but it tickllless *pouts*

* HappyLittleMoron pauses

<HappyLittleMoron> ....that's the point! *grins and leans down to give him a kiss*

* Klork purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs

* HappyLittleMoron mmmms softly

* HappyLittleMoron blinks as her belly purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs too

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> three...dang..

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly and nods, resting a hand on her as of yet flat tummy* Yeah...

* Klork rests his hands over hers, smirking

* HappyLittleMoron grins softly* Man...*pauses* you want to know their genders before they're born or...?

<Klork> can you tell that? *blinks*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

<HappyLittleMoron> No...but...Dr. Fuji should be able to in a few months...

<Klork> would help...

* HappyLittleMoron nods... ...yeah...names and stuff *Grins*

* Klork nods, chuckling

* MaelstromVertigo find a vacant chair and sits down

<Syretta> oh...

* ``HLM yawns slightly and sits on the couch, grinning at Klrok

* Red_Macroclemys sounds of thumping and laughter come from red and TN's room upstairs

* Klork blinks...pulling a pillow over his head

<Syretta> Amish Porn?

* Klork no wanna find out..

* ``HLM gyahs

<``HLM> Yeah, saw THAT one comin' a mile away...

* ``HLM dozes off on the couch

* Ladon's Tarantula curl's right over her head

* ``HLM mmms a lil'...blinking awake, yelping and popping her claws, aiming to shiskibob the damn thing

* MaelstromVertigo is in a chair

* Syretta thinks some of Klork's meat... sauce would wake her up.

* Klork blinks

* Klork waggles his eyebrows

<Klork> you know you'd like to try some of my meat.......sauce

<Syretta> Oh yeah... You know it!

* Syretta giggles

* Syretta falls over laughing

* Klork deflates...pouting

* ``HLM wonders if she got spider shishkibob on her claws...?

* Red_Macroclemys the tarantula jumps up and lands on the back of her hand ;)

<Klork> have beenbad..

* MaelstromVertigo looks around and stretches

* ``HLM snaps her hand out, trying to send the thing flying* Gonna kill him...I swearrrr it...get the hell offa me bug!!

* the spider zips into the kitchen and under the fridge

* MaelstromVertigo cracks his knuckles

* ``HLM grumbles, sheething her claws

<Syretta> Aw, Klork. I'm sorry for laughing. changes tone to serious You see, it's just that I'm so attracted to you, that I have to make jokes about it so you won't know

* Syretta falls over laughing again

* Klork quirks a brow

* ``HLM blinks

<Klork> I'm married, thus your insults are effortless *flexes*

<Syretta> Couldn't keep a straight face through that one.

* ``HLM chuckles* Yeeeeeeees...he's married...and wifey's gonna drag him up to their room <G>

<Syretta> Hey, just responding to your comments about your meat sauce.

* ``HLM wavels and drags Klork to bed <G>

* Klork gets dragged <G>

Session Close: Thurs Nov 22 00:46:54 2001

