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Session Start: Fri Nov 16 18:40:00 2001

* HappyLittleMoron uhm....comes in from work lookin' kinda pale 'n stuff, mebbe? <G>

* Klork is in sitting on the couch, passed out there, looking worn out

* HappyLittleMoron slips off her jacket and blinks a lil', smiling softly as she snags a blanket to gently tuck around him..

* Klork purrs quietly, but the sound is strangled, brow furrowing

* HappyLittleMoron frowns a little, sitting by him, resting her arms soothingly around his shoulders

* Klork leans into her, staying asleep as he purrs

* HappyLittleMoron hugs close, stroking his hair lightly, watching him as he sleeps..

* Klork yawns, stretching a little

* HappyLittleMoron smiles gently, watching him..

* Klork opens an eye, then blinks

<Klork> hnn...?

<HappyLittleMoron> Morning, hansom

* Klork smirks drowsily, sighing

<Klork> long'd I sleep?~

* HappyLittleMoron kisses his brow softly, shrugging a little* <q> Dunno...I only got here about ten...fifteen minutes ago...

* Klork yawns again, looking up at her

<Klork> Wha'time is it?

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhm...*looks at the clock* 'bout six thirty...

* Klork groans

<Klork> geeze...I've been here ever since I got home from talkin' to ten this morning...geeze..

* HappyLittleMoron hugs him gently* You needed it, sweetheart...

* Klork sighs, nodding

<Klork> I guess..just been a long night..

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Yeah...*gives him a gentle squeeze* there any change...? *wrinkles her brows as she watches him*

* Klork shrugs

<Klork> Olivia's I'm going to have to arrange the funeral for Ricardo...she's a wreck mostly...45 years of marraige will do that..

* HappyLittleMoron cringes and hugs him gently* Oh hon...I'm sorry...if you want help, I'm willing...I had to take care of my mom's so I kind of know the ropes...

* Klork nods* I'd appreciate it..

* HappyLittleMoron nods, kissing his cheek gently

* Klork sighs, then stretches his legs out

<Klork> well, I'm starved..and I haven't cooked in a while..

<Klork> what sounds better? Tempura? Chicken Katsu? Or spaghetti?

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a lil'* Uh...yeah, maybe a lil' spaghetti...*grins a lil' sheepishly* I think my stomach can handle noodles..

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> a'right...*gets up and heads into the kitchen*

* Red opens the asylum door and holds it for TN

* TurtleNinja walks in, sniffing the air.

* Klork heads into the kitchen, fixing the food up

<TurtleNinja> Smells like someone's doing some cooking...

* HappyLittleMoron sighs tiredly, rubbing her belly a little and nodding to TN

* Red nods

<TurtleNinja> How're you guys doing?

* Klork stretches, huddled over the stove

<Red> "Hey HLM, Hey Klork."

* HappyLittleMoron stands slowly and waves to Red, kinda wandering towards the kitchen

<Billy> *sleeps now forever*

* Red raises an eyridge* "Looks like someone has a bun in the oven."

<Red> "Want to get a bite to at hun?"

<TurtleNinja> Ok. *smiles to Red*

* Klork cooks..etc etc..finally serving up a huge bowl of noodles n' his special meat......sauce

<Klork> S'getti's ready if anybody wants some!

* Red heads into the kitchen

* TurtleNinja follows.

<TurtleNinja> Did I hear s'ketti?

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, taking a small portune, keeping as much meat out of it as she can and kisses Klork gently* Thanks, love..

<Klork> yeeeeeeees..

* Klork purrs, smirkin'

* Red gets a plate of spagetti and looks around "How is everyone?"

<Klork> no prob..*serves himself up a huge portion and sits beside HLM*

<Klork> eh, best of times worst of times, which would you rather hear about? *looks up at Red*

<TurtleNinja> You guys want anything to drink?

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly, nibbling

<Klork> Ooh, milk is always good *smirks*

<HappyLittleMoron> Just some water..

* Red_Macroclemys shrugs* "Either either. Tho, I'd like to hear about this Zeus guy who's been stirring up trouble around here."

* TurtleNinja laughs and pours some milk for Klork.

<TurtleNinja> What 'bout you M-chan?

* Klork purrrrrrrrrs

* TurtleNinja then gets some water for HLM.

<Klork> Zeus guy? Hn...never heard of him..

<TurtleNinja> Here ya go. *looks to Red* Hun?

* DianaManashevitz walks down the street, huddled into her leather trench

* Klork munches

* Red_Macroclemys shrugs* "Kay then." *Begins eating*

<TurtleNinja> Red, hun, you want anything to drink?

* Klork sips at his milk, belatedly thanking TN for it, eating s'more

* Red_Macroclemys smiles and shakes his head "That's okay.

<TurtleNinja> Ok. *smiles and dishes up, sitting down*

* Klork eats

* HappyLittleMoron nibbles still, experimentally

* Red_Macroclemys clears his throat* "So, you two hear about TN and I?"

* Klork shakes his head, mouth full of food

* TurtleNinja blushes a little.

* Red_Macroclemys smiles a bit* "We're engaged."

* HappyLittleMoron blinkblinks, shaking her head slightly, paling slightly and wincing, leaning back, resting her hands on her belly

<HappyLittleMoron> Congraats, you two!

* Klork smirks

<Klork> cool! congrats! *dishes another mouthfull of food*

<TurtleNinja> Thanks. *smiles*

<TurtleNinja> You ok, HLM?

* Red_Macroclemys Smiles and raises an eyeridge at HLM* "Looks like congrats are in order for you two as well."

<Zeus> *on the roff of a closs building to the Asylum, setting something up*

* Klork smirks, nodding

* HappyLittleMoron grins fiently* Thanks, Red...and I'm ok, just a little sick is all

<Klork> yep...we still dunno what gender or how many if more than one...

* Klork rubs at her shoulders

* HappyLittleMoron nods

<Klork> I can open a portal if you need to run for it..

* DianaManashevitz blinks and looks up, frowning

* DianaManashevitz transforms into her armor and dissapears into thin air, hovering around Zeus...

<Zeus> *senses her there.* "I would leave before you get hurt..."

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head* It's not that more appatite

* Klork finishes his food off, wiping at his mouth

<DianaManashevitz> *from all around* What exactly are you doing?

<Klork> Is it healthy to have little appetite when you're pregnant?

<HappyLittleMoron> I don't know...*sighs a little and closes her eyes* Just every time I eat I feel so sick..

<Zeus> "Nothing of your concern." *he then blinks out of view, appearing on another building and setting up another one of the contraptions*

* Klork frowns

<Klork> Do we have any way to find out if that's abnormal?

* DianaManashevitz hovers around the contraption, examining it while keeping an eye on Zeus..

* HappyLittleMoron bites her lip* Dunno...wonder if Obs would know...or if Dr. Fuji is on call or whatever...

<Syretta> As long as she eats just a small amount each time, it should make it easier.

* Klork shrugs

<Klork> I think Fuji is out tonight...but Obs might know..

* Red_Macroclemys nods

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil'..

<Zeus> *finishes there, and goes to another roof*

* Klork rubs at her shoulders before he stretches

* Klork gets up and takes his dishes to the sink to wash them

* DianaManashevitz moves from roof to roof, watching suspiciously

<Zeus> "..oO(Almost done setting up...).."

* Klork washes dishes..tadaa! Men do do housework! ;)

* HappyLittleMoron 's so lucky!

* DianaManashevitz lifts up into the sky, touching her water stone and trying to condence the water in the air around one of the dishes..

* Klork does poses

<Zeus> *looks up at Diana, and just laughs*

<Zeus> "Go ahead and try fool, it will do no good.."

* DianaManashevitz shrugs a little, touches her fire stone and sends a massive wall of fire down at Zeus and the contraption he's by

*A shield from the machine forms around Zeus and the machine, and the fire just rolls off

<Zeus> *laughs again, and goes to another roof to set up*

* HappyLittleMoron pretends taking pics of Klork

* Klork chuckles, posing with the dish rag

<Klork> yeah man..real men do dishes *flexes*

* Red_Macroclemys coughs into his hand* <Q> "Kiss up."

* Klork bows

* HappyLittleMoron laughs

<Klork> nope, just a wise and smart man, Red, you could learn lessons fromme...besides, real men DO do dishes..RIGHT, TN?? *grins, standing*

* HappyLittleMoron laughs

* TurtleNinja laughs.

<TurtleNinja> Yeah...true....

* Klork grins, looking at Red

* Red_Macroclemys chuckles

<TurtleNinja> What? *grins to Red* Guys can do housework...

<Klork> maybe you should do the dishes sometime, huh? *winks and sits by HLM when he's done*

* TurtleNinja finishes her food and goes to wash her dishes.

* DianaManashevitz swoops down around him, touching her soul stone, reaching out with her mind to try figuring these things out...

* Klork sprawls in his chair, stuffed

<Klork> m...

* Red_Macroclemys shrugs and does the same

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly, snagging one of his hands

<HappyLittleMoron> Feel better?

* Klork nods, squeezing her hand

<Klork> much..

<Red_Macroclemys> "What you think about sparing a little."

<TurtleNinja> Oof...on a full tummy?

* Charon walks in in her white doctor's labcoat, sighing a little.

* HappyLittleMoron smiles and lifts his hand to her lips, kissing the back of it lightly* Good

<Zeus> *finishes the final one..then looks up at Diana again before dissapearing*

<Charon> *snifs the air* Oooh...what smells so good?

* Klork chuckles, smirking

<Klork> S'gettti! you want some, Charo?

<Charon> Sure! *giggles* Charo? *laughs*

* Charon hangs up her coat and heads over to HLM.

<HappyLittleMoron> Sgetti and meat...sauce *smirks*

<Charon> How're you doing?

* Charon laughs.

* Klork chuckles

* HappyLittleMoron grins a lil' at Charon* Pretty good...besides a lil' all-day sickness...*grins lopsidedly*

<Syretta> Enough with the meat sauce.

* Syretta sticks out her tongue

<Klork> whaa?? I could start in on Amishporn...

<Charon> Aww...that's a bummer. Hope you feel better soon...and NO amish porn! *laughs*

* Klork pouts

* HappyLittleMoron laughs!

* Charon giggles.

* HappyLittleMoron kisses Klork's cheek

<Syretta> Ya!

* Red_Macroclemys raises an eyeridge and looks at TN* "Amish porn? Did I miss something?"

<TurtleNinja> I have no idea. *laughs* I don't get it either.

<Syretta> Don't say that! They'll wanna demonstrate...

<Charon> I'll be right back. *heads into the kitchen and returns with a plate of s'ketti* Mmm...nummy...

* Klork cackles

* Syretta rolls her eyes, trying not to smile

<Flea> *is sitting on the floor. Anna is in front of her, patting at her mom's hands and grinning hammily*

<Flea> *is singing Love Will Keep Us Together softly, smiling at her daughter*

<Syretta> Hi Flea.

* Klork stands

<Klork> ok, gonna shower...

<Flea> *immediately stops singing, her face turning red* hello..

* Klork heads out of the kitchen

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles, blinking and looking up* ...have fun *smirks a lil'*

<Charon> Ok, Klork. Nummy s'ketti as always. :)

* Ladon walks into the asylum, using the door for once. He looks at Flea and Syretta* "Hello."

* Klork bows..then heads up the stairs

<Flea> *blinks* hi

* Charon sits down next to HLM.

<Charon> Mmm...I missed this. *grins* Almost forgot what home cooking tasted like.

<Syretta> How are you tonight?

* HappyLittleMoron chuckled softly* hubby's a great cook...*grins a lil'* We have news, too...

<Syretta> Hello Ladon

<Anna> *pats at Flea's hands* mo! mo!

* Red_Macroclemys nods his head slightly.* "Hello. I've seen you guys around..." *Looks at Syretta, Flea and Anna* "But I never caught you names."

<Syretta> Syretta.

* Syretta waves once

<Charon> Oh? What's the good news?

<Flea> *pulls anna into her lap* I'm Flea...and this is my daughter Anna

* HappyLittleMoron pats her belly* I'm expecting...

*Charon smiles.

<Charon> Congrats!

* Charon winks.

<Charon> I see the Honeymoon was fun for you two. ;)

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* Yeah...thing is...haven't been able to keep much down lately...dunno if it's just going to be one or more...

* Charon frowns a little.

<Charon> Well....if you want, I can give you a checkup.

<HappyLittleMoron> Well...we went to a doc in Japan...everything seemed to be going well...this has just started in the past few days...

* Klork comes back down in a pair of shorts

<Charon> I see. Well, if you want me to, I can still give you a checkup.

<Klork> might be a good idea *smirks, waving *I'm cleeeeeeeean

<HappyLittleMoron> I dunno...I..uh...sure, I guess? *smirks a lil' lopsidedly, then blinks and looks up at Klork* Ohh! My squeeky-clean man-toy! *winks*

<Syretta> Phew. I was gonna say something to ya Klork, but I had decided not to...

* TurtleNinja laughs.

* Syretta giggles

* Klork flexes

* Klork pauses

<Klork> "man-toy"???

* Klork pouts

* HappyLittleMoron laughs!

<Klork> am I just a TOY to you!? *sniffs disdaindly*

<HappyLittleMoron> Nooooooooo

* HappyLittleMoron gets up and heads over to him, hugging him

<Anna> *squirms out of her mom's lap and perches on her hands and knees*

<HappyLittleMoron> You're much more *winks*

<Syretta> She gets to give you a little flak cuz she's carrying that little miracle of yours...

* Klork hugs back, chuckling

* Red_Macroclemys walks into the living room and puts in Shrek

<Klork> or miracles..*looks at Charon* Couldyawouldya?

<Syretta> I just give people flak cuz I like to argue.

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly

* Charon laughs.

<Charon> If you mean a checkup, then sure.

* Klork nodnodnods

<Anna> *rocks back and forth*

<Anna> *makes a squeeky noise with her lips and rocks*

* HappyLittleMoron nods as well

<Anna> *spots something interesting and slowly starts moving toward it*

* Syretta watches Anna

<Anna> *heads straight for an electrical outlet*

<Flea> *gets up and pulls her away, sliding her across the floor*

<Anna> *struggles* oooo!

* Ladon sits down and watches Anna and Flea. He takes a blank canvas from behind the couch and begins doing a painting.

* Charon finishes her s'ketti and smiles to Klork and HLM.

<Charon> ok or do you two want to make an appointment?

<Syretta> I'll take that to the kitchen for ya...

* Klork sits, running a comb through his hair

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* Now's ok with me...

* Charon looks up and smiles.

* Syretta looks at Charon

<Charon> Ok. Thanks.

* Charon looks back to HLM.

<Charon> Ok.

<Klork> now's good, *glances at HLM, then smirks, looking at CHaron* Yup, now.

* Syretta takes the plate as well as hers and washes them in the kitchen

* Charon chuckles and stands.

* Red_Macroclemys turns the canvas so Flea can see it. It's a painting of Flea and Anna playing on the floor.

<Flea> *smiles* neat

<Charon> Ok. Mind if I drive you to the hospital? I don't have all the equipment to do the necessary checkups here.

* Syretta comes out of the kitchen

<Syretta> Hmmm... Anyone want some pumkin pie?

* Ladon shrugs and hands it to her* "Here. Think of it as my way of welcoming you to the asylum."

<Flea> *takes it and sets it out of anna's reach until she can take it to her room* thanks..i appreciate it

* Red_Macroclemys Ladon nods* "No Problem."

<Syretta> Anyone at all?

<Syretta> I'll make some...

* Syretta is desperately trying to find something to do

<Anna> *crawls unsteadily over to syretta*

<Syretta> Hey little one...

* Syretta smiles

<Ladon> "Cool, thanks."

<Anna> eee!

<Syretta> Now, I just need to get a pumpkin.

* Syretta steps back and trips over a pumpkin that wasn't there before

<Ladon> "Well, I can go pick one up."

<Syretta> Whoah, where did that come from?

* Syretta 's necklace glows softly

* Klork shrugs to HLM

<Klork> I'm up for it so we can see what's going on..

* HappyLittleMoron nods..

<HappyLittleMoron> Let's go, then...*pulls herself to her feet, wrinkling her nose and rubbing her belly a lil'*

* Syretta picks up the pumpkin and takes it to the kitchen

* Klork wraps an arm around her

<Klork> uh..*reaches through a portal and slips on some sandals and a flannel shirt

* Syretta cuts it up and bakes it to make it soft

<Klork> I'm not topless *winks*

* Charon nods and goes to get her coat and giggles, picking up her car keys.

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly, leaning against him a lil'

* Klork smirks

<Charon> We ready?

* Syretta comes back to play with Anna

<Syretta> Heya, little one.

* HappyLittleMoron nods

* Syretta gets down on her knees and pretends to chase her

<Anna> *grins hammily*

<Charon> Ok...c'mon. *smiles and heads out to her car, which has 4 doors, unlike Neffy's Ferrari. ;P*

<Anna> *slips on the floor. she's wearing a one piece baby suit*

* Charon opens the door for HLM.

<Syretta> Aww, you okay?

<Anna> *giggles*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* Thanks...*heads on through..*

* Klork goes with

* Charon closes the door and hops into the driver's side, buckling up.

<Caron> Everyone all strapped in and ready?

* Klork nods

<Klork> yup!

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Yeppers

* Charon nods and starts the car, heading for the hospital.

<Charon> One good thing about mutant hospitals...heh...they're open 24-7....

<Klork> this is true..*wraps his arm around HLM*

* HappyLittleMoron leans a lil' against Klork and chuckles softly, nodding

* Charon pulls into her parking spot that's rather close and parks.

* HappyLittleMoron gets out of the car...

* Klork follows

* MaelstromVertigo walks out of his room and towards the roof

* HappyLittleMoron bites her lip a little and slips an arm around Klork's middle

* Klork smirks, rubbing at her upper arm

* Red_Macroclemys looks around for TN

<Klork> lead th' way, CHaron..

* Charon smiles to them and leads the way up to her office in the hospital.

* TurtleNinja is still where she's at.

* Klork follows

* HappyLittleMoron does too

* As MV heads to the roof, a sensor goes off on him, and the same electrical storm that happened last time starts brewing up again once more*

* MaelstromVertigo looks up and brings his purple tinted glasses out of his pocket, putting them on* Oh shit....

* With a loud boom, a bright light strikes in front of the asylum once more*

* Red_Macroclemys comes up behind TN and hugs her tightly

* DianaManashevitz cringes, soldifying in full armor

* Klork follows Charon w/ HLM

* TurtleNinja squeeks and grins.

* Charon opens her office door and turns on the light.

<Charon> Come on in. :)

* Klork follows

* HappyLittleMoron does, too <G>

* Red_Macroclemys smiles and kisses TN

* MaelstromVertigo runs to the edge of the roof and jumps down, landing on his feet but crouching as he lands

* TurtleNinja smiles and kisses him back.

<Charon> HLM, you can have a seat on the table and I'll begin...*puts on a stethoscope and gets out the ultrasound equipment and such*

* Syretta stops making stupid faces at Anna and gets on the floor and listens

<Anna> *watches her, blinking*

* Klork lifts HLM onto the table, sitting on a chair

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and chuckles*'re going to do an ultrasound...?

* HappyLittleMoron was lifted and now sits <G>

* as the smoke clears, there, kneeling in a slight crater is an Android. The armor is completly white, save for the flames at the arms and legs, and the helmet has a green emerld in the center by the forehead

* DianaManashevitz leaps down, scaling the fire-escape silently, mask tails fluttering among her flame-red hair, landing behind the android

* MaelstromVertigo stands up and readys his buster* Identify yourself

* Charon nods.

* 12 The android stands slowly, and turns to MV, and you see it's eyes are covered by a visor.

<Anna> *crawls over to Syretta and leans on one hand. pokes her in the nose*

<Charon> Do an ultrasound, listen to baby's heartbeat, maybe do some blood tests...won't do a biopsy...I don't like doing those unless there's a reason to think there might be a defect.

<``Alex> Anna: boooo

* Klork shudders

<Klork> evil big needles..

* The android stands slowly, and turns to MV, and you see it's eyes are covered by a visor.

* Syretta giggles

<Charon> Exactly. Heh. Big needle.

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* Uhm...yeah...needle wouldn't last long anyway...I need to get my wings out if you're gonna do an ultrasound...they interfer with 'em..

<Spinner_Slayer>(Sounds almost robotic like) I am Maverick Hunter Spinner Slayer.."

<Charon> Ok.

<Anna> *rocks back and forth making a seething noise and grinning*

<Charon> Gonna start with the heartbeat first, then move onto the ultrasound....'

<Anna> *belch*

* Klork watches

* HappyLittleMoron nods, lifting her shirt up for her...her belly's still flat <duh>

<MaelstromVertigo> What just happened? How did you get here?

<Spinner_Slayer> "I was sent here by the MH headquarters to locate you and the maverick. We have developed a rather experimental way to come to this dimension to come and retrieve you and the maverick

* Ladon sits back watching the movie.* .oO(You know that dragon...) *Mentally kicks himself* .oO(That's it, I gotta date more)

* Charon warms up the stethoscope and gently presses it to the belly, listening....

<Spinner_Slayer> *looks at Diana* "Hello..sorry for the hole in the ground there.."

* Klork watches

* MaelstromVertigo nods* Thank you for coming Slayer, may I call you Slayer?

<DianaManashevitz> problem *grins a lil' confusedly and steps back slightly*

* Syretta smells something burning and remembers she put a pumpkin in the oven to soften it up

<Spinner_Slayer> *looks back at MV* (Robovoice) "Sure, no problem.."

* Syretta runs to the kitchen

<MaelstromVertigo> .oO(That's strange, I dont recall the name.. he must be new or something)

<Charon> Hmm...definitely hearing at least one heartbeat....but there might be more than one...I can't quite tell....

* MaelstromVertigo transforms his buster back into his hand component

* HappyLittleMoron blinkblinks

* Klork blinks

* Charon slips the stethoscope out of her ears and around her neck, getting out that cold jelly-lube stuff.

<Spinner_Slayer> <robovoice> "So where is the Maverick now?"

<Charon> Let's see what the ultrasound's early on, so it might be hard to tell if there's more than one.

<HappyLittleMoron> Ack...uhm...hang on a sec, Charon...

<Charon> Did the doctor in Japan say anything about that?

<MaelstromVertigo> This city is bigger than I thought, I have had trouble locating the maverick. Nothing unusual has turned up, the whole dimensional shift might have destroyed him

* Charon nods, just holding the little jar to warm it a bit.

<Spinner_Slayer> <robovoice> "The guys up at Headquarters doubt that, so that's why I am here."

<HappyLittleMoron> Gotta get my wings out...*stands, taking the outer shirt off and lets her wings out with a grimace before getting back on the table* About there being more than one..?

* Klork watches, brow furrowing

<MaelstromVertigo> I've spent most of my time repairing my hoverbike, so I can search.

* Charon nods.

<Charon> Yeah. Too early to tell, I'm sure, but did he do any checking of the heartbeat at all?

<Spinner_Slayer> *then takes off the helmet, and to anyone's surprise, long lengths of blonde hair fall out, and shows a face of female features!* "<a now female voice> Ahh, well perhaps I can help with that."

* Charon opens the little jar, hoping it's warm enough.

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* Yeah...uh...we both heard it...just sounded like one to me...*looks to Klork..*

* Klork shrugs

* MaelstromVertigo looks over the rims of his glasses in a kind of shocked expression* as you wish...

<Klork> I can't tell...*looks at her* It purrs tho! Check this out! *leans against HLM, purring quietly..*

* Charon nods and chuckles.

* HappyLittleMoron grins as her belly starts purring in return

* HappyLittleMoron giggles softly

<Charon> Purrs? *puts her ear down and listen* Heh! Kawaii....

<Spinner_Slayer> "If it gets you up and going faster. I have recently gotten flight capabilities installed, so I have no need for it."

* Klork grins proudly

<Klork> yup, is'mine

* Charon stands up and grins.

* HappyLittleMoron laughs* You expected it to be someone else's?

<Charon> That's adorable. Ok...hopefully I warmed up this slippery goo enough.

* Charon giggles and start putting the slippery gel on HLM's belly.

<MaelstromVertigo> well, my hover bike works fine now

* HappyLittleMoron nods, scooting back a lil' and lying back so she can do it...

<Spinner_Slayer> *shrugs* "Hmm, ok."

* Klork leans against the table, watching

<Klork> mm....just mine!

* MaelstromVertigo nods* its going to be really hard to find the maverick now, would you like to wait till morning?

* Charon puts away the gel and wipes her hands on a paper towel, which she throws away, and then starts the machine, turning on the screen.

<Spinner_Slayer> *nods* "That would be best."

<Charon> Ok...let's have a look....*puts the little scanner piece against HLM's belly*

<MaelstromVertigo> Alrighty... would you like to come inside?

* Klork watches the screen

<Klork> hmm..intestines so far *winks*

* HappyLittleMoron does too...

* HappyLittleMoron smirks

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh, I'm glad I still have those

<Spinner_Slayer> "Sure."

* Charon laughs and keeps scanning.

* Klork nodnods

<Klork> those are a necessity

* MaelstromVertigo opens the door for Slayer

<Spinner_Slayer> "Thanks." *walks in*

* HappyLittleMoron nodnods

<MaelstromVertigo> welcome *follows*

<Klork> Ah! looklook! large intestine..

* Charon giggles again, looking for the baby...

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* Goof...*snickers*

<MaelstromVertigo> You scared me for a second, I thought it would start raining mavericks for me to take on at once

<Spinner_Slayer> *looks about*

* Klork watches again

<Spinner_Slayer> "Hehe, no, just another Hunter."

* MaelstromVertigo nods* Yeah

<Spinner_Slayer> "Not a bad place to be staying at.."

* on the screen appears first one embryo, and then the hints of one or two's fuzzy, so it's unclear as to exactly how many there are..*

* Klork squints...then blinkblinks

<Klork> what's that???

<MaelstromVertigo> yeah, its very cozy. plus its better than trying to fit in among a bunch of humans whom have never seen a reploid before

* Charon takes a look, pausing.

<Charon> Well, there's definitely one embryo there...*squints a little* Can't tell if that's an organ or if that's another embryo. It's early, so it's not going to be very clear...

<Spinner_Slayer> "Yes...that could be a problem for us.."

<Klork> but...*points* aren't there more *stares*

* MaelstromVertigo nods 1hopefully we can avoid people

* HappyLittleMoron watches the screen, eyes really big and animeish

* Charon looks to HLM.

<Charon> Are you ok?

* HappyLittleMoron nods, in shock..

* Klork stares...

* Klork passes out

<Klork> *thud*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks!* Hon!

* Charon's eyes bug out all anime-ish...

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhm...Obs???

* Klork is out on the floor

* Red_Macroclemys goes to his room from a moment and returns with a long giftwrapped box. He hands it to TN. Inside is a matching sword and scabbard. The mate to the sword and scabbard he gave her before

<Charon> Uhoh....*kneels down and gets out the smelling salts*

* TurtleNinja opens it and her eyes widen.

<TurtleNinja> Whoa...Red....

* HappyLittleMoron sits up

<Red_Macroclemys> "You like it love?"

* TurtleNinja nods.

<TurtleNinja> Yes...I's beautiful. Thank you.

* Charon waves the salts in front of Klork's nose.

* Red_Macroclemys nods and hugs her

* Klork groans, wrinkling his nose

* Charon puts it away in her pocket.


<Charon> Klork? Daijyoubu desu ka?

* HappyLittleMoron looks down at him...* ok, honey...?

<Klork> Huh? I'm here...hunhn..

<Charon> You all right?

<Klork> yeah...what happened??

<HappyLittleMoron> passed out...*bites her lip*

* Charon offers him a hand up.

* Klork blinks, slowly getting up

<Klork> I did?

* HappyLittleMoron nods..

<Charon> Yeah.

<Klork> why'd I do that...*stands, dusting off*

<Charon> It's too soon to tell if there's more than one...sorry to alarm you.

* Klork nods, rubbing at his head

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...uh...*grins a lil' sheepishly*

<Charon> You want me to get some ice?

<Klork> ah, no..I'm ok...*looks at HLM* This is gonna be new for both of us huh? *smirks lopsidedly*

* Charon goes over and shuts the ultrasound off, taking out a little cartridge.

<Charon> You want video, pictures, or both? *smiles*

<Klork> ooooooooooh sure..

<Charon> Both?

* HappyLittleMoron blinks a lil' and grins* Sure...both...

* Klork nodnodnods

* Charon nods.

<Charon> Ok. I'll send that into the lab and get that to you tomorrow.

* Klork nodnodnods

<Charon> As far as the varies. Some women in the morning, some in the evening...I've never heard of it going all day, though.

* Klork twists his mouth to the side

* HappyLittleMoron hehs a lil'* ...with my first one it did for day...then it was just in the mornings...I don't know...

<Charon> Hmm...I really can't say if it's normal or not. It's different for all mutants.

* HappyLittleMoron nods, chewing her lip a lil'...

* Klork nods, taking her hand

<Charon> I could give medication, but that could be dangerous and I don't want to give you anything that'd make you lose the baby.

* HappyLittleMoron twines her fingers with Klork's brows wrinkling a lil'* Meds wouldn't have any affect...healing factor would get rid of them...

* Klork nods...sighing shakily

* Charon nods.

<Charon> Well...I guess the only advice I can give is to take it easy and try to eat bland foods like toast and such. If things get worse, let me know. I can always see about having you spend a few days here for observation.

* HappyLittleMoron traces her thumb over his hand, chewing her lip a lil'* I...uhm...ok...we've got another appointment in Japan in a few weeks so...

* Klork makes a face

* Klork nodnods

* Red_Macroclemys smiles at TN* "Tomarrow we could spar a little. I'll teach you how to fight two handed."

* TurtleNinja nods.

<TurtleNinja> Ok.

*Charon nods

<Charon> All right. I can arrange for the ultrasounds to go with you two and send my report along.

<Charon> I can't find anything abnormal with the's just this illness...

<Charon> The only other thing I could do would be to draw blood, but I don't think I have the needles necessary for that.

* Klork nods

<Klork> we'll make due..I hope *looks at HLM*

* HappyLittleMoron nods..* Yeah...*looks to Klork and nods..grinning a lil' weakly, eyes slightly scared* Of course...

* Charon nods.

<Charon> Sorry I'm not much's a difficult problem with mutants sometimes.

* Klork squeezes her shoulder

<Charon> We don't know if it's normal or not the first time, then we expect something the next and then it's different...

* Klork nodnods

<Charon> We do our best, that's all we can do. *smiles a little bit* Lemme wipe that goo off and then I'll drive you home, ok? :)

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil'* I..well..thanks...I's not my first tme being pregnant...just the first ime with multiples...*grins a lil'* And I was pretty young back then, too..

* HappyLittleMoron nods..* Ok..

* Klork nods

<Klork> a'right..

* Charon nods and gets a couple paper towels, wiping off HLM's belly the best she can.

<HappyLittleMoron> Tanks...

* Klork watches

* Charon tosses the towels in the garbage can.

<Charon> Ok. We're ready to go. :)

* Klork wraps an arm around HLM, picking her up and carrying her

* HappyLittleMoron blinkblinks a little and wraps her arms around Klork's neck, sighing a little

* Charon slips on her coat, grabs her purse and keys, and opens the door for them.

* Klork follows through, carrying her

* HappyLittleMoron gets carried away! ^-^

* Charon turns off the light, closes and locks the door, and heads back to her car, opening a door for HLM.

<HappyLittleMoron> Thanks...*uhm...gets in if Klork puts her down..? or is put in? <G>*

* Klork puts heri n,sitting by her <G>

* Charon closes the door and gets in on the driver's side, buckling in.

<Charon> Everyone all buckled in?

* HappyLittleMoron nodsnods

<Klork> yup!

<Charon> *smiles* Ok. *starts up the car and heads back to the Asylum*

* Klork is in d' car...yep..

* HappyLittleMoron is too

* HappyLittleMoron listens to the *vroomvroom!*

* Charon pulls up to the Asylum, parks, and shuts off the car.

<Charon> Here we are. *smiles*

* Klork hops out, picking HLM up again <G>

* HappyLittleMoron grins at him* Y' a few months, I won't be so easy to carry...

* Charon gets out and closes the doors, locking the car as well before tucking her keys into her pocket and hurrying to open the door for Klork.

* Klork chuckles, thanking Charon and going in

<Klork> nah, I'm buff *winks at HLM*

* Charon giggles as she walks in as well, closing the door behind herself.

* HappyLittleMoron laughs

* Klork sets her down, puffing up

<Charon> I'm gonna go take a shower and then head to bed, ok? *smiles*

<HappyLittleMoron> Thank you, CHaron...*smiles*

<Charon> No problem. What are friends for? :)

<Charon> You two take care, ok?

<Klork> will do *salutes*

<Klork> nite Charon..

<HappyLittleMoron> You, too Charon...*smiles a lil'* Sleep well

* Klork stretches

<Charon> *smiles* I will. Oyasumi!

* Klork looks around

<Klork> whatcha wanna do, Mo?

* Charon heads upstairs to bed, btw. ;P

* HappyLittleMoron stretches and sifts on the couch*

<Klork> moovie is good *smirks, sitting beside her*

<HappyLittleMoron> Mmm...I think Mulan's still in there...we passed out partway through, didn't we...?

* Klork nods, pushing play

<Klork> yup! we're at "A girl worth fighting for"

* HappyLittleMoron giggles softly

Session Close: Sat Nov 17 02:25:16 2001

