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Session Start: Sun Nov 11 18:54:32 2001

* HappyLittleMoron curls in a chair, dozing lightly

* Klork comes down the stairs, rubbing at his head

<Klork> nh...

* HappyLittleMoron yanws a little and looks up at Klork* ...feeling any better...?

* Klork rubs at his stomach, then shakes his head

<Klork> not really...'Gelo packs a nasty punch..

* HappyLittleMoron stands up* Have a seat hon...*furrows her brows* Anything I can get you...?

* Klork sits, then shakes his head

<Klork> nah...go ahead n' sit...its just sore

<HappyLittleMoron> Y'sure...*hesitently settles back down, this time on the couch, patting the spot by her*

* Klork nods, sitting beside her

<Klork> Positive..probably might bruise, but nothing more...just a weak spot he snagged..

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil', leaning over to kiss his cheek* Alright..

* Klork smiles, wrapping an arm around her

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, leaning into him gently

* Klork leans back, purring

<Klork> so how ya feelin, Mo'?

<HappyLittleMoron> Lil' tired, but ok...*smiles softly*

* Klork rubs at her shoulder

<Klork> anything on that list that Fuji gave you?

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and manafests the list* Besides fatigue...*reads it over...*

* Klork looks over her shoulder

<HappyLittleMoron> Huh...haven't really gained any weight itching...just tired...

* Klork nods

<Klork> well, you've got a few weeks to see..*smirks, pulling her close*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles, manafesting the list back to its place and cuddles close* True...true...heh...if it is twins, I'll be going around with my wings out for most of the pregnancy....with one I couldn't keep 'em in from like the fourth month on..

* Klork nods

<Klork> takes up room

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Yep...*twines her fingers with his* Too heavy to fly though...

* MaelstromVertigo walks out of his room

* Klork nods, kissing her brow

<Klork> I don't doubt that..

* HappyLittleMoron mmms softly, nuzzling a lil'

* Klork purrs quietly

<HappyLittleMoron> Hmm...I wonder if the little one will purr too..

<Klork> might...

<Klork> from what I know from old letters, I purred in the womb...s'od my sister..

<HappyLittleMoron> Ooh...*smiles*

* MaelstromVertigo looks around

* Klork hrms...then leans over HLM's stomach, rubbing it gently

<Klork> Maaybe..

* HappyLittleMoron blinks as a muffled purr comes from her belly

* Klork blinkblinks, then smirks, just resting his ear there

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, watching him, tears in her eyes, purr keeping up

* Klork purrs back, closing his eyes

* HappyLittleMoron smiles softly, stroking his hair with one hand, whiping her eyes with the other..

* Klork wraps his arms around her, purring, just keeping his ear there

<Klork> hn...hi there..

* HappyLittleMoron grins, resting her arms around him* <w> he/she/They say hi too..

* Klork smiles

<Klork> I cn' hear*purrrrrrrs*

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, closing her head and leaning her head back, listening to them, enjoying the feeling..

* Klork smiles

* Klork sits up, stretching

<Klork> so what do you want for dinner?

* HappyLittleMoron opens her eyes and looks over at him* 'bout...sketti! *grins*

* Klork laughs

<Klork> sure, I can do that *smirks, standing and heading into the kitchen t' make his meat.....sauce*

* HappyLittleMoron grins, ooooooohing softly, resting her hands over her belly and grinning

* Klork goes about makin' it n' whatnot

* HappyLittleMoron yawns a little, streatching, and heads into the kitchen to keep Klork company

* Klork is stirring at the sauce, simmering it w/ the meat stuffs

* Klork watches, making sure the stuff isn't burning..

* HappyLittleMoron grins softly, settling down in a chair, Diana comeing in from work..

* Klork cooks n' stuff <G>

* Klork puts on an apron that says "Kiss the Ninja"

* HappyLittleMoron .........gets out plates! <G>

* HappyLittleMoron giggles softly and kisses him lightly* Happy now? <G>

* Klork purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs

* HappyLittleMoron 's belly purrs in response <G>

* Klork chuckles

* Klork dishes the spaghetti out

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly, sitting down with her portion and munching..

* Klork eats

<HappyLittleMoron> have such good meat....sauce...

* Diana blinks and snickers*

* Klork waggles his eyebrows

<Klork> true.true *winks*

* HappyLittleMoron finished up the doing dishes now

* Klork is helping

<Klork> <G>

* MaelstromVertigo walks out of his room and sits on the couch, taking off his helmet he pokes around inside it with a screw driver

* HappyLittleMoron eheh, streatches once they finish

* Klork rubs at her shoulders

<Klork> better?

<MaelstromVertigo> ....Now I know how I got here... the bigger question is, why, and how am I going to get back....

* HappyLittleMoron blinkblinks and grins, leaning into his hands* Mmm...yeah...

<HappyLittleMoron> ...maaaaaaagic fingers..

* Klork chuckles, continuing

* MaelstromVertigo puts his screw driver away and leans back

* ``Flea is sitting on the floor playing peek-a-boo with Anna

* Diana smiles a lil' at Flea and Anna, sitting at the desk, doing paperwork*

* Klork finishes, popping his knuckles

* HappyLittleMoron grins, straitening up, feeling all jelly-like <G>

<Anna> *squeels* beekie!

* MaelstromVertigo runs a hand through his hair and puts on his helmet

<Anna> *pulls her blankie over her head and giggles*

* Klork chuckles

<HappyLittleMoron> You've got...great hands...*grins lopsidedly*

* MaelstromVertigo heads towards the roof

* Klork waggles his eyebrows

<Klork> yes and we've noted this before *Grins lopsidedly*

* HappyLittleMoron snickers and kisses him* Bad...

* Klork puffs up

<Klork> yup yup...

* HappyLittleMoron giggles and tickles his side a lil'

* MaelstromVertigo comes back down and sits on the couch* .oO(I'm not motivated right now...)

* Klork aaaaaaaks, attacking her hands

<Klork> nootickle!

* HappyLittleMoron eeps and giggles

* Klork tickles

* MaelstromVertigo goes into the workout room and starts well.. um working out

* HappyLittleMoron laughs! trying to catch his hands

* Klork continues, going all kungfutickleman on her

<HappyLittleMoron> Eeeeeeek! Evil!!! *laughs, keeping up as best she can, getting some tickle-hits in*

* MaelstromVertigo practices martial arts

* MaelstromVertigo goes easy on the punching bag, knowing he can probally kick it out the window if he tried

* Klork cackles, tickling her still

* HappyLittleMoron giggles, squirming* Stoppitttttttt!!!!!!!!

<Klork> Nevah! *continues with a mild evil cackle*

<HappyLittleMoron> Nooooooooooooooooooooo!! *squirms away before pouncing him and pinning him, tickling him back*

<Klork> ACK!

* Klork blinks, looking up at her

<Klork> I underestimate you for a pregnant woman, ya know? *winks*

* MaelstromVertigo walks out into the living room and sits on the couch turning on the TV

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* I guess so...*smirks and tickles* I'm not thaaaaaaat far along yet

<Klork> Agghhhh! *squirms* StooppppiiT!

*HappyLittleMoron giggles* To coin a phrase... "nevah!" *tickles*

<Klork> Aggghh!

<Klork> Pplleease?!

* MaelstromVertigo takes off his helmet and tinkers around with it

* HappyLittleMoron leans down and kisses him, grinning lopsidedly* Well...ok...*gets up offa him*

* Klork blinks, looking up

<Klork> that was easy..

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhm...mood swings <G> Yeeeeeeeah...that's it!

* Klork sits up

<Klork> suuuree

* HappyLittleMoron snickers and stands over him

* Klork looks up, blinking

* MaelstromVertigo leans back on the couch and stares at the ceiling

<HappyLittleMoron> YOoouuuuuuuuuuu....are...cute! *taps his nose and flops down in a chair, lopsided grin on her face*

* Klork sneezes

<Syretta> Awww...

<Klork> cute!? Aw, c'mon...don't you mean studly or something along those lines??

<Syretta> I think cute fits.

* Syretta snickers

* HappyLittleMoron giggles

<HappyLittleMoron> You're...cute in a studly kind of way *grins*

* Syretta sits on the couch next to Vertigo

* Klork sighs overdramatically

* MaelstromVertigo is reading a Qunatum Physics book from the local library* Hello

<Klork> I was lookin' more for "Hot sexy stud with a baad 'tude" sorta deal..

<Syretta> Well, I like the conversation about whether you are cute or studly much better than the innuendos about your sauce.

* HappyLittleMoron grins at Syretta

* Klork blinks, then grins cheesily

<Syretta> Hi Vertigo

<HappyLittleMoron> He has good meat...sauce though!

<Klork> s'long story <G>

<HappyLittleMoron> Ok, you're the sexiest, most studly, buff macho man I've ever seen, shnookums *grins*

<Syretta> Enough! 3 bops HLM on the head with a couch cushin

<Klork> A'right, sounds good--shnookums??

* Syretta giggles

* Klork blinks

<HappyLittleMoron> Eep! *laughs and ducks, getting hit an dpoking Syretta in the belly* No hit the pregnant moron!

<Syretta> Hey, I hit ya with something soft! tries to look innocent

* MaelstromVertigo is speed reading and tuned out everyone else

* Klork is still kinda sprawled on the floor

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...but...but...*grins* delicate? *grins and tickles Klork's side with her toes*

<Klork> aaaaaaaaaaaaagh *snags her foot* Delicate. hmph. She's almost a foot shorter than me yet can kick my ass in a sparring match.

<Klork> thpppppt

<Syretta> Delicate my foot! *giggles*

* HappyLittleMoron laughs, wigging her toes at him* Aww...just 'cause you let me! *grins lopsidedly*

* Klork tppppts

<Klork> Nonnono..I don't even let KAME win matches against me..I *NEVER* lose...yet you seem to always at least make it a draw or a good struggle..

* Syretta pokes Veritgo in the side.

<Syretta> Ok, we're done fighting.

* HappyLittleMoron grins* Well, geeze...I'm tougher than I thought then <G>

* MaelstromVertigo looks over* yes?

* Klork sticks his tongue out

* HappyLittleMoron reeaches down and stags his tongue <G>

<Syretta> Just saying we're done, and you can talk to me now. *cheesy smile*

<MaelstromVertigo> I see

<Klork> agg..

<Klork> weggo mah tuung..

* MaelstromVertigo puts his book on the floor next to his helmet

<Syretta> Delicate? Uh huh...

<HappyLittleMoron> Why..? It's a nice tongue <G>

<Syretta> I make a great cow tongue soup. Bet we could use Klork's instead... Whaddya think?

* Syretta snickers

<Klork> pweeead? Naw ah! Mah tung!

<Syretta> So, Vertigo, how did you spend your day?

<Syretta> Aw, they say cannibalism leads to all sorts of bad things anyway like heart disease and such.

<HappyLittleMoron> Huh? I couldn't understand what you said...say it again...?

<MaelstromVertigo> my day? well, I worked on my bike which is 76% repaired, then I researched what this world knows about Quantum Mechanics/Phsyics and Temporal Lapses. Which brings me up to now just sitting here talking to you

<Syretta> Which of those activities, would you say, was the most intellectually stimulating?

<Klork> ghh..

<MaelstromVertigo> Talking to you.

<Klork> tung! mah MAH tung..eggo!

<Syretta> I'm shocked!

* HappyLittleMoron giggles, letting go and pouncing him again

<MaelstromVertigo> because I already know how to fix my bike, and I didn't really learn anything researching

<Syretta> Oh. See, I knew that wasn't gonna go my way.

<Klork> AGK!

* Klork gets tackled

* MaelstromVertigo raises an eyebrow

<MaelstromVertigo> plus I enjoy conversing with others

<Syretta> I'm a glutton for punishment, I suppose.

* HappyLittleMoron tickles more

<Klork> errghh! stoppitstoppit! *squirms*

<MaelstromVertigo> I'm not sure I get what your saying

* HappyLittleMoron straddles him, grinning down at him* Whyyyyy?

* Syretta turns to HLM and Klork* Don't you two have a room to remodel or something? *smiles and giggles*

* Klork blinks, then grins cheesily up at Syretta

<Klork> true..but laziness is prominant right now

* HappyLittleMoron nodsnods* Why do today what you can put off 'till tomorrow? *grins*

<Syretta> Well, if ya need any help, lemme know. I love that kind of stuff.

<Syretta> Well, I don't think that little one will put off coming into the world for *too* long.

<HappyLittleMoron> hrmm...we'll keep that in mind *smiles*

<HappyLittleMoron> Ohh...well...we've got time *grins and winks playfully, patting her belly lightly*

* Klork sprawls

<Syretta> So, Klork, are ya ready to hear all the "I can't, I'm pregnant. I'm carrying your child, and you want me to clean?" Cuz you know, she can totally pull that off now.

* Syretta grins

* Klork nods

<Klork> yeah, but she herself said she won't until she can't move n'more.*pokes her side*

* HappyLittleMoron smirks a lil', then yelps and giggles, grabbing at his hand* Damn...undone by my own words...*winks*

* Klork cackles, then pouts

<Klork> first my myhand..I wan' my haaannnd

<Syretta> But you're pregnant. You automatically reserve the right to change your mind.

<HappyLittleMoron> I could always grab something else *winks and smirks a lil'*

<Klork> Heeeeeey

<Klork> andHeeeyyyyynow!

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles, then laughs!!

<Syretta> Room? Remember that? *laughs*

* HappyLittleMoron snickers* You don't wanna see our Amish Porn??

<Syretta> Amish Porn, now that's one I haven't heard before.

<Klork> sacrelig! YOu have to know of amish porn!

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles, letting go of Klork's hand

* Klork sprawls again

* MaelstromVertigo leans back on the couch and yawns

* Syretta turns to Vertigo* Have you heard of this Amish Porn?

<MaelstromVertigo> from what I gather the Amish are people of "God" and they would never do such stuff.

* Klork cackles

<Klork> you have not heard of asylum amish porn...tsk *winks*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* SPeaking of which...wonder where Mondo is..

* MaelstromVertigo shakes his head

* Klork shrugs

<Klork> not sure..

<Syretta> What? You looking for an Amish threesome now HLM? *laughs*

<Klork> well, it was between me, Kame and her before...

<Klork> Mondo was the filmographer..

* HappyLittleMoron cackles and nods..

* MaelstromVertigo reaches down on the floor and picks up his helmet, and starts tinkering with it

* Klork stretches

* MaelstromVertigo stands up and goes to his room to drop his book and helmet off, then he walks back out to the living room* I'll be on the roof if anyone needs me, or wants to come and visit...

<Syretta> Maybe I'll see ya up there, that way I can avoid this Amish Porn.

* HappyLittleMoron snickers

* MaelstromVertigo chuckles and heads up

<Klork> awww

* MaelstromVertigo takes the tarp off his bike and opens up the console, tinkering around inside

* HappyLittleMoron loks down at Klork* We're losing our audience I guess..

<Klork> yeah, so it seems *sighs overdramatically*

* HappyLittleMoron sighs, striking a pose

* Syretta heads on up to the roof to leave the lovebirds alone.

* Syretta watches Vertigo tinker with his bike.

* Klork puffs up

* MaelstromVertigo starts it up as it hovers above the ground a few feet, he gets under it and starts working

* HappyLittleMoron giggles softly and pokes him lightly

<MaelstromVertigo> So whats up? besides the sky?

<Klork> errg..nopoke *poutS*

<Syretta> Not much tonight.

<HappyLittleMoron> Aww...butwhyyyyyyy?

<Klork> cuz I forsayso? *blinks*

<MaelstromVertigo> yeah, its kinda boring sometimes

* HappyLittleMoron pauses, then grins mischiviously* Whyfore??

<Klork> I dunno, don't play golf..*looks skyward, innocently*

<Syretta> So, are they always this lovey-dovey?

<MaelstromVertigo> I've only been here a couple of days, but from what I gather... yes

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

* HappyLittleMoron groans* Oohh...that was bad...*smirks and tickles a lil'*

* Klork cackles, then erks, squirmin'

<Klork> stopppiiit!

* HappyLittleMoron grins and leans forward to kiss him again

* Klork purrrrrrs

* MaelstromVertigo stretches and pulls himself from under his bike and turning it off as it gently floats back to the ground* ....well it looks like I have that problem solved...

<Syretta> Well, that's good. One less thing to do, though.

* MaelstromVertigo nods* yeah but that electrical storm really screwed it up...

<MaelstromVertigo> I'm sorry I'm kinda ignoring you, getting this bike fixed is a really high priority

<Syretta> No problem. I've got a few things on my mind anyway. Just kinda had to get out of the room with the two lovers in it for a bit.

<MaelstromVertigo> would you like to talk about it?

* HappyLittleMoron straitens up and yawns, streatching a lil'

<Syretta> Nothing serious. Just thinking about a couple things. I'll get over it.

* Klork sits up

* MaelstromVertigo leans against his bike I see

<Klork> tired? *looks up at her as he slowly stands..eventuallly looking down at her if you wanna get technical*

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil', standing as well* Yeah...getting that taking my energy

* Klork nods, stretching

<Klork> bed then?

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Bed good..

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> goodgood

* MaelstromVertigo continues working on his bike, almost finished

* HappyLittleMoron heads up the stairs with him

* Klork follows

<Syretta> Well, I guess I'm gonna go lie down.

* MaelstromVertigo nods and stands up* I'm sorry if I was boring tonight...

<Syretta> No, it's not you. I just got some thinking to do.

* MaelstromVertigo nods* alrighty then

* Syretta heads off to her room.* G'night, Vertigo.

<MaelstromVertigo> Good night

*** Syretta has left channel #happylittleasylum

Session Close: Mon Nov 12 00:46:14 2001

