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Session Start: Tue Oct 09 22:50:42 2001

* HLM Comes in from work...this time wearing the Ricardo's uniform, and tosses herself onto the couch...*

* Klork stretches, tackling HLM* HI!

<HLM> EEP!!! *gets tacklefied* Hi!

* Klork cackle* how ya doin?

<HLM> Besides squishied?

*Klork nods*

<HLM> I'm okies *grins impishly and pokes his belly* You?

* Klork erks, sitting up* Not bad, work was..well, tiring, but I'm all good otherwise *knocks on his cast*

* HLM nods and sits up as well, wrinkling her nose a lil'* Is it itchy?

* Klork shrugs* Not yet....but It'll probably get that way sooner or later..

* HLM nodsnods* long as you're ok..

* Klork smirks* Always!!

* HappyLittleMoron nodsnodsnods and curls close

* Klork ruffles her hair

* HappyLittleMoron hrmphs....* Anyhoo...

* Klork ruffles s'more cause he can

* HappyLittleMoron blinkies

<HappyLittleMoron> You want me to have an afro?

* Klork shrugs

<Klork> I digit ;)

* HappyLittleMoron blinks...then chuckles* You'd look better with one <G>

<Klork> noo

<HappyLittleMoron> Sure! Two foot radius...or more...*runs her fingers through his hair..*

<Klork> nooooooooooooooooooooo

<Klork> Nofrome!

* HLM grins* Why???

<Klork> becauuuse!

* HLM pouts...*

<Klork> nopout!

<HLM> WHyfor?

<Klork> cuz I said?????

<HLM> Aww...well...okie

* Klork tickles her

<HLM> Yeep!! *bats at his hands* Nofair!!

* Klork pouts y

<Klork> you're hitting my poor hands! *sniffles*

<HLM> *blinkies and holds his hands...kissing one then the other...then each of his fingers* Better?

* Klork purrs

<Klork> yup!

* HLM smiles and sits in his lap, facing him, kinda straddling him*

<Klork> Hey baabbeee

<HLM> Goin' mah way, Sailor? *winks and licks her lips at him*

* Klork roooowrs

<Klork> well, in a way sure *Winks*

* HLM giggles and kisses the tip of his nose*

* Klork wrinkles his nose, then turns away, sneezing

* HLM giggles softly*

* Klork sighs overdramatically

<HLM> aww...

* Klork smirks, dippin' & kissing her

<HLM> Mmmmm....*kisses back, wrapping her arms around his shoulders*

* Klork purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

* HLM tickles the back of his neck with her fingertips*

<Klork> errkk! *tickles back* nnofair!

* HLM grins and giggles softly* Whynot?

<Klork> cuzittickles!

<HLM> Butbutbut...that's the point!

<Klork> sooO???

<HLM>'s fun?

<Klork> noooooooooooooooo

<HLM> It is for me <G> I like making you squirm....*leans over and whispers in his ear* <w> And other things..

* Klork coughs

* HLM giggles wickedly*

<Klork> Eeeeeeeeeeeesh, you like doing that! *clears his throat*

<HLM> Why yes, yes I do <G>

* Klork yawns widely

<Klork> ackk

<HLM> Must be the company...*winks and stttands up, holding her hands out to him*

* Klork snags her hands hopping up

* HLM grins up at him and gives him a quick kiss*

* Klork purrrrrrrrrrrrrs, carrying her to bed

* HLM gets carried off...he just sweeps her off her feet <G>*

* Klork goes to bed

Session Close: Wed Oct 10 01:33:25 2001

