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Session Start: Sat Oct 27 20:05:25 2001

* TurtleNinja 's characters are getting ready...ladies in Zoi's rooms, fellas in Neffy's :P

* HappyLittleMoron back in her room with Diana

* Klork n' 'Gelo are in his room, getting ready so THPT.....

* `_Angelo_` pokes his head outta Klork's room

* Kameko comes in, puffing and worn out, then look around at where to go change

* Thera just blips in, taking the easy way in

* DianaManashevitz 's...uhm...left a note downstairs for anyone who came in late that they're welcome to change in her or HLM's room

* `_Angelo_` comes down the stairs, dark green tux looking pretty close to victorian, coat tails going down to his knees

* `_Angelo_` heads down, looking around

* Thera goes about getting the sake .. knowing a few parts of this are going to have to be more Christian than Shinto--such as rings and vows, since she hasn't got the Commitment with her

* Klork stretches, poking his head outta his room

<Klork> Is HLM out there?! Or can I come outta my room!?

* Jae pokes his head out of Nephrite's room....

<Jae> Um...want me to go check?

* DianaManashevitz comes out of HLM's room, heading down the stairs* You can come out, Klork..

* Klork whews, coming out

* Thera sets up stuff, dressed in an old style kimono -- just because it wouldn't be proper if she dressed otherwise whiel performing the ceremony

* Emerald_Isle walks in the front door, carrying her guitar

* Jae ducks back into his room...

* DianaManashevitz wears a long deep green dress, low collared but long twisted back into a braid

* Emerald_Isle looks around, seeing all the activity

* Klork comes out in his black suit, one matching that of the Phantom, muttering as he fiddles with the mask in his hands

* Kameko comes out of a room, wearing an old style victorian gown - black with deep green trim

* DianaManashevitz chuckles softly at Klork* You alright?

* Zoi comes out, dressed as Marie Antoinette, Obsidian following as Josephine Bonaparte, TN with as Queen Victoria...

<`_Angelo_`> Rrrrooowr...*winks at Kame, piling up some cases onto the table* Hey there..*looks up, then waves a little at Emer, blinking*

<Zoi> Klork?

<Klork> Aggh? I yeah, sorry, wha?

<Emerald_Isle> Heya

* Klork blinkblinks

<Zoi> Were you gonna do the portal thing for me to do the decapitated version? ;P

* Kameko blinks, then rolls her eyes as she flushes, blipping out and bringing back a bunch of wrapped stuffs

* DianaManashevitz chuckles and pats Klork's shoulder lightly

<Klork> AH, where's Kame? I wah? *blinks* OH! Um, you really want me to???

* Kameko twists her hair up, it having been down in ringlets prior to her putting it up in a black silk cord

* Kameko waves her arms around after her hair's up

<Kameko> I'm over here, Klork!

* Klork blinks

<Zoi> Not sure where Kame is, but we did mention you doing a portal so it'd look like I was the decapitated Antoinette holding her own head. :P

<Klork> Oh good, Help me get this dang'd mask on?!

* Kameko chuckles, going over and helping

<Kameko> Whiner.

* Klork nods again, putting a portal over Zoi's head, making it look like her head is in her hands

* Zoi chuckles and then grins.

* DianaManashevitz sends a glare at Zoi* are not doing that at the wedding..

<Klork> just...heh, remember the view is a little lower in your arms..

* Zoi blinks.

* Zoi ducks back out.

* Klork twists his mouth to the side, letting Kame help

<Klork> aww, why not, Diana??

* Thera is all set up

<Zoi> Whoa...what's gotten into you? Thought you guys were the ones who suggested that...

* Kameko gets it all on n' stuff

* DianaManashevitz smirks a lil'* Not at the WEDDING! HLM'll pass out if she sees that...

<Klork> Ahok

<Kameko> There... heh, handsome as you'll ever be.

* Kameko winks

* Zoi sweatdrops.

<Zoi> I suppose it would be a bit weird for a wedding ceremony...heh....

<Klork> Ok, Mom?? Ah, you wanna come with me *heads over to Thera after thanking Kame* I'll show you to where the theatre is where this stuff's gonna be held...

* Mal and the others come down, funky hats with feathers, swords 'n all...

* `_Angelo_` chuckles, gathering stuff up, already going through a portal of his own and dropping stuff off at the theatre

<Neph> I feel like a goofball....

<DianaManashevitz> Hai...ah...Klork..? Telepath to me when you guys are at the theater so I know when to get HLM there, alright?

* Klork blinks...lookin at Neph n' all

<Jae> Nah. You look great...

<Klork> The..musketeers??? *smirks* Spiff!

* Klork glances at DIana

* Jae laughs.

<Klork> Ah, ok, Ya know, I can have Angelo open a portal for ya if you want..

<Jae> Yup! TN's idea. Too bad we don't have another guy in the mix. We're missing D'artagnan. :P

* DianaManashevitz blinks and chuckles softly* That works too

* Thera goes with, carrying a very nice pitcher of sake

* Klork nods, following Thera

<Klork> We'll see you guys there!

<Mal> Say, which theater, Klork?

<Klork> Ah, Angelo'll have a portal open to it!

* DianaManashevitz nods* Hai...domo Klork, see you there!

* `_Angelo_` comes back his portal, holding it open

* Klork disappears to the theatre w/ Thera

* Kameko kinda fidgets with things, looking around, wondering if everything's all set up

<`_Angelo_`> Ah, we got the food set up at the theatre, Kame?

* Kameko blinks, then nods

* Nephrite takes off his HAT!

* `_Angelo_` nods, thinking

* `_Angelo_` nods

* DianaManashevitz heads back up the stairs, holding the skirt up out of her way

<`_Angelo_`> and we got the theatre all decorated too, all spookiesh..*smirks*

* Emerald_Isle steps out of her room, wearing a purple velvet dress, feeling kinda lost as to what she should be doing now

* `_Angelo_` looks up at Emer again, brow furrowed, then blinks

<`_Angelo_`> AH! You're um..that Emerale chick, right??

<Emerald_Isle> Emerale?

* `_Angelo_` snaps his fingers, as if recalling Klork telling him about him

<`_Angelo_`> Uhh...was I even close??

<Emerald_Isle> Emerald...

* Zoi pauses from playing with the "decapitation" portal.

<Zoi> Heya.

<`_Angelo_`> AH!

<`_Angelo_`> That makes more coming to the wedding..?

* Thera is with Klork <G>

* Kameko goes about setting up the food, making sure everything looks nice and places are set

* `_Angelo_` holds the portal open

* `_Angelo_` wonders when Kame went to the theatre...

* Emerald_Isle nods

* Zoi ducks back through her portal.

<Emerald_Isle> Kinda lost though, not sure what to do ..

* HappyLittleMoron ...and Diana head through once everyone's there...

<`_Angelo_`> Ah, a'right, this'a way..*points to the portal* Guests on either sides, since most are friends of both bride and groom..

* Emerald_Isle looks at the portal, wondering if everyone in this place can make those

<`_Angelo_`> I'm eh, sorta related to Klork..*notes the look on Emer's face*

* Nephrite puts his hat back on and goes through with the others, Nezzie following last shyly in a green dress borrowed from Zoi.

<Emerald_Isle> Sorta?

<`_Angelo_`> Long story, ah, I'll explain at the reception....

* Leah-Nardo just stands around in the background, all, um, dressed up n stuf

* Emerald_Isle goes through the portal and looks around, still kinda overwhelmed by all of this

* `_Angelo_` waits for everybody to go through, are they all through the dang portal? Angelo's getting tired of holding his arrmm upppp...

* Emerald_Isle quietly takes a seat on the groom's side, since she met Klork first

* Leah-Nardo dittos Emer

* HappyLittleMoron heads through last, kinda hiding in the back 'till she makes her entrance <G>

* Nez sits on the bride's side with Obsidian and TN and Zoi, the guys go on Klork's side. :P

* Kameko is still fussing with the food, wringing her hands and adjusting candles shaped like lanterns and marks and everything

* `_Angelo_` goes in, assuming all are at the theatre, closing the portal behind her, heading to the back room w/ Diana & HLM

* Kameko erks, heading over, taking one last hurried look over at the tables before coming over

* Klork is standing up at the alter, glancing up at Thera before taking a long and cautious look at the huge chandelier lowly hung over him

* Klork leans over and whispers to Thera ~~that thing won't fall, will it??~~

* Zoi gets out her camera, Nephrite doing the same on the other side...

* Thera chuckles

<Thera> ~Maybe...~

* Thera winks

* Klork blinks

<Klork> OH that's not funny..*erks, quieting* ~~but it fell in the play, I don' wanna be Klorkcakes!~~

* Thera sighs, shaking her head as she chuckles, taking her place near the alter

* DianaManashevitz looks to Agelo and grins a lil'* <w> Ready to get this show on the road?

* `_Angelo_` nods, holding out his arm

<`_Angelo_`> <w> Yup, *pauses, then hits play on the cd .... having pre-recorded the stuff w/ Klork earlier*

<`_Angelo_`> <w> Okay, NOW we can go *smirks*

* DianaManashevitz takes his arm, nodding and chuckling softly* <w> Hai... *starts down the way with him...*

* Kameko takes her place on the bride's side

* `_Angelo_` goes with

* Klork blinks and looks up when the cd starts, going rigid as he waits

* Klork leans a little and whispers to Thera.*<w> Thanks, for doin' this mom, I owe ya *smirks*

* Thera just shakes her head with a smile, eyes watching forward

* Klork sighs, turning to watch again, face half hidden by his mask

* DianaManashevitz parts ways with Angelo once they get to the alter, standing to one side, and watching as HLM steps out of the shadows in the back of the theater

* `_Angelo_` stands next to Klork, elbowing him lightly in the side* ~Nervous, dad?~

* Klork mutters

<Klork> ~Don't CALL me that, dangit..!~

* Thera gives them both a look that says they should be quiet, but is smiling despite it

* HappyLittleMoron steps out, wearing a long, beaded gown, so pale purple it's as good as white, cloak over her shoulder, hood up in place of a veil, holding a small boquet in her hands, making her way up to the alter with the music

* `_Angelo_` chuckles, then waits...the music finally changing to HLM's entrance

* DianaManashevitz smiles, shaking her head slightly

* Emerald_Isle stands and turns to watch HLM coming in

* TurtleNinja and all her chars do so as well....

* Kameko does, too

* Klork blinkblinks, straghtening, giving Diana a look of "You really did go all out on that costume, huh?!"

* DianaManashevitz grins at Klork and nods, eyes sparkling

* Klork smirks, watching HLM the entire time, stepping forward to her when she gets to the alter

* HappyLittleMoron gets there, obviously, smiling at him from under the hood..

* Thera smiles, folding her hands together in front of her, waiting for the music to end and all to be seated

* `_Angelo_` blinks, the cd skipping..

* `_Angelo_` steps back discreetly, kicking under the table..the cd coming to an abrupt end

* Klork clears his throat, trying to hold back a laugh

* DianaManashevitz smirks, smothering a chuckle before it reaches her mouth

* HappyLittleMoron coughs a lil', grinning

* Kameko blinkblinks, biting her lips together to keep from laughing

* TurtleNinja and the others smirk a little.

* `_Angelo_` stand back in his place <quiet whisper> Heeh..sorry...rusty copy...

* Leah-Nardo gigglesnorts in the back row

* HappyLittleMoron pushes back her hood, hair held losely back, tendrils curling around her face, wearing light makeup..

* Thera smiles, unable to help it, holding out her hands to both Klork and Mo, unable to help it, she's so proud

* Klork blinks smiling, then takes one of Thera's hands

* HappyLittleMoron takes her other hand, smiling as well

* Klork links his other hand with HLM's, not sure if it's proper or not <G>

* Thera grips their hands in her congratulations before releasing them, taking the little wand thingy and shaking it over and around them

<Thera> We ask the Gods to grant us leave to marry these two people on this special day.

* Klork smirks, squeezin' HLM's hand a little

* HappyLittleMoron holds Klork's hand, squeezing back, listening to Thera, smile on her lips

* Klork smirks, watching

* Thera smiles, turning and blessing the three small sake bowls she has beside her

* Klork turns, looking to Thera

<Thera> I bless this sake, that it will bind their souls for this mortal time...

* HappyLittleMoron turns to watch Thera..

* Thera picks up the first sake to Klork, telling him to drink and then pass the rest to Mo

* Klork nods, letting go of HLM's hand to take it, sipping at it and handing the bowl to HLM, coughing in his throat, eyes waterin

* HappyLittleMoron sips of course once it's passed to her...then passing back to Thera..

* Thera waits, receiving the first cup back from Mo when she's finished .. placing that one down and handing Klork a second

<Thera> I bless this sake that it will make them true of heart and true of spirit...

* Klork blinks, then sighs, taking that too, sipping it and passing it to 'Mo, squinting as his eyes water

* `_Angelo_` quirks a brow...oO(Dang, for a bartender he sure doesn't hold his alcohol well..)

* Kameko tries to stifle a giggle, loving the look on Klork's face

* HappyLittleMoron grins a lil', sipping as well before passing it back to Thera

* Klork clears his throat silently, swallowing as he breathes

* Thera takes the second cup, placing it next to the other one and handing Klork the third and final cup

<Thera> I bless this sake that it will bind these two families together!

* Klork blinks, then almost whimpers, taking another sip, almost coughing but manages to hold it back as he passes the bowl to HLM

* Thera picks up a large bowl, handing it to Angelo, instructing for him to pass it to Diana and then it will go to the rest of the group for all to drink

* HappyLittleMoron sips from the third one before passing it back to Thera...grinning at Klork

* Klork smiles shakily, eyes watering a little as he looks back to Thera, looking over emotional at the moment...but is more or less not liking the sake..

* `_Angelo_` blinkblinks

* `_Angelo_` takes it...taking a sip and handing it to Diana, scrunching his nose up

<Thera> These families have now been bound with the blessings of the Gods.

* DianaManashevitz accepts, sipping and passing it on to...Zoi...I guess...? Whoever's closest

* Thera turns, looking to the two

<`_Angelo_`> ..oO(Please say Kame doesn't want a Shinto wedding!! that stuff is RANK!)

<Thera> And they can finish the binding with the exchange of rings and vows..

<Thera> Klork... take your ring and give your vows..

* Zoi takes and sips, not blinking, same with Obsidian and Nez...

* Klork ahs, clearing his throat and then blinkblinks

* `_Angelo_` steps forward, handing Klork the ring

* TurtleNinja on the other hand, holds back a choke as she passes it to....Emer?

<`_Angelo_`> <w> forget something?

* Kameko gets the sake, taking a good amount of it, forgetting she's not supposed to <G> .. then passes it off to Emer and Leah <G>

* Klork ahs!, then smirks, taking the ring

* Emerald_Isle takes a small sip and passes it to Leah

* TurtleNinja wipes at her eyes a bit, throat burning.

* Zoi smirks as Obsidian patpats TN's shell....

* Leah-Nardo finishees off the bowl, as it's bad luck to have any sake left after the rounds *cough*

* HappyLittleMoron looks to Klork, eyes tearing, smiling gently

* Kameko grins, watching the duo again

* Klork sighs, glancing down at HLM, sliding a ring of white gold onto her finger...adorned with a trinity knot, each triangle corner having one color of obsidian, emerald, and blue sapphire...a red ruby in the center

* Leah-Nardo tries to focus on the couple...too much sake...

* DianaManashevitz watches them, grinning...

* `_Angelo_` tilts his head to the side, watching

<Klork> The test of gold is fire...the test of truth is time..

* Klork clears his throat

<Klork> The test of love is the skies above..and everything sublime..

* HappyLittleMoron swollows, eyes brimming as she looks up at him..

<Klork> Treasures in life are many..dreams realized but few

<Klork> But I know the test of life's when he gave me a friend..and wife, like you.

* Klork clears his throat again

<Klork> I'll be here for you, every day, every minute...for the rest of my life, Eloise...

* TurtleNinja watches, smiling.

* HappyLittleMoron takes a deep breath shakily, smiling and squeezing his hand...

* Thera smiles in approval to Klork then turns to HLM ...

<Thera> Eloise... take your ring and give your vows..

* DianaManashevitz reaches up, dabbing at her eyes

* Kameko sniffles, wiping at her eyes,

* `_Angelo_` chuckles quietly, recalling Klork having to recite that over and over before the wedding...

* HappyLittleMoron nods, taking out the white gold ring for Klork, gently sliding it on his finger and looking up at him, soft smile on her lips* Through the years, I've been, at last, my dream has come are an angel...a dream come hero...and husband...

* Thera watches silently, hands still folded in front of her, wondering how the two got their vows straight with all that sake in them

* Klork smirks, that causing his mask to move a little awkwardly on his face

<HappyLittleMoron> ...I now vow to always uphold my love for you...always to be there for love and protect matter what happens.

* Klork smiles, trying desperately not to puff up..

* Klork winks...{{Ditto}}

* HappyLittleMoron blushes and smiles, swallowing a lil'

* Thera chuckles, glancing over at Klork when 'Mo's finished ...

* Leah-Nardo hiccups and gigglewhispers "BRAVO!! Encore!!!" from the back row....

* Klork glances up at Thera, still holding HLM's hands

* Emerald_Isle turns and looks at Leah, shaking her head

* HappyLittleMoron looks up at Thera too..

<Thera> These two have now finished their vows and completed their vows. The Gods have blessed them in marriage..and Klork, will you kiss her already? She's got your ego so swollen, you might as well.

* `_Angelo_` arches a brow, squinting back at the backrow...seeing Leah...and the bowl of sake beside her..oO(oh dear...)

* Thera winks, chuckling at her own little goofiness

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly

* Klork blinkblinks

* Thera winks

* DianaManashevitz glances at Leah and shakes her head a lil', smirking slightly

<Thera> I now pronounce you man and wife. That better?

<Klork> Ahh, I'm getting there *winks, going to do so...then erks, tugging his mask out of the way before kissing her*

* Kameko BLINKS, not having expected that from her mother of all people .. just staring

<Leah-Nardo> "Moron and Klrok! Klokr! Um..." *falls off the bench*

* Zoi raises an eyebrow.

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, kissing back, closing her eyes

* Kameko cheers, applauding

* `_Angelo_` digs in his pockets, peggin' em' with rice

<Klork> Acck! *laughs, picking up HLM*

* Leah-Nardo cheers, doing the football arm pump "woof, woof, woof!"

* Zoi and Neph take pictures, the others applauding.

* DianaManashevitz grins, clapping before reaching to the side, showering them with rice she had ready, too

* Emerald_Isle smiles and applauds

* HappyLittleMoron laughs! putting her arms aound his shoulders

* Klork carries her down the aisle, Angelo chasing with rice

* Zoi lowers the camera long enough to fluff the couple with sakura petals as they go by...Jae and some of the others throwing rice...

* DianaManashevitz follows at a more sedate pace, stupid skirt

* HappyLittleMoron ducks her head and giggles

* `_Angelo_` hollers after, throwing rice

* Leah-Nardo tries to stand up, and falls over, dang heels

<`_Angelo_`> Wait! I'm not outta rice yet!

* Emerald_Isle goes to Leah and helps her

* Kameko points to all her food

<Kameko> Come eat! I slaved for the last four days on that stuff!

* Klork cackles, heading out the door with her and into the room where all the food is..yeah, that reception place <G>

* TurtleNinja chuckles, her characters having followed o' course. :P

* HappyLittleMoron gets carried away <G>

* `_Angelo_` sighs, tossing the rest of the rice over Diana

<`_Angelo_`> Yaay..woooo..

* `_Angelo_` shrugs, smirking

<Leah-Nardo> No waste the rice!! Suuuuushi!!!

<`_Angelo_`> I had extra...

* DianaManashevitz laughs, ducking her head* I see...

* Nezumi goes for the cheeeeze! ;P

* Emerald_Isle follows the crowd

* Leah-Nardo goes for the, um, food

* Kameko goes for the cheese cake

<DianaManashevitz> I'll get revenge on you eventually *shakes her hair out* Food?

* `_Angelo_` then heads out to where all are, picking rice out of his pockets and randomly tossing it at ppl

<`_Angelo_`> Fooood

* DianaManashevitz follows, trying to pick ruice out of her hair

<Leah-Nardo> Thanks, Emer. I'm perflectl...perfctly...perfectly able to wakl...wkal...walk!

<Emerald_Isle> Sure ya can

* Kameko eyes Angelo, nibbling at the crust

<Leah-Nardo> Cheesecake?

* HappyLittleMoron put down yet? <G>

* Leah-Nardo tacklejumps Kame

<Nez> Cheese...cake?

<Kameko> You cover me in rice, you sleep on the couch. I don't wanna have to dig it out of this dress!

* Klork ohyeahs, setting HLM down in her seat

* DianaManashevitz chuckles

* Kameko acks, being tackled, looking wide-eyed at Leah

<Klork> Whatcha wanna eat? I'll go get it..

<Kameko>, cheese cake..*blinks*

<Leah-Nardo> Share *wide, Bambi-eyes*

* `_Angelo_` smirks, glancing over, sitting at a spot with a plate of food, waiting for all others to sit with their food

* HappyLittleMoron grins at Klork, catching one of his hands and kissing the palm* How about I go with you? *grins and stands*

* Nezumi's eyes go all starry like mmmm.....cheese cake...

* Klork blinks, then smiles

* Kameko hands Leah an entire cake after pulling herself up, since there are five more

<Kameko> Here..enjoy!

<Klork> ~sure...~ *pauses, then snags his mask off, wiping sweat from his brow* Man, plastic sucks..*smirks, taking her arm*

* Kameko hovers like a nervous mother hen, wanting people to eat her food and enjoy it

<Leah-Nardo> *crumbs left* Mmmmmmmmmmmm...cheesecake *burp*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly, kissing his cheek* <w> You look wonderful nonetheless..

* TurtleNinja and the others are eating, Nezzie going for the cheese and cheesecake....

* DianaManashevitz helps herself, taking a little bit of everything before sitting at the table

* Klork smirks, then straightens, going all overdramatic

* Thera comes out, taking a plate and helping herself to all of her favorite dishes that Kame's made tonight .. sushi being the main one, there being LOTS of that for everyone

<Klork> I pale to the light of beauty you shine apon me, Mo'...*smirks*

* HappyLittleMoron blushes again, smiling softly* Aww...shucks

* Klork walks with her along the tables, picking up food on his plate as he goes, having to grab two eventually..

* Klork smirks

* `_Angelo_` sits, munching

* HappyLittleMoron takes her portion of course, too, obviously a smaller amount than him ;P

* Leah-Nardo helps herself to sushi

* Emerald_Isle takes a plate and picks a few things before quietly sitting down

<Nez> Mmm....this cheesecake doesn't taste like cheese, but it's sure good!

* DianaManashevitz munches tooooooo....mmming softlly

* Kameko still hovers, making sure everything continues to look good, too nervous about how people are going to judge her food to eat or sit

* Zoi pokes her head through the portal and grins, acting like she's feeding her "head"

* Thera sits, eating happily

<Jae> Heeeeyy....sushi! Yum!

* Klork sets his food down at the table, then goes for some sparkling cider

* Klork blinks and looks at Zoi

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly, setting her food by KLork's sitting down..

<Klork> ACK! I--OH! the portal! *laughs nervously* Heh, I knew that...

<Zoi> What? *ducks out of her portal* Ok...not while we're eating.

* HappyLittleMoron cringes...

* Zoi chuckles.

* Klork sits by HLM, laughing still

* DianaManashevitz shoots Zoi the look of death

<Zoi> Mebbe I should stop if you guys freak out....

<Klork> Agghh..*coughs*

<Zoi> Tho it wasn't my idea....*raises a brow*

* `_Angelo_` waits til' all are seated, glancing at Kame, motioning for her to do the same

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head, smirking slightly, the smirk turning into a smile when she looks at Klork, nibbling...

* Klork eats, having not eaten anything all day

* Emerald_Isle nibbles, still not quite used to this 'eating every day' routine.

* `_Angelo_` stands, tapping his glass with a fork..

<`_Angelo_`> A'right a'right...I guess I hafta make a toast, huh?

* Kameko eventually comes over, carrying a next to empty plate .. watching the tables anxiously, her plate just kinda sitting on the table as she twists her hands around continually in the folds of her black velvet skirt

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and looks up, smiling

<`_Angelo_`> Well...I had..quite a few I wanted to do..and I couldn't decide on which I' a couple to toast..

* `_Angelo_` smirks

<`_Angelo_`> bear with me.

* DianaManashevitz chuckles softly

* HappyLittleMoron grins, nodding..

* Klork watches, brow quirked

<`_Angelo_`> To HLM and KLork...may you look back fifty years from now and agree that today was the worst day of your married life...

* Kameko blinks, looking up at him curiously

* Kameko BLINKS...arching a brow

* HappyLittleMoron pauses, then chuckles softly, nodding with a grin

* `_Angelo_` smirks

* Jae grins...

<`_Angelo_`> And Klork..? May you be as happy in life as me's her name? *glances down at Kame with a wink*

* Klork groans, chuckling and shaking his head

* Kameko blinkblinks, then furrows her brow, looking down at her plate as she forces a small smile

<`_Angelo_`> And finally...

<`_Angelo_`> May all your ups and downs of life..come only in the bedroom.

* `_Angelo_` winks at Klork, sitting next to Kame

* HappyLittleMoron laughs

* Klork blinks, then nearly chokes on his cider, laughing

* Emerald_Isle looks at Angelo, a little shocked

* Obsidian smirks.

* Kameko blinkblinks .. then gets up and goes to fixing up her tables again

* `_Angelo_` blinks, watching her go with his brow arched

<Klork> OH dear...*shakes his head* Thanks 'GElo for that...well thought out...toast..

<Leah-Nardo> Nice toast :)

* `_Angelo_` thpppts

* HappyLittleMoron smirks* Yeah..

* DianaManashevitz stands and ahems softly, chuckling

* TurtleNinja smiles.

<`_Angelo_`> Her's is gonna be more creative than mine, I bet! *winks*

<DianaManashevitz> Right, Angelo...I don't think I can top that...

* Kameko fiddles with the food, watching Diana from behind the piles, quietly replenishing things that have kinda run out

* Leah-Nardo needs to call a cab and head home for the night...*spins*

<Klork> More appropriate perhaps...*smirks*

<`_Angelo_`> Heey...*thpts*

* DianaManashevitz smirks and looks to Klork and HLM* Ah...hai...anyway...HLM's been more like a sister to me than my real sister...basically...all I'd like to fewer words than Angelo perhaps...I wish you both a happiness, joy and peace from now until forever...

<DianaManashevitz> ...and by the way, Kame? Very good job on the food *winks*

* `_Angelo_` holds up his glass, then takes a sip

<`_Angelo_`> Amen to that, and the food part too!

* Klork holds up his glass

* TurtleNinja and the others hold up their glasses of course.

* Kameko blinks, then flushes, holding up a glass she just picked up and then takes a sip of the cider

<Klork> To the food! *blinks at HLM with a grin* <w> And to us..*winks*

<Kameko> I didn't do as well on the food as you did on that gown!

* HappyLittleMoron does too, then sips, chuckling

* Emerald_Isle toasts, too

* DianaManashevitz sips and chuckles, sitting down* Domo...that's my wedding gift, by the way...*chuckles*

* `_Angelo_` sighs, standing..

<`_Angelo_`> Okay...maybe I had better do the appropriate toast, huh?

* HappyLittleMoron squeezes Klork's hand...

* Klork smirks down at her with a grin, squeezing her hand in return

<`_Angelo_`> May you never lie, steal cheat or drink...

* Kameko blinks, watching him stand up again, then shakes her head a bit and goes back to straightening the flower arrangements and things

<`_Angelo_`> But if you must lie, lie in each other's arms..

<`_Angelo_`> If you must steal, steal kisses...

<`_Angelo_`> If you must cheat..cheat death..

* HappyLittleMoron blinks, looking up at Angelo, smiling..

<`_Angelo_`> And if you must drink, drink with us, your*holds up his glass*

<`_Angelo_`> To the bride and groom!

* Klork chuckles quietly

* Klork leans over and whispers to HLM (what're they sayin'? ;))

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles and whispers back

* Kameko holds up her glass and sips

* Thera does the same

* TurtleNinja and the others do so as well. :P

* Emerald_Isle too

* DianaManashevitz does the same..

* `_Angelo_` sips

* HappyLittleMoron sips, too <G>

* Thera looks up at Leah

* Klork sips at his cider

<Thera> You still need a way home? I can get you there faster than a cab. *winks*

* Leah-Nardo sips hers...very *small* sip

* HappyLittleMoron coughs, chuckling softly

* Klork grins wryly, sipping at his cider again

* Kameko just fidgets with the stuff still, unable to help it

* `_Angelo_` chuckles, going over and snagging her

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and grins sheepishly

* Kameko blinkblinks, looking up at him

* `_Angelo_` chuckles

<`_Angelo_`> So, are you two gonna dance or what?

* Klork blinks

* Emerald_Isle watches everyone

* DianaManashevitz chuckles* Better watch your feet, Klork...I had her practice in that dress, but after that sake *smirks*

* Klork blinks

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* Don't listen to her, love..

* Klork looks down at HLM, blinking still

* `_Angelo_` sits, snagging Kame w/ him, reaching into a thin case and pulling out a pan flute

* HappyLittleMoron looks up at him..

* Kameko blinkblinks, being pulled onto his lap, then blinks again when he takes out the flute

<Kameko> didn't tell me you could play..

* `_Angelo_` smirks sheepishly, starting up a slow tune

* Klork stands, pulling HLM up

* HappyLittleMoron stands...getting pulled up..

* Klork pulls her out to the floor, glancing at Angelo

* `_Angelo_` speeds the song up a little so they can actually have a bit of a beat to go to..

* Kameko listens .. wondering how he can play with her on his lap, scooting over so she's not in his way

* Emerald_Isle looks at Angelo, playing the flute and shapes away quickly, returning a moment later with her guitar.

* Klork chuckles, dancing with HLM...spinning her a few times for good measure

* Emerald_Isle shyly walks up to Angelo

<Emerald_Isle> Would it be ok if I accompanied you?

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, going with him...dancing and laughing softly at the spins, smiling brightly

* `_Angelo_` looks up, then nods, still playing, speeding up a little with the pace

* Emerald_Isle gets her guitar out and listens for a bit before picking up the tune and playing along

* DianaManashevitz leans back and watches, grinning softly

* Klork blinks, then smirks, picking up his feet a little to keep up with the beat, twirling HLM before taking her hands in his and dancing across the floor

* HappyLittleMoron dances and stuff, holding her skirt out of the way..

* Leah-Nardo bows out...night, all!

* HappyLittleMoron goes with him, squeezing his hands

* Klork chuckles, squeezing back, dancing s'more

* Thera starts clapping to the beat, grinning a bit, enjoying this

* `_Angelo_` slows, ending the song..

* DianaManashevitz grins, brushing curls from her eyes, applauding Angelo and the couple

* Thera applauds both the dancers and the musicians

* HappyLittleMoron leans up to kiss Klork before aplauding Angelo as well

* Kameko just stares at Angelo and Emer

* Klork whews, smirking, applauding Angelo & Emer

<Kameko> I wish I could play something..

* Emerald_Isle blushes

* DianaManashevitz applauded Emer too!

* HappyLittleMoron did too!

* TurtleNinja and the others applaud as well.

<Klork> A'right, time for everybody to find a partner! *runs over and snags his case, bumping Angelo*

* `_Angelo_` erfs, getting up with a chuckle, snagging Kame

<`_Angelo_`> Fine fine, you play..

* Kameko erks, blinking

* Mal and Zoi, Jae and Obsidian pair off, TN and Neph pairing up....

* DianaManashevitz arches a brow, standing with a soft chuckle

<Kameko> ~~I-I dunno..I..I haven't danced since..I don't know how to dance like this!~~

* HappyLittleMoron watches Klork with a soft grin

* `_Angelo_` takes her hands, smiling

<`_Angelo_`> ~Just follow my lead..~

* Thera smiles, just watching

* Klork pulls a fiddle out of his case, starting with a slow draw across the strings before immediately going into an upbeat song, strings dancing on their own

* Emerald_Isle ooohs and starts playing along with Klork

* Kameko acks, wondering how the heck do get going

* DianaManashevitz grins, snagging HLM and Thera* Group dance *grins*

* Klork smirks with Emer's accompanying him, continuing with the lively pace

* Thera blinks .. then grins, going with

* Emerald_Isle recognizes the tune as a song she learned growing up, and starts singing along, in Gaelic

* `_Angelo_` starts em' off, dancing quickly with Kame, hopin' she can catch up, picking his feet up

* Kameko tries, watching his feet for a moment before she gets it, dancing along as if she's known how all her life once she gets started

* Klork glances over at Emer, then grins, playin in harmony with her, a few chords going minor to mix with her before the pace goes quick and lively again

* Obsidian and Jae dance across the floor easily....

* `_Angelo_` dances, chuckling as they dance

<`_Angelo_`> There, you've got it now, Kame! *laughs, dancin'*

* Kameko smirks, dancing with him

* DianaManashevitz dances with Thera and HLM, busting a few step dancing moves she learned as a child

<Kameko> Of course! You think there's a dance a dancer CAN'T learn?

* `_Angelo_` laughs

* Thera has no idea how to dance this way, but is trying all the same, holding her kimono as she does

* Klork continues, doing a few notes that almost sound to trip over each other they go so fast

* Emerald_Isle repeats the series of notes on the guitar

* HappyLittleMoron doesn't either,really ;P Doing the best she can, too

* `_Angelo_` pauses, then grins, seperating with Kame to stand across from her

<`_Angelo_`> Form' a line!

* TurtleNinja and the others follow suit...

* Kameko smirks, doing so, eyes locked on his now as she tries to outdance him

* HappyLittleMoron and Diana do too...<G>

* Klork taps his foot, closing his eyes as he gets into the sogn

* Kameko holds her heavy skirt up, incredibly warm in the black velvet

* `_Angelo_` chuckles, heading the line, taking Kames' hands and dancing down between the two lines of ppl, lookin' to be a better dancer than he lets on

* HappyLittleMoron laughs, clapping her hands in time with the beat

* Emerald_Isle watches the dancers and chuckles

* Kameko arches a brow, going with, her feet still going as she tries to move her feet faster than him, doing a good job as far as she knows

* Klork leans forward, intensifying the song

* Thera watches, just chuckling as she claps along with the beat..still kinda dancing in place

* Emerald_Isle matches Klork's musical intensity

* `_Angelo_` comes to the end of the line, smiling to kame as he seperates with her, clapping his hands to the beat as he waits for the next couple or person to come down the line

* DianaManashevitz ...takes the initiative, dancing down the middle..stepping, long lost talent, hm? ;-)

* `_Angelo_` smiles, clapping his hands and stomping his foot

<`_Angelo_`> Go Di!

* Kameko claps along

* TurtleNinja claps along, smiling...

* DianaManashevitz does a few spins, skirt flairing, as she reaches the end, laughing softly and taking her place in the line once she gets there

* `_Angelo_` smiles, applauding before his hands fall into the beat again

* Thera applauds, just staying, deciding it's best not to try in her kimono, she'd kill herself

* Klork continues, sweat beading on his brow as he concentrates on keeping the tune intense

* Kameko applauds, laughing

* Jae and Obsidian decide to go for it, dancing down the line in a tap-ish way....

* Emerald_Isle looks at Klork, determined to keep up

* Jae spins Obsidian around as they get to the end, grinning as they wait for the next pair...

* DianaManashevitz claps her hands as she watches, smiling

* Klork waits for Jae and Obs to get to the end of the line before pausing, glaning over at Emer

<Klork> ~You know Jug of Brown Ale?~

* `_Angelo_` goes over and sits beside Klork, snagging his flute

<Emerald_Isle> Of course...

* `_Angelo_` smirks, starting the song

* Klork readies his bow, smirking

* Klork starts in, matching the notes Angelo plays

* Emerald_Isle waits a moment before adding her guitar to the mix

* Kameko phews, sitting down and waving her hand, entirely too hot .. then mutters, hearing the music start and then eyes Angelo, getting up and hitching her skirt up, dancing by herself, determined to show she's the faster dancer, starting out easy as the song does

* Klork plays, chuckling, harmonizing with Angelo before it speeds up a little

* DianaManashevitz chuckles at Kame, then grins at HLM, taking her hand and showing some moves...* It's time you learn some more, girlie, so you can teach your kiddies to dance...

* `_Angelo_` plays a steady note for back up as Klork takes solo

* HappyLittleMoron laughs, blushing and trying to imitate...

* Klork taps his foot, digging in, playing some tricky notes before speeding up the pace considerably, Angelo joining back in

* Kameko grins, dancing remarkably well since she's wearing flats, <G> going along, starting to look a little red in the face from the alcohol, the dancing, and the heat of her dress

* HappyLittleMoron smiles brightly, having taken the cloak and moving with the music with Diana's help..

* Emerald_Isle plays the appropriate guitar part

* Klork slows, ending the song

* `_Angelo_` whews, glancing down at Klork

<`_Angelo_`> you gonna do something without flute?

* Klork nods, leaning over and whispering to Emer

* Emerald_Isle wiggles her fingers, stretching them a bit

* HappyLittleMoron and Diana both stop, applauding

* Kameko finishes..then just kinda sinks to her knees on the floor, really really warm but otherwise okay

* `_Angelo_` pauses...

<`_Angelo_`> Hey..that has a flute solo... *squints at Klork*

* `_Angelo_` sighs, picking up the flute

* Klork glances at Emer, waiting for her to start

* Emerald_Isle nods and starts the song

* Kameko picks herself up off the floor, dragging herself to the nearest restroom to cool down

* Klork waits...then joins in, the song a fast paced one on the fiddle

* DianaManashevitz watches Kame, following..* You alright, Kame?

* `_Angelo_` watches her go, brow furrowing, picking up his flute and getting ready to play as soon as Klork's done

* Kameko nods, looking otherwise, though

<Kameko> Yeah..just warm.

* Kameko smiles

* Klork plays, keeping the song intense until Angelo joins in, putting his fiddle down

<Kameko> I should..have picked the satin dress instead of the velvet, s'all.

* Thera is too busy listening to the music

* `_Angelo_` plays, the notes going so fast they seem to trip over each other

* DianaManashevitz heads over and rests the back of her hand on her cheek* Alright...sit down, Kame...I'll wet some paper towels for you...

* Klork cackles, setting his fiddle down while Angelo plays, taking HLM's hands to dance the rest of the song with her

* Kameko sits on the counter, nodding, too warm to argue

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, dancing with him, gazing into his eyes

* Klork smirks, dancing spinning her and keeping his feet moving quickly

* DianaManashevitz gets the paper towels and wets them down, giving one to Kame and dabbing at her brow with the other, concerned

* HappyLittleMoron laughs, moving with him the best she can, skirt and hair flaring as they spin 'n stuff

* Kameko wipes at her neck, chuckling

* TurtleNinja dances with Nephrite, having fun...

<Kameko> I'm okay..just warm. Shouldn't try to outdance somebody in this getup.

* Kameko smiles

<Kameko> ..He's good..never told me he danced. *snorts* Never told me he played, either.

* DianaManashevitz laughs softly* Hai...just be careful...

* `_Angelo_` looks red in the face, almost out of breath on the final note

* DianaManashevitz chuckles* He's just full of suprises then, hm?

* HappyLittleMoron leans up to kiss Klork once they still..

* Klork smiles, leaning to her, looking a little exhausted

* Kameko smiles, feeling a little better

* `_Angelo_` whews, setting down the flute and leaning back

<Kameko> I will..I should go back out, though..I missed his solo, and he'll be upset..

<`_Angelo_`> Ok...*looks up at Emer* You have any songs you wanna play?? I'm gonna...breathe for a bi

* Kameko slides off the counter, taking the wet towels with her though, to keep her cool.

* Kameko heads out, hugging Diana real quick

<Kameko> Thanks.

<DianaManashevitz> Good...*chuckles, following her out..after hugging back*

<HappyLittleMoron> Wanna sit down..?

* Kameko smiles, going to sit down, still holding the cloth to her neck

* `_Angelo_` has flopped over the back of his chair, beat

* Emerald_Isle just randomly starts playing, waiting for inspiration to hit and a song to emerge

* Klork nods, sitting to rest a bit, wrapping his arm around HLM

* HappyLittleMoron smiles sitting by him, resting her head on his shoulder

* Emerald_Isle snickers as she launches into an acoustic version of "You Should Be Dancing" <G>

* `_Angelo_` chuckles

* HappyLittleMoron smirks <G>

* Kameko leans over, looking at him

<`_Angelo_`> No I shouldnt *says this apon recognizing the song* I should be passed out on some lovely couch.../

<Kameko> ~Why didn't you ever tell me you could play..or dance...hmm?~

* Emerald_Isle sings, not quite hitting the high notes <G>

* `_Angelo_` blinks up at her, smirking

* DianaManashevitz smiles a lil', picking up her glass and sipping again

<`_Angelo_`> Ah...well, I wanted to save it for our wedding, but Klork beat us to the punch *smirks*

* Klork taps his foot to the song Emer's playing, attention obviously on HLM mostly

* HappyLittleMoron gazes up at him, smiling and stroking his hand

* DianaManashevitz sets the glass aside and hikes her skirts up to her knees, doing the step-dance thing again

* Klork purrs quietly, looking thankful to be sitting down too

* `_Angelo_` , o for the heck of it, took Kame home <G>

* HappyLittleMoron reaches up and carresses Klork's face* <q> Feeling good..?

* Klork smirks, nodding

<Klork> Yeah, tired, but good *smirks*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles and smiles* Good..

* Klork glances around, then grins

<Klork> Shall we head back to the asylum??

<HappyLittleMoron> Sure...*smiles*

* Klork opens a portal, standing with her

* HappyLittleMoron heads through with a smile

* Klork follows,closing the portal

* DianaManashevitz walks home <G> (do you think she does it alone, though? *G*)

* Mondo_Gecko comes down from his room

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(it's so quiet around here...)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(what the hell happened?)

<Billy> *on the roof of the Asylum* "Hehe, she was a cute one, but I couldn't have gotten her."

* TurtleNinja and the others teleport home....the male Tennou dressed as the Musketeers, Zoi as Antoinette, TN and Queen Victoria, Obs as Josephine Bonepart, Nez in a victorian dress...

* Mondo_Gecko looks over

<Mondo_Gecko> ...Hey guys. Gone to a costume party?

* Emerald_Isle follows them, I guess...

* DianaManashevitz 's walkin' home if Emer wanted to go with her..

* Klork comes in through the sparring room w/ HLM, mask in hand...still dressed as the phantom of the opera..

* HappyLittleMoron twines her fingers with Klork, wearing a long, beeded dress, so light lavender it's almost white, a cloak over her shoulders, hair curled, held back with tednrils curling around her face, wearing just a lil' makeup...going with Klork

* Nephrite takes off his hat, shaking his hair....

<Neph> I don't think these things were made for long hair....

* Klork waves a little to Mondo

<Klork> Heya..

<Mondo_Gecko> Whoa...

<Mondo_Gecko> HLM looks hot

* Klork grins

<Mondo_Gecko> how was the party guys?

<Klork> Yeah, my wife looks hot *winks* Gotta get her outta that dress.*winks*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and blushes

<Mondo_Gecko> ...wife?

* HappyLittleMoron blushes more!

<Klork> Party? Ah, well, the reception was good....

<Mondo_Gecko> hehe..thought you guys wern't getting married until

<Mondo_Gecko> ..........

* Mondo_Gecko cusses a blue streak~!

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> Hey man, it's ok..

<HappyLittleMoron>'s ok, Mondo! *chuckles softly*

<Mondo_Gecko> that sucks!

* Mondo_Gecko huffs

* Klork chuckles quietly

<HappyLittleMoron> We'll remind the hell out of you when we have the shower for our first baby...whenever that happens ;)

<Klork> T'was a good un'..*blinks, then grins at HLM*

* Mondo_Gecko sighs....

<Mondo_Gecko> all week I've been itching to go partying..

<Mondo_Gecko> and there was a wicked ass party and I missed it

* Mondo_Gecko smacks his forehead

<Klork> well, mebbe I can pull out my fiddle tomorrow night..see how good you can dance celtic *smirks*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles

<Klork> Diana's on her way home w/ Emer...*tugs at HLM's arm*

<HappyLittleMoron> You can have Diana teach you...*blinks and grins at Klork*

<Mondo_Gecko> uhh

<Mondo_Gecko> maybe not

<Mondo_Gecko> heh..Diana can't dance the jig..can she?

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> III wouldn't bet money on that..

* Klork heads upstairs, waiting for HLM

* HappyLittleMoron laughs and follows Klork* She did pretty well at the reception ;)

* Mondo_Gecko shrugs

<Mondo_Gecko> ...really!?

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(I missed a chance to slow dance with Diana!!)

* HappyLittleMoron acks, stumbling a lil' on the skirt, catching it and pulling it clear of her feet, nodding as she heads up the stairs

* Mondo_Gecko grraaah!!

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles at Mondo* See you around...*winks and catches up with Klork*

* Klork heads up to her room

* HappyLittleMoron goes with obvousely

* Mondo_Gecko sighs!

<Mondo_Gecko> ..I miss all the fun

* Mondo_Gecko goes and slumps down on the couch, bummed

* Mondo_Gecko gives a sigh

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(I'm just gonna go and have my own party or something)

* Jae walks over and sits down next to Mondo.

<Jae> How was your day?

<Mondo_Gecko> crappy

<Mondo_Gecko> I found out that everyone went and had a wedding and I forgot

<Jae> Not your fault...forgetting happens. But aside from that?

<Mondo_Gecko> boring aside from that

<Mondo_Gecko> I was wandering around the house all day wondering where everyone went

<Jae> Bummer. *watches Neph and Mal "spar" with the swords and rolls his eyes*

<Mondo_Gecko> pretty cool huh

<Mondo_Gecko> wish I could do something like that

<Mondo_Gecko> I can decapitate a guy with my bare hands..but it just doesn't look as cool

* Jadeite chuckles.

<Jae> I bet they'd teach you. They're both sword collectors. Swords are real.

* Jae unsheathes the one he's wearing.

<Jae> 16th century, if I'm remembering right. Wanna hold it?

<Mondo_Gecko> you have to ask!?

* Mondo_Gecko holds out his hands

* Jae hands it over.

* Zoi walks over and takes Mal's blade, fencing with Nephrite....

<Zoi> You're outta practice, Nephrite

* Mondo_Gecko poses with it

* Jae grins, snagging his sister's camera.

<Jae> Picture?

* Mondo_Gecko strikes a few more poses

<Mondo_Gecko> they don't call me hotstuff for nuthin

<Mondo_Gecko> man..this is an awesome wepon

* Jae chuckles and takes a few ictures.

* Zoi lightly smacks Nephrite's wrist, sending his blade spinning into the air, which she catches.

* Mondo_Gecko hands it back

<Neph> Never could block that...

* Jae resheathes it, setting Zoi's camera down.

<Mondo_Gecko> anyone feel like going to an after the reception party?

* Mondo_Gecko looks around..

* Jae shrugs.

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(am I talking to myself?)

<Jae> Shall we wait for Diana and Emer?

<Mondo_Gecko> ...who's Emer ..and where are they?

<Jae> Emerald. Hn...about TN's height, lil' taller, Irish gal....everyone else took portals or teleportation home...she walked and Diana went with her so she wasn't alone.

<Jae> They should be home soon I'd think. :)

<Mondo_Gecko> ahh

* Jae takes off his hat.

<Jae> You seriously want some fencing lessons?

<Mondo_Gecko> I dunno...My momma sez it's not smart to give me sharp objects

* Emerald_Isle walks in

* Jae chuckles.

<Jae> Only when you're not trained would trying to use such a weapon be dangerous. Like attempting to do martial arts without training, y'know?

* DianaManashevitz follows Emer, dressed in a lovely, long, deep green dress with long sleeves and a low neckline, her red curls resting around her shoulders, wearing a lil' bit of makeup as well, bringing her eyes out..

* Zoi tosses Nephrite's saber back.

<Zoi> Hey, welcome home! :)

* Emerald_Isle wavels, putting her guitar case down

* Emerald_Isle looks around, trying to remember everyone's names

* Mondo_Gecko stares

* Mondo_Gecko twitches

* DianaManashevitz blushes, walking gracefully over to Mondo after smiling again at Emer

<Mondo_Gecko> heaaaayyylllllooooo

* Jae chuckles and walks over to Emer.

<Jae> I haven't seen you around much. Emer, right?

* Emerald_Isle looks down at her own purple velvet dress and decides a change is in order

* Emerald_Isle looks up, startled.

<Emerald_Isle> Um...yeah...

<DianaManashevitz> Heyo, Mondo...*sits by him and grins* You alright?

<Emerald_Isle> You' dang...which one are you?

<Emerald_Isle> I'm sorry

* DianaManashevitz traces a "J" in the air for Emer <G>

<Jae> *chuckles* Daijyoubu(s'ok)....Jadeite. Jae.

<Mondo_Gecko> uhh..hay

* Emerald_Isle blinkblinks

<Mondo_Gecko> you look fuckin hot

<Emerald_Isle> Right...hi, Jae

* TurtleNinja nods.

<Jae> Been here long?

<Emerald_Isle> A few weeks, but I seem to miss most of the crowd here

* DianaManashevitz blinkblinks and blushes* ...thanks *grins*

<Emerald_Isle> Hold on a sec...

* Emerald_Isle closes her eyes and concentrates. Suddenly, her purple dress shimmers and almost seems to melt off, replaced by a t-shirt & jeans.

<Emerald_Isle> That's better.

<Emerald_Isle> I am just SO not used to wearing dresses like that...

* DianaManashevitz blinks and then grins, taking Mondo's hand and twining her fingers with his* Hai...but you take the easy way out <G>

<Jae> *blinks* Wow...nice. That's not teleportation, is it?

<Mondo_Gecko> yea..I bet I can think of a funner way to get a girl outta a dress

<Emerald_Isle> Nope...Shaping. I...

* Emerald_Isle blushes at Mondo's comment

* Mondo_Gecko kisses Diana's hand

* DianaManashevitz grins and blushes a lil', squeezing Mondo's hand

<Jae> Shaping? *smirks at Mondo* Don't mind Mondo. *chuckles* Resident pervert. ;P

<Emerald_Isle> Oh...

<Emerald_Isle> Um..Shaping, kinda like shapeshifting

* Mondo_Gecko nuzzes her neck and plants little kisses on her sholder

* DianaManashevitz shivers a lil', cheeks flushed a lil' again, rubbing his hand with her thumb

<Jae> Ah, sou ka(I get it). Interesting. I sense a little bit of magic from you as well...*holds up his right hand, forming a ball of blue-white light in it*

* Emerald_Isle smirks and nods

* Emerald_Isle conjures a few balls of handfire, juggles them around, then sends them crashing into the ceiling, where they ***explode*** in a kaleidescope of COLOUR.

<Emerald_Isle> A little

* DianaManashevitz blinks* ...woah...we'll save millions on fireworks...*leans a lil' into MOndo..*

<Jae> *chuckles* If I did that with my lightning, I'd set the place on fire. *vaporizes the orb* Interesting.

<Emerald_Isle> Mine's just light

<Jae> Sorry you've missed us or we've missed you.

* Mondo_Gecko hugs her from behind and wraps his arms around her waist

* Mondo_Gecko looks to Jae

<Mondo_Gecko> so you wanna go out then

* Jae looks back.

* DianaManashevitz rests her hands over MOndo's, leaning against him and blinking

<Jae> Party? If you guys all wanna, sure.

<Mondo_Gecko> sweet!

<Mondo_Gecko> anyone in with me ?

<DianaManashevitz> I'll go...I just want to change..

<Emerald_Isle> I'm afraid I have to pass...I'm wiped out.

<Jae> *laughs* Ditto...*shimmers blue, reappears in jeans and a blue t* Aww...bummer, Emer.

<Mondo_Gecko> aww..

<Mondo_Gecko> can I help?

* Mondo_Gecko puts his chin on her sholder

<DianaManashevitz> Sleep well, Emer *smiles*

* DianaManashevitz blinks, pausing..

* Mondo_Gecko gives her a doofy smile

<Emerald_Isle> Thx...

* Emerald_Isle picks up her guitar case and shapes it the size of a child's toy

<Emerald_Isle> Shoulda thought of this sooner...

* Jae raises a brow.

<Jae> nice...

* DianaManashevitz chuckles, then hmms a little* How would you help, MOndo? *grins playfully*

<Emerald_Isle> Thx.

<Jae> Well...*smiles* Sleep well. We'll see you later.

* Emerald_Isle smiles and heads up to her room

* Jae stretches.

<Jae> So are we going out to party or what?

<Mondo_Gecko> ooh...perhaps I could unzip it for you..reaaaaall slow..

<Jae> .oO(Hn...guess not)

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(gottascoregottascoregottascore)

* DianaManashevitz hmmmms softly...

<Mondo_Gecko> you know..assist you ;)

* DianaManashevitz grins* Well...I'm feeling adventurouse....hai?

<Mondo_Gecko> really now?

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(maybe I could accidently fall ontop of her and my one eyed monster could accidently slip inside her)

* DianaManashevitz shrugs, impish look in her eye* Maybe...*smirks* I know you fell asleep by me that one night a few days ago for a reason...

* Mondo_Gecko grins..

<Mondo_Gecko> yea.. your pretty eyes

* DianaManashevitz blinks and blushes* ...really now...the fact I was naked had nothing to do with it...

<Mondo_Gecko> you were naked!? I hardly noticed..I was lookin at your purdy eyes

<DianaManashevitz> Uh huh...hai...sure...*chuckles softly*

* Mondo_Gecko gives hr the puppy dog eyes

<DianaManashevitz> Aww...the*pouts back at him*

* Mondo_Gecko 's bottom lip wobbles

* Mondo_Gecko slides his tail slowly around her leg

<DianaManashevitz> Aww...well...*pouts and whimpers a lil'* Youuuuuuuu cheat!

<Mondo_Gecko> cheat?

<Mondo_Gecko> a theif ..a doublecrosser..a liar..never a cheat :P

* DianaManashevitz chuckles* Well...true...*touches his jaw* Now...where you going to help me with this dress? <G>

<Mondo_Gecko> Your room or mine??

* Mondo_Gecko runs his fingers down her hair

<DianaManashevitz> Well...*traces his jaw* My cloths are in my room...and...I do need to feed Tenshi <G>

<Mondo_Gecko> Tenshi?

* DianaManashevitz nods* rat...Japanese for Angel..

<Mondo_Gecko> you have a pet rat??

<Mondo_Gecko> bitchin

* DianaManashevitz chuckles and nods* Hai...a little white rat....*stansd and holds her hands to him..*

* Mondo_Gecko takes her hands

<Mondo_Gecko> sure thing..I gotta see the rat man

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm planning on getting a python..

* DianaManashevitz laughs* So long as the rat doesn't meet the python, I'll be fine <G>

* Mondo_Gecko makes a chomping sounds

* DianaManashevitz smirks and smacks his shoulder lightly...lifting her skirts to head to the stairs

Session Close: Sun Oct 28 02:44:07 2001

