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Session Start: Wed Oct 10 22:22:23 2001

* Diana heads into the kitchen..*

* Diana sighs softly and bows her head..*

* man gets up of the ground, and slowly floats up to the roof

* ``Caine walks in and looks around

* Mondo_Gecko looks over at Diana

<Mondo_Gecko> Hey babe

* Diana's leaning in the doorway of the kitchen, she blinks and looks up at Mondo, smiling* Hey, cutie

* Mondo_Gecko grins

<Mondo_Gecko> Cutie?

* Diana nods, grin curling her lips*

* Mondo_Gecko grins, looking all proud of himself

<Mondo_Gecko> heh heh..she called me cutie..

* ``Caine raises an eyeridge

* Diana chuckles* It's true...

* Mondo_Gecko comes over and wraps his arms around her waist

<Mondo_Gecko> I'd like to think so

* Diana smiles and puts her arms around his shoulders, nodding sagely*

* Mondo_Gecko leans over and kisses her gently

* Diana kisses back, lightly*

* Smoke comes from the pan*

* man stands at the edge of the roof, looking up at the sky

<Mondo_Gecko> Whoa...were so hot were smokin!

<Mondo_Gecko> ..oh wait..that's the meat

<Mondo_Gecko> maybe that's my meat smokin..

<Mondo_Gecko> ;)

* Diana giggles softly* I'd think that would hurt...

<Mondo_Gecko> yea..

<Mondo_Gecko> I think so too

<Mondo_Gecko> friction in the sack would suck

<Mondo_Gecko> You'd get like...dickburn

* Mondo_Gecko pulls the meat off the stove and starts to fill tacos

* The 'man', if he's really looking as hard as he seems he is, he'd see a glint of light getting closer to the roof.

* Diana laughs*

<Mondo_Gecko> Want some?

<Diana> Sure...*grins and heads over*

* HappyLittleMoron comes in from work...promptly tossing herself onto the couch with a groan


* Mondo_Gecko looks over

<Mondo_Gecko> nice to see you to HLM

<Kim> *diiiiives from the sky.. on fire* "...oh.. shit.." *diiiive, THUD, roll roll roll, flop...* "..ow"

* HappyLittleMoron flops an arm in Mondo's general direction* hiiiiiiiiii...

* Diana furrows her brow slightly...eys a little distant*

* man looks at Kim* "Are you ok?"

<Mondo_Gecko> Want some tacos Mo?

* Mondo_Gecko looks at Diana and then shrugs..figuring she's just thinking about something

* Kim's kinda... not on fire anymore, but... that was quite a crash landing* "Uhh.... i hope so..." *shifts, and hears cracks* "Err.. nevermind... no, i'm not" *blinks, counts to three.. and sits up quickly, several cracks are heard* "Ow... ow ow"

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhm...

* HappyLittleMoron looks as if she's giving this some seriouse thought...

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh...HELLYEAH...*pulls herself to her feet and trudges into the kitchen*

* Mondo_Gecko grins

<Mondo_Gecko> good

* man walks over to her and kneels down* need some help?

<Mondo_Gecko> because I made too many

* Mondo_Gecko sets a taco platter on the table

<Mondo_Gecko> ..Diana?

* Mondo_Gecko waves a hand infront of her face

* Diana blinks, jumping a little, eyes troublee* Ah...hai? (and whyfore? (also explains a bit that takes place later on))

<Kim> *nods* "Yeah... call a medic... i think i broke myself..." *rubs her cheek* "nothing broke though..." *just.. sits...*

<Mondo_Gecko> You ok babe?

<man> "do you live here?"

<Kim> *looks around, rolling her eyes a bit untill they get back in focus* "Umm.. where's here?"

<man> "The Asylum, ran by HLM."

<Diana> I...hai...just...*shrugs a little* Bit of a telepathic...argument thing...

* Mondo_Gecko frowns a bit

<Mondo_Gecko> with who?

* Kameko comes in, shivering in a very big white sweater and big bushy jacket

<Kameko> Coooolllddd..

* Mondo_Gecko rubs her back

<Kim> *nods a bit* "Seems like a nice place..." *starts to stand, a bit shakey...* "Any vacancies..?"

* HappyLittleMoron looks at Kame and flops an arm at her halfheartedly

<Diana> Zack...

<Mondo_Gecko> who??

* Mondo_Gecko blinks

<man> "I think so, HLM is inside, you should ask her."

* Kameko arches a brow, huddling tighter in her jacket

<Kameko> Heya 'Mo.. what's up?

* Mondo_Gecko looks thoughtful

<Mondo_Gecko> Oh the kid!

<Mondo_Gecko> I remember...where's he been at ?

<HappyLittleMoron> Sleepysleepysleepy..

* Kameko chuckles, looking a little relieved

<Kameko> That maybe something had happened to you.. got me worried.

<Kim> *Stands up straight now, nodding, placing her hands just behind her back and arching.. more cracks now, but pleasant ones, to her anyway* "Kay... lead the way..."

* Diana nods..* Ah...well...dead for a while...then caame back to life somehow...he...ah...had a thing for me apparently...*winces*

<HappyLittleMoron> Oooohh...*hugs Kame* Nonono...I fine! You?

* Mondo_Gecko blinks

<Mondo_Gecko> really?

* Mondo_Gecko cocks his head

<Mondo_Gecko> that what you arguing with him over?

<man> "Well uhmm, she is right in there downstairs probally...I really shouldn't be in there right now..."

<Kim> *blinks, and narrows her rather red eyes on him* "Aaaaand why arent you supposed to be in there?"

<Kameko> Cooold! But good other than freezing my butt off!

<man> "A friend of mine and I are having a little bit of a dissagreement."

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles

<Kim> *nods* "i see.. well.. uhh... which side is the door on?" *peers over the roof on one side... probably the closest one*

<Diana> *shrugs* Uhm...well...just told him that you and I are together...

* man points to the door

<Mondo_Gecko> oh...

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(were together?! whoa....)

* Kim nods... and steps off the edge of the roof........ landing lightly on her feet with a little flitter of her slightly flaming wings* "Hmm..." *knocks...*

<Mondo_Gecko> and..what did he say?

<Diana> ...I think I hurt him...he said he hoped it would help...

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

<Mondo_Gecko> man..there sure are alot of guys after you all of a sudden

* Mondo_Gecko scratches his head

* Diana grins a lil' and shrugs a bit*

<Mondo_Gecko> I chalk it up to the thing about how guys want what they cant have

<Diana> Makes a bit of sense...

* man jumps down from the roof, landing briskly, and then walks over to a tree, hopping up into it and sitting down

<Mondo_Gecko> Were there this many guys in hot pursuit before?

<Diana> Ah...well...not exactly like this...but...I guess...

<Mondo_Gecko> whoa..

* Kim shrugs and opens the door, looking in...*

<Mondo_Gecko> yea well..that's cause your hot and nice

* Diana blushes!*

* Mondo_Gecko burps..on his third taco now

* Diana chuckles, starting on her first ;-P*

* HappyLittleMoron looks to Kame* So...whatcha been up ta?

<Kameko> Uh.... heh.. bein' lazy? I haven't been dancing; Angelo doesn't want me to now with the baby.. *rolls her eyes with a slight smirk* Men... but anyway.. I just need to tell Klork that I'm ready to go to work at the pizzaria.

* Diana looks up in suprise*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles* Goodgood...dancing is hard to do when pregnant anyway...

* Mondo_Gecko looks at Diana

<Mondo_Gecko> he buggin ya?

<HappyLittleMoron> Diana: *brows furrowed* I...hai...I think...

* Mondo_Gecko frowns

<Mondo_Gecko> Can't you put telekinisis on ignore?

<Mondo_Gecko> or something?

<Diana> Well...hai...but I'd have to block myself off from everything else...

<Kim> *peers around* "Umm..." *knocks, loudly, on the door, while it's open*

<Mondo_Gecko> oh..

<Mondo_Gecko> I dunno how that stuff works since I'm "Mr No powers"

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and looks up at Kim

* Diana wraps her arms around Mondo* It's ok...I...I think I was hearing things...or something...

* Mondo_Gecko smiles a bit

<Mondo_Gecko> hearing things?

<Kim> *smiles* "Finally.. someone notices me here..." *steps in and closes the door* "I'm looking for someone.. uh... HMO? Some guy on the roof told me to look for that person..."

* Diana chuckles softly* Hai...the voices!

* HappyLittleMoron blinks...* HLM you mean? *grins lopsidedly, looking sleepy**

<Kim> *shrugs* "whatever, musta' lost my grip on reality and memory when i kinda.. crash landed on your roof..."

* HappyLittleMoron blinks...* Heh! I know that feeling...c'mon ok?

* man floats multiple rocks in front of himself, spinning them about with his mind

* Mondo_Gecko smiles

<Mondo_Gecko> Well it's ok.. just remember ..they're only jealous because the voices only talk to you

<Kim> *nods, tilting her head* "Yeah... just a little broken.. no biggie..."

* Diana chuckles* All the more proof I'm special..

* Mondo_Gecko smiles and nuzzles her sholder

* Diana smiles, stroking his hair*

<Mondo_Gecko> You like my hair..admit it ;P

<Diana>'ve got better hair than I do! *indignant look*

<Mondo_Gecko> ........yep

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* Heh...okaaaaaaaaay...

* Mondo_Gecko tosses his hair

<man> *swings his hand, the rocks flying away* "damnit...."

<Kim> *grins* "Crash landind from the sky into a roof... doesnt feel too nice... so..." *shrugs, and winces* "ow.." *looks to HLM again* "So... are you the HLM person?"

* man gets up, and begins to fly away to who knows where

<HappyLittleMoron> Yep...that's me...

<Kim> *nods* "Kay... good... any vacancies?"

* Diana's eyes widen, looking around a lil'* <w> What the hell...*shivers..*

<Mondo_Gecko> what??

* Mondo_Gecko frowns..

<Mondo_Gecko> what is it?

<HappyLittleMoron> Yep...we got three rules ya need ta follow...pull yer own weight, as in pay your portion of the bills and cleean up after yourself...keep fighting to a minimum...and respect others' privacy

<Diana> I thought I heard Zack again...he left...*shivers again, brows furrow*

* Mondo_Gecko sighs

<Mondo_Gecko> that's messed up

<Mondo_Gecko> What's he saying?

<Diana> He just said damnit...and...flew off...*licks her lower lip..eyes thoughtful*

* Mondo_Gecko shrugs

<Mondo_Gecko> he sounds pretty pissed

<Mondo_Gecko> Did you guys have something going on?

* Diana nods...then blinks* Not really...I was just helping him figure out how to use his powers...

<Kim> *think* "Kay... i'll get a job i guess... dunno where" *taps her chin, looking thoughtful* "Fighting ain't a problem... aaand.. well, privacy isnt something i've really had before, so.. sweet" ^^;

* her locket glows slightly for a second, then stops*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles

* Diana looks down at the locket...blinking*

<Mondo_Gecko> oh.. poor guy..he must be really hurt. I know how that is

* Diana nods, cringing a lil'* I feel really bad about it...

<HappyLittleMoron> Ok...kewlness...*grabs the book and a key* I just need you to sign here...

<Mondo_Gecko> if only I had your problem

* Mondo_Gecko smirks

<Diana> You want guys falling over each other for you? <G>

<Mondo_Gecko> ..ACK!

<Mondo_Gecko> nono!

<Mondo_Gecko> Chicks will do fine!

* Diana laughs!!* I'm suprised they don't...

* Kim signs the book with her fingernail, it seems to 'burn' her signature into the page*

<Mondo_Gecko> I'm surprized they don't too!

<Mondo_Gecko> .......damnit!

* HappyLittleMoron blinks, then shrugs a little* Nifty...*hands the key over* Woulda thunk a pen would'a been easier...

* Billy is flying about, and lands on the roof quickly, setting off the alarm then quickly flies away* "HAHAHAHA!"

* Mondo_Gecko pounds his fist on the table, grinnig

* Diana laughs again*

* HappyLittleMoron yelps and growls softly, the ward going off in her head

<Billy> "Hehehehe, this is gonna be great!"

<Kim> *shrugs* "tryin'a figure out things to do with this" *shrugs and blinks, jumping* "Ehh!? what the hell?"

* HappyLittleMoron rubs her head, and casts a glareee towardds the ceiling* Ward's getting set off...nothin' were saying?

* Diana blinks...having heard something else..*

<Mondo_Gecko> what is it now?

* Billy laughing loudly, lands and takes off again

<Diana> The voices again..."She seems so happy..." *sighs and attempts a block...*

* Mondo_Gecko frowns

<Kim> *nods* "Kay..." *blinks* "Uhh.. wards?"

<Mondo_Gecko> man, now I feel guilty

* Billy laughing loudly, lands and takes off again a couple times, setting it off some more

* HappyLittleMoron winces and grumbles, nodding* Yeah...I've gotta go check it out...uh...Kim...*manafests her shirt off, extending her wings from her back with the loud grinding of bone*

<Kim> *blinks, staring* "Woah.. kick ass... wish i could do THAT" *grins*

<Billy> "I think that's enough...hehehehe" *starts to fly away slowly

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly* C'mon...*bolts up the stairs*

* HappyLittleMoron wwears a tank top :-P

* Kim blinks, and darts after her*

* HappyLittleMoron bursts onto the roof and leaps into the air, flying after Billy* BOY!!! What's WRONG with you?!

<Billy> "Huh? What? I didn't do anything!?" *smirks, continuing to fly*

<HappyLittleMoron> Shyah!! *trusts her wings to catch up*

<Mondo_Gecko> man..why am I so tried all of a sudden

* Kim leaps up and follows, snickering* "Enter, the chase scene!"

* Mondo_Gecko yawns big and his tounge curls like a cats when he yawns

* HappyLittleMoron smirks

<Billy> "Hehehe, your a good flier babe! Mabye you'll catch up!"

* Diana chukcles*

* Kameko just shivers

* Mondo_Gecko makes a little squeek as he yawns and then blinks, looking sleepy

<HappyLittleMoron> You don't know the half of it, boy...and don't call me babe!!

* Diana blinks and touches his cheek* Sleepy?

<Mondo_Gecko> ..I think so

<Billy> "Why not? Im just calling you what you are! your hot!" *continues to dart about*

<Mondo_Gecko> maybe I shouldn't take other ppl's drugs that I find in dumpsters :P

* Kim rolls her eyes and veers off to the side...trying to get infront of him to cut him off*

* HappyLittleMoron veering in the opposite direction of Kim to try trapping Billy* Well gee...thanks a lot...I'm engaged though, so you ain't got a chance in hell...

* Billy cuts right quickly, dodging Kim and laughs

* Diana chuckles* Indeed...

<Billy> "Mabye I do, mabye I don't! But doesn't mean I can't state the truth!"

<HappyLittleMoron> Ugh...*shakes her head as she dives at him*

* Mondo_Gecko yawns and squeeks again and then nuzzles into her

<Mondo_Gecko> ..Imma sleep on yer boobies now

* Diana blinkblinks and rests her arms around him* Uhmmmm...okaaaaaaaaaay...what if they fall aasleep too?

<Billy> "Don't you think this is fun!?"

<Mondo_Gecko> umm...never thought of that

<Kim> *snickers, calling out to HLM* "Can i burn him out of the air?"

* Mondo_Gecko fluffs her boobs like a pillow and closes his eyes and pretends to snore

<HappyLittleMoron> Sure! *grins wickedly*

* Mondo_Gecko tries not to laugh

* Diana blinks and smirks!!! floofing his hair*

<Mondo_Gecko> ACK!

<Mondo_Gecko> I've been floofed!!

<Kim> *cackles... and her eyes glow brightly... she starts to fly a bit slower, her hands on fire*

* Billy grabs a couple cards from his coat, charging them lightly and throwing them at HLM and Kim

<HappyLittleMoron> Woah!! *dodges the charged card*

<Diana> You started it!

* Diana giggles softly*

<Kim> *sends a fireball at the ones that are coming at her, burning them up...* "Hah!" *sends another, much larger fireball at Billy*

* Mondo_Gecko smooth his hair, using his claws to do so

* Klork comes in..peers around...pensive look on his face..

* Klork ah-hahs! and tackles HLM*

* HappyLittleMoron 's up in the air, battling Billy ;-P

<Kim> *is too*

* Klork harumphs...landing on the floor then :P*

* Diana's being used as a pillow...*

* Kameko yawns, shivering still

<Mondo_Gecko> uh oh..I really am gonna fall asleep

* Diana pokes Mondo* If I keep poking you will you stay awake?

<Mondo_Gecko> ....nope

<Diana> ......darn...*shrugs a lil' and wraps her arms around him again*

* Kameko yawns, a bit sleepy

* Klork shuffles over to Kame, sitting next to her wherever she be* Hiiiiii!

<Mondo_Gecko> man..I feel as if I drank a bottle of codine

<Mondo_Gecko> this is really fucked up, ussualy I have so much energy I'm bouncing off the walls like some guy with ADD ;)

* Diana chuckles* Hai...did you have a long day..?

<Mondo_Gecko> not even!

* Diana chuckles*

* Mondo_Gecko shakes his head and smacks his cheeks

<Mondo_Gecko> ..ow

* Diana pokes his belly*

<Mondo_Gecko> now I'm tired and my face hurts

* Mondo_Gecko burps

* HappyLittleMoron swoops down to land on the roof...wincing as she withdraws her wings

<RicaChica> braaaavoewkie..

* Kameko sniggers, looking up

<Kameko> "braaaavoewkie?"

* RicaChica plugs her nose as she comes down the stairs

* Diana blinks and looks up*

<Mondo_Gecko> it's like that doughboy thing..

* HappyLittleMoron comes down the stairs, shaking her head

<RicaChica> I was gonna say bravo to the face slappin'..but then he belched and that was...*makes a face* Almost as bad as the farting..

<Mondo_Gecko> only I burp instead of laugh

* Klork tackles HLM* HI!

* Mondo_Gecko thhbttsss at Rica

* HappyLittleMoron yelps and gets tackled, looking up at Klork* Hi!!

* Kim lands as well, but, doesnt pull in her wings.... cuz she can't!* "Hmm... that was odd... who was that?"

* RicaChica makes a face

* HappyLittleMoron looks at Kim, upsidedown from the floor* Billy...*grumbles*

<RicaChica> ah, nothanks.

<Mondo_Gecko> Keep it up chickidy poo and I'll fart at you

<Kim> *blinks* "Ehh..?" *blinks* "This place is wierd..."

* Klork smirks then looks up* Are you callin' us weird??

* RicaChica snorts

<RicaChica> please, I'd prefer my life spared...

<Mondo_Gecko> and I can too! I can make myself everyone should be nice to me or feel the wrath of the butt of Mondo ;P

<HappyLittleMoron> Awww...just don't like the Amish Porno?

<Diana>....don't hurt meeeeeeeeeee....

* RicaChica oys..

<Mondo_Gecko> it's ok Diana..I shall spare you..but all who cross me will feel the wrath of my butt

<Diana> Woo!

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(haha..that girl is such a snot!'s funny to gross out ppl who think their better than me)

<Kim> *blinks* "A..mish.... Porno?" *looks at her oddly, and shivers* "No thanks.. don't wanna see somethin' where the chicks have beard to hand on to while the guys rock and roll..."

* Kameko laughs, holding her sides

<Kameko> Huuurrts!

* HappyLittleMoron laughs!!!!

* RicaChica hops on the arm of the couch, looking down at Mondo

<RicaChica> Hey, Mondo?? I wanted to apologize for being a bitch the other day...PMS sucks.

<Mondo_Gecko> that all it was?

* Klork slowly shakes his head, getting up and offering a hand to HLM*

<Kim> *snickers* "Knew that one would make ya' laugh*

* RicaChica nods

<RicaChica> yup..

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO(funny I thought it was her personality*mental snicker*)

<Mondo_Gecko> ...uhh...okay

* RicaChica shrugs

* HappyLittleMoron takes the hand and pulls herself up, grinning

* Mondo_Gecko waits for the punchline

<RicaChica> that was it..*heads to the kitchen to splunk for food*

* Kameko looks up at Rica, going with

<Mondo_Gecko> ...oh

* RicaChica hrms

* Mondo_Gecko scratches his head, looking confused

<Kameko> Hey..? Want to share some dinner? I'm hungry, but not enough to eat by myself

* Mondo_Gecko looks at Diana

<RicaChica> Is anybody hungry?? I just got the sudden urge to eat spagetti..

<Mondo_Gecko> ..what just happened?

* RicaChica blinks, looking at Kame

* Klork tickles HLM* Bwaaaaahhahaha

* Diana blinks, arching a brow* ...Rica just appologiezed...

* HappyLittleMoron eeps!

* Kim does a creepy head spin 180 thing, but makes it possible by turning a bit with her head* "Did... you say spagetti?"

* HappyLittleMoron giggles and tickles back

<Mondo_Gecko> Yea I know..

<Mondo_Gecko> I was waiting for the punchline or something

* HappyLittleMoron ...blinks at Kim......

* Kameko starts up a large pot of water

<Mondo_Gecko> I've never been appologized to by a chick

<Kameko> Sounds good!

<RicaChica> I miighta said spagetti...

* Diana blinks* Oh...?

* RicaChica starts putting thawed meat into a pan..lettin' it..well, heat up :P

<Kim> *grins* "Good, make some extra for me!"

* Klork boingies over to the kitchen* Metoooo!

<Mondo_Gecko> ...I get water spit at me..slurpies in my pants.. feet stomped on..gum in my hair

<Mondo_Gecko> never an appology..and spiked heals hurt!

<Mondo_Gecko> I mean..I suppose I'm kinda askin for it...I tease uptight chicks alot..

<Diana> Eesh...*patpats his shoulder* Well...hai...but stilll..

<Mondo_Gecko> Maybe she's nice er somethin

<Kim> *blink blinks... her feet all tangled up with eachother,... aaaaaand she topples over on her hands and knees* "Ack.. damn.. hello floor, how are you?" *stands up again*

* RicaChica starts letting the meat cook..leaning back

<RicaChica> so how's the lil' un', Kame??

* Diana nods..*

* Kameko chuckles, patting her abdomen

<Kameko> Hungry, s'why I want food.

* RicaChica nodnodnodnodnods

* RicaChica pauses

<RicaChica> No, I'm not pregnant..

<RicaChica> But I haven't eaten since breakfast!

<Kim> *wanders up behind Rica, peeking at the meat* "...that dun look like spagetti...."

* Kameko points to the boiling pot of water, putting in LOTS of noddles

<Kameko> No..this is. <G>

<RicaChica> It's part of the sauuuce *looks up at her*

<Kim> *blinks* "Ooooooo... good!" *grins* "Fancy Spagetti... even better"

* RicaChica drains the grease from the ground beef, then pours in the tomato sauce*

* RicaChica arches a brow

<RicaChica> Fancy??? I always made this a standard for my s'getti..*blinks, looking lost at that*

* HappyLittleMoron comes up behind Klork and slides her arms around his middle from behind, standing on her tiptoes* we're talking about RICA'S meat...sauce? <G>

<Kim> *shrugs* "If you saw the way my room mate cooked... you'd consider using a frying pan fancy.." *smirks*

* Kameko tosses the wooden spoon at Klork

<Kameko> Dirty! You get no food if you keep thinkin' that way!

* Klork acks, catching it*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

* Mondo_Gecko falls asleep..

* Diana is...fallen asleep on*

<Mondo_Gecko> *snort* *hisssss* *snort* *hissss*

<Klork> Whaaa??? What'd I say?!

* Klork blinks* HLM said it! nomme!!

<Kameko> Yeah, but I don't want to hit her. I like her!

* Kameko winks at 'Mo, then grabs another spoon and stirs the noodles

* HappyLittleMoron laughs!!

* Klork blinks* But I didn't SAY or DO anything! that's not fair!!

* HappyLittleMoron grins at Kame, then at Klork* Can't wait 'till she's really my sister, too...*kisses his cheek*

<Kim> *blinks, and snickers* "Thats the attitude!" *flops down in the nearest chair that ISNT against a wall or anything*

* Klork sighs overdramatically..then pauses, going about making out with HLM in the doorway*

* RicaChica glances over..then blinks

<RicaChica> Ohgeeze...

* RicaChica looks at Kame

<RicaChica> dinner's gonna be done before they are...

* HappyLittleMoron blinkblinks and makes out riiiiiiiiiiight back <G>

* RicaChica starts putting a few spices n' stuffs into the sauce, stirring

* RicaChica looks over at Kame

<RicaChica> how long til' the noodles are done?

* Kameko makes a face

<Kameko> Hold on.. let me check..

* Kameko takes out a noodle and throws it at Klorks' arm, watching it stick ... and grins

<Kameko> Now.

* Klork pulls back, acking and peeling it off* Hey!!!

* RicaChica cackles

* Kameko sniggers, pouring it into a strainer

* HappyLittleMoron blinkblinks* Rude...just might make us take it someplace private...*snickers*

<Kameko> Test that, Klork. It cooked?

* RicaChica finishes stirring

* Klork snorts..then sighs, eating it*'s good..

* Kameko smiles

<Kim> *blinks* "hmm..."

 <Kameko> Good.

* Kameko looks at Rica

<Kameko> OK, since it's your sauce, I'll let you add it to the noodles the way you like. I'm not sure how you do it, so I won't interfere. <G>

* RicaChica shrugs

<RicaChica> We can just have ppl come up and spoon it onto the noodles..

* Mondo_Gecko falls off the chair he's sitting on, asleep

<Mondo_Gecko> ..I'MUPI'MUP!

<Mondo_Gecko> huh??

* Mondo_Gecko looks around, dazed

<RicaChica> FOOD!!

* Klork is already sitting at the table, having dragged Mo' with him <EG>*

* Diana looks down at Mondo and chuckles softly*

* Kim looks over to Mondo... and snickers wildly*

* HappyLittleMoron 's with Klork, then <G>

<Mondo_Gecko> do I smell food??

* Mondo_Gecko blinks and looks out of it

* Kim hops up and stalks toward the food*

* RicaChica starts handing plates of stuff out to every body...n'..yeah <G>

* Diana nods* Think so...

 Kameko waits until everyone else has a plate before taking her own

* RicaChica does so as well...sitting and munching hungrily

* Klork munches..feeding HLM every now and then for the hell of it*

* HappyLittleMoron snickers, returning the favor ;-P

* Kim would most likely be the last one... but, eh'... just gets food and chows*

<Mondo_Gecko> I think I'm gonna go sleep or something

* Klork roooowwrrs*

* Kameko eats happily

* RicaChica scarfs

* Mondo_Gecko gets up

<Mondo_Gecko> I'll see you later Diana

* Diana blinks* See you later, Mondo...*gets up to give him a quick hug and shy kiss*

* Mondo_Gecko smiles and kisses her cheeks Italian style

* Klork chuckles, swallowing his food* Aww! How cute!!

* Diana chuckles*

* Mondo_Gecko waves to everyone

* HappyLittleMoron waves back to Mondo

<Mondo_Gecko> Ok. I'm going to give into the sleep demons now..

* RicaChica waves

<RicaChica> g'nite!

* Klork waves as well* Nittoo

* Diana chukcles softly*

* Mondo_Gecko disapears up stairs and flops down on his bed, fully clothed and falls asleep*

* Kameko leans back, groaning

<Kameko> Okay..I'm stuffed---oohh, I want ice cream.

* Kameko immediately gets up, going and splunking the freezer

* HappyLittleMoron pauses and laughs

<Kim> *leans foreward, grinning* "that was goooood...."

* Klork glances over* Stuffed? I..heh, it's in the freezer...we've got Green Tea and..a couple other kinds..

* RicaChica nods, putting her fork on her empty plate

<RicaChica> mm..

<Kim> *urps, and blinks* "Scuse me.."

<RicaChica> Ah! no worries, that's a compliment *smirks proudly*

* Kameko just digs and digs, coming out with a new carton of something, and eats

* Klork shakes his head* goof...

* HappyLittleMoron leans back and grins at him* I remember those days...

* Klork chuckles, poking her lightly*

<Kim> *grins a bit* "Now now.. you two go upstairs and have a good time... you look like you're pondering it already"

* HappyLittleMoron eeps* Wha'...? *blinks at Kim and grins, chuckling*

* Klork blinks* Wha? C'mon, we've done more than ponder *grins mischeviously*

<HappyLittleMoron> Ehehe

* RicaChica shakes her head

* Kameko looks ill, suddenly putting the ice cream away

<RicaChica> TOOO much info..

* HappyLittleMoron blinkblinks and chuckles

<Kim> *rolls her eyes* "I bet you have... but... have you had.. THIS!" *pulls out of her pocket.. PAPER!* "Shit.. where'd it go..." *fishes in the pockets of her huge pants*

* Klork arches a brow* eh?

<Kim> *holds up a finger* "Gimme a sec..." *fishes more*

* HappyLittleMoron bblinks, then looks at Klork, poking him

<Kim> *grins and nods* "there we go.." *pulls out a little red book and hands it over the table to Klork* "There... appreciate it... all my boyfriends did..."

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and arches a brow

* Klork blinkblinks* Eh?

* Klork blinks, flipping through it*

<Kim> *smiles*

* HappyLittleMoron looks tooooooooo

* Klork blinks..inching away* Minne!

<Kim> "Na na na... males only" ^^;

<HappyLittleMoron> Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

* HappyLittleMoron pouts

* HappyLittleMoron mutters

<Kim> *grins* "Seriously... i haven't even looked at it... well.. nothing past the title page.. didnt want to, you wont either... its all from a guy's point of view, or so i've heard"

* Klork starts reading, hrrmming*

<HappyLittleMoron> What is it...? *arches a brow* ...uh...well...never mind then...*shrugs*

* Nezumi shuffles downstairs and to the kitchen to make some sushi...

* Klork walks out of the kitchen, reading*

* HappyLittleMoron watches him, wrinkling her nose a lil'

* NezumiChan looks over, watching Klork go, before looking back to HLM.

<NezumiChan> everything all right, M-san?

* RicaChica urpps

<HappyLittleMoron> Yeah...he's just...reading some mysteriouse guy only book...*makes a face, looking as if she wants to follow..*

* NezumiChan raises a brow.

<NezumiChan> Guy-only? Hn...all right. *smiles* Would you care for some sushi?

* Klork sits on the couch, reading intently*

* HappyLittleMoron shakes her head* Ate already...thanks...

* HappyLittleMoron eyes Klork, then looks to Nez and then to Kim

* NezumiChan nods and goes about preparing the sushi.

<HappyLittleMoron> Whatisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit...

* Klork still reads, cackling*

* HappyLittleMoron whines and mutters

* NezumiChan takes the sushi and some tea and heads out into the main room, looking for people...

<Kim> *blinks* "He's taking too much pleasure into reading that...."

<HappyLittleMoron> ...what is it??

<Kim> *shrugs* "I dunno.. dont wanna know, but all the guys that read it giggle or cackle like idiots..."

* Klork still reads*

<RicaChica> hn...ok, well, we at least know Klork's a typical guy then..

<Kim> *snickers* "Yeah..."

* HappyLittleMoron smirks

* HappyLittleMoron hrmmmmms...manafesting a piece of wood and experimentally wittling

<Kim> *yawns* "What room did you say again?" *eyes her key*

<HappyLittleMoron> The number's on the key..*smiles*

<Kim> *smiles back* "Hai... night..." *yawns again and hover/stumbles up the stairs to her room... and... falls asleep on the bed, face down, only half undressed (dressed from waist down)*

* HappyLittleMoron pouts, looking over at Klork

* Klork is still reading, cackling in the process*

* HappyLittleMoron hmmmmmmmmmmms...

* HappyLittleMoron looks around for something annoying to throw...riffling through drawerrs for rubber bands...

* Klork still reads, wiping at his eyes from laughing so hard*

* Kameko hands HLM a rubber band gun, loaded


* Klork still reads*

* RicaChica chokes, trying not to laugh, giving HLM & Kame two thumbs up

* HappyLittleMoron grins EVILLY

<HappyLittleMoron> <w> Thanks Kame...ehehe...*goes into stealth mode...slinking into the living room, hiding behind a chair and squeezing a few well aimed shots off at Klork...*

* Klork acks, jumping and immediately pocketing the book* Hey!!

* Kameko laughs, sliding down the wall where she'd been standing, laughing

<HappyLittleMoron> MWAHAHAHA! *dives and shoots again, dashing into the workout room*

* Klork acks, then runs after her* You gonna get it!!

<HappyLittleMoron> *over her shoulder* Get what??? *leaps over the balance beam, putting it between them and diving into the pile of mats*

* Klork dives after*

* HappyLittleMoron ehehehes and squirms through them, dashing for the stairs..

* Diana watches this and snickers*

* Klork blinks, sitting up..then grrrs, chasing after*

* HappyLittleMoron dashes into her room

* Klork opens a portal, going in after her*

* Diana smirks* Children...

Session Close: Thu Oct 11 02:21:47 2001

