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Session Start: Mon Jan 07 12:13:41 2002

* Diana comes into the asylum, carrying grocery bags and trying to blow a random curl from her eyes*

* FWL_MeRc is sitting on the couch, a bandaged hand and looks up at Diana* "hey sweet cheeks"

* Diana smirks lightly, heading into the kitchen* Ah...hai...heya, Mercie...what happened to your hand?

<FWL_MeRc> erm

<FWL_MeRc> never play with a cross bow

* Diana sets the bags down, putting stuff away, listening while she does so* need help on using it do you?

<FWL_MeRc> oh i CAN use it... i was playing with it... my hand was were it shouldn't and the arrow sliced my hand open

<Diana> oohh...don't do that then! *smirks as she comes out of the kitchen, brushing her hands together, light scar along her cheekbone*

<FWL_MeRc> what happened to you *looksa t the scar*

<Diana> 'Eh? *reaches up to touch the scar* There was a shootout about a week a lil' grazed...this should fade in a few more days...

<FWL_MeRc> well your lucky

<FWL_MeRc> guns are my fortae

<FWL_MeRc> and that is sheer luck that wasn't any more serious

* Diana chuckles softly and nods, sitting in a chair* Perhaps...I don't know if that particular group will ever bother us...I only just got the windows fixed...Keelin got shot in the arm...iron poisoning...Klork and I took most of them out...

<FWL_MeRc> qwll They'll have me to deal with

* DianaManahsevitz nods with a slight smile* The more help we can get the better...the only problem with having guns here is our elven ally who lives with us now...any form of iron is very harmful to her...

<FWL_MeRc> Iron?

<FWL_MeRc> modern guns don't use iron

<DianaManashevitz> Any form of it...stainless steel...plastic is alright...most bullets are still made of metal

<FWL_MeRc> allimionin?

<DianaManashevitz> Hmm...I guess that would be'd have to ask her tho

* FWL_MeRc nods

* DianaManashevitz streatches a lil'* At any rate...guns are the least of our problems...there've been magical attacks as well...*shakes her head* The last one knocked everyone out except for the children, HLM and Myrae...

<FWL_MeRc> feh

<FWL_MeRc> takes alot to knock me out

* DianaManashevitz shrugs a little* Perhaps...

<DianaManashevitz> Bear in mind..the rest of us aren't exactly light-weights when it comes to battle either

* FWL_MeRc nods

<FWL_MeRc> no offence but you guys weren't "built" for it

<DianaManashevitz> HLM was...she's just pregnant at the moment

<FWL_MeRc> i know

<FWL_MeRc> she should stay out of the way

<DianaManashevitz> She's doing her best...I'm beginning to wonder and she and my brother should move to Japan for a while...

<FWL_MeRc> she should...

<FWL_MeRc> or off-world

* DianaManashevitz nods slightly, stroking her lip, brows furrowed lightly...* is their life...they can do with it what they choose...

<FWL_MeRc> true

<FWL_MeRc> very true

* DianaManashevitz reaches back, binding her hair in a loose tail with a hair band*'ve you been?

<FWL_MeRc> alright... busy

<FWL_MeRc> working

* DianaManashevitz nods* I understand that feeling

<FWL_MeRc> its more trouble than it's worth but its money

<DianaManashevitz> This is true...if you don't like it, could always find a new one...

<FWL_MeRc> not yet

* DianaManashevitz erks as she's tackled by both Iris and Brenna at the same time, Nox slowly coming down the stairs, smirking lightly

* FWL_MeRc smiles* "hello kids!"

* DianaManashevitz chuckles and nods a little, hugging the girls

<Brenna> *gets up and curtsies* Hello, Unca Merc!

* Iris smiles and wavels, rainbows sparkling at her fingertips*

* FWL_MeRc gives brenna a sad look* "do i not get a hug?"

* Brenna smiles and jumps as best a two-year old can into Merc's lap to give him as big a hug as she can*

* FWL_MeRc laughs and hugs her back* "awww thats my cute lil brenna!"

* Brenna giggles and looks up at him with wide, icey eyes, touching his hand* Your hand is hurt...

<FWL_MeRc> oh... i hurt myself while playing with my toys, its only a little hurt

* Brenna nods and kisses his hand* All better!

* DianaManashevitz chuckles softly, helping Iris practice the hand-escaping moves Diana's taught her

<FWL_MeRc> why! i think it is! *pulls off the bandage to reaveal a fully healed hand* Its all better!

* Brenna blinkblinks* Wow!! I did dat...? *points, looking genuinly shocked*

<FWL_MeRc> uh HUH! *is lieing but kids enjoy a little white lie*

* Brenna giggles and puffs up like her daddy does*

* FWL_MeRc smiles and cuddles her

* Brenna snuggles him, curling close and purring lightly* You have a good day??

<FWL_MeRc> my day is only beginning and i have to go now brenna... work... *sighs sadly*

<Brenna> Aww...*hugs him again* You be careful?

<FWL_MeRc> i will be as cureful and one can

* Brenna nods and goes to tackle Diana and Iris* Okie!

* FWL_MeRc gets up and exits* "bye all"

<DianaManashevitz> Bye, merc!

* DianaManashevitz heards the kids into the workout room, straitening the two's gis a lil', gonna give 'em a workout <G>

Session Close: Mon Jan 07 18:04:19 2002


Session Start: Mon Jan 07 22:36:03 2002

* HappyLittleMoron comes down the stairs

* Shingami waves to hlm

<HappyLittleMoron> Heya're you doing?

<Shingami> a bit better i guess...

<HappyLittleMoron> That's good to hear...*smiles*

<Shingami> Wing's up.. not about but.. eheh Evy-san woke him up...

* HappyLittleMoron laughs softly

<HappyLittleMoron> Bet he's glad to be awake then *winks*

<Shingami> probably a few shades of red but atleast hes awake

* Klork is sitting, finishing up a drawing..

<Evy>*blushes* Well, um...*coughs*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles, heading over to Klork and kissing the top of his head* Ev-y and Wi-ing sittin' in a tree..

<Shingami> yes im puttign you on the spot and i knwo itll egt wing too.. jsut ding my sisterly duity of beign annoying

* Klork chuckles, kissing her chin back..

<Evy>* *coughs again* Well, I'd better head upstairs and check on Wing...and Klork? Could you fill Mo in on what we talked about?

<Klork> Ah..sure...

* HappyLittleMoron arches a brow...

<Evy>* *goes upstairs, opening Wing's door with a creak*

<Wing>*leanign asgint the wall reading his new book*

<Evy>* At a good part?

<Wing>*looks up* just getting to the birthday party...

<Evy> I see. Mind if I peek under your arm?

<Wing>*pats the side of his bed* nope

<Evy> *Carefully leans on him and peeks at the book*

<Wing> *holds it open wide enough so they can both read, one arm oing aorund evy*

* HappyLittleMoron just...slowly sits down at the...uhm...telepathic news...yeah, that's it!, holding her head...

* Klork sighs shakily, looking over at her..

<Klork> we seriously need a vacation..

<HappyLittleMoron> No kidding...*runs a shakey hand through her hair*

<Shingami> ahmen to that

* Klork sighs, leaning back slowly, setting the drawing aside..

<Shingami> no one still answered me.. why do they want you guys

* Klork shrugs

<Klork> I haven't the foggiest...I just run a pizza chain..

* HappyLittleMoron holds her hands up* I have no idea why THOSE ones do...

<Klork> mebbe cuz' they want Evy and they've seen us with Evy? *shrugs, brow furrowing*

* HappyLittleMoron bites her lip and shakes her head, having forgotten the government part temporarily* Uhm...well...I dunno if they know what I am...maybe just 'cause we were with Evy...

<Evy> *falls asleep on Wings shoulder*

<Shingami> prohapse

* Klork shrugs, rubbing at HLM's shoulders

<Wing>*kisses the top of her head holcing her closer* *vqw* sleep well evy-chan

* HappyLittleMoron bites her lip, leaning back, brows furrowed

<HappyLittleMoron> <w> What about Brenna...what if they got her...?

* Klork sighs shakily...

<Klork> Hopefully they don't know she exists..

<Shingami> they do..

<HappyLittleMoron> They do...? *hunches her wings a lil, cringing*

<Klork> how do you know...?

<Shingami> she said they ahve been folowing her

<Klork> well, yeah...but she didn't say if they knew of Wing yet as well...did she?

* HappyLittleMoron sighs softly and shakes her head a lil', massaging her temples

<Shingami> .. dont tell my niichan... knwoing the baka hell do whatever it takes to keep her safe.. forgeting his own condition entiarly

* HappyLittleMoron sighs* He's gonna find out one way or another, Shing...

<Shingami> i hope not

* Klork frowns, hunched over...thinking..

* HappyLittleMoron heads over to him, now rubbing his shoulders <G>

* Keelin comes down the stairs, rubbing idly at her arm..

* Dev follows*

* Keelin picks up her bow & arrows, tightening the string before sitting to polish the bow

* Klork waves a bit

<Klork> hey you two..

<Shingami> hey kee.. dev

* HappyLittleMoron waffles

* Klork sighs, standing and stretching..going over to the window to look outside where it's not covered with boards..

<Dev> are all here?

* HappyLittleMoron watches Klork...

* Keelin smiles...nodding her reply

* Diana comes out of the workout room, wearing gi pants and a sports bra

* Klork watches, brows furrowed..

<Shingami> half dead... tis an imporvement

* Diana blinks, arching her brows*

* Keelin blinks...

<Keelin> half dead is an improvement? *blinks..*

<Shingami> yep

* Keelin frowns...

<Keelin> I guess it could beworse...*sighs, pulling her bow to a ready position..wincing as she lets it loose...grimacing at her arm..

<Keelin> damn...

<Shingami> give it time to get strong again ro you might loose the pwoer it had

* Dev winces, stroking Kee's hair*

* Keelin shakes her head

<Keelin> it'll take longer than I'd like...steel bullets left a nasty mark..

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil' with a wince* Wish there was something we could do...

<Shingami> bullets have a tendancy to do that

* Klork nods, keeping his eyes outside..just having a bad feeling..

* Keelin nods..

<Keelin> especially steel ones...they're death to me...I'm lucky to be alive..

* Diana heads over to Klork* <q> What is it...?

* Klork shakes his head

* Dev nods, kissing her shoulder lightly*

<Shingami> thank Dev for riskign his pointy eared rear end to get thsoe herbs for you

* Keelin nods...then blinks at her..

<Keelin> hehas pointy ears..*eyes dev* Were you mocking Aidan again..??

<Klork> I just have a really bad something's not gonna go our way this evening..

* Dev blinks* Wha'? Me??? *innocent look, is human, btw <G>*

* Keelin quirks a brow, smirking...lacing her boots

* Dev blinks and frowns* Where are you going...?

* Diana nods with a frown* <q> Perhaps we should send HLM and the other non-combatants to someplace safe....

* Keelin blinks, looking up as she stands, pulling her quiver on around her hips, then sheathing two knives in her belt..

<Keelin> nowhere in particular.

* Klork nods...glancing at HLM

<Klork> should I go get Myrae as well..? If something does happen...we'll need her unharmed..

* Diana nods...* I think so...

* HappyLittleMoron sighs a lil' and stands up

* Keelin pulls her chest guard on, then begins lacing up her arm guards..

<Dev> Mind if I keep you company?

* Keelin blinks..glancing over as she drapes her bow over her shoulder..

<Keelin> I wouldn't mind...but all I'm doing is scouting around the usual...

* Klork hrms...heading up the stairs..

<Klork> where are we gonna hide ppl, Di?

* Dev nods and shrugs a lil' as he pulls on his cloak* You never know what will happen...

* Diana hmms softly* We do have a basement...

<Keelin> SOmewhere surrounded by steel and iron, Klork.

<Klork> ah...good idea...isn't there steel and iron in the walls down there..?

* Klork knocks on Rae's door

* Diana nods* Pipes and such...

* Keelin pulls her cloak on as well..

* Kern blinks, answereing the door <G>*

<Keelin> there is...believe me..*makes a face* Gives me a migraine if I try going down there..

<Klork> C'mon...gotta bad feelin'..need you n' Rae down in the basement...

* Diana cringes*

* Kern blinks and nods...turning to get Rae* Ok..

* Rae blinks, coming over* Why the basement...?

* Keelin heads out of the asylum, looking around, going to do her rounds..

* Dev goes with her, flute at the ready*

* Klork sighs.* Surrounded by Iron and steel...gonna have you n' HLM down there..and anybody else who can't fight currently...

<Klork> tho we'd like Ker' there...*looks up at him* At least one person that can protect if something does get passed us...

* Kern nods a little, grabbing his sword* Of course...

* Shingami gets to her feet

* Keelin rubs idly at her arm under her cloak as they walk, watching..searching..

<Shingami> i should probably go down there too.. not much use the way i am...

* Klork heads down the stairs after getting Brenna from her room, holding her..

* HappyLittleMoron looks over to Shing and nods..* The more the merrier...I'll bring cards *smirks*

<Klork> You sure..??

* Brenna blinks groggily and yawns, curled against her dad's chest* Wha's goin' on...?

* Klork kisses her brow

<Klork> gonna have a slumber party downstairs, that okie?

<Shingami> good need ot keep entertained...nataku will keep an eye on wing and evy im sure

* Keelin watches the shadows around the asylum, making her rounds to the front of the building again..

* Brenna yawns and nods a lil'* Okie...

* HappyLittleMoron heads over to take Brenna, nodding to Shing

* Klork nods..handing Brenna to HLM, as well as a few blankets for them both..and Brenna's stuffed cat

<HappyLittleMoron> Thanks love...*cuddles Brenna close, Brenna holding the cat close to her chest, dozing sleepily*

* Shingami manages to summon her scythe withthe retractable blade using it to keep standing

* Klork smiles..leading all who can't fight towards the basement...

* Klork hands HLM her bracelet/rings stuff as well..

* Ladon looks around

* Iris is tagging along, too...HLM slipping on the bracelet/rings*

<Ladon> "What's going on?"

<Klork> hording those who can't fight to the basement for safety..I just have a really bad feeling..

* Ladon nods, helping

* Diana nods, having transformed already as everyone heads into the basement*

* Shiva stands by the basement door

* Shingami gets nataku to bring wing and evy down seeing as both are asleep...gotta love teleport spells

<Klork> they could probably use some food down there..*opens a portal, putting some food into a couple of coolers and bringing them down*

* Ladon nods, helping* "What kind of bad feeling?"

<Klork> dark magic..

* Klork then starts transporting stuff for beds..air mattresses etc...

* Rae goes down, settling on a blanket, brows furrowed...*

* Kern helps 'n stuffs too*

* Ladon nods

* Keelin sighs, brow furrowing before she leans against the side of the building..brow furrowing..

<Keelin> I know I feel something..but where..?

<HappyLittleMoron> *Dev furrows his brows...closing his eyes and playing a seeking spell*

* Shiva looks around, her tounge flicking out, tasting the air

* Klork puts a few iron swords down there just in case...waving to all down there before slowly closing the door to head back up the stairs..

* HappyLittleMoron blows him a kiss, holding Brenna close...

* Shingami curls up in a corner, wrped in blanket..

* Klork smiles, blowing one back before looking around at the top of the stairs...

* Rae looks around, turning on a lamp <G>*

* Rae curls up in her blanket..* So now we just wait..?

<Keelin> See anything, Dev..?

* Ladon and Shiva are standing guard at the top of the stairs

* Dev furrows his brow* {{A darkness...}}

* Keelin sighs shakily, rubbing at her arm...

<Keelin> {{What kind..? anything specific..?}}

* Ladon senses...something, having an odd feeling at the back of his head

* Klork stands at the doorway of the asylum, waiting with his sword...eyes glowing..

* Dev frowns* {{Draining...but...not the raiths...I can't get a good fix...}}

* Keelin readies her bow & arrow, brow furrowed..

<Keelin> {{ don't think it'd be Ternan, do you?}}

<Dev> {{Not him in person...he may still be gathering poewr...}}

* Klork glances over at Diana..from watching the two out front...

<Klork> see anything, Di..?

* Keelin nods, brow creasing..

<Keelin> {{I don't like it whatever it is...}} *heads to the side of the asylum...searching still..*

<Dev> {{Nor I...}}

* Diana furrows her brows, standing at another window, shaking her head a lil'*

* Klork frowns, going back to watching outside..

* Keelin pauses...tensing...

* Ladon walks over to Klork

<Keelin> {{Dev.....}}

* Dev furrows his brow, a shadow moving behind Keelin...*

* Klork looks to Ladon, brow furrowed...then looks back out the window, squinting...

<Keelin> {{Dev...I can't move...}}

<Klork> <w> I think we have company...

* Dev frowns, stepping over to her and trying to weave a releasing spell around her...*

* An arrow from outta nowhere slams against the wall beside Dev*

* Klork erks, the boards that are up in place of windows getting slammed by arrows...

<Klork> shit!

* Dev ducks to the side instinctively, sending an energy bolt out at where he thinks thea rrow came from, growling softly at the sparkling going towards Keelin from the shadows*

* Diana ducks and growls softly, slinging her own bow and arrows out, kneeling and returning fire* Damn...!

* Keelin snaps forward, finally released, just barely getting missed

<Keelin> get inside!

* Klork growls, shooting electricity out blindly, not even sure if he's hitting any targets

* Dev puts an arm around her, dashing for the door with her, one of the mages shooting magical energy after them, another shooting at Klork*

* Diana ducks around to the entrance, covering the two of them*

* Klork grits his teeth, skiddigng backwards on his knees before firing off some at them

* Keelin goes in, then nearly topples forward when hit by the energy

<Dev> Kee!! *spins and shoots back towards the energy, growling at the arrow in the thigh, stumbling when Diana all but shoves him the rest of the way in, murmuring under her breath and charging her arrows*

* Keelin groans, rolling onto her back and staggering to her feet, fumbling as she chants a few words in elvish

* Klork curses under his breath, firing more electricity out the door, watching two bounty hunters drop..then blinkblinks as the wind picks up with thickening rain..

<Klork> whoa..

* Dev helps her towards the kitchen, dragging his leg a little*

<Klork> Please tell me that's on our side..

<Diana> Oh...oh man...this isn't good...I'm not doing it...

* Keelin goes with, still chanting..eyes locked on the boarded up window..

* Rae looks up, brow furrowing when she hears the rain* ...

* Diana shoots arrows out as best she can, on one knee as she does so, watching the weather warrily*

* Kern furrows his brow as Brenna whimpers, nuzzling against her mother*

* Kern holds his sword in one hand, resting the other on Rae's shoulder*

* Klork hrms...then runs up to the second story, kneeling and sending bolts of electricity into the clouds...actually hitting some of their foes

* lightning showers back, along with basball sized hail*

<Diana> Great gods...*shakes her head, shooting up into the clouds, shivering and dodging back breifly as a bolt just barely misses her*

* Klork growls, managing to absorb the lightning but gets pelted by some of the hail

* Keelin frowns, continuing to chant..the cloud moving over the bounty hunters as she struggles for its' control

* Dev plays the flute...offering her power*

* Keelin takes what she can, still struggling..beginning to look worn..

* Diana acks as more arrows pelt the asylum along with the hale and lightning, the storm weakening slightly...*

* Klork growls, firing electricity balls at the hunters again, eyes glowing..

* Keelin grits her teeth, still in the power struggle, trying to turn the hail & lightning towards the hunters

* some drop, there's movement in the shadows, people in black suddenly dashhing at the entrance, some of the lightning and hale turning, the arrows stop...though now there's plenty of opportunity for hand-to-hand*

* Klork rushes down the stairs immediately, firing electricity at those who manage to get in the doors

* Diana battles it out with two of them, one squeezing past them and acctually making it past the electricity, several of his companions falling as well*

* Keelin groans...sliding to her knees in the kitchen as she passes out..

* Klork blinks, tackling him, teeth grit* oh no you don't!

* Dev catches her, eyes worried as he unsheeths his daggar, kinda kneeling at the ready, one leg bleeding from the arrow in it*

* man turns, swinging at Klork with a daggar of his own*

* Klork growls, slamming the blunt edge of his steel sword at him, eyes narrowed

* another elvin bounty hunter makes in it, trying to be all sneaky and searches the kitchen*

* man ughs, getting it in the jaw, stumbling, and shaking his head, swinging clumsily at him*

* Klork glares, slashing at him with the sword

* Dev spots the bounty hunter, gently putting Kee behind him, draping his cloak over her and kneeling there, blade free, watching the elf...*

* EBH backs in slowly, eyes narrowed as he watches the fight..then pauses..sensing a bit of magic in the air..*

* man blocks as best he can, grimacing at the death metal, kicking at Klork*

* Dev inches forward very slightly, narrowing his eyes*

* Klork slashes again,d oing just about anything to get him outta the house..grunting when he's kneed in the thigh..still slashing

* EBH, turns...then glares* So you're the bard..

* man falls back, blood spilling all over the floor*

* Dev stands, smiling cooly* Indeed I am.

* Klork then goes to help Diana get rid of any other intruders..

* EBH quirks a brow* Funny don't have birth why do I sense it..? *stands ready..eying him..not seeing Keelin behind him*

* Dev shrugs, arching a brow* Because you have a screw loose?

* EBH frowns...squinting...* no...where's the she-elf...

* Klork helps Diana beat intruders n stuff

* Dev steps forward, praying he doesn't see his cloak behind him* Not here...*slashes at him with his daggar* Leave.

* Diana, people with Klork 'n stuff <G>*

* EBH dodges easily, then smiles* Hiding her, clever..*pauses* so she has the birth power...

* Klork electrocutes random intruders n' wahtnot

* Diana guts one guy* Funny...I have the sudden craving for sausage...

* Diana beats up more people, the stream seeming to be endless*

<Klork> Ewww...

* Klork far no more manage to get passed them..

* Dev arches a brow, drawing his sword as well, then slicing at EBH* I don't know what you're talking about.

* EBH grins, dodging again, seemingly taunting Dev* It doesn't surprise me that a mere bard wouldn't be able to sense his own lover's pregnancy *chuckles dryly* Lord Ternan will be quite glad to hear this...

* Klork beats ppl . la la la.

* Dev growls softly, faking a slice with his sword to lunge with his daggar* He won't find out from you.

* people start...throwing more magic at them now! A combination of fire and draining magics <G>*

* Klork growls, dodging as best as he can, firing electricity, getting hit now and then as he goes

* EBH growls,slashing out at him, getting hit in the leg before he stumbles back, glaring* We shall see..*Fades*

* Dev growls, slicing at him again*

* Diana more or less does the same, muttering under her breath to throw a shield up around them, staggaring slightly*

* EBH disappears after the last slice...suddenly many of the other elves retreat with his disappearance*

* Diana gasps as the rest dissapear...*

* Klork furrows his brow, staggering

<Klork> what the heck...did we kill a leader or something..?

* Dev turns, sheething his sword and daggar, emeddiatly kneeling by Keelin, uncovering her* Kee...?? *brows furrow*

* Keelin groans, letting her eyes open to slits..*<w> hn..?

* Diana shakes her head* I dunno...*looks around, blood flowing into her eyes from a gash over her eye*

<Klork> gyah..

* Dev furrows his brow, stroking her hair* <w> Are you alright...???

* Rae rushes up the stairs as if sensing the battle stopped* Who needs to be healed..??

* Keelin blinks, brow furrowing

* Dev looks up at Rae, brows wrinkled* Look at Keelin...? I...I don't know about Diana and Klork...

<Keelin>'d you know..?

* Diana whipes at her eyes and mutters, eyeing Klork for injuries*

* Rae looks at Diana & if to ask if its ok..*

* Klork is just lightly scratched

* Keelin shakes her head

<Dev> The man I was fighting...he...sensed birth power from you...

* Diana nods to Rae..*

<Keelin> Dev's leg first, please?

* Rae nods to Diana, heading over slowly, brow furrowed on trying to see who's worse off atm...*

* Dev's got a lovely arrow sticking out of his thigh, bleeding pretty badly, but not even seeming to notice, too absorbed with his worry for Kee*

* Kern heh...followed her up, btw <G>*

* Keelin sighs shakily...

<Keelin> I'm fine..please..??

* Rae nods, brow furrowed...going to water form to heal Dev's thigh..removing the arrow as painlessly as she can

* Diana sighs, getting bodies and stuff outa the asylum...* Maybe we should armor the place....

* Klork nods, helping...

<Klork> amen to that..

* Dev winces a little, eyes still on Keelin, ignoring the pain as best he can*

* Rae finishes, then looks at Dev* Where is she hurt...? she hurt??

<Dev> I...I don't know...she...she seems tired...*strokes her cheek, brows furrowed, almost seeming to be on the verge of tears*

* Keelin reaches up, brow furrowing as she cups Dev's cheek in her hands...

<Keelin> ~I'm all right...~

* Rae sighs, going to water form again and checking Kee*

* Dev furrows his brows as he watches them, resting his hands on hers*

* Rae searches...water form shimmering*

* Diana hmms...bringing the bodies around back...getting rid of the bodies by reducing them to their basic elements, then shivering and reverting to her usual form, brused and lightly cut, but not in too bad shape*

* Klork looks up at her

<Klork> need help, Di..?

* Rae pulls her hands back, solidifying* She's just exhausted and drained...she's fine..*brows furrow*

* Dev nods a little* <q> And..the far along...?

* Rae twists her mouth to the side* Ah..a few weeks..I think..I've never examined an elvin pregnancy before...

* Keelin watches tiredly, none of this seeming to compute with how tired she is...

* Dev nods, swallowing a lil'* Thank you...

* Diana shakes her head with a slight smirk, streatching a lil'*

* Rae nods, brow furrowing* You may want to get her somewhere where she canr est tho...

* Klork nods, heading for the kitchen, stepping over the three and handing the ice to Diana

<Klork> that work?

* Diana chuckles* Very nicely...

* Dev nods, gently gathering her into his arms* I'll take her to our room...

* Rae nods...* good get some rest too..

* Dev smiles wryly and nods* Thank you again...I'll try...

* Rae nods..watching, yawning herself..*

* Keelin gets carried, having fallen aslep again..

* Dev carries Keelin up to their room, kissing her brow gently*

* Keelin gets toted

* Klork goes down & joins the crew downstairs to sleep w/ HLM & Brenna

* Rae goes w/ Ker..duh <G>*

Session Close: Tue Jan 08 01:01:24 2002

