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Session Start: Mon Jan 21 18:16:45 2002

* Shingami pads downstairs stomach grumblign at her

* Red walks into the asylum, his and TN's bags in his hands. Trying to be quiet.

* HappyLittleMoron ...wavels to Red and Shing, reading to Brenna

* TN follows, carrying the rest of their bags...

* Shingami wavels and heads straight for th ekitchen

* HappyLittleMoron also wavels to TN

* Red smiles and waves back

<Red> "Yo Mo."

<TN> Heya!

* Brenna peeks up over HLM's shoulder and blinkies at them* Who dey?

* Red raises an eyeridge

* HappyLittleMoron smiles* Heya guys...this is Brenna...brenna...this is TN and Red...two friends...

<TN> Heya. *smiles*

* Brenna wavels sleepily, then nuzzles back into her mother's side*

<Red> "Hello." *Smiles*

* TN sets down her bags.

<TN> This your daughter, HLM? :)

* Red gathers them up* "Be right back." *Pads up the stairs*

* Syan runs in, runs passed em' and up the stairs*

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* Yep...*is showing a little more, too*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

<HappyLittleMoron> And the streek is Syan, a new tenant

<TN> Heh...looks like we've missed a bit.

* Red blinkblinks at Syan

<HappyLittleMoron> have...

<TN> How've things been holding up here?

* Red walks back down and sits

<HappyLittleMoron> Uhm...shakily...

<Red> "How so?"

* Syan heads back down after a bit in just khakis, bent over and shaking his hair out as he meanders into the kitchen*

<HappyLittleMoron> But fine otherwise...*strokes her daughter's hair* 'Eh...dark elves...people shooting up the place...Stigmata...

<TN> Um....whoa.....

<Red> "Yikes."

* Shingami walks into where everyoe is bowl o popcorn in hand

* Nox is ...uh...doing...something...lessee...coming down the stairs, sure...*

* Klork comes in the front door, stretching a bit

* Klork blinks

<Klork> wow..ppl are home!

<TN> Heya Klork! *waves*

* HappyLittleMoron laughs and wavels, nodding

<HappyLittleMoron> Amazing, isn't it, honey?

* Klork wavewaves, chuckling

* Diana edges by Klork, her right hand wrapped in an ace bandage*

<Klork> veddy...*blinks* Di? Sup?

* Shingami sits o the floor near the fire munchin on popcorn

<Diana> My wrist needs surgery...I managed to hurt it pretty badly...

* Syan comes out of the kitchen, apple in his mouth as he puts his earrings in

* HappyLittleMoron furrows her brows

* Nox looks up at Syan and smiles, after casting a worried glance at Diana*

* Red nuzzles TN* "You want to tell them or shall I?"

* Klork grimaces

<Klork> Um .. should we take you to a doctor, Di...?

* TN nuzzles back.

<TN> You can, hon.

* Syan looks over, sniffing the air

<Diana> Iie...that's where I'm coming from...

<Syan> married, engaged or pregnant?

* Syan munches, brow quirked

* HappyLittleMoron smirks

* TN sweatdrops.

* Klork frowns..

* Syan blinks

<Syan> dude, I got something right?!

* Red laughs* "We got hitched back home."

<HappyLittleMoron> Congrats, you two

* Syan makes a mark in the air

<Shingami> Omendeto!

<Syan> score one for the wolf-man! *mockhowls, struttin' towards a chair and sprawling on it*

* Red smiles and nods

* Nox chuckles, going to stand by Syan*

<Klork> ANything we can do, Di?

* HappyLittleMoron snickers at Syan...still giving Diana worried glances now and then

<TN> Heh...thanks. :)

* Diana shakes her head* Don't make fun of me when I'm hopped up on pain meds after the surgery? *grins thinly*

<Klork> When's the surgery?

<Diana> In two days...*sighs a little and shakes her head a little, rubbing her wrist lightly, brows furrowed*

<TN> Ouchie.

<Klork> gyah...

<Klork> what did you do..?

<Red> "Ouch."

<Diana> It was a little strained to begin with...then some guy on the street gave me trouble and I had to defend myself...doc's not sure exactly what I tore, but he knows it's something pretty important...I have problems moving my fingers at all...

* TN winces a bit.

* Red winces a bit

<Klork> gyah...

* HappyLittleMoron cringes...* Agh...

* Syan props his feet up, smirking up at Nox before stretching out.....teetering before the entire chair falls backwards and sends him sprawled feet over head

<Syan> Erk!

* TN jumps a little.

* Shingami represses a laugh

* Nox blinks and kneels by him, trying to hide a chuckle* Are you ok...?

* Diana blinks and chuckles*

* Red laughs a big

* Syan looks up, kinda between his legs...sorta looking folded over..

<Syan> ....

<Syan> Yep...*voice sounds straind* juust fine..

* Nox uhm...tries helping him*

* Syan flops his legs over and slowly stands, rubbing at the back of his head, muttering* <mutter> happens all the frippin' time..

* TN raises a brow.

* Syan grins cheesily

* Nox furrows her brows slightly, looking a little confused, but grinning nonetheless at his*

* Red reases an eyeridge

<Syan> whaat??? What's with all the eyebrow raising? Do you guys have some sort of magnetic string tugging at your brows or something???

* Syan tries to raise an twitches..then both lift

<Syan> I can't do that, not fair!

* Nox laughs*

* TN blinks.

<Shingami> you gotta do it liek this

* Shingami hold sone eyebrown down then raises them, only one moves

* Syan mutters

<TN> Heh Shin.

* Syan just lifts his eyebrows with his hands

<Syan> this work?

<Shingami> sure.. fi ya wanna look silly

<Syan> like holding your eyebrow doesn't make you look silly?

<Shingami> i didnt say it didnt

* Diana's snuck upstairs*

<Shingami> dotn mind me walking.. erm.. sittig contradiction

* Syan shakes his head

<Shingami> i think wing knocked soemthing loose up here*taps head* when we faught lastnight

<Syan> I'm gonna go put a shirt on.*mutters, heading up to his room, pausing now and then to flex for the heck of it*

* Nox chuckles softly*

<Syan> *as he goes upstairs* An' this'uns for the ladies...*disappears from hearing distance*

* Red Looks to HLM* "So how're you and Klork and the kids doing?"

<Klork> guut *comes out of the kitchen, tea in hand*

* HappyLittleMoron nodsnods, holding her sleeping daughter close, her rounded belly barely showing through her shirt

* Klork stretches

<Klork> anybody wan'some tea?

* Shingami egts up puttign ehr empty popcorn bowl in the sink and goign into the sparing room

* Red smiles* "Yo Klork."

<HappyLittleMoron> Mmm...tea good...

<MeiouCharon> Tea sounds good. :)

* Red nodnods

* Syan heads back down, tugging a tank top on, still shaking the water from his hair

* Nox sits by the fireplace, stoking the fire*

* Klork goes into the kitchen, coming out with tea for TN & HLM

* Klork also hands some to Red

<HappyLittleMoron> Thanks, handsome

<Red> "Thanks."

* Klork nods

<Klork> no prob *sits n' sips his own*

* Syan watches Nox, sitting on the couch this time to stay safe

<MeiouCharon> Thanks Klork. *smiles and sips* Mm....

* Klork nods

* Nox stands and looks over to Syan* Are you safe to sit by?

* Red takes out a bag with some stuff* "Anyone like Cajun Peppers?"

* Syan blinks, then mutters...

<Syan> ohh, peppers...........

* HappyLittleMoron sips her tea, stroking Brenna's hair gently

* Syan pauses

<Syan> thanks

* Nox chuckles softly and sits by Syan*

<TN> used to 'em. *pops one in and eats, followed by some tea*

* Syan smirks, curling next to her

<TN> Mm....fiery.... :P

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles and nods a little...

* Nox grins, leaning into him*

* Shingami picks up a sword, oen of he rbrothers hsut sits in the middle fo the room looking at it

* Red eats a hand full of peppers before closing the jar

<TN> Hn...wonder what'd happen if we lit a match and let you breathe on it after eating those....*giggles*


* Klork inches away..

* HappyLittleMoron smirks...* We'd all die of carbon monoxide poisoning from your breath...

* Red chuckles a bit* "I'm not that bad."

<Syan> wanna bet? *peers out*

* TN chuckles and kisses Red.

* Red smiles and kisses back

* Nox chuckles*

* Ladon walks down the stairs* "Someone menton peppers?"

* TN looks up.

<TN> Heya Ladon!

* Syan waves, watchin' d'fire wit' Nox

* Klork stretchies, sprawling out on his chair with a smirk of laziness

* HappyLittleMoron gets up to put Brenna to beeeeeeeed

* Red yawns and slips an arm around TN's shoulders

* Klork follows

* Shingami stands up still holding the sword singign softly to herself.. just cuz

<Shingami> *q*Hitosu, Hitoyo no koi naraba...Futatsu, Futari de jigoku e to...Mittsu, Mina o koroshitemo...Yottsu, Yomi e no michi-shirube Yottsu, Yomi e no michi-shirube...

<Shingami> *q*Itsutsu, Ikusa no chi no ame no...Muttsu, Mukuro to kawarya senu...Nanatsu, Namida mo kare hate te...Yattsu, Yamiyo ga takete yuku Yattsu, Yamiyo ga takete yuku...

(And...somewhere along the line...Syan takes Nox to bed...uh...think this log cut off or something)

Session Close: Tue Jan 22 02:02:53 2002

