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Session Start: Wed Jan 16 23:25:00 2002

* Shingami manafests a handfull of ice cubes down HLM's shirt

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

* HappyLittleMoron looks down

* Klork melts it with his manliness and eyes Shin

<HappyLittleMoron> Wow that's cold...

* HappyLittleMoron oooooohs

* HappyLittleMoron presses right up to Klork and hmphs at Shing

<Klork> *pause* That sounds so incredibly wrong...

<Shingami> do you care Klork?

* Klork blinks, then shrugs, smothering HLM with his manliness

* HappyLittleMoron ooohs...and melts

* Klork pauses to check her pulse...doesn't want to oversmother

<Shingami> coudl have been a handful of Gerbels instead

<HappyLittlePuddle> ehehe

* Klork pokes the puddle...

* Klork blinks!

<HappyLittleMoron> Gerbils? Klork'd have to go put bandades over all the scratches from their claws..

* HappyLittleMoron smiles and kisses Klork's chin

* Klork purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs

<Shingami> again would klork care?

<Klork> .....

<HappyLittleMoron> Ehehehehe

<Shingami> youd be minus that much more clothing

<Klork> this is a good point...

<HappyLittleMoron> Very true...

* Shingami grins evily

<Klork> ooooo *gets a glazed/happy look on his face*

* HappyLittleMoron eyes Shing...then just kinda...hides behind Klork, blinking a lil' and grinning

* Klork purrrrrrrrrrrs....all glazed and happy ... like a donut cut in half

* Shingami manafests a handfull of frozen strawberreis in Klork's jeans and promtly leaves the room

* Shingami goes to terrorize her brother..... because she can

<HappyLittleMoron> ehehe

* Shingami laughs insanely whiel Wing goes running scremaing hystericaly form his room in fishy boxers his hair tuned pink with little bows in it

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

* HappyLittleMoron looks at Wing...

<Wing> When will the EVIL stop!?*runs past*

* HappyLittleMoron LAUGHS!* Oh you poor thing!!! *falls over in a fit of giggles*

<Shingami> Hey wiat i havent doen your mackeup yet!!!

* HappyLittleMoron gasps for breath and howls with laughter

<Wing>*looks for a weapon.. grabs a.. flyswatter* Bakc you foul creature!! Back i say..

<Shingami> no need to get hostile bro...

<HappyLittleMoron> Ehehehehe

* Shingami grabs a spatchula

<Shingami> Engarde!

* HappyLittleMoron hmms...

* HappyLittleMoron runs for the bathroom

<Shingami> oh hey look im spontaniously bleeding agian...

<Shingami> ok

* HappyLittleMoron comes back and blinks...

<HappyLittleMoron> Siddown then...

<Shingami> its just part of my face thats ok

<HappyLittleMoron> Okie...

<Shingami> itll grow back wansnt important... OW

<Wing>*baps shin* haha!

<Shingami> man flyswatters arnt suppsoed to hurt!!

* HappyLittleMoron cackles!*'re acting so...immature! Were you dipping into the coffee stash again?


* HappyLittleMoron gets up and circles him, eyeing him suspiciously...

<Wing>... nani?

<HappyLittleMoron> Hmmm....

<Wing> i ddint do it!

* HappyLittleMoron eyes him more, stroking her chin* Iiiiiiiii...don't trust you to not have gotten into caffien....

<Wing> i work at a starbucks why woudl i want mroe caffeene?

<Shingami> becasue it mkes you less ashemed ot be walkign aorudn a palce filled dwith women in your fishie boxers and a flyswatter...


* HappyLittleMoron cackles

<HappyLittleMoron> I love you make me laugh <G>

* Shingami gets an evil look

<Wing>*.. gets a look about as evil as angel boy can get...*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks...

* HappyLittleMoron backs away

<HappyLittleMoron> Hey now...

<Wing> get her

* Shingami tackels HLm and starts a ticklin

<HappyLittleMoron> Noo messing with the preggers mor...ACK! *RUNS upstairs!*

* Shingami misses hittin floor...

<Shingami> ack

<Shingami> shes fast

* Shingami herms

<Shingami> hermmmmmmmmmmmmm

<HappyLittleMoron> I must protect my children! So thbt!!! *ducks into her room*

<Wing> we need bate

<Shingami> well we cant use you sorry

<Wing> tthppthh

<Shingami> Wait! I know!

<Shingami> We could use klork.. but he kinda isnt there if you know what i mean

<Wing> is he ever?

<Shingami> quite often yes

<Wing>.. ok...

* Shingami whispers ThE pLaN to Wing who nods and ehads fo rthe kitchen

* smell of cookies fills the house...*

* Klork runs in, runs passed them, and runs up the stairs to go into his room, hiding <G>

* HappyLittleMoron ooohs and tackles Klork

<Shingami> wrong plan...

<Wing> i dotn care im hungry...

<Shingami> oi vey

* Klork waves

<Shingami> so much for ebign evil tonight

<Wing>.. your the evil one not me

<Shingami> wel you could TRY...

<Klork> hi! *grins*

* HappyLittleMoron ehehes

<Wing>... but i dotn wannnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

<Shingami> ... brat

<Wing> punk

<Shingami> baka

<Wing> onna

<Shingami> Thats it!

<Wing> Bring it on!

* Shingami and wing start ticklefighting in the kitchen...

<HappyLittleMoron> I knew we shoulda built a bomb shelter in this place...

<Shingami> hey wing

<Wing> nani?

<Shingami> your cookeis are burning...

<Wing> what? nOooo!*goes to save his cookies*

<Shingami> ....if he shreaks like a girl im outa here

<Wing> saved the cookies..

<Shingami> well yrou not totaly a wuss

<Wing>*turns chibi* your a meanie!

<ChibiShin> am not

<Chibiwing> are tooo

<ChibiShin> am noooooooooooooooooooooot...

<Chibiwing> are too are too are tooo...

<ChibiShin> fine il settle this.. *bounces to HLM's room and knocks

* HappyLittleMoron peeks out the keyhole* Yes?

<ChibiShin> HLM am I a meanie cuz wing said i was and im not and hes not sharign hsi cookeis!

* Klork pokes his head out, snagging HLM back

<HappyLittleMoron> you're not, tell Wing to eep *goes with Klork* <G>

<Klork> go away this is big person stuff *close the door..meniacle cackling is heard*

<HappyLittleMoron> Ooo *giggles*

<ChibiShin> ... ok...

* ChibiShin goe back downstairs

<ChibiShin> Wing HLM said Im not and to eep!

<ChibiWing>.. hua?

<ChibiShin> she said that she did

<ChibiWing>.. ok.. eep

<ChibiShin> there.. can i ahve acookie?

<ChibiWing> sure..

<Shingami> wow.. the world is back in.. normal size...

* HappyLittleMoron 's still up in her and Klork's room...doing "big people" Twister!

<Shingami> hey your still chibi..

<ChibiWing>.. i think im stuck...

<Shingami> HAHA!!

<ChibiWing> this isnt funny i cant get big agian...

<Shingami> you will when you grow up

<ChibiWing>.. you are a meanie!!!!

* Syan meanders downstairs..then blinks,not sure he wanted to..*

<ChibiWing>*waves* hi syan

<Shingami> aint he cute....

* Syan waves, rubbing at the back of his neck with a yawn* What's all th' commotion..?

* Diana comes down the stairs after him, in pj bottoms and a tank top, yawning a lil'* Jus' what I was gonna ask...

<Shingami> i think that a bit of pure chaose hath brokeninto the asylum and is reakign havic in the ktichen.. HLM and Klork are up doign the hoazontal mombor ro something and wing is stuck beign chibi

<Diana> long as you clean up after yoursel...oooooohhhhhh....cookies....

<Syan> cookies...?

<ChibiWing>*offers soem to Diana*

<Diana> Domo arigato gozamas, Chibiwing-san...*munchies*

<ChibiWing> no peoblem.. now HOW DO I GET UNSHRUNK?!

* Klork um...does the horizontal mombo?

<Shingami> i dunno your kinda cute in a demented little brother way

* HappyLittleMoron guesses she does, too...

* Syan blinks, looking way down at Wing...

<ChibiWing>.. god i hate you...

* mombo music comes down the stairs* <G>

<Shingami> i try niichan

* Diana chuckles softly* Anyone want milk?

* Syan then puts a foot on wing's, snagging his arms and pulling up to see if he can't snap him into tall mode again*

<ChibiWing>. please

<ChibiWing> owowowowowowowowowowowwoowwowowooowowowowowowowowowowowowowoowowoww

* Diana gets out the milk and cringes* I was gonna say...that has to be uncomfortable.

* Shingami laughs

* Syan tugs, blinking

<Shingami> wait... what makes kids grow faster?

<Syan> does he like, shrink or..uh, milk? I think..?

* Klork hollers down the stair

<Klork> Premature ejaculation! *hides*

<HappyLittleMoron> ...milk...tugging would hurt...

* HappyLittleMoron blinks!

* Shingami and chibiwing together..* WHAT!!!

* HappyLittleMoron laughs!!!

* Syan blinks ...

* Diana blinks and snickers, giving Wing the milk*

<Shingami> I so didnt need to hear that

<Syan> Well, that would work one way...but isn't that only temporary..

<ChibiWing>*holding his ears* ow

<ChibiWing>*goes adn grabs th eentie gallon of milk and starts chugging.

* Syan blinks

<Syan> ...thirsty?

<Shingami> Congrats klork you burned poor widldle chibiwing's widdle vergin ears!!

* Diana blinks*

<ChibiWing>*unshrinks so he is no longer chibi but the way hes suppseod to be.. still in fishi boxers*

<Wing>.. much better

* Syan blinks

<Syan> um..nice duds..

<Wing>*turns red and bolts abck usptairs*

<Shingami> did you like his hair.. Pink works for him

* Diana snickers*

* Syan blinks..

<Syan> Ah..yeah...*shrugs, hair hidden under his skull cap* Riight..

<Diana> ne...Shing...were you being cruel to that poor boy again...?

* Shingami gets all innocent, halo and everything

<Shingami> noooo

<Syan> Um..*rummages, pulls out an apple and munches, heading out of the room and sprawling out on a chair*

<Diana> Uhh huh...suuuure...

<Shingami> dont worry this is only afigment of yoru imagination.. come tomorow night.. (or erm tonight since its about 127 am where i am), ill eb bakc to beign a bloody mess...

<Shingami> this is all in your head

* Diana blinks* Err...okay...if you'll excuse me...*heads out to the main room*

<Syan> Ah..okie.....*munchies*

* Diana streatches, sipping her milk* How've you been?

<Syan> hmm..? oh,

<Diana> Alright..

Session Close: Thu Jan 17 00:57:20 2002

