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Session Start: Fri Jan 11 21:19:57 2002

* HappyLittleMoron sits on the couch, Brenna curled into her side

* Syan comes down the stairs, skull cap pulled over his ears again, wearin' paint-splattered khakis and boots, along with a large flannel and a tank top under neath

* Kameko blinks .. looking at Syan .. eyes going appreciative before she mutters, remembering she's taken <G>

* Syan b-lines for the kitchen, of course

* HappyLittleMoron smirks at Kame, and wavels to Syan

* Diana's in the workout room...doing katas aand stuff.....*

* Klork comes in the front door, pizza boxes loaded on his arms

* Kameko follows him out there, figuring she can at least get a name <G>

<Klork> fooood?

* Kameko peeks her head in

<Kameko> Hey.. Who're you?

* `Wing` coems downstairs back pack stuffed full of things and a carring case for his laptop slung over one shoulder

* Kameko moves past him to get into the fridge, pulling out the fixings for some beef teriyaki and white rice

* Syan blinks, looking up

<Syan> eh? I'm aaaree??

* Nox sttands silently at the front window, peeking out between the boards, a sack at her feet*

* Syan blinks, watching, brow arched

<`Wing`> ready to go Nox-san?

* Syan pokes Kame in the shoulder lightly

<Syan> III'm Syan, you arreeee??

* Nox nods, picking up her bag* Yes..

<`Wing`> we still ahve a bit.. need klork, mondo and Diana.. and whoever else said they would come

* Klork sets the pizzas down

<Klork> pizza can wait ya know..I'm still providing the truck..

<Kameko> I'm Kameko.

* Diana...uhm...has her stuff ready 'n stuff, btw <G>*

* Kameko grins

<Kameko> The resident chef.

* Kameko grins

<`Wing`> I know...

* Kameko starts cutting up the steak for stirfry pieces

* Diana comes out of the workoout room, dashes up the stairs and comes back with a bag, variouse weaponry hidden on her person 'n stuff*

<Syan> ah..ok...*pockets his hands, watching with his brow furrowed* Heh, ya know there's a restaurant that does that in Southern Cali that I used to go to all the time..

* Kameko actually laughs

<Kameko> I'm better than any resturant you could have gone to, honey! Ain't that right, Klork?!

* Kameko calls out of the kitchen

* Kameko is egotistical about her cooking <G>

<Klork> Yep! *pulls his coat on* Shall we, guys?

* Diana nods...*

<`Wing`> *nods* what about mondo?

* HappyLittleMoron gets up to hug and kiss Klork, then hug the rest* You guys all take care...ok?

* Klork kisses HLM's brow, smirking..then looks to those three...

<Klork> we will..

<`Wing`> Hai... well come back with her... concious or not is debatable

* Klork nods..

* Syan blinks, poking his head out

<Syan> whas' goin on?

* `Wing` melds hsi wings back into his back, ice blue and white tattoos reformign where the feathered apendages once were

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* Alright...

<Kameko> They're going on a search and rescue mission.

<`Wing`> better.

* Diana nods* What she said...

* Nox pulls her hood up*

* Kameko makes up stuff .. poking her head out momentarily, going to hug them all, even Nox, what the hey?

<Syan> Ah uh...ok..

<Kameko> Be careful..

* Syan furrows his brow

* Kameko then goes back into the kitchen so the food stuff doesn't sit too long

<Syan> you guys do this often..?

* Klork nods

<Klork> will do, Kame...are we ready? *looks around*

* Nox blinks and hugs back*

* Diana nods*

<`Wing`> hai

* Klork heads out to th' truck then <G>

* Diana 'n Nox follow*

* `Wing` follows waving slightly ebfore closing the door

* Klork opens the doors to the truck, watching..

* Diana 'n Nox hop in the back*

* Kameko goes back to the kitchen .. worriedly making her food

* Klork revs the engine..waiting for all to get in

* `Wing` gets in

<`Wing`> you know the way to Lake Placid?

<Klork> Ah, nope, *looks at him* You're the navigator..I just drive.

<`Wing`> north...

* Klork drives that way... (and outta the room!)

* Kameko sighs .. stiring the prepared veggies with the meat .. and the teriyaki sauce

<Kameko> 'Mo .. would you like some stir fry?

* Syan raises his hand, lookin' starved

* HappyLittleMoron looks up

<HappyLittleMoron> Sure...*smiles, stroking Brenna's hair gently*

* Kameko looks over at Syan, grinning

<Kameko> I figured you'd be eating it anyway, so I didn't ask.

* Syan grins

* Kameko starts makin' the rice..minute rice, but rice, none the less <G>

<Syan> oh good! Um, heh! *grins again, watching...stomach growling as he pulls his cap off & runs a gloved hand through his hair*

<Kameko> And Brenna? Would she like some, too?

* Kameko pulls out a piece of steak .. then holds the stir spoon out to him

<Kameko> Test it? Make sure it has enough teriyaki?

<HappyLittleMoron> Brenna's kinda...sleeping *smirks*

* Syan blinks..

<HappyLittleMoron> She can have left-overs tomorrow...she likes your cooking, Kame *smiles*

* Syan takes the spoon, putting it in his mouth..then blinkblinks

* Kameko smirks .. then puts in various ingredients to make it taste even better ..waiting to give him that until after he's had the regular

<Syan> oh wow, you don't brag for nothing...damn!

* Kameko goes for another.. then brings THAT one to him

<Kameko> And this..will be better.

* Kameko smirks

* Syan blinks...taking it..

* Syan oooooooohs, grinning as he handsher the spoon back

<Syan> wow...are you single?

<Kameko> Okay, I'll make sure to make extra for her then, 'Mo.

* Kameko laughs, then shakes her head

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly

<Kameko> No..sorry..recently engaged.

<Kameko> If you'd been .. Oh, four or five months earlier, I may have taken you up on that offer.

* Kameko winks

<Syan> damn..*snaps his fingers* dude, is everybody here hooked or something? *winks, standing and stretching*

<Kameko> Not everyone. The girl they're out lookin' for isn't.

* Kameko grins

<Kameko> And eh..that Jack chic .. but she's kinda scary, so I'd stay away from her. <G>

<Kameko> And she doesn't stay here, either.

<HappyLittleMoron> Lessee...Nox isn't either...who else....

<Syan> Ah..hookie...*shrugs, shaking his head*

* HappyLittleMoron 's wandered into the kitchen, carrying Brenna

<Kameko> oooh... Nox isn't either??

* Kameko nods

<Kameko> She's really pretty.. she was that black haired lady out there, Syan.

<Kameko> You possibly interested?

<Kameko> Or do you prefer brunettes?

<Syan> gyahh...*chuckles, shaking his head* I wasn't asking to be hooked up *shakes his head* III whoa whoaa..

* Kameko waggles her eyebrows

* HappyLittleMoron laughs

* Kameko visably pouts .. then goes back to mixing her stir fry

<Kameko> Hey..I'm a good matchmaker. I got Klork and 'Mo MARRIED, you know.

* Syan blinks..rubbing at the back of his neck

* Kameko puffs up, looking all proud

* HappyLittleMoron laughs and nods

<Syan> ah, hookie, I'll take your word for it, but I usually try n' know the person first I guess..*looks sheepish*

* Kameko then serves up the stir fry, handing plates out to everyone .. also handing them green tea she'd made and forgotten to say anything about

<Kameko> Here..enjoy.

* Kameko smirks, sitting on the counter and helping herself

<HappyLittleMoron> Mm...domo, Kame

<Syan> ah...gracias..*sits with it,munching hungrily...finishing rather quickly*

<Kameko> And there are always enough for thirds or even forths.

* Kameko points

<Kameko> There's always alot of people here.

* HappyLittleMoron munches and stuff...her belly sttttarting to purr as she eats, Brenna purring in her sleep in reaction to her siblings

* Syan blinkblinks...looking at HLM and Brenna..

* Kameko smiles

* Syan tilts his head to the side...brow furrowed..

<Syan> did you just...purr?

<Kameko> Adorable, isn't it? Mine does the same.

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and hmms...?* belly is...the babies inside...and Brenna...

* Kameko rubs at her tummy as it starts to purr, as well

* Syan blinkblinks..

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles

<Syan> did I just move into a place surrounding myself in cats...??

<Kameko> No. I'm not a cat.

<Kameko> Just my fiance.

* Kameko smiles

<Kameko> I'm..actually some weird sort of warlock..dunno how or why, but I am. <G>

<HappyLittleMoron> Ehehehe...there are quite a few here so...yeah...I'm not a cat either...closer to bird with these...*flairs her wings* My hubby's a kitty too <G>

* Syan watches

<Syan> No dogs or anything of the sort then, I take it..huh?

<HappyLittleMoron> There's a puppy somewhere around here *grins* PUddles...

<Kameko> Uh...Puddles..

<Kameko> AH!

* Kameko whistles, setting a plate of the less salty teriyaki steak down on the floor

* Puddles scrambles in, tongue lolling as he starts munching*

* Syan blinks..

<Syan> grreaaat

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly

<Kameko> Oh..I'm sorry.

* Kameko smirks, holding a plate out of the same for him

<Kameko> Feel left out? *winks*

* Syan blinks

<Syan> Um..that's ok..*smirks a bit*

* Kameko shrugs

<Kameko> Your loss. *puts it back in the wok*

* Syan chuckles

<Syan> Was good...thanks *smirks, going to do his dishes*

* Kameko blinkblinks .. then cocks her head to the side

<Kameko> Damn... next time you see your mother, thank her for me?

* Syan blinks, looking over..

<Syan> wha?

<Kameko> Most guys I have to PRY to do their

<Kameko> For raising you so damn well!

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly

* Kameko hops off the counter

* Syan blinks..then shrugs

<Kameko> I'll be right back!

<Syan> I have seven brothers/sisters...kinda had to..

* Kameko raises her arms over her head, blipping out in a pink spark

<Syan> otherwise ONE meal piles up did she do THAT?

* Kameko comes back in about five minutes with mint chocolate-chip ice cream

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

<Kameko> Dessert?? I made it this afternoon!

<HappyLittleMoron> She's talented...ooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......icecream...*helps with dishes, oh'course*

* Syan stares

* Kameko sets it on the table, going for bowls and spoons and a scooper

* Brenna snaps awake* Ice keem?

<Syan> oh man...this is gonna be a big meal compared to normal..

* Kameko pulls out one more bowl, a smaller one, handing 'Mo the scoop

<Kameko> Would you do the honors, Mom?

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles and nods, spooning out a lil' bit* Not too much lil''' girl...*sets Brenna in the high chair, helping her eat...* Thanks Kame

* Syan watches.

* Kameko smiles

<Kameko> No prob.

* Kameko eats her own, the purr in her stomach growing louder before she rolls her eyes

<Kameko> Oh great..I've already got her hooked.

* Brenna purrs as she eats...HLM sneaking in bites from her own bowl when she can, her own belly purring*

* Syan chuckles

<HappyLittleMoron> I think they're BORN hooked...

<HappyLittleMoron> Don't even HAVE to be part cat...

* Syan shakes his head with a chuckle, getting up and heading out to explore

* Kameko chuckles

<Kameko> So Syan..where you from?

* Kameko scoops ice cream into her mouth

<Kameko> Whaddaya do?

<Syan> hm? Uh, Southern California and I sell stained glass in spare time when I have the money for supplies

* Kameko perks up

<Kameko> Really??!

<Kameko> I want to do this room in my beach house.. all windows..!

<Syan> um..yeah, why? *blinks*

<Kameko> You think you could help me??!

* Kameko bounces, eyes all excited

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles...

* Syan blinks

<Syan> Do you realize how much that will cost??

<Kameko> You know..just a small little room where I can go with the baby when I'm relaxing, and can watch the ocean...

* Kameko pauses, looking at him

<Kameko> ...Yer point?

* Kameko grins

<Syan>*blinks* Oooky..

<Kameko> Just..come see my house? Please? At some point?

* Kameko grins at 'Mo, knowing 'Mo will know any place of hers isn't small.. so it won't have a 'little room' .. and that she has LOTSA money to spend on glass. <G>

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly, shaking her head

<Kameko> I would like to at least get an estimate without being ripped off.. you know

<Syan>*smirks, brows still furrowed in confusion*

<Kameko> Hey.. trust me.. I'll make it worth your time. It'll be ALOT of glass you'll be sellin'.

* HappyLittleMoron noddles

* Syan nods...pulling his cap off and rubbing his head

<Syan> Ah...I'll take your word for it *smirks a bit*

* Syan stretches, swinging his cap around on his finger

* HappyLittleMoron cleans Brenna up, along with the dishes 'n stuff

* Syan goes about trying to figure out how to light the fire place..

* HappyLittleMoron glances out at Syan

<HappyLittleMoron> No blowing the place up now...

* Syan chuckles

* Kameko blinks, looking at him

<Syan> cant keep promises *grins*

<Kameko> Oh geeze..yer not one of THOSE, are you?

* Kameko looks a bit worried

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles

<Syan> wha? Oh..geeze,no..

* Kameko whews, looking relieved

<Kameko> Good.. don't wanna fix this place up again.

* Kameko smiles

* HappyLittleMoron groans

* Syan chuckles

<Syan> again?

<HappyLittleMoron> NOooooooooo kidding....between bullets...arrows...and weird ghostie things...

<Kameko> And evil vampire chic who wants yer husband's body and was trying to use mine to get it!

* Kameko shudders

<Kameko> That just would have been NASTY...

* Syan blinks.....

<Syan> oh ok, there are some things I don't wanna know about..

* HappyLittleMoron cringes

* HappyLittleMoron mutters* She ain't getting him...

* Kameko gags

<Kameko> Oh, I sure hope not! ESPECIALLY not in my body!

<Kameko> I don't wanna do the nookie with my brother!

* Kameko gags again

* HappyLittleMoron coughs and laughs

* Syan sloooowly inches into the sparring room to hide..

<Kameko> Hey, you runnin' away, hon?

* Kameko sniggers

<Kameko> I would too, if I were the newbie.

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles

<Syan> mee? *pokes his head out..then twists his mouth to the side* Ohh no...gayyaahh...

* Syan draws back behind the corner..then sneezes loudly

* Kameko blinks

<Kameko> Uh...bless you?

* Syan , in the form of a lean white wolf comes out of the room slowly...skull cap cover his the clothes that are tripping him

<Syan> {{damnit..}}

<HappyLittleMoron> Eesh...

<HappyLittleMoron> Anything you're alergic to, Syan?

* Kameko blinkblinks.. then BLINKS again

* Brenna blinkblinks at him, just kinda stariing*

<Kameko> Dang..that is SO cool!

* Kameko goes over, scritching his ears

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles

<Kameko> You're a CU--Cuddly doggie under that, eh?!

<Syan> {{Not that I know of...}} *tries to walk over..then just kinda twists his head do the side, tail wagging beneath the khakis* {{OOohh, damn...HI...}}

* Kameko giggles, sitting and continuing

<Kameko> Oh look at this.. PUDDLES?!

* Kameko gets a mischevious look in her eye, then smiles

<Kameko> Kidding..

* HappyLittleMoron laughs!

* Syan mutters

<HappyLittleMoron> He's like Klork *grins* 'Cept he doesn't purr <G>

<Kameko> Would tickling yer nose help make you sneeze back?

* Syan sighs..then eyes go wide, seemingly shaking his head

* Brenna looks between Syan and HLM* ...puppy...?

<HappyLittleMoron> Err...kinda

<Syan> {{Noononono, I'd come back half nekked with the way my clothes are tanglin'...}}

<Kameko> oooh..well, that wouldn't be TOO bad, would it?

<Kameko> I mean, we'd have to cover the kid's eyes, but..

* Kameko winks

<HappyLittleMoron> Kame! *laughs and shakes her head*

<Syan> {{heeeeeeeeyy}}

* Kameko waggles her eyebrows at 'Mo

<Kameko> It'd be like our own little bachlorette party for me..really early!

* Kameko cackles

* Kameko smirks, patting Syan on the head

* HappyLittleMoron laughhs!!

<Kameko> Just kidding. I promise. I'm all ..oh geeze, no pun intended here, honest..but all bark and no bite.

* Syan ergs..trying to run for the stairs, tripping as his khakis fall..then mutters, picking them up inhis mouth and trotting up towards the stairs

* HappyLittleMoron hmms...

<HappyLittleMoron> Ok...Brenna...bed for you...I'll be back Kame...*smiles and brings Brenna up to bed*

* Syan chuckles

<Kameko> Sure thing.

* Kameko wonders when Syan came back down? And how does he chuckle in wolf form?

* HappyLittleMoron takes Brenna up to bed...tucks her in...comes it's nifty <G>

* Syan came back down, after sneezing & dressing inhis room, just to chuckle at the dozing little one..happy now? :P

* HappyLittleMoron smirks, rubbing her belly a lil', oh so hhhappy yes <G>

* Kameko says ... sure..? <G>

* Kameko wants ice cream now, dangit..

* Kameko goes to get some

* Syan goes and sits on a chair, writing something on a letter

* Syan looks up

<Syan> anybody got any stamps?

* Kameko blinks .. then shrugs

<Kameko> Dunno...'Mo?

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

<HappyLittleMoron> Err...

<HappyLittleMoron> desk...*gets up and gets a stampbook, tossing it to Syan*

* Syan catches it, smirking

<Syan> thanks..*sticks a stamp on his envelope...* *tosses it back to her and stands, heading outside to the mailbox*

* HappyLittleMoron catches it and puts it back

* Syan comes back in, dusting off

<HappyLittleMoron> Have fun?

<Syan> ohhh yeah,l ove the snow *sticks his tongue out* I NEVER had to deal with that stuff in Cali...

<Kameko> You're from California, too?

<Kameko> Where in Cali? I'm from San Fran.

<Syan> hn? Oh, L.A.

<Kameko> You a 49rs fan?

<Syan> hee, sorry *grins sheepishly*

<Syan> Heh, Chargers.

* Kameko hisses

* Syan cackles

<Kameko> My rival team! Oh, you sinner!

<Syan> yer' the sinner! *Grins* Sanfranwoman..*winks, propping his feet up*

* HappyLittleMoron laughs

* Kameko mutters

* Syan grins all innocent-like

<Kameko> Just because they were 6th overall in defense this year...*mutters again*

* Syan chuckles, shaking his head a bit

<Syan> I dunno, was more into track and field in all honesty

<Kameko> Damn San Diego team made it onto every stat. list this year.. BUT..! San Fran will kick their sorry butts next year!

* Syan laughs

<Syan> oookie, I'll take your word for it

* Kameko sticks her tongue out at him

* Syan blinks

<Syan> hm, what? peanut butter stuck in the roof of your mouth?

* Kameko mutters, then bats her eyelashes

<Syan> heh heh

<Kameko> No, actually, was an offer, but I guess I'll just have to leave it for my fiance.

* Kameko winks

* Syan blinks

<Syan> wha? Oh geeze...*chuckles*

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

<Kameko> Kidding! Kidding, geeze, 'Mo.

<Kameko> Angelo would kill HIM if I actually did anything.

<Kameko> And he's too nice to kill.

* Syan blinks..

<Syan> I'm not sure I wanna meet this Angelo...

<Kameko> Oh no, he's a good guy.

<Kameko> He just wouldn't be happy if his fiance was making out with some other guy.

<Syan> um..yeah, I'd imagine so..I bet I'm taller tho *grins*

<Kameko> Not by much, but you are.

* Kameko pauses

<Kameko> tall are you?

<Syan> 6'2...

* Kameko tilts her head to the side

<Kameko> NOPE!

* Syan blinks..

<Kameko> He's 6'4" and built like a rock.

<Syan> heh, I think I'd better move back to Cali then *looks sheepish*

* Kameko pulls out a picture she got of him workign the other day.

<Kameko> See..this is my guy.

<Kameko> But, he's a BIG teddybear, trust me.

* Syan blinks...

<Syan> riiight....teddybear...

* Syan stares

<Syan> shit..

<Kameko> Oh geeze..'Mo, tell him tenshi won't kill him?

* Kameko mutters

* HappyLittleMoron snickers* Syan...relax...he IS a big teddy bear...

<Kameko> I don't think anyone with the nickname tenshi could. <G>

<Kameko> tenshi means "angel" in Japanese, Syan.

* Syan blinks..

* Kameko smirks

<Syan> but he's a frippin' brick WALL..!

<Kameko> And you know why else he wouldn't hurt you?

* Kameko leans over, grinning

<Kameko> Because I have him WHIPPED!

* Kameko cackles at that, laughing outright

* Syan blinks..oyveying..

<Kameko> That's the same thing Shitako calls him!

* HappyLittleMoron laughs

<Syan> shitako..damn I hate to have that nickname..

<Syan> from that name I mean..

<Kameko> what, 'Tako?

<Syan> "Hey Shit Taco, c'mere!"

<Syan> ahhh

* Kameko blinks, looking at him, then groans

<Syan> tako is better..

<Kameko> No, we just all him 'Tako.. means octopus. <G>

<Syan> egads..

<Kameko> We're both japanese, so it's all good.

* HappyLittleMoron snickers

<Syan> ah..Hoookie *shrugs* I ain't that..

<Kameko> I'm guessing being the wolf AND not Japanese, that you don't like sushi? I make some good stuff, I'm tellin' you!

<Syan> eh, it's ok..not my fav tho *smirks* Unless it's salmon..

* HappyLittleMoron nodsnodsnodsnodsnodsnods...then pauses to listen to the echo of the rattle...

* Syan pauses, then hrmms..

<Syan> I have a weird mix of things in me...

<Syan> persian, *counts on fingers*, hawaaiian, spanish, irish, and native american *chuckles* not one ounce of japanese or anything of the sort.

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

<Kameko> Persian!? *rolls, getting this mental image of a wolf with a flat face and fluffy fur*

* Syan blinks

* Syan mutters

<Syan> IRANIAN! aggh..geeze!

<Syan> I ain't no stupid cat!

<Kameko> I was gonna say, you looked like you had a nose to me!

* HappyLittleMoron smirks* Hey now...

* Syan mutters..

* Syan chuckles

<Syan> relatives.

<Syan> er...siblings

<Kameko> Dang...have alota money to feed all those mouths?

* Syan shrugs

<Syan> not really...

<Syan> why else would I move out?

<Syan> I'm kinda the middle chilllin'

<Kameko> Ahh.. well, you can come and do the windows in my house and then you'll have enough money to send to your family or keep for yourself...or both. <G>

* Syan blinks..

<Syan> that big of a room..?

* Kameko smirks

<Kameko> Well..that and that picture you saw of my tenshi..?

<Syan> yheah?

<Kameko> Eagle Construction .. he's pretty high up. I can have them do all their glasswork with you, if I ask him to.

* Kameko smiles

<Kameko> Would .. that get you enough money?

* Syan blinks


* Syan stares..

* Kameko just smirks

* Syan chuckles, standing and stretching

* HappyLittleMoron lays curled up on the couch, dozing

* Syan drapes a blanket over her and heads up the stairs

<Syan> gonna zonk..take care Kameko?

<Kameko> Yeah. See ya later.

* Syan smirks

* Kameko smiles, waving

<Syan> nite!

* Syan heads up the stairs




<FWL_MeRc> O.o

<HappyLittleMoron> Too cold to be vietnam <G>

<FWL_MeRc> vietnam is mighty cold

<HappyLittleMoron> I cold is it?

<FWL_MeRc> well right now dunno

* Klork no know neither<G>

* FWL_MeRc decides to find out and sends klork there

* Klork brings Merc With, finds it icy now, and shoves some ice down his pants..then hops a portal outta there <G>

<FWL_MeRc> O.O

* FWL_MeRc runs around screaming

* Kameko hands him a hot water bottle as he runs around

<Kameko> Melt the ice?

* FWL_MeRc pours it over his crotch "ahhhh.... HOT HOT HHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTTT!"

* Kameko winces

<Kameko> I didn't mean burn yer balls!

* HappyLittleMoron blinks

* HappyLittleMoron hahs!!!

<Klork> he so stuppidd..*titter*


<HappyLittleMoron> I was gonna say! I dooon't remember putting ice there this time!!!

<Kameko> I was trying to be nice!!

* Kameko whines

<Klork> because you're so gullable? <G>

<Kameko> I thought you could put it on top of the ice, so it wouldn't burn you and would melt IT..geeze..

<FWL_MeRc> klork ur going to have my kids

* HappyLittleMoron blinks!!!!!!!

<HappyLittleMoron> ...Merc...

* FWL_MeRc cools

<FWL_MeRc> yes?

<Kameko> Is..that possible..??

<HappyLittleMoron> no

<Klork> ...

<FWL_MeRc> no what?

<FWL_MeRc> and anything's possible kameko

<Klork> um...

<FWL_MeRc> dreams CAN come true

<Klork> Merc, I understand if you think you're punishing me for the iceballs..but *dumps more ice down* keep dreaming.

<FWL_MeRc> ... won't works klork...

<FWL_MeRc> too much damage, i lost all feeling in my testicules ;.;

<Kameko> Aww...maybe a lap dance would make him feel better? *blinks innocently*

* Kameko is a stripper, here in #HLA.. *cackles*

<Klork> aww...poor you.

<Klork> gyah..*hides his wanna see his sister give the frozenballirishman a lapdance*

* Kameko hrms..

* HappyLittleMoron cackles

<FWL_MeRc> ohhhh stripper! *gets the ice out of his pants* beats sheep neday!

<Kameko> But..then again, he'd only feel better for a little while..until Angelo got ahold of him.

<FWL_MeRc> mika and angelo?

<Klork> ah, this is true..the wall would use a jack hammer to make sure those frozen balls would fall riiight off.

* Kameko grins sheepishly

<Kameko> "The Wall" is my fiance...

<Kameko> 6'4" ..solid muscle..

* Kameko bats her eyelashes

<FWL_MeRc> can the wall stop bullets? *cocks a FN-P90*

<Klork> possibly.

<FWL_MeRc> play that funky music white boi

<Klork> he talks to

* FWL_MeRc dances while cocking shotguns and singing alot to wild cherry - Play That Funky Music

* Klork hides

<Kameko> Again??

Session Close: Sat Jan 12 01:30:29 2002

