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Western Hemispher of Hildor

Sorry about the pics not matching up... but you get the idea ;)

Important places of Western Hildor
Kings Dale

Valor Coasts:
These coastal cities are located on a very powerful nexus of magical energies. These coasts are very magical and therefore give the native magic users one extra spell/level/day and a 5% bonus to learn spells ability the down fall id that all hit dice are 1d4-1 HP (minimum of 1 hit point per dice roll). The following towns comprise the Valor Coasts: on the island of Amros Anor and Ostohar on the coast of Kings Dale there is Farport Liao and Cazor.

The Shadowlands stretch from the north shores of Kings Dale to the south shores and totally encompasses a mountain range. The Shadowlands gain their name for the shadow like darkness that hangs above the land like twilight hours. Therefore the natives of the shadow lands gain 10ft Infarvision or a bonus of equal amount if they already have infarvision. Within the Shadowlands are The Cliffs of illusions and the Dark Citadel home to the monster raiders. The animals in the Shadowlands are very vicious and relentless on their attacks. The following Cities are located within the Shadowlands: Jymac, Kelo, Goblin Gate and Calport.

The Cliffs of Illusions:
The cliffs are located in the Shadowlands. The cliffs gain their name from the fact that they read your worst fears and turn them against you. It's all an Illusion of course but they seem very real and you can take damage from this. When the illusion has you at a Hit Point level of zero you fall into a comatose state where you are totally unaware of your surroundings this lasts for 1d4 hours.

Citadel of Light:
The Citadel of light is located on the continent of Kings Dale and is home to the Priests of Vision, The Templers and The Watchers. The Priests of Vision are but regular priests and priestesses the Templers nothing more than Paladins but the watchers are touched by Devon himself. The location on Hildor is actually just a Teleportation spot, which transport the People to the actual location of the Citadel high above located somewhere in the heavens.

Bitter Winds:
This city is located on the northeast corner of Kings Dale and is very, very cold the winters here are 15-20 degrees colder than anywhere else on Hildor. The natives of this city since they are exposed to the harsh elements and withstand the coldness two times longer then a normal person could.

Deep Water:
This port city is located in the southeastern part of Kings Dale. The ports and the waters around deep water are plagued by what they now call Black Water its a gooey like substance that lives in the water. Many believe that the Black water is causes by a run off from the Shadowlands. Others believe that the Black Water is a form of pudding or ooze.

This fortified town is the capital city of Kings Dale. It has a population of nearly 15,000 inhabitants and is the largess city of the area. All races are welcome and treated equal here.

Nightmare Island
Draken's Castle:
This castle is located on the remote island that they called Nightmare Island. Many people believe that this Island is the gateway to the hells themselves and that the Mage Draken is hells gatekeeper. All things evil or undead are welcome and can be found here.

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