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Etched In Stone

#1.may fight only for land and mares
#2.May breed to any mare in his own herd
#3. may claim lands that are not taken
#4.There is only one stallion per herd however colts may stay as long as the stallion allows them too
#5. no claiming more then one terra
#6.may try to steal mares but only once a week

#1. may not claim land until the age of 3
#2. can live with the stallion but must leave once he is kicked out
#3. can challenge for lead stallion when they are 3 if they lose they have to leave the land
#4. may not steal mares
#5. cannot force breed or breed until age 3

#1.stallions may challenge others for lands and mares
#2 Stallions can only challenge the same stallion once a week

#1.stallions may attempt to steal if the mares stallion u r stealing her from doesn't respond in 2 days she is yours

#1.If claimed by two stallions may choose only one
#2. If forced bred the mare may go with the stallion or stay in her own herd
#3. a stallion MAY NOT kill a forced bred's mare foal(THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO KINGS)
#4.mares can not claim lands
#5. mares can only fight for a higher position
#6. mares can try to steal foals
#7. do not ask for a filly, colt, twins, because you will not get what u ask for
#8. the lead mare is the one in charge when the stallion is gone
#9.mares may ask permission to leave but only if the stallion accepts

#1. cannot breed until age 3
#2. can only steal foals when they are age 3
#3. may ask permission from her stallion to leave if she wants to join another herd
#4. can only challenge for a higher position at age 3

#1 Mares may only challenge other mares for a higher position
#2.Mares can challenge for other mares's foals!

#1. Mares may attempt to steal foals, if the foals mother doesn't respond in 2 days the foal is yours

Post on joining this word IN your post: mordor

#1.No Powerplaying
#2. Some swearing is allowed, BUT not excessively only your stats in breeding
#4.In exaclty 2 REAL LIFE DAYS from the day you breed I will post the stats of you and your mates foal on our foaling board note:there will be no need to post on there it's only for the owners
#5. We age whenever...Foals will turn the age of 3 no sooner than 1 week.
#6. We are horses there is no unicorns or magical powers at all or added features
#7.There is NO evils and goods, everyone is neutral and elementsvs. elements is what this game is about...
Post on joining this word IN your post: mordor
#9.everyone must read the news/updates page frequently for there will be updates often

Post your info, and the special word included in these rules.
Also...I am requiring all new players to post a sample post...I am looking for intermediate to advanced players, I am getting tired of dealing with newbies, no offense, but newbies need to find some other rpg to start out with...check advertising there is probably one on there.