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~~~~~~~Ecw Grows yet again~~~~~~~

The layout used was made by if u would like to know how to create one of u're own email me and i'll tell but please don't steal this one thank you.

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OOC Note:

Jr,Paul Heyman and Lillian Garcia

None in Specific

None as of yet

Singles: 5-2-0 Tag Team: 1-0-0

~First time i'm doing this kind of layout so don't be harsh on the critism~


~{The scene opens upt o a afternoon house show for gzcw fireworks explode and the gzcw theme plays throughout the arena}~

~{Then the camera switches back to jr}~

Jr~Well fans here we r at another excting house show but before we get this party started i have something on my mind thats been bugging me all day.He is the man that turned his back on wwf and jumped ship to ecw.In my opinion hbk is a no good caoward that couldn't handle the big boy leaugue which is the wwf.No wonder we haven't heard much from him in a while he was planning his big screw over and paul he is a man i truly despise ecw is growing stronger as the days go by but this i promise to all of u fans wwf in the end will prevail and wcw and ecw will go down the drain.We have a ppv right around the corner and shawn michaels decides at the most crucial time in wwf he will go over to ecw we needed him but we absolutly don't need him anymore we will do better off without him now.Ecw now has bret hbk and the outsiders four power houses not to mention the other very talented superstars.Paul heyman this goes out to u and the rest of u're cronies survivor series is right around the corner and we meaning wwf will show u what we are really made of.

~{With thats said ecw theme music blasts over the pa jr is in a state of shock as he watches a grinning paul heyman walk out from behind the curtain the arena fills with defining boos paul has his ecw cap on and his normal attire as he makes his way down the ramp,not for one second paul takes his eyes away from jr's face as he stares intensly into jim rosses eyes}~

~{Some outrageous fans jumps over the barricad and attacks paul but security quickly retains this mad man then paul sits down goes to shake jr's hand but jr refuses and paul places the headset on his head and plops down}~

Ph~Well u're out here running u're Olkhoma mouth about how hbk is so bad.Well jr i'll tell u this hbk made the right choice by going to ecw where his talent will be put to good use unlike when he was in the wwf where he was treated poorly.Now u can sit here all day and whine but i think we have more important issues to discuss like the matches that r supposed to be going on.

Jr~Hold up right there Mr.Hardcore u see wwf mightve lost a valuable assest but it didn't lose its pride rock is still here and so r plenty other people we will fight for this company and our jobs and in the end we will conquer.

Ph~Let me ask u this jr do u ever shut up even for a minute?

Jr~No not when it comes to something i love like wwf and for someone to trash it like shawn did is direspectful and simply wrong.

~{The lights dimn and in big bold white letters across the titanrton flashes hbk pyros explode}~

Jr~Speaking of the devil himself.

~{Hbk walks out in front of millions of wwf/wcw/ecw fans with a mixed reaction some chanting a annoying yet what seems to be pleasant to hbk a chant of a__hole while others r nuetral and r'nt chanting anything he spins down the ramp smiling on his way down fans jump to hit him but he dodges those hits grabs the top rop and hops on in hops the turnbuckle he is wearing a ecw t-shirt and has a official ecw cap on he hops off of it and goes to the center of the ring as he awaits a mic lillian refuses to give hbk a mic hbk tries to reason with her}~

Ph~What does lillian think she is doing by not handing hbk a mic who in blue hell does she think she is.

Jr~She sa employee of the wwf and she is proud to be one.

Ph~O please jr don't give me that mubo jumble.

~{Paul proceeds to get up and head over to lillian who is still not accepting hbk's pleads}~

Hbk~Here maybe u can knock some sense into her.

Ph~O i can knock some sense into her but she wont like it one bit.Now give the mic to hbk or else.

Lillian~No and thats final he doesn't deserve this mic to talk.

Ph~Then u left me no ther choice but to......

~{Paul takes a big swing and clocks lillian in the side of the head lillian falls to the concrete clutching her head in pain paul then hands the mic over to hbk and hbk thanx paul then paul returns to his broadcasting position as jr just shakes his head in disgust}~

Jr~How can u do something like that to harmless woman u r the most sadistic individual i have ever met in my entire life.

Ph~Well thank u jr now shut up the show stoppa is starting to speak.

HBK~Well hello to my adoring fans.

~{Fans boo}~

HBK~Its great to be here in front of all of u as a ecw member and i am more than happy to be one.Now u might all ask u're self y hbk y?Well what i say to u is look at the titanrton first.

~{The titantron lights up}~

HBK~That right there is a poster i created y well because thats what he does time and time again.Vince u never suprise me u make friends and with a snap of the fingers they r enemies.See i don't care what these fans think and i'm tired of doing things for the fans that got me nowhere so from here on out i will do everything for me and ecw.

Jr~It sounds to me paul as if u have him brain washed the way hes talking.

Ph~No jr its not called brain washing its called the strive for power.


HBK~Now i can sit here all day and explain y wwf wasn't working for me anymore btu no matter how much i try to get it through everyones thick skull there will still be people like jr that just don't get it.Well this is for u jr u see lillian over there layed out uncouncious well keep talking s___ and u will be next.So all u fans in here and all of u fans out in tv world watching this hbk turned and he turned for a reason he turned to be treated right.

~{His music blares up again as he taunts the crowd endlessly}~

Ph~I love it i really do.

~{Paul stands up and starts clapping for hbk as hbk waves to the fans that r booing him ignoring the fact that they despise him}~

Jr~Well paul kiss A__ all day but it wont get u anywhere wwf is as bret would say the best there is......the best there was.....and the best there ever will be.

Ph~I have to go attend to some ecw business so i will talk to u're fat a__ later.

~{Paul and shawn walk up the ramp laughing all the way then come to a hault at the top of the ramp and paul holds hbk's hand high in the air then they walk backstage}~

Jr~Well i don't care what hbk or for that matter paul heyman does i am wwf for life and no one can take that away from me.

~{Gzcw goes to a commercial}~