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Pandemonium's Domain~The Haunted House~

A 20foot wrought iron fence surrounds it like some metalic weed, the tips swirled into thorn-like ends, deadly to the touch. Tall grass the colour of emerald surrounds the front, looking as if it hasn't been trimed in millenniums.

A vicious, huge Doberman will come to great you, short black hair standing up on end like a violent cats, hellish coal black eyes and teeth shaped into fine points, like vampire fangs, her name, Pixie, making one think of something tiny and soft, all of which Pixie is not.

Running next to her is the biggest white-wolf you’ve ever seen, its eyes an odd red-gold, christened Marion after the prince of thieves beloved wench.

The house is spooky, looking like its been plucked out of an old black and white Gothic movie. A perfect backdrop for any kind of pandemonium.

If you were lucky enough to be allowed inside the gates and headed over to the back you would see an old swimming pool surrounded by huge trees, the branches almost touch the ground by their weight, and you’d hear the faint, deep noises of a crocodile which resides in the pits of the nearly empty pool.

Strewn across the yard are five large stone statues standing on the yard like silent guards, a small elf sitting on a caterpillar, a fairy kissing a butterfly, a unicorn dancing on a cloud, a copy of Cupid & Psyche & an image of Peter Pan & Wendy standing on a large pirate ship. White roses encircle them like serpents, weaving their pretty buds and sharp thorns in and around.

A thick iron door opens right after you catch the sight of a six-foot iron angel placed right over the doorframe. Its perfectness crucified to a slab of thin marble as its bound to it in brass shackles, the whole thing excruciatingly haunting.

As you enter you come to the hall, leading you to a dark sitting room, illuminated solely with the light of the hundreds of candles placed around the room. The two bay windows are covered in bars and hidden by long red velvet curtains. A white sofa & matching love seat sit by a large oval, marble coffee table, across from a TV set. The walls are painted black, and the two inch thick carpet is a deep blood burgandy.

Against the wall nearest to the stairs is a large bookcase with two copper gargoyles resting on each end, peering down at you with hollow eyes. A tiny pewter fairy rests against the side of the bookcase; a tear is carved in her cheek under her left eye, making her look as if a piece of her is missing.

Off to the right are four bedrooms, a dark blue one belonging to a few of the Lost Bois, Steven and Bakure, a pale yellow one where Trevor rests with his poisonous plants & the 'guest' room, a dark gray one where you may sometimes find her 'adopted' brother Adrian or Raven's ex boyfriend Jonny. A small bathroom and kitchen are also on the ground floor. To the left is one of Zenia’s bedrooms, twin to the one she has upstairs, canopy bed encircled with sheer silvery fabric, dark crimson walls, snow white carpet & a cage off to one side, random ‘toys’ and knick-knacks decorate her room which she shares with her husband Seth. The only difference between the two rooms are that the top room is minus the cage and has a large painting of her, wearing nothing but a thin bed sheet, which rests on the floor, against one of the walls.

As you go up the stairs, following the now bright gold carpet, you notice small paintings of angels & dragons decorating the walls. Four bedrooms and one bathroom come into view, a pale pink room belonging to the Tinkerbelles, Sevie and Jamie, a plain white one is where Raven & Zenia's son Nothing stay, a forest green is where you would find Nate, & one and Zenia’s other bedroom.

If you are one of the ‘lucky’ and had happen to be ‘escorted’ thru one of the trapdoors, you may find yourself in the basement, cold and eerie it looks more like a dungeon. A maze like hall of concrete, gloom and the scent of decaying blood leads you to bleak looking rooms, two small ones and one huge one, all left unpainted, uncarpeted, cold and sinister. Cages, shackles and other oddities lay there. A hidden underground door can lead you to the outside of her house, for quick escapes.

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