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Halo of Darkness: A FFXI Guild


Nov 5- This is Jay again, I know the last update was like months ago but I'll be making an attempt to make this site better. Another thing is that we need some ladies to join so far we only have one girl in this clan and I dont want to discriminate.

March 25- This is Jason (for once I'm actually working on this page) It's been too long since I've done anything so if you have any suggestions email and I hope to make this site better.

Feb 27 - The HoD page finally passed 500 hits today! Also, Amarant updated the poll and I added to the pictures page, so check those out. Tell your friends!

Feb 23 - As you can see, some major changes have been made to the layout of the site. Props to Jason and Ice and Amarant for the help. Also, check out the new Pics page weve been workin on lately...

Feb 10 - Sup all, our site should hit the search engines soon so we should start getting more hits any day now. i've added MIDIs to every page, and I personally think each one is awesome. If anyone can guess which game each MIDI is from (one of them is a mix of 2 games, however), kudos to you. Well Im off to play some Parappa...

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Halo of Darkness: An FFXI Guild

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