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GrassWeaver Holt


As you travel by the large river ahead you hear a thundering sound. The leaves are changeing to the colors of flame and the tree branches slowly part. As you leave the the full woods it seems as if the very ground before you disapears and you stand at the top of tall cliffs. Next to you is a pair of large waterfalls falling in to the lake below. Suroundind the lake is a fairly large forest and beyond that the plains. The plains are surounded by cliffs as far as the eye can see. On the cliff trails that are covered in vines run from the top all the far way down. As you stand looking in amazment at the view the faint sound of rock movment draws your attention. Turning you see three elves coming from a tunnel out of a large out crop of rock. Three female elves all with a strange tattoo on the right side of their faces greet you. "Welcome stranger. We are the Council of Elders of the Grassweaver tribe. I am Quickstrike and these are Starkindler and Blackhawk." Behind them you can see a green wart covered troll. Quikestrike sees your attention drift to the troll behind them "Don't worry about him this is Slugwart one of the doorkeepers of the Cliffdweller trolls, they are our allies against the Frozenheart trolls. We also trade furs and meat for tools and weapons with them." With a smile and a wave of her hand she says "Come let us show you our winter home and maybe you will join our tribe."

Travel the Trails

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GrassWeaver Holt Group
