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Welcome To Gun Powder, a Great Place to work!

"A Guide To Victory"

Our Forum! Check it Out!



-.-Official Sites-.-

* EA Games - Publisher of the Medal of Honor games.

* 2015 - Developer of Medal Of Honor: Allied Assault.

* - Official Medal of Honor web site.

* - Official Medal of Honor: Underground web site.

* - Official Medal Of Honor: Allied Assault web site.

* - Official Medal of Honor: Frontline web site.

-.-MOH: AA Reviews-.-

* Review

* PC.IGN Review

* GameSpot Review

* GamesDomain Review

* Gamers Depot Review

* Happy Hippo Review

* Game Victims Review

* Techimo Review

* Bjorn 3D Review

* PC Game Central Review

* Extended Play Review

* MGON Review

* Khabal Gaming Review

* Gamerankings Review

* Pregaming Review

* Gamezilla! Review

* Gamblexx Review

* Ice Gameware Review

* Game Zone Review

* Gamer's Hell Review

* GamePro Review

* Electronic Playground's Review

* PcShooter Review

* Fragtopia Review

* Open Tech Support Review

* Vipers News Review

* C&VG Review

* Warfare HQ Review

* Wireplay Review

* 3D Gaming Daily Review

* Gamer Radar Review

* All Out Games Review

* War-Fighter Review

* Action Trip Review

* GamePen Review

* Monkey Review

* GIN Review

* HomeLan Review

* The Mushroom Review

* Allied Review

* Loadedinc Review

* GameAxis Review

* Hangar 16 Review

* Hangar 16 Review's

* Gamer Clans

* ESC Mag

* Head 2 Head Gaming

* GameSpy E3 preview

* GameSpy Hands-on preview

* 3DActionPlanet Video Preview / Narration

* GamesDomain Peview

* Gamespot Preview

* PC.IGN Preview

* Adrenaline Vault Preview

* GameSpy Frontline Preview


* Jon Olick - from PlanetMedalOf

* Jerry

* Steve Fukuda Interview - on Action Vault

* Vince Zampella Interview - from EA's official MoHAA site

* Stephen Townsend - from EA's official MoHAA site

* Peter Hirschmann - on GameSpot

* Erik Kraber - from 3DGamingNews

* Rick Giolito - from GBASE (German)

* Ceskins - from Medal of Honor Center

* Adam Bellefeuil & Jerry Keehan - from Fragland

* Rick Giolito - from

* Tom Kudirka - from HomeLanFed

* Rick Giolito - from GamesWeb (German)

* Matt Hall - from Gamespy

* Red Orchestra - from PlanetMedalOfHonor

* Britain's Finest - from PlanetMedalOfHonor

* Terrorism: Fight For Freedom - from PlanetMedalOfHonor

* The Russian Front - from PlanetMedalOfHonor

-.-Clan Sites-.-

* The Fighting 61st

* IL Arena

* MOH: AA Crew

* 4th Reich

* 8th Infantry Division


* Enemy at the Gates


* Black Ops

* 3rd Army

* TVE Clan

* -=[1st-Cobra]=-

* Rendar's Roughnecks

* LCF Clan

* Assassin Clan

-.-Fan Sites-.-

--->>Gun Powder<<---


* MOH Center



* AlliedAssault.NL

* Medal Of Honor Bunker

* MoHAA.DE (German)

* (German)

* Allied Assault (Dutch)

* Allied (Belgian-Dutch)

* Allied (Danish)

* Medal of

* MOH:

* MOH: AA Universe

* Medal of Honor: Italia

* MOHAA Planet

* Cunning-Play's Medal of Honor

* Sniper's Den

* Trench Rats Mod

* Head Shot Zone

* Nemesis's Tutorial Page

* Medal of Honor: Resource Site

* Negdukes Allied Assualt Homepage

* Medal of Honor: Allied Assault News

The Best Medal Of Honor Information Website On The Net!

News / Site Updates


-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-November 5, 2002-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-
Forum Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WE want to keep these boards as clean as possible and i will ban
anyone who violates these rules. This is your only
warning so dont say i didnt give you one. THe word censor is on
and every name in the book is there even saying F*ck is in
there so it automaticcly changes it and it notifys me so i
can put you on the ban list so please read these rules very

1.No Trolling- that means dont go into the Medal Of Honor:
Frontline Board and talk bout its stupid and Medal Of Honor:
Allied Assault Is better this will get you banned.

2.No Raceist Remarks- We are all alike so skin color or religion
doesn't matter if you have a problem with that then
you can get yourself banned.

3.No Ethnic Slurs- Dont make fun of people pictures or anything
its just rude and if you are that rude and cant hold
your tougne then so dont need to be in this Forum.

4.No Profanity- like i said before this is what will get you
banned faster that you can say ... well never mind jsut dont do
it or there will be trouble because even if you say it it
wont show up on the forums that way why even bother?!?!

5.Warez, cracks, multiplayer cheats- any threads of these made
this person will be banned we dont need any cheating or
anyy crap like that so just dont post it becasue wares and
hacks are illegal anyway so you could get in much bigger
trouble that just with me and this forum.

6.P0rl\l-this isnt a forum about naked lezes so dont post it
because most people dont even like to look at that stuff so
please dont post it this will also get you banned very fast. 7.Off-Topic- dont because its annoying and it will jsut flood the
board and then it will make it very slow so dont or

8. Bumping- dont post a message jsut saying bupm because that is
also flooding so dont do it. if your topic is worht being
posted then someone will eventully read it. DEF. for
bumping-running up the # of posting in a thread so other
people will view the topic.

9. Random Posting-dont jsut post for the fun of it and dont post
jsut to get a larger post count by your name it isnt
cool and if you do nobody will get to see the # of posts if
you get banned so dont do it!

10. Spamming- same as above dont do it it lows down the forum.

11. Advertising- this is a big one dont advertise your u no what
enlargment pills or anyhitng else this will get u banned

if you can folow these rules then you are ok but please keep it
clean i dont want anything that would hurt my reputation
on PMOH or my website because i spend alot of time and effort
on it so please keep it clean and you will be fine.
any questions please e-mail me at

New Forum!!!!!!

-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-November 5, 2002-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-
Well we have a new forum and it is great i enourage everyone to
join you dont get any span there arnt any ads or any crap
like that so its a clean board. It is up now so go check it

Great News

-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-November 1, 2002-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-
Well here is what has been going on in the Medal Of Honor world in the last 2 weeks

Medal Of Honor: Frontline is going to be released on the 8th for
the Gamecube and Xbox.
There are new screenshots of Spearhead coming out almost every
other day it seems like.
we here at Gun Powder now have a Medal Of Honor: Allied Assault
Spearhead page up now at it is looking great with screenshots
and features right now. but there isnt much else
to put up until release date.
new navagation systems are coming very soon with drop down menus
and other things!

New Stuf On The Way

-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-October 24, 2002-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-
Well we have so much coming in the next week its unbeleiveable.
here is a list that will be coming soon and
will make your life so much earier. Right?
--Navigation Bar
--Medal Of Honor: Allied Assault Spearhead Page
--MOH:AA SH Screenshots
--MOH:AA SH video clips
--MOH:AA SH Perview writed by a employee of Gun Powder
--MOH:AA Review my a different employee of Gun Powder
--New website look
--RE arragnged pages and links
--Downloads Right Off Of This Site!!!!! No Fileplanet Lines Any

We Are Up!

-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-October 14, 2002-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-
Sorry about the month update again i have just been so busy
trying to meet the requirements by the 18th but i finnaly
made it and we are going to be completly up tomorrow so we
can all say goodbye to angelfire. We are going to add major
things in the days to weeks coming such as...
and more but i cant give it all away!
another update will come tomorrow or wendsday when we are
completly up Thank you for the months on end of cooperation
but we have made it and it feels great See ya all
Things Added---

New Pictures
New Links
New 9-11 Picture
picture and normal links changed
faster load times with less just to load
and more!


-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-September 15, 2002-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-
Sorry about the month update but I have great news.
We have been accpeted into PLANETMEDALOFHONOR!!!!!
The site is fully completed!!!
so now we are moving to planetmedalofhonor and no more hours on
end of html. More updates are coming up soon to update you
about the move.

Our New Banner Ad!!!

-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-August 13, 2002-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-
Well we have a new banner ad!!!!!!!whoohoo our site is looking
better and better if you want to link us we will be happy to
return the favor aslong as our banner is on the main page so
it is visible that is why our affiliates are all on the main
page:-) well here is the new banner there will be more to
come later on...

you can also find this on our link to us page:-)

Almost Done!!!
-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-August 12, 2002-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-
Well sorry about updateing for 2 weeks but i have been working on
the site everyday and almost all the pages are completed.
I am now taking an intrest in my new Gameboy Advance and i am
thinking about buying MOH for it. that is my neew project
there will be a ne section on that game which will be
great.The other new thing is Gameboy Advance Skins here is a
picture of a blank GBA and you need to right click... then
save and edit it in paint or something else and send it in
here is the picture....

and if it is good enouf it will be put on the site. here is my
first skin....

My Birthday!!!
-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-July 28, 2002-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-
Well today is my birthday and i am makeing so much progress i
stunned myself like as an example(s) we have a new
TEMPLATE(S) and they are actually makeing this site look like
a real website. WHich i never though would happen but
hey! anyway today is my b-day and i hope to work non-stop
tell this afternoon when i go out to dinner with my parents
but here is a list of what you should be looking forward to
by tuesday....
1.EVERY page in gunpowder will have a new and different
2.More pages. here are some that are to come.....
=====(Medal Of Honor: Underground For Game Boy Advance
=====(New and imporoved FORUM!!!!
=====(3 New FORMS 1.join gunpowder2.suggestions3.add pic to
3.A Game Boy Advance SKIN DESIGNED BY ME!and more skins to
well wendsday i will be going out of town for 4 days so i will
not be able to update site until i get back but i will be
doing things for the website while i there so by the 4th of
auguest this site will almost be ready to show toPlanet Medal
Of Honor.

New L00k!
-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-July 27th, 2002-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-
Well as promised the day before my birthday the site is makeing
sooooo mcuh headway even tho it may not seem that way like
there will not be anymore normal links there is now a dhtml
link tree thats very cool then tonight if i can get to it
every page is going to have a TEMPLATE not just a stupid
black background anymore but i am getting a game boy advance
for my borthday and planet nintendo i hope will accpet my
website on the gba i will post the link when i finish the
core of the site well i better get back to work today and
tomorrow there will be major site updates so keep checking
back every 15 min to see something new because everytime i
save a page then is will be up ready for viewing so page by
page tonight you will see the new templates take place

-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-July 22nd, 2002-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-
well i am finally finished the primary work for website and i am
happy here is a list of stuff coming in the next week...
1.New Site Template 2.MOH: Underground page will be up
forum 4."Forms" page the reason(s) the site has just b
uypdated is because i got a tetness shot and i had a reaction
to it and i might have scorlieosis so i might have
to get sugery but the site will live on and my birthday is on
7-28 so i am looking forward to that so i will get some
moh stuff to add the the website for my b*day so look for
that in the next 7-8 days ttyl;

Site Is Up!!!!
-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-July 2nd, 2002-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-
The site is up and running i will post again when the site's
primary work is completed.
