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Welcome to the HTML version of Guardians.

March 6, 2003
We aren't able to get to any computers
right now. Sorry for this delay. Please
come back later for updates. =~)
March 8, 2003
My computer actually turned on for me!
Well, that is, for now...I wonder how
long this will last? Oh well! Enjoy the
udates! =~)
March 9, 2003
Brenda's sectonis up and Peppers will
be up soon. As for Dea and Yaro, I'm
not in charge of that. I'll fill you in
later! =~)

Character Artists
  • Dea
  • Pepper
  • Yaro
  • Brenda
    1. Secret of Starlette Trilogy

Guardians.html is © Brenda and Pepper.
The original Guardians page is © Dea.
All material found on either sites are © the respected owners.