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Welcome everyone!

We are so pleased to have you as a part of our family. Grimm and I are very proud of how the family is growing and the calibur of people who have joined us. Everyone is such a joy to be around, quest with, fellow with and hunt with!

This site should grow as we do. Most of this stuff is from the old AC1 content, but I will work on it when I can.

I want to change the Lineage page to be an Alter-Ego page. We are all aquireing new char and it will be a downloadable/printable means to see who's who.

I just downloaded a kit from Turbine to help me with this site. Grimm and I will also be taking candid snapshots from time to time for a pics page. You can email Grimm your pics at

You can also post on the message board.

Thank you all for your support and friendship. I know we will be very happy.

Roweena, Web Master


Grimm Jack vs The Bugs
Grimm Jack vs
The Bugs

Especially helpful for mages: Use the backslash ( \ ) key to toggle between you and the beast you are fighting. This will make it easier to choose yourself for a quick heal. Hit it again and you go right back to battling your foe.

Tip submitted by Grimm Jack

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© 2003 Roweena