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Grago lived a long, good life, but I've come to shut it down finally. I can't say it makes me happy to do it, but I know it's time. No one has played for a long time, and I don't have the time to keep it up to date anymore. I'm going to leave everything up for a while, mostly just cause I don't have the heart to take it down completely yet. I worked hard on this site, and I hope everyone who had the chance to play enjoyed it. Thank you to everyone who helped out, played or just supported me. Goodbye everyone, and goodbye Grago.
PS- I'm looking for a good RPG to join.. I really miss RPing. If anyone knows of any, send me a message of sorts. Ta, It's been great.

You open your eyes, and cannot believe what you see..Where are you? Where has the forest gone? And what of your friends and family that were in the field with you? The sounds of their laughter is gone.......where did it all go?
    Well my friend, you've found a portal to the mysterious world of Grago..don't bother trying to turn around and go back, the portal has gone, and it is not yet known how to get back to your world. Many a person has come here to Grago, and died here of old age while trying to find there way back home. Will you be the one that finds your way back? Only time will tell...but while we wait for time, you may want to make friends with the local races, for survival will be hard without a friend who knows this sometimes harsh land.

The Rules
Find everything that you can, and cannot do in Grago.
Info about Grago
You can find out about the characters people have already made,
and you can find out about the different races, and occupations of Grago.
How to Join
No longer excepting members.

RP Boards
- On the Road -
- Gente del Cielo -
- Citta di Ladri -
Hisano Sierra
- Tossico -     - Joia -
Yasu Nagisa
- Descanso -
- Mydranore -    - La Fortaleza -
Kawa Tani
- Hafen-Dorf -
- Khole -    - Pesci -
- Nahrung -
Krech Locke
- Auronia -      - Mude -
- Descubra -
Riku Hitomi
- Unluminosita -


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