RPG Characters

Welcome please pick which character you want to learn more about by clicking thier picture! They are organized from point of creation by RPG and Character. Oh and just if you wanted to know the picture is of Alogo and Kori.

Realm Senshi

Sailor Destiny: Junmie- She's nine but when she transforms she has a teenage body. She's very curious but also a little naive.

Kibarra- She used to be the Sailor Hating chic, but after converting to good she tends to stay alone.

Okami- The coolest pervert! He was evil till Neptune kicked his butt and he died, then comming back to live in Daisy's head, then comming back to life protecting Daisy.

Daisy (Souka)- She was evil till she fell in love with Nagori. Okami was in her head awhile but he's gone now.

Sailor Apollo: Danielle- She's from France, her dad is an embassador but she spends most of her time at the Palace.

Pear- A Creepy villan who loves technology and giving people electric shocks.

Ata- The firey red head villan who has compulsive melting disorder.

Loki Knight: Derek Fern- The practical joker and comedy relief of the Realm Senshi, he actualy believes the Nazi's exist and he's some new kind of Indiana Jones.

Alternate Senshi

Sailor Rain: Shuran- She's quiet and her parents are very wealthy. Her best friend is Iki and her brother is very cute.

Sailor Wind: Ikikaze (Iki)- she dances at a bar her parents own. Her best friend is Shuran, also her and sugar highs don't kix well.

Sailor Jade: Kenun- The stuck up Gemstone Senshi. She obsesses over guys and money, also making people mad.

Sailor Diamond- Chad: He's also very rich and likes to hit on girls, he's very nice but very preppy.

Crystal Tears

Kori- She's a hot headed mountain elf, she doesn't get along with Lia and she talks alot.

Alogo- She is a horse Lycanthrope (probably spelt wrong) she's quiet and very peacefull. She's really only searching for a point in life.

Abe (Procer)- After his friend died he vowed to save the Princess in honar of his life. He's cute and very noble.

Raptor- She's a thief and has twisted and demented plans on ways to kill people.

Dead Manga Society

Noelle (Fang)- She's very smart but a huge ditz. She's a DMS but her boyfriend is a RW, don't forget she gets creep fangs.

Aaron- He's an RW and he's Noelle's boyfriend. He's loaded and drives a dark red camaro.

April- She's super slutty, seriously she'll sleep with any guy. She hates the DMS with a pretty nicely sized passion.

Alastair- He is a very different character, he loves his swear words and his newest Chick, Britney. His mutation is climbing walls and temorarly mind reading.

Entropy Senshi

Sailor Percipacity: Veronica Taylor- Call her Veronica and she'll hurt you. Even though she's in colledge most people mistake her for being 12 or 13.

Sailor Goddess: Rachelle- She's very quiet and considered and outsider at school. She loves painting, she could do it for hours.

Endless Sky

Genae- She's from England and very quiet. She lives with her mom faking her death to escape the Dark Children.

Orlando- Yes Orlando Bloom, the actor who played Legolas in Lord of the Rings. He hates being called Legolas and is very aciedent prone.

Melanie- She's a black child who hates almost everyone and everything, except Chester from Linkin Park.

Aveline- She's a white child with schizo. However it's not bad schizo she just sees and talks to people like Frodo. Not to mention she had ADHD.

Angelic War

Manakel: Grace- She was once the angel of aquatic animals now she's a dizty teenager on Earth.

Little Things I Joined