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Welcome to the Good vs Evil RPG, this is were you will find out how to play in this RPG.

Rules are as follows:

1) No Cheating or Cursing

2) No one can have more then one character, if we find
out you have more then one character you will be kicked
out of this RPG

3) No one can train on their planet more then once a day

4) There will be No sparring, you can only spar to help
a teammate gain experience in battles no stats are rewarded

5) Please read and understand the Attacks page, if you have
a question post in Anything Section of Message Board

6) When blowing up planets you need to post if you are on the planet,
what attack you used to blow the planet up, how much KI
you have left after using the attack, and the time when the planet
blows up

7) Planets take only 2 days after being blown up to return

8) If your character dies you cannot train, learn attacks
(unless the attack says you can only learn when you die), 
or go into the Rejuvenation Chamber

9) When you blow up a planet you cannot go and blow up
another planet, you must wait 2 days til you can blow
up another planet

10) If your character has a Transformation then please
read and understand what you transformation is, if you have a question
post it under Anything Section in Message Board

11) It will take only 2 days to come back from the dead after you
are beating in battle or have been destoryed because of a planet
blowing up

12) If you challenge a person and you beat them you can choose to:
   A) Take one item from them(Must let them live)
   B) Be Given half their money(Must let them live)
If the person is in control of the planet and you beat them you 
automatically gain control of the planet

13) If you are fighting someone and then someone jumps
into the fight there may only be 3 people to either side

For example:
Goku vs Majin Vegeta
They are fighting then Brolly, Radditz, Gohan, Goku Jr, and Goten 
come into the fight only four people can enter the fight
making it a 3 vs 3 battle

14) When learning an attack, if you leave the planet before you have
learned the attack that means you must relearn the attack over again,
also you cannot train while learning an attack

15) While searching for the Dragonballs you cannot train
or learn an attack, you can only protect your planet from being blown up

16) If you go into the rejuvenation chamber it will take
10 hours to fully heal if you go in for Ki or Hp, but if you go in for 
both it is 14 hours

17) When you first join this RPG, you cannot train or learn
attacks until we have accpeted you into this RPG,
if you learn an attack or train it will not count, and you will
have to wait a extra day til we will accept you in

18) Please read every section on the Main Page
and fully understand what goes on in this site, if you ask
a question that can be answered by looking at the site
we will not respond to your question

19) You must Train in oone of the training rooms
for your training to count, if you do not train in a training room
then you will lose that training

20) Payday will be on the assigned date at
12:00am that day. **If you need to understand how you take conrtol
of planets go to the Controlled Planets section on the
Main page**

For example:
Payday is 3/20/04
When the time is 12:00am 3/20/04 that is when the payday starts and ends, whoever owns 
planets gets there money and those who don't own planets get their 300zenni

21) If there is a new member in the site you cannot post
to challenge them til their power level reaches over
100,000, if you post a challenge before they reach this limt
you will not be able to train for a day

22) Teams will have a max of 3 to 4 members per Team
Must have at least 2 people post in the Message that they wish to
start a up a Team
**IF you want to see what teams we have now go to the Teams Section of the RPG**

1) Lowering of your stats(depending on the rule broken determines amount lost)
2) Lose 4 days of training and all money and items
3) You will be kicked out of this site

**Hope you enjoy this RPG and stay with us as we continue to grow
We know you will train hard to become the best Fighter in the RPG**