King Yamma's Store

These items will help you out a lot in almost every way possible.

1. Senzu Beans- Restores your pl to full- $300

2. Ultra Senzu Beans- Restore your pl to full and gives you an extra 1,000 pl to keep- $1,000

3. Mega Senzu Beans-Restores your pl to full and gives you an extra 5,000 pl to keep- $5,000

4. Ultra Mega Senzu Beans- Restores your pl to full and gives you an extra 10,000 pl to keep- $10,000

5. Majin Core Juice- Gives you an extra 2,000 pl to keep- $2,000

6. Ultra Hero Injection- Gives you 15,000 pl to keep, but you have to go to the rejuvinator for 3 days- $15,000

7. Ultra Hero Vaccine- If you use this with the Ultra Hero Injection you don't have to go to the rejuvinator, and you get to keep the pl- $20,000

8. Tree of Might Fruit- Restores your pl to full and gives you 1,000 extra pl to keep- $1,000

9. Tree of Might Seed- Plant this in the ground and you will never have to buy a Tree of might Fruit again. It takes two weeks to grow into a tree, then every week after that it produces 3 Tree of Might Fruits.- $7,500

10. Senzu Bean Tree- You buy a senzu bean and plant it here. You will then never have to buy another senzu bean again. It takes a week to mature and then produces 5 every week.- $1,000

11. Ultra Senzu Bean Tree- Same as above but you can plant ultra senzu beans and only produces 4 a week- S7,000

12. Mega Senzu Bean Tree- Same as above but you plant Mega Senzu Beans and only produces 3 a week- $15,000

13. Ultra Mega Senzu Beam Tree- Same as above but you plant Mega Ultra Senzu Beans and only produces 2 a week- $50,000

14. King Kia Pass- When you die you can go to King Kias if you have this pass. Can only be used once-$500

15. King Kias Life Time Pass- You can go to King Kias everytime you die- $1,000

16. Yamma Fruit-Restores your pl to full and gives you 600 pl to keep- $600
