
Here are the rules:

1. Don't disobey the webmasters. If u do u will be penelized depending on what u do.

2. I DO NOT allow profaniety in the message boards, and i want you to keep it low in the chats.

3. No cheating. This means that you have to complete the battles in full and not just lose because the other person wants you to.

4. This RPG is made so we can all have fun so lets keep it that way


To join the rpg you must send me an e-mail and tell me who you want to be and your special attack. Also include your AIM because the battles will be held over AOL instant messanger.


The character page will have all the stats of the characters. It will have thier attacks, items, weapons, training gear, pl, and money. Go to the character page to see who is taken and who isn't.


The chats r here so everyone can talk to each other. It isnt used to battle one on one, or to train. It will be used to hold tornaments though. U will need to create ur own log in name.

Message Boards

There are many message boards. There is a main message board where u post what u want to do, what u buy, challenges, jobs. There is also the Dragonball message board where u post ur searches and ur wishes. There is also a gravitron where u post ur trinings, and a rejuvinator where u go after u train or lose a sparr. There is also the training academy where u post ur Intelegent trainings.


This page has all of the attacks from Dragonball/Z/GT. It will also have a descritpion of the attack, the damage, and also who definately starts out with it. They aren’t the only ones who will start with it, and anyone can learn the moves.

Training Academy

This page tells you how much int. is needed to learn the atttacks. That is all this page has.

Special Training

This page will have special trainings that people earn for winnig a certain amount of battles, or if i think you deserve it for your hard, determined work. If you get special training your stats will increase depending on what type of training you earned.


This is where you train. To train you type in a story about what you did. Your pl will increase depending on the amount of lines you type. You will earn 10 pl per line if your pl is below 35,000. If your are between 35,000 and 70,000 you will earn 15 pl per line. If your pl is between 70,000 and 100,000 you will earn 20 pl per line. And if your pl is over 100,000 then you earn 30 pl per line.

Here is an example of a training (do not take this or else i will penalize you:

“I walked into the gravitron and decided that i should start training again. I could tell that I was getting weak. I turned up the gravity to 1,000x normal gravity and said that I will train until I can’t train anymore. I decided that i should take it easy at the beginning of the training. I started out by only doing some chin ups and push ups. About 100,000 each. I figured that that was a good warm up. I then decided to do some stretches, that way I don’t pull any muscles. I then decided that it was time to do some serious training. I started off with some laps around the gravitron. 10,000 to be exact. I then pushed a couple of buttons and out came some defense droids (each able to deflect 5,000 points of damage). I knew that this was going to be fun and it would definately be difficult. I started off by firing a Kamehameha. I thought this would be a good starting off attack. The defense droids easily deflected the beam. I decided to do something a little special to my kamehameha. Every time it deflects off of something, it takes a little bit of their power and puts it into itself. The droids had no idea what was going on. All they knew was they were getting weaker. The beam bounced of of each of the droids about 3 times before it came to me. Now the beam was capable of doing 2,000 points of damage so i guickly dodged it. I noticed that the droids were haveing more trouble with the beam now. The droids took longer to deflect the beams then before. After anouther 2 bounces off each droid, it came back to me. I dodged it because it was now capable of doing 4,000 damge. I had a feeling that the droids wouldn’t be able to deflect the next time it hit them. The beam came into contact ith the first droid and went right through it into another one, and then another one, and then throgh the last one. I thought that this was way to easy so i punched in some more numbers. This time about 30 attack droids, each with a power level of 19,000. I had no idea what i was doing. I just felt like pressing buttons. I thought that the droids would be easy because they were weaker then me. I had no idea that they had the ability to raise thier power. Before I knew it they had a power level of about 25,000 each. I knew now that i was in deep trouble. All i could do was try to avoid the droids as they wore themselves out. The droids came at me at an incredibly fast speed. I tried to doge them but there were just to many of them and the gravity was beginning to have an effect on me. I noticed that i was going much slower then what i normaly do. I was able to dodge the first 20 but then the remaining 10 hit me. I thought that i was going to die right here and now. Then i noticed that there was a weakness in the droids. I noticed that they didn’t have any defense. One of my blast would easily take out seven of them. I decided to wait a little bit that way i get more out of it. I was practicing on my speed, agility, and train of thought. I was soon becoming able to doge with the greatest of ease. I was able to phase in and out without being notice. I decided that the time was now and that they will last no longer. I tried to think of what attack would do the most damage. I decided that i should power up my Kamehameha until i thought it would be able to do enough. I waited and waited. Then after about 5 minutes i decided to fire. The blast didn’t look like a normal blast. Oh no this blast was much different. The blast was a darker blue and was really big. It took up atleast a third of the room. I had a bad feeling about this blast and bacame worried that the blast was going to create mass destruction. I could feel the emense power coming from the blast. It felt like it would be able to destroy the whole planet. Then i remembered someone talking about a blast like this. They said that if an energy attack had enough power in it, it wouldn’t be considered a normal blast. It was called a chou. I just fired a Chou Kamehameha. The only problem was that i didn’t think would live long enough to use it again. I tried to control the blast but it just had way too much power. I wanted to alter the route of it by making it go upwards, but i couldn’t. I then thought about trying to deflect the blast but then realized that it would easly be able to wipe uot anyone if it had a direct hit. I then thought that this would be perfect to use against someone. I was now determined to survive. I decided to phases a head of it and then fire a simple blast at it, but the Kamehameha just absorbed it. I then knew that i was going to have to fire a charged up blast. I charged up the blast and then fired it. This time it was enough to destroy the Kamehameha. The explosion was so large that it blew me back a couple hundred yards. I was beaten and brused but i wan’t going to give up. I went back to training. I told myself that i wasn’t going to charge up a blast that long unless it was an emergecy. I finished my training by doing a couple of simple exercises. I did push ups, chin ups, sit ups (you know the usual). I thought that I should stop training and go to the rejuvinator for a little bit.

That was just an example. You can do what ever you want in them.

Hyperbolic Time Chamber

This is just anouter place to train but you get three time the amount as the gravitron. To train here you have to win 10 battles (death match or spars) or buy a HBTC pass. THere are no exceptions.

Battle system
Everyone battles over AIM. The person with the lowest pl goes first. You are allowed to have 5 attacks per turn and can’t use the same atack more hten twice, unless you have something special that gives you more or less attacks. To battle the first person types in his pl, then his attacks and finally the damage. Then its the second persons turn. He types his current pl his attacks and the damge. Ex. “Goku’s turn, he types: 30,000; Kamehameha x2, Destructo Disk x2, Final Flash x1; D= 2,000 (not actual damage) Gohan’s turn, he types: 28,000; Final Flash x2, Chou Kamehameha x2, Destructo Disk; D=3,000 (not actual damage) then they repeat the steps until someone reaches zero”

If you die then you go to the next dimension for 4 days. You can train with King Kia if you have a King Kia pass. If you train with him you get 2 times the pl then the gravitron.

Winning System

winner: gets 750 pl

loser: gets 500 pl and stays in the rejuvi for a day

Death Match:

winner: gets 1,000 pl, 100 int, and $1,000

loser: gets 750 pl, 75 int, $750, and 4 days in the next dimension.

Special Attacks
This page has all the special attacks. To get a special attack you have to send me the move and a description. This move has to be completely made up. It can’t be a move from Dragonball/Z/GT. I will decide the amount of damage it does. There will not be an special that does more then 6,000 damage, unless they wish for more damage. You can only use your special once a battle and after you use it you have to rest for one turn.


There are only three sets of dragonballs. They are Earths, Nameks, and the Darkstar. To get any dragonball you have to have a scouter or another item to find them. To obtain the Earth Dragonballs you have to type a 45 line message. To get the Nameks Dragonballs you need to type a 60 line message. The Darkstar Dragonballs are obtained different. To get them you have to defeat the Evil Shenlongs. I will be the one that controls them. They are very powerful. I will post there pls, moves, items, and money soon. If you beat them you will not only earn the Dragonball but also a special reward that i decide.

If you want to start or join a team post it on the message board. If you are starting a team please include what the name of it is and if there are any starting members. Just to let you know I am not going to join or start a team because unlike most of the other Webmasters i don’t think it is fair to have an owner on a team unless you i feel that the other teams can handle it. To join a team you must first have permission You are not allowed to buy stuff for certain people on the team but you can buy stuff for the team in general.

There are many jobs. To get a job go to the job page and see if there is one open. Then post on the message board what job you want. Some jobs you have to do something before you get paid, and others you only have to wait a week.

There are several planets. On the planet page there will be a certain number of days it takes to get to a planet. While you are traveling you can’t train unless you have a portable gravitron and a rejuvinator.


The Z-shop is spit into 5 differnet stores. There is the Items Store, the Weapons Store, King Yamma’s Store, Technolgy and Special Suits Store. The irems store will have basic items that you can buy. The weapons store has weapons in it. King Yamma’s store has special items in it that will help by healing pl, increasing pl, and other things like that. The Technology store has space ships, and other technolocal stuff. Fianly the special suits has armor, and weighted clothing. To buy something go to the main message board and post what you want, and also include the price, the amount of money you have left, and what the items do. If you don’t I will not give you the items.

Next Dimension

This page will have the people who are dead and when they come back.
