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The Armors

Welcome to the Star Trek Gideon Fleet section on armors,here with in you will find all their is to know about star trek armors,that are currently found with in the Gideon Fleet game.:


Most commonly used Armor by Starfleet personnel:

Type One Uniform:this is a starfleet uniform,but is designed to give some protection against weapons damage.This gives 10 points to defense power.This cost 3 resource points.

Type Two Uniform:This appears as well to be your standard starfleet uniform.this gives better protection then type one.This give 15 points to defense power.This cost 5 resource points.

Type Three Uniform:This appears like the other starfleet uniforms,but better designed then type one,and two.This adds 20 points to defense power.This cost 9 resource points.

Type Four Uniform:This is a starfleet uniform but adds the most protection of the standard uniforms.this gives 25 points to defense.this cost 17 resource points.

StarFleet Issued Assult Armor:This is the most advanced form of standard battle armor,that has been created by star fleet.This give 33 points to defense power.this cost 35 resource points.

StarFleet Heavy Assult Battle Armor:This is made from a complex, lightweight ,and extremely flexible,metallic,and duraplastic mesh.this armor adds 40 points to defense power.This cost 65 resource points.

Marine Armors:

Battle Dress Uniform:This gives them 10 points to defense power.This is their field uniform.this cost 3 resource points.

Light Assult Suit:This is a padded armor,this has sewn in pockets of very flexible 3 inch plastic plates,constructed for maximum flexibility of the wearer.this adds 20 points to defense power.this cost 15 resource points.

Medium Assult Suit:this is very much like the light assult suit,but this has 4 inch plates with in it.this is not as flexible,but flexible enough,not to limit movement much.this give 25 points to defense power.this cost 22 resource points.

Heavy Assult suit:This is the best of the 3 types of armor,that have the plastic plating.this has 6 inch plating, not as flexible as the other two,but it doesnt hinder movement,a great deal.this give 30 points to defense power.This cost 34 resource points.

Calanas Battle Amor:This is manufactored in the defense research plant on Calanas III.Where one of the larger Marine Bases are found.This is Made from Calanite, a light weight metal,this give decent mobility,not the most flexible,but gives very decent protection.this gives 40 points to defense power.This cost 46 resource points.

Dalarcanus Battle Amor:This is the best designed armor, that the marines commonly use.This is made from the best Armor Manufacturers in the Federation.This is their contribution, to the Defense of the Federation.This is a heavier assult armor.This is the least flexible of the armors used,but the marines still have decent mobility.this gives 55 points to defense power.this cost 100 resource points, per suit.

Klingon Standard Armor:This is constructed of a heavier leather based material.This has metalic shavings ingrained with in the Suit.This gives them very decent flexibility,as well as protection.this adds 12 to defense power.this cost 5 resource points.

Klingon Field Armor:This is a heavier form of the standard armor.this is thicker leather based material.this adds 22 to defense power.this cost 14 resource points.

Klingon heavy assult Armor:This is the best armor that is commonly used by the Klingon Empire.This is the heaviest,and Thickest Leather Based Armor.This gives 40 points to defense power.this cost 50 resource points.

Cardassian Armor:

Cardassian Field Armor:This is the most commonly used of all of the cardassian armors.This gives 20 to defense power.This cost 16 resource points.

Cardassian Heavy Assult armor:This is a highly complex metal based armor.This gives them moderate mobility.This adds 40 to defense power.this cost 50 resource points.

Ferengi Standard Armor:Since the Ferengi are not much of a warlike race, they have not developed much in the way of armor, for their own use.This armor is made of a leather based substance.this gives 20 points to defense power.This cost 15 resource points.

Rommulan Armors:

Standard issued Uniform:This is made from a complex leather type materal, this gives 14 to defense power.this cost 7 resource points.

Officers Uniform:this is made from a slightly thicker leather type based material.This give 22 to defense power.this cost 17 resource points.

Field Battle Uniform:This is made from the thickest of the leather types.this gives 27 to defense power.This cossst 32 resource points.

Rommulan Heavy Assult Armor:This is a lightweight somewhat flexible, metal material based armor.This give 40 to defense power.This cost 50 resource points.
