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Now you probably have all heard of SSX Tricky, but wanted to get Rogue Squadron, and Tony Hawk more. But I'll tell you, I haven't had as much fun with those games as I have had with SSX Tricky.


The graphics are phenominal. The game gives the viewer a full experience of snowboarding action. The snowboarders looks are amazing, right down to the wrinkles on their clothes. The snow effects are great, while sometimes it is snowing, and its more difficult to ride. The texture of snow against the snowboard is so real, it makes the game 10x better.


With new levels to conquer, new boards to unlock, this game never gets boring. All of the characters give you enough gameplay for around two months, in order to unlock everything with every character. It took me at least two weeks with one character to unlock everything, and im sure by March i'll be done, hopefully. The controls take you awhile to get used to, and the JOYSTICK is used to turn, and the CONTROL PAD is used for tricks. Just a little hint. It took me awhile to figure that out.


TRICKY TRICKY, this game has the best sounds of any game on the gamecube. The snowboarders make comments while in the air, hitting another snowboarder, or if they make a huge bail. The commentator is extremely funny, and names all the tricks you do. Once you hit a certain height on your turbo bar, you receive tricky, which is the greatest sound of the game. A rap TRICKY song appears, and your allowed to let loose your hot tricks.


The overall factor of this game is great. You have enough time to last you til next year, and you will never get bored, trust me. If you like aggressive extreme sports, I am sure you will like SSX Tricky. Tony Hawk 3 is nothing compared to this game, believe it or not. This game is a huge upgrade from thps3, and if there is a SSX Tricky 2 coming out, I will be the first one to buy it. Please post your comments, and have a happy new year.

Graphics: 9/10
Gameplay: 8/10
Sound: 10/10
Overall(not an average): 9/10