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How To Do The Stuff You Don't Know How To Do

This is the page that tells you what you need to do. Please read the rules page first. If, after reading both, you are still stuck, e-mail or IM an updater.

How To Join- Fill out the information on the join form, then click "SUBMIT" on the form.

How To Buy- To buy something, e-mail me or one of the updaters, telling us what you want to buy, how much zenny is is, and how much zenny you currently have.

How To Sell- To sell something, e-mail me or one of the updaters, telling us what you want to sell, how much zenny you bought it for, how much zenny you are selling it for, and how much zenny you currently have.

How To Get A Job- E-mail me or one of the updaters, telling us what job you want (you must have the requirements for the job to get it).

How To Train- E-mail me or one of the updaters, telling us what you want to train for (moves/techniques or PL). If it is for moves/techniques, tell me what move or moves you want to learn and how long it takes to learn them. If you are training for PL, tell me how long you want to train, and whether you're training alone, or with some kind of training equipment (Weighted clothes, master, gravitron, etc.). To train with training equipment, you must have bought it first.

How To Battle- To battle, e-mail me or one of the updaters, telling us who you want to battle. Copy and paste both of your stats onto the e-mail.

How To Travel- To travel, first off you have to buy some kind of spacecraft. Then, e-mail me or one of the updaters, telling us where you want to go, what kind of ship you have, and whether or not you want to train for PL while traveling.

How To Search For Dragonballs- To search for Dragonballs, you have to have some kind of way to look for them (i.e. Dragonball Radar). Then, e-mail me or one of the updaters, telling us what planet you are on, that you want to search for Dragonballs, and what kind of search method you have.