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This Site was established August 5, 2003.

August 7,2003

Here is a gaming review I have done on some things i have found out about Final Fantasy 11.

Final Fantasy 11 will be released for the pc and the playstation 2, both games are made for online play, also when you play on the pc one for example you are playing with others with the pc version as well as the ps2 one.

For the PC it is supposed to come out in winter of this year, and the ps2 version set to come out in the first 4 months of 2004. If you buy the playstation version you will have to buy a ps2 hardrive as well and i believe for both the pc and ps2 you have to pay the monthly payment.

With the game you get a buddy list, a email,chatrooms,and downloads.It also has a card game that you can play solo or with other online players.When you purchase the ps2, or pc version you will also get the expasion pack with it.The archutect is much like everquest but much more detailed.You can group up witha toatl of four other players.Leveling up is quite a task usually resolving in the sacrifice of your life for some experience.It is suggested to also get a usb keyboard for all you ps2 gamers because it is a neccisity to talk to the other gamers.

In FFXI there are 5 diffrent races and each of them with numerous custimizations such as changing the face, eyes,nose hair,etc.There are also numerous classes like those in final fantasy tactics.

Humes are one of them. They are the most blanced race in the game. They are basicaly humans.An image of them is above on the large image provided.It is the one with the girl with shoulder length brown hair and the guy with the tatto on his head.

Galka are the strongest race, and excel in hand to hand combat.They are a male only race so you cant pick a female Galka but you do see them in the game.The Galka is the guy with brown hair and green skin.

Tarutaru are those little cute things up there.They excel the most in magica abilities most than any other race in the game.They make the best black,white,and red mages.

Mithra are great hunters and thiefs.You can only pick a female , but you do see males in the game.The mithra is the girl with blonde hair and looks like she is part cat.

Elvaan are basicaly elves.This race has exceptional strength and make good warriors.They have exceptional mind and vitality if you use a red mage or a monk.Elvaan are the ones above with white hair and long pointy ears. =D

The Worlds are huge in FFXI with many diffrent lands to explore.You can ride chocobos to make travel easier and they even have dwarve and larger chocobos for the diffrent races. Thats all i have to tell about ffXI for now and i can hardly wait for its arrival.

August 6,2003

Ok, Finally i got the links all done and joining is open!Wohoo.Anyways i have a couple of dbz roms i am gona put on the site and ill be done for now.
Here are some release dates for some great looking games.
Halo 2- the first few months of 2004
Socom II- November
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles- This Winter.

Message By: XaX