A wizard of many talents, Orben learned about his abilities when he was young. He never could remember how it happened, just one day. After many years of trial and error, Orben was able to summon forth three of the 7 spirtual elements, fire, water, and lightning. Darkness, light, earth, wind were something to be disired though. These spells are only for enjoyment though, he can not use them to fight...yet. Orben is the type of person that is quiet, polite, and will stand up for what is right (if it benifits himself), except if he is the one doing the bad things. He belives in the power of the Yin/Yang, Life/Death, Good/Evil, Light/Darkness. He is a 16 year old male Furry, single and looking for that special someone. you can tell that something is odd about him when you take a good look at Orben. He wears a mages robe, blood red, with white bracers and boots. The coloring of his body is what strikes you as odd. He has white hair and markings all over his body along with black fur. Ask about his past and you'll get no reply as for he can't remember most of his child hood. He knows that he has no parents. Orben lives in a mixed feeling life. Just don't get to close....Things happen when he falls in love....
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