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For The Love Of Sephy!

My Favorite things about Sephy

"Why Sephiroth?" some may ask. I don't know what your answer is, but mine is this: "Because of his unhidden hatred for the world. Because of the turmoil in his life. Because he needs someone to care. Because he killed the horror known as "Aerith". Because of his strength and charm. Because.......of the hair! *wink*" Every since I first played the masterpiece known as "Final Fantasy VII", I've loved Sephiroth. Of course, it could just be my natural attraction to bad guys(Sephy, Seifer, Kuja, Seymour, I love them all!). Anyways, I'm hoping to get alot of stuff up here, including an image gallery, a "You Know You Love Sephy Too Much When (YKYLSTMW...) page, and an Aerith Hate Page among other things. Got any other good ideas for me? Email me at By the way, you can just call me Annah!

My Favorite Web Sites
Angelfire HTML Library
HTML Gear - free polls, guestbooks, and more!