f i n a l m i r a g e
.r.i.s.i.n.g. .a.g.a.i.n.

~*A white mist appears in front of you, blinding you. All sounds are blocked out, except for one. Hooves. Pounding towards you, unstoppable. Right when you think this thing will be on top of you, it stops.
A white Andalusian stallion appears in front of you, unmoving, unblinking. Then he speaks.*~
Welcome newcomer. I am Dreamscape, king. Welcome to my lands. I hope you join us, but be warned. You might find good, you might find evil. You will most likely come across neutral. But every group has its ups and downs. Be careful, but enjoy yourself here.
~*He stops talking, and continues to look at you, then turns slowly, loping to his home.*~

carved in stone, heed these guidlines

join our little party here

~homeless coves~
for those oh so unlucky mares that don't have a place to call home

~bachelor beach~
a stallions retreat, where mares are forbidden

come find your own territory here

challenge your foes, win your dreams

sneak that mare that stole your heart, but were too late to capture

where you can find the experience of a lifetime, or the end of yours

begin the next generation

talk in your true form at this board

contact the oh so powerful wizard of oz

don't mess with the best cuz the best don't mess

~yearling party~
a board for all the yearlings of FM to hang and party!

~wall of shame~
if your name is added, watch your back

the creatures that are well, not horses

~foal frolic~
babysitters will keep your youngin' occupied here

where domestics dwell

The season now is currently summer.... weather sunny everywhere!!

Like my gorgeous site?

Of course you are my leader and I cherish you No I hate your guts