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The Final Fantasy X Petition Site


Welcome to my official Final Fantasy X (FFX, Final Fantasy 10, FF10) petition site.  My goal here is to bring Final Fantasy X (FFX, Final Fantasy 10, FF10) to the PC.  If you are a big fan of Final Fantasy and you would like to see Final Fantasy X (FFX, Final Fantasy 10, FF10) on the PC, then you’ve come to the right place.  All you have to do is send an e-Mail to me at: KingDutka@aol  How does this work you ask?  Simple.  I have a working relationship with an anonymous staff member at Squaresoft.  This person said, in no specific terms, that if we can send in enough e-Mail “signatures”, that they would most likely publish the game for the PC.  You may be wondering, “Why do I have to send my e-Mail to you instead of Squaresoft?”  1.)This petition is something that I have decided to create on my own and is in no way tied directly to Squaresoft.  2.) The staff at Squaresoft don’t have the time to sort through each of the individual e-Mails that may get sent.  3.) There will undoubtedly be some jerks out there that will abuse this petition by spamming and sending e-Mails with obscene, violent, or other undesired content.  NOTE: People that do so WILL be reported to their Internet Service Provider.  So, all you have to do to “sign” the petition, is send me an e-Mail with the following message: “I want Final Fantasy X (FFX, Final Fantasy 10, FF10) for my PC”.  That’s it.  Your e-Mail address (which is automatically sent to me) will NOT be used for ANYTHING at all except by Squaresoft to verify the individuality of the request.  (That means you can’t send in more than one request per e-Mail address).  Still not sure?  Saving this web page to your hard drive is a bonified way to prove that I said your e-Mail address will NOT be used for ANYTHING.  I will NOT give your address to ANYONE.  I will NOT send you ANYTHING.  I won’t even respond to your e-Mails unless a response is requested.  The only thing I want to do here is to get Final Fantasy X (FFX, Final Fantasy 10, FF10) published on the PC.  If you want Final Fantasy X (FFX, Final Fantasy 10, FF10) published on the PC, send your petition e-Mails to me: KingDutka@aol .  Every other day, I will pre-screen al e-Mails and send all the valid ones to my contact at Squaresoft.  Please tell all your friends about this site.  And remember, BE PATIENT!! These things can take up to a year or more.  (With any luck, we’ll get enough signatures in just a few short months!)



Final Fantasy X and Squaresoft are registered trademarks of Squaresoft and/or Square Electronic Arts.  The owner/author of this site is in no way affiliated with Squaresoft.  I ‘DO’ have a contact with Squaresoft, however, he/she wishes to remain anonymous.  We have NOT been “guaranteed” to get Final Fantasy X (FFX, Final Fantasy 10, FF10) published on the PC with any number of “signatures”.  Please don’t sue me, I’m just a Final Fantasy fan that can’t afford a Playstation 2.