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Final Fantasy 7 UNLIMITED!

Great Things about FF7


Materia In Weapons
About Cloud
Barret Info
About Tifa
Aeries Info
About Red XIII
Cid Info
About Yuffie
Cait Sith Info
About Vincent
Limit Breaks
All Materia
All Weapons
FF7 Walk Though

Final Fantasy 7 Information


The unice magic in this game is called "Materia". "Materia" can be used to summon, cure, bring back the dead, destroy your enemy. Over the course of you adventure you'll have the opportunity to buy lots of "Materia". Although you can find most of it just lying around, you may want to buy a second "Materia" crystal for essential spells like Cure and Life. "All" is one of the most valuable Materia for eliminating mulitple enimies. But it can also be teamed up wiht a Materia that have heavy penalties or you may seriously decrease the characters effectivness. Summon Materia is sometimes dificult to find. You should search everything and everywere as you explore,. If you can't enter an area at one pointin the game, return later and the path may have opened. Some of te most valuable spells caus no damage at all and are commonly overlooked. If you want to master Final Fantasy VII, you must learn how to effectivly use Materia like Time and Mystify.


Save often-you never know what lies around the next turn. Talk to everone-severltimes. Some charactes won't spill their guts the first time you speak to them; however, they'll tell you everything the second and third times around. Major events in the game often change whats some characters say and do. If something earth-shattering occurs, revisit nearby villages to see if anything has changed. After acquiring a vehicle, leave it in a place wer u can easily retrive it. Otherwise, you can easily get completly cut off from your transporation. Riding Chocobos is a fun way to get around quickly but its not always the best choice. The random battles that occur while traveling between towns are critical for raising your levels and fattening your wallet.
