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Lvl: 1           Exp To Next: #            Class: Warrior

HP: 200
MP: 20

Str: 20          Atk:  59     Atk = (Str+Dex)(Str+Dex)/20+WpnDmg
Dex: 11          Acc:  58%    Acc = Dex + 20 + WpnAcc - Opponent Evasion
Vit: 20          Def:  12     1 Vit = 10 HP 2 Vit = 1 Def + Armor Def
Mag: 4           MDef: 3      1 Mag = 5 MP 2 Mag = 1 MDef + Armor MDef
Lck: 5           Determines chance of side attack, back attack, ect.

Wpn: Longsword:  Atk:           8
                 Acc:           18%
                 Materia Slots: 1
Armor: Curiass:  Def:           2
                 MDef:          1
                 Eva:           5%
                 Materia Slots: 1

Not very skilled in magic, the warrior focuses on high attack power, and defense, to take punishment, while dishing it out.  Their hitting ability isn't the most accurate at first, but hits are devistating.
Attack:  Above Average
Defense: Average
Health:  Average
Magic:   Poor
Speed:   Average
Overall: Average

Lvl: 1           Exp To Next: #            Class: Mage

HP: 100
MP: 100

Str: 5           Atk:  8       Atk = (Str+Dex)(Str+Dex)/20+WpnDmg
Dex: 20          Acc:  30%     Acc = Dex + 20 + WpnAcc - Opponent Evasion
Vit: 10          Def:  6       1 Vit = 10 HP 2 Vit = 1 Def + Armor Def
Mag: 20          MDef: 16      1 Mag = 5 MP 2 Mag = 1 MDef + Armor MDef
Lck: 5           Determines chance of side attack, back attack, ect.

Wpn: Staff:      Atk:           3
                 Acc:           5%
                 Materia Slots: 3
Armor: Robe:     Def:           1
                 MDef:          1
                 Eva:           10%
                 Materia Slots: 1

Highly skilled in magic.  The Mage specializes in quickly moving and avoiding, then finishing off their foe with powerful spells.  Though their defense, and HP are not very high, they more than make up for it in their versatility with spells.
Attack:  Poor
Defense: Poor
Health:  Poor
Magic:   Above Average
Speed:   Above Average
Overall: Average

Lvl: 1           Exp To Next: #            Class: Warlock

HP: 100
MP: 75

Str: 15          Atk:  50      Atk = (Str+Dex)(Str+Dex)/20+WpnDmg
Dex: 15          Acc:  40%     Acc = Dex + 20 + WpnAcc - Opponent Evasion
Vit: 10          Def:  6       1 Vit = 10 HP 2 Vit = 1 Def + Armor Def
Mag: 15          MDef: 9       1 Mag = 5 MP 2 Mag = 1 MDef + Armor MDef
Lck: 5           Determines chance of side attack, back attack, ect.

Wpn: Dagger:     Atk:           5
                 Acc:           5%
                 Materia Slots: 1
Armor: Robe:     Def:           1
                 MDef:          1
                 Eva:           10%
                 Materia Slots: 1

Warlocks specialize in both physical and magical combat.  Their abilities with a sword and magic are very astounding indeed.  Though at first their evenness may prove for them to be worthless or impossible to use, they can later on become VERY powerful.
Attack:  Poor
Defense: Poor
Health:  Poor
Magic:   Poor
Speed:   Poor
Overall: Poor

Lvl: 1           Exp To Next: #            Class: Thief

HP: 50
MP: 25

Str: 20          Atk:  105      Atk = (Str+Dex)(Str+Dex)/20+WpnDmg
Dex: 25          Acc:  70%      Acc = Dex + 20 + WpnAcc - Opponent Evasion
Vit: 5           Def:  2        1 Vit = 10 HP 2 Vit = 1 Def + Armor Def
Mag: 5           MDef: 2        1 Mag = 5 MP 2 Mag = 1 MDef + Armor MDef
Lck: 5           Determines chance of side attack, back attack, ect.

Wpn: Sword:      Atk:           4
                 Acc:           5%
                 Materia Slots: 1
Armor: None:     Def:           0
                 MDef:          0
                 Eva:           0%
                 Materia Slots: 0

Theives move fast and hit hard.  Their big backfire is their low HP and inability to use magic.  If a theif doesn't make a right move it's over for him.  Their speed and attack power are unmatched, even by warriors.  
Attack:  Above Average
Defense: Poor
Health:  Poor
Magic:   Poor
Speed:   Above Average
Overall: Average

Lvl: 1           Exp To Next: #            Class: Ninja

HP: 150
MP: 25

Str: 15          Atk:  65       Atk = (Str+Dex)(Str+Dex)/20+WpnDmg
Dex: 20          Acc:  45%      Acc = Dex + 20 + WpnAcc - Opponent Evasion
Vit: 15          Def:  8        1 Vit = 10 HP 2 Vit = 1 Def + Armor Def
Mag: 5           MDef: 5        1 Mag = 5 MP 2 Mag = 1 MDef + Armor MDef
Lck: 5           Determines chance of side attack, back attack, ect.

Wpn: Sword:      Atk:           4
                 Acc:           5%
                 Materia Slots: 1
Armor: Gi:       Def:           6
                 MDef:          3
                 Eva:           15%
                 Materia Slots: 0

Ninjas move quick and hit hard much like thieves do, but deal less damage, but in turn can take more punishment.  Ninja's usually focus on their ability to kill opponents quickly and move on their way.  They, unlike the theif, also have somewhat of a defense rating.
Attack:  Average
Defense: Average
Health:  Average
Magic:   Poor
Speed:   Above Average
Overall: Average

Lvl: 1           Exp To Next: #            Class: Lancer

HP: 200
MP: 15

Str: 10          Atk:  75       Atk = (Str+Dex)(Str+Dex)/20+WpnDmg
Dex: 25          Acc:  60%      Acc = Dex + 20 + WpnAcc - Opponent Evasion
Vit: 20          Def:  19       1 Vit = 10 HP 2 Vit = 1 Def + Armor Def
Mag: 3           MDef: 1        1 Mag = 5 MP 2 Mag = 1 MDef + Armor MDef
Lck: 2           Determines chance of side attack, back attack, ect.

Wpn: Spear:      Atk:           14
                 Acc:           15%
                 Materia Slots: 1
Armor: Mesh:     Def:           9
                 MDef:          0
                 Eva:           5%
                 Materia Slots: 0

Lancers have high attack and deadly accuracy with their spears.  They focus on high attack and a good defense rating to defeat their opponents.  Though it's hard for them to defeat opponents who use magic, as they are very vulnerable to magic.
Attack:  Above Average
Defense: Average
Health:  Above Average
Magic:   Poor
Speed:   Average
Overall: Above Average