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Screen Name: SaiyajinBrolly16
HP: 10,821,000 PL: 295,468,000
Zein: $401,500


  • Nimbus Cloud - Gives two more dodges in a battle, but can not be used in a death-match.
  • Heavily Weighted Clothing - Adds 3,500PL each battle or training session
  • Saiya-jin Pod - Gets the user anywhere in the galaxy in one Earth day.
  • 1st Class Saiya-jin Armour - Adds 150,000HP
  • King Vegeta Necklace of Approval - Gets battle weapons 1/4 off
  • Tiara of Sanity - Gives Brolly 1,000,000HP once hes sane.
  • Dragonball Radar - Finds all seven Dragonballs in seven days
  • Senzu Bean Pouch - Currently has six Senzu Beans
  • Four Weights - Adds a total of 16,000PL each session
  • Planet Egg & Launcher Kit - Creates a whole planet in a week
  • Sunglasses - Protects from any blinding attacks.


  • Punches & Kicks - 4,900,000/4,900,000
  • Soul Absorbtion - This attack is so powerful is sucks the life out of its combatant and drains them of their energy.This attack cannot be blocked or dodged but in order to do this attack you must place opponent into submission. - 15,000,000/50,000,000
  • Mind Meld - Controls opponent for three turn [This attack is not dodgable, but the things Brolly's does to you can be blocked]. n*a/5,000,000
  • Moon Ball - Creates a false moon in order to blind opponent for one turn. This has to be done in order to turn into Oozaru form.
  • Anger Management - Can control his anger and gives owner a 20,000PL raise when not in SSJ
  • Oozaru Transformation - Transformaton which turns the Saiya-jin into a large monkey. You recieve 250,000PL gain and a 100,000HP gain. It takes three turns to complete change and Oozaru transformation lasts 10 turns before changing back. Only is able to use Mouth Beam (350,000/400,000) and Stomp (Any amount)
  • Spirit Bomb - Takes five turns to fully charge. Can't take any actions while charging this attack. This attack isn't dodgable or counter-able. Also, the person wheeling the Spirit Bomb can't be in SSJ form. They can't control the Spirit Bomb in that form because their heart is angry in that state and the person must be calm when charging the bomb. Partners during your battle, they may offer their energy to your Spirit Bomb. - 100,000,000/n*a
  • Namek Language - Confuses opponent allowing Junior to get two turns in a row. Also used to call the Namek dragon - n*a/n*a (i forgot to add this when i battled Vegeta Jr. and Learned his Attack)
  • Kaioken - Doubles PL for 10 turns. Only able to be used once. When this "attack" is used, it has a serious affect on the body, and so 100,000 is taken for the HP with this move is used. This attack can used to gain more PL in a counter (Just as Goku did against Vegeta when they fought the first time.)This attack also boosts The combatants agility so they recieve 2 extra dodges.
  • Energy Absorb - Allows to absorb the PL of any attack. Only is allowed to suck up 50,000PL a day. If Brolly absorbs the PL of the attack, it adds into his current PL & if he wins the battle, he gets to keep the PL absorbed.
  • Kamehameha - 3,400,000/4,500,000
  • Cube Kamehameha - 4,800,000/5,000,000
  • Chou Kamehameha - 4,900,000/5,500,000
  • Instant Transmission - Allows the user to travel anywhere in the universe (That he has been to already) in a matter of seconds. Can also be used as an extra three dodges.
  • Fusion Dance - This technique allows the user to fuse with a partner (Around the same PL) for 30 times. Add HP & PL together and the new fighter is able to use both fighters attacks.
  • Hair Shade n*a/n*a - Protects from any blinding attacks [Brolly pulls his hair over his eyes to protect him from blinding attacks.] Acts the same as sunglasses
  • Time Freeze - Allows Brolly to freeze time and give himself 2 extra turns.This attack cannot be dodged but can be broken by bidding PL. 7,500,000/n/a
  • Big Bang - 4,500,000/5,000,000
  • Final Flash - 4,900,000/5,500,000
  • Ki Barrier - Creates an indestructable barrier of ki energy that lasts for two turns, counts as a block and all ki attacks are depleted. n*a/10,000,000
  • Self Destruct - 598,275,000/n*a - This causes instant death on Brolly. Can only be used in a Death-Match. Current Status:
    • Location: Within his Lair
    • Master: Captain Ginyu (Training ends August 28, 2003)
    • Current Job:
    • Last Update: August 25, 2003

    Beautiful Planet