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Final Fantasy 1 hints/info

The Castle Coneria is where your journey begins. Inside, find people to guide your quest. Solve their puzzles and mysteries, and return after doing so to receive your rewards. Enter the Castle Walk into the castle to enter. As you enter the castle, the screen will close on the castle scene. When it re-opens you will be inside the castle. CASTLE CONERIA -- 1ST FLOOR This castle is two stories tall. Explore the ground floor making sure to talk to everyone. Keep an eye out for the staircase leadind to floor 2. (Inside you will find the Queen, a Scholar, a Sage, Locked and Open Doors, a few Guards, and the stairs.) [Page 5] Gain information TALK TO EVERYONE While in a castle, town, cave or dungeon you must talk to everyone, even animals! To do this simply face towards them and press A. Make sure to search out all the inhabitants of any area you visit. The gathering of information is basic to the playing of any Adventure Game. When you wish to cancel the conversation press A again. [Face the guard to begin your conversation. Press A to talk. Then press A again when you finish reading the message.] [You will meet a great variety of people as you travel on. Some will tell you all that you need to know while others will present a mystery.] Use the door ENTER THE CLOSED ROOMS Many areas will be closed off to your view upon first entering the castle. Do not worry though, many of these can be opened to reveal what is hidden inside. If a door does not open, push A to investigate the trouble. [Walk towards the door, and continue through. The ceiling will disappear allowing you to guide the Warriors to what awaits inside.] Face the Queen, and press A. She will reveal her dilemma. [Princess Sara has been kidnapped!] [Page 6] Stairs and Doors OPEN THE LOCKED DOORS Not all of the doors that you will encounter can be opened at the beginning of your adventure. Some of those doors were locked long ago to keep out unauthorized personnel, and inexperienced Light Warriors. Luckily for you, those that locked the door left the key. Unfortunatley the key was sent to a distant city. [You push and push against the door, but it just won't open.] [Pushing A to investigate, you find that the door has been locked.] [To enter the treasury you must locate the mystic KEY. After the Elf Prince gives it to you, return here to gain access.] Use The Stairs CLIMB TO THE SECOND FLOOR To climb up or down a stairway, walk across the top of it. The screen will close on the current scene, re-opening on that of the next floor. Make sure to search out and investigate all of the stairways that you find on your travels. [Walking over the Up staircase will take you to the next floor. Now, a whole new floor of this castle can be investigated.] [Walking over the down staircase will return you back one floor, but don't do this until you've examined this new floor.] [Page 7] CASTLE CONERIA -- 2ND FLOOR On the second floor of the Castle Coneria, lies the Throne Room of the King. The guards say that he is looking for you, the Light Warriors. (Inside you will find the King, two Guards, and the stairs.) Proceed To The Throne MEET THE KING On the scenod floor you will find clues telling you of a missing princess. Search every corner to receive every clue. [The King pleads for the rescue of Sara, his daughter.] [It's no great mystery where Garland hides. Go get him.] Use The Stairway RETURN TO FLOOR 1 Walking directly over a stariway will allow you to go up or down, depending on the stairs direction. NOTEBOOK * The Princess needs to be rescued. * Garland has kidnapped the Princess and hides to the Northwest in the Temple of Fiends. * The Treasury is locked and the Elf Prince holds the Key. [Page 8] [Outfit Your Trek In Coneria]____________________________________ Just outside the castle walls lies the town of Coneria. Called the Dream City, it will become the base of your travels on your quest to save the princess. Which Town Do I Go To? Although what you see looks like six different villages before you, it doesn't matter which you enter. They are all the same. CONERIA Inside Coneria you will find more peole who will assist you on your quest. For guidance, talk to everyone. Visit the shops to buy the tools and magic you will need to defeat your enemies. The INN and CLINIC will heal your battle wounds and casualties. (Inside you will find Townspeople, a CLINIC, a Potion Shop, an INN, a Well, a Weapon Shop, an Armor Shop, and White and Black Magic Shop.) [Page 9] BUY WEAPONS While in SHops or INNS, the keeper will direct you to the choices avaliable to you. Using the Control Pad, point the 'finger' to your chosen action, then press A. Pressing B will withdraw your last selection. A Call To Arms PURCHASE YOUR IMPLEMENTS OF DESTRUCTION There are different types of store in each town. The stock and prices at each shop will vary as you move to each new town or village. Some items will be avaliable at only one particular shop. THE WEAPON SHOP Each storekeeper will guide your visit to his store. Point the 'finger' to your choice, then push A to execute. Make as many purchases as you wish before exiting. Push B to cancel. [1 Welcome to my shop. You wish to make a purchase?] [2 You'd like to buy a rapier?] [3 It costs 10 Gold, do you still want it?] [4 Who will carry this weapon?] [5 Your transaction is completed. Is there anything else?] [Page 10] SELL SURPLUS WEAPONS Your journet to new towns, and the exploration of dungeons, will allow you to find more effective weapons. Each Warrior is able to carry up to four weapons at a time. When a Warrior's inventory beccomd full you should sell your surplus weapons. [Select SELL, choose who will sell an item and press the A button.] [Next, choose which item you would like to SELL.] [The shopkeeper will make you an offer. Select YES to accept it.] Key To On Screen Symbols [Weapon] [Armor] Staff (a hooked cane) Armor (a breastplate) Dagger (a small curved blade) Shield (a shield with a cross print) Nunchuck (two pieces of wood w/chain) Bracelet (a round neck piece) Hammer (a hitting surface with a stick) Helmet (looks like a trojan helmet) Sword (a long straight blade) Gauntlet (looks like a stubby blade) Axe (a sharp cutting device on a stick) Each character uses different weapons. Some character can't use certain weapons. This list shows which weapons to purchase first. [Character Type] [Weapon] [Armor] Fighter Rapier Chain Armor Thief Rapier Wooden Armor Black Belt Wooden Nunchuck Wooden Armor Red Mage Rapier Chain Armor White Mage Iron Hammer Cloth Black Mage Small Dagger Cloth [Page 11] EQUIPPING WEAPONS AND ARMOR Before you go out of the town, you will need to EQUIP yourself with the weapons and armor that you have purchased. If you don't, you may find youself face to face with a group of enemies with nothing in your hands to protect you. EQUIP To EQUIP your weapons and armor you first need to go to the MENU screen. To do this, press the START button, Move the 'finger' to where it says WEAPON and press the A Button. Then follow the directions below. [With the 'finger' on EQUIP, press the A Button.] [Put the 'finger' in front of the weapon you wish to hold and press A.] [An 'E' will appear next to the item that has been equipped.] TRADE If you would like to give a weapon or armor from one character to another, use the TRADE command. Use the A Button to pick up an object, move it and press A again. DROP The DROP command simply drops the object that you indicate. EQUIP ARMOR THE SAME AS WEAPONS Equipping armor is done the same way as weapons except that you move the 'finger' on the menu screen to ARMOR instead of WEAPON. Always remember that each character can only carry four weapons and four kinds of armor. [Put the 'finger' on EQUIP and press the A Button.] [Select the armor you wish to wear and push the A Button again.] [Page 12] THE MENU SCREEN (There is a confusing picture so I'll try to explain it.) [In the top left corner there is a picture of four circles.] These are the Four Orbs that you must restore. [Below that is...] GOLD [Under that is...] Options that you may select. [Off to the right is...] Here are the four Light Warriors. Each block contains a lot of vital information. (This is the Warrior's Name, Level, HP, and Magic meter.) This area shows how many spells of each level this warrior can use. Press the START Button to get this screen! BUY MAGIC Magic is a very important part of Final Fantasy. There are two types of magic - White and Black. Magic level is not the same as Experience Level. For example, if you are at level 4 Experience, you won't necessarily be able to cast level 4 spells. As you gain more experience, the higher level spells will become avaliable for use. White Magic is usually used for defense and for healing purposes. Black Magic tends to be more destructive in nature. It's often used while attacking. [Here is the Black Magic FIRE spell in action.] (Fire shown flying forward.) [The White Magic CURE spell beign used to help a comrade.] (Heals lost HP.) [Page 13] BUYING WHITE AND BLACK MAGIC In the towns you will find two kinds of magic shops. Different characters will be able to learn different kinds of magic. [Selecting the character to learn the spell.] [The list of spells sold in this shop.] [This message appears if the character cannot learn the spell. (Says: Sorry you cannot learn that, Someone else?) MAGIC LEVEL AND EXPERIENCE At the start of the game you will only be able to learn level 1 spells. As your magic users gain experience, they will be able to purchase higher level spells. The most useful level 1 spells are CURE (White Magic) and FIRE or SLEP (Black Magic). Be sure that you obtain these if you can. Each magic user can learn up to 3 spells for each spell level. If you have enough money, BUY POTIONS! If you have enough money, it is very wise to find a Potion Shop and make some purchases. Some very helpful items are avaliable here. If youdon't have very much money it is wise to return as sonn as you do have the necessary funds. Remember that different shops sell different goods. [Here is a list of items avaliable for sale at this Potion Shop.] (Heal 60, Pure 75, and Tent 75.) [Page 14] THE ITEMS Here is a listing of the items that you can buy at Potions Shops as well as what they can do for you. HEAL (Potion) Extracted from a rare tree. It restores HP. You can use it during a fight or while traveling. PURE (Potion) This potion will cure you if you are poisoned by an enemy. SOFT (Potion) This potion will restore to life any character turned to stone by an enemy spell. It works instantly, but you can't use it during a battle. TENT A magic TENT that you can keep in your pocket. It can be used to SAVE your game and to recover some valuable hit points (HP). CABIN A CABIN that works similar to the TENT. It SAVEs your game data and recovers more hit points than the TENT. HOUSE Even better than the CABIN, the HOUSE will allow you to SAVE your game and recover a lot of hit points (HP) and magic power (MP). Saving you game at THE INNS -- VERY IMPORTANT! Staying at an INN will SAVE your game. Your hit points (HP) and magic power (MP) will return to maximum also. The Innkeeper will always remind you to press and hold the RESET button on your NES while you turn the power off to ensure that your quest is retained in Final Fantasy's battery backed memory. [To Save your data, put the 'finger' in front of YES and press the A button.] [Page 15] The CLINIC A PLACE TO REVIVE THE DEAD If you lose any of your characters during a fight, you can go to a CLINIC to have them revived - for a cost. The price of being revived varies from town to town. NOTE: A newly revived character will have HP of 1. Be sure to go to an INN before you continue. DON'T MISS ANY INFORMATION! In the towns, you will find many people to talk to. Remember to talk to everyone and be aware that sometimes their stories change! [Try speaking with things other than people. You never know what you'll find.] NOTEBOOK * The Princess needs to be saved. * Pravoka, a city to the east, has a port. * Lukahn, who prophesied your coming, has left for Crescent Lake. [Page 16] [Journey To The Temple of Fiends]___________________________ No one knows why this place was named the Temple of Fiends. Only have the bravest of warriors have gone near and none of them have returned! Garland hides here with the kid

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